It Started with a Mouse: A Tour of the Walt Disney Studios. Walt Disney's birthday Disney style birthday script

There are moments when you are waiting for something interesting, unusual. The nearest holiday is still far away, and the soul and colleagues ask for fun and joy. And what could be more fun and happier than childhood with its unbridled desire to be in time everywhere and everywhere?

More than one generation of people remembers the wonderful Disney cartoons about Winnie the Pooh, about Chip and Dale and many others. If you and your colleagues yearn for childhood, for your favorite characters, if you don’t mind feeling like a child again, then why not party?

For your attention - scenario for a corporate party in the style of "Disney".

Suits for a Disney themed party

Party Scenario suggests that all guests should be dressed appropriately, i.e. in the style of Disney characters. It doesn't matter which hero someone chooses: Bear, Hare, Chipmunk. Will his hero be positive or negative. The main thing is that each participant should be in character!

You, as the organizer of the fun, have the difficult task of making sure that all the guests come in costumes. 2 or 3 costumes should be kept by the organizer in case one of those present came unprepared.

Decoration premises

A few words about how to decorate the room before the event. The room should be decorated in a fabulous style. For example, you can draw a big tree, which you have repeatedly seen in the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. The tree can be made from cardboard. There is no need to think that you are not an artist and cannot draw - high artistic value is useless here. The tree can be put in the corner of the room and hang fruits on it. Let the guests not be surprised - this is a fabulous tree. During the whole party, they can approach the tree and treat themselves to fruit. The walls of the room can be decorated with color illustrations of Disney films.

If the party will be held outdoors, then there is no need to decorate the room. Such a party can be perfectly held in the forest on the lawn. For example, if you recall some cartoons, then the imagination will immediately draw a forest clearing, a large sprawling oak tree, a streamlet and other attributes of nature. So what will prevent you from finding exactly the same place in the park and settling down here in a cheerful and noisy company?

The time of the party can be any: morning, evening, afternoon, night, etc., and scenario you can add as you wish.

Generally speaking, the color scheme of the room should be in the brightest and most colorful colors, more yellow and green colors. Such a party does not have to be held in the evening or at night. A sunny day is another reason to have fun with colleagues. If you are writing a script for a corporate party and decide to have an open-air celebration, then the most suitable place for this is a hospitable clearing. Sunlight should be enough! And in the shade you can set the table. It is desirable that there is a large sprawling oak in the clearing, photos with it will take a prominent place in your album.

paraphernalia disney style parties

What other subjects do we associate with childhood? Of course, soft toys. And among them a huge variety of Disney characters. From the smallest to the largest. It is not necessary to buy these toys specifically for this event - they can be borrowed from friends for a while. Collect more of these toys. Distribute them throughout the room. It will be great if the other participants help you find the necessary grshki. In addition, the entire room in which the party will take place can be decorated with flowers - both natural and artificial.

Film library for Disney party

Just in case, the organizer should prepare a film library - a couple of Disney animated series. As the musical accompaniment of the "official" part, you can use recognizable music from any cartoon, series.

Entertainment Disney themed parties

Most likely, not a single person can say about himself that the spirit of rivalry is not developed in him. This also applies to adulthood, and, especially, childhood. Who among us has not wanted to jump the farthest? Who wouldn't want to have the prettiest car or doll? Therefore, moments of a competitive nature cannot be excluded from the organization of this party. This will give interest to what is happening among all those gathered, "ignite" them.

The Disney-style corporate party scenario should contain all the games that can be played as competitions. Even such a seemingly simple activity as picking up puzzles can be turned into a very interesting and exciting competition. In children's stores, the choice of puzzles is huge, this applies to both themes and sizes. Therefore, you can purchase several sets in advance and invite guests to collect them. The winner is the one who will cope with this task faster than others.

Treats at a Disney themed party

V corporate party script treats are included, which can be very different, but do not forget that today you have returned to childhood.

And without what it is impossible to imagine childhood? That's right, no sweets!

Therefore, all kinds of sweets and fruits should be in abundance at this celebration of life. Of course, among the guests there may be those who do not want to enjoy sweets due to the fact that they are watching their figure. You can invite them to taste fruit.

By the way, the script for holding a corporate party implies a fabulous treat at such a party! Yes Yes! If you try, then remember that many fairy tales mention a variety of dishes. For example, pies from a fairy tale? About Masha and the bears?, bulk apples (mentioned in many fairy tales), jelly, honey (this is such a drink), which Prince Vladimir the Red Sun and his brave squad enjoyed drinking, and Kolobok is not that other than a round bun or bread. What about oriental sweets? Halva and sherbet are just a fairy tale. Decorate your table with fantasy! Put up a sign: "Self-assembly tablecloth." You can also come up with a funny commentary for each dish. For example, you can put two decanters with a clear liquid and the inscriptions: "Living water" and "Dead water", and where which one - do not say! The role of "living water" can be performed by a transparent tonic, and the role of "dead" - salt water with lemon juice!

"Grandma's" pies can be put in a basket and put on a small stool, symbolizing a stump. Kissel can be played between guests. Let the presenter guess a riddle, and the prize (that is, a cup of jelly) will be received by the one who guessed it. Of course, the riddles must be quite difficult. You may need to surf the Internet or read books to find them (collections of riddles can be purchased at bookstores). But it's worth it!

Ideas for script

The most important thing is that this evening there should be no sad faces, so come up with your own scenario for holding a corporate party as fun and varied as possible.

Tell your guests that your current Disneyland is conditionally divided thematically into parts:

  • Discovery Country
  • Country of Adventure
  • Country of Discoverers
  • Fantasy Land

In accordance with this, the venue for the party should be divided into appropriate areas. All these designations should be conventionally marked on the map.

To begin with, the host invites everyone present to proceed to the Land of Adventures. Here he tells them that Scrooge McDuck has hidden his treasures. These treasures must be found using a special map that he left for them as a clue. The host must draw cards with symbols in advance, it is best to think it over in advance in the script for holding a corporate party. The search for the treasure will be phased. Having reached the first destination, the participants must find the second card with the next route, and so on until the treasure is found. It is best if all those present at the party are divided into 2 groups competing with each other. Each group should have its own map and its own treasure. In the course of the search for participants, you can come up with a variety of tasks. It can be charades, riddles, contests (not team ones) and so on.

