International tourism. Tourism Presentation Top Dental Tourism Presentations

Leisure and tourism presentations

In this section of the site "" are collected presentations about recreation and tourism - download and use them to your heart's content.

A new profession, good knowledge, communication with people is the main task when studying tourism presentations. Tourism involves the temporary travel of people to different countries or places. During such trips, the tourist needs to get maximum pleasure. This is usually carried out at the expense of health, sports, educational, entertainment, religious, guest and other purposes. In order to be well oriented in tourism, it is necessary to know geography well enough. It is necessary to navigate in historical information, to know tourist sites, as well as culture. You need to be balanced and communicative.

Many tourists wonder what is being studied in presentations about recreation and tourism. Such presentations are mastered by tourism business managers, who will have to know everything about various attractions, and also need to navigate the legal features of the tourism business. In presentations about tourism, the features of strategic management are presented, as well as its participants are discussed. The main feature of the presentations is the correct presentation of information about domestic tourism, as well as its features.

Outbound tourism is considered an important direction of presentations. Therefore, sufficient time is allocated to these topics in the presentations. Today, a manager needs to know a lot about visa support, as well as customs formalities. Already in the first presentations, it is necessary to provide information about the variety of tourist programs: green, group, children, cruises, exotic tours. The program of presentations includes the practical development of the program of any excursion tour. To do this, you need to select a country and plan attractions that a tourist could see in a certain time. Such a tour program, developed individually, requires oral defense and explanations about the course of the excursions.

Leisure and tourism presentations provide information about the relationship with the client, as well as the protection of the rights of the tourist. To work in a travel agency, you need to know the rules for booking air tickets, as well as the features of the hotel service. All objects of the tourist destination of each country are unique. It is this statement that tourists should know when buying travel packages. Tourist presentations provide information about catering for tourists. In the work of any travel company, a computer is used, so the courses mention the features of studying computer presentations.

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Tourism - temporary departures (travel) of people to another country or locality other than the place of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months.

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In international statistics, along with trade in goods, foreign trade in services stands out. Trade in services is growing rapidly. Already today they account for 20% of world trade. International tourism is one of the most common forms of service exchange. In countries where the manufacturing sector is relatively small, international tourism has developed strongly, the share of services in exports can exceed 30% (Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, etc.).

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Greece is visited by more than 19 million tourists annually, thus bringing about 15% of the gross domestic product of the entire country. Tourism in Greece is one of the main sources of foreign exchange earnings, it brings the state over 15% of GDP and 16.5% of the total employed population.

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Causes of the tourism boom Over the past 50 years, the number of international tourists has grown 25 times. Every year 635-650 million people make tourist trips. The tourism boom is based on: the global process of urbanization, the "transport revolution", the increase in the level and quality of life of the population, the growth of the educational and cultural level.

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world organizations. UNWTO (UNWTO). The World Tourism Organization is an agency of the United Nations. Headquarters in Madrid (Spain) Established in 1925 in The Hague As of November 2011, 155 states are members of the organization

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Countries with the highest development of tourism See table 33 in the textbook Country Number of tourists million people (2010) France 76.8 USA 64 Spain 48 Italy 43.2 China 32

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Tourism Tourism has become a key sector of the world economy. Revenues from it (500 million dollars) in world exports are in second place, behind the export of oil and oil products. But in terms of profitability, tourism has overtaken the trade in diamonds, weapons and gambling. Tourism created 10% of all jobs (207 million people).

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Recreational resources 1. Natural and recreational resources 2. Cultural and historical sights France

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Recreational resources Recreational resources are allocated not according to the peculiarities of origin, but according to the nature of their use. These include natural, man-made objects and phenomena used for recreation, tourism and treatment. 1. recreational and medicinal (for example, mineral waters); 2. recreational and health-improving (for example, swimming and beach places); 3. recreational and sports (for example, ski resorts); 4. recreational and educational (for example, historical monuments).

TYPES OF TOURISM and their features

The law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" defines some types of tourism:

tourism domestic - travel of persons within the country of permanent residence;

outbound tourism - travel of persons to another country;

social tourism - travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs;

amateur tourism - travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists on their own.

