How to assemble a radio controlled helicopter yourself. We collect the first helicopter! (Helicopter for a beginner). Getting ready to assemble

Having calculated the ninth ten, Yuri Vasilyevich Vesnin still does not calm down. In the courtyard of an old one-story house in the center of Ryazan, something is happening all the time. Either the restless grandfather repairs the old "Tavria", then he patches up the hut, then ... he builds a helicopter.

The turner, miller and jack-of-all-trades assembled his first aircraft when he was not yet 30 years old. All this happened in Alma-Ata. Yuri Vesnin then worked at the plant, in parallel with his main turning business, he mastered oxy-fuel and electric welding, and in his spare time he made everything little by little. I made friends with one pilot, and one day, take it and say: "You can do anything, let's make a helicopter." But to say one thing, but where to get spare parts? At one of the airfields, it was possible to get the main thing - the blades. I was going to buy those that were removed from already decommissioned cars. And before that, he studied the device of the helicopter and the theory of flight.

And the engineer at the airport demanded: “Take the exam. If you hand over, we will give the blades for nothing. Well, I passed. And the blades, by the way, turned out to be completely new, right in the package, - says Yuri Vasilyevich.

The master made the helicopter, but he never saw the sky. One pilot appeared on the horizon, from those who "only wear a uniform", Yuri his wife and became jealous. And in order to let off steam, he took and sawed his helicopter at night. The story with small aircraft did not end there, but it stopped for a long time. But "got" another industry - the automotive industry.

I honestly don't remember how many cars I made. One "Rafik" was even registered, he came to Ryazan with us. And how many "bobiks" (the common nickname for UAZ - Ed.) were - not to count. To whom they sold, to whom they gave.

The same "Rafik" has an engine and a bridge from "Moskvich", and for a helicopter it was only necessary to find blades and an engine. Everything else - with their own hands. Moreover, he taught the sons of childhood to work, so the boys had something to do.


During perestroika, the family moved to Ryazan. Here, an old dream of a helicopter came true. Blades can now be bought freely, but for what? Here we were lucky - the son-paratrooper had just returned from a long business trip to Yugoslavia. I spent the money I earned like this: I bought a house for four thousand dollars, and for six thousand "green" ... blades for a helicopter. The engine from "Subaru" in comparison with the blades cost a penny - they gave only a thousand rubles. Everything else was done with their own hands, as a result, an analogue of the K-26 helicopter was obtained. We flew for the first time six years ago.

We do not have permission, it is very difficult to obtain it. But we know the rules and fly only where possible - over the meadows, - says Yuri Vasilyevich. - At first, my wife only said: "Fools, you will break." But then nothing ... We slowly started, “ran”, then climbed, made a U-turn in the air, studied in general. Well, then they did what they wanted.

The car, named "Almaatinets", sits down very gently: it hangs a little in the air and smoothly descends. No work for the sake of such sensations, according to Yuri Vasilyevich, is not a pity.

Do you know how beautiful it is when you get up? You can’t see anything here, but there are lakes, villages - you can’t convey, - Yuri Vesnin shares.

But the master did not rest on this either, now, together with his son, he is already assembling the second helicopter. I started right in my yard, carefully wrapped the frame with a blanket for the winter, and when it got warmer, I took the future car to my son's garage - more serious work is needed.

Yury Vasilyevich's neighbors don't even know that he collects helicopters, you never know what he does there?

It's just amazing, such an age and he is constantly working, drawing something, developing, - says neighbor Valentina Grigoryevna. “But he certainly doesn’t interfere with us.” Drunkards and brawlers get in the way, and Yuri Vasilievich ... if only there were more of them!

A person has such an interesting hobby, and even at that age - it's wonderful! - shares a neighbor Lyudmila Borisovna. - Someone sews, someone knits, and he came up with something!


The master was widowed five years ago, so he lives alone. Three children, six grandchildren, and no one forgets the old man. Yes, he has no time to be bored - the garage is nearby. In the yard is an old "Tavria", bought for 8 thousand rubles. Here he subdued, patched up there, as a result, the car drives as if nothing had happened. By the way, Yuri Vesnin has 62 years of driving experience. During this time, he says, not a single fine was issued. Well, at your leisure, you can go to Walnut Lake and swim. Work out on the horizontal bars there. The people are surprised, come up, ask "how old?". The answer "81" - this is last summer - no one believes, you have to show your driver's license. And they say we don't have men.


Director of the airfield "Protasovo" Viktor Aksenov:

In principle, you can make a helicopter yourself. That's why he is a man, especially Russian - each of us has his own Kulibin. It is not necessary to have a special education for this. The main thing is that a person has an engineering idea, - says Viktor Fedorovich. - Another thing is that such people, as a rule, do not have the official right to fly - it is difficult to get all the documents. And there are enough craftsmen, in each region 2-3 people threaten to do such things. Especially a lot in the south of the country, in the Rostov region and the Krasnodar Territory. It's in our blood.


The fact that Russian craftsmen take to the air on their own hand-held units is wonderful. But how do the authorities feel about it? After all, in the sky, as well as on the road, there must be order. It turned out that Yuri Vasilievich can fly calmly, the authorities don’t care about him and his kind.

Finding homemade devices and their owner is very difficult. We inspect only at airports, and these craftsmen fly only from their garage, ”Boris Ruchkin, deputy head of the department for overseeing the state of flight safety and analyzing activities in civil aviation of the Rostransnadzor of the Russian Federation, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Local authorities - administration, police, prosecutor's office and state security agencies should detect and fine violators. The fine for illegal flights is a maximum of five thousand rubles. Well, how many violations will be revealed - it depends on the inspector.

