Corella parrot. Corella, a small talkative parrot. Flights around the apartment

In the modern world, the maintenance and breeding of various decorative animals and birds is becoming increasingly popular. No one can be indifferent to the colorful and beautiful cockatiel parrots. By showing a little perseverance and patience to gain the trust of this pet, you will receive a cheerful friend as a gift, who will delight and surprise the whole family. parrot at home feels very good and with proper care of the parrot, you will witness many comical, unforgettable moments.

The cockatiel is native to Australia. In the wild, cockatiels settle in coastal forests, savannahs covered with low shrubs, and eucalyptus groves. Due to their gray color, they become completely invisible, even on the tops of dried shrubs and trees.

The first description of Corella dates back to 1788. However, it was brought to Europe and began to breed only in the middle of the ⅩⅨth century. In Russia, cockatiel breeding begins only in the 60s of the 2nd century. Since that time, these cute parrots have gained immense popularity as a domestic decorative bird on the territory of our Motherland.

Travelers who first saw these bright, beautiful birds called them a nymph (the most beautiful, beautiful), which became the second name of this breed of parrots. With good care and maintenance, the average lifespan of a cockatiel in captivity is 16-18 years.

The body length of the nymph reaches 30-33 cm, and the tail is 14-16 cm. A long pointed tail and a high crest on the head are the most attractive features of the parrot's appearance. Males and females have different plumage colors. The male nymph is more brightly colored. It has olive-gray dark plumage. The front of the head, cheeks and crest are sulphurous yellow, and orange-red spots are located on the cheeks. Females have a dirty gray plumage, with pale brown spots on the cheeks and a brownish tinge in the underparts. The crest and head of females are pale gray, with a yellowish tint.

Until the age of 10-12 months, the color of the cockatiel parrot may change. After that the parrots acquire their true color, which remains unchanged throughout life. Currently, breeders have brought out some other color options for these pretty birds. The most common are:

Corella parrot: care and maintenance

All the nuances of keeping your future pet you need to think before you buy it so that it will delight you with its games and songs for the next few years.

Cage for a parrot

The key to proper care of your pet is the selection of the cage and accessories necessary to ensure a good life for your cockatiel. Therefore, the purchase of these devices, you should take care in advance with recommendations more experienced owners:

For a comfortable and healthy life of a parrot, an important factor is the choice of the right place to install the cage:

Parrot food

For cockatiel content and care must necessarily include a proper diet. It should be noted that the duration and quality of life of your pet will directly depend on the quality of his diet.

All kinds of seeds form the basis of feeding the cockatiel parrot:

In order to diversify the diet of cockatiels, you need to add to food:

  • weed seeds;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • tops of carrots;
  • grains of sowing crops;
  • fruit;
  • celery;
  • buds or twigs of plants.

Remember that you need to be very careful that the food has not been processed with any chemical substance. On average, a cockatiel should eat half a tablespoon of wet food and a tablespoon of dry food per day. The amount of food can vary depending on the time of year and period of life. So, during molting, you will need to feed the cockatiel more to keep warm.

cockatiel diseases

Knowledge about how to care for corella, will be incomplete if we do not consider the issue of possible diseases and methods for their prevention. The most common Corell ailments:

Healthy parrot selection and adaptation

Place of purchase is the main criterion when choosing Corella. It is not recommended to purchase poultry in a pet store, since such establishments do not always create elementary conditions for keeping cockatiels. It is advisable, like any other animal, to buy a cockatiel in a specialized nursery. Here you can immediately learn about the character and behavior of a particular bird. They will show her parents, which is important when buying your friend.

Communication with cockatiels implies a true friendship between you and your pet. Therefore, you need to give time so that your new life partner can adapt not only to the environment, but also to the owner and his family members.

Depending on how tame the bird was before the purchase and on the nature of the parrot, adaptation can take up to two weeks.

Determining the sex of cockatiels

There are some differences between a female and a male cockatiel. Following some simple tips, you can quite accurately determine their gender:

  • By color. The male cockatiel has a brighter color than the female.
  • In the form of a crest. In females, it has a wider base. And in males, it, curving up, is narrow.
  • Tail width. In females, the tail is wide, while in males, its shape is narrow.
  • By behavior. The girls are calm and quiet, while the boys often sing and thump the floor with their beaks.

