Illusions of the mind and how they differ from true reality. Settings for the mind. How to get rid of suffering and find peace of mind Illusions of the mind

Often we do not notice how life changes in just a couple of hours. Just now everything was fine - and the future seemed like a bright road to happiness. Then something happened - and now it seems to us that everything is gloomy and hopeless, after a while the world around becomes kind and bright again. And this cycle continues all the time. And confidence in each new sensation and perception is almost 100%, as if our life, like a weather vane, every minute abruptly passes into a new phase, and seriously and for a long time. We seem to become slaves to our mood: if we feel good, we love the world around us, make plans on how to achieve success, etc. Slightly the mood has soured - and it seems that there will be nothing good ahead. An "advanced" person will consider such a situation ridiculous, because every time we sincerely believe that such dreams of the mind are real and on the basis of transient illusions, which are nothing more than our personal beliefs, we plan our life for years ahead. At the same time, our own inconsistency remains out of the picture. Reality cannot be transformed as quickly and dramatically as it seems to us. It all depends on our perception, and all troubles and joys begin from the head.

A little about the problems

All people want to improve their quality of life in one way or another. It is possible to spend a lot of time and energy chasing material or spiritual goods, but the real problem is the illusions that seem real to us. The realism of thoughts is one of their most dangerous features. When a person is in a bad mood, he sees no reason to change his perception, because his mind draws him a dark apocalyptic reality with vivid saturated impressions. That is, when everything is bad, it does not even occur to us to work with our own mental projections, because they themselves project information about the alleged problems into our brain.

Beliefs are special thought bubbles. Their beautiful iridescent radiance convinces us of the veracity of the picture that appears before our eyes. A certain belief emerges in our minds, and we plunge into the depths of the virtual world, piously believing that it is true.

Of course, there are also some physical events. For example, we accidentally stumbled and fell into a puddle. To return to a comfortable state, you need to wash and change clothes. Such an event or an event similar to it becomes a problem if we begin to mentally get stuck on what happened, which blocks the will to act and does not allow us to perform the actions necessary to get out of this situation. An example is a joke from the Web about a person who wants to go to the toilet, but does not, justifying it with depression, busyness, fatigue, frustration, or other things.

However, there are also events that, given the given prerequisites, cannot be changed at once. A liar cannot become pathologically honest or a terminally ill person cannot recover. In the same way, in the absence of the necessary motivation to get rich, build correct, spiritually rich relationships, restore health will turn out to be something from the realm of fantasy. This is completely normal.

But we all are taught from childhood that society values \u200b\u200bhard work, mental abilities, optimism, harmony with ourselves, and therefore we need to be just that. Anyone who cannot be like that turns out to be an outcast and should be ashamed of his position. Therefore, in our society, there are frequent cases of warped life: both those who constantly break themselves for the sake of some unknown set of standards, and those who cannot meet them and blame themselves for everything.

The Dalai Lama uttered one famous saying that if a problem is solvable, it must be solved, if it is not solvable, worry is wasted work. Therefore, there is not a single worthwhile cause for concern in our life. If you can or want to change something in your life, do it. There is no desire or opportunity - forget about it and move on.

What are beliefs

It follows from the above that real problems do not exist in real events, but in experiences about them. But no matter how much one repeats about the uselessness of worries and worries, a person is not inclined to plunge into a meditative state, since his own beliefs are waging a war against him and continue to convince him that everything is bad. Physically, we begin to chase ghostly illusions in an attempt to change and equip our lives.

Beliefsare essentially the same mental projections. In the general stream of thinking, it is these thoughts that seem especially realistic to us, and we unconditionally accept them, considering them the basis of life itself.

If a person strives for wealth, seeing in it the meaning of his existence, he will never be happy for more than a few minutes. After all, no matter how much money he accumulates, this standard of living very soon becomes boring, turning into a routine and depriving the expected pleasure, which should last forever. It is especially important in this case that the original conviction, which became the engine of the desire for material wealth, does not disappear anywhere, but secretly whispers to a person that there is no happiness in ordinary everyday life, because it is in something special that surpasses this simple reality.

As a result, with every seemingly improvement in life, a person has the same thing, but several times more expensive. Persuasion continues to work, forcing a person to strive for even greater luxury, but the race for money does not stop anyway. To set such goals is to turn into someone who is chasing an eternal tomorrow, neglecting the moment here and now.

If we are convinced that no one needs us on this earth, two attitudes begin to act at once. One is that a person is happy only if at least someone needs him. The second - if you are not needed, you are a mistake of nature and should be ashamed of your birth. Taken together, they lead to the fact that periods of what society calls "happiness" alternate with neuroses and depression. Closeness with significant people brings pleasure, and distance from them is suffering.

If a person himself considers himself unworthy of love, he will consider life as something hostile, harsh and full of problems. Whatever success he achieves and no matter how much he is appreciated by the environment, praise is subconsciously perceived as something false and absurd, and criticism is a well-deserved punishment.

When a member of society is convinced that any work must be done flawlessly under any conditions, he becomes a slave to perfectionism - the pursuit of excellence. On the one hand, such a person sometimes reaches real life heights, on the other hand, he is subject to neurotic "digging" in his own soul, is engaged in self-flagellation about any, even the most insignificant mistake. Sometimes this hinders new risky endeavors, since it is difficult for him to realize his own imperfection.

Each of us can be convinced of our worthlessness for society, ugliness, inadequacy, in the inevitability of punishment for mistakes in life, that thoughts and feelings must be hidden, in some mythical external threat, in the egoism of loved ones, that he someone owes something. There are as many of these mental bubbles as there are people on earth. In some cases, in the human mind, they form complex combinations, as a result of which life seems to be a gloomy labyrinth, filled with darkness and horror, from which there is no way out.

Images of the mind are like pictures on the screen

All our personal problems are understandings. If we realize that everything is bad, everything immediately begins to go awry. The negative energy of mental projection, which replaces reality, is instantly reflected in our mood, which is an integral part of the space of consciousness.

Projection - this is a kind of magical force that is able to inspire even the most adequate person with anything, even if everyone around it seems nonsense. The stronger the belief in projection, the more significant their impact on our lives.

We all potentially contain a huge number of projections. Any event becomes an impetus that prompts our psyche to work in a certain direction. We must make a choice: do we accept the result of her work at face value or do we reconsider the beliefs that interfere with a normal life.

Sometimes, in order for the problem to stop tormenting you, it is enough to say it to yourself and consider it more carefully. In this case, indefinitely negative consequences become obvious and cease to frighten, or an understanding comes that there is no problem as such. At the same time, an accurate delineation of the problem for oneself makes it possible to get out of a negative emotional state and look at what is happening from the outside. This is actually happening. If before that consciousness was at the mercy of projection and was completely identified with the dream that this projection creates, now this veil falls and everything frightening disappears, or the person clearly realizes that the problem is insignificant, and it can be solved using a certain algorithm of actions.

Positive thinking and a cheerful attitude are also, of course, very important, but practice proves that they often lose the battle in the fight against projections. Various affirmations and visualizations rarely have a lasting effect, because they are much weaker than beliefs that have been absorbed into our flesh and blood.

No matter how a person convinces himself, deep projections will have a greater impact on his life than those brought in from outside. All positive attitudes gradually disappear, and the person remains confident that all the good in life is a lie, and the bad is the truth. This view is essentially another negative belief. Reality destroys all falsehood, so from the very beginning it is necessary to put truth at the forefront. Both negative and positive distortions of it are counterproductive.

