Washing vehicles transporting food products. Sanitary requirements for transportation, acceptance of raw materials and food products. Such a contract takes into account

(extract from the sanitary and epidemiological rules "Sanitary epidemiological requirements to trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them "SP

1. For transportation of food products, specially designed or specially equipped vehicles are used. Transportation of food products together with non-food products is not allowed.

2. Vehicles used for the transportation of food products must have a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, be clean, in good condition. The inner surface of the car body must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed and disinfected.

3. Chauffeur-forwarder (freight forwarder), driver-loader must have a personal medical record of the established form, work in overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, ensure the safety, quality, safety and rules of transportation (unloading) of food products.

4. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods different kind transport.

Transportation of perishable foodstuffs is carried out by specialized refrigerated or isothermal transport.

5. Loading and unloading of food products is carried out by personnel in clean sanitary clothes.

6. When transporting foodstuffs, the rules of their sequential packing must be strictly observed, excluding contact of wet and finished products, contamination of products during loading and unloading.

7. Vehicles used for the transportation of food products and food raw materials are washed daily with the use of detergents and monthly disinfected with agents authorized by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

© 2008-2019, Office of the Federal Service for
supervision in the field of consumer protection
and human well-being in the Amur region

Address: 675002, Blagoveshchensk, st. Pervomayskaya, house 30

Disinfection of vehicles

Processing procedure

  1. Quality assurance.

Not a single car wash and / or self-cleaning of the car will give such results that the Desgarant company guarantees.

Related articles:

Great amount vehicle needs regular disinfection. And these are not only ambulances, but also passenger vehicles, trucks, highly specialized transport, etc. And even with a used car, a purchased car can be cleaned of unnecessary microorganisms that could remain from previous owners.

In addition, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the traffic police regularly inspect trucks for compliance with sanitary requirements. According to these requirements, vehicles should be disinfected monthly.

Processing procedure

The whole process of disinfection of vehicles in Moscow includes several main stages:

  1. Standard washing of the body and interior: using a vacuum cleaner, cleaning the panels, washing the sills, washing the body using special detergents.
  2. Internal sanitation. On this stage means are used that destroy fungus, microbes and bacteria, mold. At the same time, these drugs do not harm humans and animals.
  3. The final stage is drying and airing. This step may not seem as important as the previous two, but it is not. The fact is that most microbes and bacteria multiply in a humid environment. If the interior is not completely dry, then there is a risk of re-emergence of harmful microorganisms.

Self-disinfection of a car in most cases does not give the desired result, because In its process, cheap and ineffective chemical agents... In addition, when drying the cabin, microbes from the environment may enter, which is fraught with new infection. That is why the best option for disinfection of machines is the help of professionals.

Passenger transport handling

This type of transport is one of the most polluted. Every day, hundreds or even thousands of people pass through it, each of whom can carry a variety of harmful microorganisms on their clothes and shoes. These bacteria move to the upholstery of furniture, windows, floors, walls, interbreed with each other, creating new and stronger representatives of the lower.

Professional car disinfection has several advantages over self-cleaning:

  1. Complete destruction of negative microorganisms and dirt;
  2. Prevention of the appearance of microbes and infections;
  3. Use of products that are safe for humans and pets;
  4. Interior cleaning even in hard-to-reach places;
  5. Quality assurance.

Regarding the second point, it should be added that it is impossible to protect the salon from re-infection while people are using it. But it is possible to slow down the very process of development of negative microflora thanks to powerful disinfectants.

Truck handling

Transportation of food products, furniture should be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements of various governing bodies. And first of all it concerns the sanitary condition of transport. Food is a demanding cargo, because food contamination occurs much faster than anything else.

Professional disinfection of vehicles allows you to solve several problems at once:

  1. Eliminate food residues, debris from hard-to-reach places;
  2. Clean all surfaces without exception from harmful microorganisms;
  3. Dry and ventilate the vehicle to avoid re-infection.

Not a single car wash and / or self-cleaning of the car will give such results that the Desgarant company guarantees.