Remember that communication with a pet cockatiel is a very exciting activity, maintenance does not require special skills and it is not difficult to feed it. Therefore, refuse to purchase such a sweet and cheerful friend there is no reason.

Corella parrot is a talking bird, a relative of the cockatoo. Initially, the gray-yellow color was enriched with various color options thanks to the breeders. The expressive muzzle catches the eye. Birds were equated with cockatoos due to the similarity in body structure and crest. Later it was found that they are part of this family, however, they constitute a separate species, the only one in the genus.

Everything about cockatiels: appearance, character, reproduction and nutrition in natural conditions, the history of discovery - read further in the article.

In captivity, birds live up to 25 years, in the wild - up to 14. The length reaches 33 cm, of which about 15 is the tail. The wingspan reaches 18 cm. The size of the cockatiel parrot is similar to the size of a small pigeon. An adult weighs about 100 grams.

Learning and susceptibility to training is at an average level, it increases in the absence of coercion, you can teach to speak.

A feature due to which, among other things, cockatiels were attributed to a cockatoo, is long gray-yellow feathers on the crown. Under the tuft is skin without plumage. By the position of the crest, one can judge the mood of the bird.

Feathers are long with pointed ends. The longest feather is the second flight feather on the wings. The tail is pointed, consists of elongated tail feathers. In males, they grow denser.

A parrot with a tufted beak can crack a nut, gnaw hard fruits and remove bark from branches. Paws allow you to quickly move through trees and soil. They end with fused fingers, metatarsals. Males are more active, develop faster, chirp louder.


The color of most subspecies becomes clear closer to the year, before that it may change. Males during this period have a pale gray-yellow coloration, characteristic of females, which makes sex determination difficult.

After juvenile molting, males are brighter than females: they have a dark gray body, a yellow head with red cheeks, a yellow crest, a black tail and wings, cast blue or silver. Females are paler: gray feathers, brown cheeks, grayish-yellow body.

In the wild, the standard color of the Corella parrot is found mainly - gray-brown with a gray tummy. Tuft, light yellow head, bright red circles on the cheeks. The end of the crest is greyish.

The flight feathers are gray, the webs are dark brown. The undersides of the wings are black, as is the underside of the tail feathers, fading to grey. The top of the tail is grey, the undertail is black.

The paws are covered with gray-brown skin. The large black and gray beak resembles that of a cockatoo, but is smaller and less powerful. Closer to the gray cere, the beak acquires a brown tint. The iris is dark brown.

In captivity, parrots breed well, so breeders have brought out several new colors:

  • Albino with red eyes, body color is white or cream. The head and crest may be yellow. On the wings of females there are pale yellow spots.
  • White parrot with black eyes. In males, the undertail is lighter; on the undertail of females, a marbled pattern can be seen. Obtained by crossing a white female with a gray male.
  • Lutino with a yellow body (from pale to bright shade) and red eyes. They are distinguished by bright orange-scarlet cheeks.
  • A light gray nymph is obtained by crossing a gray and white parents with black eyes. Differs from birds of a standard color in a lighter tone of gray.
  • Yellow parrot, plumage shade from light cream to dark yellow tones.
  • Sheki interspersed with white, as if scattered in a chaotic manner. This is the most promising color for breeding new colors. Shakes include harlequins, pearl gray parrots, birds with white or black wings, as well as black and gray individuals with a black chest.


Corellas are social animals, loneliness is not for them. The character is calm, friendly. At the same time, they are naive and prone to experiences. In moments of fear or stress, they emit sharp loud cries that cut the ear.

The behavior of cockatiels in the wild is determined by the instinct of self-preservation: they love a flock of life on the tops of trees, where they merge with dried branches.

It is interesting! According to research, cockatiels are among the ten most intelligent feathered pets, some compare them in terms of intelligence with a five-year-old child.

Why was it called that?