Fortunately, all bad beliefs about life are illusion. The most terrible insights about ourselves and our being, the most unbearable heaviness of samsara - all this is rooted in our thoughts. All problems have their origin in the mind, they are our fantasies that get out of control. After all, even physical pain without thoughts would not be suffering, because in this case there would be no one to suffer.

One of the most effective practices of the great Castaneda is stop internal dialogue... Almost all Eastern teachings are based on meditation, thanks to which you can get out of the deepest sleep, where we see various melodramatic dreams that have no relation to reality. Here they even overlap with modern cognitive psychotherapy, which also works with beliefs.

About dreams of reason

A bad mood is a kind of self-hypnosis with a minus sign, which in especially difficult cases leads to depression. The experience of a depressive state is a psychological immunity that allows you to learn to independently pay attention to your almost unconscious reactions. Therefore, they often plunge into depression out of ignorance, when a person does not yet have the ability to track and block negative projections.

At first, the thought of such projections comes at an early stage - when a person has already plunged into the abyss of depression. At the next level, projections still manage to bring chaos into consciousness, but a psychological alarm is already triggered, warning of the cunning of projections. If a person is already "advanced", thoughts do not capture him, but calmly pass by, not becoming the cause of illusory dramas. Of course, this view is overly simplistic, and in practice you will encounter many nuances.

We convince ourselves that the path to happiness is difficult and depends on many conditions. We create all the frameworks and obstacles for ourselves, believing that we cannot be happy just like that, without having something. It is the instinct of possession that causes us to plunge headlong into painful addictions.

Life is an addictive game. But if material goods are at stake in it, problems arise. The stronger the desire to be close to a certain person, to accumulate a certain wealth, the more the fear of losing all this is mixed with the happiness of possession.

The opinion that happiness should be deserved is extremely erroneous and plunges us into a karmic cycle of causes and effects. No matter how heavy karma may seem, it is just a certain set of beliefs on which our emotions and moods depend.

Thus, the basis of samsara, into which we so selflessly plunge, is an illusion, which is only an elusive, fleeting thought that has no real basis. However, we believe in the realism of this thought, and it replaces reality.

It is very helpful to learn the ability to question your beliefs and be able to revise them. Nobody knows exactly what life is. Therefore, instead of portraying a guru who has learned everything in just a couple of dozen, or even less years, you just need to accept and understand this fact. Fatigue from life with its versatility is impossible, its cause is only banal illusions. Psychological counseling is also largely based on capturing and combating such illusions that interfere with pure perception of reality.

In this article, you will learn what the illusions of the mind are and how to learn to see the illusions of the mind in your head.

In this article, we will talk about what the illusions of the mind are. To begin with, I want to say that the mind is a wonderful tool that Genesis has endowed us with. The mind is not a brain, so don't confuse them. Brain, body part. But at the same time, the mind can be both the greatest friend for us and the greatest “enemy.” If the mind is constantly mumbling in your head, it is an inner voice that constantly says what to do and what not to do.

We can't even fall asleep normally due to the fact that our mind is constantly making noise. So, everything that the mind tells you, everything that it thinks about - these are all illusions, this is not in reality. You need to understand this. Once again, whatever you think about or your mind is not. Why? Because our thoughts are either about the past or about the future, notice, often, a negative future.

There are many options for the development of events, but we are used to seeing everything in a negative light most often. This is all because we are unconscious. We do not understand that the mind is not us. We do not realize that this voice is within us, not our voice. The one in whom, there is at least a bit of awareness, understands what is being said here because a conscious person has the opportunity to observe in his head all these shows and illusions that our mind gives us. The problem is that we believe him. Our mind is deceiving us, and not because it is "bad" or wants to harm us, it is simply what it is if there is no awareness in us. Even in India, there is a saying "mind is maya", that is, an illusion.

THIS IS ONLY THOUGHTS. Do not take them too seriously and take them as an absolute reality. Stop believing them. Thoughts have nothing to do with your life situation, with you, with the world.

I want to give an example from the life of the spiritual teacher Ethart Tolle and his case in life, he tells about a woman who
She argued loudly with another person out loud in her head, there was no one nearby, she just continued to angrily argue with a person who was no longer there:

What I witnessed somewhat discouraged me. As an adult, twenty-five-year-old first year student, I considered myself an intellectual, and was convinced that all the answers could be found and all the problems of human existence could be solved with the help of intellect, that is, thinking. Then I did not yet understand that unconscious thinking and there is the main problem of human existence. The professors seemed to me to be sages who knew all the answers, and the university was a temple of knowledge. How could she be part of it all?

Before entering the library, continuing to think about the strange woman who was talking loudly to herself, I went into the men's room. I washed my hands and thought, "I hope I don't end up like her." A person standing next to me glanced in my direction, and I suddenly realized with shock that I had not only thought, but also muttered it aloud. "My God, yes I am already the same as she" - flashed through my head. Wasn't my mind working as continuously as hers? There was a tiny difference between us. It seems that the dominant emotion in her thinking was anger. In my case, anxiety prevailed. She thought out loud. I thought mostly to myself. If she is crazy, then everyone is crazy, including me. The only difference is in degree.

For a moment I managed to step back from my mind and see it as if from a deeper point. There was a brief shift from thinking to awareness. I was still in the men's room, only now alone, and looked at the reflection of my face in the mirror. At the moment of separation from my mind, I laughed out loud. It may sound crazy, but my laughter came from a healthy mind. It was the laugh of a pot-bellied Buddha. " Life is not as serious as the mind paints it ". It seemed that laughter was telling me exactly that. But it was only a glimpse, and very soon it was forgotten. For the next three years I lived in a state of anxiety and depression, fully identified with the mind. And before awareness returned to me, I happened to get very close to the thought of suicide, but then it was already much more than a glimpse. I freed myself from obsessive thinking and the imaginary, mind-created "I".

One can conclude that not all problems are solved by the mind; you also need to use your heart more often. It is important to understand that the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is our feelings regarding this or that aspect of our life, feelings best reflect what is, notice feelings, not emotions, they need to be distinguished. Feelings are the only reality because we feel them now, and not somewhere in the past or future. I recommend watching the film "Revolver" 2005, in this film this topic is very well covered, the topic of obsessive thinking.

Behind the thoughts and then you will see their illusion, and not take them for reality !!!

To summarize:

  • everything you think about is illusion, it is not;
  • all your ideas about life, the world and yourself are illusions of the mind;
  • all your thoughts about yourself, what you can or cannot, are illusions of the mind;
  • all your ideas about anything or about anyone are illusions of the mind.

It’s hard to believe, but it’s so, it’s impossible to think about the truth, as soon as you start thinking about it, the truth ceases to be the truth, because the truth is only in the moment now, and thoughts are either in the past or in the future. The only thing that will help you get rid of illusions is the regular practice of MEDITATION.

HAPPY LIFE WITHOUT PANIC ATTACKS AND AGORAPHOBIA Foreword Absolutely anyone can overcome anxiety using the Life Without Panic program. You can talk about this with ... "

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Exercising will undoubtedly have the most positive effects on your body and lifestyle. Exercise will help you release the joy hormone you need. You will notice a decrease in general anxiety, you will have an increase in self-confidence, you will be able to look at the world with completely different eyes. And most importantly: be kinder to yourself, love yourself and do not scold for the fact that one day you will feel that you do not have the strength for a full workout.

