Scene chicken meeting. Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy. Scene "Old vs New" with dressing up


Performance for children

/nest hens with chickens, walks importantly cock ./

A fabulous melody, a painted window of the house opens, a storyteller appears in the window.

The storyteller

In the spring, a crested hen has chick children.

Pale yellow lumps, her daughters, sons

They all cuddle up to mom. She will cover them with wings.

Hen / affectionately /

Sleep, daughters, sons, my family grow up.

Chick-chick-chicks, I'll play you the violin

/ plays the violin, humming, /

Sleep, little chicks, bayu-bayu-bayushki

Let the grief pass the children, the cock-daddy on the fence

He will guard all night, he does not mind crowing

/ threatening cockerel / you, Petrusha, do not shout!

The cockerel is offended / grumbles again, be silent again,

Ku-ka-river! cuckoo! I'll sit in the corner

without a crested one, and I'm also a family man,

Can I show my temper or do you say I'm wrong?

I can peck you! Ku-ka-river! cuckoo !!! / stomps angrily /

Hen conciliatory, shakes her head

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko, how it's not easy with you,

You are always the head of the family! My head ached

Peter-Petrusha, it's time to sleep. Tomorrow we will decide everything in the morning.

See magic dreams, don't sleep the sunrise!

The storyteller

The day will pass, the night will come, the clock is running and the day is gone.

/ recording of the battle of the cuckoo clock /

Chickens grow in front of our eyes, stand up with the sun,

Without worries, here and there the grass, the grains peck.

Musical moment.

The storyteller

One day, on a spring day, the chicken left the house,

There were urgent matters, she went to the mall.

/ A chicken in a coquettish hat, with a fashionable handbag, saying goodbye to the chickens, calls them something, threatens the cockerel strictly, he shows with all his looks so that she does not worry, the chicken quickly leaves /

The storyteller

And the rooster, the father of the family, folded its wings,

he carried the guard with dignity, dangled his head and fell asleep.

The chickens are having a fun hour without parents!

chickens jump out to the cheerful music, play pranks

1st chicken - I am the most vociferous here!

/ tries to crow, but fails /

2nd - and I'm yellow and fluffy!

3rd - My beak is long, sharpest of all! / bites another /

4th- Oh, are you so? And I am stronger! / bites too /

5th- Do not offend your brother!

All- And we are not averse to a fight!

Dance of perky cockerels

1st - Oh, how nice they frolic!

2nd - have fun, rooster, pinched everyone's sides!

/ wants to crow triumphantly, but unsuccessfully, embarrassedly spreads his wings /

Not working yet!

/ The chickens laugh at him, tease him, they themselves unsuccessfully try to crow /

5 chicken - well, that's enough, enough to mock, it's time for us to get down to business.

1 chick / mysteriously / and I saw at the alder, where there are large burdocks,

There are a lot of worms, who is ready to run after me?

2 chicks - And I saw by the river, there TA-KI-E / shows / worms !!!

3 chips - Well. then let's go hiking! Who wishes with us?

4 chicks - And if it gets from mom? That everyone left without asking?

5 chicks. - Well, stay, and we went, you, brother, just a coward!

4 chicks - I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid to leave home, where everything is unfamiliar to me!

1 chick - / fun / Well, then for sure. you won't get a worm!

/ Everyone jumps around him merrily, saying /

Na-ver-nyaka. for sure, you don’t like the witch !!

4 chicks / thoughtfully / I like to eat tasty

i will not be left alone here, I, the chickens, are also with you.

2 chicks -We'll lie to mom.

3 chicks Pressing the wings to the chest. Gently / -Mommy we have one,. shouldn't worry!

5 chicks - dad is asleep, let him rest, and we, friends, freedom awaits!

  1. chick-who is brave, he will go! For victories, forward!

/ Tiptoeing past the cock /


A magical dream surrounded the cockerel on all sides.

The most wondrous dream in the world, his children scattered,

He did not even notice, and his chicken was on guard

Left, entrusted him, to protect his family!

