Mkad countdown. MKAD: decoding, meanings, use in speech. Metropolitan ring road

How many kilometers of the Moscow Ring Road in a circle? Have you ever wondered? The ring road encircling Moscow marks the administrative boundaries of the city; construction began back in the 40s, but was launched only in 1962.
Now there are 10 lanes and 47 interchanges on the Moscow Ring Road, and still, this is clearly not enough.

How many kilometers of the Moscow Ring Road?

How many kilometers of the Moscow Ring Road in a circle in Moscow worries not only motorists, but also simply lovers of accurate statistical data. But here the opinions of the parties differ. According to official data, the length of the Moscow Ring Road is 108.9 km.

But as always, motorists check everything empirically, and according to their data, official sources are somewhat mistaken and the length of the Moscow Ring Road is closer to 110.3 km.

Experts object and state that such an error is considered the norm, depending on which ring, external or internal, the car was moving.
Who has nothing to do, forward to the Moscow Ring Road. True, sometimes it's scary to even look at the Moscow Ring Road, let alone leave of your own free will.

We are used to being shown some monkeys in three-de. Sometimes lucky and show beautiful women in clothes that are almost nonexistent. Now the creators got to the visualization of what we are used to, but did not see.

Right now you can see in 3D how the interchange on the Moscow Ring Road, which you use all the time, will change. A total of 15 interchanges will be reconstructed.

Today, seven interchanges with the Moscow Ring Road are under construction in Moscow. Four of them have passed / are passing this year. Two are already ready for a long time.

Why is the reconstruction going on? The building complex of Moscow refuses traditional clover interchanges, which tend to self-lock (when one entrance is blocked, all the others “stand up” almost immediately). Instead of them, interchanges with directional congresses are created. As Moscow Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin said in an interview with RIA, after the reconstruction, the traffic capacity of the interchanges will increase by 30%.

Currently, the following interchanges are being built on the Moscow Ring Road - with Michurinsky and Leninsky avenues, Dmitrovskoye Highway, Leningradka, Volgogradka, Kashirka and Mozhaika, as well as Businovskaya. Interchanges with Volgogradsky and Michurinsky avenues and with Dmitrovsky and Mozhaisky highways have been / will be handed over this year. The interchanges at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Leningradskoye Highway and the Moscow Ring Road with Podolski Kursantov Street have long been completed.

So let's move on to 3D images. Here is the junction with the Leningradskoe highway. The movement has been open for a long time.

Interchange with Podolski Kursantov street. Already open.
Interchange with Michurinsky prospect. The movement was opened this year.
On June 16, traffic opened at Dmitrovskoe highway. The construction of a tunnel and one more flyover continues.
Interchange between Moscow Ring Road and Mozhaisk Highway. Traffic is open on the exit from Mozhaiskoye Highway to the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road and along an overpass across the Moscow Ring Road on the backup of Mozhaiskoye Highway (when moving towards the region). The junction will open completely soon.
Interchange with Volgogradsky Avenue. It is planned to open traffic on the reconstructed transport interchange at the end of August.
Interchange with Ryazansky prospect.
Businovskaya interchange. By the end of 2014, it is planned to launch traffic on the road from Businovskaya junction to Festivalnaya street.
Molodogvardeyskaya denouement. The first stage of the Molodogvardeyskaya transport interchange is open. Construction continues.
Interchange between the Moscow Ring Road and Volokolamskoye Highway. Design is underway.
Interchange between Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Highway. The construction is planned to be completed in the second quarter of 2015.
Interchange with Leninsky Prospekt. Reconstruction of the interchange is planned to be completed in September 2015.
Also, at the expense of investors, it is planned to build a transport interchange at the 20th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, an interchange opposite the Vegas shopping center, an interchange at the intersection with Verkhniye Polya Street. In addition, investors are discussing the financing of a road in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Crocus City multifunctional center.

And also, according to Khusnullin, the building complex has revealed more than 100 unauthorized congresses from the Moscow Ring Road. In fact, they nullify at least one lane of the ring road due to the lack of acceleration lanes and other incorrect design decisions. “If technologically these ramps can be converted into normal facilities that do not hinder traffic, we will offer investors to participate in the Moscow Ring Road reconstruction program. If it is technically impossible to do this, we will close such congresses, ”the Deputy Mayor said.

At the same time, the Moscow Ring Road backup will be created. They are needed where people, in order to get from one microdistrict to the next, go to the ring road. For example, on the section from Leninsky Prospekt to Mozhaika on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road, there will be an understudy almost everywhere, and partly understudies will also be on the outside. “After all, now it happens that in order to move from one shopping center on the Moscow Ring Road to the neighboring one located on the same side, motorists are forced to go to the Moscow Ring Road, use it for local movement,” says Khusnullin.

