How to call anonymously when wages are delayed. "Hot line" on non-payment of wages to the prosecutor's office will bring

Despite the tightening of labor legislation since the fall of last year in terms of regulating the payment of wages, things, as they say, are still there. According to Rosstat, the total salary arrears as of March 1, 2017 amounted to 3.6 billion rubles. At the same time, as of January 1 of this year, it amounted to 2.7 billion rubles, that is, there is a significant increase in the debts of employers to employees. Here it is necessary to take into account the great latency of this phenomenon and the fact that official data are made up of information received from regulatory authorities. These figures are just the tip of the iceberg, and the real numbers are much higher, because most employees are sometimes simply afraid to complain and spoil relations with their superiors.

In accordance with Vladimir Putin's order to control the non-payment or delay of wages, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation has opened a hotline on issues of delays and non-payment of wages. Here is how its initiator, Chairman of the Public Chamber Commission on Social Policy, Labor Relations and the Quality of Life of Citizens, Vladimir Slepak, commented for FederalPress:

“In April 2017, out of 45 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we received 152 appeals regarding the facts of delay or non-payment of wages. The total debt amounted to 13.6 million rubles. The largest number of appeals (43%) contained information about salary delays for up to 3 months; in 38% of requests - from 3 to 6 months; in 14% of applications - from 6 months to one year. 5% of the appeals contained information about delays in wages for more than 1 year. In 28% of cases, the amount of debts is less than 50,000 rubles. 36% of complaints contained information about debts from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, and 29% of complaints - from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. A small proportion of complaints are for large amounts over 300,000 rubles - 7% of complaints. Most often, residents of Omsk (7.2% of messages) and Tambov (6.6%) regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory (5.9%), Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Stavropol, Krasnodar (5, 3% of messages, respectively) and Primorsky Krai (4.6%).

There are more than 80 organizations among the debtor enterprises. Their list is still headed by JSC "Main Department of Housing and Communal Services" of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It accounts for 6% of workers' complaints about delays in payment of wages for a period of 1 to 6 months. The total amount of debt on received applications amounted to more than 200 thousand rubles.

The second place is occupied by CJSC "Rustona", which, in accordance with the information on their official website, carries out production for the extraction and processing of igneous intrusive dense rocks of ultrabasic composition. It received 5% of requests in the amount of more than 550 thousand rubles. In general, the applicants reported a delay in payment of salaries from 3 to 6 months. The website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic contains information about the initiation of administrative cases against the management of the organization on the facts of non-payment of wages, as well as the submission of applications to the court for issuance of court orders to recover wage arrears in favor of the employees of the enterprise.

In third place is LLC CHOP "Kare" (Moscow), the main activity of which is "activities of private security services." It received 5% of complaints about a delay in payment of wages for 2 months with a debt of more than 450 thousand rubles.

Next on the list is the construction company EPM LLC (Surgut). The employees reported that “the director of the EPM LLC organization has not paid wages for two months, and does not answer phone calls. At the end of the work (watch) he sent home without salary and travel, as agreed. The total amount owed to the six employees who signed the collective complaint amounted to about 1.1 million rubles.

The information received by the hotline is processed, summarized and sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Labor and Employment. In the feedback format, the Civic Chamber receives responses from the prosecutor's office and territorial divisions of Rostrud containing information on the full or partial repayment of debts, as well as bringing those responsible for violating labor laws to administrative and criminal liability. These results can be found on our official website in the “Achieved” section. The work of the "hot line" will continue."

Russia free of charge (working hours: Mon-Thurs from 9 to 18, Fri from 9 to 17 (Moscow time). The information received about unscrupulous employers will be sent to Rostrud and the prosecutor's office. Currently, wages are being increased, creating conditions for its timely payment , the legalization of "shadow" employment and hidden forms of remuneration remains one of the main tasks in the field of social and legal relations. The Public Chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation from July 1 opens a "hot line" to which Russians can complain about non-payment of wages, the newspaper writes Izvestia For many people, even small delays in monthly wages are critical.