In Fantasyland, the host invites the participants to play the following game: the participants are told the beginning of any fairy tale, they need to remember its continuation.

For example: "Once upon a time there was one girl, she had an evil, wicked stepmother." After these words, it is not difficult to guess that this is the fairy tale "Cinderella". But if the fairy tales of childhood are completely forgotten, then the host continues: “One evening, when the girl was busy with her work, a fairy came to her and invited her to go to the ball,” etc. Guessing the fairy tale gets one point. There can be any number of stories.

In the Land of the Discoverers, all party participants are invited to imagine for a while that you are Columbus and sailed on your ship to a hitherto unknown land. The host proposes to give a name to this land, to determine who inhabits this land, whether this land is large in area. Everyone can speak up. The winner is determined by those who do not participate in the game.

In the Land of Discovery, party members will be presented with several pictures of items. These items are nothing more than the distinctive features of a fairy-tale character. The scenario for holding a corporate party assumes that the pictures can show: ears (Mickey Mouse), nose (Piglet), tail (Eeyore), fish tail (Mermaid), striped jumping tail (Tiger), etc. You will need to guess what fairy-tale characters are meant here. Pictures can be shown one by one. The first person to correctly name the cartoon character wins.

Contests and choosing a winner

You can come up with a variety of entertainment for a party: from simple contests and competitions to role-playing games and skits. You can, for example, arrange a relay race. We remember that all fairy-tale characters had to overcome a number of obstacles in order to achieve their goal. So why not arrange similar obstacles in this case? Naturally, this entertainment can be organized if such a party takes place outdoors. As for an apartment or cottage, things are a little more complicated here. One thing is clear: in both cases, it is necessary to think through everything as carefully as possible. What could such an open-air obstacle course consist of? It can be an obstacle course, a maze, "walking over the abyss", etc.

At the end of the party, you can choose "The most active and lucky". This applies to both individual moments of rivalry and collective ones. Don't forget about our cartoons! It's a whole treasure trove of ideas. And so the scenario of a corporate party can be very mysterious. Invite your friends to come to the party in the costume of Winnie the Pooh, Matrskin the cat, the Wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait!", Boniface and other heroes familiar to us from childhood. Arrange in advance with one of your friends, let him dress up as the mischievous old woman Shapoklyak and do small dirty tricks to guests throughout the evening: quietly salt the cake, pierce a balloon with a needle, make someone a "compliment", etc.

And you can also arrange a competition between evil heroes and good ones. Do not forget about Russian folk tales! Ilya Muromets and Alyonushka, seven kids and Baba Yaga - why not characters, let alone what costumes you can think of!

In your script for holding a corporate party, you can come up with themed puzzles and contests. If you think that there is no place for dancing at such a party, you are mistaken! Invite each hero to dance their dance! Let three Piglets dance merrily, Masha will dance with the bears, and at the end, a common final dance, for example, a round dance.

Corporate party in the style of "Disney" will bring vivid emotions and diversity to any folded team. Connect your imagination, watch cartoons, find inspiration in Western and domestic cartoon production. And let the holiday become truly unique and memorable!

And photos and videos from this holiday will cheer up the participants for a very, very long time.

We've found some little-known and surprising facts about the iconic animator, Disneyland designer and businessman that might change your idea of ​​him.

From high school graduation to a record 32 Oscars, Disney's life hasn't been an ordinary one.

1. "Mickey Mouse" was not his first cartoon - it was "Rabbit Oswald".

Do you think Mickey Mouse was Walt Disney's debut creation? Then you forgot about Oswald! The rabbit bears a striking resemblance to Mickey, but was created in 1927 as part of an animation deal with Universal Pictures.

Unfortunately, due to some supposedly disguised backdoor deals, Walt Disney lost the rights to Oswald in 1928 and Universal made animated sketches without him. After a crushing loss, Walt and his team were forced to come up with a new character, which eventually became Mickey Mouse.

Disney actually returned the rights to the "bunny" in 2006.

2. Mickey Mouse was originally called Mortimer Mouse until Walt's wife Lillian convinced him to change the name.

Mickey Mouse was originally called Mortimer Mouse, but Walt Disney's wife Lillian convinced her husband to change the name. She insisted that Mortimer sounded "too pompous" and that Mickey Mouse would become a more marketable name.

Mortimer has since evolved into a wise Mickey Mouse rival with the annoying catchphrase, "Ha-cha-cha!"

3. Walt Disney didn't design the final version of Mickey Mouse.

Although we think of Walt and Mickey as partners, Walt Disney didn't actually do the final design of Mickey Mouse, according to Disney archivist Dave Smith. Disney provided initial sketches and ideas for the famous rodent, and Walt Disney Studios animator Ub Iwerks brought Mickey to life and created the character we know and love today.

Moreover, Walt Disney allegedly never liked Mickey.

4. But he voiced an iconic character for two decades

When Mickey Mouse made his cartoon debut in 1929, Walt was unhappy with how the character sounded, so he decided to voice the mouse himself and continued to do so until 1947. After the animator said that he was too busy with his growing business to voice Mickey, according to The History Channel.

Some claim that he stopped voicing Mickey because his voice was too damaged from smoking. A bad habit accompanied the multiplier all his life.

5. Walt Disney once played Peter Pan in a school play.

Was it an omen? When Walt Disney was young, he played the role of Peter Pan in a school play, nearly four decades before the animation classic made its screen debut.

According to the official Oh My Disney blog, Walt recalled that his brother Roy had to lift him off the stage with a rope to make it look like he was flying.

6. But there he did not last long - Disney dropped out of school

When he was 16, Walt Disney left school to enlist in the army. Unfortunately, he was caught trying to impersonate an adult and had to be content with volunteering for the Red Cross.

7. Disney's first animation studio went bankrupt in less than a year.

In 1920, Walt Disney founded his first animation studio, Laugh-o-Gram, in Kansas City, Missouri, where he created animated cartoons based on fairy tales. Less than a year after opening the studio, Disney filed for bankruptcy.

However, "Laugh-o-Gram" was not a complete failure. His small studio is said to have become the "maternity hospital" of a tiny resident: a tame mouse that would later inspire Walt to create the world-famous Mickey Mouse.

8. Disney was amused by the fact that he wanted to create an animated film with tall characters.

It's hard to imagine a time when animated films were considered a funny concept. But when Walt Disney decided to make the first feature-length cartoon in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, he laughed. The project was known among animators as "Disney's stupidity".