How much has already been said about helicopters ... A lot has been created by that. And a beginner comes to the parkflyer and asks all the same questions: "what motor to buy for the 700th carcass", "what servo to put on the tail of the HK600", "what battery would be better to sit in the 500th", and "why blades from 600". At best, they give him a link to the forms, at worst they send him to Google, but most often they simply ignore him. The purpose of the article is to figure out what you need to buy in order to build a helicopter from scratch ...

Let's start with the fact that this article will discuss only what we want and what we need to buy for this. We will talk about configuration and assembly in other topics.

The most frequent questions when choosing the FIRST helicopter.

"I want a gasoline, large helicopter, they say they fly cool, which one to buy?"
Throw away thoughts about ICE. Usually these are cars of at least class 50, with a glow engine, and this is a lawn mower with a meter-long main rotor, the energy of which is comparable to a shot from a large-caliber barrel. The high complexity of the controls will make you give up repairing the helicopter for life, spoiling the impression of modeling.

"I have a lot of money, I don't care about the cost of a helicopter, what do I need to fly a 700 algin?"

With zero piloting skills, the first flight will last no longer than 20 seconds. Lift it into the air, get scared, get tangled in the sticks and drop the model in the best case into the ground, in the worst case, cut off your hands, fingers and other parts of the body. In order to fly on 700 algins, you will need $1,200 and a good trauma surgeon.

"Can I make a helicopter myself from what is sold in auto shops?"

If you are an RC helicopter pilot with five years of experience, a grade 11 mechanic and an aeronautical engineer, you will not ask such questions. An ordinary person will not be able to make a FLYING helicopter with his own hands.

"What to buy?"

For a beginner, there are 2 available classes of helicopters: 250 and 450. Both of these classes are eligible to be in your home. The 250-ka assembly will cost only a little cheaper than the older 450 friend. It is much more difficult to control it, it is a very agile, nimble and sharp helicopter, because. the larger the dimensions, the greater its stability, the further it can be released from oneself and because of its size it is better visible, I will focus on the 450 model due to the prevalence of the class, a huge number of rem. details and tuning, and the totality of flight characteristics. A well-tuned 450 model with stabilization behaves very decently in the air, on a par with the 500 brothers. It is the 450 class model that is ideal for a beginner.

We have decided on the model, now let's move on to the details:


Your best bet is to buy the hardware from Turnigy. Or, it's hard to say. For a new model of equipment, you need to purchase. The old model is better to buy with a built-in transmitter module. Still, I recommend the good old turnig 9x. She is almost always in stock, all her sores are identified and treated. Immediately for the equipment buy and

Price: 2000r + 300r + 230r

Many fans of T-REX and ALIGN firms will say that it is better to take the original, citing the fact that they are more reliable, more accurate in control and pleasant in the air. They are right about everything except one. Natural wear of parts for a beginner rarely occurs, and broken parts often have to be changed. My advice: get a copy from HK. With or drive it doesn't really matter. The belt can forgive some errors when landing on the tail, the gimbal transmits power to the tail better, the speed does not float as much as with a belt drive, there is no "overlap", when landing on the tail there is only a small chance of gimbal breakage, that's all the blades break more often. Personally, I chose the cardan drive and I recommend it to you!

Price: 2200r

Engine and regulator.
There is a proven motor for the 450 class. Simple, reliable, there are already pinons in the kit, if it breaks, it will not be difficult to rewind the winding yourself.
The regulator should be chosen from the needs of the motor. The best choice would be a 40A regulator. For example, an excellent compact reg with WEIGHT and a lot of reviews. But it will not fit into the case, it will have to be hung outside (few people stop it). If you are an aesthete and want the helicopter to have an impeccable view, buy a baby. Recently, the build quality of this model has become better, but the marriage is still present. Be sure to buy a connector and heat shrink and in order to be able to attach a battery to the regulator.

Price: 650r + 600r + 120r

Servo drives
Many, many options exist for swash plate servos.
The best that I have seen in terms of price / quality ratio is . At a friend's, they flew 2 seasons on 3 helicopters. They survived about 20 falls and still hold zero and confidently work out a quick transition to extreme positions. Take 4 just in case. A spare servo will not be superfluous.
For the tail, I strongly recommend forking out for an expensive and proven servo. There is nothing worse than a tail servo failure. As an option , . Trust me, the miser pays twice. It is the tail servo that is constantly in operation, during the flight it experiences enormous loads. You can use and , but be sure to check them before each flight and between batteries. Your attentiveness will never save you.

Price: 720r + 1300r

My advice to you is enough to get started. Yes, in some ways it is inferior to the Futabava gyriks, although rarely, it comes across defective, but for 400 rubles you won’t find anything better. BUT if you have the opportunity, do not spare money on. She will save the wallet more than once from devastating spending on new blades, intermediate shafts and main gears.

Price: 400r or 2400r

Batteries and charging.
The classic version for 450 helicopters is a battery with a capacity of 2.2 Ah. It’s worth choosing according to the current output for a start (flying like a pancake), enough for the eyes. Excellent battery. Take 2 or 3 pieces, because one battery is not enough for a normal workout. Later, when you grow up and learn how to hang, do loops and rolls, buy yourself batteries of a higher rank for active aerobatics, and now it's a waste of money.
Charger for sure. Models will change, time will move forward, and the charger, like RC equipment, will remain with you for many years. Don't be stingy and buy the original version.

Price: 900r + 900r

Be sure to buy and.

Price: 150 rubles

Rem. set.