Do some lightweight classes that day, and the next time you're awake and energized, work out what you missed. After all, because of this, the world will not collapse.

4. Motivation (purpose and meaning)

Before continuing, ask yourself a question: How do you feel about your anxiety problem?

Perhaps you are offended by her? Do you wish to never face her? Most people would react like this. Most likely, from a carefree, free person, you turned into an anxious, constantly worried, thinking about what could happen in a given situation. Anxiety has taken your freedom away.

Do you think you can change your attitude towards anxiety? What if changing the perception of anxiety speeds up the relief from it?

The famous psychotherapist Dr. Frankl, while in a concentration camp during the Second World War, developed a revolutionary approach to psychotherapy, which was called logotherapy. It is based on meaningful healing. It says that most neuroses can be cured by finding an individual meaning in life.

According to this theory, regardless of the difficulty of the situation, a person can turn a tragedy into a triumph.

In our case, this means that you can find meaning in the sensation and rise above it. By making sense, you will turn anxiety into something positive.

You are free to choose the perception of any event or phenomenon, and you can decide for yourself whether you want to feel like a victim of anxiety or feel superior to it and determine your reaction to it. You are free to choose your position.

The easiest way to do this is to write down how you are feeling and then write down the reason why you want to overcome it.

For example:

- What's the point of my panic attacks?

They help me get to know myself better and make my character stronger.

- What is the reason for overcoming PA?

I want to develop and achieve success in life.

- What is the meaning of general anxiety?

She shows me that I am not living right, I restrain myself and my emotions.

- The reason for overcoming?

I want to live a fulfilling life.

Once the meaning is found, you can do what previously seemed impossible to you. To better understand what we are talking about, here's a simple example. Waking up in the morning, the person felt severe pain in the muscles. His every movement gave off pain throughout his body. He was very upset because of this, because he had big plans for the day, he wanted to do a lot. But he soon realized that this pain was the result of the training he had done yesterday. He trained in order to achieve his goal - to run a marathon distance. From that moment on, the pain did not give him negative emotions, because it made sense.

Only you can find meaning in your problem.

When you find this meaning, you will find both the reason and the motivation to overcome it.

Dr. Frankl says: "A person with the attitude he chooses is able to find meaning and fulfill it even in a hopeless situation." When you find meaning in your anxiety, you can transcend it, then a whole new world will open before you.

There are probably few such books written in general about psychology or about panic in particular, which tell you what an unpleasant phenomenon like anxiety can make you a great gift. It is important to note that the meaning you find in anxiety does not have to be global, it is most likely something very simple and banal, but satisfying a deep sense of meaning.

In conclusion, I would like to cite one more thought of Dr. Frankl, who believes that the most important goal and incentive for a person is to find the meaning of life. If it is destroyed, then this leads to many troubles that can be observed in modern society.

A person cannot find happiness if only to set it as the ultimate goal. Find for yourself the meaning of life and, as a result, happiness will appear by itself.

After you decide on the meaning of panic attacks in your life, it is necessary to solve the most important task, without which getting rid of them and agoraphobia is practically impossible. And that task is the goal of deliverance. What is your personal goal of getting rid of panic attacks? Why do you need to get rid of it?

These questions may seem strange at first. But this is only at first glance. When working with a large number of people seeking to get rid of panic, I have found one pattern: the person who wants to get rid of panic in order to simply get rid of it does not get rid of in the end.

I will explain. I ask the client: "What is your goal of getting rid of panic attacks," the answer is: "I want to be healthy and live again as before." I heard this answer a huge number of times and immediately realized that such an attitude to the problem would not help get rid of it.

Just to be healthy is a good goal, of course, but it will not be motivated at all. The way to get rid of PA is quite thorny, there are rollbacks, small defeats and disappointments. In the first stages, it is necessary to perform certain actions and perform techniques every day. Most people break down already at this stage. The reason is simple - Laziness.

It is laziness that prevents a person from getting rid of his problem.

And laziness, as you know, appears where there is no motivation. Therefore, you need to create this motivation.

I will give a number of examples that demonstrate a very strong desire to get rid of panic.

The boxing CCM with agoraphobia set itself the goal of returning to sports again and to be able to travel around the country and participate in competitions. An opera singer with a terrific voice due to agoraphobia was forced to constantly refuse invitations to perform, and invitations rained from different countries and cities of the world. The goal is simple - go on tour! A girl with a strong desire to give birth to a baby - eventually gave birth to a beautiful baby.

There are many such examples. You must understand that your goal must motivate and give strength. Without a goal, getting yourself to work on yourself is very difficult.

Let me give you an example of a person who is very comfortable "getting sick". A woman from Holland, experience of PA and agoraphobia of 5 years. All 5 years she received benefits in the amount of more than 1000 euros per month, and the reason for this benefit was her “illness”, which the Netherlands do not know how to work with.

Now think, what is the point of a woman getting rid of her problem if she is paid a lifetime allowance? Of course, it makes no sense. She is very comfortable “sick”, she doesn’t have to get up to work every morning, do things that don’t bring pleasure - she’s high, isn’t she?

Now imagine if in the CIS countries they paid the same huge allowance to people suffering from panic. First of all, you probably would not read my book now, as it simply would not make sense. Secondly, the number of "patients with panic"

would be huge!

It is also worth paying attention to the statement of many people: “I want to live as before!” I can assure you that living as before will not work. The reason for this is simple. It was the past lifestyle, your attitude towards yourself, people and the world as a whole, in the end, that led to panic attacks and anxiety disorder. Albert Einstein said very correctly at the time: “The problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which it was created.”

Therefore, to completely get rid of anxiety disorder, it will be necessary to pay more attention to working with character, to work out your thinking, beliefs, attitudes and programs that have created and continue to create problems for you.

The process of working on the character is not very fast, but pleasant, because the result will bring you more joy, harmony and satisfaction from life.

It is very important to understand that a panic attack is just a symptom of a neurosis. True, I would add that a separate symptom.

A patient with a neurosis develops a system of values \u200b\u200bthroughout his life that does not correspond to realities and his needs. As a result, long before the onset of an external conflict leading to neurosis, the neurotic lives in a state of internal conflict, which is the source of his constant internal emotional and vegetative tension.

After a person learns not to be afraid of a panic attack and removes agoraphobia, the next step will be to work with the character. After all, it is character, i.e. man’s attitude to himself, other people and the world as a whole, and led him to the fact that at a certain point in time, the person fell into a closed trap of the panic mechanism.

I am deeply convinced that at the first stage it is necessary to teach a person not to be afraid of panic and to show that the actions performed to get rid of fear actually increase this fear. This, ultimately, will open a vicious circle, and a person will be able to feel free and get out of the yoke of a panic attack.

In the future, it is necessary to pay close attention to work on your character, because it was he who led, ultimately, to panic.

In the book it is not possible to give an exhaustive guide to working with character, because

this is a very extensive topic, which is better to start under the guidance of a specialist. To do this, I created a very powerful program "Mind Settings or the End of Illusions." After getting rid of panic attacks, I advise you to go through it.

Behavior without which a panic attack is not possible

An attempt to avoid unpleasant experiences. Trying to avoid unpleasant experiences gives the opposite effect. The experience is enhanced by the energy of avoidance and becomes obsessive. The more diligently a person tries to distract from the experience, to resist it by willpower, the stronger it becomes, bringing the person to an extreme degree of fear - panic.