He surprised everyone when the premiere of the cartoon "Snow White" took place. Disney received an honorary Academy Award (eight Oscar statuettes - one normal size and seven small ones). The project was a breakthrough.

9. Walt Disney still holds the record for most Oscars.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is proud that the animator has won 32 Oscars throughout his career and still holds the record for most nominations won by a human.

10. Disney's success allowed him to buy a house for his parents, but he felt guilty when his mother died of carbon monoxide poisoning in that house.

In 1938, following the financial success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt Disney and his brother Roy bought their parents a new home in North Hollywood.

His parents reportedly complained regularly about a malfunctioning stove in the house. Their mother Flora later died of carbon monoxide poisoning from the poisonous fumes of the stove, but their father, Elias, survived.

The tragic death of Walt's mother haunted him for the rest of his life, but inspired many films such as Cinderella and Bambi.

11. Disney worked for the United States government during World War II to create propaganda cartoons.

After half of his animation studio was drafted into the military during World War II, Walt Disney mutated his filmmaking to create propaganda cartoons for the United States government, often featuring beloved Disney characters such as Donald Duck fighting the Nazis.

Perhaps the most moving of these propaganda films is Education for Death, a film in which a young German boy is brainwashed into a ruthless Nazi soldier.

12 He Was Also An Outspoken Opponent Of Communism During The Red Scare Of The Cold War

According to Disney historian Jim Korkis, Walt had a disgusting view of communism and even began to accuse his employees of communism after they tried to unite and went on strike.

He also posed as a "friendly witness" during a meeting of the UN Committee on Un-American Activities at the height of the Red Scare and even identified one animator by name, according to recently released FBI documents.

13. Walt Disney received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Lyndon B. Johnson.

President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded Disney the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964, calling him "the artist and impresario who created American folklore."

14. Disney was once the only person who could legally make a cartoon in full Technicolor.

In 1932, Disney released the world's first full-color Technicolor cartoon, Flowers and Trees. From then until the end of 1935, he had exclusive rights to use the new three-color animation process. All other color cartoons had to be made the old fashioned way, using the obsolete two-color process.

15. Walt Disney got the idea for Disneyland while sitting on a park bench watching his daughters ride the carousel.

Walt Disney is said to have often taken his daughters to Griffith Park in Los Angeles. And during one of those walks, when Walt was sitting on a park bench watching his daughters ride the carousels, he thought of the idea of ​​a large park where families could enjoy several attractions in one place.

Today, Griffith Park is still entertaining for families, 91 years after it was built, and the famous bench itself is on display at the Walt Disney Family Museum in Missouri.

16. The design of Main Street at Disneyland is inspired by Main Street in Disney's hometown of Missouri.

For Main Street, Walt Disney drew inspiration from memories of his childhood hometown of Marceline, Missouri, where he lived from the age of five to nine. A small rural town with a population of just over 2,200 people positions itself as the hometown of Walt Disney, attracting tourists with this.

17. Walt Disney had a secret apartment above the fire station on Main Street.

One of the darkest secrets in Disneyland is Walt's hideaway apartment, located above the Main Street Fire Station, where the Disney family could work and not disturb or distract the loud Disneyland guests.

To this day, you can still see the lamp that shines in the window of the apartment day and night. It is not turned off to maintain the feeling that the spirit of the "boss" is still there.

18. Disney invented the audio animatronic - the first one was exhibited at the 1964 World's Fair

If you've ever been to a Disney theme park, you've seen the Walt Disney audio animatronic.

These humanoid robots can blink, talk, move, and even—as later Disney designs demonstrate—interact with guests. The first audio animatronic was an Abraham Lincoln figurine created specifically for the 1964 World's Fair, which later became the basis for the Disney Presidents' Hall.

19 Walt Disney Housekeeper Died A Multimillionaire Thanks To Savings

Thelma Howard was the Disney family's longtime housekeeper and became an important member of the family during her 30 years of employment. Walt often referred to her as "the real Mary Poppins".

Every year for the holidays, Walt Disney gave her shares of the Disney Fund. When Howard died in 1994, she had raised nearly $9.5 million. Her fortune was divided by her heirs.

20. Walt Disney bought the land for Disney World under several fake names to keep it secret.

By the mid-1960s, as Disneyland's success reached incredible heights, rumors circulated that Walt Disney was aiming to create an "East Coast Disneyland". When Walt Disney was looking for a location for his next project, he stumbled across the perfect swampy lands around Orlando, Florida.

To keep his 27,000 acre purchase a secret, Walt Disney set up fake "shell companies" such as Tomahawk Properties or MT Lott Co. to keep his identity private. A famous Orlando Sentinel headline proclaimed, "We Claim It's Disney!". The article speculated about the mysterious "Project X" or "Project Florida", which soon turned out to be the brainchild of a legendary animator.




Mickey Mouse

Minnie Mouse

Donald Duck





The music of W. Disney sounds.

A miracle is born and carried away.

In every house, fun reigns endlessly,

And joy fills hearts with warmth.

Garlands, wreaths are hung everywhere,

Stockings are ready for gifts.

Lights are burning from the surrounding sides

Magic flies Christmas chime!


Music sounds (Jingle Bells).

Daisy: It's here!

Goofy: Already?

Donald Duck: It's time!

Daisy:The best day of the year is Christmas!

Goofy:Celebration! Celebration!

Let's invite our friends to the party!

Daisy:True, what is a holiday without friends?

(Music sounds. Mickey and Minnie come running, Pluto with them.)

Everything:Minnie, Mickey! Go quickly!

Daisy:Friends! Have you heard the news? Cartoons are shown in our cinema.

Mickey:How good - I love cartoons!

Minnie:Cartoons based on the fairy tales of Walt Disney?

Goofy:Yes Yes! This is the Walt Disney, thanks to which everyone knows us!

Donald Duck:So our friends will be there! Let's go! Let's go to the cinema!

(Music sounds. The characters are seated in front of the screen, at 3 D glasses with popcorn, chips, juices.)

Minnie:How many spectators in the hall!

Daisy:This is because today is a special day: there will be many competitions that will be judged by a highly respected jury. Let me present them to your attention:

The chairman of the jury is the director of the school.

She will be helped by the deputy directors for the educational and methodological part.

Carnival costumes will be evaluated by the jury with the chairman of the parent committee.

Call to start session.

