Bazarov personnel management. Book: T. Yu. Bazarov “Personnel Management. Textbook. I dedicate to the blessed memory of my mother

2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: 2002 .-- 560 p.

On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to work with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. The problems of personnel management are considered taking into account the specifics of the organizational culture, phases of the organization's life.

The second edition (1st ed. - UNITI, 1998) is supplemented with conflictological foundations of personnel management and corporate PR.

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Table of contents
I HR management as a profession
Chapter 1. Genesis of professional culture of personnel management
1.1. Three professional revolutions and the HR manager's mission
1.2. Evolution of forms of joint activities and the formation of personnel management
1.3. The main types of professional culture of personnel management
Chapter 2. Evolution of HR management
2.1. Models and features of personnel management
2.2. Human Resource Management: Challenges of the XXI Century.
Chapter 3. Professional Profile of HR Manager: Ethical Dimension
3.1. Main professional roles of HR manager
3.2. Ethics of business relations in the work of a HR manager
Chapter 4. Business ethics - the architectonics of personnel management
4.1. Corporate Code of Ethics
4.2. Informal levels of moral regulation of employee behavior
II Organizational context of HR management
Chapter 5. Organization as a Phenomenon
5.1. Organization as an "implicit" model
5.2. Elements of the internal environment of the organization
Chapter 6. Life stages and cycles of an organization
6.1. Organizational life cycle
6.2. Development stages and cycles
III Human Resources Management Concepts
Chapter 7. Basic approaches to personnel management
7.1. An economic approach
7.2. Organic approach
7.3. Humanistic approach
7.4. Organizational cultures as an object of management activity
Chapter 8. The concept of "human capital"
8.1. Human capital theory
8.2. Human Resource Analysis Concept
8.3. Models for measuring the individual value of an employee
IV HR strategies
Chapter 9. Personnel policy
9.1. Types of HR policy
9.2. Stages of designing personnel policy
9.3. HR activities and HR strategy
9.4. Conditions for the development of personnel policy
Chapter 10. Human Resource Management at Different Stages of Organization Development
10.1. Historical excursion into conflict management
10.2. Intense growth stage
10.3. Stabilization stage
10.4. Recession stage (crisis situation)
V Personnel management methods
Chapter 11. Methods for the formation of personnel
11.1. Historical excursion into conflict management
11.2. Personnel Needs Planning
11.3. Analysis of the staffing situation in the region
11.4. Analysis of activities. Job instructions
11.5. Attracting candidates for work in the organization
11.6. Assessment of candidates for employment
11.7. Personnel adaptation
Chapter 12. Methods of maintaining the efficiency of personnel
12.1. Increasing productivity and labor rationing
12.2. Job assessment
12.3. Ensuring the quality of labor
12.4. Labor assessment: levels, approaches, methods
12.5. Personnel certification
12.6. Formation of a personnel reserve
12.7. Career planning
12.7. Development of labor incentive programs
Chapter 13. Methods of reforming the organization
13.1. Reorganization processes
13.2. Organizational and personnel audit
13.3. Non-directive methods of staff reduction
VI Human Resource Management Technologies of the Organization
Chapter 14. Personnel consulting
14.1. The concept of personnel consulting as a means of developing an organization
14.2. HR Consultant Toolkit
Chapter 15. Assessment Center as a technology of personnel work
15.1. Preparation of the assessment center program
15.2. Evaluation Center Program Implementation
Chapter 16. Competition as a technology for attracting personnel
16.1. Organization and conduct of the competition
16.2. Stages of the competition
Chapter 17. In-house training as a technology for the development of human resources in an organization
17.1. In-house training as a continuous education process and its features
17.2. Requirements for staffing of educational programs and characteristics of trainees
Chapter 18. Team building as a technology of forming the managerial potential of the organization
18.1. Team as an organizational form of collective management
18.2. Stages of team building and methods of team formation
Chapter 19. Personnel psychodiagnostics
19.1. Personnel psychodiagnostics: stages and methodological foundations of the test
19.2. Requirements for psychodiagnostic techniques
19.3. Requirements for personnel psychodiagnostics
VII Conflictological foundations of personnel management
Chapter 20. Conflict as a development tool
20.1. Historical excursion into conflict management
20.2. What is conflict?
20.3. Formal logical models of conflicts
20.4. Basic concepts
20.5. What about destructiveness?
20.6. When does the conflict start?
20.7. What to do about the conflict?
Chapter 21. Conflict in the organization
21.1. Conflictness of the organizational structure
21.2. Intergroup conflicts
21.3. Interpersonal conflicts
VIII Corporate PR
Chapter 22. PR - communication management in conflict: (methodological foundations)
22.1. PR: The Problem Of Defining In A World Of Misconceptions
22.2. PR, propaganda and mathematical justification
22.3. PR and marketing: the evolution of the development of the conflict between the consumer and the manufacturer
Chapter 23. PR-management: technological foundations
23.1. PR: technological work to form an adequate image
23.2. PR: and project
Glossary of concepts

