Crimean titanium plant. Offshore trap of "Crimean Titan": will the "dirty" plant be modernized? All the same distributors

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The threat of bankruptcy of "Crimean Titan" has become a reality. And although the leadership of Crimea categorically promises to prevent it, VTB is sure that there is no place for a company that converts valuable raw materials into low-value products in the Crimean sun. Thousands of plant workers and members of their families may also lose it.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

The Moscow Arbitration Court on the suit of VTB established supervision over the company " Titanium investment". In practice, the monitoring procedure almost always means preparing for bankruptcy. It is not Titanium Investments that is going to bankrupt VTB, but Crimean Titan"- one of the largest enterprises on the peninsula for the production of titanium dioxide, fertilizers and other chemical compounds.

Titanium Investments LLC is a Russian mirror of a Ukrainian corporation Ukrainian Chemical Products, which is part of Group DF - a group of companies Dmitry Firtash, whom the Russian president once ironically "an outstanding figure of our time." Since the spring of 2014, this "outstanding figure" has been in Austria, being restricted to travel abroad.

Ukrainian Chemical Products is the new Ukrainian face of the "old" Joint Stock Company "Crimean Titan". It is in this form that it still appears as part of the Group DF assets in both English and Russian versions (Ukrainian Chemical Products). "Titanium Investments" became a technical tool created to circumvent sanctions with the help of employee Dmitry Firtash - Alexandra Emelina and Cyprus company Letan Investments Limited/

Divorce in Ukrainian

The scheme to circumvent the sanctions proved to be no less effective in the process of withdrawing funds from VTB. The bank issued a loan of 2.5 billion rubles to a plant in Armyansk. The loan was taken by a Ukrainian corporation, and a Russian company acted as a co-borrower. It is not known for certain where the money ended up going, but in the summer of 2016, when the deadline for repaying the loan came up, it turned out that there was no money, and there was no one to give it to. To the President of VTB Andrey Kostin and it took more than a year for his lawyers to realize the fact that billions from Ukraine would not come, and start suing the company's Russian mirror. In November 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court filed a lawsuit to declare Titanium Investments LLC bankrupt.

At the end of February, the first court session took place, where representatives of Titanium Investments (predictably) stated that, relatively speaking, “they did not see any credit in the eyes, and all the money went to the Ukrainian company.” After that, it was proposed to suspend the hearings in order to give the parties an opportunity to negotiate for the conclusion of a settlement agreement. VTB's response was categorical to the point of cruelty: “All possible negotiations that could be held with the debtor have already been held. The possibilities for a peaceful settlement have now been exhausted.”.

In other words, Andrei Kostin is ready for war with Dmitry Firtash. On the banker's side is economics and business. More precisely, their absence.

The economics of a bad business

The tragedy of "Crimean Titan" is that the enterprise absorbs expensive goods as raw materials - ilmenite, gas and water, and produces relatively low-value products - titanium dioxide, which is mainly used for the production of paints. To produce these products, the company has to perform really titanic actions.

For the production of titanium dioxide at Krymsky Titanium, ilmenite concentrate is used as a raw material, supplied from the Ukrainian - Volnogorsky and Irshansky - GOKs. These deliveries infuriate Ukrainian public figures who are deeply concerned about violations of sanctions. They track every shipment and demand that the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine put an end to the outrages. The latest exposure was shown on Ukrainian television just before the Arbitration Court session.

After watching it, you may get the impression that the authors forgot to add three capital letters to the credits - by the name of the bank that filed the claim. The Ukrainian security forces reacted suspiciously promptly to these "revelations" and seized the documentation of one of the ships, which is an element of the "ilmenite express" - a chain of transshipments, as a result of which ilmenite ore ends up at the Armenian Combine.

Until 2014 capacity Volnogorsky And Irshansky GOK leased the structures of Dmitry Firtash, but after the change of power in Kyiv and the withdrawal of Crimea to Russia, they abandoned the lease, transferring control to the state-owned United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC). The logistics of supplies from this castling has not changed.

In addition to the political explanation for the change of managers, there is a more mundane reason - economic. Both GOKs are improving their resources - Volnogorsky has 3-4 years of raw material reserves left, and Irshansky has 7-8 years.

The owners of new ilmenite deposits rely on metallurgy (titanium production), and not on the chemical industry. This is explained by the growing demand for titanium in the aviation industry. As a result, deliveries for metallurgical purposes have increased at least twice in recent years - from 5% to 10%.

