Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Vologda. Organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Oblast. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Vologda warns parents about the danger of children falling out of windows

General information:

Full legal name: Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Vologda Region

Contact Information:

Company details:

INN: 3525041644

Checkpoint: 352501001

OKPO: 08592603

OGRN: 1033500037647

OKFS: 12 - Federal property

OKOGU: 1310500 - Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation

OKOPF: 75104 - Federal state treasury institutions

OKTMO: 19701000001

OKATO: - Vologda region, Cities of regional subordination of the Vologda region, Vologda


Legal predecessors:


Main (by oKVED code ed. 2): 84.24 - Activities to ensure public order and safety

Additional activities according to OKVED 2:

Is or was in the past the founder of the following organizations:

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 045024000032

Registration date: 15.05.1991

PFR body name: Government agency - Management The Pension Fund Russian Federation in Vologda

ГРН entering into Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2063525176658


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 350025017735001

Registration date: 29.01.2000

FSS body name: State institution - Vologda regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2163525547579

Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 22.06.2016

According to dated 05/10/2019, according to the TIN, the company is in the register of operators that process personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 07.07.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 439

Operator location address: 160001, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Mira, 30

Personal data processing start date: 01.06.2004

Subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which personal data is processed: Vologodskaya Oblast

Purpose of processing personal data: Maintaining automated records and data banks in accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1.Information is processed according to requirements regulatory documents The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region, regulating the procedure for processing, storing and protecting data. 2.There is a round-the-clock security of the premises and technical means... 3. The access of personnel and unauthorized persons to the protected premises and premises where information storage objects are located, as well as where information carriers are stored, is limited. 4. Storage of paper media is carried out in metal filing cabinets. 5. Access of users and service personnel to information resources, software processing, data transmission is limited. 6. Accounting and storage of paper and machine information carriers is carried out. 7.Password protection of information is carried out. 8. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed.

Categories of personal data: biometric personal data, surname, first name, patronymic, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, nationality, health status, criminal record, knowledge foreign languages, information about close relatives, information about staying abroad, attitude to military duties, service phone numbers, information about state awards, education, sports qualifications, passport data, service certificates, driver's licenses, military and special rank, information about benefits, medical policy, insurance certificate, TIN, field, information about persons subjected to political repression, availability vehicle, the presence of weapons

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: Owned by: individuals (citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign citizenswho are doing military service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens who have arrived in the Russian Federation in search of asylum and have applied for political or other asylum or for recognition as refugees in the territory of the Russian Federation, stateless persons temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and stateless persons who arrived in the Russian Federation in search of asylum and have applied for political or other asylum, or for recognition of them as refugees on the territory of the Russian Federation)

List of actions with personal data: The processing of the above personal data will be carried out through mixed processing with transmission over a distributed network and the Internet

Personal data processing: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Article 4, Article 5, Article 6, Part 2.1 of Art. 25 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 12.02.2014 No. 89dsp, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 16.12.2008 No. 1112, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 24.11.2008 No. 1001, Federal Law of 25.07.1998 No. 128-FZ "On State Fingerprint Registration in the Russian Federation", Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04.07.2006 No. 523dsp, Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 13.12.1996 No. 150-FZ, Law of the Russian Federation of 18.10.1991 No. 1761- 1, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 07.11.2011 No. 1121, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 19.08.2008 No. 730, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region dated 04.09.2012 No. 885, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.2011 No. 3-F3, Federal Law of the Russian Federation from 05.08.2000 No. 117-FZ, Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated 25.12.1992 No. 4202-1, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2008 No. 583, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 30.09.1999 No. 750, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 29.08.2014 No. 736, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region dated 05.03.2012 No. 254, Federal Law dated 26.06.1999 No. 120-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated No. 037, Federal Law No. con dated 08.12.2008 No. 242-FZ, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 12.05.2006 No. 340, Law of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 27.05.2005 No. 418, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 19.07.2011 No. 247 -FZ.