Organizational psychology. 2014.Vol. 4.No. 2.P. 92-95


Personnel management of a growing organization

LIPATOV Sergey Alekseevich

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia

Book review: Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management psychology. Theory and practice: a textbook for bachelors. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014.381 p. ISBN 978-5-9916-3302-4.

Key words: organization, personnel management, personnel management, personnel management methods, personnel consulting, personnel assessment, in-house training, personnel psychodiagnostics.

Reforms of higher professional education, which are currently being carried out in Russia, are radically changing the forms of educational programs and the content of the entire educational process. For all the complexity and ambiguity of this reform process, one positive fact can be noted - the emergence of a fairly large variety of educational literature. In these conditions, it is quite difficult for a university teacher to navigate the flow of new publications and not miss the necessary textbook, which can be recommended to students for in-depth study within the framework of independent work outside the classroom. Especially when it concerns such disciplines that are in demand in the field of training psychologists and personnel management disciplines as "Psychology of personnel management" and "Personnel management". It should be noted that domestic textbooks and teaching aids on personnel management differ quite a lot in the set of topics considered, the reason for choosing which often remains unclear. In the English-language literature, the presentation of the material is usually based on the idea of ​​a set of functions for human resource management, more or less shared by the professional community.

Address: 125009, Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, 11, bldg. 9

Email: [email protected]

Organizational psychology. 2014.Vol. 4.No. 2.

Theory and Practice ”Doctor of Psychology, Professor Takhir Yusupovich Bazarov is a well-known Russian specialist in the field of personnel management, who has vast practical experience, as well as a large number of publications in this area1. He took an active part in the creation of the popular educational publication "Human Resource Management" 1 2. In the reviewed textbook, the author focuses the readers' attention on the psychological component of the sphere of human resource management in a developing organization. This is reflected in the structure of the book, which includes four sections.

The first section "Fundamentals of organization and personnel management" is devoted to the consideration of the organizational context of personnel management, the main approaches to personnel management, as well as life stages and development cycles of the organization. In the first chapter, the author briefly describes an implicit model of the internal environment of an organization, which he obtained in the course of numerous surveys and group discussions with managers of various organizations, which includes the following elements: purpose, structure, technology, finance, management and personnel. Metaphors of organization are also described. However, this chapter focuses on the requirements for HR professionals and the role of HR departments in modern organizations. The second chapter examines three main approaches to management - economic, organic and humanistic, - within which the basic concepts of personnel management were developed: 1) the use of labor resources; 2) personnel management; 3) human resource management; 4) human control. The third chapter is devoted to a summary of the model of cycles and stages of development of organizations3. It can be said that the author managed to fit very extensive information into a fairly small volume, using tables and figures for this.

The second section "Strategies for personnel management" describes the features of personnel management at various stages of development of the organization, the types and goals of personnel policy, which determines the philosophy and principles of leadership in relation to human resources, the process of forming personnel policy in the organization. This section is divided into two chapters. The fourth chapter is devoted to a fairly detailed description of the content of personnel management activities at various stages of the organization's life cycle: 1) the stage of formation of the organization; 2) stages of intensive growth; 3) stages of stabilization; 4) stages of recession (crisis situation). The chapter ends with a study case. The fifth chapter provides a fairly concise presentation of ideas about the understanding of personnel policy, its types, stages of designing personnel policy.