By goals tourism can be identified two main types of tourism:

recreational tourism - a classic type of tourism, including: health-improving, educational and sports types;

business tourism - its scope includes business tours, congress tours, shopping tours.

Sports tourism -

a sport for overcoming an extended segment of the earth's surface, called a route. At the same time, the “earth's surface” means not only the stone surface of the Earth, but also the water, and located under the day surface (caves). During the passage of the route, various specific natural obstacles are overcome.

By type of movement are distinguished:

* hiking;

*ski tourism;

* mountain tourism;

* water tourism;

* speleotourism;

* sailing tourism;

* cycling tourism; * automoto tourism; * equestrian tourism; * combined tourism.

According to age and social characteristics, sports tourism is divided into:

* children's tourism * youth tourism * adult tourism * family tourism.

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to overcome, the area of ​​the hike, autonomy, novelty, length of the route and a number of other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, according to increasing complexity, hikes are divided into:

* Weekend hikes; * hiking 1 - 3 degrees difficulties; * category trips.

Hiking - type of sports tourism. The main goal is to overcome the group route on slightly rough terrain from point A to point B for the specified period of time.

Mountain tourism - a type of sports tourism, which consists in the movement of a group along a route of a certain complexity, laid in the mountainous area. The complexity of the route is determined mainly by the complexity (categorization) of the passes included in it.

Water tourism - type of sports tourism, which consists in rafting on rivers, lakes and reservoirs on tourist ships.

Speleotourism - a kind of sports tourism, consists in traveling through natural underground cavities (caves) and overcoming various obstacles in them using special equipment.

Cycling tourism - one of the types of sports tourism, which consists in cycling routes, containing general tourism and cycling-specific obstacles.

Features of cycling tourism:

  • long routes,
  • group movement,
  • maintenance and repair of bicycles,
  • trail and off-road driving
  • inclusion in the routes of categorized obstacles,
  • special equipment.

Ski tourism - one of the types of sports tourism, which consists in the passage of routes on skis. The complexity of the route is determined by its length and the complexity of the obstacles included in it.

Equestrian tourism - one of the types of sports tourism, which consists in passing on horse trails, containing specific obstacles for equestrian tourism.

The desire to travel accompanies humanity throughout the history of its existence.

Vast territories are gradually being developed

The word "tourism" comes from the French "tour", which means a walk, a trip.

  • TOURISM - a type of active recreation - travel (trips, hikes) made in an organized or independent way for recreation, with sports or educational purposes

By types of movement stand out:

Automobile tourism

  • A popular form of recreation, traveling by road along the main part of the route. Tourists travel in their own car or gather in a small group of several cars.

Cycling tourism

  • Cycling tourism(cycling) - one of the types sports tourism, which consists in passing through bicycle routes, containing general tourism and specific for cycling tourism obstacles, as well as one of the types of outdoor activities.

Water tourism

  • Water tourism- one of the types sports tourism which is to overcome route along the water surface. There are several types of water tourism: alloy along the rivers rafting , sailing tourism, sea kayaking.
  • Used for water tourism sports courts frame, frame-inflatable, inflatable structure, driven by the power of the current (rafting), muscle power (rafting, kayaking) or wind power (sailing)

Equestrian tourism

  • Equestrian tourism(horseback tourism) - travel on horses on horseback or in carriages. One of the types sports tourism, which consists in passing on a horse routes containing specific for equestrian tourism obstacles (passes , forests , rivers).
  • The main feature of equestrian tourism (riding) is the ability to lead equipment and products in saddlebags(Altaic. " archemak") attached to saddle horses or pack horse. Most routes are calculated for people without any prior workout in riding. Experienced instructors carry out the necessary pre-camping training at the camp sites according to specially developed programs. After completing the training, the tourist acquires skills in caring for a horse, learns to saddle and harness it, and manage it. Usually tourists live in the field on full self-service, so the romance of horseback riding is complemented by overnight stays in tents, campfire smoke, camp food.

