Table chants for prom. Class mottos. Mottos for senior, middle and junior school grades Download fragments of the wall newspaper

"Recipe" for the holiday advertising - 9%. table with treats - 10%, colorful decoration - 12%, light effects and fireworks - 4%. music - 12%. odors - 3%. festive outfits - 5%. festive gala program - 20% gifts and surprises -16%, pleasant guests - 9%. Total-100%.

Dear teachers and students of the school! Our friendly and cheerful class invites you to the holiday. There will be music and laughter and an attitude of success. The scent of flowers, and a chorus of discordant voices. And eyes wet with tears - everything has its own time, its own time. Go ahead, graduate! Go! You are full of strength, hope, love! And you come to visit us - share our joy! The "Last Bell" holiday will take place on May 25, 2012 at 12 o'clock in the assembly hall of our school. We are looking forward to all of you! Students of grade 11 "A"

Dear _____________________________! The day of the "Last Call" is just around the corner, And we would like to meet this day together with you! We will wait madly for your arrival, To celebrate our holiday very noisily! The "Last Bell" holiday will take place on May 25, 2012 at 12 o'clock in the assembly hall of our school. We are looking forward to seeing you! Students of grade 11 "A"

Musical arrangement of the holiday In the morning at school, songs dedicated to the Last Bell should sound to create a festive atmosphere and a special mood for all participants in the educational process. You can prepare a radio program "Favorite songs of graduates", and play all the changes with music with dedications: "And now the favorite song of Oksana Bondareva will sound" "Plague spring" performed by Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh.

Options for the presentation (presentation) of graduates. They can do it themselves, or maybe a surprise for them. In one of the recreations on the wall, you can organize an exhibition of flowers (flowers-associations) The originality of this idea lies in the fact that the flowers of this exhibition should be flowers-associations. Each person can be compared to a flower. You can even create a flower arrangement that the viewer would associate with one or another graduate. The name of such a composition would be the name and surname of the graduate. From such "personalized" flowers or bouquets-dedication, bouquets-associations, and should consist of a flower bed

An exhibition of the "favorite" books of graduates can be organized near the library. there are those books that at one time were not handed over to the library on time. Next to each book, you can indicate the name of the graduate reader and the period that this book was in his use (it is assumed that all this time he read and reread it). Above the exhibition, you can place a banner with an appeal: "Guys, read these books, and you will become the same as our graduates!"

To publish a wall newspaper “What will be written about them in the press in 10 years”, where, under the portraits or caricatures of graduates, place “information from the future”, that is, from “future” newspaper notes, reports about current graduates. Such information is produced by cutting out headings or entire paragraphs from today's newspapers. These newspaper clippings are compiled into a single text.

Alumni decorate the Alumni Museum. Such a museum can occupy a whole recreation, a hall or an office. And in showcases, on demonstration tables and stands, exhibits can be located that tell about the history of the class, about the hobbies, affections and achievements of individual students.

10 possible expositions from this museum: 1. "Favorite toys of our childhood." 2. "Our Life Handwriting" (notebooks on the Russian language with samples of handwriting). 3. “We can do this” (products made by the hands of graduates). 4. "Our Way" (the story of the class in photographs). 5. “It gave us the strength to learn, work, love” (samples of our favorite culinary dishes). 6. “Our footprint in history” (shoe prints). 7. “Those we looked up to” (photos of idols). 8. “Each of us had our own smell” (samples of our favorite perfumery and cosmetic products). 9. "Everyone's hobby is in the common hobby box" (information about hobbies, confirmed by photographs). 10. "Our records are in theirs Guinness Book" (comic information about fictitious records).

In one of the recreations of the school, you can arrange the "Avenue of Stars". Stars are attached to which you can place a photo of the student, and below you can place information about the student's achievements over the years of schooling. Those who have few or no achievements can use a comic form.

You can show a movie about a class in school hallways from morning until the start of the holiday (to create a festive atmosphere). Necessary equipment: premises (best of all, the foyer of one of the floors of the school), multimedia projector, screen, laptop. Staffing: 1-2 high school students

The main stages of the solemn line - taking out the banner of the school, the speech of the school director reading poetry, chanting parting slogans in classes, speech of the class teacher, speech of a representative of graduates, presenting gifts to school by graduates, singing a song by graduates, speech of the first teacher. handing flowers to the first teacher, addressing graduates to teachers. presentation of flowers to teachers, dance composition, speech of a representative of the parental community, speech of a representative of the teaching staff. reading poetry by first graders, the word of the school director, presenting gifts to graduates from the school, a reciprocal word of thanks from graduates the ritual of the last bell, the ritual of releasing a balloon with children's toys into the sky - a symbol of farewell to childhood, massive applause from students, teachers and parents. reading poetry, taking out the banner, announcing the end of the line.

"Chips" on the "Last Call" During one of the lessons, you can make a collage "I dream ...". To do this, you need to take sheets of A3 format, decorated in the same style and, using newspaper and magazine clippings, make up a picture of your dreams. Then combine the sheets of all graduates into a single book "Our Dreams" and give it to the class teacher. You can watch it at the alumni meeting in a few years. On the day of the Last Bell, you can combine these sheets into a montage "Our Dreams" on the school wall, and only then collect them into a book.