Musical moment

The chickens have escaped and they walk across the field

They go in unison with the whole crowd with a cheerful daring song!

The chickens, marching bravely, leave.

/ A chicken appears with purchases, the rooster immediately started,

In a businesslike manner, he examined everything around and rushed to the chicken. /

Rooster / affectionately, with a bow / Hello, crested wife!

The chicken is suspicious / Peter, did you sleep sweetly under the sun again?

The rooster is angry:

You are mistaken, did not sleep. I was thinking about life !!!

Chicken, grinning. - I know these reflections. Where are the chickens

where are the children ?!

Rooster with dignity - I shore my family, I sent for a walk to the river, I can gather everyone in a moment!

Ku-ka-re-ku! KookA-re-ku! / breaks voice. embarrassed /

Chicken, with a smile:

The excuse is not bad, ha ha ha! Ha-ha-ha! /. Takes a mobile phone, calls / an ambulance for a rooster!

/ the rooster turned away resentfully. the chicken looks around anxiously, looks for chickens, spreads its wings /

So you say they left? / angry / Without you, all alone?

The chicken lamented:

Co-co-co!-Co-co-co! why did they go so far? Where-where? Where-where? Leaving me forever, where-where?

The rooster is angry:

Well, that's enough. We need to look for chickens

Why did you leave the house. More chicken business?

The chicken makes excuses:

Of course, I have things to do, but I brought you the grain.

The rooster is happy -O! I love grains!

Chicken with vexation - Then I'll feed you.

The rooster is demanding - But I am weak, I have a cold. What will you cook for me for dinner? Appetite has burst out! / strokes the stomach /

The chicken interrupts him: what if the vulture swoops in? Our children will be lost. And you sit quietly here.

The rooster jumps up to her, threatens:

Do not forget, chicken-tsa !!! Well, why frown?

Now I'll close the house and let's go look together

Chicken ingratiatingly:

Oh, Petrusha, you are so good! / cock lifts its head importantly / I believe you will find chickens! You support the family in everything!

Rooster indulgently:

That's much better! Dry your tears and let's go.

And while you praise me, you still need to wait! / Aside

/ go away, the rooster with its head held high, the hen mince after him.

Musical moment

The storyteller

Meanwhile, the chickens wandered off the trail somewhere.

And then suddenly, in a hurry, got lost in burdocks,

The burdocks are big, the beetles are buzzing terribly there.

The chickens were scared here. It became scary for them all

1 chick .- / plaintively / I want to go back to my mother. What will happen to us now?

2 chicks - / sobs / She would come to the rescue, but how to find the way home?

3 chicks - They wanted to find a worm. Now the river will destroy us!

4 chicks / sternly / No need to sob now. We deserved to be punished, we left without asking and secretly. We left the family home.

1 chick / wiping away tears / Do you remember, dad used to say when he was tired and there was no strength, never then get angry, but calmly look around,

To make the right decision!

3 chicks - You can’t lose heart, we’re together.

All - we are FAMILY !!! / hug /

Disturbing musical chord

  1. chick / alert / Hush! Someone is making noise. Scary leaves rustle.

4 chicks -I'm afraid of mice from the cradle, Oh, look at our chicken

Where are you from the little brother?

5 chicks Scared you? I'm sorry.

Forgive me for lagging behind you, I collected stones.

Chick .- / affectionately / Well, what are you, brother, forgive us. You were thrown along the way.

2 chicks. - And you are small, small and weak.

3 chicks / with a smile / but very, very nice!

  1. chick - we love you dearly. / hug /
  2. chick. - and I will say, loving you all,

It doesn't matter that he is small, I ran to save you.

We'll find a path now, waste time to warm up

To nothing now, chickens, remember a fairy tale sometime

Did mom tell us?

1 chick - I remember that the hero was able to stubbornly

He will find the way home, but not go astray

2 chicks. He also threw stones,

3 chicks. - I remembered everything

5 chicks. And I did that too, I think it will help.

