Time ahead vk. Time forward. The restart of the Russian defense industry has begun. This is the defining moment

Powerful international corporations such as Google and Apple are subject to the laws. Today we will talk about another victory, which, in addition to moral satisfaction, guarantees the country access to new technologies. Watch right after the news bulletin.

news time

  • The second blocks of the Balaklava and Tavricheskaya TPPs were launched in Crimea. The combined capacity of the two power plants provides 90% of the peninsula's total energy consumption.
  • A new substation "Port" was put into operation in the Krasnodar Territory.
  • A modernized hydraulic unit No. 9 was put into operation at the Saratovskaya HPP.
  • In Volgodonsk - production of import-substituting equipment for LNG plants.
  • The first in Russia test bench for cryogenic pumps for LNG projects was created in St. Petersburg.
  • Bryansk launched the production of transistors and microcircuits for smartphones and laptops.
  • Mikron has introduced a new single-chip chip.
  • In the Krasnodar Territory, the production of metal products worth over 1 billion rubles has been opened.
  • In the Nizhny Novgorod region - the production of talc-filled polypropylene.
  • In the Ulyanovsk region, the production of aerated concrete building blocks worth over 1 billion rubles has been opened.
  • In Ivanovo, the production of products from composite materials has been opened.
  • In the Rostov region - the production of electric buses.
  • In Khakassia - a meat processing plant.
  • In the Kaliningrad region, the second stage of a large greenhouse complex has been launched.

Technology time

Russia has managed to win another battle with mega-corporations. The story began in 2016, when an agreement was reached on the takeover of the American Monsanto by the German concern Bayer. This deal was supposed to be one of the largest in the agricultural sector, but to complete it, the companies needed to obtain approval from all countries of presence. Including from Russia, where both Monsanto and Bayer have their own factories and laboratories. The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service demanded that, in exchange for approving the deal, a number of technologies be transferred to Russia in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic companies.

It was about genetic lines, germplasm, digital farming systems - what Western science has been developing for decades. For this reason, Bayer immediately called such conditions unacceptable and filed a lawsuit in arbitration. However, as in all similar stories, the fear of losing the Russian market eventually prevailed, and the corporation agreed to comply with the demands of the antimonopolists.

Thus, Russia receives separate molecular breeding tools for different crops and access to digital farming technologies. In addition, Bayer will participate in the establishment of a plant biotechnology research and training center and provide benefits and discounts to our farmers under license agreements for 10 years. This means that we have an excellent chance to raise the domestic breeding science to a new level by combining the technologies obtained with our own developments. Then the competition from Bayer will not pose a serious threat to us.

As for our previous releases about the fight against corporations, we inform you that Google has corrected the error at the request of Russia and now Crimea is displayed as our territory in all cases on maps.

science time

In Tomsk, for the first time in the world, cardiac surgeons performed an operation using a unique Russian development - a vascular prosthesis with a quick valve change function. Previously, biological prostheses had to be changed every 10 years - this required the most complex operations with the risk of complications, especially for older patients. Now, the Russian development allows you to change only the valve, leaving the entire prosthesis in place. This greatly facilitates the operation and will help thousands of patients across the country.

Recently, again for the first time in Russia and Europe, a surgical operation was performed using another Russian development - an exoskeleton. We have already talked about such a novelty in the past. Initially, it was created for industrial workers - the design made it possible not to feel tired during work. However, now the exoskeleton has found its application in medicine - indeed, a surgeon during a 12-hour operation gets tired no less than a worker at the conveyor. Doctors are delighted with the novelty, and its creators note that it is more functional and cheaper than imported analogues.

Meanwhile, at the famous robot Fedor

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The restart of the Russian defense industry has begun. This is the defining moment

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The path of Russia's development for 15 years has been determined. Find yourself in it

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It became known why Russia imports nuclear waste. Physics of Enrichment

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The coronavirus is becoming a real stress test for the world and clearly demonstrates what managerial practices are effective in deeds, not in words.

The Chinese centralized system has made it possible to bring the virus under control, while Western countries have not yet shown success in this direction. But what about Russia? We have already managed to adopt something from the Chinese experience, but we still have to learn something. Details in this special issue.

This week, a landmark decision was made - the government finally decided on the spending of money from the accumulated reserves and decided to direct the first funds to the purchase of Sberbank. We will explain the essence of what is happening in the simplest and clearest language, so that even people far from the economy will understand. And we’ll also tell you who banned Russian Railways from buying domestic computers and what to do about it.

Yes, we know that dubious information is often hidden under such high-profile headlines. But in this case, we rely on production statistics and can compare the performance of several countries quite confidently. Along with another batch of achievements


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