Avoiding unpleasant situations. A person who avoids unpleasant situations deprives himself of the experience of their safety and, encountering them in life, finds himself in a state of uncertainty, tries to avoid them, and experiences anxiety, fear, panic. The reason for this is a natural process in which, in a state of uncertainty, anxiety always arises.

Transfer of resolution of unpleasant experiences from the present to the future. An attempt to move the resolution of the situation from the present to the future leaves the problem unresolved. For example, a person who encounters an unpleasant experience (fear) in the subway, first tries to get out of it immediately. Having gone outside, he is either relieved or continues to solve the problem in the future. Seeks to get home as soon as possible,

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For a fruitful and high-quality study of agoraphobia, I recommend performing the following exercise. You need to make a list of the avoidances present in your life and caused by fear of panic. To begin, write in a free form everything that you avoid, write everything that comes to mind. After that, you need to rank the list in order of increasing fear. Those. in the first place there will be avoidances less frightening, and closing the list is very frightening situations.

For example, you can go to the store next door, but at the same time you are anxious, so avoid this action by shifting the obligation to someone close to you. Suppose you need to buy bread, but when you think that you need to go to the store, you begin to feel anxiety. Frightening thoughts and images flash through your head that the queue will become bad, panic will occur, and you will not be able to quickly leave the room, and then you will be scared of what people around you will think about you. Then you don’t go anywhere, but call, say, your husband and ask that after work he go to the store and buy bread. Spouse agrees and your anxiety recedes. But, at the same time, you avoid a situation that you could enter with a little effort.

Therefore, cases of a similar nature can be placed at the beginning of the list, and at the end they are very frightening.

For example, you cannot be forced to get into a subway car at gunpoint.

I think everything is clear with the list. The number of avoidances can be different, for some it is a couple of avoidances, for someone almost a hundred. After the list is compiled, you need to gradually dive into the situation, starting with less intimidating, at the same time, be sure to do the 25/6 technique and leave the store, theater, metro, etc. only at the moment of complete calm, remembering that fear is not eternal.

Do not forget that you can get out of a frightening situation only with the complete retreat of fear. If you still went to a store that you had been afraid to go into for a long time, but at the same time you stayed there for several minutes, and then quickly ran away from there, it is not considered a successful completion of the task. On the contrary, you ran away and cemented your fear. Or you started to ride a tram, drove one stop, then three, four, and everything seemed to be going well, but then, when you try to get 8 stops, a strong panic sets in again, after which you can’t get on the tram at all. What is the mistake? And the fact that you traveled with the thought, no matter how panic happened, hoped for a chance. And a few stops were really lucky, but not for long. Keep this in mind, since it is precisely such a mistake that so many people make.

I consider it appropriate to highlight the most popular and often unrecognized avoidance. With places and situations, everything is more or less clear. Many avoid any food, clothing, substances that are associated with panic. It became bad in jeans and now you don’t wear them and avoid them in every possible way, because you think that it is in them that panic is ensured. You can avoid coffee, chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes, physical activity. Avoidance also includes carrying medicines in your purse or pocket (tranquilizers, sedatives, etc.) Remember, to completely surrender agoraphobia and panic, you must completely remove the avoidance associated with fear that you will feel bad. For example, a guy is completely freed from panic within his city, drives alone in transport, goes anywhere, does not limit himself to anything, but at the same time, he constantly carries a phenazepam tablet in his pocket. Until the pill is thrown away for a long time, it is impossible to talk about complete freedom from panic attacks.

Obsessive states

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based on their own awareness, and not on what they once read or heard.

Do not be afraid, nothing bad will happen.

On the contrary, most likely, you will enjoy the experience of naturally conscious observation of what is now. But more on that later.

So, we are talking about obsessive thoughts, obsessive states, internal dialogue or obsessive-compulsive behavior. All this is one and the same, although it manifests itself in different forms.

You will be surprised, but it does not matter which form of OCD you suffer, because the main and main reason is the same - habit and attachment to certain beliefs and automatic thinking.

It can be thoughts of bacteria and fear of getting infected, which is why you wash your hands 200 times a day, be careful not to touch various objects, check a thousand times if the door is open and the gas stove is on, although you know that you turned it off a long time ago her.

Perhaps you are constantly thinking that you can hurt or even kill a loved one, or you are overwhelmed by any other thoughts of obsessive thinking.

Thought in itself is information, image, sound, word, description or idea of \u200b\u200bsomething. There is no power in the thought itself. You give strength to it, unconsciously plunging into the process of thinking, then for you there is nothing else around except your thoughts and the desire to get rid of them.

Any observed phenomenon has its own beginning and end.

If we are talking about internal dialogue, then it can be designated as a certain beginning and the main backbone of obsessive states or obsessions.

The habit of a constant internal dialogue, and to be precise, a monologue with oneself, arises in childhood. This is not manifested in all people, although in one form or another, each person constantly evaluates, ponders, judges something.

Remember the situation when, for example, you got a deuce in elementary school. You knew that your parents would be unhappy, and most likely they would scold you, and you also did not want to upset them. What arose in your mind when you went home? They thought that it was necessary to come up with something so that they would not recognize and not be angry with the deuce.

Especially, this is noticeable on those children for whom it is important to be “some kind” in the person of parents and other people.

If such a conviction has developed through education, then an internal dialogue is inevitable. He just appears as a fact. You go and think about it, evaluate everything “for”

and “against”, you may feel guilty, afraid to lose confidence or are looking for some other bonus for yourself.

The process of thinking about the situation is not recognized by you, but perceived as reality. You become more and more lost in thought until you find a thought for yourself that will help you solve a thought up problem or get out of this situation.

For example, you go on a date and already think: “Am I dressed correctly? Suddenly, he will not like me! How to impress her? etc. "

With age, beliefs become even greater. We identify with these beliefs and do not even realize that these are automatic thoughts. Life turns into a conditioned program where we become real robots.

OCD (obsessive-compulsive behavior, obsessive thoughts)

When thoughts become unbearable, when fatigue comes from constant empty thinking, insomnia and fears appear, you begin to think how to get rid of this endless internal dialogue, and how to stop it.

Since nothing helps, the thought comes of what should be invented, some kind of ritual or method of protection from thoughts. And, as a rule, it is located.

Each one has his own, an infinite number of options.

This can be an obsessive account of house windows, bending fingers, pronunciation, some sounds or words, inadequate movement of the body or its individual parts, etc.

There is a belief in compulsive behavior, that is, in rituals, which, as it were, play the role of a kind of protection from thoughts. However, these are just the same thoughts. Therefore, the game is more addictive.

Obsessive thoughts and control - what is common?

The basis of obsessive states or OCD often lies an unrealized desire to control. This is especially true of those thoughts and actions that you forbid yourself to do or think, or put a serious restriction on them.

For example, if there is a conviction: “I should always be cooler than others, more successful or smarter,” then perception and behavior will change due to such an absurd attitude.

For you, reality is divided into successful and unsuccessful.

A constant assessment of the situation can take up a huge amount of mental energy.

Surely, you already noticed this, right?

The desire to control thoughts creates a strong tension, which can simply exhaust you, while not giving anything in return.

And the more control, the stronger the tension, right?

Another option is when an obsession appears in the form of causing harm or killing another person (usually close).

