Social worker day presentations. Profession - “Social worker. The concept of "Social worker"

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A social worker is a merciful, kind profession that officially appeared in Russia just 20 years ago. The transition of the country to a market economy was the most difficult of all to cope with the unprotected layers of the population: lonely frail old people, lonely mothers and fathers, disabled people, seriously ill people and children deprived of parental care. Representatives of a new profession - social workers - came to their aid. Of course, they had historical predecessors (trustees, nurses, patronage nurses, Timurovites, etc.). From ancient times it was customary in Russia to take care of the poor and the weak. Usually lonely old people, invalids, street children were taken care of by monasteries, where all the suffering could count on shelter, care and food. A respectful, caring attitude towards the elderly is an important criterion for the level of development of human society.

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A social worker is a qualified specialist who works in the public sphere and is related to people's lives and their relationships in society. This is a doctor, priest, psychologist all rolled into one. Many of the older people today are lonely, helpless and poor. Providing them with emotional support is the most important thing. They need not only medical care, medicines, but sometimes basic care and solving everyday issues. It is difficult to find a more noble profession, they work in it by vocation, random people do not stay here. In Western countries, the profession of a social worker is among the three most respected in society, along with the professions of a doctor and a lawyer.

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The main duty of an employee of social security agencies is to help those who are not able to take care of themselves. For example, in one of the cities of Russia there is a bus service called "Mercy", in winter they evacuate the freezing homeless people from the streets. Every year, employees of this service save hundreds of people from hypothermia and starvation. In this profession, different specialties are distinguished: social work, the organization of signage communication, the organization of work with youth. Advantages of the profession: availability of obtaining a profession; the opportunity to do good deeds every day; high social significance. Restrictions on the profession: low wages; not suitable for people who are squeamish, have no patience and do not know how to compassion.

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The profession of a social worker belongs to the type: "Human - Human", it is focused on communication and interaction with people. This requires the ability to establish and maintain business contacts, understand people and understand human relationships, be active, sociable and communicative, have developed speech abilities and verbal thinking, and have emotional stability. An additional type of profession: "Human-Nature", since it is associated with the care and maintenance of living people, with the prevention and treatment of diseases. This requires a high level of development of observation, attentiveness, physical endurance, aptitude and interest in working with people who need help and care. The profession of a social worker belongs to the performing class, it is associated with the execution of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, and following instructions. It requires organization, diligence, ability to do specific things.

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The activities of a social worker include the provision of material and household assistance and moral and legal support to people with disabilities, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, persons suffering from serious ailments, alcoholics and drug addicts, needy citizens who are in a state of depression due to environmental disasters, interethnic conflicts and wars, the loss of loved ones.

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The social worker most often serves the persons assigned to him in need of assistance, from 8 to 16 people. He visits the wards at the place of residence, provides them with moral support, provides everyone with food and medicine at his request according to a pre-compiled and agreed list, pays for utilities, receives pensions and benefits accrued in the name of the ward. The social worker provides help around the house: cleaning and redecorating the apartment, preparing food if necessary, feeding the ward. In case of illness, the ward provides him with emergency first aid medical assistance. Calls a doctor at home, accompanies an appointment at a clinic. In case of hospitalization, the ward visits him in the hospital. At the request of the ward, he writes letters, makes phone calls to relatives, and also solves other issues faced by lonely, elderly and sick people.

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To successfully master the profession of a social worker, a general awareness of social, humanitarian and moral issues is necessary, basic knowledge of history, Russian language, social studies is useful. A qualified social worker should know: the basics of ethics, psychology, the basics of medicine, the basics of economics, legal norms. A qualified social worker should be able to: establish emotional contact with wards, show care, provide them with moral support, perform household chores (make purchases, cook, wash), if necessary, provide first aid medical

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Successful activity as a social worker requires the presence of the following professionally important qualities: practical logical thinking of a subject-effective warehouse, optimism, decency, punctuality, compassion, a pronounced sense of responsibility, a pronounced propensity to work in the field of communication, a propensity for service work, lexical abilities , activity and physical mobility, high emotional stability.