"Chips" at the "Last Call" Demonstration of a film made by graduates. "Our interview" (questions - to graduates, teachers) "Flash mob" on the last bell Scene "The President's visit" Live broadcast with a famous character Teleconference (two correspondents. One is on stage, the other is in the hall, interviews teachers)

Scene "The President's Visit" Attention! Attention! The President of Russia came to greet our graduates. Under the theme song from the movie "The Matrix," the President appears with two security guards. President: Good afternoon! I will be long. Dear teachers, graduates, parents, guests! On my own behalf and on behalf of the Government of Russia, let me cordially congratulate you on this holiday! Reporter 2: Sorry for the indiscreet question ... Why did you choose ours from all the schools? President: The question is clear. I answer. In connection with the modernization of Russian education, I signed a decree stating that your school will not participate in this process. Reporter 1: Why is that? President: You know the proverb: "To teach smart, only to spoil." Talented teachers, smart children, understanding administration - what else do you need? Yes, here's another thing ... (addresses the director) I brought you an application, will you endorse? Reporter 2: What's the statement? President: I'm reading it. Due to the fact that my presidency will expire in 2018, please reserve one place for me as a German teacher. The future teacher of the German language V.V. Putin. Thank you all and good luck, especially the foreign language teachers.

Variants of the response of the graduates at the holiday; editing of poems and dedicatory songs; demonstration of a video film about the class. (You can perform the song of Y. Izofilova "11 school years" by yourself, and show a film about the class on the screen). making rhyming riddles to the hall, in which the last word is the surname of one of the graduates a solemn ode or a hymn to teachers comic couplets silently dossier on teachers award ceremony for teachers by nominations

The natures are multifaceted, contradictory, multi-textured. They always bravely take on something that they have never done before. They clearly perform tasks, it is not clear by whom, when and why assigned. Contribute to the spread of the new fairy tale "Baba EGE". We are sure: "Who goes to school in the morning - he goes to universities" Dossier on the head teacher of the school 17

The dossier on the headmaster The character is persistent, warlike. Intuition is highly developed (if it is possible to "catch" someone on something unseemly, he will surely catch it). The school is in several places at the same time. It is better for her to speak the truth on the phone. In a calm state until 7.30 in the morning and after At this time, she is soft and responsive. Dossier on chemistry teachers Having learned the secrets of alchemy, the rules of electron marriage, he likes to constantly change the places of students in the class, so that they, in turn, correctly react with objects.

Dossier on teachers of Russian language and literature. Natures are intelligent, aesthetically developed. They even read what no one had read before them, except for the author. They even thought out what the poets didn’t. Show courage and heroism when reading school essays. They like to quote the classics. For example: "Everyone is free, and you Stirlitz-Larin, I will ask you to stay" Dossier on biology teachers Is able to convince students that not every monkey can become a man, that not everything that flies is a bird, but the seed sown should give fruit ... Dossier on history teachers They know how to win in all school battles and local revolutions. They can offer staunch resistance to the masses of opposition-minded students with one phrase: "To arrange problems?"

Dossier on mathematics teachers Natures are consistent, strong-willed, who managed to hammer integrals, derivatives, cosines and sines into the heads of graduates without spoiling its form. They know how to clearly formulate tasks: “I got up, turned around, left, eagle”. The natures are logical, they conduct the following monologues: - Has anyone done your homework in mathematics? - Has anyone tried to do your math homework? - Okay, let's do something else. The dossier on the MHC teachers will not only teach you to see the beauty of the world, but also to distinguish Hegel from Babel, Kant from cantata, and Feuerbach from Bach. Dossier on foreign language teachers The character is friendly, peaceful. Thanks to their efforts, we speak not only in Russian, English, German, but ... and in other lessons.

Dossier on physics teachers With the chaotic movement of students and their variable resistance to action by reaction, he knows how to simply and easily explain the most difficult tasks, for example: - Sit down. Two. -Why? -In physics. Or: - Leave the class. -Why? -According to the floor. Dossier on physical education teachers They develop the skills of fast running along the sliding parquet of the corridor, as well as the skills of high jumps followed by landing without a mat.

Nominations for the "Ovation" ("Golden Pointer") award to teachers "I would have learned Russian just for what you taught us" (Russian language teacher) "Knowledge of Ohm's Law does not exempt one from responsibility" (physics teacher) "I remember a wonderful moment ... "(literature teacher)" Music connected us "(music teacher)" With Mendeleev on a short leg "," Chemistry of blondes gave us "(chemistry teacher)" Oh, sport, I love you, but with a strange love "(physical education teacher) "The best tour operators" (teacher of geography) "Not by labor alone a man is alive, but by labor of serving" (teacher of technology) "Malevich is just resting" (teacher of fine arts) "Infinity further" (teacher of mathematics) "We also know the queen and with Prince Charles we to "you" (English teacher) "We are all a little Sergei Shoigu" (OBZH teacher) "The photo shop only helps us in life, and HTML is pleasing to the ear" (computer science teacher) "No - to Hussein, yes - to our historians" ( history teacher) "Cowboys Haggis" (primary school teacher) "There is no better mother than ours" (classroom teacher teacher) “Putin himself is not a decree” (director) “Everything is in order, everything is fine, the certification passed” (head teacher) “We could hardly survive at school without you” (cook) “Who does not know Aunt Shura” (watchman, technical) "Books are our friends, drugs are our enemies" (librarian) "Only they know what's inside ..." (biology teacher) "Chanel number ____" (French teacher)

Commemorative gifts Commemorative gifts are called so because they are presented in memory of the one who gave them. Their purpose is not to satisfy everyday needs or to serve as a source of pride. Their purpose is to evoke in people bright, warm, tender memories of that. that "there were people in our time."

Memorable gifts Beautifully designed folder, which contains the best works of graduates in the subject of the teacher: essays, tests, abstracts, etc. Photocopies of diplomas can be attached. Album with friendly cartoons from all graduates and their autographs. A video made in the last month of study. Take potted potted flowers in the greenhouse. And give all the teachers a pot, let them look after. And at the same time, we can say: these flowers will live as long as you remember us. Memorable gifts need explanation and comment. Therefore, you should prepare a speech and in it beautifully and figuratively tell about the meaning, meaning, role of what will be awarded. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom claims that sometimes it is not the gift itself that is important, but the ability to present it.

