Main types of buyers Main types of buyers Types of clients by behavior strategy


In one of the last webinars (seminars that are broadcast over the Internet) I was asked 2 very good questions:

    To the questions of the seller, the visitor of the furniture salon replies: "I'll just look" ... And the sellers stop coming up. What to do?".

    “And if the salon is only 25 squares, then what is the best way to act? After all, it is obvious that there is no need to approach, the designer-consultant is already in the field of view and at a short distance.”

Indeed, the situations are "painfully" familiar.

Most often, the above answer sounds to the seller’s phrase: “Hello! Can you tell me something (or“ How can I help you? speak.

You need to start by getting rid of such contact. Many buyers generally do not like it when they are immediately addressed with a greeting. But this does not mean at all that one should sit silently and wait for the buyer to be “morally” ready for a conversation. After all, practice shows that active sellers sell more!

So how to be a seller?

4 types of shoppers and their characteristics

I propose to first identify the buyer by his type of behavior. My research has shown that all buyers, depending on the characteristics, are divided into 4 types.

Type No. 1 "Buyer running through"

He rushes through the outlet, turning his head around, trying to see if there is anything of interest to him. We call him "buyer-draft".

Type No. 2 "Buyer-excursionist".

This buyer walks around the exposition without stopping anywhere, avoiding contact. And if he is given free rein, he can walk for a long time and silently, and then leave without asking anything.

Type No. 3 "Contemplative Buyer".

As a rule, such a buyer enters a point of sale, noticing some interesting piece of furniture from the aisle, or, having already entered the exposition, orients himself in the assortment within 4-5 seconds, approaches a specific product and begins to examine it.

Type #4 "Purchaser Scout/Saboteur".

Oh, that's a very interesting character! The characteristics of this type combine curiosity and the desire to immediately make contact.

"Scout" enters the store and immediately addresses the seller with questions: “Do you have beds with a lifting mechanism?” or “How much do your sofas cost?”, or “Can you help me, I need a table in the living room.” That is, he establishes contact himself, sometimes he simply comments on what he sees (“What a beauty!”).

"Saboteur" from the very beginning he asks provocative questions: “So what, is this really an array ?!” or “And they take it?! At these prices?!”

How to act as a seller with different types of buyers

As a rule, the answer “I'll just look” can only come from the first 3 types of buyers. When such buyers appear, the seller can use the "Information Throwing" technique.

The essence of the method The seller, remaining at a respectful distance from the buyer and not addressing him directly, utters phrases that may interest him. It is not necessary to approach the buyer if he is at a distance of less than three meters. Address the customer from where you were when the customer entered, catching the customer's eye (if the situation permits) without getting up (if you are sitting at your desk, for example).

speech formula. Information (feature) + benefit (what gives) for the client.

Phrases should be short (1-2 sentences), not related to a specific product, since the buyer has not yet decided on the choice, and directly affect the benefits of the buyer. As a rule, having heard information interesting for themselves, the buyer himself asks a clarifying question. He can say, for example, about current discounts, ongoing promotions, features of working with suppliers that have a beneficial effect on the ratio of price and quality.

This is one of the most effective ways.


    We have more than 15 different options for facades, only some models are displayed here, we will create the kitchen of your dreams (we will select for every taste and price).

    Our network of stores is the only official representative of the X factory in St. Petersburg (if possible, show your hand at the certificate), so our prices are lower than those of competitors.

    Maybe here, in the catalog, you will find something interesting for yourself (put the catalog next to it in an open form).

    We have new arrivals of tables and chairs, go a little deeper into the hall, you will see them!

      A little explanation for this phrase. What do you think is the benefit here? First, a person, as a consumer of new information, reacts positively to the word “new”. Secondly, the seller sets the buyer a motion vector. He sends the customer to the far corner of the store. Now he will be able not to run after him headlong, but to stand up calmly, thus blocking the passage back to the buyer, and detain him even at the level that he will have to somehow bypass the seller.

    We exhibit models only in popular shades, the rest are selected individually. If you don’t see the right ones among the exhibited ones, then I will show additional ones.

After that, if the visitor continues to be silent, the seller “throws in” the following benefit - he says: “You know, we are manufacturers ourselves, so you buy everything from us with a minimum margin, unlike other companies that resell furniture.”

Again, the customer is silent or says “Uh-huh” as they continue their journey through your store. Then we do in 5 seconds - a new “Information Stuffing”, where the seller says: “We, as manufacturers, also very strictly monitor the quality of our furniture. We do everything on German and Italian equipment, and we import facades for our furniture from Italy. Pay attention to this!