The mistake many beginners make is that they think they will never fall. WILL! And you will fall very often. It is for this reason that I chose the 450th kit. The price of a crash ranges from 100-400 rubles. Basically, these are the main and rear rotor blades, the main gear, the tail boom, the flybar, as well as the intermediate and tail shafts. On the latter, you can save money by buying a model with a belt drive. Be sure to buy the so-called crash kit. It will allow you to immediately start repairing the model in the field and fly again after 10 minutes.

Dear aviation enthusiast! This article may be useful to you in the development and construction of a light helicopter. The proposed rotorcraft (AV-1) is the fruit of a long passion for aviation, the result of persistent and painstaking work over five years, of which two years were spent on construction, and the rest on testing, fine-tuning, mastering piloting, repair, modernization.

The design of the helicopter meets several important requirements for an aircraft used by an amateur: the ability to store in a small room; transportation to the place of flights - by car, motorcycle and even manually; assembly within 18-20 minutes by one person (using only two wrenches).

The problem of safety in the event of an engine and transmission failure in flight has been solved quite reliably. The design of the main rotor (HB) and the control system has features that "forgive" such piloting errors as overweight of the main rotor and overloads. Of course, the design of the helicopter was significantly affected by the cramped conditions in which it was manufactured, as well as difficulties with materials and equipment, so it is clear that the machine is far from ideal.

But I'm happy with it. To begin with, I will give examples of calculations of the main structural elements. So, the diameter of the main rotor AB-1 is chosen from the condition of the load per unit area of ​​the swept disk (Ps) within 6-7 kg/m2. This value was taken based on the results of processing statistical data of flying light autogyros, helicopters with a specific load (p) in the range of 6-8 kg/hp.

In my case, based on the estimated flight weight (t) of the device 180-200 kg (empty weight 100-120 kg) and having an engine with a power (N) of 34 hp, of which two should have been spent on the tail rotor drive, we obtain the following values ​​of the load per unit of power, the area of ​​the swept HB disk (S) and the diameter of the HB (D):

The HB diameter of 6.04 m is very close to the HB size of a Bensen gyroplane with a 40 hp engine. and weighing 190 kg. With such initial data, there was hope that the helicopter would fly. But in order for it to fly as a vehicle, it is necessary that the HB (T) thrust be significantly greater than the mass of the apparatus (at least 1.4 times).

This provides sufficient vertical rate of climb and flight altitude. Now let's calculate the maximum T in the hovering mode in a normal atmosphere (760 mm Hg, 18°C). In this case, the empirical formula was used:

As a result, the thrust turned out to be 244.8 kg, which is very close to that actually obtained during the tests of the AB-1. (Based on the mentioned ratio of 1.4, in our opinion, the flight weight of the device should not exceed 175 kg. - Ed.) I will begin the description of the helicopter design with the so-called fuselage part. The cabin compartment has a truss structure in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid, the vertical edge of which (the main frame) sort of separates the cabin compartment from the engine.

It is made of duralumin (D16T) pipes: vertical and lower - 40x1.5 mm, and front - 30x1.5 mm. Above the cab there is a power connecting element - a frame for the main gearbox, at the bottom - a horizontal cross member of the engine mount. The second power cross member (at the level of the seat back) is made of a dural tube of rectangular section 30x25x1.5 mm; it serves to fasten the intermediate gearbox, seat back and main landing gear assemblies.

The "compartment" of the engine in the form of a trihedral pyramid is made of steel pipes (steel 20) with a section of 30x30x1.2 mm. The lower edge has attachment points for the engine, landing gear braces and tail boom. The tail boom is riveted from a duralumin sheet 1 mm thick. It consists of three parts: two cones (diameter at the top 57 mm) and a cylinder between them (diameter 130 mm) with external ribs, which serve as a reinforcing stringer and a zone for riveting the skin elements. Reinforcing frames are riveted in the places where the braces are attached.

The front landing gear is freely oriented, without shock absorption, it has a wheel 250x50 mm (from roller skis). The main landing gear is made of steel pipes and equipped with pneumatic shock absorbers. Wheels of the main supports - 300x100 mm with a cut tread (from the map). This "haircut" is carried out to reduce weight, improve streamlining and facilitate movement "skid" on the grass during training or during unsuccessful landings.

The lower braces of the chassis are made of steel pipes 20x1 mm. The helicopter is equipped with a four-stroke two-cylinder boxer engine with a working volume of 750 cm3. The crankcase and crankshaft are taken from the K-750 motorcycle; pistons, cylinders and heads - from MT-10. The crankcase is lightened and adapted to work with a vertical shaft arrangement (the oil system has been changed). It is possible to use other engines, the gross weight of which is not more than 40 kg and the power is not less than 35 hp. Of particular note is the stabilization system of the apparatus.

The AV-1 uses a BELL-type system, but with a higher stabilization coefficient (0.85), which almost completely removes the pilot's concern for balancing the helicopter in hover mode. In addition, it limits the angular velocity on turns, protecting the helicopter from overloads. At the same time, controllability is ensured due to the shape of the loads in the form of flat disks (selected experimentally). The length of the rods is chosen from the condition that the loads in the form of flat discs should “sit” well in the flow.

Therefore, the circumferential speed of the loads was chosen to be 70 m/s, and at 600 rpm this corresponds to the length (radius) of the rod close to 1 m. -2° there should be a moment that, when transmitted through the lever mechanism to the axial hinge of the HB blade, will be equal (or greater) to the friction moment in the bearings of the axial hinge under the working axial load. The main gearbox is designed to transmit torque to the main rotor shaft.

Inside it passes the rod of the HB common pitch control mechanism. It ends with a fork, which, with its side protrusions, engages with the forks of the blade bushings, rotating the mechanism of the stabilization system. When the rod is moved vertically (from the handle) using the levers of the collective pitch mechanism, the angle of installation of the propeller blade (and, accordingly, its pitch) changes.