Symbolic gifts Such gifts also have a monetary value, but very little. Such gifts are also given as a keepsake, but they are not associated with any specific people and events. Holiday symbol The last bell is a small bell. The symbol of the memory of the graduates is an elegant book for addresses and telephone numbers. The symbol of the memory of the class is a toy mascot. Symbolic gifts, like commemorative gifts, need an explanation. Without accompanying words, they are not symbols at all, but modest trinkets. In order for others to guess that these are not just figures or toys, but a symbol of something, you need to publicly declare this. And for this it is necessary to prepare an explanatory speech in advance, and the more heartfelt pathos in it, the better.

Comic gifts The purpose of such gifts is to make you smile. Therefore, on this day, you can and should joke, including with the help of gifts. Scrapbook sheet with fingerprints, ears, noses of favorite students and an indication of whose body part belongs to, Handkerchief for blotting tears in a moment of sadness for the departed students. It is unacceptable that joke gifts be the only ones on this day: they should be considered as a fun addition to gifts of other categories, and nothing more. comic gifts need a comic comment. The wordless giving of such gifts is complete nonsense. Moreover, the words should account for a large, main part of the joke, and gifts should only be material and visual confirmation of what has been said.

Personal gifts These gifts exist in a single copy and are intended to be presented to one, specific person. Such gifts are most consonant with the definition of the holiday. Therefore, if on the day of the Last Call each teacher receives as a gift not the same as everyone else, but something individually special, specially chosen and acquired for him, and even corresponding to his explicit and secret aspirations, then he, rather everything, will be touched by attention and, perhaps, even - happy. Of course, preparing personalized gifts takes significantly more time and effort than any other. After all, you need to remember what each teacher is fond of, what are his life priorities, suggest what he might like, ask people close to him.

Possible options for comic gifts for graduates Take potted potted flowers in the greenhouse. And give all graduates a pot, let them look after. And at the same time, we can say: these flowers will live as long as you remember about the school. It is possible for graduates to collect a folder with notebooks, test books, various essays (as in kindergarten they give them for graduation). Let them remember later. You can donate a newspaper - for the date when the Last Call will be. Let them in many years remember what was going on in the world on the day they graduated from school. You can donate a copper nickel each. To put them under the heel when they go to the exam. Or a whole list will take: what needs to be done to get a lucky ticket. The best gifts are personal. You can make beautiful medals with the inscriptions: "The most important truant". "The most fashionable girl". "The best volleyball player." "The most knowledgeable physicist." Put your surname and first name on them and hand them over personally. You can donate an empty bottle, cork it. And attach a sticker: "The air of the native school."

Dear colleagues! If you are interested in the proposed recommendations, but you need explanations or methodological support to them (scripts, music, footage, photographs "Possible room design options, etc.), please contact the Information and Methodological Department of the MOU DOD" GDTDiM ", office. 204, tel. We will be glad to cooperate with you!


We create our own destiny,
We build our careers to the best of our ability ...
Sometimes we do not realize
What has the Almighty awarded us with!
I invite you all to this office ...
Destiny is being constructed here, it seems ...
So, sky-high heights ...
In labors, like a bee, our God ...

The God:Well, that's nice. So I did a good job (phone ringing)... Yes! The heavenly office is listening. What? A new graduate is born at school № 44! But our working day is already coming to an end ... Okay, we'll pick up something, overtime work again. How can I make these graduates so that their life is successful? So, let's take “Responsibility”, “Perseverance”, add “Tactfulness”, “Kindness” and “Sociability”. And where we have here "Bright mind", let's add more! The country needs smart people. What else I have left here: “Decisiveness”, “Luck”, “Happiness”, “Courage”, “Efficiency” and, of course, “Beauty”, because beauty will save the world. Now let's mix everything well and see what I did.

Leading:And it turned out the 1st graduation of the new 44th school! Meet what good children have grown up!

Exit on the 11th "B", the lists are read out.


What good children have grown up!
They have amazingly clear faces!
It must be easier for them to live in the world,
It is easier for them to break through, it is easier for them to achieve.
Let's say they say it's harder
All sorts of exams, these competitions.
Perhaps it is true. They, the children, know better.
But the children grew up very good.

A waltz to S. Nikitin's tune “Dialogue at the New Year Tree” is played.

- What's going on today?
- Last call!
At school, dear, beloved faces are visible.
- Believing that something wonderful will happen,
Life will turn out to be its best side.
- What will be behind all this?
- Farewell hour.
An hour away from school
Friends and relatives.
They have matured, and childhood says goodbye to them.
They will remember the happy time more than once.
- How will all this end?
- Friendship forever.
- Friendship forever, are you sure?
- Yes I'm sure.
A school friend has been tested for years of study,
No matter what happens, he will not be forgotten forever.
- What follows from this?
- You should live.
Believe in luck, achieve success in everything.
- Do you think this can be achieved?
- I suppose it is possible, but we must hurry.
- We must hurry, because time will circle them.
Everything is fleeting. Now life
Just the beginning.
- Allow me in honor of the celebration
The last waltz to announce.

Couples are dancing the waltz.


Poplar fluff is spinning
The school waltz will not be repeated.
Like spring drops
The years of school have passed ...

- Dear friends! Dear guests, parents, teachers! Today is an exciting, joyful and at the same time sad day. The last school bell will ring for our 11th graders. They will look back with sadness at the past school years, which gave them a lot of good.
This wonderful school time is over. You have exams ahead. Time passes inexorably, counting down seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years ... It seems that it was a long time ago, when you timidly and hesitantly entered the 1st grade. You stood in the same place with bouquets in your hands, worried, repeating to yourself the learned verses.
Now look at the little ones, future first graders, who have come to greet you. They will have to finish school in 2016.