In this case, the basis remains the same - a constant desire for control, but with a completely different color, where emotions and feelings are connected. And if you also suppress them, then OCD can occur in parallel with panic attacks, phobias and increased anxiety.

One way or another, when you forbid yourself to think about something, you yourself create obsessive thoughts and conditions. After all, trying not to think about the "white ostrich", you are thinking about it. This is the whole paradox.

Just realize the simple fact: if you want to not think about something now, you already think about it. Do this experiment, just try not to think about what bothers you.

It turns out?

And I’m talking about the same thing ... Therefore, the first thing to discover is not even your obsessive thoughts, but the desire and desire to not think about them or get rid of them.

This is the reason for the real suffering, and not the thoughts that tell you the “obsessive” story.

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2. Emotions caused by the satisfaction of desires. These are those that we value as pleasant: causal joy, happiness, the pleasure of possessing something, etc.

What are desires, such are thoughts, emotions and actions. This is all a single mechanism. Realizing the nature of the emergence of emotions, observing their movement, you can quickly find out what has recently caused a feeling of great discomfort, now you are not so worried. On the other hand, this also applies to pleasant emotions.

And behind the emotions are always the same beliefs about which I have repeatedly written.

What to do with these beliefs?

All that is needed is to research them on the real practice of awareness. Any suppression of beliefs or the struggle against them creates a stronger tension.

Here there is still such a mental law - "Law of retroactive effort."

When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you go to the bottom. When you try to drown, or at least dive deeper - you pop up, the water pushes you, with some terrible force. When trying to hold your breath, sniff like a steam locomotive. When you try not to think about something, you already think about it ...

The more you try to protect yourself, the more danger you are exposed to, because the danger is felt precisely in the mind, in thoughts. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to exactly what your mind is filled with at the moment, and how thoughts affect your current state.

It is very important to look at the situation holistically, and not on the basis of any idea, since holistic perception is perception without identification with the thought process.

You will probably ask: “But how to do this?”

It can be very difficult to look at the situation holistically: without prejudice, belief, judgment and judgment. We either have to know everything about the situation at all, or look at it without any attitudes and judgments. But since any thought or concept is just a description of something, and not it itself, we will analyze another option.

Most of the thoughts that we believe in, and which we consider to be our own, have been heard somewhere, read, interpreted by someone, but have not been tested on our own experience:

Another scientist wrote about this ...

Everywhere they write about it ...

I just read ...

That's for sure, I trust these sources ... We believe what we were told or ourselves read. This can be observed in all areas, from religion to science. And it is from here that bias, prejudice, faith in one's rightness, hatred of other people come, and this is how conflicts and wars begin.

Therefore, in order to look at the reality holistically, sometimes it is worth giving up all sorts of estimates, judgments, ideas and checking first-hand what interests you or concerns you.

It will give you real certainty in life.

Much will become clear without words how it happens.

For example, we know from experience how to walk, although we don’t know the mechanism of work of all organs.

You will notice that you have begun to better understand yourself and your nature, and you will also begin to accept yourself in all states without empty struggle and constant tension.

And all because without evaluations and judgments, without faith in someone’s words, you will begin to perceive reality as it is at the moment, and not as it is represented by others.

Anxiety will turn into peace, and a problem into a task that can be solved by you with great interest.

This raises a new question: "How to get rid of estimates and judgments?"

Most likely, you already noticed this, right? Just be aware of them. The knowledge that these are just thoughts, judgments will weaken attachment to them and gradually its significance will simply decline. You can look at the situation openly and freely ...

But for starters, I suggest you do one very powerful and effective exercise for conscious observation of thoughts.

It is often used in cognitive therapy, as one of the most effective for understanding those thoughts that are taking place at the moment. Frank Kinslow writes very well about this exercise in his book, The Kinslow System.

Although, of course, he did not come up with this exercise, however, it is this exercise that will allow you to take off in a matter of minutes

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yourself beyond thinking. The thought came and went, but you stayed. You are the one who observes and is aware of thoughts, but you are not the thought itself. This is very important to realize.

Performing this simple and natural exercise every day, at least 5 minutes every hour, you will notice how the whole perception of life will completely change.

There will be more joy, awareness and peace.

Repeat this exercise again now, I will wait.

The main thing that you understand that it does not need to be perceived as a way to get rid of obsessive thoughts, NO. No more fighting and resistance.

Do not try to get rid, because it’s stupid to fight “cell division”. You simply recognize yourself outside of thinking, although, of course, you can continue the struggle, there is nothing wrong with that either.

This is freedom. This is you yourself.

Work with morning anxiety

Most people with anxiety disorders experience the most anxiety in the morning. This is due to the fact that upon awakening, we need time in order for the body to engage in work. Until we stir, we will feel lethargic and lazy. So anxious people find a reason to worry about this sensation, therefore they feel vulnerable, think that this sensation will last all day, and they will not be able to fulfill everything that they planned.

Remember, the morning feeling of anxiety is not unusual. Do not be afraid and think that it will always be so and spoil your mood at the beginning of the day. Below are 7 points that will help you get rid of morning anxiety.

1. Acceptance Try not to focus too much on your well-being after waking up, but if you still feel anxiety, accept it and do not let yourself get upset about it. It is your perception of anxiety that will determine the time for which it will persist.

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3. Sipping On rising from the bed, open a window or window for fresh air. Then do sipping and other gymnastic exercises for morning exercises, which can be found in large numbers on the Internet. These actions will help relieve the stress that you could accumulate during sleep, allow you to feel toned for the whole day, and significantly reduce anxiety.

4. Shower Accustom yourself to take a contrast shower. This may not seem like the most enjoyable experience, but only the first few times. You will quickly get used to this indescribable feeling. Water treatments can help reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system.

It is important to start taking a shower gradually, slowly, each time lowering the temperature of the water.

5. Breakfast Try not to consume sugar, coffee, tea in the morning.

Better drink a glass of hot water with lemon. This will have a great effect on your body, especially the liver.

And never skip breakfast, no matter how you rush.

It is important to eat healthy food in the morning, as this will help in the fight against anxiety. For breakfast, you should eat:

Whole grain

Low protein

Low fat dairy products

Fruits and vegetables

6. Do not mess around. If you do not have any concrete plans for the morning, be sure to figure out what to do, otherwise the mind will not be busy with anything and it will have nothing left but to return to anxiety and obsessive thoughts.

7. Do not rush Try not to rush, do not rush around the house in search of things. Haste adds tension to your body and sends a signal to the brain that you are under pressure. This excessive nervousness, all the same, will not allow you to do everything. It’s much more efficient to do everything calmly. Think out a clear plan of action for the morning, get up so that you can complete it, and do everything in accordance with it.

Fighting insomnia and nightly panic The issue of sleep is especially difficult for people with anxiety disorder. When a person cannot sleep well, how can one talk about well-being? It is important to understand that the main role is not played by the number of hours spent in a dream, but the quality of sleep itself is important.

There can be many reasons why a person cannot fall asleep. Even people who do not suffer from anxiety disorders can sometimes not fall asleep, for example, before a difficult exam. What can we say about a disturbing person? Even the fact that it’s midnight outside the window, and sleep in no one eye, is disturbing for many, as it will affect the performance the next day. It turns out a vicious circle. If before bedtime you are afraid that you will fall asleep for a long time, most likely it will be so. Therefore, you need to change your attitude towards this.