A swashplate (SW) is installed on the upper cover of the gearbox housing, which serves to change the position of the plane (actually a cone) of rotation of the HB relative to the vertical axis of the apparatus (the axis of the main shaft of the gearbox) due to the change in the angle of attack of the blades opposite in sign: the angle of attack of the blade going down, decreases, going up - increases.

In this case, there is a change in the magnitude and direction of the horizontal component of the HB thrust vector. The gear housing is detachable along a plane perpendicular to the shaft axis, welded from Z0KhGSA sheet steel 1.3 mm thick. Bearing seats are also machined from Z0KhGSA steel, welded into covers, after which heat treatment (“hardening”, high tempering) was carried out to relieve stress and increase strength.

Then the flanges were milled, the covers were assembled and the seats of the bearings and holes were bored out on a coordinate machine. The bottom cover is made of D16T alloy. The main shaft is made of steel 40HNMA, heat-treated to Gvr = 110 kg/mm2. The shaft diameter is -45 mm, the diameter of the inner hole is 39 mm, the wall thickness in the area of ​​the splines of the HB sleeve is 5 mm. Shaft surfaces are polished, splines and bearing seats are copper-plated. The driven gear and the drive shaft-gear are made of steel 14KhGSN2MA-Sh and have 47 and 12 teeth, respectively, with a module of 3 and an engagement angle of 28°.

The teeth are cemented to a depth of 0.8-1.2 mm and heat-treated to a hardness of HRC = 59-61. The outer ring of the swashplate is detachable (like a clamp), made of D16T alloy (milled from a sheet 35 mm thick), and the inner ring and cardan are made of Z0KhGSA steel. Cardan ring bearings - 80018Yu. Swashplate bearing - 76-112820B. The tail rotor module (PB) is assembled on a glass, telescopically connected to the tip of the tail boom. It can be pulled out to tension the drive belt.

In this case, however, it is necessary to rebuild the length of the tail rotor control cables. It is driven from an intermediate gearbox using a chain and two belt drives. The tail screw is articulated (has a horizontal combined and axial hinges), rotates from front to back. Its diameter is 1.2 m, the number of revolutions per minute is 2500. The RV bushing consists of a cross and two glasses riveted with blades.

Two bronze bushings serve as axial bearings, and the M24x1.5 thread perceives the centrifugal force. Sealing is carried out by a rubber ring, which is fixed with a washer and a spring ring. The leashes of the axial hinges are offset from the axis of the horizontal hinge (HH) by 30°. Lubrication - MS-20 oil, poured into a glass before assembly.

The horizontal hinge is assembled on bronze bushings and a cemented pin, which is fixed on the GSh fork from rotation. When assembling the blades with a glass, special attention was paid to the alignment of their axes. Now a little about the choice of the main parameters of the propeller blades. The average aerodynamic chord (MAC) of the blade is calculated from the condition that the filling factor of the swept disk (K) will be in the range of 0.025-0.035 (the smaller value is for high circumferential speeds, 200-220 m/s; and the larger one is for smaller ones, 170-190 m/s), according to the formula:

On the AV-1 helicopter for the main rotor, the value of the coefficient K = 0.028, since the circumferential speeds are selected within the range of 190-210 m/s. In this case, the SAR is taken equal to 140 mm. On an aircraft, it is desirable to have everything very light. But in relation to HB, we can talk about the minimum allowable mass, since the mass of the blade determines the centrifugal force necessary to create a cone of rotation of the main rotor.

It is desirable that this cone be within 1°-3°. It is hardly possible and even undesirable to manufacture blades weighing 2–3 kg, since the reserve of kinetic energy will be small during an emergency landing on autorotation with detonation, as well as when switching to autorotation mode from a motor flight. A mass of 7-8 kg is good for an emergency, but at maximum speeds, the HB will give significant centrifugal force. On AV-1, a blade weighing in the range of 4.6-5.2 kg is used, which provides a maximum load from centrifugal forces up to 3600 kgf.

The strength of the HB sleeve is designed for this load (with a 7-fold margin of safety); its mass is 4.5 kg. The proposed blade shape and twist are the result of experiments with blades of various shapes, twists and profiles. HB blades must satisfy two conflicting requirements: good autorotation (that is, to provide a low rate of descent in autorotation in the event of an engine failure) and use the engine power with maximum efficiency in a motor flight (for climb, maximum speed and economy). Consider options for blades for a helicopter and for a gyroplane.

A good gyroplane has a reverse twist, that is, the blade angle at the butt is negative (-5°...-8°), and the end section is positive (+2°). The profile is plano-convex or S-shaped. Currently, the NACA 8-H-12 profile (S-shaped, 12 percent) is widely used. The shape of the blade in plan is rectangular. A good helicopter has a straight twist, that is, the butt has a positive installation angle (+8° .. .+12°) in relation to the end section. Profile NACA 23012, the relative thickness of which at the end is 12%, and at the butt - 15%.

The shape of the blade in plan is trapezoidal, with a narrowing of 2.4-2.7. The calculation of the shape of the blade in plan was made by the finite element method for the case of flight at a speed of 110 km/h and the margin for overload of the blade "going back" - 1.4. At a speed of HB 580 rpm, a diameter of HB of 6 m and a flight weight of 200 kg, the blade was 80 mm wide at the end, and 270 mm at the butt (narrowing 3.4). The extra width of the blade at the end leads to an extra expenditure of engine power to overcome the turbulent resistance of the airfoil, so it is beneficial to minimize the wetted surface of sections operating at high speeds.