ski tourism

  • A kind of sports tourism, which provides for the passage of the route on skis along the plains and foothills. Ski tourism requires special training of participants and increased attention of the organizers.

mountain tourism

  • mountain tourism- view sports tourism, which consists in the movement of a group of people with the help of muscular strength along a certain route laid in highlands in high altitude conditions.
  • Although mountain tourism uses elements climbing when passing the route, you should not mix it with mountaineering. The main difference is that the goal of a climber is to climb to the top, and the goal of a mountain tourist is to climb a route of a certain complexity. In the highest categories of complexity, the boundaries between these types sports may be blurry.
  • The main factor that distinguishes mountain tourism from other species sports tourism(and uniting it with mountaineering) is that the hikes take place at a significant (more than 2500-3000 meters) absolute height above sea level.
  • Before 1989 years in mountain tourism, climbing to the peaks was prohibited. Now climbing is allowed, which has significantly reduced the outflow of mountain tourists into climbers. A feature of mountain hiking is that many groups do not just climb the peaks, but traverses- climb to the top on one side, and descend on the other. In mountaineering, this is also practiced, but less common.


  • Hiking- view sports tourism. The main goal is to overcome the group route on slightly rough terrain from point A to point B for a specified period of time.


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Forms of leisure among different peoples. Brazil. Ritual and magical dances form a special group. Finland. Every fourth inhabitant of the country is a member of one of the sports organizations. Favorite sports are skiing, rowing, running and wrestling. Japan. More and more Japanese seek to spend leisure time in nature. The ancient and most favorite pastime of the Japanese is kite flying. Every year paper birds fly farther and higher. Recently, the Japanese have been making and flying kites that are surprisingly bird-like. Some artificial birds can stay in the air for several hours. Germany. Falconry is very popular among the Germans. - Leisure.pptx

Rest efficiency

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The effectiveness of visiting the Pearls of Europe. Objectives of the work: Features of the research methodology. Performance scale indicators. Group classification. Features of the visa application. Visa Efficiency Scale. Airport shuttle features. Components of flight comfort. Transfer types. Transport group efficiency scale. Monaco Hotels. Rome hotels. Andorra hotels. Sights of Monaco. Sights of the Vatican. Sights of Andorra. Scale of efficiency of recreational resources. Rest efficiency scale. Conclusion. Memories from any trip are made up of a variety of and sometimes unpredictable nuances. - Rest.ppt

Tourism and ecotourism

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Ecotourism. Australian National Ecotourism Strategy, Department of Tourism, Canberra, 1992. Criteria for Ecotourism. Distinctive features of ecotourism. Stimulates and satisfies the desire to communicate with nature, prevents the negative impact on nature and culture, encourages tour operators and tourists to promote nature conservation and socio-economic development. Ecotourism concept. Basic principles of ecotourism. Journeys into nature, and the main content of such trips is acquaintance with wildlife, as well as with local customs and culture. Minimizing the negative consequences of an ecological and socio-cultural nature, maintaining the environmental sustainability of the environment. - Tourism.ppt

world tourism

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Features of the development of world tourism. INTRODUCTION Analysis of world trends in tourism development. The economic impact of tourism. State and prospects of the Russian tourist market in the structure of the world market Conclusion. Introduction. Importance and benefits of tourism. The third advantage is the growth of tax revenues to the budgets of all levels. Tourism in Russia. Russia accounts for about 1% of the world tourist flow. Analysis of the development of world tourism. Economic problems are analyzed in the context of the social and environmental aspects of the life of tourism. Travel brings pleasure and gives you the opportunity to relax. - World tourism.ppt

international tourism

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International tourism. Improve understanding of the lesson material. To expand the possibilities of using didactic and visual material. Cruise. Nautical. Ski. Monuments of culture. pilgrimage centers. Thai resort Pattaya. Resorts of Spain. Madrid. Spain. Maldives. The cleanest beaches in Greece. Swiss Alps. Davos is the most aristocratic resort in the Alps. Pyramids of Egypt. Coliseum. Statue of Liberty. Evening Israel. - International tourism.ppt

cultural tourism

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The role of national culture in the development of tourism. A train ticket excites more hope than a lottery ticket. Paul Moran. So I just wanted to go And ride the train! I went. I got off the train and had nowhere to go. Ishikawa Takuboku. Cultural tourism. The grand tour. Folklore holidays. Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool April 18 – August 10, 2008. The Railway Art in the Age of Stream. The Railway. Art in the Age of Stream. TEFAF Maastricht. La Biennale di Venezia. Art Moscow. Exclusive cultural tourism. World Federation of Friends of Museums. Column ICOM Russia in the magazine "Museum". - Cultural tourism.ppt