It is believed that the local name - cockatiel - came from combining the names of two similar species of cockatoo: naked-eyed (Cacatua sanguinea) and nosed (Cacatua tenuirostris). There is also a second name Nymphicus hollandicus (nymph), which was assigned by European scientists in the 18th century. The nymph parrot is named after charming goddesses who care about nature.

Discovery history

The cockatiel parrot was first mentioned by I. Gmelin in the book Systematization of Nature. The book was published in 1788. In it, the naturalist spoke about the appearance of the bird. The description of life in the wild was made by J. Gould in 1837.

Birds were brought to Europe in the 40s of the 19th century, at the same time the first breeding attempts were made in Paris. From France, they spread throughout the world, reaching the USSR by the middle of the 20th century. In Russia, cockatiels are second only in popularity. They easily become attached to people, breed well at home, and are able to learn up to 300 words.

The population at home was declining due to poachers. In 1960, the mainland authorities banned the export of nymphs. Since then, only pets hatched in captivity can be purchased.

Homeland of the cockatiel parrot

Corellas are native to Australia. Parrots inhabit almost the entire continent. They do not like coastal areas with high humidity, preferring savannahs with dense vegetation, eucalyptus groves or places with individual trees and shrubs suitable for nesting. Often they can be found on plains and desert places near water bodies.


Nymphs prefer to live in small flocks of 10-50 individuals. Large concentrations of birds can be observed during the nesting period or during drought. During dry periods, they are able to travel long distances to find drinking water.

The gray color masks parrots sitting on the branches of trees or bushes. Being safe upstairs, they let people close. The probability of meeting a cockatiel on the ground or in the grass is minimal; when approaching, it immediately flies into a safe crown.

Nymphs spend little time near ponds. They prefer to land on the surface of the water, have a quick drink or swim, and fly away.


In the wild, nymphs feed on grass seeds and fruits of shrubs, drink eucalyptus nectar. The diet contains small insects. They love to eat fruit.

Parrots raid fields of millet and wheat. Farmers, despite government orders to protect cockatiels, shoot and poison them to protect their crops.


Birds build nests in hollows or hollows of branches. The nesting period falls on the rainy months, during which it is easier to feed the chicks. In dry years, offspring may not be.

The clutch usually consists of 3 to 7 eggs 2 cm long. Both parents incubate them for three weeks, taking turns flying out for food. A crested parrot leaves the nest at the age of about a month and a half.

At this time, the female lays a second batch of eggs. However, parents do not abandon their grown children until they are fully prepared for self-sustainment.

Observation of cockatiels in natural conditions is difficult due to the camouflage color, well-developed self-preservation instinct and limited habitat. However, this option is available to pet owners.

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Corellas are one of the smallest members of the parrot family, making loving and intelligent pets for many people. Cockatiels are social birds that will imitate your voice and happily perch on your finger or shoulder. In this article, we will tell you how to take care of your cockatiel to keep your cockatiel happy and healthy!


Purchase of equipment

    Consider if the cockatiel is the right pet for you. Cockatiels require daily care and attention, they can be noisy pets and litter a lot. With proper care, they can live for over 20 years! Before purchasing a cockatiel, you should consider the following questions (and it is advisable to do this together with household members):

    • How much money are you willing to spend? While cockatiels themselves are not very expensive, they require large cages, lots of toys and other items. In addition, once a year, the cockatiel should be taken to the veterinarian.
    • How much time are you willing to devote to Corella? Unless someone is at home for most of the day, the cockatiel will be lonely to be left alone. A pair of cockatiels require less attention, but you still need to devote time and care for them daily.
    • How sensitive are you to noise and clutter? Although cockatiels are not extremely noisy, they display their vocals in the mornings and evenings and can also be the source of a lot of confusion. If you're a clean freak or hate waking up early in the morning, cockatiels are probably not for you.
    • How long are you willing to take care of a pet? Since cockatiels can live for over 20 years, carefully consider whether you can devote the right amount of time to her. If you are a minor, think about who will take care of the cockatiel while you are in class.
  1. Get a cage. The cage should be at least 60 cm high, 50 cm wide and 45 cm deep, but a larger cage is recommended. The bars of the cage in the grate should be no further than 1.9 cm apart. It is recommended to use stainless steel cages. Since zinc and lead are poisonous to birds, they must be guaranteed to be absent in cage materials. In addition, since cockatiels love to climb, there should be at least a few horizontal twigs in the cage.