Don't delay solving the problem!
Make an application or get advice by phone

Sanitation of vehicles for transporting food



I, Chief State sanitary doctor for the Smolensk region Krutilin V.E., having analyzed the materials of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of organizations catering, trade and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them on the territory of the Smolensk region, established that the majority of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in violation of clause 11.10 of the Sanitary Rules of SP "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Trade Organizations and food raw materials and food products ”is not organized and disinfection of vehicles used to transport food products and food raw materials is not carried out. This contradicts the requirements of paragraph 5 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ, clause 4. Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.2000 N 29-FZ and creates a threat of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.

In order to eliminate the threat of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases on the territory of the Smolensk region, in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population" dated 03.30.1999 N 52-FZ, I declare:

1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in the territory of the Smolensk region and carrying out the transportation of food products and food raw materials, organize and carry out in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization and Implementation of Disinfection Activities "And within the time frame established by SP" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them ", measures for the disinfection of vehicles used by them to transport food raw materials and food products. If it is impossible to organize appropriate disinfection measures, ensure disinfection under contracts with other legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who disinfect vehicles.

2. Recommend to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that provide car wash services to organize and carry out measures for the disinfection of vehicles used for transportation that meet the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization and Implementation of Disinfection Activities" food raw materials and food products.

3. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who carry out measures for the disinfection of vehicles must ensure:

Obtaining in the approved manner (clause 4 of this resolution) a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the conditions for carrying out disinfection measures with the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities";

Professional training of personnel involved in the disinfection of vehicles;

Maintaining a logbook for disinfection of vehicles used for the transportation of food products in accordance with the established form;

The entry by the personnel who carried out the disinfection of vehicles, information about the disinfection in the sanitary passport for vehicles and gluing in a special holographic stamp.

4. To approve the following procedure for issuing sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the compliance of the conditions for carrying out disinfection measures for vehicles with the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities":

4.1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs planning to organize measures for the disinfection of vehicles submit to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Smolensk Region (214018, Smolensk, St. Tenishevoy, 26, tel. 38-25-10, hereinafter referred to as the Office), or to its respective territorial departments (215110, Vyazma, Herzen st., 16, tel. 6-13-46, 215010, Gagarin, Herzen st., 4, tel. 4-10-10, 216600, Pochinok, st. Tvardovskogo, 8, tel. 4-13-32, 216500, Roslavl, Kalyaeva st., 70, tel. 4-17-38, 215500, Safonovo, Oktyabrskaya st., 68, tel. 3-49 -36, 216200, Dukhovshchina, street Sovetskaya, 29, tel. 4-11-48, in Yartsevo - tel. 4-16-79, 3-03-90) application of the established form for issuing a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with the conditions for the disinfection of vehicles to the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization and Implementation of Disinfection Activities", with the attachment of a package of documents, which includes:

The act of sanitary and epidemiological examination of the conditions for carrying out measures for the disinfection of vehicles;

The program of production control over measures for the disinfection of vehicles, drawn up in accordance with the Sanitary Regulations SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures";

A copy of an agreement with a duly accredited laboratory for laboratory research for production control purposes (only for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that do not have their own accredited laboratories);

Copies of certificates of vocational training personnel performing the disinfection of vehicles.

4.2. The department, its territorial departments consider the submitted documents, within 30 days from the date of their receipt, they draw up on the standard form and issue a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the conditions for the disinfection of vehicles with the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities ”. The reasons for issuing a negative sanitary and epidemiological conclusion are communicated to the applicant in writing.

4.3. Territorial departments send copies of positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusions to the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Office within 3 days from the date of issue.

5. To charge the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Department:

Organization of work on the consideration of applications received by the Department, execution and issuance of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the compliance of the conditions for the disinfection of vehicles with the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities";

Maintaining a register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in the territory of the Smolensk region and carrying out measures for the disinfection of vehicles.

6. Federal government agency Healthcare Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Smolensk Region:

Organize and conduct sanitary and epidemiological examinations of the compliance of the conditions for the disinfection of vehicles with the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities";

Consider a prerequisite issuance to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of a sanitary passport for transport used for the transportation of food raw materials and food products, the availability of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the conditions for the disinfection of vehicles with the requirements of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activity "or an agreement for disinfection of vehicles.

7. To approve the attached Instruction for disinfection of vehicles used for the transportation of food raw materials and food products.