Duck: The STAGE COMPETITION on the fairy tales of Walt Disney begins. We invite the 5th grade team to stage the fairy tale "Aladdin"!

We invite the 6th grade team to stage the fairy tale "Hercules"!

We invite the 7th grade team to stage the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"!

Daisy: We invite the 8th grade team to stage the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"!

We invite the 9th grade team to stage the fairy tale "Peter Pan"!

We invite the 10th grade team to stage the fairy tale "Toy Story"!

Choir "It's New Year" (everyone sings and dances in elegant costumes)

Duck: New Year! The poppers are clapping.

Leading: Music, dance - this is a good mood, a celebration of the soul! We bring to your attention the music and dance competition "Battle of the Choirs"!

The choir of the 5th grade congratulates you with the song "Russian Santa Claus"!.

The choir of the 6th grade congratulates you with the song "White Snow" from the repertoire of the "Star Factory" group!

The choir of the 7th grade congratulates you with Dima Bilan's song "New Year".

The choir of the 8th grade congratulates you with a song from the repertoire of Katya Lel "New Year"!

The choir of the 9th grade congratulates you with the song "I'll take you to the tundra"!

The 10th grade choir congratulates you with the song “Happy New Year, Mom, Happy New Year, Dad!”.

Dancing "Happy New Year!"

Host 2: According to the eastern calendar, after the year of the Snake comes -Year of the Blue Wooden Horse.Hardworking and energetic people were born in the Year of the Horse.Are there any in our school? There is! We invite those born in the Year of the Horse!

Presenter 1 What are they, our Horses? They are self-confident, optimistic, sociable. They do not like loneliness, they prefer constant communication with friends. They have money, they know how to raise funds without any special labor feats. Those born in the year of the HORSE are full of a thirst for life, adventure, and exploits. They love to travel very much.

Host 2:We wish you all a Happy New Year and may this year bring you even more success and good luck! Be healthy! We are handing you calendars for 2014, which we have released ourselves.(The symbols of the year are awarded - Calendar for 2014).

And now - meet - the symbol of the year - the Blue Wooden Horse!

The horse is dancing.

Leading: Let's start the Fairy Horse Contest! We invite here our contestants - Horses! That's how many different Horses we have! Let's stop time for a moment, and - a photo for memory! Our contestants will present their business cards to us, and we will find out which horses from which fairy tales have come to us!

Please, the 5th grade horse starts the business card! The Little Humpbacked Horse!

What kind of horse comes with wings? This is Pegasus 6th grade!

Who does 7th grade represent? Unicorn!

Do you know from which fairy tale Horse 8th grade? Julius Alyosha Popovich!

Centaur - he is a man, he is a horse. Meet Centaur Grade 9!

And what kind of horse does the 10th grade represent? Trojan horse!

Leading: This is where we met our contestants. Let's continue our competition.

Elf dance with Santa Claus.

Elf:Expensive gift that is made with soul,

What is given with love is good.

Not only gifts are needed at Christmas,

The most important thing is a triumph of good feelings!

Elf:And what a New Year without gifts, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! Let's call them! Father Frost! Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

Father Frost: Doroobolorun, o5oloor! Doroobolorun, yaldyttaar!Sargylaah Sana Dyil salallan ierinen bu kere saala5a mustubut bars yaldyttary, o5oloru e5erdeliibin!Utuo doruobuyany, beie-beye5e of the truth of syyana At syla eyiehe a5allyn! Mannyk kere kiye5e yllya5yn ere do5ottoor!

They lead a round dance.

Santa Claus distributes gifts ... ..

The Snow Maiden sings. The rest dance "New Year's toys".

Everything:New Year! New Year!Horses carry the New Year. Toys help the New Year climb on the chair.

New Year: Reads a poem. Sits down on a chair.

Father Frost:Aayan ijer syl kere-belie tugennerin balietenen ijerger dyalabyn eyiehe tuttarabyn, Sana Dyyl!(hands over a folder with "documents"). Eyil bachcha5a osso ulaatan, osso elbeh urduk sitiyilenen korsoorun! Korsuohhe dieri!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are leaving. The horse carries away the New Year.

Daisy:So another exciting moment has come - the draw of our New Year's lottery! We invite our parents to draw prizes. (Parents are playing the lottery.

Daisy:We invite the esteemed jury to announce the results of today's competitions.

Jury:announces the results of competitions.

Daisy:With this we say goodbye to you. Next you will find a New Year's cafe and an incendiary disco!

Duck:This holiday is priceless, but will soon pass.

Well, good feelings will last all year!

So let's forget the dark days

Let the Christmas spirit bloom in our hearts!

Everything:Happy New Year!

Scenario of the concert "The Magical World of Disney"

V 1 (Julia)- Good evening, dear guests, contestants and all those who love music and are passionate about foreign languages.

V 2 (Efim) Hello, dear friends! Nice to see you here again.

IN 1 - The most amazing thing in the world of childhood is fairy tales. So today our evening will be devoted to fairy tales and Disney films, the great American animator, film director, screenwriterat and producerat, founder of the companyWalt Disney Productions» - Walter Elias Disney.

V 2 - A lot of his films and cartoonshave been translated into many languages ​​of the world and they are very popular among the kids.(Many of his films and fairy tales have been translated into the languages ​​of the world and are a huge success with children.)

IN 1- Walt Disney He is the creator of the first sound and musical cartoons in the history of cinema. During his extraordinarily busy life, Walt Disney made 111 films as a director and produced 576 more films.And we invite you to plunge into the world of fairy tales and magic. In the Magical World of Disney. Third city competition of English song.

V 2 – Welcome to The Magic World of Disney". Let's begin!

Disney Screensaver

IN 2 Let me introduce the contestants:

school No. 5 - Evgenia Trunina, Irina Moskvitina, Ekaterina Filimonova, Irina Zavadka.

IN 1 school No. 1 - Yulia Bazitova, Yulia Baturina, Victoria Vafakova

IN 2 School No. 8 - Anastasia Karagodina, Polina Shaidulina

IN 1 gymnasium No. 1 - Belikov Vladislav, Portnyagin Vladimir

IN 2 School No. 2 - Gorbunova Marina

IN 1 School No. 9 - Victoria Ovsyannikova, Margrita Verkhozina, Milana Kravchenko, Natalia Ardalionova, Maria Nosova, Alena Kichigina, Elizaveta Berezovskaya, Olga Tydynova

IN 2 school No. 12 - combined choir of school No. 12 and Shtyrkova Elizaveta.

