Dragon age origins walkthrough lost records. Dragon Age Quests in Orzammar. Hall of Heroes of Orzammar


Dust City Thug
(Dust Town Thug)
x4 Warrior Rank 2
Leader of the G-rez from Dust City
(Dust Town Thug Leader)
x1 Rogue Rank 3
Ghost Corbit (Shady Corebit) x1 Warrior Rank 2 Quest battle Thief in the academic house.
Rogek x1 Rogue Rank 3 Fight if threatened with exposure.
Rogek's Thug Thug x2 Warrior Rank 2


Thug x6 Warrior Rank 2 Quest battle Jarvia hideout.
Thug Leader x1 Warrior Rank 3

Simultaneously with the order to kill Jarvia, Prince Belen or Lord Harrowmont give the order to find the Charter Sanctuary, where Jarvia is hiding. You need to ask about Rogek's hideout or Hope in Dusttown, get the key from the leader of the thugs in the House mini-location in Dusttown and enter the hideout through Suspicious door in Dusty City.


In Dusty City, Rogek offers to take native lyrium from him on bail, deliver it to the magician Godwin and return for a reward. Rogek asks for 50 gold coins, but you can convince him to take 40. In addition, part of the money can be returned by stealing 20 gold coins from Rogek. Godwin is located in the Mage Tower (the rooms of the senior mages).

depends on the use of persuasion, intimidation, cunning;
max 100 xp, 73 gold coins and Raven Dagger from Godwin;
max 100 XP and 25 gold coins from Rogek upon completion of the quest.

In the location Orzammar Guardians, Mildrate asks for the return of the stolen Volume of chronicle history. The thief Korbit is located in Dust Town, but can only be found with Test receipt. After that, the stolen tome can be taken from Gredin in the Arena of Trials. It can be sold to Gertrin standing here or returned to Mildrate.

75 XP, 2 gold and 30 silver coins if you sell the tome to Jertrin.

In Dusty City, Zerlinda asks for help with her child to return to her family. In the tavern, you can convince or intimidate Ordel, Zerlinda's father. Or if the quest is completed Song in the Deep Roads, in the church you can ask Brother Berkel to accept Zerlinda into the church community. Or you can advise Zerlinda to leave Orzammar.

200 XP for completing the quest.

You need to read five lost documents in Orzammar. The documents are located in the Hall of Heroes, the Common Halls, the Diamond Halls, the Dust City, in the Arena of Trials. A chest with a unique ring will appear in the Council Hall.

50 XP for each document read;
100 xp and a ring Key to the city for completing the quest.

If you're on very good terms, you can talk to Leliana in Orzammar about the beauties of the city and find out that she likes nagas. After that, you can ask an idle gnome in Dust Town to catch a naga. Then you need to leave the location, return for the captured naga and give the gift to Leliana.

All of Orzammar's side quests are described here. That is, the passage of the main story quest and the Deep Roads are almost not affected here.

So, let's begin.

Pass in the Frost Mountains.

Before the steps leading to the square near the entrance to Orzammar, an ambush will await us. Inconspicuous at first glance, travelers will attack you as soon as you get close enough to them. A fight of medium difficulty, I advise you to knock out the magician first (however, I think everyone already knows this).

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

The area in front of the entrance to the underground city is an interesting place in itself. You should visit here on the quest of the Society of Mages Layoff notices(sorcerer's apprentice on the left side of the square), quests from the Services for those interested false witnesses(mean Brian will hide behind one of the pillars in the center of the square) and Caches(the transmission will lie on the left side of the square in the wagon to the left of the Arena gnome), the quest of the Blackstone Volunteers Dereliction of duty(deserters will stand on the right). Also on this patch concentrated on quests lives the merchant-moroder Farin, in addition to the fact that he sells not bad things, he will also be needed in Comrade Sten's quest - Sword of Beresaad.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Near the gate there will be Loghain's people, who really want to get inside. Of course, we don’t need this, respectively, we can either convince the warriors to retreat or challenge them to fight (killing the logainic minions will especially please the gate guard).

Hall of Heroes of Orzammar.

Here you can get a note in the codex and 50 experience for activating the statues. Do not miss the scroll next to the passage to the Commons - when it is activated, we will receive one of the notes necessary to activate the quest Key to the city. The condition for activating the quest is to collect 5 notes about Orzammr in the Codex. Hold down Tab for help!) The remaining 4 notes can be found in the following places - on the bridge leading to the Orzammar Trials (document), in the eastern part of the halls of Orzammar Trials (a guilty verdict and access to this part of the halls will be obtained only by taking one of the first quests for main storyline), near the entrance to the Dust City (council decree), after entering the Diamond Halls, immediately run back up the stairs (council decree). The key itself can be found after entering the Orzammar Council. (Push:

probably funny looks like a man who has a key on his finger as a ring)

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

community halls.

After watching the scene of “squabbling contenders for the throne”, we get control back into our hands. It is also quite a remarkable place, since here you can get the following quests:

Mother's hope.

Heartbroken, Filda asks to find her son Ryuk (well, or what is left of him), lost in the Deep Roads. Ryuk himself can be found in the Ortan teig during the main quest. Three options for the outcome - 1) Tell Filda where her son is (she will thank and run away to look for him and then nothing will be heard about her) 2) Lie that her son died and receive a mediocre shield as a reward (by the way, Ryuk himself will ask for this, since in his current state, he is not able to return to society, and the mother will remain in the city) 3) Kill Ryuk and tell the mother that her son is dead (we get a shield) or that we killed him, they say, they saved the guy from suffering (we get curses addressed to us from a heartbroken mother).

Song in the Deep Roads.

Brother Berkel wants to open a church in Orzommar and bring the voice of the Maker to the unknowing dwarves. We can refuse Berkel and he will no longer be able to open the church, or we can convince the Chronicler in the Hall of the Guardians to give permission. The quest will not bring any significant reward, however, if the church is open, we will get access to an unremarkable location (a small room - the Church of the Creator in Orzammar) and in the final credits we will learn that Brother Berkel will be accidentally killed during one of the processions.

Unprecedented scientist.

The dwarf Dagna really wants to get into the Circle of Mages. Do not be shy and ask her for a reward for this deed. Of course, you can tell dad Jannar about the thoughts of his young talent, but then you won’t get anything or you can tell him about your daughter’s escape in fact, then he will refuse to sell anything to us at all. If the Tower of the Circle of Mages has already been completed, then it will only be necessary to ask the permission of the First Enchanter Irving. If the magicians were destroyed, then Dagna, having heard this, will immediately run to restore the Tower herself (again, we will not receive a reward). You will need to choose a reward - a good rune (I had a master's dweomer rune) or a portion of lyrium.

Lost Nag.

All his nagas have fled from the naga beater Bemora, and he is threatened with ruin. Well, how can you not help? Nagas can be found in the Commons - they took one in another place, the next one appeared. In total, I found 5 nagas, although there are rumors that there may be more of them (well, at least I didn’t find more). Nagas are easy to find by the characteristic squeaking sound and using the Tab button. For each naga we get 25 silver coins. Also, this task opens up the opportunity for us to give Leliana a naga. We start a conversation with Leliana in Orzomar so that she says that she would like to get such an animal. Then we go to the Dusty City to the Idle Dwarf and say that we want to get one. For a modest fee of 25 or 40 silver coins, the dwarf will bring a naga (you will need to leave the location and return). It will appear in the inventory as a gift - we give it to Leliana. Nag will live in the Camp next to Leliana. (Push:

How could you want such a monster as a gift?)