The first two sections of the textbook, which are about a third of the book in volume, are quite traditional for understanding the essence of an organization as a social institution, as well as the basic concepts of personnel management, which reflect a generalized view of the place of an employee in an organization. The content of the next two sections is practice-oriented. The third section "Methods of personnel management" includes three chapters devoted to the description of those methods, without which, in the author's opinion, psychological work with personnel is

1 See, for example, his books "Technology of assessment centers for civil servants" (1995), "Personnel management of a developing organization" (1996), "Socio-psychological methods and technologies of personnel management of an organization" (2000), "Personnel management "(2002)," Psychological facets of a changing organization "(2007)," Personnel management. Workshop "(2009) and" Technology of Personnel Assessment Centers: Processes and Results (Practical Guide) "(2011).

2 Personnel management / ed. T.Yu. Bazarov and B.L. Eremina. M .: UNITI, 1998; 2002.

3 Emelyanov E.N., Povarnitsyna S.E. business psychology. M .: Armada, 1998.

Organizational psychology. 2014. T. 4. No. 2.

impossible. According to the author, the methods are part of the toolkit of a practicing psychologist (HR manager), which is invariant in relation to a specific situation. These are methods of staff formation, maintaining efficiency and reforming the organization. Separate, rather voluminous chapters are devoted to each group of methods. Each of these chapters ends with a case study. In the process of mastering the content of these chapters, students will get a fairly clear idea of ​​the methods for designing the structure of an organization, planning the need for personnel, searching, selecting and selecting employees for the organization, assessing jobs, assessing the quality of work, certification of personnel and many others.

In the fourth section "Technologies of personnel management" methods of personnel management are considered, focused on solving two types of tasks: diagnostics, examination or assessment of the organization's human resources and maintaining personnel development processes in the organization. Unlike the methods discussed in the previous section, technologies, according to the author, are always situationally oriented, that is, they must take into account a specific social context when designing and implementing them. This section is equal in volume to the previous one and contains five chapters, which provide a brief description of some socio-psychological technologies of personnel management: personnel consulting as a means of developing an organization, methods for assessing the activities and results of employees (including the technology of the Assessment Center), competition as a technology attracting personnel, approaches to training and development of employees. The last chapter summarizes the basics of personnel psychodiagnostics: the basic concepts of psychodiagnostics, methodological foundations of testing, requirements for psychodiagnostic techniques. In our opinion, this chapter could be supplemented by the requirements of the Ethical Code of a Practitioner Psychologist (or Diagnostic Psychologist), since strict adherence to the rules for conducting testing is a critical condition for obtaining valid, reliable and ethically correct information about the identity of an employee of an organization.

According to the author, the methods and technologies of personnel management are the most important part of the toolkit of a practical psychologist working in an organization. In general, the author explicitly addresses his textbook to students - psychologists, noting in the preface that the sphere of human resource management of an organization is one of the areas in which graduates of psychology faculties are most in demand and successful. Of course, for this, a certified psychologist needs to master knowledge from the field of technology and business processes, management and finance. However, the material of the textbook is presented in such a way that it is accessible for understanding not only to psychologists, and this is its strong point. It is worth noting the fact that the language of the textbook combines simplicity, academic and actual appeal. The text is full of figures and tables that help the reader to structure and better understand the textbook material. And study cases help to work out those competencies, the development of which the corresponding chapters are aimed at.

The textbook turned out to be capacious, fairly balanced in the presentation of the theory and practical methods of personnel management. It reflects the author's experience in personnel and management consulting, on the one hand, and the richest experience in teaching this academic discipline to many generations of students, on the other. One can agree with the opinion of the official reviewer of the textbook, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor A.G. Karajani, that today the book by T.Yu. Bazarov is one of the most modern, complete and scientifically based works in the field of personnel management.

Organizational Psychology - Russia. 2014. Vol. 4.No 2.

Personnel Management of Growing Organization


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Review of the textbook by T.Yu. Bazarov “Psihologija upravlenija personalom. Teorija i praktika: uchebnik dlja bakalavrov ”. Moscow: Urait, 2014. ISBN 978-5-9916-3302-4.

Keywords: organization, personnel management, personnel management practices, human resources consulting, performance appraisal, training and developing employees, personnel assessment.