8. Charitable foundation sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population of the Smolensk region:

Provide methodological guidance and advice on measures for the disinfection of vehicles;

Provide legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out measures for the disinfection of vehicles, on a contractual basis, at their request, with special holographic stamps for sanitary passports.

9. Department of State Security Inspection road traffic The Internal Affairs Directorate of the Smolensk Region recommend informing the personnel that the absence of information on disinfection in the sanitary passport for vehicles used for the transport of food products is a violation of paragraph 4 of Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.2000 N 29-FZ.

10. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Head of the Office, S.V. Rogutskiy.


to the resolution
the main state
sanitary doctor
in the Smolensk region
dated 26.09.2007 N 15

This Instruction is developed in accordance with the requirements of clause 5 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated 03.30.1999 N 52-FZ, clause 4 of Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.2000 N 29-FZ, clause 11.10 SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them", based on Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization and Implementation of Disinfection Activities".

1. The instruction is intended for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the disinfection of vehicles used for the transportation of food raw materials and food products (hereinafter referred to as vehicles).

2. In accordance with clause 2.2 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules of SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization and Implementation of Disinfection Activities", the implementation of activities for the disinfection of vehicles is allowed if there are sanitary and epidemiological conclusions.

3. In accordance with clause 4.2 of the Sanitary Rules SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and implementation of production control over the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures" in the implementation of activities for the disinfection of vehicles, it is necessary to provide for control over the effectiveness of the disinfectants used , compliance with the requirements for their use, storage, transportation and disposal. Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 1. of Art. 42 of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ and clause 2.3 of the Sanitary Rules SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures »Laboratory studies (tests) are carried out in laboratories accredited in the established order.

4. Carrying out the disinfection of vehicles is carried out by personnel who have passed special professional training.

5. Only thoroughly washed vehicles are disinfected.

6. For the disinfection of vehicles, disinfectants are used, specially designed for this type of disinfection work, with a certificate of conformity and a certificate of state registration.

7. Disinfectants are used in accordance with guidelines on their use, subject to precautions.

8. After disinfection, the personnel who carried out the treatment must enter the relevant information into the Vehicle Disinfection Log (form attached) and the sanitary passport for vehicles, as well as paste a special holographic stamp into the sanitary passport.

Application. Log book for disinfection of vehicles used to transport food

to Instructions
for disinfection of vehicles,
used for transportation
food raw materials
and food

Name legal entity or individual entrepreneurcarrying out activities for the disinfection of vehicles, its legal address, number and date of issue of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the activity of disinfection of vehicles. Location (address) of the disinfection point. FULL NAME. the person responsible for the disinfection of vehicles

Information about the disinfection of vehicles


carrying out

Transport information
means, kind
transported products

Information about the sanitary



Buy a sanitary passport for a car. Vehicle disinfection certificate.

sanitary passport for a car registration and delivery of a sanitary passport for vehicles in Moscow and the region within 24 hours

ATTENTION! sanitary passport for vehicles canceled

The documents required for inspections at the present time - the act and certificate of disinfection of vehicles can be ordered from our company

Changes in the edition of Federal Law No. 29-ФЗ "On the Quality and Safety of Products", in effect from October 21, 2011, canceled the mandatory presence of a previously approved sanitary passport for a vehicle for transporting products. But the responsibility for the safety of the transported products remained on the conscience of the owners. transport companies and private carriers. Now, in order to confirm the sanitary cleanliness and safety of the car, the driver must present another document - an act of vehicle disinfection.

Why do you need a sanitary passport for a car?

Only passport for the car for transporting productsobtained from a specialized company, whose right to perform sanitary and epidemiological work is confirmed by a license.

Auto disinfection is a complex disinfection of a vehicle using chemicals and special equipment. The sanitary passport for vehicles confirms the disinfection carried out

What can be achieved by disinfection of a vehicle:

The fact of possession of a sanitary certificate of disinfection for a vehicle confirms that the owner of the car (or transport company) has professionally taken care of sanitary condition auto and provided the recommended parameters for safe transportation of food products.

Who can request a sanitary certificate for disinfection?

The driver of a vehicle transporting food products is obliged to present a disinfection passport both at the request of the traffic police inspector who performs a scheduled road check of the car, and at the request of the Rospotrebnadzor employees.