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

There are also two wonderful Merchants in the community halls - Garin and Legnar. In addition to various things, I want to note that you can buy from Garin - Golden Mirror (a personal gift for Morrigan), Rose Thorn (the best dagger in the game), Vivifier (a very good ring with healing and protective effects), and towards the end of the game he has good crystals for Sheila (even exceptional ones could be bought from me);

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Legnar has a cheaper item - the Shadow of the Empire (the second most useful light armor in the game) and not bad gifts for some companions.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Having received the first task from one of the henchmen for the throne (Dulin Forinder in the Haroumont estate and Wartog Gavorn in the Council Hall) and leaving the Diamond Halls for the first time, you can see a scene of Jarvia's thugs threatening the merchant Figor. If we follow them into the shop, we can either frighten off the bandits (then the merchant will thank us and stay) or kill them (then the merchant will tell us a couple of "affectionate" ones and we will not see him again).

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

You can meet the Restless Adventurer in the tavern "At the taverns". The guy is clearly not himself and after talking with him we will get a note in the code for the quest Breaking free. The bodies of two more adventurers can be found in the ruins of the Brecilian Forest (a room with fire traps) and not far from the entrance to the Ruined Temple in the corridor on the right (we get into the temple through the main story quest Urn of Sacred Ashes). Gaxaang himself can be found in Denerim in the Dirty Back Alley behind the door of the Miraculous Shed. I recommend going to Gasaanga starting from level 20. The reward for the kill will be the sword Cleaving Blade and with a 1/5 chance the shield Shadowwall.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Orzamar trials.

In the western part of the halls, in a small room, there is a Challenge Gunsmith where you can participate in unofficial battles. For each victory we get 12 silver coins and after winning 4 victories we get the Blood Ring. Now GG is so afraid that not a single junior house will want to fight him.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Dusty city.

Precious metals.

This is my favorite quest as it has the highest net cash reward in the entire game. After the entrance there will be Rogek and a couple of his thugs.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

I must say right away that before talking to him, you need to meet two conditions - 1) you must have 40-50 gold coins with you, otherwise Rogek will simply leave and the quest will be lost, 2) the persuasion skill must be pumped as much as possible (it’s better to maximum). So Rogek needs to send the lyrium to the Mage Tower, but he himself, that's bad luck, cannot do this. We redeem the lyrium for 40 gold coins, although the dwarf will initially ask for 50, and go to the Circle Tower. This quest is good to combine with the quest All-time scientist(see above) so as not to dangle into the Tower once again. In the tower, we need to go to the second floor (I repeat, if the Tower is already cleared, then the walk will be easy) to the Rooms of the senior magicians to the magician Godwin (initially he sits in the closet).

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

You need to ask him for the maximum cost of 75 gold, but he will not be able to give that much in any case - we get 65 and a raven dagger in addition. BUT we don’t end the conversation and wonder why he needs lyrium, having learned what he does with him under the threat of disclosure, we force him to give 8 more gold on top. We return to Rogek and convince the old smuggler to give not 20, but 30 gold for the work. Total: 63 gold coins of net profit and not a bad dagger.

Mother's hope.

Zerlinda, along with her child, was kicked out of the family and she is forced to lead a miserable existence among the dregs of society, begging for anything. You see, she had a boy, not a girl, because of which her husband could not enter the caste of miners. You can go to the tavern at the Kabatchikov and convince her husband to return his wife and son to the family. You can also convince her to get rid of her son (from herself:

brrr... never chose this option)

Either way, we won't get anything.

Diamond Halls.Royal Palace.

Locked in stone

We go into the throne room and by clicking on the throne we get a note in the codex. We set the mode The detachment stands still. Then we leave one character at the throne, put two in the southwestern part of the throne room on the arrows in the floor (a characteristic sound is heard when attacking) and the fourth we run to the next room closer to the exit and put it on the square (in the center of this hall next to the entrance).

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

When everyone is placed by the character at the throne, click on the throne and a dragon appears; when you kill it, we get the two-handed sword Ageless.
Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Hall of Guardians.

The thief in the learned house.

Chronicler's assistant Mildrate wants us to find a thief who has stolen a very valuable book. The ghostly Korbit (that's our thief's name) can be found in Dust Town. He will attack the Naxi and there will be nothing left but to kill him. From the corpse we take a receipt for the Orzamra Trials. As it is sung in the song “So we are going there!”. There we find the bandits who received the book and the merchant Dzhertrin to whom they want to sell it.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Passage of optional quests Orzammar.

Bandits for cabbage, and a book for yourself. Now the Kiga can either be sold to Gertryn or given to Mildrate for free.

Lost records.

The dwarf Orta believes that she comes from the noble house of Ortein, but the records confirming this, if any, are located in the Deep Roads in the abandoned Taiga Ortein, so she will gladly agree to our help in this matter. The records themselves can be found in the center of the teig (very close to Ryuk's cave). If you give the notes to Orta and then return, we will get 10 gold.

Your concern is well founded, but the Council has made its point clear. Free space inside the teig is worth its weight in gold, but the purpose of the future hall justifies the expenditure of additional resources. Statues of the Perfects must be placed in the center of the Hall of Heroes. There is no place more suitable and better suited to dwarven interests. This is the first thing that the ambassadors of the upper world see when they arrive in Orzammar. This is an acquaintance not only with our living ancestors, but also with the Stone from which we all came. Foreigners must see Him in form before they can comprehend the full complexity of His original form.

The hall must also serve another purpose - it will be the last thing our departing brothers will see. Let those who decide to leave the city feel the heavy gaze of their Ancestors on their backs. This is a reminder of duty, as well as the consequences of leaving. We will encourage all forms of trade, but we will also emphasize that those who are gone for too long will return to the city as strangers to the Stone.

- From the report of the distribution committee of the Council.

According to order number 5-1a, a dwarf of indeterminate caste cannot conduct business in the Commons. As the Council later clarified, this means that only a person with a certain and approved house name, whose Ancestral descent has been verified for at least three generations, can become the owner of a stall or stall. An exception is the personal purchase of goods or services in stalls or tents specially designed for this, provided that, at the will of the owner of the stall or stall, an amount sufficient for payment was presented before the transaction.

I'm sure you'll understand the need to maintain tight quality controls on all goods or services that Orzammar produces, especially now that we're working together to attract outside investment into the economy. The standards of Dust City, i.e. branded commoners, are not high enough in this case. On the basis of all this, you have been denied permission to trade.

- From the decision of the Trade Commission of the Council regarding the "Return of the Goods of Midal".

Restriction of your power is a temporary measure, not a rash judgment. The Council feels that efforts to keep the Trials clean have weakened of late. This is a competition of gnomes of noble origin, where future generals and revered veterans show their skills. Trials should inspire viewers and remind the lower castes who rules them and why. We recognize the usefulness of this place for settling debts of honor and agree that the defeat of a nobleman can have a pacifying effect on the crowd, especially if it was dealt by an equal opponent and judging was carried out according to all traditions. Extending this practice to the lower castes would set a dangerous and barbaric precedent. We have already seen the havoc that an illegal fighter can cause (the recent case of the branded one), and such cases should not be allowed at any cost.

- From the decision of the Council on punishment, regarding the management of the Trials.