IN 2 Experimental Lyceum - Sofia Sokolova, Stanislav Balakhchi, Egor Vinogradov, Olga Antonenko, Tatiana Osinina, Alisa Egorova, Andrey Minko, Anna Osipova.

IN 1Graduates of school No. 2, who are repeatedly winners of the competition, take part in our competition.

IN 2 - student of the Branch of the Irkutsk Energy College- Ekaterina Marychkanych and a student of the Baikal State University of Economics and Law - Irina Samokhina, as well as students studying German for the first time will participate in our festival: Mikhail Mironov, Artyom Bulgakov, Nikolai Vikhrov, Natalya Korneleva, Matvey Astafiev

IN 1- And now let me introduce the independent jury

3 Alena Sergeevna Bayramova - artistic director of the Naimushin Palace of Culture

5 Natalya Alekseevna Tirskaya - representative of MBOU "Secondary School No. 2", Deputy Director for educational work

IN 2- Look at the contestants and participants! How beautiful they are. Let's wish them victory and "No fluff - no feather!"

The contestants leave the stage

IN 1 - You know , I'm so worried today. So many wonderful performers, all equally good! Oh, and the jury will not be easy today!

V 2 - Don't worry. Today, you will hear a lot of songs from movies and cartoons.(Today there will be many songs from movies and cartoons.)

IN 1- And our competition opens with a festive song from the cartoon « Santa is coming to town » - « jingle Bells » , we meet the school choir of school No. 12 ( song 1)

V 2 - Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Spiderman and others.

IN 1- In almost 90 years, so many superheroes have been invented, but one of the most popular has become Black cloak. Meet Egor Vinogradov "Experimental Lyceum" with a song « Dark wings duck » (song 2)

IN 2It's very inspiring. S mallchildrencanalsobebrave. « OST or Touch the Sky(Very encouraging. Little girls can be brave too)

IN 1- Meet: an ensemble from school number 9 with a song from the cartoon " Brave». (song 3)

V 2 – It's a very brave girl!

IN 1- One of the most popular cartoons of the past season "Cold heart" and it will sound today several times in different age categories.

V 2 – Meet Trunina Evgenia from School Number 5.(Meet Evgeny Trunin, school number 5. « Let it go » ( P song 4)

IN 1 We all love to relax, and relaxing with music is even more fun. Meet: Ensemble School No. 1 with a song « Weekend from the movie Musical Holidays.(song 5)

IN 1 - The theme of animals sounds in almost every Walt Disney film. One of the most memorable cartoons is " Spirit » .

V 2 – Meet Verkhozina Margarita and Kravchenko Milana from School Number 9, “ Get off my Back » (song 6)

IN 1- Magic and riddles, mysticism and fairy-tale little men - all this fit in one film "Enchanted Ella"

V 2 – Gorbunova Marina , School Number 2, with the song Somebody Love » (song 7)

IN 1- And again with us the heroine of the cartoon " Cold heart”, performed by Shtyrkova Elizaveta, school No. 12. ( song 8)

V 2 - Let's dance waltzand the music is ready!

IN 1 – Meet Karagodina Anastasia and"Waltz" from the cartoon "Anastasia" (song 9)

IN 1 - In a wordLOVEonly four letters, but it's a big word. Many people understand its meaning in their own way.Who would have thought in the distance1984 year, this song from a comedy movie"Woman in red" become more popular than the movie itself?

IN 2 - Meet Andrey Minko, Experimental Lyceum." I Just Called to Say I Love You" ( song 10)

V 2 - Again and again, "Let it go ».

IN 1 Yes, a very popular song. Let's listen to her, but performed by the duet Antonenko Olga and Osinina Tatyana, experimental lyceum. (Song 11)

V 2 – Adventures and jokes with a small animal and the songChip'n Dale" , Ovsyannikova Victoria , School Number No. 9.(Song 12)

IN 2 - Na- na- na(sings a song from Titanic)

B 1 - What do you sing?

IN 2- An unforgettable song. A wonderful song that will never be forgotten« Myheartwillgoon» from the movie"Titanic». Meet: Moskvitina Irina, school number 5 (Song 13)

IN 1 And again the waltz from the cartoon « Anastasia". E Gorova Anastasia. Experimental lyceum. (Song 14)

IN 2 - " Iseethelife» from the cartoon « Rapunzel", performed by Anna Osipova, experimental lyceum. (Song 15)

V 2 - She "s a Princess, but the evil stepmother clothes only in torn rags and forcing to work.

V 1 - I know her . It's Snow White . A very touching story told in the song, performed by Ekaterina Filimonova and Irina Zavadka.

IN 2 - « IbelieveinLove», school number 5.(Song 16)

V 2 - Very colorful musical tale about love is told in the cartoon« Beauty and the Beast »

V 1 Yes , very beautiful cartoon and very beautiful music. Meet Sokolova Sofya and Balakhchi Stanislav with the song of the same name, Experimental Lyceum. (Song 17)

IN 1 - Walt Disney made such a large number of animated series, one of the most popular and funny was " DuckTales ". Meet the quartet from Gymnasium No. 1 with the song " Duck Tales Theme" (Song 18)

IN 2 What do you think is the highest grossing cartoon of 2014? (appeal to the hall). Of course - " Cold heart ”, fees in the world amounted to almost 1.5 billion dollars.

IN 1- It's just incredible! The most popular song of the outgoing season and our contest " Let it Go ”, performed by Polina Shaidulina, school No. 8. (Song 19)

IN 1- Although the New Year holidays have already passed, winter is still in full swing and pleases us with snow and frost. cartoon song"Anastasia" - " Ones upon apon e desembe» performed by Natalia Ardalionova, school number 9.

IN 2How I love the festive mood, joyfullaughter, funny faces! ( Song 20)

IN 2- Our artists graduate from school, but do not say goodbye to their passion to sing in English. Meet Irina Samokhina with a song« fly yo hat » from the cartoon movie"Fairies" (song 21)

IN 1- Our next contestant is a regular participant of our competitions and has achieved good results in three years. And today she will present to your attention a song « Cruella de Vil » from the feature film101 dalmatians ". Greetings, Ekaterina Marychkanych. (song 22)

V 1 - Today, children from the Experimental Lyceum, who study German, take part in our competition. And while our jury is summing up. We bring to your attention the performance of Mikhail Mironov, Artem Bulgakov, Nikolai Vikhrov, Natalia Kornelyeva and Matvey Astafiev with their songs.