    Get the rest of the necessary equipment. Cockatiels, like other pet birds, require certain things to keep them entertained. You will need to purchase:

    • Two feeders and one drinker. Birds will need two separate feeders for wet and dry food (wet food can include fruits, cooked beans, and so on).
    • A screen for the cage so that the grain does not scatter.
    • Lots of perches. Cockatiels love to climb and play, so having lots of perches will keep them happy. You will notice that the cockatiel will choose one of the perches as her home (where she sleeps).
    • Various toys for cockatiel entertainment. Get a few toys and change them every week so your bird doesn't get bored. Cockatiels love to chew on things, so toys like twig balls, raffia fiber strips, or palm trees are best.
  2. Purchase additional inventory (optional). Although it's not necessary, it's a good idea to get some manure cleaning equipment and a portable vacuum cleaner. In addition, it is advisable to purchase chalk stone as a source of calcium, which is especially important for females who may have problems laying eggs (females can lay unfertilized eggs without a male).

    Acquisition and training of cockatiels

    1. Learn more about cockatiels. Before purchasing a cockatiel, it is necessary to carefully study the information about these birds and how to care for them. While this article covers the basics of care, we recommend getting more in-depth knowledge. Good sources of information include the Internet, libraries, pet stores, where you can find books and other information on caring for cockatiels. In addition to talking to cockatiel owners about their experience in caring for birds, direct interaction with cockatiels is also recommended.

      Buy a cockatiel . You may be tempted to buy the cheapest cockatiel you can find, but we don't recommend buying a cockatiel from a pet store. Pet shop birds can be unhealthy and are often unsocialized (making it difficult to tame). You can purchase a hand-fed chick from a specialty bird shop or bird breeder. Buy a cockatiel at three months of age or a little older. If you are new, do not feed the chick by hand.

      • Get a cockatiel from a shelter. Before buying a pet, it is best to first try to adopt a bird from a shelter. While many pets from a shelter can be wonderful, we still do not advise newcomers to adopt birds from there, as they may turn out to be sick or have behavioral problems.
      • Buy cockatiel from the previous owner. Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that the owners have to part with their pets. If the owner does not part with the bird because of behavioral problems and if he does not hide diseases of the bird, this can be an excellent way to acquire a bird, especially for beginners.
    2. Tame the bird. If the cockatiel is already tame, you can skip this step and move on to the next one. One of the main components of taming a cockatiel is getting used to your constant presence. When you first bring your bird home, place the cage in an area where there is a lot of human activity. Every day, sit next to the cage and talk to the bird, or whistle softly for 10 minutes. So the bird will get used to your voice and presence.

      • When the bird starts to get close to the side of the cage you are on and feels perfectly comfortable around you, start giving him small treats (we'll talk about what the treats should be like in the first step of the next section). Do this for about a week, and in bulk open the door and hold a treat in front of it, encouraging the bird to sit in the door. The next step is to place the treat in the palm of your hand for the bird to start eating from it.
    3. Teach the bird to "sit". When you tame the cockatiel, that is, when it already eats from your hands, teach it to sit on your hand. The way in which this can be achieved depends on whether the bird is biting. Do not try to grab the cockatiel or force it to sit on your arm, as this is more likely to result in a bite.

      • If your bird is biting: quickly and smoothly bring your finger to the top of the bird's legs, as if you were running your finger through a candle flame. The pet should automatically sit on the finger. Give the cockatiel a treat and praise immediately afterwards. If the bird starts biting aggressively, stop the training session and try again later.
      • If the cockatiel rarely bites, place your finger under the bird's belly near the legs. Apply a little pressure and it is more likely that it will immediately sit on your finger. When she does, immediately give her a treat and praise. The next time you do this, while applying pressure, say, "Sit down." Eventually, the bird will begin to associate the action itself with the word.