Preschoolers' speech.

1. Here we are!
Didn't you expect us?
But we took it and came.
Preschoolers of the "Phillipok" club
On your last call.

2. Turn pale ...
Have lost weight ...
Are you tired of the lessons?
They say in 10 years
Have you forgotten the white light?

3. Outside the window, winter or autumn -
You didn't notice at all
After all, there are already eight lessons!
My God, when did you sleep?

4. School is hard work!
Tired - just horror!
After all, even on Saturdays
Not allowed to rest.

5. What, did you suffer? Decided -
Sleep well now! -
The gods reported to us here -
The drama has just begun.

The phonogram of the song “School Years” sounds.


No, no one will ever forget
School years are wonderful!

Think how fast
Those days are gone!
Childhood is now only a dream.

You want to tell him:
“Childhood, come back
Say goodbye to this line ... "

Remember, it was around
A sea of \u200b\u200bcolors and sounds
From my mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.

He introduced you to first grade
Solemnly and respectfully,
And you looked with hope
Into the eyes of your teacher.

- With special fondness you remember your first teacher:

4th grade dance, performance by the first teacher.

- Today, guests have come to our holiday who want to say parting words to our graduates, wish them successfully pass the exams, choose a profession they like.

Congratulations to the guests of the holiday.

- Now, probably, many of the graduates think that school years are behind them, not suspecting that tomorrow they will be in a new school. Yes, in one where there are no textbooks or cheat sheets, and exams are daily. What kind of school is this, you ask? This is the school of life. By tradition, seeing off their pets into adulthood, the school principal gives parting orders.
The floor is given to the director of school No. 44 Lebedeva L.N.

After his speech, the director opens a folder containing an order for admission to state exams, but, to her surprise, instead of an order there is a letter:

"Graduates! I have the order! You will have to sit at your desk for another year! Fantomas ".

Leading:How can we be? We know that the graduates would like to extend the wonderful days of the season a little, but, alas, this is impossible ...

The teacher of the first graders L.A. Belonosov

Teacher:Dear graduates! Dear parents, Lyudmila Nikiforovna! Forgive my tomboys for this prank. They just confessed to me that they really do not want to part with their older comrades. They themselves want to apologize for their act.

To the soundtrack from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”, first-graders come out with stockings on their heads.

1st: Forgive us, please, we will no longer disrupt the holidays at school!

2nd:We are special boys - your little brothers!

3rd:We are special girls - your little sisters!

Today is your holiday - "Last Call",
Last call for the last lesson!
How quickly the farewell date came
How quickly the hour of parting came ...
You also once wore knapsacks,
Now you will leave us forever.

5th:Lyudmila Nikiforovna, can we still leave them for the second year?

We are here, having consulted,
We want to give you some advice.
You better not laugh
Know - this will come in handy.

Going to the exam
Prepare a compliment
And find the right one
For a moment of recognition.

And prepare the cheat sheets
Just like that - just in case.
You and me, friends, do not argue.
Why torture yourself?

And use cheat sheets carefully,
Don't be in a hurry, there is no need for haste.
Only vigilance, please, do not lose
Helping your friend swim out.

I can also advise ...
Let your life sing like a song.
Let it be in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard
Only kindness flows from the heart.

That's all our advice,
They are not wiser and easier!
You, my friend, do not forget them!
Goodbye! Good luck!

- Accept from us as a gift a block of chewing gum to strengthen the teeth, worn away during the "gnawing" of the granite of science (give a block of chewing gum).

The school principal reads out the order for the school for admission to the exams.

Leading:Year after year, your class teacher walked with you, who always supported you in difficult times, helped with his advice. I have the floor ...

Phonogram of the song about parents.


We must say at this hour
About those who gave us life,
About the people closest to the world,
About those who helped grow
And he will still help in many ways in life.

- An experimental parental search group of a strict regime with belt-applied control in hopelessly extreme situations is performing.

Speech by a group of parents.

- Our motto:
Not a day without moralizing!
- Our emblem:
Carrot and stick!
- Our portrait:
Loose eyelids, heavy crease between the eyebrows, tightly closed lips and slight sweat on the forehead.
- Hush, hush, hush. We agreed - festively, soulfully, with a tremor in our voice, on our last breath, but keep a smile ...
- Lord! When will our torment end ?!

(Humming)A little more ... A little more ...
Last Stand -
He is the most difficult.

- And I want peace for a long time!
How hard it is to be a mom today!

- Well, that's tuned in! Are you ready to continue?

- You came to first grade for the first time,
They could neither write nor read,
You carried flowers to the ruler,
They put on you a beautiful uniform,
First class is the first bell ...
There were joys, there were hardships.
Your teacher and first lesson -
This is how the school years began.
You studied, fell in love, grew up.
The days flowed like spring waters.
They carried away childhood forever,
And the school years are over.

- Oh, how quickly the years rush!
We hardly had time to look back,
Have changed before our eyes -
My God, how have you grown up!

- Today we are finishing school with our children ...

- And we are worried with them, and we are worried, and we are happy.

- You know, I myself studied at this school. And she brought her daughter here. So, I can say with confidence that I finished it twice already. And if you consider that the youngest daughter also studies here, then I will be a graduate three times. Maybe my grandchildren will come here to study too ...

- I would like to believe that it will be so! Because this school has excellent teachers. Thank you, dear teachers, for the good upbringing and education of our children.

Parting words of ninth graders.

Kostya:Dear graduates! Students of the 9th grade greet you.

For the last call today
We have come to greet you.
The exam is ahead and amicably:
"Break a leg!" (shout in chorus)
Wishing you ninth grade.