General information:

Full legal name: Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Vologda

Contact Information:

Company details:

Checkpoint: 352501001

OKPO: 08716761

OGRN: 1033500039319

OKFS: 12 - Federal property

OKOGU: 1310500 - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

OKOPF: 75104 - Federal state treasury institutions

OKTMO: 19701000001

OKATO: - Vologda region, Cities of regional subordination of the Vologda region, Vologda



Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 045024007729

Registration date: 05.04.1994

PFR body name: State institution - Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Vologda

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2073525120359


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 350025311635001

Registration date: 20.01.2000

FSS body name: State institution - Vologda regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2163525554036

Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 22.06.2016

According to dated 05/10/2019, according to the TIN, the company is in the register of operators that process personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 10.11.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 785

Operator name: Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Vologda

Operator location address: 160009, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Maltseva, 54

Personal data processing start date: 11.02.2002

Subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which personal data is processed: Vologodskaya Oblast

Purpose of processing personal data: In order to exercise the powers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. Information is processed in accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region, which regulate the procedure for processing, storing and protecting data. 2. The premises and technical equipment are guarded around the clock. 3. It is limited to reach personnel and unauthorized persons to the protected premises and premises where information storage objects are located, and where information carriers are stored. 4. Storage of paper media is carried out in metal filing cabinets. 5 Access of users and service personnel to information resources, software processing, data transmission is delimited. 6. Accounting and storage of paper and machine information carriers. 7. Password protection of information. 8. A person responsible for organizing data processing has been appointed.

Categories of personal data: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, nationality, health status, information on convictions, information on knowledge of foreign languages , information about close relatives, information about staying abroad, attitude to military duties, service phone numbers, information about state awards, education, sports qualifications, passport data, service certificates, driver's licenses, military and special rank, information about benefits, medical podis, insurance certificate, TIN, field, information about persons subjected to political repression, the presence of a vehicle, the presence of weapons

List of actions with personal data: mixed processing (using a PC and on paper media), with the transfer of the information received in the local area networks of the organization, including using the public Internet

Personal data processing: mixed, with transmission over the internal network legal entity with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Article 4, Article 5, Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 09.07.2007 No. 612dsp, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 16.12.2008 No. 1112, order Internal Affairs Directorate for the Vologda Region dated May 9, 2009 No. 261, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 24, 2008 No. 1001, "Temporary regulations on information interaction between the FMS of Russia and its territorial bodies with information departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when issuing and issuing a passport of the Russian Federation that certifies the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing electronic information nostels "2008., Federal Law of 25.07.1998 No. 128-FZ" On State Dacteloscopic Registration in the Russian Federation ", Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, EMERCOM of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Taxes of Russia, Ministry of Justice of Russia, State Customs Committee of Russia, SVR of Russia, FSVT of Russia, FSGV of Russia, FMS of Russia, FSB of Russia, FSNP of Russia, FSO of Russia, FPS of Russia, FAPSI of Russia dated 17.11.1999 No. 643/531/549 / AP-3-24 / 364/331 / 786/82/112/363/9 6/423/413/357/620/189 "06 approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the formation and maintenance of an information array created in the process of state fingerprint registration", order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04.07.2006 No. 523dsp, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 13.12.1996 No. 150-FZ, RF Law of 18.10.1991 M 1761-1, Government Decree of 11.11.2002 No. 805, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 23.11.2006 No. 957, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 01.11.2001 No. 965, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 19.08. 2008 No. 730, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 03.12.2007 No. 1144, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 26.07.1996 No. 446dsp, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 19.05.2009 No. 386, Law of the Russian Federation dated 18.04.1991 No. 1026-1, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 05.08 .2000 No. 117-FZ, Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1992 No. 4202-1, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2008 No. 583, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 30.09.1999 No. 750, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 14.12.2009 No. 960, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04.05.2010 No. 333, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 27.08.2009 No. 661, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 22.09.2006 No. 750, Federal Law dated 26.06.1999 No. 120- F3, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 17.01.2006 No. 19, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 16.09.2002 No. 900, Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ, Federal Law dated 13.12.1995 No. 150-FZ, Law of the Russian Federation dated 11.03.1992 No. 2487-1, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 07.05.2008 No. 006, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 14.06.2000 No. ОО6, Federal Law dated 08.12.2008 No. 242-FZ, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 12.05.2006 No. 340, order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 20.10 .2006 No. 838, Law of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 27.05.2005 No. 418 Federal Law of 19.07. 2011 No. 347-F3 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ "On social guarantees for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"


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