    Corella Care

    1. Give your bird time to settle in when you first bring it home. If it is a hand-fed chick, this time can be very short, down to a few hours. Unsocialized birds, however, take 2-3 days to get used to the new environment. During the adjustment period, do not touch the bird, but feed it and clean the cage, and talk to it affectionately.

      Provide your cockatiel with a healthy diet. Granulated bird food should make up 70% of a cockatiel's diet. Grains can be a good treat, but don't overdo them as they are too fatty. Also, Corella sometimes needs to be given vegetables and fruits. Well-cooked beans and spaghetti are examples of tasty treats that can be given to cockatiels. When choosing fruits and vegetables, it is better to give preference to organic ones. Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before feeding them to birds.

      Make sure that cockatiels always have clean water. Water should be changed daily and replaced when feed or feces have entered it. Give the bird water that you could drink yourself.

      • When washing the drinker, use hot water and some soap. This will prevent fungal growth and bird disease.
    2. Give Corella affection. If your cockatiel is already tamed (or you have already tamed and trained it - we talked about this in Part 2), you will need to spend at least an hour a day with the bird to keep it friendly and tame. Unless you have purchased bird diapers, interact with your bird in a chair covered with a towel or in a room with an easy-to-clean floor.

      Understand why your cockatiel might bite. It probably hurts and upsets you when a cockatiel bites you, but it's important to understand that a bird bites out of stress, not because it's trying to be mean. The bird bites, demonstrating its fear and frustration - do not take it personally. Think about what you were doing when the cockatiel bit you, try to look at the situation from her point of view. For example, a cockatiel may bite when someone tries to grab it, or when a person is careless or rough in handling it. In addition, many cockatiels are protective of their cage and may become aggressive if you try to put your hand into the cage.

      • If the cockatiel bites outside of the cage, put it back in the cage and wait until it calms down before taking it out again.
      • If the bird is aggressively guarding the cage, train it to perch. Thus, the cockatiel will sit on the perch when necessary to get it, and you do not have to stick your hand into the cage.
    3. Teach your cockatiel to speak and whistle. While males are more amenable to learning, it is possible to teach a female to whistle and even a few words. First, teach the cockatiel to speak, and only then to whistle, otherwise it will be more difficult. To get the cockatiel to start talking, talk to her often, say the words that you want to hear from her often, for example, say: “Mommy!” - every time you approach the cockatiel. If you hear the beginning of a word or phrase, immediately reward your cockatiel with a treat and lots of attention.

      • Teaching your cockatiel to whistle is basically the same thing: whistle in front of your cockatiel often and reward him when he starts to whistle.
    4. Pay attention to the signs of illness in cockatiels. Since cockatiels often hide their ailments until things get really bad, learn to spot signs of disease clearly. A very sick cockatiel will sit with fluffy feathers at the bottom of the cage. Corella, who is bleeding, is obviously injured. Signs of bird disease can be:

      • Freaking out or biting, more than usual sleepiness, weight loss, reduced food intake, refusal to eat or drink, coughing, sneezing, irregular breathing, lameness, swelling, inflammation or crusting of the eyes or nostrils, blurry eyes, dirty anus, lowering of the head, wings, tail.
    5. Get your bird checked out by an ornithologist regularly. It is necessary to show the cockatiel to an ornithologist veterinarian, it is he who specializes in birds, annually. In addition, you should immediately contact your veterinarian if the cockatiel shows any of the above signs of illness. Remember, although a visit to the veterinarian can be expensive, birds get very sick in a short amount of time; in the case of cockatiels, one should not be guided by the principle of "wait and see", as they are quite gentle creatures.

    6. Be aware that cockatiels can experience nightmares. Some cockatiels are afraid of the dark and have "night terrors" where they run wildly around the cage. To prevent this, turn on a night light where the cockatiel sleeps and do not completely cover her cage at night.

      • When you know which perch your cockatiel prefers to sleep on, make sure that no toys hang near it. If a bird has a nightmare, it can become entangled in the toy and seriously injured.