On the other hand, in order to have a reserve of lift at the end sections of the blade when the NV is loaded or when switching to autorotation (the most probable piloting errors by an amateur pilot), it is necessary to have blades somewhat wider than the calculated ones. I adopted the narrowing of the blade 2, the root chord is 220 mm, and the end chord is 110 mm. In order to reconcile a helicopter with a gyroplane in one apparatus, it was necessary to use blades without twist.

More difficult with profiles. The end part of the blade (R rel = 1 - 0.73) has a NACA 23012 profile with a relative thickness of 12%. In the section R rel = 0.73-0.5 - a transitional profile from NACA 23012 to NACA 8-Н-12, "only without an S-shaped tail. In the section R = 0.5-0.1, the profile NACA 8-Н -12 variable relative thickness: 12% at R rel = 0.5 and 15% at R = 0.3-0.1 Such a blade pulls well in all flight modes. .

During the test, an autorotation landing was made without undermining, braking was carried out by pitch and the vertical speed was extinguished to zero, and the run was only about 3 m. HB, which would worsen the autorotation and increase the rate of descent.

Therefore, for RV there is no need for a symmetrical blade profile. It is best to choose a plano-convex type R3. To increase the efficiency, it is desirable to use a twist (8 °). In addition, to increase the efficiency of the propeller, it is desirable to have a trapezoidal blade shape in terms of the narrowing equal to 2, and the filling factor of the swept disk in the range of 0.08-0.06. Good results are also given by the NACA 64A610-a-0.4 profile with a relative thickness of 12%.

Blades can be made using various technologies. For example, from a solid pine board. As blanks, two boards are selected from straight-grained, knotless, medium-density pine, cut so that the dense layers face the future leading edge and go at an angle of 45 °. The board is profiled according to a template reduced by the thickness of fiberglass gluing and painting (0.8-1.0 mm). After finishing, the tail part of the part is lightened. For this, the spar part and the trailing edge are marked out. The spar part at the butt is 45% of the chord, and at the end - 20%.

Next, holes are drilled with a diameter equal to the distance from the trailing edge to the spar in increments of 40-50 mm. After that, the holes are filled with rigid PS or PVC foam, ground flush and glued with fiberglass. The butt part is usually pasted over in several layers, with a smooth transition to the main canvas.

Another way to make blades is from several gorse. The workpiece is glued out of three or four gorse, which can be solid ribbons or glued from two strips of different density. It is desirable to make the spar part of the gorse from birch or larch. First, a billet of gorse with a thickness three times greater than the finishing one is glued together from two laths. After that, it is cut into two and processed to the desired thickness.

At the same time, the spar part of different gorse blades is made of different widths (by 10-15 mm) for binding. You can separately glue the spar from 3-4 gorse, and the tail section - from one or two. After profiling, an anti-flutter weight must be glued into the leading edge at a length of 0.35 R from the end of the blade, since the end sections of the blades are mainly subject to flutter.

The weight is made of lead or mild steel. After gluing, it is processed according to the profile and is additionally attached to the spars of the spar with a strip of fiberglass on epoxy resin. After that, you can paste over the entire blade with fiberglass. During the manufacture of the blade, it is necessary to constantly control the weight of the parts, so that after assembly and processing, the mass of the blade differs as little as possible from the calculated one.

AV-1 helicopter layout: 1 - air pressure receiver tube, 2 - swashplate control handle, 3 - release lever handle, 4 - instrument panel (tachometer, engine cylinder head temperature gauge, speed indicator, variometer), 5 - main gearbox, 6 - swashplate, 7 - main rotor bushing, 8 - L-shaped swashplate control rod, 9 - intermediate shaft, 10 - intermediate gearbox, 11 - tail rotor drive chain, 12 - oil tank, 13 - tail rotor drive belts, 14 - tail boom braces (D16T, tube 40x1.5), 15 - struts (D16T, tube 20x1), 16 - tail rotor, 17 - tail support, 18 - tail boom, 19 - electronic unit, 20 - engine, 21 - handle collective pitch control (“pitch-gas”), 22 - shock-absorbing main landing gear strut, 23 - collective pitch control rod, 24 - intermediate pulley, 25 - trimmer, 26 - stabilizing rod with loads, 27 - tail rotor pitch control pedal block .

The heck screw is conventionally rotated by 18°

Helicopter transmission: 1 - main rotor hub, 2 - main gearbox, 3 - release lever, 4 - release shaft with slotted cup. 5 - drive gear of the intermediate gearbox, 6 - drive gear shaft, 7 - cup of the friction-ratchet clutch. 8 - release shaft lock ball, 9 - spring shaft, 10 - engine shock absorbers, 11 - engine, 12 - flywheel, 13 - oil pump, 14 - oil tank, 15 - driven gear, 16 - overrunning ratchet clutch, 17 - intermediate shaft , 18 - main rotor speed sensor, 19 - main rotor blade.

Helicopter main gearbox: 1 - stabilizing rod, 2 - M18 nut, 3 - first blade hub yoke, 4 - HB clutch yoke, 5 - seals, 6 - cardan ring bearing AP 80018Yu, 7 - ear, 8 - outer ring AP, 9 - bearing 76-112820B, 10 - cardan ring (Z0KhGSA), 11 - inner ring AP (Z0KhGSA), 12 - bearing 205, 13-drive shaft-gear, 14 - bearing 106, 15 - cuff, 16 - split ring, 17 - thrust bushing (З0ХГСА), 18 - screw oil pump, 19 - collective pitch drive rod, 20 - collective pitch control rod, 21 - nuts, 22 - self-made thrust bearing, 23 - bearing housing, 24 - sealing rod, 25 - sealing cover, 26 - driven gear, 27 - main gearbox housing, 28 - bearings 109, 29 - main shaft, 30 - spline-hinge of the drive of the outer ring AP, 31 - fork of the bushing of the second blade, 32 - pin of the HB coupling (З0ХГСА, bar diameter 18), 33 - self-made needle bearing, 34 - thrust of the blade driver, 35 - rod fork, 36 - mechanism rocker common step and AP, 37 - thrust.