It was decided that the rules of procedure had not been clearly violated, but the five-day obstruction deserved punishment nonetheless. The division of the property of Gorosmot House was discussed for a whole meeting, and the confiscation of the southern mansion was recognized as a necessity. Since the birth of a young Cayde requires the elevation of his clan to noble status, and a noble dwarf cannot live in the slums, the father of the child is obliged to provide decent housing for the new home. You can't just make room for a building in the Diamond Quarter without violating the structural integrity of the thaig.

Lord Days' remark that "If Lord Gorosmot did not want a new heir, there was no point in looking for a mistress in the slums" was indeed unacceptable, but it was followed by the proper procedure for resolving the dispute through the Trial. Both sides agreed to accept his retraction, and the case is considered closed and irrelevant.

The Council's decision regarding the new nobility and the placement of House Duncoat remains in effect.

—From the decision of the Distribution Committee of the Council regarding the elevation of Duncoat House.

Your efforts are commendable, but the self-styled cartels must bow to the Council and restore order. Being out of caste and out of society is no excuse. Maybe we should tell them that sending soldiers to the quarter or even stopping maintenance of the transport tunnels is not difficult. A collapse of the tunnel would be a highly unfortunate event, but current policy does not allow transactions that could legitimize the cartel's operations. Top-down pressure on some elements of our society is extremely helpful in bolstering the economy with an abundance of cheap labor. This pressure also contributes to the replenishment of the Legion of the Dead, which is not only the recognized means of atonement for sins, but also the most important force on our weakening borders. The scheme stops working when criminals create their own hierarchy with other methods of promotion in society.

Every stone has a side that cannot be hewn and must face the ground. We need their so-called Dust City, but it is unacceptable to discuss this in your negotiations. We rely entirely on you, capi... (The rest is covered in blood.)

- From a secret directive from the Council regarding the growth of cartels.

Story quests

It is on this territory that you need to go in order to gain access to the dwarven city of Orzammar, where you have to persuade the dwarves to come to your aid in the battle with the Creatures of Darkness. A group of bounty hunters, which will include a mage, will attack you along the way if you came to this map for the first time, but they are unlikely to pose a danger to you.

In fact, you don’t have to do anything to get into Orzammar - go to the gate, listen to the guardian squabble with Loghain’s envoy Imrek, announce your desire to enter the city, then either kill Imrek or drive him away - and the guard will let you into Orzammar .

Non-plot quests

At the entrance to Orzamar, not far from the merchants, one of the magician's apprentices walks, to whom you need to hand over a letter of dismissal.

In the Frost Mountains is one of the caches that you need to visit in the Denerim quest line "Services to the Interested".


Story quests

Passing through the Hall of Heroes and entering the uptown area, you will immediately witness the not-too-personal scene between Belen and Harrowmont (which you may already be quite familiar with if you play a noble dwarf). After talking with the head of the guard after everyone scatters in different directions, you find out that you got to the gnomes at a not very opportune moment - after the death of King Endrin, the Assembly cannot decide who should inherit the throne, and without the presence of the king, no help from dwarfs are not to be expected, for no one will take the responsibility of sending an army to the surface when almost a civil war is going on inside.

It doesn't take a genius to figure it out - you need to do everything possible to ensure that one of the pretenders to the throne becomes the rightful ruler of Orzammar. Which one is up to you, it does not make much difference (although if you play a noble dwarf, you may have personal scores with one of the applicants).

Attention: you can talk to representatives of both applicants and receive initial tasks from both, but complete only one of them - the applicant you decide to support. If you complete them all, then both representatives will decide that you have taken the side of the opposite party and will not talk to you anymore.

Regardless of which side you decide to take, first you will be asked to prove your loyalty (and that you are not a spy for the opposite group) by completing a small assignment.

If you decide to side with Lord Harrowmont, then you should talk to Doolin. It can be found in the Harrowmont mansion in the Diamond District or in the local tavern. If you decide to go into the Assembly before talking to the representatives of both applicants, then Doolin will intercept you at the exit from it. To test your loyalty, you will be asked to compete in the Arena of Trial as the Champion of Harrowmont. Several of his fighters have unexpectedly abandoned the competition, so along the way, it would be nice for you to find out what the reason for this behavior is (although this is not necessary to complete the task).

Go to the Arena. Bayzil, one of the fighters of Harrowmont, will share his problems with you if you have developed the Persuasion skill. As he confesses to you, he is in a love affair with a married lady, and the representatives of Belen, having somehow obtained the letters of a couple in love, threaten to make them public. The letters are in a chest in the locked room of Mjajala - one of Belen's fighters - right there in the Arena, and you can either just pick the lock if you have the appropriate skill, or steal the key from Mjajala herself and thus open the door. If you give Bayzil the letters, he will agree to fight for Harrowmont.

Harrowmont's second fighter, Gwyddon, was informed that Harrowmont had decided to step down and cede the throne to Belen, and that the competition was only held to allow him to "save face" in the process. You can persuade him to take part in the competition by convincing (with the appropriate skill) that Harrowmont is not going to give up.

After you finish all the things, go to the Arena Manager and announce that you are ready for a duel. You will have a series of fights, and the first three you need to fight alone. In the fourth, you will be allowed to choose one of your associates as a partner. In the last fight, if you convinced Baizil and Gwiddon to side with Harrowmont, they can join you if you so choose - or you can take your regular party.

Once you've completed all the fights and are declared champion, you can finally face Lord Harrowmont face to face. Unfortunately, winning the Arena isn't enough to convince the Assembly of Harrowmont's right to the throne, so you still have a lot of work to do.

If you decide to support Prince Belen, then you can find his representative Vartag either in the palace or in the Assembly chamber. As a confirmation of your loyalty, you will be asked to deliver two letters, from which it follows that Lord Harrowmont promised the same reward for support to two different people. It is to these persons - Lord Helmy and Lady Days - that you will have to take the letters. Lord Helmi is in the local tavern, and all you need to do is give him the letter. Lady Days, although she will be very upset by the news, nevertheless does not have the right to make such decisions herself, and therefore, after talking with her, you must find her father, Lord Days, who is in the Deep Roads. Lady Days will give you a map so that you can get to the right thaig, namely the Aedukan thaig.

Lord Days is located in the southwestern part of the thaig. To get to it, you'll have to fight your way through a fair amount of Darkspawn, Abyssal Pursuers (small, sharp-toothed creatures that love to ambush you in obscene numbers) and other dungeon dwellers. When you get to Lord Days and help him deal with the monsters attacking his group, you can finally give him a letter and get assurances that from now on he will support Belen.

After that, return to Vartag and you will receive an audience with the prince in the palace. Unfortunately, your efforts have only won two supporters for Belen - which is not enough to convince the entire Assembly, and therefore you have to take a few more steps to secure his throne ...

Regardless of whether you side with Belen or Harrowmont, your next missions will be exactly the same, and the first of them will be to deal with the head of the local mafia named Jarvia, from which there is absolutely no life - especially in Dust Town.

Travel to Dust City. If this is your first visit to this remarkable place, then it will be marked by an attack by local bandits. If you're playing a commoner dwarf, you can meet your old friend Leske here, but he won't tell you anything useful. To get the information you need, talk to a beggar named Nadezhda, a local merchant named Alimar, or a dwarf named Radek. (Perhaps it is most beneficial to talk to Nadezhda, since she does not need to pay - unless you yourself want to reward her - or use special persuasion.)