Properly organized maintenance of cockatiels contributes to their comfortable living. To maintain the health of these parrots, you need to provide them with the necessary conditions. The bird needs a suitable microclimate, a properly equipped cage and some other things, which we will discuss next.

home security

Before a new family member arrives at your home, you need to prepare everything necessary to provide for the maintenance of the cockatiel. Parrots are kept at home, so you must first take care of the security of the apartment.

Corellas are very curious birds that like to stick their beak everywhere. They can accidentally get hurt, poisoned and even die. In order not to harm the pet, you will have to remove the following items:

  • protruding wires;
  • containers with liquids;
  • jars with chemicals;
  • bin;
  • houseplants;
  • small items: buttons, beads, needles, and so on;
  • glass, breakable objects.

If you have small children, explain to them in advance how to handle the cockatiel. The child must understand that the bird is not a toy, so be always there and watch their games. Otherwise, the child may injure or frighten the cockatiel, causing him to either withdraw into himself or become aggressive.

Required Items

Corellas cannot constantly fly freely around the apartment. Be sure to buy a bird and equip it with everything you need:

  • two feeders for main and additional food;
  • two to four perches made of birch, linden, apple, willow or pear;
  • drinker;
  • bathing suit.

Feeders and drinkers must be installed in such a way that the parrot can reach them while sitting on the perch. Choose items made from non-toxic materials with no sharp edges or imperfections. They must be well attached to the walls of the cage, so as not to fall under the weight of the bird. Remember to wash the feeders and drinkers before changing food and water.

Perches (perches) can be bought at a pet store. Cockatiels love to chew on everything, so don't buy plastic, rubber, or cement perches. The best choice is wooden perches. They can be made by hand. Trees, from the branches of which you will make perches, should be located as far as possible from the roadway. There is no need to remove the bark - the pet will do it himself.

It is advisable to provide the cockatiel with toys. They can entertain the parrot when you are busy. Such accessories not only diversify the life of a bird, but also help it develop properly. Each toy has its own purpose.

Objects made of wood or paper will distract the bird from damage to property. Musical accessories will entertain the parrot while singing. Ladders, ropes and swings are needed for physical development. And puzzles make the bird smarter.

Lonely parrots can put a mirror. Communication with the reflection can save the cockatiel from longing for his fellows. However, a mirror is an individual subject. Some birds may mistake their reflection for a rival or a member of the opposite sex. In this case, it is better to remove the mirror, otherwise the parrot may develop mental disorders, such as depression.

You can make toys for your pet yourself. From wooden beads or eggs from Kinder surprises, you can make a garland. You can also string slices of an apple or a carrot on a thick fishing line - your pet will definitely be delighted with such fun. But do not forget to put away such an edible toy when some of the fruits start to spoil.

Monitor the integrity of the toys and immediately throw out the broken ones. Otherwise, the parrot may injure itself on sharp edges or choke on a broken piece.

Equipping the cage, do not get carried away. No need to hang the parrot's home with a lot of accessories. He needs a lot of room to maneuver. Jumping from perch to perch, he should not touch anything with his wings and tail.

Required living conditions

Optimal climate

Corellas come from Australia, where there is a hot and humid climate suitable for their habitat. Parrots living at home should be as comfortable as on their native mainland. Your task is to organize a microclimate similar to the natural one for the birds.

You need to take care of the right lighting. In the hot season, the pet needs sunbathing. On clear, warm days, take the cage with the bird to the balcony for a maximum of half an hour. Direct sunlight can burn your parrot, so create shade by covering part of the cage with cotton.

If it is not possible to walk the cockatiel in the fresh air, create artificial lighting in the room. UV lamps will help you. Their light is as close to natural as possible. Do not place lamps near the cage closer than fifty centimeters.

The cage with the parrot should be in a quiet place where there are no batteries and drafts. Do not put the cage in the kitchen - this is not the right place for a bird. There, she runs the risk of being poisoned by the smell of burning Teflon or burnt over the burner.

The correct location of the cage is not the only condition for the normal maintenance of a pet. In the room where the cockatiel lives, there should be a temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees and a humidity of sixty to seventy percent.

You also need to maintain a certain light regime - a parrot should sleep from ten to fourteen hours, depending on the time of year.