For the most stubborn visitors in silence, we have already prepared the next move - the "Alternative Entrance" technique, in which the seller still tries to pull him over. We ask the question: “Do you plan to purchase furniture for the living room, kitchen or bedroom?” And if necessary, we will include other techniques in the conversation. And the "ice" of silence of even the most silent visitor will melt.

For any type of buyer, there are ways that allow you to establish the right contact with the buyer and bring him to the conclusion of the transaction.

By the way, do you know that the first phrase must be pronounced before the 10th second of the visitor's presence in the store?! I will talk about this experiment in great detail very soon at the webinar series "Ace of Furniture Sales".

Check out the program and sign up for a series of webinars with your colleagues!

In this online mega-training, I will cover the most effective sales techniques.

P.S. Know that my employees and I put our heart and soul into the creation of each of our products and do everything possible so that you have even more tools in your hands to increase profits.

P.P.S. Help your colleagues learn useful information - share this article with them.

Manakova Elena Candidate of Economics, Professor, GOU VPO MGADA
Yakushina Maria GOU VPO MGADA
Journal "Practical Marketing" №4 2011

An interesting look at consumer behavior is offered by V.I. Ilyin, developing T. Veblen's theory of conspicuous, prestigious consumption. From all the variety of approaches to behavioral science, the author chooses one: consumption is the production of symbols with which people interact with each other. Thus, according to V.I. Ilyin, the choice of clothes and the formation of a specific wardrobe are considered as a mechanism for creating a text that is designed to inform others about a lot of interesting information about its owner.

If we study the behavior of consumers in the women's clothing market through the concept of "shopping as a form of pastime", then according to the criterion of target orientation, the following groups of shoppers are distinguished in the literature:

The development of the following typology of consumer behavior in the women's clothing market in Moscow was due to the need to create a staff training program on interaction with different types of customers on the trading floor of a retail store. This typology is based on the results of the aforementioned marketing research and a personal ten-year experience in running a business selling women's clothing. The degree of importance of the main factors was determined by the method of expert assessments based on a survey of store employees.

The analysis of the results obtained allowed us to put forward a hypothesis about the existence of the following types of buyers.


An observation that is true of any fashion: its first and last adopters always look funny.
Sigmund Graff

The motive for the purchase is the acquisition and possession of a unique and desirable item.

This type of consumer is strongly influenced by fashion, represented by active shoppers who spend a lot of time in stores in search of the best choice (in terms of balance of price, originality and quality of goods). These types are fashion innovators or early adopters, looking for a certain color, style, brand, etc. They are characterized by a high degree of involvement in the buying process, caused by an obsessive desire to get a certain piece of clothing.

The Bloodhound perceives goods as animated objects and, when buying a long-awaited thing, projects his personality onto the object, identifying himself with a unique, original and free from complexes social unit. At the same time, the price is not a decisive factor in making a purchase decision, but on the contrary, representatives of this type believe that the things they are looking for should be expensive, since they fully meet the requirements formed by the subject.

Clothing of well-known brands of imported production, manufactured and supplied in small batches, is preferred. Accordingly, this type of consumer is characterized by a low degree (or complete absence) of the influence of such factors as: approval of third parties, receiving a discount, an accessory as a gift (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. Influence of the main factors on the purchase decision for the "snoop" type


A woman is ready to dress up out of sheer love for her worst friend.
Moses (Moritz-Gottlieb) Safir

The motive of the purchase is the acquisition of a thing with the greatest benefit.

The purchase decision is strongly influenced by sales promotion programs: seasonal sales, discounts, receiving gifts. Representatives of the "predator" type are service shoppers - they require a high level of in-store service, they quickly respond to the communication system of chain stores. We would like to see a wide range of additional products and services in the store: playrooms for children, belts, tights, jewelry. They are ready to spend a lot of time looking for the best offer - the balance of price, fashion and quality. They are characterized by a high degree of involvement in the shopping process and, under the influence of sales promotion programs, "predators" often buy things that they did not plan to purchase. They do not act as innovators, as they mainly buy those things that are widely represented in the assortment and are in stable demand.

Representatives of this type are the main regular customers of chain clothing stores in large shopping centers. "Predators" are often adherents of certain brands of clothing and are waiting for the best moment to make a purchase (when the sale starts and the price becomes minimal). Being in favorable conditions for buying (seasonal sale, advertising campaign), they also buy clothes for other family members. The main thing for this type is the buying process itself, from which they get real pleasure, and which first becomes a hobby, and then can lead to shopping addiction (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Influence of the main factors on the purchase decision for the "predator" type


A man does not like women in cheap clothes, except for his own wife.
Unknown author

The motive for the purchase is the acquisition of things without damaging the family budget and with the desire to satisfy the tastes of third parties (family members).