Whichever you choose, you'll learn that Jarvia's lair can be infiltrated using special talismans carried by Jarvia's lieutenants. Go to the house in the southernmost part of the area (you could even have been there before and not find anything interesting). However, this time a whole gang of bandits will be waiting for you there. When you remove almost all the lives of the leader, he will beg for mercy. You can kill him or let him go, but in any case, you will receive a talisman in the form of a bone finger, which is a kind of key to Jarvia's lair. Now go to the "Suspicious Door" north of the house with the bandits, and when you examine it, you will get the option to apply the talisman and now you can safely go inside.

Jarvia's lair is teeming with bandits of all kinds, in some places with spiders, and, like any self-respecting bandit den, it is full of numerous traps, so I highly recommend going there with a robber. Jarvia herself is in the east room, and no matter what dialogue options you choose with her, as a result, you will have to fight her. Beware of traps - there are a lot of them in this room, although in fact they are all concentrated in the second half of the room (you can spot them from the numerous barrels placed around).

If you are playing as a commoner dwarf, you will find Leske along with Jarvia. If you're playing as someone else, Leske will be in a cell in one of the previous rooms, and you can free him if you want.

After dealing with Jarvia, disarming the traps, and finishing exploring the room, go to the corridor in the northeast corner - through it you can go to the Humble District through the trading post without returning through the whole stash and Dust Town.

When you report to Harrowmont/Belen about the success of your mission, you will immediately be entrusted with another task - to go to the Deep Roads and look for Paragon (Perfect) Branca there, which you may well have already heard from the locals. Branca is now the only living Paragon of Orzammar, and her support will surely secure the candidate's electoral support. (In case Branca met a sad end in the Deep Roads, you need to find at least her remains.)

At the exit from the city, you will be overtaken by a certain Oghren, with whom you may have already met earlier - or perhaps not, but this does not play any role. Branca is his wife, and therefore he will decide to join your group. You do not have to take him with you right now, even if you agree with his offer, but at some point he will automatically join your group anyway. (Oghren is a berserk warrior who specializes in two-handed weapons.)

Non-plot quests

Information about the city is scattered around Orzammar - collect it and you will discover the location of the treasure in the Assembly Chamber. Each district of the city contains some of the information you need, that is, you need to visit: Hall of Heroes (near the entrance to Orzammar), Arena of Trials (in a room south of the main hall), Dust Town (near Alymar's shop), Diamond District (tablet above the entrance) and the Unknown District (document on the bridge leading to the Arena). After that, go to the Assembly and in the niche next to Vartag you will find a chest with a reward - a ring that adds 2 to all characteristics.

This quest is given to you by Horta in the Archives in the Diamond District. You need to go to the Deep Roads and look for evidence there that her family belongs to a noble family. Evidence can be found in a chest in Ortan Thai in front of the bridges where spirits and golems are found. (He will be there even if you haven't received the quest.) As a reward, you will receive 5 gold from Orta when you visit her in the Assembly Chamber. If you refuse the reward and return to it later (you need to leave Orzammar and the Frost Mountains), you will receive 10 gold from it.

This quest is only available if your GG is a male noble dwarf and if he spent the night with Mardi in the prologue. Now she has a son (your), but since you have been declared an exile and you have lost your caste, her child is also out of caste. You can ask Belen or Harrowmont (depending on who you supported) to accept your son into their family. Do this before you leave Orzammar after the king is elected (it's best to talk to him immediately after the coronation), otherwise the child will remain Uncasted.

You will receive this quest from Rogek in Dust Town. He will instruct you to deliver the smuggled lyrium to Godwin in the Tower of Mages (if you have already passed the Tower, you can remember him - this is the frightened gentleman who was hiding in the closet on the second floor). To get lyrium, you must pay Rogek 50 gold (40 with high Persuasion) and you must have the money. If you talk to Rogek without the required amount, he will walk away and the quest will be lost. Also, if you have already completed the quest for the Tower of Mages and took the side of the templars, you, of course, will not be able to deliver the contraband to the addressee.

If you delivered the lyrium to Godwin, then you can get from 50 to 65 gold on it plus a dagger, depending on how high your Persuasion is. Report to Rogek about the completion of the task, and you will receive a reward from 10 to 25 gold.
If you cannot complete the quest (for example, if Godwin is dead), then you can sell the lyrium to merchants (although this will not fully refund your losses).

You can also kill Rodek. If you say that you cannot deliver the goods to their destination, because there are simply no magicians left in the Tower, he will decide that you are going to inflate him and attack you. He will also attack if you threaten to turn him over to the authorities for smuggling. (Rodek can be killed immediately without bothering with the quest, but in this case, you will receive only 20 gold from his corpse.)
If you feel a moral obligation to stop lyrium smuggling, another way to do so is to report it to Gregor in Mage Tower (And this can be done after you have received the money from Godwin.)

In the Archives, one of the Milldrat Keepers will complain to you that a valuable book has been stolen from them. Travel to Dust City and speak with Corebit. He will attack you. You will not find a book with him, but you will find a receipt on his body, from which we can conclude that he has already fused the goods to someone in the Arena of Trials. Go to the Arena and talk to Gredin. He will attack you. After getting the book back from his corpse, you can either return it to Milldrat, or sell the personalities named Gertryn right there in the Arena for a couple of gold.

This quest is given to you by the Naga Stalker Boermor in the Nether District. After you get it, nagas will appear all over the city - a curious cross between a rat and a pig. You need to deliver them to Boermor. The quest will be considered completed after the delivery of the very first naga, but you will be given money for each subsequent one, and if you find all ten, you will receive an additional reward.

In Dusty City, a beggar named Zerlinda will tell you her sad story, and if you want, you can help her. You can advise her to try her luck on the surface, or talk to her father, who is in the local tavern, and convince him to take her daughter and grandson back. If you've completed Brother Berkel's quest and a branch of the Church has opened in Orzamarr, you can send her there (or talk to Brother Berkel yourself and ask for help for Zerlinda). You can also convince her to abandon the baby in the Deep Roads, as her family demands.

This quest gives you Dagna in the Unknown District. She dreams of studying at the Mage Tower, but for some reason, all her letters asking for admission remain unanswered. Go to the Tower. If you have already completed the Broken Circle quest and sided with the templars, then Gregor will deny Dagna her request. If you took the side of the magicians, then Irving will agree to accept her as a student, and all that remains for you is to tell Dagna the news. Another option - you can persuade Dagna to stay in Orzammar, as her father wishes. If you help Dagna go to study at the Tower, her father, the owner of a weapons shop, will be so upset that he will refuse to sell you his goods.

You can get this quest earlier or later depending on whether you have sided with Belen or Harrowmont. If you decide to support Belen, then you can go to the desired part of the palace immediately after the first conversation with him, and if you supported Harrowmont, then you can do this only after his coronation.

In one of the bedrooms in the western part of the royal palace, you will find a sick woman, and the doctor who is nearby will explain that she is poisoned and only a very strong antidote can save her life. He will give you a recipe for an antidote (which requires the highest level of Potions). All you need to do is prepare the antidote and give it to the sick. You won't get any reward other than the antidote recipe itself (which can cure Paralysis and Sleep).

