When there will be sales in the summer. When do winter sales start, from what date? Clothing for a pleasant shopping

Russian clothing sales, one of the favorite topics for discussion. As a rule, it is customary to talk about them as unsystematic, spontaneous actions aimed only at deceiving a gullible buyer and selling illiquid assets.

Yes, clothing sales in our country have not yet reached world level, it is a fact! The domestic market has its own characteristics, sometimes with a minus sign. But, nevertheless, on the Russian market, many serious companies have already appeared that live according to world trade laws. And for them, sales, discounts, promotions are not a whim, not a fraud of buyers, but a necessity dictated by the laws of trade, and such events are planned carefully and according to a number of rules.

Sale - always an event, no less important than the appearance of a new seasonal collection. Sale is one of the stages of the fashion life cycle. At the center of any sale- discounts, allowing customers to save their money, which means to interest them, to attract them to this or that store.

Trade is cyclical. The spring-summer season begins on February 15 and ends on August 15. The rest of the time is considered the fall-winter season.

During the season, promotions to promote collections or individual products are necessarily practiced. Such events are necessary to attract and retain customers, as well as for the sale of products whose seasonality is limited.

For example, in mid-autumn, promotions for outerwear are appropriate, in April - May for a number of items from their first spring collections, in early summer, for example, for bathing suits.

All kinds of discounts allow you to adjust the flow, so they are needed throughout the season. Discounts and promotions make it possible not to bring the goods to total sales, and to avoid too much discount on obsolete goods. When huge quantities of unsold goods are sold for a low price, this is the wrong purchasing policy; you need to order as many goods as you can sell. Sales must be planned, and not merged for a penny, goods purchased erroneously.

The assortment of stores is constantly changing. There are clothing brands producing up to 12 collections per season. Such collections are called “themes”. Therefore, part of the “topics” must be discounted and sold. During the season, it is possible to sell with a 30% discount that product that has been hanging in the trading area for about a month. The amount of discounts depends on the periods of turnover of the goods, which are different for each particular brand.

There are no strict uniform rules for sales, discounts and promotions. There are some rules that vary depending on brand policy and the specific current situation.

For example, such a policy is possible, if during the first 2 weeks of sales more than 50% of an article is sold, then it is safe to say that this article will not be discounted during the season, and it is likely that it will be sold long before the final sale . So, it’s not always worth putting off the purchase of a very necessary, or a very liked thing for later. If less than 50% is sold, then the article can be discounted by 30% and further by 50% if the first discount did not work. It is always good when the buyer uses the services of specific, so to speak, “their” stores. In this case, you can take a closer look and understand the sale policy of this trading platform. Spontaneous shopping in this sense is less profitable.

Sales usually include 3 stages and can last up to 2 months in duration. Summer starts in mid-June and ends in early August. Winter - from mid-December to early March. Sometimes the remaining assortment is left at a later date, highlighting for it a special zone in the trading floor. Classic discounts at the first stage are 20 - 30%, at the second - 50%, at the third - 70%. Discounts of 80-90% in our market are very rare. The timing of the start and end of the stages of discounts depends on the marketing policy of the company and sales in the season.

Experts believe that the optimal duration of sales is 45 days. The start time of sales depends, first of all, on how the season went. The more successful the season at the store, the later the sale begins. The second criterion is the timing of the start of sales in stores of competing brands.

There is a rule that in the season things with discounts are placed in the remote part of the store, and during the sales period, the sale area moves to the first positions, but new deliveries move to the background. Promotions are most often promoted in the entry area and other active points of the trading floor.

The newer the collection, the closer it is to the entrance. And during the sales period, certain approaches to zoning are used. At all stages of the sale in the area adjacent to the entrance to the store, they present collections for which the maximum discounts are set. It also hosts the most relevant product groups this season. In the zone that is far from the entrance, there is a more expensive or non-seasonal product. It is here at the height of summer that you can buy a warm sweater or coat at a discount. In the part of the store farthest from the entrance, goods are presented with a minimum discount or without a discount - accessories, basic models, as well as new collections that arrive before the sale is completed. Therefore, if there are signs and inscriptions on the storefront indicating the presence of a sale, upon entering the trading floor, take a look around.