- And so that you do not disappear and keep in touch with us and with the school, we give you ... cell phones. We found rich American sponsors! And in the notebook of each telephone, the school number is 4-19-14.

Ninth graders give 11th graders comic telephones of different companies, made of cardboard, on the display of which the number of the school is written.

Leading:No matter how long we were wasting time, the time came for the 11th grade.

The song “School, I miss you” - 11th grade.

More recently, we were little
And let's tell you a secret - they beat us on the ass,
But now we have matured -
The school opened the door for us!

Winters rushed with springs,
We have already become adults;
But we will remember all school days:
Calls and changes again
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to us!

The exams will be over soon
The last bell will ring
Let's say goodbye to school
And with a fun life,
Goodbye school days.

Today we thank the teachers
For tenderness, kindness and affection,
Which for many days
They gave us flawlessly.

And sometimes we did not understand them
And they did not forgive their mistakes.
Loved only ourselves
And they didn't give them a second try!

And maybe it sounds strange
But only now, at the moment of parting,
We understand how many
Love for us, tenderness and compassion (give flowers).

Song "My sun" - 11th grade.

Leading:Dear graduates! You have no idea how you are today different from all other schoolchildren. In your eyes now, you can easily see at the same time sadness from the understanding that this is the last day of childhood, and the joy that you are finishing school.
Now you will experience on yourself what is given only once in a lifetime. These are mixed feelings: excitement, pride, interest in the new life that lies ahead, and the bitterness of knowing that you will forever lose your class as a whole.
But no matter what, today is your day, and everything belonged to you: smiles, tears, looks, songs, dances and this applause! School! Attention! We would like to give our graduates our applause for the last time!

The Guardian Angel appears on the scene. The song of I. Krutoy “Guardian Angel” is played.

Guardian angel:I am the Guardian Angel of the school. I know everyone by name. Both your secrets and your secrets are known to me ... For ten years I have been watching everyone, ashore from evil, helping as much as I can. The most difficult time was when you were growing up ... And then I flew into your dreams, so that the soul was easier, calmer. Only today I decided to appear in reality. It's time for us to part. Now other angels will take care of you. Here (raises the bell) a farewell bell ... Do not be sad, I am still with you, while you are here, within the walls of relatives.

The last bell rings. An angel runs across the site, ringing its bell, 11th graders leave for the last lesson.

Leading:Consider the “Last Call” holiday closed. Thanks for attention!

On the day of the last bell, schools become the center of a celebration that brings together happy students and excited parents. To create a festive atmosphere, school yards and corridors are decorated with balloons and themed posters. We invite you to surprise the teachers and draw a wall newspaper for the last bell with your own hands. This does not require special talents and a lot of time!

The wall newspaper template is a sketch consisting of 8 fragments that together make up a complete picture with areas for congratulatory verses. All you need is any printer, A4 paper, paints or pencils.

Download fragments of the wall newspaper

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 fragments that need to be combined into one and colored.

How to make a congratulatory wall newspaper for the last call

  1. The first step is to print all parts of the picture. To do this, you can save graphic files to your computer or use quick print from your browser.
  2. The next step is to assemble the fragments into an image conceived by the artist. At this stage, you can use the hint of the location of the parts on our website.
  3. Next, the pictures are glued to each other with glue or ordinary tape on the back.
  4. The last stage is the most responsible and interesting: the resulting picture must be colored, and in the "windows" intended for congratulations, write verses and

School years go by very quickly. It would seem that yesterday's first-graders have become graduates today. We offer you a selection of funny prom statuses that will help you get through these exciting moments and cheer you up. We have also selected for you the parting words of great people who have achieved a lot in life. Let them help all graduates confidently take a step into adulthood and make the right decision.

The prom night opens the way to adulthood. This is the time when one has to choose a future profession, perhaps leave the parental home and start an independent life. Ahead are entrance exams, mastering a profession, new acquaintances and new opportunities.

Every year the school graduates its students, everyone travels to different cities, each of them begins his own life. But, be that as it may, the school doors will always be open for every graduate. The school will forever remain the second home, where everyone gains knowledge, makes friends. In order to once again plunge into the carefree atmosphere of school years and find out how classmates are doing, there are alumni meetings. Some go to them to show off their achievements, others sincerely miss their school friends.

A higher educational institution is another place where a person spends the best years of his life, learns to make decisions on his own and be responsible for his actions. Graduation at a university is no less significant event, because after training, workdays await, besides, again you have to part with people who have already become so close. only after training do you realize that tests, exams and tests are mere trifles in comparison with the tests that life has prepared.


We are grown up now
We cannot return our childhood.
School opened the door for us
And she showed the way. (S. Mikhalkov)

Graduation is the beginning of adulthood.

A completely uneducated person can only rob a freight car, while a university graduate can steal a railway. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Schools graduate everyone, universities graduate the best ...

Thank you teachers
Because the earth is round,
For Troy and Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words,
Those that we now keep in ourselves.
We THANK you for everything!

We owe school knowledge only to teachers.

In the morning sky, colored by the sun's rays, a small blue ball flew - their common dream. (E. The Tale of the Graduation Ball)

Balloons are a dream that graduates send to heaven.

Graduation is like an Olympics - you wait four years, and three people are having fun while the rest are crying over broken hopes. (From the movie Graduation)

At university 4, and at school - all 11 ...)

It was a dress rehearsal for the future first ball, which most of them would never have, a false promise of the coming continuous celebration of life, which will also not happen, parting with school, which was a joyful event for everyone, without exception, but on this day it was painted with fake romantic colors. (L. Ulitskaya, book Green Tent)

At the prom, everyone only talks about a bright future, but no one warns about the upcoming difficulties.