Failure to comply with the above rules often leads to various health complications of cockatiels: from plumage problems to reduced immunity and weakening of the body. In advanced cases, the pet may die due to.

Emotional Impact

When purchasing a cockatiel parrot, get ready for the fact that it will require maximum attention from you. After all, these birds cannot remain alone for a long time. Daily communication with you, games and conversations will save your pet from depression, apathy and an aggressive state.

For the full development and feeling of happiness, the parrot must be periodically released for free walks around the room. Corellas are very fond of walking on the floor, sitting on upholstered furniture. Therefore, be careful when moving around the house so as not to step on or sit on a bird, do not press it against the door.

If there are animals in the house, you will have to constantly ensure that they do not cripple the parrot during its walk. Be sure to close the windows when you release the bird to fly around the room.

Suitable Diet

Corella parrots are granivorous birds, so grains are the basis of their diet. You can buy him a grain mixture, which includes oats, millet, canary seed, raw sunflower seeds, wheat, corn, rapeseed, wild flower seeds, sesame and hemp, nuts. It can be monokorm - separate types of grains.

In addition to the main food, the pet should be given additional: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs. Also, the bird's diet should include seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and various mineral supplements. In winter, when there are few seasonal vegetables and fruits, liquid vitamin complexes can be added to the water. Artificial vitamins begin to be given when the cockatiel is one year old.

Do not feed your bird expired or spoiled food. Food from your table is also prohibited - nothing salty, sweet, fried, smoked, pickled. Corella should not be poured coffee, tea, alcohol, cocoa - only pure water or natural juices, such as beetroot or carrot.

Cell cleaning

Wash the cage and its equipment twice a week with warm water. To facilitate the process, you can use an old toothbrush, which can easily cope with dried food debris and droppings. After that, you need to wipe all the items dry, and fill the tray with special sand or cover it with clean writing paper.

Bird care

Always keep an eye on your pet's condition. If in doubt, contact your veterinarian for advice. Remember - timely treatment can save a bird's life.

cockatiel parrot- a tame talking bird with a short beak, a relative with which it is similar in appearance, differing only in its elegant appearance and tail size, which has a pointed shape and reaches a length of about 15 cm.

The bird is of medium size (about 30 cm) and weighs approximately 90 grams. Often kept by people as a pet.

A high crest flaunts on the head of the bird, rising and falling depending on the mood.

The plumage of these animals does not differ in brightness compared to others, as a rule, gray, white and yellow colors predominate in their color, but the expressive faces of these creatures involuntarily catch the eye.

boy cockatiel parrot much more elegant and brighter than the girl, has a dark gray body, yellow crest and head, orange spots on the cheeks, wings and tail are black with a blue tint.

Males usually develop more actively and faster, chirp loudly and intensively knock their beaks against the bars of the cage.

Female cockatiel parrot calmer, with gray feathers, brown spots on the cheeks, light yellowish upperparts and darker underparts.

In the photo, a male and female cockatiel parrot

The birthplace of such parrots, which are also called nymphs in another way, is where they are found almost throughout the entire territory with a favorable climate for them.

But most often they prefer to settle in the depths of the continent: in shrouds, forests overgrown with shrubs and eucalyptus groves, settling there on dry tall trees, where their gray coloring practically does not stand out from the surrounding landscapes.

Due to the fact that the legislation of the state prohibits the transportation of poultry outside the country, cockatiel parrots are very rare animals.

But they breed well in captivity, which greatly contributes to the spread of these exotic talking birds.

Such people quickly get used to and become attached to people, and simply adore human society.

There are not many species of cockatiels, and they all differ little from each other in terms of tameness, the necessary conditions of detention and the ability to imitate human speech.

As seen on photo of parrots,cockatiels there are mother-of-pearl, as well as brown and variegated, there are also varieties of other colors.

Care and nutrition for a cockatiel parrot

Caring for birds is not at all complicated, so they can be kept not only in aviaries, but also at home in cages, where they feel quite comfortable.

But before acquiring such a pet, it is better to prepare its habitat in accordance with all the rules.