The first tip may seem rather unusual, but you should have gotten used to it while reading the book. The fight against anxiety disorder, in itself, is unusual and sometimes illogical. So, first of all, do not force yourself to sleep, this only creates unnecessary pressure that does not contribute to falling asleep.

Lie down, and whatever happens. Sleep only a couple of hours - not bad. You can’t fall asleep at all - accept it and move on. It is through this acceptance that you will find a way to get rid of insomnia. Accept all the sensations that you will feel at night, thereby relieving yourself of unnecessary pressure.

A few tips to help you fall asleep:

Before going to bed, you can take a warm bath, it will help to relax and calm down. You can add a few drops of lavender oil to the water: it will add a sedative effect.

Already lying in bed, before you turn off the light, read some kind of art book. It is artistic, because such literature stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the imagination. At this point, the left brain (analytical), which is responsible for worrying about the upcoming day, is less active. The book should be easy, without a twisted plot, otherwise it will absorb you, and you will not be able to tear yourself away from it.

Waking up in the middle of the night, it is advisable to stay in bed. If you rise, it will lead you out of a state of sleep. Alternatively, you can read that book a little more, and when you feel sleepy, turn off the light and continue to sleep.

If you feel that you cannot switch from worrying about the next day, take a piece of paper, a pen, and simply write down all your experiences.

List your plans for tomorrow, write down what you are afraid of if you cannot fall asleep. Write until this lesson bores you. Write everything, the content is not so important. With this action you release psychic energy that keeps you awake. One of the reasons a person cannot fall asleep is because the brain thinks your fears are really important and tries to analyze them again and again. It is included in the work and does not allow the body to relax and go to sleep. Writing down all these experiences, you give a signal to the brain that you will not forget about them tomorrow, but today you need to sleep.

Another effective approach was suggested by Dr. Denis Gersten. When you lie in bed and feel like a dream does not come, remember those moments when you really wanted to sleep, but you had to stay awake. Each person had such cases. For example, when you studied a difficult exam before morning or wrote a term paper on the last night before defense. Remember these sensations in the body, this heaviness of the eyelids. You could not close your eyes even for a moment, and you struggled with sleep. Try to feel all this as clearly as possible.

Now think how good it is that you are now in your bed: do not force yourself to be on your feet, fight with sleep, right now you can hide in a blanket and fall asleep. How much would you give back last time to have such an opportunity. Feel this condition. You have no reason not to sleep, so stay in this wonderful feeling of gratitude until you fall asleep.

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A phobia is an unreasonable and strong fear of a situation or object. It is most often treated separately from anxiety and PA. For example, when a person is afraid of spiders, he is gradually directed towards fear. Closer and closer to the object, until the fear disappears.

It is important that the impact should not be on the situation, but on the sensations. A person who is afraid to ride on the highway, after regular trips, can get rid of this, but get the fear of traveling on the bridge. Therefore, it is necessary to focus most effectively on getting rid of anxiety in terms of fear, not a specific situation.

Phobias such as agoraphobia and claustrophobia are directly associated with anxiety disorder. These fears are not of a certain thing, but of the very feelings that it causes. For example, a person suffering from agoraphobia is often afraid to even leave the house, but at the same time, he is not worried about specific things in the outside world, but about the sensations he experiences. The same thing with claustrophobia: a person is not afraid of the enclosed space itself, but the thought that he will not be able to leave it.

Social phobias

Social interaction can cause bodily manifestations in some people that cause discomfort when interacting with people. The most common problems are public shyness, hand tremors, and excessive sweating.

None of this is hazardous to health.

However, if such manifestations become regular, they can lead to avoiding communication with people and even leaving work. You can fix this problem with the 25-second countdown you already know. We describe this procedure as an example of hand shake, which is no different from the procedure for getting rid of other similar problems.

The essence of getting rid of this problem is to use the opposite approach to the method that such people use to avoid trouble. The dentist’s hands begin to tremble as soon as the patient sits in a chair in front of her. The doctor just needs to think about previous situations when this happened and it happens again. Of course, this is very frustrating, she is struggling to strain and stop trembling in her hands and this, of course, only worsens the situation.

To get rid of this problem, you need to radically change your perception. Instead of exerting forces to calm your hands, you just need to let them tremble. At the same time, you need to want your hands to shake as much as possible. If the doctor manages to take this tremor and want it to increase, the problem will disappear over time. This works with sweating and shyness.

It is important to note the following: if people were not concerned about what others would think about their problem, there would not be a problem itself. Fear of what others think will be the source of the problem itself.

In order for deliverance to be more effective, it will not be superfluous to work on less worrying about the opinions of others around you.

Before you go to bed, try to imagine a situation that would cause your unwanted reaction. But, this time, take it in a new way:

“My hands are shaking, but I'm not worried about this.

"My face turned red and sweat came out on my forehead, but it doesn’t bother me at all." Now you accept any manifestations of the body, but they no longer scare you. It requires practice that will remove the thoughts of social embarrassment.

Usually, people around you don’t even understand what your problem is, they just don’t see it. The problem exists only in your head, for this reason you perceive and distort the real state of affairs incorrectly.

A deeper study of sociophobia and raising self-esteem takes place in the program "Setting the mind or the end of illusions."

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How to determine the moment when you can say that you got rid of anxiety disorder? Most likely, when your confidence and feeling of success will become clearly stronger than a sense of despair. This will not mean that you will never be afraid or worried again.

Simply, you will be much easier to experience unpleasant feelings and spend much less time on them. After a couple of months, you will cease to remember at all that you once had a similar problem, like anxiety disorder.

Pending relapse

It is important to remember that relapses are inevitable! After several days of excellent mood and lack of anxiety, you can wake up with the feeling that everything has returned. The main thing is not to be upset and remember that this is a normal phenomenon. Then, your condition will continue to improve. Perhaps in the future there will be several more relapses, which will certainly be replaced by new progress. Remember, the improvement trend is not

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Medication for Anxiety Disorder If you are taking sedatives at the time of a panic, there is nothing wrong with that. Many are generally afraid to go to the doctor, suddenly there they will say that the matter is even worse than it seems. Taking sedatives can be useful if you have not abused them and used them as an additional tool in the fight against anxiety.

Many simply could not cope with this problem without the help of drugs. The danger of taking drugs is that a person becomes addicted to them, and when he does not drink the usual pill in the morning, he experiences anxiety throughout the day. Many qualified specialists draw up a treatment plan in such a way that when the patient becomes able to better control their condition, the dosage is reduced.

It is important that you do not think that you can get rid of the anxiety state with the help of only medications. After all, you are not ill with anything, therefore there is nothing to be cured of.

The main problem is in the head. Medications will only help reduce anxiety and sensitivity, but you will need to get rid of the wrong settings inside yourself.

Overview of your erroneous diagnoses

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Schizophrenia is characterized by fragmented thoughts, incoherent speech, strange beliefs, hallucinations. It has a pronounced genetic component, thus, most often it affects people who have already had this disease in their family. It does not start suddenly, its manifestations become noticeable over time.

Loss of self-control.

Also a fairly common fear is to lose control of oneself during a panic. Most often they suffer from those who are afraid to disgrace themselves in public. Fear can range from falling into hysteria in people, to entering a state of affect and killing loved ones.