In addition, you may be interested in the presence of this document at your destination. Host company foodstuffsmay also require the presentation of a sanitary passport for vehicles. In its absence, it is possible to refuse to accept food products transported in a machine that has not undergone appropriate sanitization.

It should be noted that despite some complexity of the vehicle disinfection procedure, thanks to the use of modern equipment, today they can be performed without significant flight delays.

Transport company owners should understand that the cancellation of the sanitary passport does not relieve them of responsibility for the quality of the transported goods.

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The sanitary passport of an enterprise is an officially approved document confirming the proper sanitary and epidemiological condition of the investigated premises.

Registration of notifications on the beginning of the implementation of certain types business activities carried out in accordance with Administrative Regulations providing Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion (SEZ) - a document certifying compliance or non-compliance with sanitary rules of environmental factors, economic and other activities, products, works, services; buildings, structures, structures, premises, equipment and other property that the applicant intends to use in the course of his business activities.

For the transportation of food, specially designed or specially equipped vehicles are used. Transportation of food products together with non-food products is not allowed.

For transportation of a certain type of food (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products) should be allocated specialized transport with marking in accordance with the transported products.

Vehicles used for the transport of food products must have a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, be clean, in good condition. The inner surface of the car body must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed and disinfected.

A driver-forwarder (forwarding agent), a driver-loader must have a personal medical book of the established form, work in overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, ensure the safety, quality, safety and rules of transportation (unloading) of food products.

Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods by different types of transport.

Transportation of perishable foodstuffs is carried out by specialized refrigerated or isothermal transport.

The loading and unloading of food products is carried out by personnel in clean sanitary clothes.

When transporting food products, the rules of their sequential stacking must be strictly observed, excluding contact between raw and finished products, contamination of products during loading and unloading.

Vehicles used for the transportation of food products and food raw materials are washed daily with the use of detergents and monthly disinfected with agents authorized by the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service in the prescribed manner.

Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is not allowed to transport bread in bulk.

Creamy confectionery should be packed in containers or trays with lids, cakes should be supplied in the manufacturer's standard container. Transporting cream confectionery on open sheets or trays is not permitted.

Live fish are transported in thermally insulated tank cars with a device for cooling water, as well as equipment for saturating the water with air. The water temperature in the tank should be no higher than 10 0 С.

The main part of perishable goods presented for transportation is food, which includes: meat, meat and sausages, fish and seafood, canned food, dairy products, bakery products (pastries), confectionery, fruits, vegetables, etc.

The specificity of the transportation of perishable goods by refrigerators and "thermoses" (isothermal vans) is strict adherence to delivery times and temperature conditions. So, fresh fruits and vegetables (except for bananas and pineapples), while on the road for no more than 6 hours, can be transported in the spring, summer and autumn periods at temperatures not lower than 0 ° C.

Compliance with the temperature regime in the refrigerator, together with the delivery speed, is especially important when transporting such goods over long distances (1000 km or more), since for the bulk of perishable goods, sanitary norms and rules set storage times calculated from the moment of their manufacture.

The temperature regime for the transportation of goods is set individually, in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods.

Special attention when transporting perishable goods by refrigerators, it is necessary to pay attention to containers and packaging. The types of containers and packaging materials must comply with the requirements of standards and specifications. The package must be marked with appropriate markings indicating the nature and properties of the transported perishable goods, as well as the ways of handling them. For this, certain signs are used (according to GOST 14192-96 "Marking of goods").

In addition, perishable goods transported in one car must be compatible with each other, that is, one cargo must not adversely affect another due to its specific smell and condition. So, the following cargoes are not allowed for joint carriage with other products: fish, frozen and chilled; salted, smoked fish; caviar; dry and smoked-dried fish and dry fish concentrates; chilled meat; meats and smoked sausages; cheeses of all kinds; vegetables with a pungent smell (onions, garlic); baking yeast, margarine.

The flasks must be tightly closed with lids with a rubber or paper lining and sealed with the sender's seal, if the cargo is delivered to several recipients and it is impossible to seal the entire car. Fruits and vegetables must be presented for carriage and accepted by the trucking company or organization only in packaged form. In exceptional cases, due to special circumstances, perishable goods, the condition and packaging of which do not meet the requirements of standards or technical specifications, may be accepted for carriage on terms agreed between the trucking company and the consignor.