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The social worker has an active, mobile work, numerous contacts, visits to wards at home and from various authorities and shops. The main means of labor of a social worker: hand tools, "golden hands" and "kind heart". The social worker fulfills clear, clearly formulated goals, solves standard, typical tasks. The social worker performs the tasks set by others, according to the set standards, rules, algorithms. Of the special working conditions, it should be noted the moral responsibility for the wards and the high psycho-emotional load during intensive contact with representatives of disadvantaged strata of society.

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Medical restrictions for a social worker: dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, speech, vision and hearing disorders, impaired coordination of movements, serious chronic diseases that cause rapid fatigue (anemia), diseases of the cardiovascular system, neuropsychiatric diseases.

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Basic knowledge of the profession of a social worker can be obtained in institutions of higher professional education.

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People come to the profession of a social worker with pronounced altruism, skillful hands and a leading interest in providing assistance and support to those who need it most. You can start your activity in this profession from an ordinary position in the center of social protection, then get a specialized education. In Moscow, the following educational institutions produce certified social workers: Russian State Social University (RSSU), Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU), Moscow State University of Culture and Art (MGUKI), Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) and others. You can improve your knowledge level at seminars and refresher courses.

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Social workers have ample opportunities for employment, their services are in demand in many organizations: in federal and municipal authorities, in bodies of social protection of the population (social service centers, in employment centers, social assistance to families and children, in state institutions in the system of internal affairs and justice, in educational institutions, in rehabilitation centers of various profiles, in public and private insurance and pension organizations and funds, in organizations and institutions for youth affairs in education and vocational guidance centers, in children's art houses, in church parishes.

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Possible ways of developing a social worker. Specialization and development of related fields Over time, you can improve your qualifications, master new specialties within the profession or related professions: nurse / nurse, educator of a boarding school, teacher. In the case of choosing this direction of career development, it is recommended to master the skills of influence, teaching, additionally get acquainted with the content of such professions as: teacher, master of industrial training, psychologist Managerial career development A social worker with a higher basic education and a desire to develop as a manager and manager, over time can become a leader, head the department of social service in the social assistance system. In the case of choosing the administrative direction of career development, it is recommended to develop managerial skills, additionally master such professions as a manager. Entrepreneurial development. Over time, it is possible to open a non-state charitable foundation, attract funds from private investors. In this case, it is recommended to additionally master the profession of an entrepreneur.

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The concept of "Social worker"

A social worker is a "servant of two masters." On the one hand, he serves people - helping to cope with a specific problem, and this is the helping side of social work; on the other hand, it serves the state by helping its citizens.

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An essential component of professionalism in the activities of social workers.

1. Ability to establish the optimal level of identification of social workers with clients 2. Identification is a unity of three components and interrelated components - cognitive, emotional and behavioral; 3. Identification is a unit of consciousness and refers to the dynamic characteristics of a person. 4. The personal qualities of future social workers affect the level of identification with clients. Students who establish the optimal level of identification with clients are characterized by personality traits: awareness of their individual characteristics, different from the individual characteristics of other people; self-respect and recognition of the value of others; taking responsibility for what is happening; the ability to control their emotional state and the emotional state of others, the establishment of relationships of interaction. 5. Students with a high level of identification are characterized by qualities that prevent the establishment of an optimal level of identification with clients: poor knowledge of their psychological characteristics and their clients, low self-esteem; inability to control your emotional state; external locus of control; divergence of the main components of the functional state (well-being, activity, mood), a strong psychoemotional reaction to stress, low performance. 6. Students with a low level of identification are characterized by qualities that prevent the establishment of an optimal level of identification with clients: lack of reflection skills; negative attitude towards clients, inability to control one's emotional state, external locus of control, low activity in the process of professional activity.