4 chicks Hurray! we'll find our way ourselves, let's go to mom

1 chick / with delight / How smart we are!

3 chicks / fun / -All in daddy reasonable! / Everyone laughs /

The storyteller

Satisfied chickens hugging their brother

With bouquets of flowers, hurrying home to my mother,

Far from home, they became friends again,

Parents' advice was very useful to them.

And he ran to meet them, losing feathers, fluff,

Waving their wings, their father is a rooster.,

He shouted joyfully and loudly: Kukareku!

I promise everyone a worm for dinner!

A crested chicken, hugging children, wipes away tears,

There will be a family holiday near a birch,

And again, all together and cannot be forgotten.

The most beautiful thing is everywhere, always


Musical moment

Family is a great happiness in the world.

Under the sun of LOVE let

Children are always growing.

A native family is joy and light.

Family advice will always help,

If something is wrong, the family will not judge.

Because she loves in confidence!

How good it is when we live alone as a friendly FAMILY!


The site offers to play a musical fairy tale-rework for the year of the Rooster or any holiday (anniversary, birthday, wedding, New Year). 15 muses are attached to the tale. tracks.

Fairy tale: Chicken Ryaba

Participants for the characters of the fairy tale are selected in advance:

- Grandfather;
- Grandma;
- Chicken;
- Cockerel;
- Mouse;
- Mouse tail.

Who can tell me with what words the tale begins?

Guests: "Lived once.."

So, there lived a grandfather and a woman. Our grandfather was old and weak. He loved to sit on a bench near the stove.

1 (Music track "Grandfather Exit")

But the grandmother is young, mischievous, cheerful!

(2 music track Dolce Gabana)

She did not offend her grandfather. Loved him, kissed him. First on one cheek, then on the other.

Then in one sore knee, then in another. Grandfather's head hurts - he will massage it, his back hurts - he will also massage. And if the grandfather starts tetanus - he will massage everywhere.

(3 Music track Kiss me on the stomach.)

And the grandfather and grandmother had Ryaba Chicken.

(4 music tracks for striptease)

And who will tell me what our chicken should do? Lay the testicle correctly. But for this we need who? Of course, the cockerel.

(5 muses track "Rooster's cry")

Good Petya! And how does he flap his wings? And what is Petya's chest? Here's what ... And how does Petya scream? ... And how does he scream when he sees a chicken? ... And after that he starts to run after her diligently ...

(6 music track I boom boom boom, you boom boom boom)

And so he caught up with her. And trampled on a little ...

(7 muses cluck track)

(8 muses track It hurts me ...)

Finally, let's see what came of it. Here it is, what a testicle.

Applause to the hen, it was not in vain that I suffered ..

(9 muses track "Chicken Coop")

Grandma was delighted, grandfather was delighted. Everyone was delighted. And they decided to cook an egg. Grandfather beat and beat the testicle ... did not break it. Grandma beat and beat the testicle ... did not break. Grandpa is crying.

(10 muses track Vitas howls ...)

Grandma is crying ... Everyone is crying ...

And then the mouse appears.

(11 muses track Ya baby tsunai ...)

And who will answer me what our Mouse will need now? Well, of course, the ponytail.

Here is our tail ...

(a thin tall man comes out)

Where should the ponytail be? Correctly behind. Take the ponytail of the mouse around the waist.

(12 muses track "Lambada")

And now the mouse is spinning around the testicle ... It runs ... It sniffs ... And as it wave its tail ... The testicle just broke ...

(13 muses track "The Egg is Broken")

Grandpa is crying. (music track Vitas whines ...) Grandma is crying ... Everyone is crying ...

And then the chicken says to them:

“Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I’ll lay you an egg, not a simple one, but a golden one.

The grandfather and grandmother were delighted. Grandfather is dancing ...