How to call anonymously when wages are delayed

  • A hotline has been opened in Moscow for delays in the payment of wages to builders
  • On the consequences of receiving "shadow" wages
  • OP opens a "hotline" for complaints about non-payment of salaries
  • OP opens a "hot line" for non-payment of salaries from July 1

In Moscow opened\hotline\on delays in the payment of wages to builders In the capital began its work "hotline" to receive calls from construction workers who are not paid wages.

Hotline for unpaid wages

  • hotline if they do not pay salaries
  • A hotline has been opened in Moscow on delays in the payment of wages to builders
  • Hotline for unpaid wages
  • Where do you go if you don't get paid?
  • 300 people called the hotline for non-payment of wages
  • Not getting paid? CALL 8-800-700-8-800
  • On the consequences of receiving "shadow" wages
  • OP opens a "hotline" for complaints about non-payment of salaries
  • What to do if you haven't paid your salary?
  • Delayed salary - what to do?
  • What to do if the employer withholds wages?

Where and how to apply in case of delayed payment of wages to an employee In the first case, the actions of an intruder or an unscrupulous employer fall under the articles of the criminal code.

What to do if you haven't paid your salary?

How long can you delay? By law, management should not delay the payment of the due amounts to employees even for 1 day. But due to the fact that the responsibility of the employer for such a violation comes from a later time, we can say that the conditional delay period is still present. This period is stipulated in article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is 15 days from the day when the payment arrears were formed.

What to do? If the employer did not transfer the money on the appointed day, the employee is advised to wait for the minimum period during which wages can still be transferred without penalties for the employer. After that, you can proceed to action - contacting the management or the appropriate authorities. Absence from work An employee who thinks where to turn if they do not pay a salary should know that the first instance is his own leadership.

Delay wages: what to do and where to complain?

Hotline for non-payment of wages The Public Chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation opens a "hot line" to which it will be possible to report non-payment of wages. The information received about unscrupulous employers will be sent to Rostrud and the prosecutor's office. Vladimir Slepak, head of the OP commission on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens, told that calls will be received on July 1.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Labor claims that the issue of non-payment of wages is not as acute as during the crisis of 2008-2009, when employers' debts exceeded today's by 2.5 times. Where do you go if you don't get paid? According to Art. 22. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of the obligations of the employer is to pay the employee in full wages.

If the salary is delayed, what should the employee do, where to contact?

After the existence of an employment relationship is proved in court, a claim can be filed to satisfy the requirements for payment of wages. However, there is no 100% guarantee that the court will recognize the employment relationship as official. Work for individual entrepreneurs For individual entrepreneurs, the same norms of labor legislation apply as for other employers.

Therefore, in case of non-payment of monthly wages from an individual entrepreneur, an employee should follow the same algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact the employer directly.
  2. If the appeal has not yielded results, file an application with the labor inspectorate.
  3. Use the help of the court and the prosecutor's office.

Employer's Responsibility Penalties for unscrupulous employers are set out in the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Withhold wages

What to do if they do not pay a black salary? How to prove that payment is due at all, because the labor agreement has not been formalized? It is worth knowing that the actual admission of an employee to work is the basis for concluding an agreement. Therefore, the performance of work on behalf of the head or authorized person means the existence of an employment relationship. An employee can apply to the prosecutor's office or the Labor Inspectorate, providing evidence of the performance of labor activities in a particular company.


Sanctions will be applied to the employer both for wage arrears and for unwillingness to draw up an employment contract. Litigation If all peaceful ways to resolve the conflict have been exhausted, it was not possible to agree with the employer, then you will need to file a lawsuit in court. Failure to pay wages on time gives the right to file a claim as soon as the debt has come and before the expiration of the limitation period.