It is very difficult to concentrate and not succumb to the internal monologue that constantly sounds in your head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the cliché in the free arts of learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I expected: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you are. you think. That is, learning to be sane and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth paying attention to and how to make sense of the experience. Because if you can't learn to make these choices in maturity, then life will seriously twist you. Remember that common phrase that says: The mind is the best servant and the worst master. (David Foster Wallace Graduation Speech)

Graduation is a journey into adulthood, only you find your ticket 20 years after it.

Don't be sad that you won't go back to school
Youth is a wonderful time
It only remains for us to wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

Farewell to school is always filled with sadness.

As you get older, you will realize that the understanding of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is about knocking over 20 tequila. For me, the more important thing is the ability to live my life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not try to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to some cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never walk the beaten path by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation. (Ellen DeGeneres Graduation Speech)

After school, graduates are driven by ambition, after time - by goals.

The beautiful white floor-length dress I wore at prom was in many ways reminiscent of the ones worn here, and yet it might well have seemed strange or vulgar. (A. Akulova, Devil's graduation book)

Wearing a white dress for graduation, the graduates probably want to present themselves in the role of a bride ...

What is graduation for you?
This is the evening of farewell to childhood.
This is a celebration with an open mind
And a little wounded heart.
It's a craving to go back
Where you were only yesterday.
This ball will spin until the morning
So that you don’t forget it.

There is one evening between childhood and adulthood - Graduation.

Dear Graduates! Create your own compass and trust it. Take the risk, do not be afraid to make a mistake, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always fills the bumps. (Aaron Sorkin)

The one who does nothing is not mistaken.


The last bell: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and guard Muscovites from drunk school graduates.

Here we have lived that they are no longer protected from scammers, but from graduates ...)))

Boys are made men by the army, and girls are made women by prom.

Men and women are tested and age.

At the prom, young people, faced with a non-standard bra fastener, kiss until dawn.

You can learn anatomy better in graduation than in biology class ...)

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys were waiting for dawn for six months.

Well, at least they waited for that?)

Looking at some of the graduates, I involuntarily want to ask: where did they graduate from?

Imagine from school)

The more you achieve in life, the harder it is to ignore alumni meetings.

The alumni meeting is an occasion to show off your achievements.

Today, graduates from the fountains will be caught, oh, those kids.

They need to somehow put themselves in order, so they climb into the fountains ...)

Why 3rd, there is also 4th - those who do not prepare at all)

In general, many university graduates are fit for the army, but only for a war with a virtual enemy!

They are also suitable for training ... only by correspondence and in distance form ...)

CHEF (as he looked into the water): Are you a university graduate ?? You're his miscarriage !!

Some students graduate from educational institutions, others are thrown away ...)

Rector at the graduation: “After graduation, go to America. Let their economy collapse there. "

It is immediately obvious that the university prepares real specialists!

If the school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty.

When you start living an adult life, you understand that school is not a prison, but a heavenly place. And if it’s a prison, then you’re ready to take your punishment in it again, but, alas, they won’t take it anymore.

Graduation at school is the only day in life when all parents throw off alcohol for their children!

They throw off themselves, and then they reprimand that they went over ...)

Goodbye school, resident evil. And hello Institute, O citadel of vice!

Where did virtue go?)

And only after graduation do you realize how much you fell in love with these idiots in 10 years ...

The friendliest class is after graduation!)

Graduation is a holiday where everyone cries because they have to leave the institution forever, which they dreamed of leaving with tears in their eyes for many years in a row ...

You really start to love school and classmates only when it's time to part with them.

Security cameras captured the robbery of a liquor store - this is the only video from high school number seven.

At least something will remain in memory ...)

I remember the graduation party at the university, damn it, but once it seemed to me that I should be ashamed of the graduation at school!

Wait, you didn't live before the wedding ...)

Gorgeous outfits, warm words, beautiful bouquets, dawn ... Soon all schools and universities will open their pupils and students the doors to adulthood. Graduation is tears of joy and sadness, the understanding that childhood and adolescence are leaving, there are a thousand roads ahead, from which you need to choose one. May every graduate make the right choice in life and find his own happiness!

We'll have a nice walk at the prom ... WOW!

And there is a special interest in dancing ... YES!

Daughters walk and mothers walk ... WOW!

Well, the boys in ties are here ... YES! 2 TIMES

Our holiday will be until dawn today ... WOW!

He brings joy to heaven ... YES!

We have a lot of different ventures today ... WOW!

Shall we have some fun today? ... YES! 2 TIMES

There are a lot of school memories here ... WOW!

Let's not remember the entire educational process? ... YES!

And we didn’t stop to take a photo here ... WOW!

And we will remember each other - really? .. YES! 2 TIMES

And let the exams rattle your nerves ... WOW!

Let's relieve stress in fun dancing ... YES!

May there only be good changes in life ... WOW!

And our cool one, well, just super, right ?! ... YES! 2 TIMES

………………. , we wish you good luck ... WOW!

When you are in school, progress moves ... YES!

And together we will shout - we adore you ... WOW!

Let's add applause to the evening ... YES! 2 TIMES

High school graduation... Couplets!

Embracing our dear class

All because, -We have high school graduation!

You will agree, of course, with me

The holiday is wonderful, - we have high school graduation!

With a certificate of maturity, every hero

All because, -We have a graduation!

Into adulthood on the big road

We go with the words, -We have high school graduation!

The native teacher will say the parting words,

Summing up the results, - we have high school graduation!

Do what you want - dance, sing songs

Enjoy life - with us high school graduation!

Only at dawn will you go home

Knows the whole city, - we have high school graduation!


Who is the noisiest at school

The walls are shaking from us,

We'll be honest about it

Our Grade 11!