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Types of social services

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    Types of social service institutions:

    1) stationary institutions of social services (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, special boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, neuropsychiatric boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities); 2) social shelters for children and adolescents; 3) social rehabilitation institutions for disabled adults; 4) comprehensive centers of social services for the population; 5) rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities; 6) centers of social adaptation for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation; 7) territorial centers of social assistance to families and children; 8) social rehabilitation centers for minors; 9) gerontological centers; 10) centers of social and psychological assistance to the population

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    Social worker clients

    The clients of social workers can be: an individual; a family; Group; community of people or organization.

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    Ethical principles of social work

    1) a firm belief in the value, dignity and creativity of each individual; 2) belief in the undoubted right of everyone to have their own opinion and beliefs, freely express and implement them to the extent that this does not infringe upon the rights of other people; 3) unshakable conviction in the inalienable and inalienable right of every person to make his own choice and act on its basis within the framework of a changing and developing, but at the same time stable society. The process of mutual influence of value systems is of particular importance in social work.

    Profession - social worker Romanova Aleftina Anatolyevna Teacher of technology of the highest qualification category, honored teacher of the Republic of Tatarstan MBOU "Secondary school 78, Privolzhsky district of Kazan (correctional classes at GAUSO Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities" Solnechny ")

    We look at life now in a new way, But the saint cannot be taken away from us; There is a special profession in the world - to take care of defenseless people. The age-old tradition of good deeds has always been cherished in social protection. They are greeted with happy faces All who are overwhelmed by trouble. How much does fate need a forgotten one? Calm, warm, feed. The killed hope revives, And the torn thread grows together. In social protection, the job is not easy. They know how to hurry slowly. Listen, tales of fate are not easy, Not everyone can have a soul. Divide the loneliness in two. Try on pain with resentment. From such communication I want to, Sometimes, to the ends of the world to run

    But momentary weakness disappears. The heart will beat more evenly. Again, for tomorrow - with great joy the Social Defender will be greeted. They know he will come with bags full, They contain food, medicine, flowers. He will look with bottomless eyes, Not sparing the soul of warmth. Everyone looks at difficulties differently, But we cannot take away the saint - There is a wonderful profession in the world - To take care of defenseless people.

    The system of state charity developed in Russia under Catherine II, who issued a decree, in 1763, on the opening of a Moscow orphanage, into which even orphans under 3 years old were accepted. In 1776, orders of public contempt were created in all provinces of Russia, which dealt with issues of helping those in need - analogs of modern social protection services

    Day of the social worker is celebrated in the Russian Federation on June 8 according to the Presidential Decree of October 27, 2000 June 27 October 2000

    Professional skills: knowledge of the legal framework, acts and regulations governing social relations; knowledge of a complex of sciences (psychology, medicine, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, etc.); availability of information on current problems of the social and humanitarian sphere; ability to provide assistance in career guidance and employment ability to work with documentation

    Places of work: centers of social services and welfare; rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities; social protection committees; advice from veterans; nursing home; orphanages; guardianship authorities; colonies; branches of the pension fund; psychological services

    Features of career growth After a year of work and the acquisition of the necessary experience, a social worker is assigned a category with a corresponding increase in salary. Three years later, the wage premium is 10%, and after 5 years of work - 30%.

    Pedagogical College 1 (Kazan) Kazan Social and Humanitarian College Kazan State Professional Pedagogical College. International College of Service Academy TISBI (college and university) Secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of Kazan, training social workers

    Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (college and university) Institute of Economics, Management and Law Institute of Economics, Management and Law (college and university) Academy of State and Municipal Administration under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Social Education Higher School of Management Kazan (Volga ) Federal University Kazan State Technological University Kazan State Technological University Kazan Medical University Kazan Social and Legal Institute

    June 7 at the MU "Complex Center
    social services ”
    an event dedicated to
    Day of the social worker.

    The event began with congratulations from the director
    Center ("Director of the Hive") - Natalia Naumenko.
    Social workers were awarded
    Diplomas of "worker bees" in various
    nominations. It was very unexpected
    interesting and fun.