Meat products, as well as raw animal products, are accepted for carriage only if there is a veterinary certificate issued by the Rosselkhoznadzor authorities. Live plants, flowers, tubers, fruits, seeds, etc., sent from areas declared under quarantine, are accepted for transportation only upon presentation by the sender for each batch of permits and quarantine certificates issued by Rosselkhoznadzor and its territorial bodies.

A road transport company or organization has the right to selectively check the quality of perishable goods presented for transportation, the condition of the packaging and their compliance with established standards, or technical specifications, while the cargo in sealed packaging is not checked. Opening of the cargo and its subsequent packing after verification are performed by the consignor.

The consignor is obliged to present together in the consignment note drawn up by him trucking company documents confirming compliance with the standards, as well as the necessary accompanying documentation indicating in it the actual temperature of the cargo before loading, as well as the quality condition of the goods and packaging. When transporting vegetables and fruits, the name of the pomological varieties is also indicated.

The consignor is obliged to indicate in any of the accompanying documents the maximum duration of transportation (transportability) of perishable goods presented for transportation.

Disinfection of vehicles for transporting food products is carried out in order to reliably protect the transported cargo from the likelihood of infection. This process is an excellent measure for the prevention of various diseases, because during the treatment, dangerous and harmful bacteria, as well as other microflora that can be harmful, are destroyed.

Disinsection of a car: why is it so necessary?

Sanitary disinfection of vehicles in Moscow is necessary not only for those vehicles that transport food, but also for vehicles used in many other areas - we will dwell on this a little later. Let's figure out why it is so important to disinfect a vehicle for transporting food, as well as other vehicles:

Disinsection of the machine: features of the procedure

Professional processing provides for specialized equipment for the disinfection of vehicles: it will not be possible to complete tasks with improvised means. Preparations for disinfection of vehicles must also be professional. It is necessary to contact specialists every month - only such a frequency can guarantee the safety of cargo and people from infections. It must be remembered that bacteria and infections can spread in any environment, regardless of whether a car has a regular body or a freezer.

The treatment process can be carried out both completely and partially, for example - disinfection of the body or interior of the car separately. All vehicles, regardless of the brand, model and modification, can undergo the procedure - cars, trucks, trucks and even special equipment. Dimensions do not matter for processing specialists. As a result of the procedure, the owner of the car is provided with an act of vehicle disinfection.

Disinfection of cars: which cars should be treated?

All companies whose field of activity lies in the transportation of goods or the transport of people must timely perform such a procedure as disinfecting the car body. The car body is an ideal environment for the development of the spread of pathogenic and dangerous bacteria, contact with which can harm any cargo, and even more so for a person.

Disinfection of the machine is a process that is necessary in the following areas of work:

  • passenger Transportation;
  • transportation of food and drinking water;
  • transportation of medicines and household chemicals;
  • transportation of sick and dead people;
  • transportation of animals;
  • transportation of waste and garbage.

Disinfection of machines for the transport of products, as well as any other vehicles, is an activity that is carried out taking into account the standards established by the sanitary service. Any vehicle must have a specialized passport, which contains notes on the timely passage of the sanitation process.

If the driver does not have such documents as a passport, act and certificate of sanitization of disinfection of the car body, he may face various sanctions, the most common of which is a fine. For some activities, such as transporting food and water, monthly sanitization is required.

Certificate of disinfection: how to get it, and how is it sanitized?

In order to obtain an act of car disinfection at the initial stage, you will need to submit an application for sanitization. Contact only professional companies that guarantee reliable and quality work... Remember: the procedure includes several mandatory stages:

  • measures for cleaning the cab and body of the vehicle;
  • washing the inner surface of the machine, after - its outer surface;
  • drying;
  • internal disinfection procedures;
  • for the first time applying for a passport;
  • filling out an act on the disinfection of vehicles and affixing marks in the passport.

If you are interested in such a procedure as vehicle disinfection, and you want to use this service, consult in advance on certain nuances. This can be done by talking to qualified specialists, such as representatives of our company. They will not only give you complete and detailed information, but also answer all your questions, as well as help you choose the right company.