The production at the Armenian plant itself is based on outdated technology, which allows the use of only 70% of the feedstock (the remaining 30% simply goes to dumps. The by-product of titanium dioxide production, sulfuric anhydride (SO3), which, when combined with water, forms sulfuric anhydride Crimean lands flooded with sulfuric acid are exactly what the image of Crimea lacks now - as a new promising tourist cluster.

Like any chemical production, the manufacture of titanium dioxide requires a significant amount of water. Since Ukraine blocked the canal with Dnieper water back in 2014, Crimean Titan switched to using artesian water, which comes from three wells.

The local population is supplied according to the residual principle. As a result, according to local reports, salty water is sometimes poured from the taps in the homes of local residents.

To solve the problem, it was proposed to build a desalination plant, but the project has not yet been implemented due to its high cost (about 50 billion rubles) and the lack of an investor.

Another blow to production was the decision to stop production at the largest gas field in the Crimean shelf zone - Odessa. From a formal point of view, this field provided half of Crimea's gas needs. In reality, gas from Odessa went exclusively to Dmitry Firtash's plant. Back in 2016, Ukraine filed a lawsuit with an international arbitration court on this fact (the field is located not far from Odessa and, in principle, has nothing to do with Crimea). But the decision to stop production became known just on the eve of the bankruptcy hearing.

Real Enemies

Despite all the economic arguments and the obviously losing position of Crimean Titan (regardless of who will represent its interests in court), VTB representatives will in fact have to fight the Crimean authorities, for which the main problem is not the economy, but the social and political dimension Armenian problems.

Head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov back in October 2017 (that is, before filing a lawsuit), he instructed to inform him directly when the risk of stopping Crimean Titan appeared on the horizon. For the head of Crimea, the issue of employment of almost 5 thousand employees of the enterprise in the city of Armyansk and their families is in the foreground. There is no alternative to the "Crimean Titan" in this bearish corner of the peninsula. Proximity to the Ukrainian border only aggravates rather than solves the problem.

Apparently, in this situation, the problems of a small Crimean town will soon turn into a serious test for Andrey Kostin and his entourage.

The Crimean Titan plant, located on the Russian-annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, has completely stopped production. This became known on Sunday, September 9. In recent weeks, harmful emissions from the enterprise have caused chemical air pollution in the north of the peninsula and in the neighboring Kherson region, which has caused health problems for local residents. As a result, children had to be evacuated from Armyansk, where the plant is located, as well as from the adjacent territories of mainland Ukraine. Why did this environmental disaster happen and will it be possible to carry out a much-needed modernization of the enterprise?

Officially, the causes of chemical air pollution have not yet been established.

From the side of the Russian media and officials there are accusations against Ukraine: they say that air pollution is associated with the drying up of the acid accumulator near the plant, which was the result of the blocking of the North Crimean Canal by Kiev.

Prior to annexation, this canal provided a significant amount of water for the needs of the arid regions in the north of the peninsula. Toxic production wastes are dumped into the acid accumulator at the Crimean Titanium plant. Due to the partial drying of the reservoir, toxic substances, according to this version, began to spread in the air along with dust. The Ukrainian side, meanwhile, is placing security responsibility on the Russian authorities, who control Crimea after the annexation, and have asked international organizations to look into the situation.

Representatives of the plant and officials reassure that the situation will soon return to normal. However, the risk of a repeat of the ecological disaster in the north of Crimea remains high, experts say. The fact is that the environmental safety of production in Armyansk, obviously, does not meet modern environmental standards.

“In Germany, titanium production does not use open accumulators. After the production of titanium dioxide, the so-called dilute acid remains. Even 20 years ago, it was disposed of in the North Sea, but then it was banned. Today it is being recycled,” said German chemist Professor Axel Klein in an interview with DW.

The prospects for the modernization of production in Armyansk, however, look rather illusory. After all, Crimean Titan, after the annexation of the peninsula, actually operates in a legal vacuum. The company is formed into two parallel structures. Formally, the plant is still owned by Ukrainian Chemical Products, a joint-stock company registered in Kyiv, which is part of Dmitry Firtash's chemical holding Ostchem.