    At the social worker Valentina
    Troshina this day was an anniversary. Her
    presented with flowers, a diploma and a commemorative

    Employees of the department of social
    Home Services # 3 presented
    comic number "The Crow and the Fox".
    They proved once again - social
    employees are professionals.

    The festive concert program was continued by employees
    departments of rehabilitation, temporary residence and departments
    for disabled children.

    Rehabilitation and Temporary Residence Departments
    were awarded a comic commemorative diploma.

    No one could hold back their tears when
    Anna Kuzmina - volunteer participating
    performed a romance in the life of the Center
    "White acacia clusters are fragrant."
    Musical director Irina
    Romanova was awarded a commemorative
    a gift.

    Social workers came to congratulate the chairman
    Social Protection Committee Valentina
    Bernardovna Kuznetsova. They heard many kind words in
    your address.

    Those who did not receive their diplomas were
    awarded with commemorative photographs.

    Solemnly - concert
    part of the event already
    established tradition
    concluded the speech
    Anna Kuzmina and Diana
    Sinyavskaya with a song
    “Russia is my star”.

    The event ended with a comic
    photo session.

    And such a gift was presented by nature
    to the Day of Social Worker in our

    Dear Colleagues!
    I sincerely congratulate you
    happy professional holiday
    Happy Social Worker!
    I wish you not to lose that sincere
    with which your hearts are filled
    not to lose faith in people, despite
    for all the problems
    getting in the way of help and
    Do your blessed duty
    with joy and pleasure!
    We have a quiet work ...
    But our soul is open
    For those who need care
    For those who need protection.
    Questions and problems - without counting,
    And we love our work.
    We have a quiet work ...
    But people need us !!!
    Director of the MU "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population"
    Natalya Naumenko summary of other presentations

    "" Politics "social science" - Politics: concept, subjects and objects. Characteristics of neoconservatism. Theories of the origin of the state. Characteristics of social democracy. Constitutional state. Government. Form of government. Classification of political parties. US citizenship. Party systems. Political ideologies. Political culture. Functions and monopolies of the state. Politics. Democracy. Power. Civil society.

    "Youth Organizations in Russia" - Young Socialists of Russia. Types of youth organizations. Goths. The subculture is ready. Hippie. Punk youth movement. Subculture. Youth subculture emo. Youth political organizations in Russia. Why subcultures arise. Youth political organizations.

    "TyumGNGU" - Obtaining a state diploma. The full-time presence of the applicant is not required for enrollment. Entrance tests: from June 15. Distance Education Center. Deadlines for accepting documents, entrance tests. DYNAMICS OF THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE CONTINGENT OF THE CDO as of 01.12.11. Prospects for development. Second higher education in 2 years. Reception of documents: from May 15 to August 15. Benefits of distance education:

    "Test" Fundamentals of Military Service "- Russian squadron. International humanitarian law. Strategic Rocket Forces. Airborne troops. Space Forces. Army General. Air Force of the Russian Federation. Navy of the Russian Federation. About conscription and military service. Tests. Ground Forces of the Russian Federation. Gangut battle. Citizens of the Russian Federation. Compositions of military personnel

    “Prenuptial agreement” - Terms of the prenuptial agreement. Conclusions. Acceptance of a prenuptial agreement in Russian society. Senior members. A marriage contract may be amended or terminated by spouses. Marriage agreement (contract). What is a prenuptial agreement for? Unfavorable situation. The marriage contract and its relevance in the XXI century. An opportunity to gain confidence in feelings. The appearance of a prenuptial agreement.

    “Relations of Nations” - Signs of a nation. The growth of separatist tendencies. Basic principles of national policy. National policy. Forms of integration. Terms of harmonization of national relations. Humanistic principles of politics. Identify problems. Interethnic conflicts. Types of interethnic conflicts. Ethnic communities. National identity. Forms of interethnic differentiation. Ways to resolve ethnic conflicts.


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