What to do if they do not pay (delay) wages? where to apply? 2015-2016

The worker can complain to the labor inspectorate of the area where the organization is located. This must be done at the very beginning of the violation of the employer, thus wages can be received faster. It is necessary to write an application to the labor inspectorate, which is drawn up in any form. At the same time, certain violations of the rights of the worker should be mentioned in the document. This violation is considered to be the late payment of wages, as well as the period of delay and the due amount. If everything remains unchanged at the end of 15 days, then the worker may legally not perform his job duties until the violation is corrected.
At the same time, it is necessary to inform the employer about this fact, and in confirmation of their rights, article 142 of the Labor Code can be presented.


Where do you go if you don't get paid? Federal Law No. 59-FZ gives every citizen the right to apply to any state body and receive a response to his request. To restore his right to remuneration, an employee can apply to the following state authorities:

  • to court;
  • to the prosecutor's office;
  • to the labor inspectorate.

There are no strict forms for applications with which a citizen can apply to the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. However, it is worth knowing that in state bodies an appeal from a citizen will be accepted only if there is a reason in writing.

You can also get advice from the authority orally, but if you need a result, then you still need to apply in writing. Then the application will be accepted, and a check will be made with further proceedings on the fact of violation of rights.

Where to call if wages are delayed hotline in Moscow

This punishment is not considered too severe, but if the employer commits it a second time, he will pay up to twenty thousand rubles. In addition to the fine, officials will not be able to be leaders for three years. For legal entities, penalties also increase, and will be equal in this case to seventy thousand rubles.

To oblige the head to bear administrative responsibility, you need to go with a statement to the labor inspectorate of the district where the organization is located. It is also possible to issue a fine through the court. If the manager does not pay salaries to his employees for more than three months, then criminal liability follows, that is, imprisonment for up to five years. back to content What should an employee do? An employee who is not paid a salary in a certain period can immediately begin to protect his interests.

The pension fund is a very popular organization. Many people turn to its employees for a variety of information every day. But not everyone will be able to enter the district branch of the Pension Fund with every question that arises. And almost every Muscovite and resident of the region can call the Hotline of the Moscow Pension Fund.

The Ministry does everything for convenience when communicating with its employees. You can contact them during a personal visit, through a written request or through the website Recently, a telephone call to a special consultant, whom the residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are well aware of, has become increasingly popular.

Who applies to the PF and why? These are not only people who have already become pensioners, but also younger residents of the capital who are worried about their future pension. These are young mothers who have given birth to a second child, and widows who issue survivor benefits to their children, as well as beneficiaries of various categories. All of them come with their problems to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Only accurate information received from competent persons will be able to remove all questions, calm or suggest what actions a person must take in order to receive what is due in a timely manner and in full.

Hotline number of the Pension Fund in Moscow and the Moscow Region

Residents of the capital and the Moscow region who need help from PF professionals can contact the Hotline specialists or go to the official website of the organization.

You can reach the operators of the Hotline of the Pension Fund of Russia in Moscow and the Moscow Region using the toll-free number below.

If you can't reach the above number, try calling this one - 8 800 510-5555 .

The FIU ensured the availability of communication with the operator. By calling the specified number, the subscriber gets to the multi-channel center, so the connection goes through with minimal waiting.

You can call the Hotline at any convenient time: operators work every day, 24 hours a day.

You won’t have to pay for the connection: calls with PF Hotline operators are free for residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region.

What personal data will be required when applying?

Everyone who contacts the official Hotline of the Russian Pension Fund needs to know: no personal data is required during a telephone conversation!

Personal data is required only when contacting the district office in person.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the hotline operators of the Moscow FIU department also do not provide any confidential information over the phone. If you need such information (personal account number, amount of payments or indexations, etc.), do not waste time calling! You can find out all personal information only directly at the Pension Fund branch.