In some stores, discounts start from 10 - 15% and reach 70%. The company often does not adhere to the generally accepted stages of sales and discounts, making a markdown depending on the current situation. Some start selling much later than in other stores and complete it after 3 weeks, starting from 40% and quickly bringing discounts to 50 -70%.

Merchandising varies greatly depending on the level of the brand. In the stores of the “average +” segment during the sales period, the walls and tables look more free, neat, the weight is not very frequent, special attention is paid to accessories. Arriving at such a store, the buyer immediately perceives the quality level, sometimes without even knowing the name of this brand, its status.

The middle and low price segments do not make a secret of their product balances. As a rule, during the sale you will see tall piles of clothes, a tight weight, each model can be presented in several sizes.

During sales, the appearance of the mannequins changes. One of the common tricks is to put mannequins in very modest clothes that allows you to focus on the sale and promote all the offers of the store, rather than stimulate the buyer to look for any specific things, and not encourage his interest in things to be exceptionally catchy. On mannequins, only a sale collection can be presented, which emphasizes the interest of buyers. Some companies devote one part of shop windows to sales, and the other draw up a seasonal concept, posting new items. In some cases, mannequins are decorated with any material that is not related to the collection, this is done so that when entering the store, the buyer is set up for the sale as a whole, and not for any particular thing.

Learn to shop at sales, use discounts and promotions, and then all the stories about sheer deception will remain just idle talk. Well, of course, I want to believe that after a while we will still reach the level of sales of the global trading community!

In 2017, a large number of sales are planned: American, European, Chinese. Here are the key ones:

January 16 - Martin Luther King Day
A couple of days before this national holiday (its date falls on the third Monday of January), large US stores offer additional discounts. As a rule, this is another 30 minutes from the seasonal sale price. Those who after the New Year holidays will be in the States are advised to go shopping on these days. The rest - to master Amazon and other American online stores.

January 28 - February 11 - Chinese New Year
Here, additional explanations are not required ... Penny Chinese goods in this period can be bought for absolutely nothing. Do not believe? Check the sites of Aliexpress and other Chinese online stores. Having planned a visit to the Celestial Empire at the beginning of February, you can get on the sale of European brands. Of course, if you manage to grab something ahead of the Chinese, for whom the New Year is a great opportunity to go shopping.

January 30 - Russian Cyber \u200b\u200bMonday
Domestic “cyber Monday,” unlike the world’s, is held at the beginning of the year. On this day, you can buy gadgets, household appliances and any other electronics at a discount. Despite the fact that the sale is Russian, it involves large foreign stores focused on our market - eBay, Aliexpress and others.

February 14 - Valentine's Day
Two weeks before the holiday, jewelry and perfume stores, as well as spas, begin to offer discounts of 30 to 70% on everything that falls into the category of a gift for Valentine's Day. It is curious that in many countries during this period the largest number of postcards is sold.

February 15 - Presidents Day
The holiday is American, so this day is worth a visit to US online stores.
Shoes and clothes: , .
Sporting goods: , .
Electronics:  , The size of discounts varies greatly - from 20 to 80%. It is believed that the largest discount on this day can be obtained on goods with a high margin - expensive electronics, accessories, premium clothing. In the middle price segment, the discount does not exceed 30-40% (which is also significant, agree). With a good discount on this day you can buy goods for summer cottages, fishing, moves and outdoor activities.
February 23 and March 8

In late February - early March, it has become a tradition in Russia to make discounts on goods that are customary to give to men and women. Discounts rarely exceed 30%, so if you want to save money, take care of the gift in advance - during the New Year sales period, when the discount reaches 70%.