You will receive this quest from Brother Berkel in the Unknown District. Brother Berkel dreams of opening the Church of the Maker in Orzammar, which is somewhat difficult, since the conservative dwarves revere the Paragon ancestors and are not too enthusiastic about the prospect of some new religion. If you decide to help Brother Berkel, then speak with the Chief Guardian in the Archives and convince him to allow Berkel to open a branch of the Church in Orzammar. (You can also refuse to help Brother Berkel, stating that he should not interfere in the religious affairs of the dwarves.)

This quest will give you Field in the Unknown District. A few years ago, her son went on an expedition to the Deep Roads and went missing there. He can be found in the Ortan Thai, but over the years and the trials that have fallen to him, poor Ruk has changed so much that he does not want to go back. You can lie to Field that he is dead (this option is only available if you talked to Rook about his mother and he asked you to lie to her) or tell the truth. If Filda finds out that Rook is alive, she will decide to go to him in the Deep Roads, but in any case, the quest will be completed. You can also kill Rook if you want. If you leave him alive, he will act as a merchant for you.

You will receive this quest in Jarvia's Lair. Almost at the very beginning of the map, you will find Jammer's diary, from which you will learn that he hid a treasure here. There are three chests scattered around the dungeon, and from each you need to take one - the cheapest - item (an iron knife for opening envelopes, a silver ring, a garnet trinket). If you take the wrong item, you will get hurt. When you have all three items in stock, you can open the treasure chest in the northern part of the map.

If you talk to Boermore with Leliana in the group, she will notice that she doesn't really like his nagas. Talk to her after that - she will say that she would like to have her own naga. If you then talk to the Idle Dwarf in Dust Town, he will catch you a "pretty naga" for a few silver coins, which you can present to Leliana as a special gift. After that, the naga will be found in your camp.

In the throne room of the royal palace, you can solve a small riddle. Stand with two of your companions on the arrow tiles in the southwest corner and place the third on the center tile in the previous room, then activate the throne with the fourth (be prepared for battle). Deal with the appeared monster, and you will receive a two-handed sword as a reward. This quest must be resolved before any of the pretenders are crowned.

In the royal palace, in one of the eastern rooms, you will find a black vial. This is one of the flasks that will summon a revenant if you break it.

In the royal palace in the northeastern part, when you enter it for the first time, a group of dwarf robbers will appear in front of you, who appeared in this corridor by mistake. You will have no other option but to kill them, because they will immediately attack you.

At the Arena of Trials, you can take part in unofficial competitions (unlike the competition for the honor of Harramont, here you will not fight alone, but as a group). If you win all four, you will receive a ring for the Blood Mage as a reward.

If you activate the Memory Wall in the Archives and then find and activate the three Runestones scattered throughout Orzammar and the Deep Roads, when you return to the Memory Wall and activate it again, you will receive experience as a reward. (Rune Slabs - Next to the Miner Chief at the exit from Orzammar to the Deep Roads, in the southeast cave at Caridin's Crossing, and in the west-central hall in the Dead Moats.)

After you choose the side of Belen or Harramont, you will be attacked several times by groups of supporters of the opposite party.

After you deal with Jarvia, if you return to Dust City, you will be attacked by Jarvia's supporters.

In a chest in one of the rooms of the royal palace you will find the Love Letter you need to complete the Intercepted Correspondence quest.


Story quests

In order to find Branca, you need to go through a whole series of tags and dungeons. First, head to Caridin's Crossing, which should appear on your map after talking to Harrowmont/Belen. You will enter it at the northernmost point, and your goal is to reach the exit at the southernmost point. The direct path is blocked by rubble, so you can go around it either through the western caves or through the eastern ones. The western caverns are filled with Shadowfiends, while the eastern caverns are mostly filled with Abyssal Pursuers.

After making your way through numerous enemies and ending up at the southern exit, now, when you enter the map of the Deep Roads, a new place will open up for you - Ortan Thayg.

Taig Ortan is filled with Shadowfiends and spiders, as well as spirits, golems, and other equally unfriendly denizens of the local dungeons. Your goal is to break into the northeastern part of the thaig, where Branca's diary is located. Be careful - when you reach the place with the diary, you will have to fight with the boss - the queen of spiders. I recommend running away after she appears, because in this case she will follow you and you can avoid the simultaneous fight with other spiders that will appear later. The queen will disappear a few times when you take a certain percentage of her health away, but will return to the battlefield pretty soon. After dealing with her and the rest of the spiders, read Branca's diary. Now, when you enter the Dead Paths map, a new location will open up for you - Dead Moats.

After enjoying the view of the army of Darkfiends at the entrance to the Dead Moats, you will soon come across the Legion of Doom, repelling the attack of the Spawns. Since you still need to get through the bridge and the attacking enemies to continue your mission, you can help the dwarves in the battle or even run forward across the bridge and take on the entire enemy (in this case, I recommend walking carefully and with an eye, because a group of advancing Fiends Darkness is quite numerous and it may not be very smart to start a fight with everyone at once - although everything depends on your group and your level anyway.)

If you clear the bridge and the area behind it, the Doom Legion will follow you to hold the new line, but they won't advance beyond that, so you'll have to rely on your own strength. Move across the map, fighting off hordes of Darkspawn - in some places, almost an entire army will be waiting for you - for example, in the south-central part you will meet the orange boss - Forge Master - along with the elite Alpha Harlock and numerous "white" opponents. It's best to scout with your rogue first - there are traps here too.

Having overcome all the obstacles, you will stumble upon Hespit - Captain Branca. At first, she will just appear in front of you from time to time, uttering some rather creepy verses in an undertone, and then you can talk to her in person. From a conversation with Hespit, you can find out that Branca, apparently, is still alive, and that something extremely terrible happened to the dwarves accompanying her (especially women) - but, in general, you will not get particularly intelligible information from her .

After passing through the cave with Hespit, you will come out into a rather spacious hall, where several ogres will be waiting for you. After clearing the hall from the enemy, you will find that one of the doors is locked and requires a key. Go to the south door, where you will see some legionnaire spirits, and take the Key of the Legionnaires from the altar at the end of the corridor. The spirits will then become hostile, so be ready for battle.

You now have the key to open the Evil Door. Go through it and the corridor and pretty soon you will come across a huge and extremely nasty looking boss of the area. So, now you know what the Womb of the Fiends of Darkness looks like, producing them into the world.

The queen cannot move, but her tentacles (each an elite) can disappear and reappear wherever they want, and besides, she can spit poison for a long distance almost anywhere in the cave. If you look around, you'll notice two corridors on either side of the queen - you can move your group there so she doesn't hit you too hard with her extra powerful spit. If you stand at the very end, then the tentacles will not be able to attack you directly, which for some reason can only appear at the very beginning of the corridor. Several times during the battle, the Matka will call for the help of the Fiends of Darkness - fortunately, ordinary ones, not the elite.

When you deal with her tentacles (and they have a habit of disappearing when you deal some damage to them and reappearing a little later, so this can take a while), then the uterus itself will no longer be such a dangerous opponent. You can finish her from a distance, you can do it in close combat (cou de gras - mercy strike - with a melee weapon looks very impressive), just keep in mind that, like ogres, she can grab the enemy and start shredding him on pieces in the air.

After dealing with the Matka, go to the eastern corridor. If you need to stock up on potions or sell loot to make room in your backpack, return now - after you cross the border of the next territory, you will not be able to return when you want.