(14 muses track "Bird of Happiness")


(15 music track "Kiss")


End of introductory snippet. To purchase the full version of the fairy tale with music tracks 15 pcs. go to the cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via the link on the website and from the letter that will come to your e-mail.

Price: 199 r kill

Friends! We all know the tale about Aladdin's magic lamp. Each of us would like to have such a lamp. And someone wants to just rub it once and make a wish. But alas, this is just a fairy tale. But do not forget that today is a new year and on New Year's Eve a lot comes true! And so, welcome - a rooster and a magic chicken egg!

Unlike all regions of Bohemia and Moravia, where New Year's Eve was not celebrated a hundred years ago, there was an exception. In particular, he celebrated it in Aska and Plesna. Dumplings were prepared containing small tickets with written wishes, names, proverbs, promises.

Everyone gathered around the pot, and after washing the first dumpling, he opened and read the message. The male part of the family spent the evening mainly in a pub, in cities, then in a restaurant or cafe. The tradition was a midnight grog or punch service. We know from history that the city man always ate before entering the whirlpool of nightlife. The menu was not very sumptuous, white rice soup, beef with onion sauce and cucumbers, chickens with cauliflower, salad, beer and coffee were lit on the tables and only one toothbrush and sandwiches were thawed.

A rooster comes out (a man dressed as a rooster)
He has an egg in his hands (an egg can be made of wood or fabric, not necessarily a large egg, 20-30 centimeters in height is enough)

Are you surprised? And what is there to be surprised - 2017 is the year of the rooster. So everything is logical and correct. Well. We are not shy, who wants to be the first to rub the magic egg and make a wish?

For pleasure, they went to fashionable dances and cabarets, cafes and restaurants. Some of the voters attended private party parties where dance parlors danced and party games were played. The first meal was about an hour before midnight. Serving tray with slices of homemade bread and other grilled meats, mostly pork. But also bowls with cans of sliced \u200b\u200bsausages, cheeses, horseradish and lemon wheels. Then the toasted bread was made by each to their liking. Over time, hissing snails, barber sticks, pheasants, roe deer and rabbit, smoked tongue in aspic, fried poultry, pies appeared on the tables.

The action goes like this:
The guest rubs the egg, the host is commenting at this moment. For example, he says: rub faster, otherwise the desire will be fulfilled just as slowly! Or like this: you rub the egg so hard that it will heat up and cook! Make a wish already.
In general, the host's comments are required. Then, when the guest has rubbed the egg, the host invites him to pull out a card with a wish from the bag. The guest takes out the card and reads what he wants.
Examples of cards:

There were also vegetable or fruit salads, a special ounce with lemon and juicy pineapple slices with whipped cream, unicorns with garlic, or anchovies. At the buffet table, guests had a choice of beer, to a lesser extent red and white wine. However, the youth preferred a kick or a fancy ball. Ladies killed lemonades or frozen almond milk. The expensive champagne lasted until the midnight toast.

New Year's Eve and the Christmas tree were home to food that was supposed to bring happiness and health. That's why, on New Year's Eve, don't miss out on roast suckling pig for a happy end to every endeavor, horseradish egg for health, white hop egg soup for health and sexual vitality. It is said that barley hares not only work positively in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, stomach and intestines, but as a bonus, culinary magic attributes them to great power in the field of sex.

1. I rub the egg, I rub it, I rub it,
Do you know what I want?
I want to get drunk,
So that my soul sings!

2. My desire is simple,
I want everything to be native.
There was a dacha, a car and an apartment,
And the tax just passed by.

3. For the new year, I will make a guess,
Just one wish.
But I beg you
Treat him with understanding.
I want to work all year round
And for a car, or an apartment, or maybe on vacation ... in general, it's easy - to earn!

Also, the lens ̶ for happiness, New Year's apples ̶ for strength, courage and health ̶ are best served with beef and horseradish to combine the magical powers of all these foods. Pork ribbon was the house's mistress for swiftness and hard work. The New Year's cake should have an angular shape that symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

Let's see how the Czech nobility celebrated New Year's Eve in the monarchy. The street is full of workshops where cheat sheets are built. Their number and variety is really impressive. Often alongside the usual heroes - shepherds, animals, Jesus - on the Nativity scene are characters from the political life of Italy. Naples has an unsuccessful sale of illegal pyrotechnics.