Women of this type tend to make a purchase decision for a long time, in most cases this is due to the fact that the purchased item should not harm the family budget and meet the tastes of family members who actually make the purchase decision, as they have financial power. They very rarely make a purchase in one day, often return things to save money or under the influence of household members. In most cases, they are traditional shopper - sensitive to price and not demanding on the conditions of purchase, while they can be adherents of a particular manufacturer, have high requirements for the quality of tailoring, fabric composition, as well as for the durability of products. Often their wardrobe consists of diverse, poorly fitting items.

As a rule, "turtles" refer to either the early or late majority, and this does not depend on the views and tastes of the person making the purchase decision, but is their own choice (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The influence of the main factors on the purchase decision for the type of

fish stuck

Fashion is a periodic re-examination for herding, desire and ability not to differ.
Alexander Kruglov

The purchase motive is identification with the desired reference group to which the subject would like to belong.

This type of buyer is characterized by copying the style and buying behavior of representatives of the reference group, of which the person would like to become a part. According to the stages of the life cycle of a product, women of this type may be among the early adopters, or among the early majority. The purchase decision is strongly influenced by those characteristics that directly affect the reference group itself: fashion, brand, country of origin, color. Through the acquisition of certain things, “stuck fish” want to improve their social status, emphasize social or subcultural affiliation. They are active shoppers looking for a balance of price, style and prestige. Moreover, if for the reference group the price is not a decisive factor, then for representatives of this type it can be very important, since they copy the behavior and style of their idols, but are not part of this group. As a result, they can buy clothes of cheaper brands, but always corresponding to the fashion trend (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Influence of the main factors on the purchase decision for the type of "stuck fish"


Wearing one dress for too long is bad for the body.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The motive of the purchase is to show your individuality through clothing.

Supporters of this type are open to everything new and unusual, as a rule, they form fashion for themselves, determining what is acceptable and what is not. They are characterized by a high degree of involvement in the buying process, they can be both innovators and laggards. "Peacock" often changes the wardrobe, therefore it is sensitive to price, it tends to buy the most stale goods at sales, as it often modifies it itself or comes up with an original way of wearing it.

Representatives of this type are not adherents of a certain color in clothes, brand or manufacturer. They are not demanding on the quality of tailoring the product and composition. They tend to change their image frequently and make spontaneous purchases. We would like to see a wide range of additional products in the store: jewelry, belts, bags, sewing services. They are active shoppers - they are looking for a balance between price and supply of a limited assortment of items of an unusual cut (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Influence of the main factors on the purchase decision for the "peacock" type


Taking fashion too seriously is probably stupid.
Hans Georg Gadamer

The motive of the purchase is a natural update of the wardrobe.

Representatives of this type are inactive shoppers - they do not find any pleasure in shopping, respectively, they are characterized by a low degree of involvement in the process of making a purchase, they try to buy all the necessary things in one place, therefore they need the help of a sales assistant and highly appreciate the quality of service. They rarely visit clothing stores and try to spend a minimum of time there. The following factors are important for them: the quality of tailoring, the composition of the fabric and the color of the clothes. "Medveditsy" are not sensitive to sales promotion actions, they are not sensitive to price. This type is characterized by a mixture of conservatism and the desire to "be like everyone else." According to the stages of the life cycle of goods, they can be referred to as early majority, late majority or laggards. As a rule, they are too conservative to be innovators or early adopters (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Influence of the main factors on the purchase decision for the bear type

From the above classification, it can be seen that the formed types have different degrees of involvement in the process of making a purchase and different goals for acquiring things. Figure 8 shows the distribution map of the resulting types according to these two criteria.

A specific item is understood as a desired “ideal” item of clothing that the buyer has determined for himself before making a purchase decision: type of clothing, color, style, brand, etc., and a random item is a product that a person felt lack of on place of sale under the influence of the product offer and incentives of the seller.

Rice. 7. Distribution map of types of consumers in accordance with the degree of involvement in the shopping process and planning to make a purchase

Rice. eight. Distribution of types of consumers in accordance with the stage of the product life cycle

As can be seen from Figures 7 and 8, the identified types of consumers are present at different stages of the product life cycle and have different motives for purchasing things and, as a result, react differently to various sales promotion tools.

In order for the resulting classification to have practical application, it is necessary to determine what kind of incentives each type of buyers responds to and what should be emphasized in targeted promotion programs.