After you enter the Paths map, a new location will open up for you - the Forge of the Void. When you enter it, Oghren will automatically join your group (if he was not in it before) and you will have the opportunity to change the rest of its composition if you want.

In the Forge, you will finally meet Branca and get information from her about what happened to her and her dwarves. After talking with Branca, you will have to fight off several attacks from the Shadowfiends. Having dealt with them, go along the corridor to the room with the golems. It is filled with poisonous gas, and to turn it off, you need to turn the four levers in the center of the room. Golems will revive when you get too close to them, so it makes sense to retreat from the room as soon as the first golem is activated, deal with him, repeat the procedure until the room is completely clear of the enemy, and only then turn off the gas and proceed further.

And then you will meet another room and again with golems - which, for a change, will be activated in pairs (although in this case not all golems will come to life, some will remain statues). There are also traps on the floor in this room.

Go further, and you will come across a rather strange device, resembling a giant head, surrounded by four altars, each of which has a spirit. When you deal with the spirit, you need to activate its altar. You need to repeat this procedure four times, after which four slightly stronger spirits will appear, but the principle remains the same - after the death of each of them, activate its altar. When you deal with the second four, the device will finally fail and you can proceed further.

In the final cave, you will meet Karidin himself. He will explain how he was able to create golems in his time and why he now regrets it. At the end of your conversation, Branca will appear and you have to make a decision: to side with Caridin or Branca. If you side with Branca and Shale is in your group, he will defect to Caridin and you will have to fight him. If you side with Caridin, you will - as you would expect - lose quite a lot of approval points with Oghren (although he will still side with you in battle).

Whether you sided with Branca or Caridin, look out for the lyrium veins scattered around. I strongly recommend using them as often as possible - firstly, this is a free increase in your mana and health, and secondly, if you do not, your opponents can use them. Also, if you are having difficulty with the battle, I can recommend some way to temporarily immobilize the main boss (for example, with a Force Field) and deal with the golems first. Don't forget that golems are usually very sensitive to magic, while gnomes are the opposite.

After the battle, Branca/Caridin will create a crown for you, which you can give to the pretender to the throne. If you took the side of Karidin, then after that he will ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void and throw himself into the lava, thus ending his centuries-old existence. Alternatively, if you sided with Branca, you can convince her of the wrongness of her actions - in this case, after giving you the crown, she will throw herself into the lava, having previously destroyed the Anvil of the Void. You can now head back and present the crown to Harrowmont or Belen. If you hand the crown to Belen, he will immediately order the execution of Harrowmont. If you hand over the crown to Harrowmont, Belen and his minions will rise up in the Assembly Chamber and you - with the help of the new king's supporters - will have to kill them all. You do not have to give the crown to the pretender whose quests you completed - if you wish, you can betray him and hand the crown to his opponent.

In any case, after that, the new king will promise you support in the war on the surface, and your quest will be completed.

Note: if you chose the side of Branca and she remained alive, then in the final battle a detachment of golems will also join your army.

After you have chosen a king, upon leaving the Assembly, you will be greeted by Cardol - the commander of the Dead Legion. If you manage to convince him to help you on the surface, he will appear during your battle with the archdemon along with Eamon and the others.

Non-plot quests

Find three bags of demon body parts in the Deep Roads and put it back together. The first bag is located in the Aedukan Thai in a small cave with the Creatures of Darkness approximately in the center of the map, the other two are at the Caridin Crossing - in the southeast and northeast caves. When you have collected all three bags, go to Ortan thaig and activate the altar in its southern part in front of the bridge with spirits and golems. The appeared demon can be killed, or you can let go in peace, having previously demanded a bribe of 25 gold from him. If you kill him, there is a chance that he will drop the magic sword or armor, but in most cases you will not get anything but moral satisfaction.

Scattered across the Dead Moats are four pieces of Dead Legion armor. If you collect all of them, then the location of the sarcophagus will open to you, from which you can take the seal of the Dead Legion and take it to the Archives. If you do this, the Dead Legion will be recognized as a separate caste. Three pieces of armor are in sarcophagi in the central and northern parts of the Dead Moats, and the last piece is on the altar in the room with ghosts. You will find the seal in the sarcophagus in the corridor behind the Sinister Door.

Investigate the four piles of stones at Caridin's Crossing to find a hidden treasure. The heaps you need are located: near the western entrance, southwest of the bridge with Alpha Harlock, in the central part, east of the cave with the Deep Pursuers. When you explore all four, you will have an icon on the map indicating the location of the treasure in the southern part of the map. When you take the treasure, this will complete this quest.

In the Anvil of the Void in the cave with Karidin, you will find a wall with a list of names of dwarves who voluntarily agreed to sacrifice themselves and become golems. If you make a copy of this list, you can give it to the Head Keeper in the Archives to memorialize the valiant gnomes.

Assemble the Sword of the Grounder. To do this, you need to find all three of its parts. One is held by a Gerlock emissary in the southern part of Caridin's Crossing. One can be found in a vase in Ruka Cave in Ortan Thai. The last one drops from the Ancient Darkspawn in the south-central part of the Dead Ditches (It only spawns there if you already have the other two parts. Sometimes - not always - you also need to first visit the warrior's grave in the southeasternmost point of Ortan Thaiage for it to spawn ). When you get all three, go to the grave in Ortan Thai, which is marked on your map, and when you activate it, you will receive an assembled sword (a very good one-handed sword with three slots).

If one of your party members is wearing the Armor of the Dead Legion (all four pieces), then when you activate the Relic of the Dead Legion in the room with the ghosts and the altar, a monster will attack you.

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Main plot
As soon as we approach the gate to Orzammar on the pass, we will immediately witness how the henchmen of teyrn Loghain are trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let them into the city. The funny thing is that the gatekeeper, having barely heard that we are a gray guard, will immediately let us inside. Ambassador Loghain will not like this and he will get into a fight, you can kill him, for which you will receive verbal thanks from the gatekeeper.
Inside Orzammar, life is even more fun. We have just crossed the threshold of their city, and representatives of the two factions fighting for power have already managed to arrange a bloody massacre right before our eyes. Having asked the first dwarf that came across what is happening here, we get good advice, find out everything from the foreman Bandelor in the council room.

Search for Chief Bandelor
Having run usefully through the community halls (the part of the city where commoners live), we go to the nobility quarter (diamond halls) directly to the council building. There we will witness a brief debate of the deshirs (dwarven representatives of the nobility), after which it will be possible to talk with the foreman Bandelor.
He will tell you that the gnomes are not up to the pestilence now, because. the king of Orzammar has recently died, and only the ruler of the dwarf kingdom can fulfill the agreements of the gray guards. This warm place is claimed by: Prince Belen, the youngest son of the late king, and Lord Harrowmont, the latter's cousin.
You can support any of them, because for us it is only important that the newly elected king provide troops to confront the pestilence.

Quests for Belen
Vartag Gavorn
This is the representative of Prince Belen. He will meet you in the hallway of the council building immediately after talking with Bandelor and will say that in order to receive an audience with Belen, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

Prince's Respect: First Quest
We need to deliver two notes: one to Lord Helmy (in the tavern "At the pubs" in the Commons), the other to Lady Days (outside in the diamond halls). The crux of the matter is to expose Harrowmont as a crook (he allegedly promised one mansion to two nobles at once). We go to Helmi, after reading the note, he will immediately refuse to support Harrowmont. With Lady Days it will be a little more difficult. She will say that her father is engaged in similar matters, but now he is on the deep paths in the Aedukan taig. We go there, find the old man and help him fight off the invasion of deep hunters. After the battle, we give the papers to Dais and return to Gavorn in the council room. Now we can meet Belen.