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3.11. Sanitary requirements to the transportation of food

3.11.1. Special transport should be allocated for the transport of food products. It is prohibited to transport food products by vehicles that previously transported pesticides, gasoline, kerosene and other strong-smelling and toxic substances.

For transportation of a certain type of food (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products, etc.), specialized transport must be allocated with marking in accordance with the transported products.

3.11.2. Transport used for the transport of food must have a sanitary passport, be clean, in good condition, the body of the car must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed.

3.11.3. It is forbidden to load food products into transport that does not meet sanitary requirements and in the absence of a sanitary passport for it, as well as the transportation of raw products and semi-finished products along with finished food products.

3.11.4. A freight forwarder (freight forwarder) must have a personal medical book and dark-colored overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and the rules for transporting food products.

3.11.5. Washing and processing of vehicles intended for the transport of food products must be carried out in motor vehicles.

3.11.6. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods by different types of transport.

For the transportation of particularly perishable foodstuffs, refrigerated or insulated transport should be allocated.

3.11.7. In transport intended for the carriage of foodstuffs, must be allocated special places for storing sanitary clothes, tarpaulins. Forwarders are prohibited from placing on food products. Loading and unloading of food products should be carried out by loaders in sanitary clothes (white).

3.11.8. Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is forbidden to transport bread in bulk.

3.11.9. Creamy confectionery products should be transported in refrigerated vehicles under conditions that prevent the temperature from rising above 6 ° C. Products should be packed in metal containers with lids, trays with lids, cakes should be supplied in standard cardboard boxes.

3.11.10. Transportation of meat should be carried out in refrigerated trucks: cooled and chilled - at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° С, ice cream - at a temperature not exceeding 0 ° С.

It is allowed to use in some cases open auto and horse-drawn transport, in which the meat is placed on a clean bedding and covered with tarpaulin, canvas or coarse calico.

3.11.11. Live fish are transported from reservoirs in thermally insulated tank cars with a special capacity (100 kg) for ice, as well as equipment for saturating the water in which the fish is transported with air. The water temperature in the tank should be 1 - 2 ° С in winter, 4 - 6 ° С in spring and autumn, 10 - 14 ° С in summer.

3.11.12. In the case of a circular delivery of especially perishable foodstuffs, the rules for their sequential stacking must be strictly observed, excluding contamination of products.

3.11.13. Motor vehicles, enterprises or organizations performing sanitary treatment of rolling stock bodies, by order or order, appoint a person responsible for washing, processing food transport.

Sanitary processing of food transport should be carried out in specially equipped washing units or on special sites connected to water supply and sewerage systems, have hot water supply, detergents and disinfectants, cleaning equipment for washing bodies.

3.11.14. The post for washing and processing food transport should be equipped with:

equipment and inventory for cleaning, washing and disinfection of vehicles (washing machines, flexible hoses equipped with hot and cold water guns, brushes, disinfectants, equipment for drying and ventilating cars after washing and disinfection);

overalls for washers (rubber boots, rubber gloves, a rubberized apron, a cotton suit with a hood, goggles, a respirator);

cabinets for storing cleaning and washing equipment (brushes, washcloths, buckets, etc.), detergents and disinfectants, overalls;

a room for drying clothes and cleaning equipment.

3.11.15. Food transport sanitization mode:

a) cleaning of the body and cab is carried out with brushes, brooms or vacuum cleaners;

b) external car body wash - with alkaline water (temperature 35 - 40 ° C), followed by rinsing with water from a hose;

c) washing the inner surface of the car is carried out with brushes, a washing solution (solution temperature 55 - 60 ° C) or mechanically from hoses under a pressure of 1.5 atm at a temperature of 65 - 70 ° C for 2-3 minutes

d) after washing with detergent solutions, the inner surface of the car body must be thoroughly rinsed until the residues of the detergent solution are completely removed, then it is dried and ventilated, should not have any foreign odors;

e) disinfection of the inner surface of the body should be carried out with a disinfectant solution with an active chlorine content of 250 mg / l, the exposure of the disinfectant solution to 10 minutes. At the end of the disinfection, the inner surface of the body is rinsed with water from a hose, dried and ventilated until the chlorine odor is completely removed. Car wash hoses must be kept suspended.