Relevance of the Hotline

In Moscow or on the official website, you can get up-to-date information, advice or a detailed answer regarding the following topics of the organization's activities:

  • How is the indexation of pensions in the current year.
  • Is it possible to receive PF services via the Internet, in electronic form and how to do it.
  • How to work in your personal account.
  • How to participate in the maternity capital program.
  • How to get SNILS (information about your insurance number of an individual personal account), which is popularly called simply “green card”.
  • How to transfer your savings to a non-state Pension Fund and what to do if your own funds are transferred to a non-state PF without personal consent.

In addition to answering questions, you can discuss with the Hotline telephone operator how the employees of the district office work, and even complain if it seemed to you that they were acting unskilled or, on the contrary, inactive.

A “hot line” has begun its work in the capital to receive calls from employees of construction organizations who are not paid wages. The order to open it was given by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, the head of the capital's construction complex, Marat Khusnullin. He was prompted to this by a complaint from the workers of the largest construction organization in Moscow, SU-155. “Help,” they turned to him during a Saturday tour of the Lyubertsy Fields residential area under construction.

A hotline has been opened in Moscow on delays in the payment of wages to builders

A "hot line" has begun its work in the capital to receive calls from workers of construction organizations who are not paid wages. The order to open it was given by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, the head of the capital's construction complex, Marat Khusnullin.

A “hot line” has begun its work in the capital to receive calls from employees of construction organizations who are not paid wages. The order to open it was given by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, the head of the capital's construction complex, Marat Khusnullin.

Hotline for unpaid wages

The Civic Chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation opens a "hot line" to which it will be possible to report non-payment of wages. The information received about unscrupulous employers will be sent to Rostrud and the prosecutor's office. Vladimir Slepak, head of the OP commission on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens, told that calls will be received on July 1. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Labor claims that the issue of non-payment of wages is not as acute as during the crisis of 2008-2009, when employers' debts exceeded today's by 2.5 times.

Where do you go if you don't get paid?

According to Art. 22. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of the obligations of the employer is to pay the employee in full wages. Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that an agreement between an employee and an employer (most often an employment contract) establishes the procedure, terms and amount of wages. But due to some circumstances, it happens that the employer does not fulfill his obligation to remunerate employees in cash.

300 people called the hotline for non-payment of wages

For three days of work, the "hot line" of the Public Chamber on non-payment of wages received 340 complaints. This was told by the head of the commission of the OP on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens Vladimir Slepak. Most often, residents of Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, the Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Bashkortostan, and the Tyumen Region turn to the "hot line". In most cases, people do not receive a salary for up to six months, and the employer's debt amounts to 100-300 thousand rubles.

Not getting paid? CALL 8-800-700-8-800

Hotline phone 8-800-700-8-800. a call from any region of Russia is free (working hours: Mon-Thu from 9 to 18, Fri from 9 to 17 (Moscow time). The information received about unscrupulous employers will be sent to Rostrud and the prosecutor's office.

The initiator of the hotline, Chairman of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens, Vladimir Slepak, claims that the main reason for opening the hotline is the increase in cases of non-payment of wages, even noted by the President at a meeting on the situation on the labor market on April 02.

On the consequences of receiving "shadow" wages

At present, raising the level of wages, creating conditions for its timely payment, legalizing "shadow" employment and hidden forms of remuneration remains one of the main tasks in the field of social and legal relations.

In order to carry out work to identify the facts of payments of unofficial wages (wages "in envelopes"), underestimation of the taxable base for personal income tax, the base for calculating insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FFOMS, at the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the city of St.

OP opens a "hotline" for complaints about non-payment of salaries

From July 1, the Civic Chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation opens a “hot line” to which Russians can complain about non-payment of wages, the Izvestia newspaper writes.

“Pay arrears, behind which are corruption and fraud, are of particular concern. Unfortunately, non-payment and delay in wages are the most common violation of labor laws,” said Vladimir Slepak, head of the OP commission on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens.


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