Calm down, these are just terrible thoughts that have nothing to do with reality. You will not do this, and you will not lose control of yourself. I am sure that no one will ever notice a panic attack when it catches you off guard in public places.

There are times when you want to get up and run away from any serious event, but you do not. Most likely, just politely apologize and go out. Even if you act a little strange for others, there is nothing to worry about. An hour later, no one will remember this, because each of those present has their own bag of problems and fears that excite them in the first place. Life is not endless to spend it worrying about every awkward moment.

Derealization and depersonalization

Some people with anxiety disorder, during a panic, feel that they are looking at the world, as if from the side. They seem to turn off, and everything around them seems like a filmstrip. These feelings often suggest that something bad happened in the brain.

A common example of depersonalization is the feeling of isolation while talking with someone. This feeling can be so vivid that for a long time it will disturb a person and all thoughts will be only about him.

Meanwhile, there is nothing dangerous in depersonalization.

She is the result of constant stress and anxiety. Your body accumulates a large number of stressful chemicals that inhibit the transmission of information to the brain.

This phenomenon is rarely described in books about anxiety. But be sure that depersonalization will surely pass as soon as your level of anxiety decreases. Often, this symptom is reinforced by the fact that tension in the body contributes to a deep immersion in one’s own thoughts. Obsessive thoughts about severe mental and neurological diseases appear. But be sure that depersonalization will not do any harm to your health.

The best way to get rid of depersonalization is to accept it and believe that it will disappear in the near future.

At that moment when you feel it, relax and watch it, there is no need to be afraid of it. This calm perception of depersonalization will quickly relieve you of it, because she is the product of your anxiety and tension. Live and enjoy life, do not be afraid of these unpleasant sensations, and they will cease to bother you.


A prolonged feeling of anxiety is not the most pleasant thing that can be in a person’s life. It can lead to a state of depression and depression, which is supported by thoughts about the future, about limitations due to anxiety. A person feels depressed and connected.

As soon as you begin to triumph over your anxiety, anxiety and tension, this will immediately affect the absence of depression, and you will have hope for a normal life.

Difficulty breathing.

One of the most frequent sensations in anxious people during a panic is shortness of breath. It seems to them that the chest is squeezed, there is not enough oxygen, they can suffocate at any time.

In fact, this is caused by tension in the muscles of the chest and throat, which causes a false sense of constriction, and a rich imagination completes the picture of suffocation. Often, the control shot is a slight dizziness caused by anxiety, which finally convinces a person that he lacks oxygen.

But this fear is groundless. Even if you would spend all the following years in fear of suffocation, this would not help you suffocate. In fact, you would receive exactly as much oxygen as needed, but at the same time, you would spend your life on an extremely worthless basis.

Therefore, stop perceiving your tension so emotionally, remember that it cannot harm you.

Let these feelings be and after a while they will disappear.

Weakness, dizziness

During a panic, many feel dizzy, weakness in the legs. These feelings cause fear, a person thinks that he may lose consciousness. Especially if he is on the street alone.

These discomforts are caused by hyperventilation, i.e. rapid breathing. Remember that during fear and panic, you begin to breathe more often than usual, you get an excess of oxygen, which causes dizziness. Then, only unpleasant memories will be enough to cause dizziness. For example, it happened in your place, or in some circumstances.

Therefore, next time, under similar circumstances, you will again feel dizzy.

But fainting is very unlikely, because a person loses consciousness at low pressure. When the body is upright, it’s easier for blood to flow into the head; everything is thought out in the body. However, with panic, the pressure rises, so that fainting is almost impossible.

At the moment of panic, when adrenaline is released into the blood, the whole body is mobilized and alert, because it thinks that you are in danger. Being in such a situation will not allow loss of consciousness.

If you fainted earlier and are now afraid of recurrence, try to remember all the circumstances.

This could happen for a huge number of reasons that have nothing to do with anxiety. Perhaps you did not eat that day, you felt bad, you were overworked.

These are only the most common causes of fainting, in fact, there are many more.

If this information still does not help you get rid of the problem, you should go the way you know: find a place where you can sit down, remember the above information, tell yourself that if you swoon decided to come, let him do it right now, accept it and give the will of your body to faint.

Remember that no one can faint at will, so the fear will quickly evaporate, because you no longer feed it with your anxiety, it has nothing more to do here.

Choking sensation

During panic and anxiety, some people feel constricted in the throat. This is the result of muscle tension in the throat. The feeling, of course, is unpleasant, but absolutely not dangerous. It happens because of overflow with feelings, emotions. For example, at a wedding or a funeral, many have a lump in their throat. However, when a person splashes out emotions (laughs, cries, speaks out) the feeling goes away. It can be, as one of the methods of dealing with this sensation. Every day, at least for a few minutes, turn on your favorite song or radio and sing. If you have time, you can, of course, take longer.

It is important to focus on singing, rather than keeping track of whether the lump is gone or not. The less you pay attention to him, the faster he will leave.

If, nevertheless, thoughts about some disease do not leave you, go to the doctor, check yourself. This is the fastest way to get bad thoughts out of your head.

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A typical situation that entailed concern about the heart when a person was at home alone. Suddenly, he felt as if someone had slashed with a knife from the inside in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. Then there was a sensation of injections with small needles in the left hand. A thought flashed through my head: a heart attack. The fact that the person was in the apartment alone, and there was nobody nearby to help, only increased fear. He called an ambulance and was taken to the hospital. Numerous analyzes showed that the heart is in order, the doctors said that it was a normal concern, but the thought sat in my head that they missed something, did not notice, and hid it.

In fact, the symptoms of heart disease are markedly different from the manifestations of panic. In the first case, shortness of breath and chest pain appears, more often than not, on the right side and under the shoulder blade. At the same time, they are proportional to physical activity: the stronger it is, the greater the symptoms. You stopped, rested, and the symptoms disappeared, and in a panic everything is completely different.

With anxiety, there are short periods when the heart, at first glance for no reason, begins to beat faster. In a sensitive state, this can cause anxiety due to fear of a heart attack. The more you worry, the stronger your heart beats.

Fearing a heartbeat is completely unnecessary.

The reason may be exhaustion or drinking coffee. In any case, if you underwent a medical examination that did not reveal anything, calm down, there is no danger. The heart is an extremely strong muscle and your pulse is absolutely not afraid of it. Get out of your head pictures made by your developed imagination. The heart cannot break from a raised pulse, as well as stop. The pulse may be frequent throughout the day, but it will not harm the heart.

Missed heartbeats

An extraordinary heart contraction in medicine is called extrasystole. This is usually an extra blow between regular cuts.

An extraordinary reduction is followed by a pause, so it seems that one impulse has been missed. Such strikes are harmless. You can temporarily sit down to calm you down, but continued movement will also not be dangerous.

It is important that at this moment you do not rush with fear home, because the fact of avoiding will only strengthen your problem.

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“PROTOCOL of the constituent assembly of the non-profit organization“ Project Company of the “Olonkho Land Complex” Foundation ”, Yakutsk, January 23, 2013. Meeting Room of the Academic Council of the North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosov. Present: Name, Position works by Evgenia Isaevna Mikhailova, Rector of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education 1. “North-Eastern Chairperson of the Meeting Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov” Borisov Andrey Savvich, Minister of Culture and Spiritual Development of the Republic 2 .... "

“Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 2 of the urban settlement“ Workers' settlement Vanino ”in the Vanino municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory I AGREE AGREED AGREED Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 2 at the school for teachers of Moscow Protocol No. Yu.G. Yarygin from“ ”_2015 Protocol No._ "" _ 2015 Head of the MS from "" _2015, Head of the Ministry of Defense _ / _ / / _ WORKING PROGRAM of the subject “Geography. Planet Earth ”line“ Spheres ”7 class Implementation period 2015 –...”