Quests for Harrowmont
Doolin Foringer
This is Lord Harrowmont's representative. He will meet you on the street right after the conversation with Bandelor and say that in order to get an audience with Harrowmont, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

Lord's trust. First task.
We need to perform in the arena of tests as a fighter of Harrowmont. Also, at the same time, you need to find out why the best fighters of the lord refused to perform: Bayzil and Guidon. We go to the arena and first we talk with Bayzil. He will tell us one short love story, at the end of which it turns out that he is being blackmailed with some letters. Behind the blackmail is the gladiator Miaji with her twin brother Lucian (they can be found here in the fighter training rooms). We open Miaji's chest with the help of Leliana and steal the letters, after which we give them to Bayzil. Now he will fight in the arena.
We go to Gvidon. Here the situation is simpler: from the conversation it turns out that he was misinformed that supposedly Lord Harrowmont would renounce his claims to the throne after the tests in the arena. And if so, then Gvidon has no reason to shed his own or someone else's blood. We convince him that he was vilely deceived and force him to return to duty. Now you can go to the manager and start participating in battles. After defeating all of them, return to Dulin Foringer (in the tavern "At the pubs") with a report on the test passed.

Lord's trust. The second task or Respect of the prince: the second task. Jarvia's lair
We have received the right to an audience with Harrowmont (Belen). The lord (prince) will say that he agrees to fulfill the terms of the agreements of the gray guards if we bring him to the throne. We have no way out, so we take the second task. We have to deal with a gang of a certain Jarvia, who controls the dusty city and regularly attacks the citizens of the community halls. We go to the dusty city and for a donation we ask the beggar Nadezhda about Jarvia. She will tell us about the original keys that open the door to the gang's lair. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a key. It doesn't matter, we go to an abandoned house standing nearby and deal with a handful of bandits. We take the key from their leader. Now another door has become active in the dusty city. We open it with the key and go in search of Jarvia. She will be in the depths of the caves. After finishing with her, return to Harrowmont (Belen). He will have one last task for you.

Betrayal from within
Additional quest. You can get it if you fought in the arena for Harrowmont, and then returned to Gavorn and offered your services again, under the pretext that Harrowmont now trusts you and you can spy on him without hindrance. Upon learning that Harrowmont sent you to kill Jarvia, Gavorn will give you papers that testify to the connection of one of the lord's relatives with the charter. These papers will need to be placed in Jarvia's chest in her hideout after you deal with her. Once you do this, you will be able to turn in the quests to both Harrowmont and Gavorn. In addition, both contenders for the throne will give you a task to search for Branca (read the description below).

Perfect, Perfection itself and Anvil of the Void
We have to go into the deep paths in search of the perfect Branca to convince her to vote in the council for Harrowmont (for Belen). 2 years ago, she took her entire clan and went in search of the legendary anvil of the void. According to legend, it was invented by another perfect blacksmith Karidin, and with its help it was possible to create golems. I'm going to search.
At the very entrance to the deep paths, Oghren, Branca's husband, will join us. And although he is a drunkard who constantly stares at the beautiful Morrigan, he can help in search of a wife, as he knows the deep paths well and is excellent at using two-handed weapons. To begin with, we have to find Ortan teig. There we will find Branca's diary (we will have to fight the queen of spiders for it), from which we learn that she has gone to the Dead Moats - the area that is the border between the kingdom of the dwarves and the shelters of the creatures of darkness. Only the most desperate dwarves of the dead legion fight in this area. By the end of the passage of this location, it turns out that many gnomes died and became creatures of darkness, and one of them became a uterus (a creature that produces all this abomination). We kill the uterus, after which we open the way to the last location of the deep paths - the Anvil of the Void. As soon as we get into it, Branca comes out to meet us. She is alive and well, but... completely crazy. Having blocked the entrance so that we do not run back, she wants to bypass the traps in the corridors leading to the anvil at the expense of us. There is no choice, so we agree. There will be three dangerous rooms in total. In the first one, it will be necessary to turn off the gas by pulling 4 levers on the walls, as well as to kill the golems gradually coming to life. In the second, you will need to disable 2 floor traps with blades (Leliana does an excellent job of this) and get rid of a few more golems. In the third room, the test will be more serious. A strange installation will spawn the souls of gnomes (very strong, by the way). This will go on forever unless you do the following. As soon as you kill one of the souls, immediately click on that anvil (there are only 4 of them), which starts to glow. Then a fireball will shoot out of it, causing damage to the installation itself. Pieces of 6-7 such shots and the battle will be won. Now we go to the hall of the anvil. There we will meet Karidin himself in the form of an iron golem. He will tell us about the other side of the medal of creating an army of golems on the anvil. It turns out that in order to breathe life into a stone, you need to take life from a living being. Many dwarves were slain in their time to fill up the golem army to defend Orzammar. Karidin will ask us to destroy the anvil and release him from the thousand-year burden of responsibility. At this moment, the weak Branca will come running, who will offer us not to destroy the anvil, they say this is the key to defeating the creatures of darkness. The choice is ours. Personally, I chose in the end the side of Caridin and killed Branca. After the battle, Karidin will forge a crown for the future king of Orzamar and commit suicide.
Note: if you choose the side of Branca, then the fight will be a little more difficult, because. Karidin is almost not susceptible to magic, and hits much more painfully than Branca. The crown for King Orzammar in this case will be forged by Branca, and in the final battle, golems will fight for you, not ordinary dwarves.

Back in Orzammar, at the second meeting of the council, we ourselves will name the future king and give him the crown forged by the Perfect. If you select Lord Harrowmont, then Belen will arrange a fight right in the council chamber. We send him to a meeting with a stone, after which we speak with Harrowmont. He rewards you with a staff, fulfills his promise and begins to gather troops to fight the Pestilence.
Note: if you crown Belen, then the first thing he does is execute Harrowmont, then he will give you his brother's hammer and send troops to fight the Blight.
Either way, Orzammar's support will be won.

Secondary quests
mother's hope
Filda, a woman from the communal halls, asked to find her son Rook, who disappeared 5 years ago in the deep paths. And although it is almost unbelievable, the guy survived. You will find it in the Ortan teige according to the plot of the game. To tell Filda the truth about Rook's fate or not is up to you, this will not affect the completion of the quest and the reward.

Song in the Deep Roads
You need to put in a good word for Brother Berkem in front of the Chronicler. The Dwarf Priest wants to open the Church of Andraste in Orzammar, but this goes against the 2,000-year-old canon of the Dwarven religion. So, we go to the diamond halls to the house of the guardians. With a persuasion skill of up to 3, he can be persuaded that opening a church will benefit the untouchables, providing them with medicines and work. Also, the great chronicler can simply be scared that an army of people will soon come and forcefully convert all the dwarves to their faith. One way or another, he will give permission to Brother Berkem to open a church.