Disinfection of vehicles is carried out as needed, but at least once every 10 days.

Note: the consumption of disinfectants is 2.5 g of substance per 1 square meter or 0.5 liters of working solution per 1 square meter of the treated surface. The consumption of detergents is 1 liter per 1 square meter of surface.

3.11.16. Territorial centers of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision must issue a sanitary passport for each vehicle transporting food products for a period of not more than 6 months, for especially perishable food products - for a period of 3 months.

Sanepid service workers have the right to prohibit the transportation of food products by vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements.

In agricultural and food Industry disinfection of vehicles plays a huge role in ensuring the quality and safety of products... Moreover, the need for sanitization is regulated by state level... After all, the body and interior of any car contain very favorable conditions for the reproduction of viruses, bacteria and fungi. For private car owners, vehicle disinfection is currently the recommended measure for the prevention of bacterial and viral diseases, and various allergic reactions. Do not forget that in any car there are a lot of hidden areas in which dust, dirt, excess moisture accumulate, and all kinds of pathogens can appear on the levers and handles. Understanding this well, many drivers want to protect themselves and their families.
Disinfection of vehiclesit's a complexmeasures for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the body, interior and cargo compartment of the car. The exact scope and nature of the work depends entirely on the size of the vehicle, as well as its functional purpose.
Modern vehicle disinfection solves many very important tasks:
  • Ensuring the neutralization of viruses, fungi and bacteria during passenger transportation.
  • Compliance with applicable sanitary standards for the transportation of water and food.
  • Suitability and safety of transported agricultural products, as well as feed for animal husbandry.
  • Preventing the spread of bacteria and infections in medical vehicles.
  • For private car owners - guarantees hygiene and cleanliness for all family members during daily travel.
In addition, it should be borne in mind what is fraught with non-compliance with the current requirements for sanitary standards:
  • Violation of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules of SP
  • Problems with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  • Legal claims from consumers.
  • Deprivation of the rights to transport goods.
  • Problems with the traffic police.
Obviously, it is much easier and cheaper to follow the current legislation. Russian Federation and regularly carry out disinfection of vehicles.

What does the process of disinfection of cars consist of?

Disinfection of vehicles today includes:

Modern disinfection methods

To the most effective methods disinfection machines

Which cars need disinfection

Carrying out disinfection of vehicles is the treatment of the types of vehicles described below:
  • Motor transport for passenger transportation - buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, trams, electric trains, route taxis, passenger taxis and even
  • inland waterway transport ( see Art. 789 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Food transport.
  • Beer carriers, milk carriers and other tanks for transporting drinks and drinking water.
  • Vehicles for transportation of agricultural products, livestock.
  • Medical vehicles for the transportation of patients, including infectious diseases (ambulance vehicles - AIPS).
  • Hearses and other means of transport for transporting the dead.
  • Means of transportation of chemical, medical and household waste ... That is, various garbage trucks and other specially equipped vehicles.

It is also recommended to carry out full disinfection of private vehicles (disinfection of the interior and body) when purchasing a supported car, because it is not known how the previous owner used it. In addition, regular vehicle disinfection procedures to remove a variety of pathogens from the vehicle will not interfere.

Disinfection rules for the transport of food

  1. 1. Disinfection and washing of transport for transporting food products should be carried out in specially equipped washing units, or in special areas that have a disinfection post.
  2. 2. The employee responsible for washing and disinfection must complete all work in a high-quality manner and in full, make the appropriate notes on the implementation of disinfection and washing of transport in the Register of disinfection and washing of transport, as well as in the sanitary passport for vehicles.
  3. 3. The post for washing transport for transporting food products should be equipped with:
  • Inventory and equipment for cleaning, disinfection and washing of vehicles (brush, flexible hoses with guns for cold and hot water, disinfection devices, special devices for ventilating and drying cars after disinfection and washing).
  • Overalls for disinfectants and washers (rubber boots, rubberized apron, rubber gloves, protective suit, respirator, gloves, goggles).
  • Cabinets for storing washing and cleaning equipment, disinfecting and washing preparations, disinfection equipment, workwear.
Carrying out disinfection of vehicles allowed only if well washed.
  • The nature and scope of disinfection measures for the treatment of vehicles depends on various temperature conditions and its purpose.
  • When choosing a disinfectant, it is necessary to give preference to special detergents and disinfectants, which are of low hazard when exposed to inhalation and do not require the use of special precautions, in addition to rubber gloves.
  • In winter, solutions of disinfectants with the addition of antifreeze (sodium chloride) or solutions of disinfectants with moderately elevated temperatures are used for disinfection.
  • Disinfection of the inner surface of the body of a transport for transporting food products is carried out by a disinfector using disinfectant solutions, as well as agents approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  • Disinfection is performed as needed, but at least once every ten days.