4. In the year of the cockerel, I want friends,
Fall in love once and for all.
And so that my love is
Well, very, very good!

5. I want to get rid of a bad habit,
And so I ask the rooster:
I want to forget my passport at home,
To stop selling alcohol to me.

6. I want to work a lot,
Not to make money.
And so that my ambitions
Were completely satisfied!

It is 16 degrees Celsius in Naples. It's strange to see Santa Claus with donkeys instead of reindeer, bustling around Italians, often dressed only in light jackets or jackets. In all of Italy, this is usually dinner, food options vary from region to region. Certainly, however, fish reigns supreme on the Christmas table.

The old tradition was to light a large piece of wood, which had to burn until the evening of the Magi, so that the Blessed Virgin and the Infant could keep warm for him. We donate gifts that Santa Claus brings, summoned in Italy by Babbo di Natale. It's midnight, shepherdess time. It is because of the remoteness from the family or the lack of snow, that it is difficult for me to feel the Christmas atmosphere known from Poland. My Italian saying Natal Cohn goes here too.

7. My desire is simple,
And this is what it is:
May each of us be lucky
And happiness will come to everyone at home.

Chickens celebrate the New Year

Second junior group

The music is playing

Children follow mother chicken into the hall, dance

Dance of hen and chicks

A hen:

Hello guests!

My name is Khokhlatka, and here are my chickens.
We dressed up beautifully and hurried to the Christmas tree!

How good the Christmas tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
The dress on the tree is green
Bright beads shine on the chest.

Christmas tree, in your golden pockets
Hid many different sweets
And she held out thick branches to us,
As if a hostess meets guests.

The Fox's music sounds,

A hen:

A strange noise is heard

Quiet, children, everyone is silent!

chickens sit on high chairs

Fox appears

A fox:

I ran and ran, when I suddenly heard!
There are a lot of chickens here, I can eat any
(the fox sneaks up to the chickens, says)
A fox:

But this one is good, and this one is simply delicious, this one is just a miracle ...
How lucky I am.
(walks up to one chicken): But I’ll take you the chicken to my home!
("Chicken" stands between the chicken and the fox)
A hen:

Come on, little fox, wait. Go home soon!
Today is a holiday at the chickens, all smart are sitting.
A fox:

I will not go anywhere and take the chicken! (sneaks up to the chickens)

A hen:

Let's scare the fox, chickens, so that the holiday does not spoil us.

Meow with kittens: meow meow(children repeat words)
Fox (surprised): I'm not afraid of kittens!

A hen:

You hear, the cows are mooing, they want to help us: moo - moo!
(children repeat).
A fox: (spreads her arms): I'm not afraid of cows either!
A hen:

Well let's call the dogs, we'll find helpers, woof-woof-woof. (children repeat, guests help).
A fox ( darted, ran in front of the chickens):

Oh, I hear a terrible barking!
A hen:

You are a fox, run away! Save the red fur coat!
(the fox runs away)
That the chanterelles cannot be seen?

You can continue the holiday.

Near the tree on New Year's,
We will start a round dance.

Round dance

A hen:

Herringbone is a beauty
Children like it very much.
Here she is -
Slim, big!

The Christmas tree fell asleep

does not shine with lights,

The sound of bells

Let's wake her up with you!

Oh! Where are our bells? Near the Christmas tree lay, and now they are not.

Maybe someone took it? (children guess that the fox)

Here is a cheat! Who will help us now to light the lights on the Christmas tree?

Santa Claus!

Let's call him

Name is frost

The sound of a blizzard sounds

The hen invites the chickens to sit on the stools

Comes out dancing Snowflake


The wind sings a song
At the edge of the forest
To dance is calling me
In a round dance to the girlfriends.
Wind, wind, blow harder
To dance more fun
Ice circle -
A small snowflake.