Address: 11 Mokhovaya Str., Build. 9, 125009, Moscow, Russia

Textbook for universities. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1998 .-- 423 p.
The team of authors: E.A. Aksenova, T. Yu. Bazarov, B.JI. Eremin, P.V. Malinovsky, N.M. Malinovskaya.
Reviewers: Department of Personnel Management, Institute of Public Administration and Social Research, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov and professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Education E. A. Klimov.
Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N. D. Eriashvili

On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to work with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. The problems of personnel management are considered taking into account the specifics of the organizational culture, phases of the organization's life.
For university students, students of institutes and advanced training courses, employees of personnel management services, heads of enterprises and organizations.

From the authors
Fundamentals of organization and personnel management
Personnel management in the system of modern management
Personnel management paradigms in the century
Evolution of forms of joint activities and the formation of personnel management
The main types of professional culture of personnel management
Human Resource Management: From Human Resource Management to Human Resource Management
HR management: challenges in
Main professional roles of HR manager
Ethics of business relations in the work of a HR manager
Organizational context of HR management
Elements of the organization
Organizational life stages and cycles
Human Resource Management Concepts
Basic approaches to personnel management
An economic approach
Organic approach
Humanistic approach
Organizational cultures as an object of management activity
The concept of "human capital"
Human capital theory
Human Resource Analysis Concept
Measuring the individual value of an employee
Stochastic positional model
HR strategies
Personnel policy
Types of personnel policy
Stages of building personnel policy
HR activities and HR strategy
Conditions for the development of personnel policy
Personnel management of a growing organization
Organization formation stage
Stage of intensive growth of the organization
Stabilization stage
Recession stage (crisis situation)
Technologies and methods of personnel management
X Methods of staff formation
Organization structure design
Personnel Needs Assessment
Analysis of the staffing situation in the region
Activity analysis Job descriptions
Attracting candidates for work in the organization
Assessment of candidates for employment
Competitive recruitment of personnel
Personnel adaptation
Methods for maintaining the performance of personnel
Increasing productivity and labor rationing
Labor assessment
Personnel certification
Formation of a personnel reserve
Career planning
Development of labor incentive programs
Methods for optimizing staffing and reorganizing the structure
Formation of management teams
HR audit
Non-directive methods of staff reduction
Reforming organizations
Personnel management of a crisis enterprise
Conflict as a development tool
Historical excursion into conflict management
What is conflict?
Basic concepts
What about destructiveness?
When does the conflict start?
What to do about the conflict?
Organization conflict
Public Relations and Conflict Communication Management
Recommended reading
Glossary of concepts

Related Sections

see also

Alyushina N.A. Personnel management (in Ukrainian)

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Training manual for the participant of the training on personnel management, Kiev 2007. Content: the competence of the head of the state. institutions; modern models and methods of personnel management; the formation of corporate consciousness; performance management (strategy, system and remuneration); management of efficiency and behavior of state personnel. service; in additions - tests and methods for personnel management. Everything in Ukrainian. language

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Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M: UNITI, 2002.-560 p. On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to working with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Control problems ...

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Textbook for universities. On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to working with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Personnel management problems are considered taking into account the specifics of the body ...

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  • added Nov 07, 2009

Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M: UNITI, 2002 .-- 560 p. On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to work with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Control problems ...

Bazarov T.Yu., Eremin B.L. (ed.) Personnel management. Textbook

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2nd edition, revised and enlarged - M: YUNITI, 2002. -560 p. On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to work with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. Control problems p ...

Bazarov T. Yu. Personnel Management

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Provided by the Center for Personnel Technologies - XXI century. This is the theory of personnel management, where you will find a lot of buzzwords for term papers and for a diploma if your topic is motivation and work organization. In this book, you will plunge into the theory: Personnel management in the modern management system The organizational context of personnel management Basic approaches to personnel management The concept of human capital MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ...

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Description:On the basis of domestic and foreign experience, effective approaches to work with personnel in modern conditions are proposed (team management, contracting of responsibility, anti-crisis management). The basics of the organization of management, the concept of personnel management, strategies of personnel management, technologies and methods of personnel management are considered. The problems of personnel management are considered taking into account the specifics of the organizational culture, phases of the organization's life.

The second edition (1st ed. - UNITI, 1998) is supplemented with conflictological foundations of personnel management and corporate PR.