Main rotor sleeve assembly: 1 - locking stud, 2 - blade hinge, 3 - fork of the collective pitch mechanism rod, 4 - rocker arms, 5 - AP rod, 6 - stabilizing rod, 7 - rod, 8 - leash, 9 - AP ring external.

Main rotor bushing: 1 - leash, 2 - pin, 3 - blade bushing fork, 4 - blade hinge fork.

Swashplate: 1 - main gearbox, 2 - L-shaped thrust (made at the same time with pos. 8), 3 - ears, 4 - spline-hinge of the outer ring drive, 5 - cardan ring bearing housings, 6 - outer ring coupling sleeve, 7 - cardan ring, 8 - inner ring, 9 - outer ring, 10 - counterweight of the slot-hinge.

Tail rotor drive mechanism: 1 - tail rotor clutch yoke, 2 - cross, 3 - pin, 4 - axial hinge leash, 5 - thrust, 6 - slider of the propeller pitch control mechanism, 7 - crawler drive trunnion, 8 - pin (steel 45 , a bar with a diameter of 4), 9 - bearing 7000105, 10 - gearbox housing (D16T), 11 - bearing 7000102, 12 - glass (З0ХГСА), 13 - propeller drive pulley.

Tail rotor bushing: 1 - crosspiece (18X2H4MA), 2 - pin (Z0KhGSA), 3 - bushings (bronze), 4 - thrust pin, 5 - axial hinge driver (Z0KhGSA), 6 - blade, 7 - blade cup (Z0KhGSA) , 8 - rubber sealing ring, 9 - retaining ring.

Main rotor blade: 1.2 - outer spar gorse (larch, northern pine, ash, beech with a density of 0.8 g / cm3), 3 - coating (glass fiber s0, 1, two layers), 4 - middle gorse (wedge "on no"), 5 - element of the spar (wedge "to no") medium, 6 - elements of the spar external (southern pine, spruce with a density of 0.25-0.42 g / cm3), 7 - foam plastic (PS, density 0.15 g/cm3), 8 - coating (glass fiber s0.05, two layers, the second layer at an angle of 45° to the axis), 9 - weight (lead), 10 - coating (glass fiber s0.1, two layers, one layer at an angle 45° to the axis), 11 - rivet, 12 - trimmer.

Tail rotor blade (linear twist): 1 - spar (larch, ash, beech, northern pine with a density of 0.8 g / cm3), 2 - shank (PS foam), 3 - plugs (pine), 4 - balancing weight (lead , 8 mm in diameter).



Damn crazy hands.

I love everything that has to do with air.

If I had a couple of years of free time, I would gladly ride a homemade helicopter over the village, ride the girls.

Helicopter Nikolai Nalivaykin

In 1998, when we were working on the Mini-500 helicopter, an unknown guy called me and asked me to send him the drawings of the Mini-500.

What for? - Build your own apparatus. - Where will you be from? - Dobryanka, Perm region.

Without much enthusiasm, I sent what I managed to collect on the Mini and other light vehicles, and after a while I forgot about this event - you never know in Brazil ...

Four years have passed. One morning the phone rings. - Hello, Dobryanka, Perm Region, is bothering you.

Hello, I say, Nikolai Semenovich.

The person on the other end of the wire was a little surprised, because. He called a completely different organization and on a different phone number. I identified myself, after which it turned out that we both had not forgotten each other. Then I started to wonder. because Nikolai said that ... he built a helicopter. At first, I was not particularly surprised, because. builders of their own aircraft sometimes believe that a car is already built if it sits in the garage, gleaming with fresh paint and a chrome muffler. To me, "build a craft" always means "successfully lift it into the air." But the talkative Semenovich burst into a stormy description of his achievements, during which my skepticism began to disappear very quickly.

Two months later, Nikolai's partner arrived from Dobryanka, brought a video and a pack of photographs. The very first glance at the photo poured a balm over the body - there was a Machine.

By this time, I already knew that the helicopter had not yet risen into the air, but took off from the ground. I had to demand a promise from Nikolai by phone that he would not pretend to be a helicopter pilot before the technical committee and the flight (he himself had never flown anything). So, everything turned out to be much more interesting in the photographs than on the phone.

However, see for yourself.

Blades -

Tail screw -

Tail rotor gearbox - gear. The photo clearly shows the oil level control glass. In the weightless tail boom (composite, as well as the RV blades), a steel tubular RV drive shaft passes.

Dashboard -

It does not suffer from frills, but it has everything you need. The rotor speed indicator is located on the lower (horizontal) panel, which, of course, is unacceptable and will be eliminated. Not yet installed (because not found) speed indicator.

Pay attention to how easy and at the same time solidly solved pedals.

First launches -

In fact, they are far from the first: the device was originally equipped with two RMZ-640 engines (not from a good life), but synchronizing their work turned out to be a thankless task. Now, with a brand new engine from the "nine", the car breaks into the sky.

The first sounds of a machine coming to life are sweet music for its creator.

The keel and stabilizer have not yet been installed, but this summer it is planned to present the car to the technical committee and start overflights.

I drew attention to the dangerously low height of the device. The explanation turned out to be simple: the car was built to the height of the garage :))

Who hasn't dreamed of having their own helicopter? Probably every child and every man thought about it. After all, men are big babies. There are many different stories about helicopters. For example, a girl who carried a box with a model of this device on the subway for her husband has never received such attention from other men. Naturally, those around were not interested in the girl at all, but in this particular model.