  1. The Bloodhound type are fashion innovators, they quickly respond to all new trends and strive to quickly get a novelty product, if the search for a product is delayed, they move into the category of early adopters.
    Recommendations for interaction: the basis of relationships with this type is building communications, which are based on personal selling. This type needs to be constantly informed about the renewal of the assortment and the arrival of items of interest to the store. The store can build such contacts using e-mail newsletters and telemarketing. In order for this type to become a regular customer, it is necessary to introduce a service for ordering specific items of interest to him. Representatives of this type quickly make contact with the sales assistant, as they have an accurate idea of ​​​​the item they are looking for and save time searching. However, they do not tolerate the advice of the sales assistant to select clothes from the old collection or things that are not trendy. They prefer to be the first to start a conversation, so the seller should wait until he is contacted.
  2. Type "Peacock" - they create fashion for themselves, therefore they react little to the stage of the life cycle, they can be both innovators and lagging behind.
    Recommendations for interaction: the basis of relationships with this type is building communications, which are based on personal selling. "Pavlin" quickly makes contact with the sales assistant, likes to be shown the entire range of goods, including old collections and items from the warehouse, is very sociable, can help the salesperson to offer items to other visitors for pleasure, and is active. Shows special affection for salespeople who have caught his extraordinary taste, which is the basis for the further success of the personal selling process. Such a buyer can dress at a particular seller, and in his absence, quickly leave the store without buying. A wide range of related products and services can also attract this type of customer to the store: jewelry, bags, belts, sewing services, etc.
  3. Stuck Fish type - copy the style of other people and therefore, as a rule, belong to the early adopters or the early majority.
    Recommendations for interaction: in order to interact with this type, it is first necessary to unobtrusively find out which social group and what status are desirable for him. If this type buys things with a representative of the reference group, the seller’s opinion is not authoritative for him and can even irritate him, therefore it is better to minimize the communication process until the performance of its direct functions. If he is alone, then immediately after identifying the reference group, he should offer those things that are associated with representatives of this group. To confirm your words, you can use articles and photographs of glossy magazines, advertising in the media, episodes from films in which such clothes appeared, references to the opinions of celebrities, etc.
  4. Bear Type - These buyers are very conservative in dress, so they may be early or late majorities, or even laggards.
    Recommendations for interaction: before the sales assistant offers his help, you need to let the person get used to the store, because excessive attentiveness can annoy him. The communication process should be entered when the representative of the type began to show non-verbal calls for help, for example, stands and carefully examines two identical things of different sizes. At the same time, the “bears” are very demanding on the level of qualification of the attendants and their competence, they appreciate tact. At the same time, the seller should offer classic items, non-flashy colors, simple cut and high quality. If trust is earned, this type can become a regular customer, as he does not enjoy the process of buying things and likes to buy all his clothes in one place. For "bears" in the store there should always be a large offer of all types of clothing.
  5. "Predator" - prefers to buy things at promotions or a discounted price, therefore, most often refers to the late majority or laggards.
    Recommendations for interaction: "cougars" do not like close attention from sales assistants, so you should only get in touch after this type has asked for help. At the same time, in order to win the favor of this buyer, the seller must convey to him the following information: the presence of a seasonal sale in the store, the conditions for receiving gifts, the possibility of obtaining a discount card, the conditions and content of sales promotions, the availability of bonus points, etc. "Predator" is always looking for an additional opportunity to get a discount. This type of store requires a wide range of related products and services such as: a playroom for children, a large selection of accessories, after-sales service, etc.
  6. "Turtle" - belonging to a particular stage of the life cycle is determined by the views on the fashion of the person making the decision to purchase, and, as a rule, excessive spending on clothes can affect the family budget, so either inexpensive or discounted items are purchased, so this type is most often belongs to the late majority.

Recommendations for interaction: this type is the most difficult to build communications and the most unprofitable in terms of sales. It takes the seller a lot of time looking for an impossible balance of price and quality (requires a quality item at a low price), often returns things, because it depends on the opinion of third parties (family members). She is not inclined to immediately buy the thing she likes, she prefers to go around all the stores in search of reasonable prices, looking for ways to get a discount. At the same time, it is unpretentious to the service of the store and the conditions for making a purchase. To attract to the point of sale, the store should use sales promotion programs.

It should be emphasized that the type of consumer behavior is never "perfectly pure". The boundaries between the selected groups of consumers are very conditional. There may be a mixture of behavior patterns from different types, or a transition of buyers from one style of consumption to another over time. When buying different items of clothing or the same categories of products, but for different purposes (for example, casual dresses and weekends), customers may behave differently.

It should also be noted that in a particular city these types may be completely absent or have other motives and guidelines for acquiring things. Not a single model of consumer behavior can fully open the curtain and explain why the buyer behaves this way and not otherwise, especially when this buyer is a woman, since Z. Freud wrote in his scientific works: “The main question to which never answered and to which I am still unable to answer... is: What does a woman need?

Kotler F. Fundamentals of marketing. – M.: Progress, 2007.

Freud Z. Small collected works. - M.: ABC classics, 2010.