Who is the smartest in school?

We will tell everything without embellishment,

Everyone in this school knows

Our Grade 11!

Who is the friendliest in school?

Strong like a pineapple?

We will tell you without a doubt

Our Grade 11!

Who today graduate?

We have tears of joy.

Who stands at the beginning of life?

Our Grade 11!

Graduation clapper (from Anna Perina):

student option

Positiveness, mood, creativity and luck!

High school graduation We will meet with dignity - this applause will sound! (applauding)

To that will come in business success - who will raise his hands up!

(claps over head)

Bright, graceful, stylish, heady!

Cool, beautiful, loved by men!

Let's extend the wonderful moments - in honor of our ladies - applause! (applauding)

We wish you health, vigor and congratulations to everyone!

There is a good reason for that - to applaud the men! (applauding)

On our graduation wonderful evening, I want to ask now at the meeting-

There are such friends in the hall who you can't touch today ??

(Raise your right hand and wave slowly so that I remember you ...) They wave their hand) Home….

Congratulations and wish you this memorable year,

So that luck does not end, and we live without worries!

The louder the applause - the more happiness and luck!

Long live our high school graduation!!! (open a bottle of champagne ...)

Release, Release, -Super!

Chant for Release (girls).

Friends gathered at the table today

They said, beloved city, be strong!

The soul is walking, a continuous walk

We have certificates - let's pour!

Release, release, super!

The girls are beautiful! You are just a wonder

Eyes shoot brightly, beautifully

Guys have long been in love with you

You are the decoration of our country!

Release, release-super!

There were, for them sometimes you are like a mother

Cool-super, let's tell you straight

Well, today, in our Walk,

Wave your hand as a signal - "Pour!"

Release, release-super!

Sadness and illnessdrive far!

After all, you have a road ahead of you!

We will remember our school!

Let's not lose our friendship!

Release, Release Super!

We continue to walk together

And congratulate all classmates

To fulfill what you want

We are for Dreams!

Release, release-super!

Understand me

Creative play on graduation party.

Miroshnichenko L Dnipro

Everyone has long known the game "Crocodile", which can be played at the graduation party. The graduate pulls out a card and shows what is written there, and mom or dad guess the phrase.
Mommy, please let me go to the disco. I learned my lessons, washed the dishes, threw out the garbage.
You are called to the director. The boys smoked, and I just went out to get some air. I honestly didn't smoke.
Mom, I didn’t tear the pages out of my diary or oversleep the first two lessons - the teacher was just nagging.
Dad, I didn't play cards in class. I studied the Atlas of the World under my desk to decide where to travel.
Dad! The renovation of the office will begin tomorrow. You are asked to come - whitewash the ceiling and re-glue the wallpaper.
The cool one is calling you. We played football and broke the dining room window.
Mom, it was not me who brought a kitten to school, it was my neighbor who meowed through his teeth and looked at my backpack.
Mom, these weren't my cribs that were in my pocket. It's just a bag of seeds that I snapped before lessons.

Theater of miniatures "From School Life", can be played at the prom.

Actors, when mentioning their role, utter phrases:

Graduate - "What am I? I am nothing ...",

Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",

Headmaster - "What's going on here?"

Klas.ruk-l - "They are good for me!"

Mamania - "Where does the school only look ?!"

Daddy - "He will get a belt!"

Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time Graduate... And he would have lived so calmly for himself, but overwhelmed the Graduate ... Laziness-mother ... The first to worry was the Director of the School ... And the Graduate to him ... All because it was not his ear that was whispered to him by Laziness-mother ... The Headmaster ... called the Class Teacher ... The Class Teacher ... went to the Graduate ... Yes, only the Lazy Mother is still whispering to him ... Then the Class Teacher ... called Mom ... Send Mom .. and the Headmaster ... to the Headmaster ... And the Headmaster said ... And the Headmaster ... answered. And Mamania ... said. To which the Graduate ... replied. Because she was whispering in his ear Laziness -mother ... Mamania went ... for Daddy ... Daddy came ..., Mamania ..., Classroom teacher ... and the Director ... to the Graduate ... A Graduate them ... And Laziness-mother to him ... And Daddy rushed ... after Odnoklassniki ..., because any business in the team is better solved. Odnoklassniki came running ... And I would like to tell them Laziness-mother ..., yes, only at first the Director said ... then he added the Class Teacher ... Mamanya spoke ... Daddy shouted loudly ... Then the Classmates entered into an argument ... To which the Graduate replied ...

Distribute a piece of paper and a pencil to the participants. dictation.

On a colossal plank terrace, near a juniper, the wife of the notorious local cheer Agrafena Savvichna secretly regaled the collegiate assessor, Apollo Filimonovich, with clams and vinaigrette to the accompaniment of an accordion and cello.

After counting the errors, report the following results:

No - you are a foreign, well-trained, spy;

1-3 - you can teach at the Academy of Sciences;

3-8 - you can teach at the university;

8-12 - you can teach at school;

12-15 - engineers and technicians;

15-18 - a normal person;

18-20 - you know Russian from newspapers and magazines;

20-22 - you are a foreigner;

22 or more - you are an ancient man of the Stone Age - Neanderthal.