The founder of Ukrainian Chemical Products is the German company Ostchem Germany, which belongs to the Austrian Ostchem Holding GmbH. The ultimate owner is the Cypriot Fleori Enterprises Ltd. Thus, the Ukrainian Chemical Products company, through a number of firms in Germany, Austria and Cyprus, is controlled by billionaire Dmitry Firtash and Yulia Lyovochkina, the sister of the former head of the Presidential Administration under Viktor Yanukovych. However, legally, the Ukrainian company does not manage Crimean Titan at the moment. In the summer of 2014, the plant was “leased” to the newly created Moscow company Titanium Investments.

According to the Russian Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE), this company is owned by the Cypriot company Letan Investments Limited. Its founder, according to the Cypriot registry, is the general director of Crimean Titan Alexander Emelin. At the same time, the beneficiary is Dmitry Firtash.

At least this is indicated by the data of the US Department of Justice, which also mentions the company Letan Investments Limited. The American Department of Justice studied the assets of the oligarch as part of a criminal investigation into corruption. Firtash himself has been in Austria since 2014 on bail, awaiting extradition to the United States.

Export via Switzerland

Obviously, a new parallel structure was created to work under sanctions. The fact is that for the export of finished products of the plant, Ukrainian certificates of origin are needed. And it is impossible for a Russian legal entity to get them. Nevertheless, the export of titanium dioxide produced in Armyansk to Western countries continues after the annexation.

As established by DW, the distributor of Crimean Titan products in the West is Tolexis Enterprises AG, a Swiss company controlled by Firtash and registered in the canton of Zug. It sells products listed as "Ukrainian Chemical Products" by the manufacturer. According to the holding Group DF, which includes this company, titanium dioxide is exported to more than 60 countries. However, according to the accounts of Ukrainian Chemical Products, its export earnings are constantly declining, while losses are growing.

One of the reasons for this is logistical difficulties. The supply of raw materials from mainland Ukraine to Crimea is prohibited by the sanctions imposed by Kiev. In addition, Western sanctions prohibit ships from entering the ports of Crimea, while there is no railway connection between the peninsula and the mainland. As the investigation of the Ukrainian program “Our Money” published in the spring showed, raw materials are sent from Ukrainian ports by ships. Destinations on paper are ports in Russia. However, in the Kerch Strait, raw materials are reloaded and transported by Russian ships to the Crimea.

In order to reduce logistics costs, the management of Titanium Investments, a company registered in Russia, according to Russian media, plans to build a railway line at its own expense by the end of 2019, which will connect the enterprise with the railway lines, which by that time should connect the peninsula with Russia through the Kerch bridge. At the same time, the financing of this construction is in question. After all, the financial situation of Titanium Investments is disappointing: the company is unprofitable, according to the statements in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

It is not clear how the losses of Crimean Titan are covered. Dmitry Firtash's holding Group DF did not respond to DW's request for work under sanctions and the necessary investments to modernize the plant. Finding a legal way for parent companies to invest in Crimean businesses will not be easy for Firtash. After all, they are all registered in the EU countries: in Germany, Austria and Cyprus. The funds of these companies, according to the US Department of Justice, are placed in the banks of Cyprus, as well as on accounts in the Swiss division of Gazprombank. The ultimate owner of the Ostchem holding is the offshore Cypriot company Fleori Enterprises Ltd.

In accordance with the 2014 EU sanctions decree, European companies are prohibited from entering into agreements for the provision of loans or credits to structures in Crimea or Sevastopol. In addition, “participation in loan agreements”, that is, for example, the provision of guarantees for loans, is also prohibited. And this makes it difficult for Titanium Investments to obtain loans from Russian banks. “We are dealing with a legal gray area. Perhaps it could be indirect financing, which would probably be illegal, ”a German lawyer specializing in international sanctions commented on the situation in an interview with DW on condition of anonymity.

Thus, there is no need to talk about large-scale investments in security and the environment in the conditions that have developed after the annexation. Moreover, even ten years before the annexation, which Dmitry Firtash controls "Crimean Titan", the issue of environmental safety of production was not resolved even without sanctions.

We also recall: . This was announced yesterday by the head of the Kherson Regional State Administration Andrei Gordeev.


The raw material for the production of titanium dioxide is ilmenite ore, which is supplied by the Irshansky Mining and Processing Plant in the village of Irshansk. Ilmenite is crushed, dried, and then decomposed in concentrated sulfuric acid. The resulting melt of titanyl sulfate is cooled and diluted with water to a certain concentration. Then ferric iron is reduced in a solution of titanyl sulfate to ferrous iron. The resulting solution is settled and fed to black filtration. Ferrous vitriol is crystallized in the filtered solution upon cooling and separated from the mother liquor in centrifuges. Next, the solution of titanyl sulfate is evaporated to a standard concentration and sent for hydrolysis.