Cage for cockatiel should be equipped in a special way, and be not only comfortable, but also roomy and spacious enough so that the feathered one can move around its habitat and, at least a little, fly.

It is better if such a dwelling is made of stainless steel. And to ensure safety, the distance between the bars should be less than two centimeters.

For the convenience of playing and feeding the bird, it is necessary to equip a birdhouse, cords, twigs, a drinking bowl and a feeder inside the cage.

The cage for the cockatiel should be large

For cleaning by the owners of the bird's dwelling, it is better that the floor is retractable. The cage should be placed in a warm place where there are no drafts.

And at night it is better to leave the lamp on, as cockatiels are terribly afraid of the dark.

To teach a parrot, first of all, you need to communicate with him.

In addition, it is better if the cage with the bird is located in those places of the living quarters where a lot of people usually gather.

And so that the bird is not afraid of people and gets used to their company, it is necessary to constantly treat your pet with treats from your hand, briefly opening the cage door.

But in a new place, this should be started only after a few days of the pet's stay in the house, when he is fully accustomed to the room and new conditions.

These are very fond of swimming, so this pleasure must be delivered to the birds as often as possible.

Corellas love to swim, so there should be a special bath in the cage

Corellas are not among the most talkative parrots, and usually the vocabulary of these birds does not exceed 300 words.

In order to quickly teach them to talk, it is better to start by repeating the same phrase when communicating, which should be used at the place, for the intended purpose and under the appropriate circumstances.

And such exercises must be done every day until the pet achieves satisfactory results, not forgetting to reward the bird with a treat for success. You should categorically not swear and use swear words with a parrot.

The diet of such creatures does not have to contain anything special, and usually they eat whatever the birds prefer.

It can be both ready-made high-quality feed from a pet store, and ordinary bird food: muesli, wheat, barley, millet, and of course, oats and sunflower seeds.

You can give boiled corn, as well as small pieces of fruits and vegetables. Often, for a hearty and healthy diet for such birds, bread is mixed with hard-boiled eggs, rolling small balls out of them.

Fried food, as well as too sweet or salty food, can be harmful to parrots, and it is generally not recommended to give fermented milk products.

In the photo, an albino Corella parrot

Along with good nutrition, birds also need plenty of water, so you should not forget to regularly pour and change their water.

How long do cockatiel parrots live? In the wild, such beautiful birds can last no more than 10 years, but in captivity, with good maintenance and care, their lifespan is often extended to 25 years or more.

Price and reviews of Corella parrots

In reviews of Corella parrots, it is often mentioned that the owners of such birds, teaching them to speak, do not always achieve quick and easy results.

But if you show enough effort and patience, you can always achieve impressive victories, and cockatiels talk beautiful and sometimes even sing.

Parrots are very sociable, kind and extremely naive creatures, they do not tend to show aggression.

But if suddenly, unexpectedly and from scratch, the bird began to bite and behave inappropriately, then, of course, there is a reason for this, she is dissatisfied with something and thus tries to draw attention to herself.

In these cases, it is necessary to change the food or conditions of detention. Birds are very impressionable, so you should also think about the fact that something can scare or annoy the bird.

And near her cage, you should not shout loudly, knock or slam doors to eliminate possible causes of her stress.

Buy cockatiel parrot can be in the nursery. This is a guarantee that the acquired bird will be healthy, in addition, it is provided with the necessary documents with clear indications of origin, parents and pedigree.

And the advice received from qualified care and maintenance specialists will help bird owners avoid gross mistakes in raising pets in the future.

cockatiel chick

And in case of unforeseen situations and difficulties, you can always find a way out by contacting the same breeders - professionals in raising animals in order to get clarifications on controversial issues and the necessary assistance.

But when choosing the option of buying birds in a nursery, you should immediately take into account that cockatiel parrot price will be approximately twice as much as if you choose a pet in the bird market.

In addition, you will have to look for a suitable nursery, and it may happen that they will not be close to their place of residence at all.

It is necessary to acquire birds at the age of at least three months. How much do cockatiel parrots cost?

Buying such a pet in a nursery will cost the future owner about 2000 rubles.


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