    "Your World" - Korneleva Natalia and Astafiev Matvey

    Performance "Oriental dance" - Khomutova Anna

    Mironov Mikhail with the song "Arabian Night"

    "Oriental dance" - Polina Lobach

    Bulgakov Artem and Vikhrov Nikolai will present you a song from the cartoon "The Lion King" "Hakuna Matata"

B 1 - Competitors and participants are asked to go to the stage for the awards.

B 2 - The word for the award is given - Alena Sergeevna Bayramova - artistic director of the Naimushin Palace of Culture

Rewarding participants

B 2 - Let's welcome the leaders of the city project

    Moskvitina Evgenia Efimovna, music teacher, school No. 2

    Zabortseva Julia Gennadievna, English teacher, school No. 2.

B1 - Our concert has come to an end. We are waiting for you next year at the annual festival-competition, now of a foreign song.

A complete guide to preparing a fabulous holiday for girls 4-9 years old

The princess is one of the most desired images for any girl. Of course, the young birthday girl and all her friends will want to try it on on their birthday, and if boys are invited, they will not refuse to be princes.

Let the girl find herself in a fairy-tale world on one of her birthdays, where the princesses well known to her from cartoons live, animated by the Disney studio! Performing interesting tasks in the atmosphere of favorite fairy tales, rescuing kidnapped princesses under the guidance of the Fairy mother, children will have a great time and leave unforgettable impressions and beautiful photos of the holiday.

We will tell you how to prepare this holiday, we will give tasks for children of different ages, interesting not only for girls, but also for boys, if they are among those invited. When arranging a holiday, mothers can easily combine tasks depending on the number and age of guests. The holiday can be held both indoors and outdoors (the nuances will be in the design and selection of the relevant competitions).

Tale of the kidnapped princesses

The plot of the future holiday is based on cartoons well known to modern girls. The birthday girl and her guests find themselves in the world of Disney princesses, kidnapped by evil forces. In each abandoned castle, they are waiting for tasks, by completing which they will be able to return the princesses.

In the process of searching, children will be able to eat (a treat is also an element of a fairy tale). The appearance of a birthday cake will be a gift from the grateful rescued princesses, who will gladly accept the rescuers into their ranks.

We create the atmosphere of a fairy tale

When decorating a home for a little princess, remember that this style requires brightness and pomp. In addition to traditional balloons and streamers with inscriptions or flags, we will recommend several more ways to create a fabulous atmosphere.

You can make a princess figure from balloons. Such crafts will be useful to the girl during her games for a long time after her birthday, reminding her of a fabulous holiday.


  • A week before the holiday, take care of the invitations: let the future birthday girl help in their preparation and decoration. You can download a ready-made template from the Internet (one of them is very beautiful, you are for personal use only) or arrange an invitation in the form of a scroll tied with a ribbon.
  • Prizes, souvenirs for guests. There will be no difficulties: the Disney Princess line produces a lot of goods decorated in the appropriate style: boxes of pencils and felt-tip pens, children's cosmetics, notepads, soap bubbles, small toys.
  • The future princesses will make crowns for themselves during the holiday on their own, this will become one of the competitive tasks. Prepare cardboard blanks with rubber bands and decor material: rhinestones, glitter, beads, feathers, as well as easy-to-use adhesive pencils.
  • Princess Diploma or Medal. At the end of the holiday, the birthday girl and all guests will go through a “princess initiation”: give them a medal or an appropriate “document” as a keepsake (templates are also available on the Internet in abundance).

The fairy tale begins!

It is advisable that before the start of the fabulous action, the little birthday girl does not look into the room where it will take place. Let the fairy tale be a surprise for her too! And waiting will only fuel interest.

So, the celebration begins from the minute when the birthday girl met all the guests. While the guests are coming, you can keep them busy with something neutral, for example, ask them to draw a gift for the birthday girl on a sheet of drawing paper that has been stored in advance and attached to the wall.

When everyone has gathered, the mother (or presenter) in a Fairy costume will turn to them with an invitation to visit the world of Disney princesses, which all girls love and know so well. However, this needs to be checked!

What princesses live in fairyland?

The first competition is to immerse children in the appropriate atmosphere and create a mood. For younger children, it can be riddles about princesses, for those who are older - a quiz, an anagram puzzle.

Guess the name. Riddles in verse

  1. Silence in the old castle
    Only the owl hoots.
    Sleeping beauty alone
    Not alive and not dead.
    The prince will find her soon
    And he will save his ... (Aurora).
  2. Ready to change your voice
    For the right to love
    Ready to give a fish tail,
    To walk the earth.
    She reached her goal!
    Princess name? (Ariel).
  3. Near the stove, at work,
    All in labor, always in worries ...
    How did you get to the ball? By a miracle!
    She had to run away from there.
    The prince will try on her shoe
    And her fate will change:
    The sun will smile
    Become a princess, ... (Cinderella)!
  4. Eastern Sultan's Daughter
    Loved without cheating
    Yes, not the king's son,
    But a simple poor man.
    In the heart - only Aladdin
    The beauty ... (Jasmine).
  5. Lived in an ordinary town
    Well, her fate was -
    Disenchant the monster
    Find love's treasure
    Through storms and blizzards...
    That's how she became a princess ... (Belle).
  6. Changed the royal castle
    To the dwarves' hut in the forest.
    And the queen is not her mother!
    I decided: “I’ll bring her poison!”
    You with a kiss, prince, do not hesitate,
    Save the princess ... (Snow White).

Quiz on the knowledge of the fabulous Disney heroines

Here is a sample list of questions and answers for a quiz contest.

  • Name two princesses with the letter A (Aurora, Ariel).
  • And now - the letter B (Belle, Snow White).
  • Which of the princesses by birth were from ordinary girls? (Cinderella, Belle, if they remember - Tiana, Mulan).
  • Which princess wears pants? (Jasmine, Mulan).
  • Which cartoon princess talks the least? (Aurora - 18 short phrases in total).
  • Two of the princesses are left-handed. Can you name at least one? (Mulan, Tiana).
  • One of the only Disney princesses has brown eyes. Who? (Belle's).
  • Which princess stories are based on real events? (Mulan, Pocahontas).
  • Which of the princesses worked before becoming one? (Cinderella, Tiana).
  • Which princess won 8 Oscars for Disney? (Snow White: one large and 7 small figurines were awarded).