Today you can buy almost anything. In a wide range of stores, various models of aircraft or copters are offered. But it's easy to buy, and a homemade helicopter is very interesting. After all, here you need to come up with a design, think over the drive and motor to the smallest detail, make a control system. This is a lot of work. Usually this is done by technology lovers or engineers in their free time. But there is information and not only about the models of this flying technique. There are quite real flying machines embodied in metal.

Today you can even meet entire subcultures of people who design, manufacture and launch such homemade aircraft and helicopters. These are real enthusiasts in this field.

First helicopter

Before you start making homemade devices, you need to figure out how this thing works, how it works, due to which it rises into the air.

The first helicopter was lifted into the air in 1907. For those not in the know, this happened 4 years after the Wright brothers' greatest inventors first flew their homemade flying machine.

The helicopter was created by French sky lovers. The Breguet brothers gave their aircraft the name "gyroplane". He weighed about 578 kg. The petrol engine had a capacity of 45 hp. from. The device was equipped with four rotors with a diameter of 8.1 m. Also, 8 more blades were installed on each individual screw. They were connected to each other in pairs. The helicopter also had four biplane-type rotating wings. Thus, the thrust of the aircraft structure was about 600 kg.

This is, one might say, a homemade helicopter. After all, they collected it from improvised means. As a result, he was able to rise 60 cm above the ground. The device hung above the surface for a minute.

The difference of four years between the invention of the airplane and the helicopter can only be explained by the complexity of the design of the helicopter.


There are several types of copters. They are divided into types. These are single-screw, coaxial, as well as transverse and longitudinal. The first two are especially common. Let's see how these flying structures work. If you know how the apparatus works, as well as its principle of operation, then it will not be difficult to assemble a home-made helicopter with your own hands, if only there is a desire.

Single screw scheme

The design consists of a fuselage, in front of which is a cockpit for pilots. The rest of the place is designed to accommodate passengers or cargo. Fuel tanks are attached to the right and left, next to the chassis. The design also includes two gas turbine engines. Each of them has a capacity of 1500 liters. from. In front, directly above the cockpit, there are air intakes, behind the exhaust system.

The most difficult part in this design is the swashplate and main rotor, as well as the tail boom, on which the tail rotor is attached.

Coaxial scheme

The components of this machine are not much different from the previous type. In industrial and military vehicles, perhaps the motors are more powerful. Also, the difference is the presence of 2 rotors. Helicopters built according to this principle do not have a control screw. However, they are equipped with a vertical stabilizer.

How and why do they fly?

If you put an ordinary household fan on a wheel base and run it at maximum power, then it will move along with the base in the opposite direction to the air flow. This is all because of the thrust that the element creates.

The helicopter propeller performs the same function. It is the last detail that performs the main tasks of lifting the aircraft. Also, the screw makes the car move in a horizontal plane. This is one of the most complex parts of a helicopter.

Main screw

This assembly consists of a sleeve and blades. The blades can be made in the form of a one-piece metal structure or a spar, as well as skin and fillers.

In modern blades of industrial and military helicopters, systems are installed into which air is pumped fully automatically if the spar is somehow damaged. In 1963, the helicopter revolution took place, and the blades of the machine began to be made on the basis of fiberglass. Today, such parts are used on most helicopters around the world. But, if there is access to the production of various elements from such material, a home-made helicopter can also be equipped with them.

In most cases, the blades were attached to the hub using hinges or various flexible elements. In the helicopter industry, a three-hinged design is especially common. It has a hinge in the horizontal plane, as well as a vertical and axial element.

During the flight of such a machine, the blades sometimes make a variety of movements. They can rotate around the horizontal axis of the screw and change their position with each revolution.

Blades and hinges

The hinges are arranged in a very strictly defined sequence at a certain distance from the center. At first there is a horizontal, then a vertical, and at the end an axial hinge.

Why all this? And here's what. The propeller blades rotate clockwise around the axis. At a position of 90 degrees, the speed at which the blades move in relation to air flows is maximum. It consists of the one with which the screw rotates, and directly the speed of the air going towards the machine.

On the opposite side, this value is minimal. It's from the air current. It would seem that such a difference in speeds cannot contribute to the rise of the aircraft into the air. But no. Since the blades are fixed to the hub by means of flexible elements, instead of tipping over the machine, it remains only to change the angle of inclination.

The process of lifting the helicopter into the sky and the flight itself occurs due to the fact that the angle of attack of the blades changes. This is synchronized with engine thrust. In order to be able to synchronize the operation of the blades and motors, the so-called angle of attack control machine, or the skew element, was invented. This node has a rather complex structure. Therefore, a homemade helicopter swashplate is not so easy to make. Although the drawings of this node exist.

DIY radio-controlled helicopters

About five years ago, radio-controlled models were a curiosity for many. People flocked to see this miracle. Today, such equipment is offered in a variety of configurations. Most people prefer ready-made kits. But there are also parts for self-production.

Getting ready to assemble

If you want to assemble a helicopter on your own, then you should start with simpler schemes. This is in most cases two rotors on one chassis. Such models have higher stability than their counterparts in the classic layout. This is ideal for those who have never flown. Also, such designs are ideal if you have to fly in enclosed spaces.

Before assembling a homemade mini-helicopter, you should follow the basic rules. First you need to come up with or develop a scheme. Then you should choose the right materials and the necessary tools. Threads, and especially in metal, are best placed on a thread lock. This is necessary for security.