Sports tourism

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Sports tourism. Young athletes are trained to participate in competitions in tourism at technical distances, participate in hiking and long-distance expeditions. The purpose of the program: personal development at the intellectual, spiritual and physical level by means of sports tourism. The combination of tourism and local history with the sports orientation of the program allows you to apply the means and methods of teaching from the field of physical culture and sports in conjunction with applied and local historical, environmental, geographical aspects. The principle “everyone in the group cares” is carried out from the first lessons and is implemented throughout the entire learning process. - Sports tourism.ppt

Extreme types of tourism

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Extreme tourism. Purpose: To study in more detail the prospects for the development of extreme tourism. Types of extreme tourism. Kayakers. Multisport. Rafting. Windsurfing. Skysurfing. Wakeboarding. Diving. Ice climbing. Jumping. Analysis of a survey on extreme tourism of different age groups. Extreme tourism is constantly in development. Prospects for the development of extreme tourism in the Crimea. Suggested activities. - Tourism extreme.ppt

Tourism development

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Implementation and financing of investment projects in the field of tourism based on the introduction of public-private partnership tools. Mega-project "Scandinavian ring". Development of the international and interregional project “Tourist Ring. Map of Euroregion "Karelia". Creation of modern tourist and recreational complexes in the territories of the most promising tourist clusters of the Russian Federation. Republic of Karelia: Priority direction: Hospitable Karelia. Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Territorial planning scheme of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General layout of tourism facilities. - Development of tourism.ppt

Organization of tourism

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Department of Tourism. Direction of training 100400 TOURISM. Technology and organization of tour operator and travel agency services. Technology and organization of entertainment. Technology and organization of sports and health services. SPO graduates. Admission conditions: Internal testing: Russian Mathematics Fundamentals of tourism. School graduates, NGOs. Admission conditions: USE results: Russian language Geography Social studies. Persons with higher education. Admission conditions Internal testing: Russian Mathematics Philosophy. Duration of study Correspondence form of study – 3 years. Are you interested in the future of Vologda? - Organization of tourism.ppt

travel companies

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Business plan. Main goal: Establishment of the Heiligenbeil travel agency. Benefits for the construction of a travel company: Services provided by the travel company: Taxes will be paid in the city. Capital investments in the project will fully pay off within 4 years. Promotion. Advertising is required: in the Mamonov newspaper, on the website of the city administration. In the future, it is planned to create its own website on the Internet. Conducted financial calculations showed that the company will be profitable. The payback of the project will take a fairly short period, namely 4 years. We thank for the help in drawing up a business plan: - Travel companies.ppt


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Problems hindering the development of the industry and solutions. About company. To date, it has become affordable and popular to relax in world resorts. We guarantee good service and fast service. We offer education at prestigious colleges and universities in the UK. Consultations on the collection of necessary documents for the embassy. List of problems. About the Main ... 1. Globalization and Tourism. 2. Future of Tourism in Uzbekistan. Proposed proposals for solving these problems. Create specialized universities and colleges. - EDEM TRAVEL.ppt

Rainbow program

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The purpose of the program: Objectives of the program: To develop cognitive activity. To form a humanistic attitude to the world around, moral values ​​of the individual. To form a culture of relationships, speech, mental activity. Develop self-improvement skills, instill a love for a healthy lifestyle. "RAINBOW OF SUCCESS" The main directions of implementation. The shift symbol is a RAINBOW. Our motto. “So we took the paints in hand and got rid of boredom.” self-government system. -


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