All-time scientist
In the communal halls you will meet the girl Dagna, the daughter of the gunsmith Janar. She is very fond of magic and although she does not have the ability for it, she still wants to study theory in a tower on Lake Calenhad. We agree to help her. We go to the tower of magicians and speak with Irving (of course, after saving the circle from the possessed). He will be very happy with such a desire for magic from a gnome child and will give his consent to the owl. Then it's up to you. You can persuade Dagna to stay to help her parents in the forge, or you can convey Irving's words to her, after which she will leave Orzammar. One way or another, the quest will close.

precious metals
Bandyuk Rogek in a dusty city will offer you a deal. You can, of course, get nasty and kill him, but if you have a conviction of up to 3, and even better 4 levels, then the deal still needs to be done. So, we buy lyrium from him for 40 gold (do not be afraid to lose such a huge amount of money, you will get 1.5 times more in the end). By the way, initially lyrium is sold for 50 gold, but we know how to convince.
Now we go to the tower of magicians to Godwin (this is the eccentric who, during the invasion of the possessed, sat in a closet on the second floor). We sell him lyrium. He offers 50 gold, of course we do not agree to this and again use eloquence. If you have a persuasion skill of level 3, then you will receive 60 gold for lyrium, if 4, then 75. After the deal, do not be too lazy to ask Godwin about the details why he needs so much Lyrium. Very interesting details will be revealed on the topic of the relationship between magicians and templars. We blackmail Godwin, threatening to tell everything to the head templar Gregor, as a result of which we receive a ransom for silence in 8 gold. Now we return to Orzammar to Rogek and get money for working as an intermediary. Initially, you agreed on 20 gold, but the dwarf will want to deceive you and offer only 10. Turn on persuasion or intimidation and get the promised money. Total: -40+60 (75)+8+20=48(63) gold plus.
Note: The quest can only be accepted if you have 50 gold in your wallet.

Zerlinda's grief
The poor girl from the dusty city of Zerlinda, after a donation of 5 silver, will tell you her story. Her child is untouchable and her parents set a condition for her: either she gets rid of the child, and then she is left in the caste, or she is expelled along with her offspring. She chose the second option and is now forced to eat slop. We agree to help. You can try to convince her father, who drinks at the pub's tavern (this requires persuasion skill 3), or you can tell Zerlinda about life on the surface. In the first case, she will return home with the child, in the second, she will go to the surface with him. One way or another, the quest will be completed.

Lost records
In the archives of the chroniclers, we will meet a girl named Orta, she is looking for records about the homeland of her ancestors - the Ortan teige. We agree to help, especially since we still have to find this teig according to the plot of the game. The documents will be in the chest in the middle of the desired location. Back in Orzammar, give them to Orta, then meet her in the council chamber for your reward.

Thief in the academic house
The assistant chronicler will complain to you that a daring untouchable thief has stolen an ancient book. We agree to help. We go to the dusty city and a little further from Rogek there will be a dwarf similar to the description given to us by the assistant chronicler (bald with a tattoo all over his face). We interrogate him, rip open his belly and find ... no, not a stolen book, but evidence that will lead us to it - a receipt from the arena. Let's go to the testing arena. The gnome we need will be in the left wing. I do not remember his name, but by the mark on the map you will understand that it is he. After a brief conversation, the buyer of stolen goods will get into a fight. In vain. We take away the book from his corpse. Now you have 2 options: you can sell the book yourself to the dwarf Jorthrin standing next to the deceased, or you can honestly return it to the chroniclers. For the return of the book to the chroniclers, you will receive nothing but gratitude, but you will receive several gold from the dwarf.

Lost Naga
Near the entrance to the diamond halls there will be a naga beater. Talk to him, he will tell you that all his animals have fled and his business has been covered. In order for him to return to business, he must catch at least one naga. The nearest animal stands a stone's throw from the beater. We catch and give it to him. Now he will buy all the captured nagas from us for a small amount of silver.

Glorious Grounder
Traveling through the deep paths, you will find parts of a broken ancient elven sword:
ephesus - at the Karidina crossroads
pommel - in Ortan teige
blade - in dead ditches
After collecting all three parts, you will open the resting place of the owner of this sword. It is located in the caves of Ortan teig. You may have already been there beforehand. It's okay, just go back to the sarcophagus and put all three parts of the sword into it. The weapon will again become whole and will serve you in the fight against enemies. The blade is very powerful, with three sockets, so I highly recommend doing this quest.

In pieces!
Exploring the caves of Caridina Crossing, you will come across 3 bags with the remains of some kind of creature. After collecting all the bags, go to the location of Ortan teig. You will see an altar there. Reunite all the remains. The creature will come to life. Then you have two options: kill her again or demand a reward for saving her. The second option is preferable, because. firstly, the creature is very strong and it is not so easy to kill it, and secondly, for the murder, apart from experience, you, alas, will not get anything (the body of the demon cannot be searched). So take 25 gold as a reward and go get drunk in the nearest tavern.

Treasure of wanderers
Traveling along the deep paths, you will find records of some wanderers. After collecting all the records, you will find out the place where the treasure lies. Just look for him by the marker that appears on the map at the Caridina Crossing.

dead castle
As you travel through the Dead Moats, you will find parts of the armor of the legion of the dead. After collecting all the parts, you will find out the location of the nameless grave. Just look for it by the mark that appears on the map. In the grave you will find the emblem of the caste of the dead, with which the Legion of the Dead can be given a noble position (for this, just read the right book in the house of the guardians).

Golem records
As it will become known from the plot, either volunteer gnomes, or criminals, or untouchables became golems. So in the main hall of the Anvil of the Void location you will find a stone slab with a list of the names of all these unfortunate gnomes. Copy it onto a piece of paper and take it to the chroniclers in Orzammar. The chief chronicler will promise us an artifact as a reward.
Note: I had a bug here, the artifact was never given to me. However, the quest will be completed anyway.

Key to the city
Another task that becomes active only after you collect all the necessary records. In the city, look for information about Orzammar's inner ways and customs. When you have all of them, an entry will appear in the diary that you now know the location of the hiding place of the council members. We go to the council hall, in the left wing there will be a giant box, we search it and pick up a ring in the form of a key with very, very strong parameters.

outlandish remedies
In the royal palace you will find a sick dwarf woman. If you ask the doctor (he is standing next to her bed) if we can help with anything, he will give a prescription and ask us to hurry. The recipe will appear with that of your companion who knows the art of the herbalist (for example, Morrigan):
you will need 4 elven roots, 2 concentration reagents, 2 lifestones and one flask. We make a potion and give it to the sick. That's the whole quest.
Note: To complete the quest, you need the maximum level of the art of the herbalist.

Jammer's cache
Traveling through Jarvia's lair, you will find 3 chests (Kanki, Pike and Jammer himself), which seem to contain valuable items (rings, amulets, etc.). but when you try to pick them up, you will receive damage, and the trinkets themselves will not appear in your inventory. To avoid taking damage and injury from traps, take the cheapest item from each chest. As soon as you open the last chest, the place of Jammer's real treasure will be marked on the map. Go there and get a reward for your work.

Encased in stone
Taken after reading the inscriptions on the throne of Orzammar in the palace (Diamond Halls). You need to switch to single mode and arrange the satellites correctly: take one out of the hall and put it on the square in front of the entrance to the throne room. Two more must be placed on such small arrows in the hall itself (they are located on the left on the floor near the wall with a window behind which lava flows). The latter approaches the throne and presses the "eye". The dragon comes running. We unite the party again and kill him, after which we take a good two-handed sword from the corpse.
Note: This quest can only be completed until the choice of the dwarf king, after which the throne ceases to be highlighted and the task cannot be taken.


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