“Mass ecological - educational work of libraries. In library No. 9 named after A.M. Vasnetsova, Kirov, young people with disabilities health gathered on an environmental evening "Earth - a tear on the cheek of the universe." At the evening, the guys learned why it is so important to protect fresh water sources, remembered how its circulation in nature occurs, and watched a colorful presentation on the chemical and physical properties of water. The participants of the evening were presented books and articles from ... "

"LITERARY TOURS" Land of peace, reflection and poetry "Duration 5 days / 4 nights Dates On request PROGRAM 1 day Meeting in Simferopol. Excursion "Literary Simferopol". Great writers and poets in Simferopol: P. Sumarokov, K. Batyushkov, A. Pushkin, A. Griboedov, V. Zhukovsky, L. Tolstoy, I. Severyanin, V. Mayakovsky, S. Sergeev Tsensky, I. Selvinsky, K. Trenev et al. Visiting I. Selvinsky Museum. Bus excursion to the South coast "The road to Yalta is like a novel." Monuments of nature and ... "

Federal State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Service SYSTEM OF INTERNAL-DEPARTMENTAL INTERACTION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF THE STATE REAL ESTATE CADASTRE AND STATE REGISTRATION OF RIGHTS Software package for receiving and issuing documents PC LDPE version 2.13 Federal Trade Agency - Federal Trade Union - Center Federal Trade Agency 2013 Software package LDPE, version 2.13 User's Guide Proposed publication ... "

“Explanatory note This program is based on a sample program for basic (complete) general education in geography. A basic level of. In compiling the work program and calendar-thematic planning, a program edited by N. N. Petrova, prepared on the basis of the modern concept of the content of school geographical education, was used. The subject of geography is included in the educational field of "Social Studies". Federal basic curriculum for ... "

“NATURE AND SOCIETY HOMO CONSMENS - A CONSUMER OF PEOPLE V. I. Lukyanenko, M. V. Khabarov, A. V. Lukyanenko According to the generally accepted point of view, one of the main reasons for the rapidly approaching global environmental disaster is the unprecedented increase in the population of planet Earth . Sharing this point of view, the authors of the article believe, however, that another equally important reason, which is usually either mentioned in passing or is generally silent, is excessive ... "

“E. Maleev Dedicated to the memory of fellow countrymen dear to my heart - residents of the village of Vasilevka. VASILYOVKA, my love. (Memoirs) Yaroslavl INSTEAD OF FOREWORD N throughout the history of the state of the Russian village was the nurse, power and conscience of Russia. Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov owe their victories and glory, first of all, to the warrior-heroes fostered by the Russian village. Distant lands were opened and mastered, built and filled ... "

2016 - “Free electronic library - Training, work programs”

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In this article, you will learn what the illusions of the mind are and how to learn to see the illusions of the mind in your head.

In this article, we will talk about what the illusions of the mind are. To begin with, I want to say that the mind is a wonderful tool that Genesis has endowed us with. The mind is not a brain, so don't confuse them. Brain, body part. But at the same time, the mind can be both the greatest friend for us and the greatest “enemy.” If the mind is constantly mumbling in your head, it is an inner voice that constantly says what to do and what not to do.

We cannot even fall asleep normally due to the fact that our mind constantly spoils. So, all that the mind tells you, all that it thinks about is all illusions, this is not in reality. You need to figure this out. Once again, whatever you think or your mind is not. Why? Yes, because our thoughts are either about the past or the future, often notice a negative future.

There are many options for the development of events, but we are used to seeing everything in a negative light most often. This is all because we are unconscious. We do not understand that the mind is not us. We do not realize that this voice is within us, not our voice. The one in whom, there is at least a bit of awareness, understands what is being said here because a conscious person has the opportunity to observe in his head all these shows and illusions that our mind gives us. The problem is that we believe him. Our mind is deceiving us, and not because it is "bad" or wants to harm us, it is simply what it is if there is no awareness in us. Even in India, there is a saying "mind is maya", that is, an illusion.

THOUGHTS - THIS IS ONLY THOUGHTS. Do not take them too seriously and take them as an absolute reality. Stop believing them. Thoughts have nothing to do with your life situation, with you, with the world.

I want to give an example from the life of the spiritual teacher Ethart Tolle and his case in life, he tells about a woman who
arguing loudly with another person out loud in her head, there was nobody around, she just continued to angrily argue with a person who is no longer around:

What I witnessed somewhat discouraged me. As an adult, twenty-five-year-old first year student, I considered myself an intellectual, and was convinced that all the answers could be found and all the problems of human existence could be solved with the help of intellect, that is, thinking. Then I did not yet understand that unconscious thinking and there is the main problem of human existence. The professors seemed to me to be sages who knew all the answers, and the university was a temple of knowledge. How could she be part of it all?

Before entering the library, continuing to think about the strange woman who was talking loudly to herself, I went into the men's room. I washed my hands and thought, "I hope I don't end up like her." A person standing next to me glanced in my direction, and I suddenly realized with shock that I had not only thought, but also muttered it aloud. "My God, yes I am already the same as she" - flashed through my head. Wasn't my mind working as continuously as hers? There was a tiny difference between us. It seems that the dominant emotion in her thinking was anger. In my case, anxiety prevailed. She thought out loud. I thought mostly to myself. If she is crazy, then everyone is crazy, including me. The only difference is in degree.

For a moment I managed to step back from my mind and see it as if from a deeper point. There was a brief shift from thinking to awareness. I was still in the men's room, only now alone, and looked at the reflection of my face in the mirror. At the moment of separation from my mind, I laughed out loud. It may sound crazy, but my laughter came from a healthy mind. It was the laugh of a pot-bellied Buddha. " Life is not as serious as the mind paints it ". It seemed that laughter was telling me exactly that. But it was only a glimpse, and very soon it was forgotten. For the next three years I lived in a state of anxiety and depression, fully identified with the mind. And before awareness returned to me, I happened to get very close to the thought of suicide, but then it was already much more than a glimpse. I freed myself from obsessive thinking and the imaginary, mind-created "I".

One can conclude that not all problems are solved by the mind; you also need to use your heart more often. It is important to understand that the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is our feelings regarding this or that aspect of our life, feelings best reflect what is, notice feelings, not emotions, they need to be distinguished. Feelings are the only reality because we feel them now, and not somewhere in the past or future. I recommend watching the film "Revolver" 2005, in this film this topic is very well covered, the topic of obsessive thinking.

Watch for thoughts and then you will see their illusory nature, and not take them for reality !!!

To summarize:

  • all you think about is illusions, this is not;
  • all your ideas about life, the world, and yourself are illusions of the mind;
  • all your thoughts about yourself that you may or may not are illusions of the mind;
  • all your ideas about anything or about anyone are illusions of the mind.

It’s hard to believe, but it’s so, it is impossible to think about the truth, as soon as you start thinking about it, the truth ceases to be truth, for truth is only in the moment now, and thoughts are either in the past or in the future. The only thing that will help you get rid of illusions is the regular practice of MEDITATIONS.


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