During the next process, hydrolysis, amorphous flakes of titanium dioxide hydrate are released. The resulting pulp of titanium dioxide hydrate is subjected to filtration in two stages, at which it is washed from chromophore impurities and bleached. After adding the necessary components, the titanium dioxide hydrate paste is calcined in calcining furnaces. In the process of calcination, hydrated moisture is split off and pigment properties are imparted to the resulting titanium dioxide. The calcined product is crushed in two stages and transferred to surface treatment. Surface treatment is carried out with certain chemicals to give pigment titanium dioxide certain consumer properties. The treated titanium dioxide pigment is dried and transferred to micro-grinding. The crushed finished product is packed and transferred to the warehouse.


The main activity of the company is the production of titanium dioxide titanium grades Crimea TiOx-220, Crimea TiOx-230, used in the paint and varnish, rubber industry, in the production of plastics and in many other industries; Crimea TiOx-270 brand, which is used in the production of paints and varnishes for coatings with high weather resistance and good decorative properties, in the production of printing inks; Crimea TiOx-271 brand, widely used in the production of varnishes and paints based on organic solvents and water, powder paints and plastics; as well as the TiOx-280 grade, which has improved quality characteristics in terms of light fastness and weather resistance, is used as a universal pigment in the production of industrial coatings and paints. Titanium dioxide accounts for about 90% of total exports. The company also produces other types of chemical products: red iron oxide pigment, mineral fertilizers,

The Crimean Titan has been an environmental threat since its launch in 1971. News from the Northern Crimea does not bring joy.
The occupying administration of Crimea, having finally acknowledged the fact of a man-made environmental catastrophe and taking measures to evacuate the population, has not yet announced a clear program for localizing and eliminating atmospheric pollution with sulfur dioxide. Not only that: at first, the very source of the appearance of this very sulfur dioxide in the air was not clearly identified. And only when the evacuation of children from suffocating Armyansk had already begun, the occupiers almost in a whisper admitted that the “unknown gas” that posed a threat to the population was most likely sulfur dioxide (SO2), and the dry sump of the titanium dioxide plant was “to blame” for the release, now PrJSC "Crimean Titan" (a branch of the company "Ukrainian Chemical Products"), located eight kilometers north of Armyansk, near the border with the Kherson region.

Plant "Crimean Titan" and its sump on the map of the Perekop Isthmus of Crimea
(according to Wikimapia)

One glance at the map is enough to understand that with any wind, except for the north, the inhabitants of the Kherson, Nikolaev and Zaporozhye regions will be able to enjoy the aromas of sulfur dioxide (and with it refreshing acid rain), and with a steady north wind, almost the entire Crimea, which is also ours, no matter what the invaders mutter. I hope there will not be enough for more distant emissions of fumes from the sump, but even without that there will be enough headaches for the citizens of Ukraine.

"Titan" occupied

The section of the North Crimean Canal, located in the zone of occupation, from which the Russian authorities could try to pump water into the dried-up waste collector, is empty. Rains that can fill an open sump with an area of ​​​​about 42 square kilometers can not be expected - millions of cubic meters are needed to cover the dried bottom with at least a thin layer of water. For the same reason, the statement of the pro-Russian Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov about his intention to build a conduit for pumping water from the Karkinitsky Bay to the reservoir does not add optimism in two months: “60 thousand cubic meters per day, despite the fact that we need to supply 15 million cubic meters of water to this reservoir . Within a month - 1.8 million cubic meters. So far at this pace. Maybe there will be two threads, ”Interfax quotes Aksenov.

And this despite the fact that, according to the words of the so-called "Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Crimea" Gennady Naraev, appointed by the occupiers, the "Crimean Titan" normally consumes 49 thousand cubic meters of water per day, which, after blocking the North Crimean Canal, are taken, apparently, from artesian wells. A simple calculation shows that even without taking into account the constant evaporation of water from an open sump, its filling will require at least six months.