Chapter 1. Genesis of professional culture of personnel management

1.1. Three professional revolutions and the HR manager's mission

1.2. Evolution of forms of joint activities and the formation of personnel management

1.3. The main types of professional culture of personnel management

Chapter 2. Evolution of HR management

2.1. Models and features of personnel management

2.2. Human Resource Management: Challenges of the XXI Century.

Chapter 3. Professional Profile of HR Manager: Ethical Dimension

3.1. Main professional roles of HR manager

3.2. Ethics of business relations in the work of a HR manager

Chapter 4. Business ethics - the architectonics of personnel management

4.1. Corporate Code of Ethics

4.2. Informal levels of moral regulation of employee behavior


Chapter 5. Organization as a Phenomenon

5.1. Organization as an "implicit" model

5.2. Elements of the internal environment of the organization

Chapter 6. Life stages and cycles of an organization

6.1. Organizational life cycle

6.2. Development stages and cycles


Chapter 7. Basic approaches to personnel management

7.1. An economic approach

7.2. Organic approach

7.3. Humanistic approach

7.4. Organizational cultures as an object of management activity

Chapter 8. The concept of "human capital"

8.1. Human capital theory

8.2. Human Resource Analysis Concept

8.3. Models for measuring the individual value of an employee


Chapter 9. Personnel policy

9.1. Types of HR policy

9.2. Stages of designing personnel policy

9.3. HR activities and HR strategy

9.4. Conditions for the development of personnel policy

Chapter 10. Human Resource Management at Different Stages of Organization Development

10.1. Historical excursion into conflict management

10.2. Intense growth stage

10.3. Stabilization stage

10.4. Recession stage (crisis situation)


Chapter 11. Methods for the formation of personnel

11.1. Historical excursion into conflict management

11.2. Personnel Needs Planning

11.3. Analysis of the staffing situation in the region

11.4. Analysis of activities. Job instructions

11.5. Attracting candidates for work in the organization

11.6. Assessment of candidates for employment

11.7. Personnel adaptation

Chapter 12. Methods of maintaining the efficiency of personnel

12.1. Increasing productivity and labor rationing

12.2. Job assessment

12.3. Ensuring the quality of labor

12.4. Labor assessment: levels, approaches, methods

12.5. Personnel certification

12.6. Formation of a personnel reserve

12.7. Career planning

12.7. Development of labor incentive programs

Chapter 13. Methods of reforming the organization

13.1. Reorganization processes

13.2. Organizational and personnel audit

13.3. Non-directive methods of staff reduction


Chapter 14. Personnel consulting

14.1. The concept of personnel consulting as a means of developing an organization

14.2. HR Consultant Toolkit

Chapter 15. Assessment Center as a technology of personnel work

15.1. Preparation of the assessment center program

15.2. Evaluation Center Program Implementation

Chapter 16. Competition as a technology for attracting personnel

16.1. Organization and conduct of the competition

16.2. Stages of the competition

Chapter 17. In-house training as a technology for the development of human resources in an organization

17.1. In-house training as a continuous education process and its features

17.2. Requirements for staffing of educational programs and characteristics of trainees

Chapter 18. Team building as a technology of forming the managerial potential of the organization

18.1. Team as an organizational form of collective management

18.2. Stages of team building and methods of team formation

Chapter 19. Personnel psychodiagnostics

19.1. Personnel psychodiagnostics: stages and methodological foundations of the test

19.2. Requirements for psychodiagnostic techniques

19.3. Requirements for personnel psychodiagnostics


Chapter 20. Conflict as a development tool

20.1. Historical excursion into conflict management

20.2. What is conflict?

20.3. Formal logical models of conflicts

20.4. Basic concepts

20.5. What about destructiveness?

20.6. When does the conflict start?

20.7. What to do about the conflict?

Chapter 21. Conflict in the organization

21.1. Conflictness of the organizational structure

21.2. Intergroup conflicts

21.3. Interpersonal conflicts


Chapter 22. PR - communication management in conflict: (methodological foundations)

22.1. PR: The Problem Of Defining In A World Of Misconceptions

22.2. PR, propaganda and mathematical justification

22.3. PR and marketing: the evolution of the development of the conflict between the consumer and the manufacturer

Chapter 23. PR-management: technological foundations

23.1. PR: technological work to form an adequate image

23.2. PR: and project

Glossary of concepts


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