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
On this day, UK and US stores offer 25-50% discounts on certain categories of goods. The specificity is that discounts are given on products made in green colors - clothes, furniture and other items of this color. Both regular and online stores take part in sales.

April 16 - Catholic Easter
Previously, Easter sales in Catholic countries began on the eve of the holiday, but because of the great excitement, the last few years have made them long - 10-14 days. Almost all stores and retail chains participate. During this period, in Europe and the USA at a discount of 30-50% you can buy: clothes, household goods, electronics, jewelry and perfumes. By the way, some large online stores, such as Amazon, offer Easter free delivery.

May 1 and 9 - Labor Day and Victory Day
During the May holidays, it is recommended to look at the online stores of household goods - Chinese and American. There you can find discounts dedicated to the beginning of the summer season - especially for the Russian market. Look for discount shovels in Auchan and Leroy Merlin these days is not worth it.

May 8 - Mother's Day
International counterpart on March 8th. It is a very popular holiday in America. It is logical that the discount applies to the women's assortment of goods: clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, some categories of equipment. In the USA and Europe, stocks start in a week, the discount reaches 70% (!!!). Therefore, do not forget to check western online stores.

June 19 - Father's Day
The holiday is not as large as mother’s day, but large stores give a 30-40% discount on “men's” categories of goods, including electronics, goods for cars, fishing, hunting and for outdoor activities. Recommended online stores: Joby, Amazon, Mitchell & Ness, Harbor Freight Tools.

September 5 - Labor Day
An informal celebration of the end of summer in the USA. As a rule, the remnants of the spring-summer season collection fall under the sale. It is worth noting that not all US online stores organize delivery to Russia. But you can always use intermediaries, reliable are considered the Parcel Post and Shipito.

October 1 - the foundation day of the PRC
Small discounts on clothes, gadgets and accessories that day can be found in stores in China.

November 11 - Bachelor's Day
Bachelor's Day is an unofficial holiday that appeared in China in the mid-90s. A few years ago, Internet retailers began to arrange sales on this day, followed by the tradition of Chinese shopping centers. Thus, November 11th became a kind of e-commerce day. This year, in 24 hours of global sales, the trading floors of the Chinese Internet giant Alibaba sold $ 17.8 billion worth of goods. About 140,000 orders from customers from 207 countries and regions passed in a second. Impressive? Other major Chinese stores: Aliexpress, JD, BangGood, GearBest.

November 24 - Black Friday
This tradition reached Russia. But, unfortunately, it has not proved itself as successfully as in America. As a rule, there are no real discounts on this day. Or sellers intentionally inflate prices on the eve of “Black Friday” so that there is something to lower on this day. Or sell expiring products.

November 27 - International Cyber \u200b\u200bMonday
I could not find reliable confirmation that the iPhone and Macbook can be bought on this day at a discount ... However, for most gadgets of popular brands, the discount can reach up to 50%. Good deals can be found here: Newegg, BangGood and GearBest.

When do clothing sales usually begin? Sincerely, Julia.

Fashionistas are often worried when summer sales begin, or vice versa winter. After all, this is a great opportunity to purchase your favorite thing at a much more pleasant price than at the high season. But how not to miss this event?

In fact, there is no single timeline when prices begin to decline. The dates are affected by the remains of the collection in the warehouse, its popularity and other factors.

Summer discounts

But still there are certain periods when you can expect discounts. In the summer, this is usually the second half of June to August.

It should be noted that some brands carry out sales in several stages. The first wave falls on June. Discounts at this time are minimal, do not exceed 30%. At the same time, they should not be ignored. After all, right now there is a great chance to find the right basic thing or an eye-on dress. The running sizes are quickly sold out, so by the next wave of price reductions the choice will be quite limited.

Some brands have specially allocated places in stores, the so-called corners, for the remains of past collections. There you can find things at a discount and off-season.