Graduation Quiz

1. Start of the day. (Morning)

2. Maturity document. (Certificate)

1. A merry fellow from session to session. (Student)

3. Government of the university (Administration)

4. Entering the university. (Enrollee)

5. Uneducated person. (Ignoramus)

6. Archimedes "Hurray!" ("Eureka!")

7. The very first institution for children. (Nursery)

8. Unscheduled vacations. (Quarantine)

9. Educational book. (Textbook)

10. How to make a table out of a pillar without tools? (Remove the letter "B")

11. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

12. Stationery joke. (Button)

13. Notebook for drawings. (Album)

14. Water at minus. (Ice)

15. Pushkin during his studies. (Lyceum student)

16. Where do they run away from lessons. (Cinema)

17. Exam without grades. (Test)

18. Both the punctuation mark and the nose of the crooked face. (Comma)

19. A comma without a tail. (Dot)

20. When are hands pronouns? (When they are washed)

21. A unit of the structure of an organism, a chessboard and a notebook. (Cage)

22. Geometric figure on the bumper of a Renault car. (Rhombus)

23. Straightened rhombus. (Square)

24. Geometric figure in which the logo of the REN-TV / (Oval) channel is inscribed

25.Classic Schoolgirl Hairstyle (Pigtails)

26. A kilogram of water. (Liter)

27. Equation Letter (X)

28. Ancient accounts. (Abacus)

29. What Greek letter can you shoe a horse with? (Omega)

30. Teacher Mowgli. (Baloo)

31. Pencil for the board. (A piece of chalk)

32. What movie is set at night school? ("Big Break")

1. Where does life always hang in the balance? (In a light bulb)

2. What is the best remedy for gray hair you know? (Bald head)

3. Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)

4. With which hand do you stir the tea? (Not with a hand, but with a spoon)

5. What does a person looking for knots in the eyes of others do? (Logging)

6. Why are mushrooms in the shape of an umbrella? (Growing in the rain)

7. Under what conditions is the life of a passenger in danger? (When the chauffeur believes in immortality.)

8. Can it rain for two days in a row? (It cannot, since the night separates the days.)

9. Why does the dog bark? (Because he cannot speak.)

10. What is thrown into the pot before cooking? (Glance: see if the pan is clean.)

Table competition at the graduation party " Baby pranks"

We transfer some object to the music (a toy, a ball, a ball ...), at whom it stops - he tells a prank he once committed. Parents, teachers and alumni participate. And then we pass it back to lyric music - and we already listen to declarations of love. Beautiful music is the key to success!

Graduation Dad Competition

Well, now the time has come, turn to our parents, because today is a holiday for you too. There are a lot of dads in the hall and it's just great !. Now I propose a competition just for you.

Our dear dads!
Your children have matured
They had already finished school.
And leave the father's house, -
Their dream, but then ...
I do not think rashly, badly and unfairly
For us to forget about dads,
We will congratulate them.
But before congratulating you,
You need to amuse the kids.
Attention attention!
We begin our competition.

1. "Dad with many children." Assignment: to the music in the hall to collect children, build them in pairs, boy - girl.
2. "Best Reader". Assignment: look through the newspaper and count the number of articles in it.
3. "Best voice" Assignment: call the child home, in bass.
4. "The strongest dad." Assignment: take your wife in your arms and dance with her for as long as possible.
5. "The smartest dad" Task: Solve the equation of GRIMASS AND SHELL \u003d…. (mine)
Musical pause (Father Shufutinsky

Letter Rebuild

Graduation from Lyudmila Miroshnichenko

Buratino will answer any question
And proudly pulls up at the same time

I watched a horror movie, but the hero was silent
When the sinister rang out
- Howl

The broth is ready, there are spices and onions
And you can serve it for dinner-

You will go out onto the balcony with a cigarette
Come back and start a new one

And our dove flew away immediately from the hands
He found a suitable one on a tree

Your husband dreams to gray hair,
So that a crumb looks like him-
-A son

It is immediately noticeable who is in love
He lost his peace and

A solid grandfather of special beauty
Will correct the brave right away

Dream about the summer sun for an hour
And in the meantime, drink a fragrant

There are many desserts - both jelly and mousse,
And the sweet tooth is looking for her own, special

Heat, suffering, no one will say stop
Here is a new one made of straw

A light knock is heard outside the window
To granny happily walks to visit-
- grandson

Soon a new descent will begin.
And the command will be given -

Everything will be stylish, flat in jewelry
The candle is burning, it flows quietly

Let the time rush, but the time will come
When a gray-haired mother whispers to you -

The season is passing quickly
When he gives on benefits, discounts, he, -

The tailor is busy and does not look out the window
The machine scribbles thick

We can admire ourselves
When the farewell ball comes
-High school graduation

In the letter rearrangement, it is important that the participants do not pass letters, but run from place to place and the word is eventually read from left to right.

Chant for parents

Lyudmila Miroshnichenko Dnipro

BOYS - dads shout, and GIRL - mothers shout.

Braided pigtails

Combed bangs

We went to first class

Beautiful ... GIRLS

In a stack of notebooks,

Put the books

With a knapsack on my shoulders

Brave ... BOYS

Thick textbooks,

First fives

Received with pride

Smart ... GIRLS

Everyone is in sportswear,

Naughty too

To the competition

In a hurry again ... BOYS

And shout from the stands

Intense and loud,

The boys are sick

Noisy ... GIRLS

The boys have grown up

Changed haircuts

But still you stayed

Perky ... BOYS

Eyelashes painted

And their heels are thin

Boys fall in love

Slender ... GIRLS

Smart heads

And a certificate for a mouse

Smooth paths to you,

GIRLS and BOYS! (Answer word)


Friends, we want to say now:

He is the best in the world, our beloved ... CLASS!

We, teachers, thank you -

Every teacher, in his business ... AS!

Injected into the heads of children

Many useful ideas,

Great mix.

And in the equations there is ... X!

The school tried for you

Ik led knowledge.

And it turned out nicely

Evaluations ... SCALE!

Sometimes there was a puncture -

In the notebooks "three", "two", - ... "KOL"!

Erased the score into a powder

So that it doesn't happen to my mother ... SHOCK!

And in our school cafeteria

Was waiting for a delicious pie and porridge


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