For this game, you need cards on which the letters that make up the names of the princesses are written randomly. You can distribute envelopes to children, each of which contains a set of letters that make up the name of the princess. You need to correctly name the princess.

As a reward for this competition, the Fairy gives the guest team a magic wand.

After the first competition, the Fairy invites the children to come up with a spell that takes them to a magical land: everyone says their part (you can use a microphone from a karaoke with various sound effects) and waves a magic wand. Mysterious music is heard, and the doors to the fairy tale open!

Quest: save the kidnapped princesses

A balloon descends from the ceiling, which the Fairy immediately bursts: a scroll-message falls out of it and is immediately read to the children:

“Dear (name of the birthday girl)! We were waiting for you to visit, but got into trouble. Evil sorcery has infiltrated some of our castles and kidnapped… (the names of the princesses you plan to include in the script). We need your help, because you are smart, dexterous and know the fairy world so well! In each castle, we left clues on what to do to save us. Fairy (mother's name) will be your guide. Follow the directions on the map! Your princesses.

Draw a map in advance on a piece of cardboard: mark on it the order of visiting the “castles” of the princesses and the route. You can turn looking at the map into a separate activity if the map is cut into several pieces, like a puzzle, and the children put it together.

After that, the quest itself follows, which depends on which princesses Fairy Mom will offer to save (that is, what tasks she has prepared for this). We recommend taking a choice of three princesses (choose which ones your birthday girl likes best) and complete 2-3 tasks to save each of them. If Mom Fairy wants, you can save all six by completing one task each.

Near the "castle" of each princess, turn on the music from the corresponding cartoon to set the mood.

After the “rescue” of each princess, solemn music should play, and the rescued one herself should appear in the form of a doll, a figure on cardboard, a picture (for example, in a “magic mirror”), or you can use modern technologies and choose a suitable frame from the cartoon.

And now we invite you to visit the castles of six of the most famous Disney princesses, so you can choose tasks for your girl's birthday.

How to save Ariel

The Underwater Palace of the Little Mermaid or Prince Eric's Castle? It is not so important what decorations you can build, most importantly, interesting tasks that children have to complete. Choose several competitions depending on the age and skills of the children.

  • Fishing. You need to catch a fish in order to ask her to find the kidnapped Ariel. There are many options for the “fishing” game - magnetic fishing rods and fish from special sets, toy fish with a ring on the back, which you need to pick up with a fishing rod with a hook, a winder fishing option (you need to wind a long “line” on a stick, pulling the fish towards you), you can catch fish and net.
    Option: notes in plastic bags are attached to the fish. In one - the task "Spyfish" (see below).
  • spy fish. Werewolf spies lurk among the real inhabitants of the underwater world: they must be found and exposed. Which of the following fish does not actually exist? Saw fish, ax fish, hammer fish, saber fish, knife fish, flying fish, fan fish... (There is no fan fish and ax fish, the rest are real).
  • Find the magic shell. Remember how the wicked witch encased Ariel's voice in a magical shell? Place the shell in a container filled with other small items: beads, beans, pebbles, pasta, etc. The task of the girls is to find the shell by touch within 5 seconds (everyone counts out loud to 5).
  • blue wave princess. If space permits, you can have two adults swing a stretched blue cloth, under which the children must run so that it does not have time to cover them. It will also turn out beautifully if this fabric is cut out in the form of a circle with a hole in the middle: each girl takes turns standing in the center and dancing, and the rest create beautiful waves. Of course, you need the right music!

For younger children, you can offer to find two identical fish among the drawings.

After rescuing the first princess, the children look at the map and move on to the next castle.

Help Sleeping Beauty!

Tasks for saving the young princess Aurora, who pricked herself with a spindle and fell asleep for a hundred years:

  • Yarn Maleficent. The evil witch tangled the yarn. You need to unravel it. To break the spell. Game options can be both with props and without. For example, you can give each guest a rope tangled in knots to unravel. And you can put everyone, except the birthday girl, in a circle, holding hands, ask them to change places in different ways, without unclenching their hands, and the birthday girl must restore the circle. In turn, other guests will unravel the enchanted yarn.
  • I recognize you in a dream. The birthday girl is blindfolded, and she must recognize her guests by touch, and in the end, her mother-Fairy.
  • wake up the prince. And if the handsome prince fell asleep, could the princess help him? Poster - hang a drawing of a prince from a cartoon on the wall, and give the girls lipstick each. Blindfolded, you need to kiss the prince, and then laugh at the scarlet traces of lipstick.
  • Aurora on a pea. Young and beautiful Aurora is a real princess, so she is able to feel a pea through a hundred featherbeds. Well, what about young ladies? A thin pillow is placed on the throne, and under it - a certain amount of nuts, which changes for each participant. It is necessary, sitting on a pillow, to guess the number of nuts. You can put not nuts, but various unbreakable objects - an apple, a toy, a cube, wooden beads, a clothespin, a tennis ball.

Rescue Princess Jasmine

By rescuing this princess, children will have the opportunity to eat and enjoy various delicious things, beautifully decorated in the style of “royal treats”. But first you need to complete the tasks!

1. East Dance. To the music from the cartoon you need to dance. But the task will be complicated by the veils worn by the girls, and you can also tie the dancing couples with a long ribbon for one leg.

2. Genie toy. Each participant is given an empty bottle in which "a genie sits". He is very bored in a bottle, so you need to give him a toy - a beautiful bead. The beads are tied on threads, and the threads are tied on transverse sticks. Task: holding the stick, lower the bead into the bottle. Who can do it faster?

3. deceptive questions. Princess Jasmine was very stubborn and often argued with her Sultan father. Answer the questions correctly, because out of a whim, the answers sometimes suggest themselves (or are offered by the presenter) completely different!

  1. Long opera writer

    Is it called ... a teacher? (No, a composer).

  2. Know of pure camel wool

    Did they weave a warm ... dish for the princess? (No, a blanket).

  3. We are fashionistas, royal daughters,

    We spin, spin often at ... (not at the barrel, but at the mirror).

  4. The Sultan speaks to me in a bass voice:

    “I like sweets with…” (not with meat, but with nuts, jam, etc.).