Bennett D. Marketing of the unconscious and the capitalization of analysis / Per. E.A. Vlasov // Popular psychology.

Ilyin V.I. Consumer behavior. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions, 1899.

Blackwell R., Miniard P., Angel J. Consumer Behavior. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

Freud Z. Small collected works - M .: ABC classics, 2010.

What do all sales experts have in common? They are great at listening and identifying a person's character. Involving a programmer in a deal, talented sellers speak in technical terms and give dry statistics, and if their lead is a busy businessman, they briefly, clearly and attractively convey the benefits of the offer.

In general terms, this sales skill is often described as the ability to interact with people, but there is a more technical explanation.

The fact is that good sales managers - consciously or unconsciously - determine which of the 4 types of buying temperament their client belongs to, and then adapt to it in the course of interaction.

Unfortunately, there is no traditional seller on the Internet - it is replaced by static (in most cases) landing pages that sell content and calls to action.

Fortunately, optimizing for buying temperament patterns can make your landing page more efficient, which means more leads for the same incoming traffic.

Buyer temperament is determined by 2 factors:

  • attitude to the purchase decision;
  • behavior during the transaction.

Determining the temperament model allows you to understand the main motives of the consumer, on the basis of which super-efficient hypotheses for split testing are formed.

In his book Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? (Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?), online marketing experts Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg segmented consumers into 4 types of temperament: competitive (competitive), spontaneous (spontaneous), rational (methodical) and humanistic (humanistic).

Today, determining the type of buying temperament is extremely important, as the modern online consumer is very demanding and picky - according to research by Forrester (marketing consulting firm), 83% of users do not return to a website if the experience gained on the first visit did not match their expectations. A simple conclusion follows from this: all segments of the target audience cannot be attracted by one strategy, because consumers do not like to be treated as a faceless crowd.

Each user makes a purchase decision based on the value that the offer represents directly to him, however, the approach to making a transaction is determined by the buying temperament model.

1. Competitive

Competitive temperament occurs in 5-10% of consumers. This type of buyer is focused on making smart and confident decisions quickly, as they consider speed and decisiveness to be competitive advantages.

The main incentive for competitive buyers is success, for which they use knowledge. They also strive for recognition and use high-performance techniques to win it.

As a rule, people with this behavior model are independent and tend to control important situations in order to make quick, logical decisions. They cut short pleasantries and formalities if they harm efficiency, and freely express their dissatisfaction with the product/service.

Attracting competitive buyers

Buyers with this temperament model want to be sure that the offer presented to them is the best. They usually study the range of the market, so to convince them of the superiority of the offer, it is required to provide logical conclusions.

The best approach to attracting competitive customers is to provide evidence and avoid unfounded conclusions.

The marketing message should be focused on the benefits, since the benefits of the offer are the benefits of competitive buyers.

A good example of a landing page focused on consumers with a competitive temperament is the landing page of Fluid Surveys (a service for creating surveys).

1. The word "best" in the title indicates the quality of the product, which is important for competitive consumers.

2. The subtitle describes specific benefits: "Create online, offline and mobile surveys and forms in seconds."

3. Moderate amount of social evidence supporting benefits.

4. Blog is a source of useful educational materials that competitive buyers appreciate.

5. The phrase "smart solutions" resonates with the main stimulus of this type of consumer.

2. Rational

The most common type of shoppers (45%) who seek to explore all available product information, are in no hurry to make a purchase and feel uncomfortable making quick decisions.

Consumers with a rational model are looking for product information, asking questions, and are willing to spend a lot of time searching for and studying data that interests them. The description of the offer should be as detailed as possible, since rational buyers will not be ready to deal until they study the offer in detail.

Rational consumers are driven by logic - they want to know absolutely everything about the offer, and for this they are ready to conduct a thorough study. They also trust expert reviews and prefer to compare products side by side.

Attracting rational buyers

Providing irrefutable evidence of the effectiveness of the offer is the best way to attract buyers with a rational temperament. To convert this consumer type, follow the guidelines below:

  • Use statistics as often as possible.
  • Make sure the small text content at the bottom of the page doesn't turn off visitors—rational consumers are more likely to read it.
  • Don't ask for too much information in lead forms.
  • Don't make unsubstantiated claims - rational buyers don't believe data that doesn't have factual evidence, and false information will put them off forever.

As an example of a landing page focused on rational buyers, consider the Highrise page (a cloud-based contact and task management system).

1. Despite the headline (which is also social proof) “All of our contacts, assignments and conversations are stored in Highrise. Our business would not be able to function without this service” vaguely conveys the essence of the offer, but accurately reflects the need of the target audience, which attracts rational consumers.