In the beginning of July and until August, the second stage begins, discounts reach 70%. Now there is a chance to get a stylish new thing at a very nice price. But in order to find something worth the right size, you have to work hard. In individual stores, sales take place in one stage, and begin just in July. Discounts for such brands are immediately maximum.

Information about sales in the shopping center

Black friday

In the last week of November, you should prepare for the first discounts of new collections. In all stores, the so-called "Black Friday", and in some, the sale starts on Thursday, opening hours are increasing. Do not miss the opportunity to buy “your size” of your favorite clothes at a discount.

Winter discounts

If you are interested in when the winter sales begin, then you should be on the alert by mid-December. Price reductions may continue until mid-February. The stores have no single system, as in the summer. Some offer discounts early, while others seek to squeeze more out of the hype before the New Year. Therefore, you need to keep track of your favorite brands.

How to find out about the start of a sale

What to do in order not to miss the long-awaited moment? Stores are often in no hurry to provide information about such events. In some brands, without any prior announcement, the windows are changed overnight. You can learn about the beginning of discounts only by coming to the store.

To avoid this situation, it makes sense to get a loyal customer card. Of course, this applies primarily to your favorite brands. Sometimes such cards are issued simply upon request, in other cases, a purchase for a certain amount may be necessary. But the cardholder gets an advantage not only in the form of discounts upon purchase. He can be informed by telephone about the dates of the sale. Just remember to leave the number. In addition, in some stores closed sales are practiced. They are carried out exclusively for regular customers and before a massive price reduction. So there’s a higher chance of finding a good thing of its size.

Most brands have their own websites. On them you can get acquainted with the collection, as well as subscribe to the newsletter. Then information about the beginning of discounts will come by e-mail. If you have already tried on the kit and decided on the size and color, then it is better to make an order through the online store.

How to make shopping a pleasure

During the sales period, it is easy to lose your head, because the windows showcase tempting offers.

In order not to regret later about wasted time or money, you should adhere to simple recommendations:

  • The most important rule is that before shopping you should make a list of necessary purchases. In a period of low prices, you can get carried away exploring the range and forget about what is really necessary.
  • It is worth planning a budget: how much is allowed to spend on essentials and how much is left for spontaneous decisions.
  • Before buying, you should carefully examine the selected item to notice a possible defect.
  • It is recommended that you carefully examine the contents of the shelves. Due to the large number of people, the desired size may not be in place.
  • Too long to think about a thing you like is not worth it. If you postpone it even for a short while, then it is quite possible she will appeal to someone else.
  • If there is doubt that the thing is suitable, you need to examine yourself critically. You should not completely trust the opinion of sellers or friends, you need to focus on your feelings.

Clothing for a pleasant shopping

To make shopping a pleasure, you need to take care of suitable clothing. This is especially true during the sales period, when a shopping trip will probably take a lot of time. It is worth planning your route so that you can rest, for example, drink tea in a cafe or have a snack.

The main requirement for clothes - it should be comfortable enough free, easy to take off. Things with intricate locks and ties are best left for another occasion. After all, even if the plans include the purchase of trousers, it is possible that you really want to try on a pretty blouse. Therefore, the entire kit should be easy to remove.

Shoes also need to choose comfortable. It is best to choose a pair without heels. At the same time, it is worth putting on slip-ons, not sneakers or sneakers, because then you do not have to bother with laces.

If you need to choose shoes for certain trousers, then it is in them that it makes sense to go to the store. In different models of shoes, the proportions may vary slightly, without trying on this can not be seen.

Accessories to the store are recommended to wear a minimum. An original watch or bracelet may leave a clue on a new thing during the fitting process. Large earrings are also able to cling to the fabric. In addition, bright decorations affect the assessment of the thing used. And if you remove them, there is a risk of forgetting them in the booth.