At the same time, although Armyansk is being evacuated and the plant is stopped, there is no real solution to the problem with the already accumulated toxic waste.
Russian officials habitually blame Ukraine for the current situation (well, how could it be without it!), stating that "... the release of a hazardous substance in the north of Crimea happened due to the fact that Ukraine cut off the water supply through the North Crimean Canal." Kyiv, reasonably expecting a gas attack and acid rains on the Kherson region with an east wind, lays the responsibility on the Russian occupation authorities. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine accused the Russian army of releasing chemicals in the territory of the annexed Crimea, and the journalist of the Russian TV channel found the perpetrators among the Ukrainian oligarchs, who by their actions “... led to the release of chemicals into the atmosphere at the Crimean Titan plant in Armyansk and the subsequent environmental disaster in the north of the peninsula ". (It remains only to decide whether to consider the main owner of the Crimean Titan shares, Dmitry, as a Ukrainian oligarch - or is it still Russian?)
Soviet past

Taking into account the fact that for the entire period of Ukraine's independence, no one seriously bothered to solve the problem of Titan's waste, the prerequisites for the trouble are indeed older than the Russian occupation. An ecological catastrophe in the north of Crimea would have occurred in any case and with any incompetent government. What happened is not the result of the intrigues of the invaders or a conspiracy against the invaders. And not even the result of indifference and carelessness (although no one has canceled the responsibility of the relevant control departments for the disaster). It's just that the time has come for the explosion of a time bomb planted by the still stubborn builders of communism. And this environmental bomb could not have exploded - simply by definition. And the big question is whether it was possible to neutralize it in advance at all.

The builders of the Crimean Titanium Dioxide Plant probably felt their responsibility to the future, but not to us. The Soviet government, which considered itself to have no alternative, was not particularly willing to look more than five years ahead. That is, it was always about either an unthinkably distant future with flights to Alpha Centauri, or about “decisive, defining and final” - this is how the newspapers called the third, fourth and fifth years of the five-year plans according to which the USSR lived. What fell out of the nearest time period was automatically equated in relevance to intergalactic flights in the minds of Soviet people. That is, it was felt as something not from the reality they were interested in. It would never have occurred to anyone to bother about some vague future problem, which, of course, the next generations will somehow sort out, and to disrupt the grandiose plans for building socialism because of it. The party said - it is necessary, the people said - yeah, but the future will somehow resolve itself.

KGPO "Titan" produced the first products in 1971: ammophos, aluminum sulphate, water glass, red ferric pigments and, most importantly, pigment titanium dioxide. The initial capacity of the enterprise is 40 thousand tons per year, since 2002 - 80 thousand tons. This is 2% of the world production of titanium dioxide. The main buyer is Russia.

With the sulphate (sulfite) method of processing ilmenite, from which titanium dioxide is obtained, as it is written in a university textbook from those times (!), For 1 ton of finished products there is in the form of waste “... up to 4 tons of ferrous sulfate and up to 5 cubic meters of hydrolytic acid containing 20% ​​sulfuric acid, 10% iron sulfate ... and sulfate impurities. The disposal of this waste in large factories is a major problem ”(emphasis mine - Auth.)”

So: this problem has not been solved, even after doubling production volumes. "Titan" to the last worked "in the Soviet way", in the calculation that the next generations will figure something out, or in blissful dreams that all this chemistry will somehow resolve itself. And he could work because then, in 1969, the wise Soviet leaders, when designing the Crimean Titan, chose a place for its construction, equipped with a natural acid accumulator.

Chemical future

After all, why was the plant built on Perekop? After all, the raw materials for it were brought from the Irshansky and Volnogorsky GOKs (both - Zhytomyr region), 700 km away. And the products were generally sent to Russia. Labor resources also had to be brought in - in fact, this is how Armyansk, the city of Crimean chemists, appeared. Power supply, water supply, a railway line to the chemical plant - all this was built due to the fact that a huge acid trap did not have to be built at all - they simply fenced off the Sivash Bay with a dam (fortunately, nothing flows into the Rotten Sea and nothing flows out of it) - and voila ! Please dump the infernal mixture here in unlimited quantities! There is a lot of water in Sivash, the concentration of chemistry can remain harmless for a long time, and before that the acid will not start to “soar”.

In those days, Sivash seemed eternal, like the same Aral, the fourth largest lake in the world. But only the Aral was completely destroyed in some fifty years. Destroyed without malicious intent - cotton is needed, but the fact that the Syr Darya and Amu Darya were used for irrigation of vast territories, reducing the water balance by 25 times, the Politburo did not care much. Descendants will come up with something anyway.

The result is visible on satellite images with the naked eye: the Aral is no more. And independent Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are reaping this result.