Necessary materials

To make such a flying technique, you will need plastic, fiberglass, wood, carbon fiber and aluminum. You also need an engine, batteries, blades, a rotor, a gearbox for the tail. In addition, you will need servos for control, electronic components, paint, glue and some little things.

Homemade radio-controlled helicopter in several stages

Now we will see how to make such a model from what everyone has in the garage. Assembly will be done in several steps. Let's take a look at them.


So, to get started, we need a frame. The main details and nodes will be fixed on it. This node must have high rigidity. The more rigid the structure, the better.

For hobby equipment, a plastic frame of two halves will suffice. Bearings and other parts will be clamped between the two parts. Then the halves need to be pulled together with self-tapping screws. If you managed to make a frame according to this principle, pulling it together and fastening it correctly, you can consider that a third of all the work has already been done.


If you do not want to calculate the gear ratios and engine power for a long time using specialized programs, it is better to make the motor comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. The motor is attached to the frame. The torque will be transmitted to the clutch. To do this, additionally mount a rubber clutch.


On a homemade helicopter with your own hands, you need to install a centrifugal clutch system. It should include a flywheel and cams, as well as a "bell". When the speed reaches the desired level, the cams will move apart and engage with it.


If the model is designed according to the scheme with one main rotor and a tail rotor, then this is a very simple model to implement. How to proceed further? An overrunning clutch must be mounted between the motor and the rotor. It is designed so that the mechanism can rotate freely by inertia.

tail boom

This part can be made of aluminum, carbon fiber or carbon fiber. Rigidity matters here. Inside the beam, you need to place a belt drive or a shaft through which the rotation of the motor will be transmitted to the rotor on the tail.

Tail Rotor Pitch Control

Homemade helicopter provides for the presence of a machine to control the tail rotor. So, you can apply long traction through intermediate rocking chairs.


To make the device more stable, it must be equipped with a chassis. This allows you to soften the blows and prevent possible rollovers of the machine. This unit can be bought or made independently from an aluminum pipe and plastic crossbars.

Bonnet part

This is more of a decorative detail, although it also has a shockproof function. Suitable for making plastic. The lighter it is, the better.

Electronic system

Without a gyroscope, a receiver, batteries and servos, efforts are simply doomed to failure. A homemade radio-controlled helicopter will not take off without the above details. Electronics is also mounted in the body of a flying machine. To ensure safety, a switch and indicators of the charge of the boat batteries can be added to the electronic part.

As a remote control, it is better to purchase a ready-made device. To assemble such a device from scratch is not for everyone. You also need to remember that the design of the aircraft should not have heavy motors or batteries. Otherwise, the car will not fly due to the large curb weight.

Making a helicopter with your own hands is a very exciting activity. But flying with him is a real art. Flights of homemade helicopters are a special sight. If you learn how to operate the device masterfully, then you will definitely cause delight among others.

Blades for helicopters

All those who regularly fly with such models know how often these elements break down. This is especially true for novice pilots. I want to play with a helicopter, but constantly acquiring these parts is not an option at all. In addition, their price is impressive.

In an hour, you can make four homemade blades for a helicopter. For manufacturing, you will need plastic cards without embossing, as well as whole blades. Whole parts will be used as a template.

One of the blades should be removed from the profile. To do this, you can warm it up on gas, and then flatten it on a table or any other object. The main thing is not to do it too hard. Then, you need to circle the template, for example, with a knife. It is necessary to cut several times without pressure, and then increase the pressure from time to time. Further, with a gentle movement, the plastic card is broken and further cut through.

So the preparation turned out. Now we need to make it thinner. To do this, you need to clean it with a sandpaper from the second third of its size. Then we move on to creating a profile. Here it is necessary to roll the rag into a roll, and heat our workpiece until soft. You need to heat from the wide side. Then, when it is already soft enough, you can put it on a roll of fabric. In order to obtain the desired profile, it is enough to press the workpiece from above with a factory blade.

Other homemade devices

Not everyone prefers a homemade helicopter on the control panel. Some technology lovers prefer to assemble quite serious cars. They look almost like real helicopters, they are just made in the majority quite handicraft. But it's still a hobby.

For example, a guy from Nigeria, who studies at the Faculty of Physics, is fond of taking apart old automotive equipment for parts and assembling a real home-made helicopter from it. The guy also develops the drawings himself.

About his next offspring, the Nigerian physicist says that he assembled the car for about eight months. This device has risen over Nigerian lands more than 6 times. The material used was aluminum scrap.

This fruit of engineering thought is equipped with a motor from a Honda car. The engine has a capacity of 133 liters. from. Seats from Toyota are installed in the back. Other components were from a Boeing that had crashed nearby.

Another homemade chainsaw helicopter became an opportunity for a prisoner to organize a jailbreak. True, its design was simple to the point of being banal. The prisoner attached a wooden screw to the chainsaw. This made it possible for a man to easily overcome more than 100 meters on such a "helicopter".

And the 82-year-old resident of Ryazan, despite his age, is fond of aviation and helicopter engineering. The turner, miller and even a great master assembled his first aircraft at the age of 30. He then worked at one of the factories in Alma-Ata. There he met one pilot, and he helped him design a home-made single-seat helicopter.

Although this helicopter is already about 50 years old, the old specialist still continues to design more and more new machines. Today, with his son, he is trying to assemble another model of the device. Assembly began right in the yard, then moved to the garage.

One lover of helicopter technology also lives in Kharkov. Of course, his car cannot fly over the ground. His helicopter is equipped with an autopilot and controlled by radio. This design is characterized by the presence of an autopilot. The helicopter can fly around 200 points along a predetermined route, as well as return to the place where the device took off earlier.


So we learned how to make a homemade helicopter. As you can see, with the right level of skills and information, you can collect decent aircraft.


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