3. Provides accurate data on available memory.

4. A more specific description of the functionality is given.

5. Screenshot of the interface confirms the veracity of the statement in the title.

6. Relatively specific data on the number of platform extensions are provided.

It is also worth noting that promotions, limited-time discounts, and free shipping not only do not attract rational consumers, but also cause them to be skeptical.

3. Spontaneous

The second largest (20-25% of consumers) segment of the consumer spectrum. Spontaneous consumers are guided more by feelings than by logic, and enjoy quick purchases that provide emotional value.

This type of buyer is eager to experience something new and interesting, preferably in an environment of rich social interaction. Like competitive consumers, spontaneous consumers decide on a deal quickly, but are guided by emotions, not logic.

Consumers with spontaneous buying behavior are characterized by:

  • subjective decision making;
  • distraction;
  • dislike for traditional processes;
  • impatience when making a purchase.

Attracting spontaneous buyers

The landing page should resonate with the speed of consumers of spontaneous temperament - if the selling content seems boring to them, people will leave the resource.

Landing Bills (service for financial management) is qualitatively optimized for spontaneous consumers.

1. Attractive image with active, cheerful people.

2. The text "get rid of debt faster" is relevant to the main incentive of spontaneous consumers.

3. The text of the CTA button (Go!) uses the urgency effect.

4. Sections "Tools and Calculators" and "Services" are created for more rational buyers.

Spontaneous consumers do not like to wait, so indicate only the key information about the offer and sacrifice rationality for the sake of an instant display of the needs of the target audience.

The landing page should display positive excitement – ​​otherwise, this emotion will not arise in consumers, which will negatively affect their readiness for conversion.

4. Humanistic

Small (10-15%), but the fastest growing segment of buyers who are guided by feelings.

As a rule, the final transaction decision of this type of buyer determines everything that affects the emotions that are associated with relationships between people: for example, creativity, stories, media resources, a sense of community and helping others.

People with a humanistic buying temperament are very concerned about others, so the emotions that determine their final buying decision are caused by three basic stimuli:

1. Desire to help others.

2. Interest in getting a positive reputation in society.

3. The need for ethical approval of people belonging to the upper strata of society.

The rapid development of the segment of buyers of humanistic behavior is due to 3 factors:

  • Internet. The web has created a new type of "social" shoppers who become loyal to those brands whose image matches their values, beliefs and character.
  • Technology. Modern technologies allow humanistic consumers to determine the alignment of the company's ideology with their values ​​long before they enter the sales funnel. It is important for social buyers to know who they are buying from.
  • Social development. Increasing public awareness of sustainable development of society and social entrepreneurship has also contributed to the accelerated development of this segment.

Attracting Humanistic Buyers

Companies benefit from attracting this type of consumer, as they tend to spread brand awareness.

The most effective tools for attracting humanistic buyers to a deal are any form of social proof: testimonials, references, photos of employees and customers, etc. Such content is recommended to be presented in the format of a creative presentation, since creativity has a positive effect on the readiness for a deal of social buyers.

The joint campaign between Belvedere (a brand of vodka) and Red (a fund to fight AIDS in Africa) is a good example of focusing on consumers with a humanistic temperament model.

Selling text, which began with a sentence focused on social consumers “Buy. Donate. Save Lives," speaks of the company's love for its products and the desire to help others - Belvedere donate 50% of the proceeds to the Red Foundation. Ideas about the quality of the product and the importance of charity are also conveyed quite effectively in the conclusion: “The point is not only to make a difference (we are talking about the quality of liquor), but also to change the world.”

What types of buyers visit your landing page?

It is currently impossible to segment traffic by purchasing behavior patterns, but the following tips will help you roughly determine what type the majority of the target audience belongs to:

  • Sales, discounts and special offers attract spontaneous consumers.
  • If you're selling a telescope, chances are your target audience is predominantly rational consumers.
  • If you are doing charity work, count on the attention of social buyers.

However, it is not worth optimizing a landing page only for a certain type, since consumers of all segments will visit it. To optimally convert all types of buyers, follow the recommendations below:

  • Use selling text and that are attractive to all types of buyers.
  • Focus your marketing message on the buying behavior that most of your target audience is.
  • Test the effectiveness of marketing messages optimized for a particular type of buyer.

The homepage of Odesk (a freelance marketplace) is a great example of a marketing message that appeals to all types of consumers.

1. Accurate information in the subheading "Welcome to the largest job market in the world, where more than 1,000,000 companies hire freelancers for quality work" attracts competitive and rational buyers.

2. Headline “Do more” and call to action using the urgency “Place an Ad!” aimed at spontaneous visitors.

3. The names of freelancers and their photos, in which they smile, have a humanistic type of consumer.

After the fold line

4. Appeal to visitors of a competitive type is carried out through the subtitle "Talent knows no boundaries" and a description of the professionalism of freelancers.