There are not many requirements for the bag. It is undesirable for this accessory to be large, as it will constrain movement. It is best to choose a medium bag, quite roomy, which will fit all the necessary things. Lovers of small handbags can be limited to a miniature clutch. Anyway, the store will pack the purchase in a company package.

Minimum make-up for purchases is appropriate. War paint may stain the item chosen for fitting. Hairstyle is worth doing any, which is comfortable. Long hair is recommended to be bundled or braided so that they do not interfere.

Shopping is a great way to relieve stress and cheer up. But it must be approached correctly. Make a plan, choose the right clothes and, of course, keep track of summer and winter sales.

When is the best time to buy a car, airline tickets, household appliances, TV, furniture, mattress, laptop? We offer you a guide on competent shopping and reasonable expenses, which details what to buy and in what months of the year.


This is the best time to buy a computer and holiday items. Immediately after the holidays end, a huge number of people hurry to return the gifts that were given to them and for some reason that they did not like. CardCash.com, GiftCards.com, and even eBay after Christmas sell return products at discounted prices.

Wrapping paper and tapes

Within a few weeks after a lively pre-Christmas and New Year's shopping, stores sell the remnants of wrapping paper and bright ribbons at lower prices. Buy them now and save until next year, since the shelf life of such products is unlimited.


In January, as a rule, there are big discounts on sheets, towels and blankets. The first such action took place in 1878, when the White Sale was held at the Philadelphia department store.

Computers and laptops

Starting in January, keep an eye on PC prices. Many companies offer discounts on older models as they prepare for the upcoming release of the latest systems.


The shortest month of the year is the best time to buy furniture, a washing machine and dryer, wedding items.


This is the perfect time to start planning your summer wedding. You will be available preferential prices for rental restaurants and cafes, meals and photos.

Air conditioning

In the winter months, many stores offer devices at low prices, but finding them is not so simple.


New collections will go to showrooms in February, so furniture from old collections can be bought much cheaper, as stores tend to “get rid” of them and free up more space.

Washer and dryer

In this case, the same rules apply. Home appliance stores are selling old models to make way for more modern appliances.


The best time to buy a suitcase and a digital camera.

Frozen products

March is the month of frozen foods. At this time, there is a large-scale marketing campaign that encourages stores to offer discounts and coupons throughout the month.

Bags and suitcases

Spring and summer is a time of massive vacations. Retail chains offer a wide selection of suitcases and travel bags. You can find new and exclusive models in a single copy or products from past collections with nice discounts.

Digital camera

The monthly magazine Consumer Reports advises buying a digital camera in March-April.


April is the best time to buy vacuum cleaners and winter clothes.


Plan your vacation in April. Early booking allows you to buy tickets at a lower (prime) price. Moreover, at this time the largest selection of hotels and destinations.

Vacuum cleaners

Most new models are released in June, so retail stores are trying to quickly sell old vacuum cleaners. This is an ideal time to make a purchase, significantly saving money.

A boat

In anticipation of the fishing season, the choice of boats is huge and attractive discounts apply.

Winter clothes

As soon as new spring collections fall into stores, prices for winter clothes drop markedly. It happens that stores completely remove it from the shelves, leaving it until next year. However, most often the old collection is sold at a discount of 50-90%.


This month is the best time to buy equipment and a gym membership.

Clothes and shoes

May is an ideal month for buying demi-season clothing. At this time, a new summer collection is approaching, and the stores are "getting rid" of the old with great pleasure and discounts.

Gym membership

Summer is a dead season for gyms, so the administration of fitness clubs and gyms is beginning to actively “lure” customers. Do not miss the opportunity to purchase a yoga or gym membership at half price.

Kitchenware and small appliances

Kitchen utensils are the most common type of gift for weddings and holidays, so stores quite often organize sales on the eve of the season.


You need to buy such equipment in the spring! Last year's prices will be lowered to free up the showroom.


The best time to buy a laptop, plane and train tickets, and linen is June.


Stores like Victoria's Secret and Bare Necessities are selling all stock from stock this month.