  5. It's time for us to cover for dinner

    And rather lay the tablecloth on ... (not on the bed, but on the table).

royal treat

This contest can be held when saving any princess, when the Fairy Mom decides that it's time to sit down at the festive table.

“Subtleties of Palace Cuisine” is another blindfold contest. Fairy Mom offers to determine by smell or taste what kind of dish the young princess tasted, putting in her mouth or bringing to the nose of each girl a small piece of peach, olive, carrot, tomato, pickle, marmalade, etc.

After it, an invitation to attend a royal festive dinner is logical. Of course, the table should also be decorated in a cartoon style. A lace or frilled tablecloth, beautiful napkins, ribbons on glasses… You can buy disposable tableware decorated with portraits of Disney princesses. Near each device, it is worth putting beautifully designed cards with the names of guests, as at a real reception in a castle.

Remember that children do not really like plentiful and satisfying food for the holidays, but they willingly treat themselves to sandwiches, french fries, cupcakes, vegetables on skewers, etc. The main thing is that the dish has an intriguing name: chicken skewers - "hot de volley", any dish with vegetables - "a la pretannere", french fries - "gratin dauphinois".

After the royal dinner, we continue the mission to rescue the princesses.

Snow White is waiting for help

You can save this princess in the scenery depicting a forest (tree) or a dwarf hut.

  • Healing apple. Snow White ate a poisoned apple, and you have to eat another - rejuvenating! But only you can’t touch it with your hands ... An apple on a string is an interesting interpretation of a familiar fun.
  • Scarlet stone of the queen. Draw or print a poster of the Evil Queen Stepmother wearing a crown with a scarlet gem in the middle. To save Snow White, you need to get into this stone with your eyes closed with a finger soaked in paint (you can just use a brush or a children's stamp).
  • Seven. The number 7 has long been considered magical. So Snow White visited the 7 dwarfs. Remember what else happens 7? With each memory, we put a precious stone (bead, rhinestone, chocolate coin) in the box. Answer options: 7 days a week. 7 Fridays in a week, 7 colors of the rainbow, a seven-color flower, 7 heroes, 7 notes, seven kids, agent 007, etc.
  • The gnomes are hiding. You need to find 7 gnomes hiding from Snow White. Offer to find 7 hidden toy or painted gnomes by guessing riddles-tips about the places where you hid them:

Many residents in the house -
The most different sages.
Who will get the tenant
He will become smarter.
Somewhere in this house
Hiding and gnome! (Bookcase).

Meet everyone with one hand
With the other hand - escorts.
Open it quietly
A second dwarf is hidden behind it! (Door).

I lie quietly on the parquet,
Children trample on me,
And somewhere under my corner
The third dwarf sits quietly. (Carpet).

I have two bellies
And four ears.
Below me is a toy
My name is ... (pillow).

crystal beauty,
Flowers are placed in it.
To the delight of all the children
The fifth dwarf is hidden in it. (Vase).

Look under the window
There is a warm accordion there!
She will warm the house for us,
The gnome is hidden somewhere in there! (Battery).

Look at the lake
In the lake is your face.
The gnome sits next to him,
Looking into this lake. (Mirror).

Save Belle!

The young beauty needs to be saved not from the monster, because we know that in fact, a handsome prince is hidden under the terrible appearance. But contests may well be related to the theme of monsters.

  • Create a monster. Give each girl a sheet of paper with some elements drawn on it, different for each. It is necessary to supplement the image so that a non-existent animal is obtained, and give it a name.
  • magic flower. The one that started it all, an analogue of a scarlet flower in the Russian version of a fairy tale ... To prolong its flowering and increase its magical power, remember fairy tales or songs where flowers are mentioned: “Stone flower”, “Flower-seven-flower”, “Flowers of a small Ides”, “A Million Scarlet Roses”, “Yellow Tulips”…
  • Enchanted Items. Things from the magic castle were enchanted along with the owner. To disenchant them, you need to correctly pronounce their names (the names of objects are pronounced backwards): luts, kinyach, terubat, akletem, kinlidub (chair, teapot, stool, panicle, alarm clock).
  • Talented princess. You need to demonstrate some of your talent (the order is set by lot). Usually guests sing songs with pleasure, read poems, play musical instruments, dance. The talent competition can be agreed in advance in the invitation.

Don't Forget Cinderella

A hardworking girl needs to be saved by putting her hands and her skills.

  • Evil Stepmother's Quest. What did she tell Cinderella to do before going to the ball? That's right, sort the beans and peas. Mix a handful of both in a bowl, put two saucers, and the girls will quickly complete a difficult task to the music.
  • Find a pair of shoes. The basket contains a mix of different shoes. Each girl receives one shoe, to which she must find a pair by touch or just by speed. You can defile in these shoes!
  • Three accessories. Put various accessories into the box in advance: ribbons, brooches, hairpins, scraps of fabric, etc. Each girl should take 3 things and creatively decorate her dress or her friend's dress with them!
  • Making crowns. Let the future princesses prepare crowns for themselves in advance: you will provide them with cardboard blanks and everything you need for decoration.


After all the princesses are saved, solemn music should sound, the Fairy Mom will announce on behalf of the saved that everyone who helped dispel the evil spell is also worthy of the title of princess.

Make the coronation ritual beautiful and solemn: put the girl on the throne to the music, put on the crown, present the princess with a medal or diploma, address her “Your Highness, Princess (girl’s name)!”

If there are boys among the guests, they should be consecrated princes with the same solemnity.

After everyone has passed the initiation, a birthday cake appears - a gift from the rescued princesses, decorated with their images from fondant or cream. Have each of the newly minted princesses say a wish for the birthday girl before she blows out the candles.

Presentation of souvenirs

Gifts for each guest can be folded into beautiful personalized packages or cardboard "caskets" signed "Her Highness Princess ... (girl's name)". The handing process can be turned into additional entertainment if you arrange a gift lottery.

Your rescued Disney princesses have already appeared - in the form of dolls, cardboard figures or portraits. Let each guest stand near one portrait. And the Fairy Mom will take out a token with the image of one of the princesses from the bag - the girl who stands next to the corresponding image will receive a gift from her.

At the same time, you can arrange a photo session.

If the guests still have the strength, then you can arrange a "royal ball": dancing to your favorite music.

We wish you to spend an unforgettable holiday for your girl, so that even years later she would remember with nostalgia: “Oh, what a birthday my mother arranged for me in my childhood! ..”


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