5. Displaying the length of time professionals work for Odesk attracts rational buyers.

6. Names, photos, and location information of freelancers increase the bargaining power of visitors to the social model.

In the last part of the Social Proof page, Odesk reaches out to all types of customers by displaying positive reviews with the names of their authors next to them – the recommendations convey the benefits of the service, while the names of the companies and their representatives confirm the authenticity of the reviews.


Let's take a look at the points of the post:

  • Determination of the type of buyers is carried out to obtain information about the factors that determine the decision to purchase, and the behavior in the process of concluding a transaction.
  • In a digital environment, it is important to address all buyer patterns, but some businesses focus on consumers of a single behavioral pattern.
  • Marketers should form several hypotheses about what type of buyers their target audience belongs to, and then test the assumptions on landing pages, corporate resource home pages, pop-ups, and product landings.

This approach also allows you to return to Internet marketing the lost element of live communication between the seller and the potential client.

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Everyone wants to buy what is left in one copy

Lewis law

The very first interaction between the seller and the buyer is very important, since a lot depends on this moment.

"Customers don't want a choice, they want a specific product or service," writes James Gilmour.

In my work about what buyers are. Market research has shown that successful sales very often depend on the correct behavior of the seller towards the buyer. And it, in turn, depends on whether the seller is able to quickly and correctly determine the buyer's belonging to a particular species.

Classic typology of buyers

In accordance with the modern standard of living, the classification of buyers is as follows:

  • Potential buyers. That is, people who regularly visit retail outlets, but did not dare to buy any product from you.
  • New buyers. A person came to the store for the first time, and the seller's task is not so much to sell him something, but rather to impress and make the buyer his own.
  • Buyers without preference. Most often, this typology of buyers makes purchases without preference to any particular store: on the way to work, home, for company.
  • Buyers are permanent. These are the people who only shop at your store. They may have different reasons for this, and your task is to make sure that a regular customer stays that way for a long time.
  • Loyal customers- the most important buyers of your store. They always buy only from you, advertise the store, telling their friends, relatives and just passers-by about it.

Classification of buyers by emotional state and degree of sensitivity

There are different kinds of buyers. That is, they are distinguished by emotional sensitivity.

  • The buyer is uncommunicative. Most often they are quiet and reserved people. They do not understand humor well and react very painfully to various comments from the seller.
  • The buyer is shy. Sentimental person, very sensitive to the product. It has several negative qualities: it does not tolerate anyone's advice, as it is always sure that it is right. Distinctive features are constant nervousness and agitation.
  • The buyer is kind. Such people always carefully listen to the advice of the seller and follow them. They believe everything they hear, sometimes buying a product for fear of offending the seller with distrust.

These types of buyers seem to be the main ones. But between each category, there are many buyers who can change their psychological state: obsessive, aggressive, self-confident, suspicious, and so on. Modern trade also divides buyers by age and gender. Such segmentation of buyers in modern trade is referred to as psychographic.

Distinctive Buyer Behavior

4 types of buying behavior

Any behavior of the buyer is explained by his decision to purchase. A more expensive and larger purchase requires a thorough approach, and more than one person is involved in making such a decision. Based on behavioral criteria, G. Assel, the author of a textbook on marketing for universities, identifies 4 types of buyers.

  • complex behavior. This behavior comes up in cases of purchases of very expensive goods. Such purchases are rare and require a special decision. As a rule, the buyer does not have sufficient information about the product and he needs additional information. Producers understand this and develop specific strategies for getting information through print and television media.
  • consumer behavior designed to smooth out dissonance. Often, the buying process is based on high consumer involvement. And he, who is interested in it, does not always see the difference between manufacturers and the quality of a thing. This behavior, which distinguishes the main types of buyers, involves long shopping trips in order to compare products. As a result, he will buy quickly, but will feel dissatisfied if he notices any flaws or hears negative feedback. But now he will carefully look for information that will justify his choice.
  • habitual behavior- These are psychological types of buyers who buy goods with a low degree of involvement, such as salt or matches. In this case, no additional information is needed, no need to compare products from different manufacturers and make decisions. The advertising that manufacturers use for their product plays a role.
  • Buyer behavior, aimed at a wide range of products, characterizes a low degree of involvement of buyers, but, at the same time, there is a big difference between manufacturers and brands of goods. As an example, you can use hair dye. The target customer is tempted to try different brands, not out of dissatisfaction with the quality, but out of a desire to try something new. These four types of buyers are the main ones at the moment.

Our goal is to find common ground, to achieve mutual understanding. We must synchronize our communication styles. Different types of buyers will perceive this or that approach in different ways, which will affect the result of establishing contact and the subsequent transaction.