Sales of laptops for schoolchildren and students actually begin in June. Quite often, stores offer computers complete with a printer or gift card.

Tickets and last minute packages

In June, it’s not too late to plan your Christmas holidays and book tickets, often at this time there are discounts and special offers. Do not forget about summer vacations, the season of burning permits begins.


The best time to buy jewelry and picnic items.

Summer clothes

Prices for sundresses, t-shirts, shorts and so on. in the middle of the season begin to decline markedly.

Picnic items

As soon as the summer has passed over the middle, stores reduce the prices of thematic goods: baskets, skewers, barbecues, tents and tents, swings, etc.


Summer is not rich in holidays, March 8 has already passed, and before Mother's Day and New Year's Day it is still very far away. There is a lull in jewelry stores, so they offer lower prices to lure customers.


August is the best time to buy office supplies, grills.


Having gone to the store, you will find many profitable offers, especially on street grills, because the season of mass outdoor recreation is already coming to an end.


Retail stores offer discounts on backpacks, laptops, and other school supplies.


As a rule, by this time most of the collection has already been sold, and the remainder is sold at big discounts. Perhaps your size will remain one of the last in the store.


The first autumn month is the best time to buy a car and furniture for a patio or garden.

Patio furniture and garden furniture

Large stores need to make room for Christmas goods, and this encourages them to sell seasonal goods at great discounts.


Car dealers arrange profitable promotions in order to sell cars of the current year of release, because the New Year is just around the corner.


In September, many companies are selling goods.


The best time to buy garden tools and jeans.


Jeans left over from the previous collection are sold at a big discount for a short period of time before the pre-holiday shopping begins.

Home and Garden Products

In October, the biggest discounts on lawn mowers, garden tools and camping equipment.


The best time has come for choosing gifts.

Black Friday and Cyber \u200b\u200bMonday

They can last all week, and this is a great opportunity to purchase not only clothes and shoes, but also an inexpensive TV, household appliances, computer and smartphone.

Sweets and candies

If you are a big fan of sweets, then plan your purchases for November, this month there is a price lull before the New Year.


They are also better to buy in November - this is a good time to choose Christmas gifts.


The best time to buy champagne, sports equipment.


The upcoming holidays and the competition between the producers of sparkling wine significantly reduce prices.

Sports equipment

Closer to mid-winter, sales of sports equipment and equipment at attractive prices begin.

Wedding Dress

Winter is not the most popular time of the year for a wedding. At this time, the salons are empty and ready to fight for each client, offering very good discounts not only on dresses and suits, but also on accessories.

Do you like fashionable and stylish clothes, but don’t always have enough money to fully update your wardrobe? Do you think that only wealthy people can afford quality things? We will tell you how to dress with savings for the budget at seasonal sales in Russia.

To dress fashionably and stylishly, you do not have to spend fabulous amounts on your wardrobe. It is enough to shop in the sales season, when discounts on the range of the outgoing season reach 90%.

Sales Seasons in Russia:

- Autumn-winter collection - starts from the end of December until mid-February;

Spring - summer collection - in many stores, a tempting sign "Sale" appears at the end of June. Discounts last until mid-August.

How to shop with maximum savings for the budget

Even at a sale where prices have reached their minimum, it is important to adhere to the rules of “ideal shopping” - not to buy too much and what’s not needed. Do not succumb to panic and buy cheap goods, most of which will simply gather dust in the closet.

It’s better to make a list of wardrobe items you need before going shopping — this will allow you to make purchases more deliberately and hold back your attack of shopaholism a little.

You can buy things at maximum discounts in the last weeks of sales, when stores try to sell old collections with discounts from 70 to 90%. The choice, of course, by this time is already meager, enterprising fashionistas are dismantling all the best models and running sizes even with a 50% sale. But, if you hurry, then by all means buy a pair of fashionable little things at a ridiculous price.


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