Now, according to the estimates of the Moscow building complex, the rightmost lanes on the Moscow Ring Road are working at 50% of their capacity, and the lanes following them - at 70%. That is, when the traffic is built more competently, the Moscow Ring Road will operate at 100% of its capabilities. There will be fewer traffic jams.

Since Soviet times, abbreviations have become part of our speech. Some of them are known to everyone and everyone, some have a meaning known only to a narrow professional circle. Do you know the decoding of the Moscow Ring Road? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Decoding MKAD

What does this phrase mean? The decoding of the abbreviation MKAD can be as follows:

  • Moscow Ring Road.
  • Minsk ring road.

In our country, the first value is more popular.

How to use an abbreviation?

We figured out the decoding of the Moscow Ring Road. But how to use this abbreviation in speech? Is it he, she, is it? Moscow (Minsk) is a feminine phenomenon. But does this carry over to the combination of letters?

Experts note that previously the Moscow Ring Road was an exclusively feminine abbreviation. However, at present there is a "drift" of letter combinations towards the masculine gender. Linguists advise the following:

  • In official speech, use in the feminine gender. For example: "The Moscow Ring Road was extremely overloaded on a summer Sunday evening."
  • In colloquial speech, it is more appropriate to use the abbreviation in the masculine gender. For example: "The Moscow Ring Road appeared in the distance."

Metropolitan ring road

The Moscow Ring Road is the Moscow Ring Federal Highway. In the period 1960-1984. coincided with the administrative border of the capital. Hence the popular phrase "There is no life beyond the Moscow Ring Road" - an irony over Muscovites who do not know about life in the provinces, in the rest of Russia. Today, the boundaries of an actively developing metropolis are far beyond the boundaries of this famous highway and only in some places partially coincide with it.

The main function of the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow is to unload the city's central highways. The need for the construction of such a highway arose in the mid-50s of the last century. It was put into operation in 1962. The total length of the route is 109 km, five-lane (in each direction) traffic is organized along it. The permitted speed on the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow is 100 km / h. Bandwidth is estimated at 9 thousand vehicles per hour.

To our time, two road reconstructions have been carried out - in the 1990s and 2010s. Today there are new plans to modernize the track:

  • Construction of doubles next to large shopping malls.
  • Creation of stripes for acceleration and deceleration in certain areas.
  • Construction of "cloverleaf" type interchanges.

Kilometer Zero (reference point) is located at the fork in the Entuziastov highway. The countdown is clockwise. The track is used not only by personal and freight transport, but also by public ones. Buses move along different parts of it. These are both city (serviced by "Mosgortrans"), and suburban, intercity flights.

We have presented the scheme of the Moscow Ring Road in the photo. Let's also characterize the road in numbers:

  • The total width is 10 strips.
  • The length is 108.9 km.
  • The width of each strip is from 3.5 to 3.75 m.
  • The average distance of the highway from the center of Moscow is 17.5 km.

The Moscow Ring Road in Russia is considered one of the most modern and comfortable highways. But although it has the maximum capacity in the region, alas, it has not been able to cope with the flow of transport for a long time. One of the most "sick" characteristics of a highway is traffic jams. Their reasons are different:

  • Lack of ramps for emergency vehicles.
  • Low capacity of exits from the ring road.
  • Frequent traffic blockage due to the following government corteges.
  • Close location to the Moscow Ring Road of large shopping centers - they attract many visitors to the car, which additionally load the track.
  • Ineffective clover interchanges.
  • Using the ring road as an interdistrict road, etc.

Minsk auto ring

Another decoding of the Moscow Ring Road is the Minsk Ring Road. Or the M9 highway. This is a highway, which, like the Moscow one, is oriented towards the administrative border of the capital. Its total length is about 56 km.

The construction of the Belarusian road took place in 1956-1963. Initially, it was assigned to the 3rd category of highways - with a total width of 7.5 m, it had one lane in each direction.

The road has also undergone two reconstructions - in 1980 and 2002. After the last change, the track has acquired a first-class level. It was expanded to wide. Arranged 6-lane traffic. Travel speed is limited to 90 km / h. The throughput capacity of the Minsk auto ring is estimated at 85 thousand transport units per day.

The MKAD is the Moscow and Minsk ring roads. In official speech, the abbreviation is used in the feminine gender, in colloquial it is also allowed masculine.


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