It should be understood that speaking about the types of buyers, about communication styles, we are not talking about the psychological portrait of a person. These qualities may change depending on the situation. But they don't change fast enough to prevent us from connecting and building trust.

For example, if a visitor is prone to small talk, then a dry appeal on the topic of only shopping will be annoying. Or if the buyer communicates in a quiet, slow voice, then speaking quickly and loudly will also not facilitate rapport. The more we copy the features of our interlocutor, the greater mutual understanding we will achieve.

There are many people, but not everything is so complicated - there are only four types of buyers. For classification, we use a simple and understandable marker - an owl, a dolphin, a peacock, a panther. Let's start with some useful theory.

Communication styles

Communication styles are about how we feel comfortable positioning ourselves in dialogue with others. The style of communication relies on two parameters - how we act and how we voice our thoughts.

How we operate

In our theory, a person can act deliberately or spontaneously.

People who act deliberately may hesitate in making decisions. They have a restrained, inexpressive facial expressions and gestures.

People who, on the contrary, act spontaneously, are expressive in facial expressions and gestures. They are open in communication and ready for everything new.

One and the same person may have both of these qualities to one degree or another. For a better understanding, this can be represented as a line, where one end is the quality of "spontaneously", the other is the quality of "deliberately".

How do we speak

Different people can voice their thoughts in a straightforward or flowery way.

People who tend to speak bluntly express their thoughts loudly, while doing it quickly. In a manner to communicate as if in command.

People who prefer to speak floridly express their thoughts more quietly and slowly. At the same time, in a manner of communicating, it is as if they are offering.

Two qualities - straightforwardness and ornateness, similar to the qualities of action described above, can be represented as a line. One end is the quality of "straightness", the other is "ornate". In different situations, one or another quality may be more characteristic of one person.

As a result, we have two lines - the line "deliberately / spontaneously" and the line "straightforward / ornate". For a complete understanding of communication styles, both lines will be superimposed one on the other cross by cross. As a result, two qualities can simultaneously correspond to one person - the quality of action and the quality of voicing thoughts. For example, “florid / deliberate”, “spontaneous / straightforward”, and so on.

Owl Dolphin Peacock Panther

So, for each person, each client, we can attribute qualities in the form of a combination of "how we act" and "how we speak." For ease of understanding this classification, we use animal-shaped marker images. For each of the 4 options, combinations of qualities will correspond - an owl, a dolphin, a peacock, a panther.

Buyer Type Dolphin

These people are very sociable and friendly, love communication, although a few can be indecisive. They are friendly and often empathize with others. Dolphin-type shoppers entering the store are usually in no hurry, trying to understand where they need to move.

"Dolphins" are more open in communication and small talk is more suitable for establishing contact.

The style is "florid/spontaneous".

Buyer Type Panther

They are assertive and tend to take the lead. Perhaps even put pressure on the interlocutors. They prefer to ask less questions and talk more. They tend to focus on the essence of things and speak to the point. Don't be afraid to make decisions. Panther-type shoppers confidently move to a certain part of the store floor.

Panthers are less inclined to share emotions and talking about the purchase itself will be more appropriate to establish contact.

Straightforward/thoughtful style.

Owl buyer type

These interlocutors talk more about facts. They show wisdom and try to be objective in everything. They have good patience. Buyers like an owl, studying goods, first of all pay attention to its description. For example, I study the price tag with characteristics.

"Owls" are also more stingy to communicate and talking about buying is suitable for them when establishing contact.

The style is "florid/deliberate".

Buyer type peacock

These are bright and energetic people. Always become the center of attention. They can easily find a common language with others, are sociable, perhaps in some moments they are overly sociable. They do not have the habit of delving into the little things and nuances of things. Peacock-type shoppers prefer to dress brightly and sometimes unusually.

“Peacocks”, like “dolphins”, are open to communication and small talk is more suitable for establishing contact.

Straightforward/spontaneous style.

What to do with all this

You can only make a first impression once. And we only have a few seconds. Subsequently, the question of whether the sale or transaction will be successfully completed depends largely on the impression we made on our client. Simply greeting a visitor greatly increases the likelihood of a purchase. But too much pressure on him can just scare.

So, we greeted the visitor. What to do next? And then we need to decide what style of communication we choose. Simply classifying visitors into just four types will simplify this task.

The closer we are to the style of communication of the visitor, the more common ground we find, the more trust and sympathy we will achieve. People love similar interlocutors and the more similarity in the interlocutor, the better.

There can be two topics of communication with a client - this is a small talk, similar to the communication of friends and communication regarding only the purchase. With one client, you must first make friends before moving on to business. With others, you need to talk only about the case, about a possible deal or purchase.


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