I fly! I am sparkling!
And spinning, spinning, spinning!

I fulfill desires
Those who sit on the nose!

A hen:

Snowflake - winter fluff, make our wish come true

help to find the cheating fox. She took the bells. And we can't wake up the Christmas tree without bells. The Christmas tree will not wake up - it will not shine with multi-colored lights.


I know where the fox lives. The path is not close.

And the chickens will not be afraid of the long journey?

A hen:

My children, chickens, won't you be scared?

Chickens: No


Run after me along the path, do not lag behind, do not turn off the path, the wolf prowls in the forest

Musical composition "Meeting in the forest"

(hares, bears, birds)

At the end of the composition, a fox appears from the central entrance.

Fox: Yeah, got caught!

And catching up with the chickens, the chickens are hiding behind the mama chicken

Music sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall.

Santa Claus:

Whoa! I'm coming! I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!

Hello my friends!

I'm not late? Hit it right?

The fox is hiding

A hen:

Hello Dedushka Moroz.

You are not late, you hit the right place.

Santa Claus:

Hello my dear,

Small and large!

Happy holiday to all,

I wish you happiness and health.

Is everything ready for the holiday?


Round dance of snowflakes
Falls from heaven.
The kids are expecting
Festive wonders.

And the fox is a cheat

I decided to harm

And he wants chickens

To deprive the holiday

Santa Claus:

Oh you red cheat
don't wave your tail
I know your tricks
And don't hide behind a bush.

A fox: walks around and says, (holding a basket with bells)

Only I am not to blame
Which is a little cheat

Take the bells

And my friends, forgive me

A hen:

Okay, let's forgive

and we invite you to the holiday.

Kind Santa Claus,

Wave your staff!

Into the elegant New Year's hall

Move us!

Magic music, Santa Claus works magic.

The chickens are back at the tree.

The characters begin to distribute muses to the children. tools

Santa Claus: Oh, how good the tree is! You look, and the soul sings!

Shaggy branches bend,
Down to the heads of children;
The rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;

Ball after ball is hiding
And star by star
Light threads roll
Like golden rain ...

Will ring with overflows

Jingle bells

And the lights will shine
Christmas tree lush dress.


Lighting up the Christmas tree

Characters collect musical instruments

Santa Claus:

The magic happened

And the tree sparkled!
Come on, Christmas tree, brighter
You shine with lights.
So that the legs of the chickens
We danced ourselves.

Dance game

Santa Claus:

You, fox, help me, find a bag of gifts
(the fox sniffs, runs around the hall, looks for a bag, finds it).
A fox: Here is your bag, Santa Claus.
(Santa Claus, Chicken, Fox give out gifts to children)

Santa Claus:
It's a pity, friends, you have to say goodbye. It's time for me to go home.
Goodbye chickens! See you again in winter!
A hen:

Goodbye, goodbye dear, Santa Claus,
It's a pity to part with you. See you again in winter!

Christmas toys

On the tree to the top
Toys are hung
Garlands and lanterns
Silver balls.

Flaunt on a branch
Icicles and sweets.
And the snowflakes are spinning
Like ballerinas.

Snow Maiden is a beauty,
He smiles at the kids.
At a small house
Two cute gnomes.

A cockerel is sitting on a branch
Next to him is a shepherd boy.
And if you go around the tree,
Then you can find a goat.

Even at my Christmas tree
There are two silver horses
Magician with a wand in his hand
And a clown in a bright cap.

Here the snowman is a carrot nose
And next to Grandfather Frost.
You can't separate them in any way,
They are old friends.

Here near the tangerine
The ballerina is dancing.
A chimney sweep from a fairy tale
He does not take his eyes off her.

There are so many different lights
Green, blue, red.
I look at the tree, breathing a little:
Oh, how good she is!
(T. Koval )


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