Frequency of disinfection for different types of cargo

The frequency of disinfection and washing of vehicles varies depending on the types of cargo being transported. Basically, mandatory are prescribed: washing such vehicles with detergents - daily, and disinfecting treatment - monthly.
In addition, mention should be made of the transport for the transport of perishable foodstuffs. In this case, disinfection of vehicles is performed as needed, but at least once every ten days.

Drawn up documents for transport disinfection

Professional disinfection of vehicles is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. So for companies engaged in passenger transportation, transportation of a variety of food products, drinks, drinking water, milk, medical supplies and household chemicals, periodic disinfection is a mandatory measure. This is confirmed by the decree of the chief physician of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/2000 and the rest regulations.
Confirmation that the disinfection of vehicles was actually carried out is the so-called sanitary passport... This is a special document into which a hologram is pasted after each transport processing.

Sanitary passport for vehicles - this is one of the most important documents that must be obtained for vehicles designed or equipped for the transportation of various food products. A sanitary passport for a car is drawn up in a mandatory and strict manner with all the requirements. Regular checks for its presence are carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection. This service also undertakes to carefully check the actual validity period of this documentso that it is not overdue. Thus, you should take care of obtaining a sanitary passport for vehicles in advance so that in the future there will be no problems due to its absence. It takes 3 to 6 hours to get a sanitary passport. To obtain a sanitary passport for vehicles, you must provide an official certificate of registration of the vehicle.
Currently, obtaining a sanitary passport is not mandatory. Nevertheless, many organizations and carriers still prefer to keep a sanitary passport.

Disinfection documents for vehicles that we issue

Mandatory documents:
  • Disinfection service contract.
  • Service delivery certificate for scheduled disinfection - a document confirming the performance of work in the areas specified in the agreement for the provision of disinfection services. It serves as an official confirmation of compliance with all applicable sanitary standards.
  • Sanitary passport (optional)
Of particular note disinfection of transport for transporting food products. This view disinfection is strictly regulated Rospotrebnadzor and staff Traffic police.
According to the requirements of SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them" SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products in them and food raw materials ". Vehicles used for the transportation of food and food raw materials are washed daily with the use of detergents and monthly with the use of disinfectants permitted for use in accordance with the established procedure.

How is the disinfection of vehicles carried out?

cold fog generator Disinfect vehicles after washing. All processes in this chain are interconnected. Disinfecting a dirty car is at least useless. Disinfection of vehicles should be carried out on the territory of a special disinfection post or on the territory of a motor depot or car parking. Disinfection of vehicles is carried out by irrigation using special motorized sprayers or cold fog generators. After disinfection, the car is immediately ready for use and does not require subsequent washing or removal of funds and time for exposure.

Who carries out washing and disinfection of vehicles

Car washing and disinfection should be carried out by motor vehicles and specialized organizations with a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for carrying out this kind of work. We conclude a bilateral agreement with the owner of the car or with the company which owns the vehicle and we guarantee the quality of the services provided at all levels. You can also make a sink yourself, but it is more convenient to turn to professionals who have in their arsenal the latest equipment, which speeds up the process and improves the quality of washing.

How much does the disinfection of vehicles cost? Prices

amountup to 1.5 tonsfrom 1.5 to 3.5 tonsfrom 3.5 to 5 tonsfrom 5 to 10 tonsMore than 10 tons
up to 3from 1500from 1300from 1500from 1800from 2000
3-10 from 1000from 1150from 1350from 1650from 1850
10-20 from 850from 1000from 1200from 1500from 1700
20-40 from 550from 850from 1050from 1350from 1550
Sanitary passport500 500 500 500 500


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