And we are reaping the drop in the water level in the Sivash and the abruptly increased concentration of waste in the Titan's sump. Thanks to the once beloved and forever prudent Politburo. And to the enterprising Firtash. Well, to all of us who have not done anything in the sense of forethought in the decades since the collapse of the USSR. Didn't think. Didn't insist. Didn't demand. Our fault, our trouble.

USSR in mind

By the way, about trouble. About the one that has not yet arrived, but is already knocking.

In Ukraine, there is another producer of titanium dioxide, also using sulfite technology - Sumykhimprom. It is smaller in power than the Crimean Titan, but it also works with an open acid accumulator. And local residents, like residents of Armyansk in previous years, periodically complain about emissions - apparently, emissions of the same sulfur dioxide. They complained in 2015, then in 2016, and then in 2017.

It is good that the climate in the Sumy region is more humid than in the Sivash region, and the acid accumulator has not yet dried up, but the moment when the concentration of waste exceeds the calculated maximum will inevitably come. Maybe even in our lifetime. And then what?

Maybe it's time to get rid of the USSR in our heads - and start to seriously worry about the future of our children?

PJSC "Crimean TITAN"

PJSC "Crimean TITAN" Armyansk, Crimea, Ukraine - founded in 1969 The main commercial product is rutile titanium dioxide pigment produced by the sulphate process. The company also produces other types of chemical products: iron oxide pigments, mineral fertilizers, sulfuric acid, aluminum sulphate, liquid glass, iron vitriol.

All products of CJSC "Crimean Titan" are produced under the trademark CRIMEA TITAN.

Titanium dioxide CRIMEA complies with TU.U 24.1-05762329-001-2003



TiOx - 220 (GAK TITAN (Ukraine)
Main properties: White pigment treated with silicon oxide and aluminum hydroxide, not treated with organic additives.

Recommended Uses: Used in the production of decorative papers, as well as in solvent-based systems used as industrial coatings, as well as used for painting architectural structures.

TiOx - 230 (GAK TITAN (Ukraine)

TiOx - 280 (GAK TITAN (Ukraine)
Basic properties:. To improve light resistance and weather resistance, the pigment is treated with zirconium and aluminum hydroxides, and also treated with a special organic surface modifier to improve dispersibility in various dispersion systems. Coatings based on it are less susceptible to chalking and retain their gloss for a long time.

The specified application is informative, manufacturers recommend that a proof test be always carried out.


Indicators TiOx-220 TiOx-230 TiOx-270 TiOx-280
Mass fraction of TiO2, % not less than 94 93 93,5 93,5
Mass fraction of rutile form, %, not less than 98 98 98 98
Mass fraction of volatile substances, %, no more 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,2
Mass fraction of water-soluble substances, %, no more 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2
pH of aqueous suspension 7,3 7,3 7,1 7,7
The rest on a sieve with a grid 0045, %, no more 0,004 0,0034 0,003 0,003
Whitening ability, arb. unit, not less than 1950 1960 1980 1990
Covering capacity, g/sq.m., no more 25 25 25 25
Dispersibility, microns, no more 12 12 11,5 11
Whiteness, arb. unit, not less than 95,5 96,2 96,1 96,4


The product is packed in paper or polypropylene valve bags of 25 kg.

Pigmented titanium dioxide

One of the main directions of Himton LLC is the supply of pigment titanium dioxide to all enterprises that are engaged in the chemical industry. The employees of our company are certified and highly qualified chemical engineers, the best specialists in the market of chemical raw materials.

Our company "Himton" offers you to buy pigment titanium dioxide in a large assortment at an affordable price. It is a white powder, chemically and thermally stable, turns yellow when heated. Pigmented titanium dioxide is packed with polyethylene liners in polypropylene bags, which are placed in soft special disposable containers.

TiOx - 220 is a white pigment that has been treated with aluminum oxide and silicon hydroxide, not treated with organic additives. Such a pigment is used for the production of laminated decorative paper.

TiOx is a 280 high brightness white pigment that has a wide range of applications in the production of paints and varnishes based on water and organic solvents. In order to make it even more light-resistant and weather-resistant, it is treated with aluminum and zirconium hydroxides. It is necessary to store TiOx - 280 in a closed warehouse.

With the help of our store, it is now easy and simple to purchase titanium dioxide at an affordable price online. Titanium dioxide is a synthetic inorganic white pigment that does not have toxic irritating effects, which you can buy right now in our company.


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