Black vest red takes an axe. Black vest red takes an ax Woodpecker and omens

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  • "black vest, red beret, nose like an ax, tail like an emphasis" (riddle)
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    • Black, red, printed
    • There is black, red and overseas eggplant
    • Black on a sandwich
    • "when you don't think about a piece of daily bread, a black one creeps into your head ..."
    • Black, red and grainy
      • Capsicum pepper, Annual vegetable pepper (lat. Cápsicum ánnuum) is a species of annual herbaceous plants of the genus Capsicum of the Solanaceae family, as well as its fruits.
      • Red... - a two-week magazine of artistically proletarian satire and humor
      • Structural, siliculose, Turkish, red, Caspicum annuum. glue, fish nuts, water nuts, chilim, slingshot, flyer, bowlers, Trapa natans. These nuts are edible: they are pulled out of the lakes with matting, for which they cling, and boiled or soaked in brine
      • Black, red, Bulgarian
      • What "red salt" did Christopher Columbus bring to Europe during his journey?
        • Syria (Arab in the south, with Iraq in the east and Turkey in the north.
        • State in Asia, flag with two green stars and three horizontal stripes: red, white, black
          • Tea (Chinese 茶 - “cha” in Beijing and Guangdong dialect, “tê” in Amoi and “tzai-e” in Taiwanese, “tea” in Hindi) is a drink obtained by boiling, brewing and / or infusing a leaf of a tea bush , which is pre-prepared in a special way.
          • Depending on the production technology, it is divided into black, green, yellow and red.
          • Kalmyks add cream, butter, salt, black pepper and bay leaf to this, and conductors add soda
          • In nature, it is usually green, but man was able to get it in black, yellow and red varieties.
          • From everyday, black teas; see tea

An amazing, undeservedly neglected bird is a woodpecker. The North American Indians believed that the red-headed flyer portends war, and in ancient Rome it was a symbol of peaceful life - they believed that the woodpecker helped the Capitoline she-wolf, getting food for Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of the city. The ancient Greeks attributed warlike qualities to the bird, making it a companion of the local god of war. Now scientists from several countries are closely studying the lifestyle and characteristics of the woodpecker, which other birds do not have. So, in China, physicists have long been interested in his unique abilities, and in Spain, the luminaries of medicine. However, first things first.

Woodpecker on coat of arms

Heraldry is the science of coats of arms, quite ancient and very confusing. In addition to the popular lions, griffins, unicorns and other mythical animals, there was also a place for the common woodpecker. It would seem - how can it be connected with the powerful of this world, with their coats of arms and portraits, on which there was a place for this bird? It turns out that in a number of countries the woodpecker is a symbol of concern for those who are weaker - that is, for beloved subjects. In Russia, it was decided to preserve and “perpetuate” this tradition: since 2006, the bird has settled on the coat of arms of the city of Yelabuga. So the Heraldic Council decided: being the personification of indefatigability, hard work and perseverance, the woodpecker fully deserved a place on the coat of arms of a small town, symbolizing its growth from a tiny settlement at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries to one of the administrative centers of the Republic of Tatarstan. As for the qualities for which the heraldists value the bird, they are the main ones in the nature of the woodpecker, and it is for them that he is familiar to every person from childhood. Even in old fairy tales, the woodpecker is represented as a hard worker, tirelessly working for the benefit of the forest. In addition, folklore depicts a cheerful, benevolent character of a selfless bird, ready to help at any moment.

Slander and the triumph of justice

In Europe, woodpeckers have long been considered a harmful bird, the purpose of which is to destroy as many trees as possible, ideally all. Well, how else? After all, he hollows out hollows, rips off the bark, and this is what leads to the death of a tree. Amazing, right? Even more surprising is that only in the 19th century the stigma of a pest was washed off the woodpecker. The German ornithologist Johann Bechstein was the first to take the side of the red-headed handsome man, and turned the idea of ​​​​Europeans about the nature of this bird upside down. The rest of the scientific world followed the naturalist, and gradually people got used to the idea that the woodpecker does not want to destroy the forests at all. On the contrary, he heals them. Hollows and plucked bark appear only where real pests have "worked" on the tree. It is on them that the forest drummer hunts, and very successfully: just imagine, in just two months (June and July), during which the parents feed the chicks, each of them is poisoned daily to get food for several feathered babies at least 300 times. The number of pests that are destroyed by the family only during this period is colossal. An adult woodpecker, a representative of the largest (about 300 g) species nesting in Russia, can consume almost half a kilo of larvae per day in one beak! This volume also includes those that other winged ones cannot approach, for example, the sawfly, the bark beetle and the moth.

Woodpecker and science

Another feature of the woodpecker is that he is a patriot. He doesn’t fly away for the winter, he doesn’t recognize warm regions, and in general he is a conservative by nature: he prefers to settle in a territory once occupied, very reluctantly changing his place of residence. An adult woodpecker marks its habitat on tree trunks, and tries not only to stay within the invisible boundaries itself, but also not to let strangers into its “comfort zone”, although for 1 sq. km. up to 25 pairs of birds can settle, depending on the amount of food. In the diet, the woodpecker is not picky, and easily changes the usual spider bugs, which it feeds on in summer in mixed forests, for seeds of evergreen trees in spruce and pine forests in winter. True, the scientific world will not come to a common denominator in any way on the question of how the forest doctor finds a cluster of larvae that represent his main diet: they are not visible, since they are hidden not just under the bark, but inside it, or even in the tree trunk itself . If you “process” everything in a row, it won’t take long to grind off the beak, but somehow the woodpecker still finds the right area and purposefully hollows it out, extracting all the subcortical inhabitants with a sticky 10-centimeter tongue. Two versions are common. According to the first, the bird simply determines the old tree, and by tapping it looks for the most corroded piece. Adherents of the second believe that the woodpecker is guided by subtle hearing, and simply hears the rustles made by bugs and larvae.

But even if both theories are taken into account, the woodpecker still has to work a lot with its beak before it gets to the desired prey. This is what interested Chinese physicists: after all, a bird must experience colossal overloads, due to which the contents of a tiny skull can turn into jelly! But no, it still flies, looking for insects and feels great. And this despite the speed of movement of the head during impacts, reaching 7 m / s! Up to 10 beats per second, about 12 thousand per day! Ornithologists have come to the conclusion that the ability of a woodpecker to cope with such loads directly depends on the structure of its beak: the difference in the length of the upper and lower parts, as well as the cartilaginous porous part present at its base, save the bird from death. Specialists from China supplemented this information: they found out that the woodpecker extinguishes the emerging inertia due to the distribution and transformation of the energy created in the process of movement. This is possible, since the skull is moved at the moment of impact with the help of a special muscle away from the beak. At first glance, it may seem that this is an absolutely useless waste of time and effort - well, who might need such a study? But no, it is of rather great importance, and is aimed at practical solution technical problems arising in the design of buildings. The mechanism created on its basis will be useful in the construction of houses in seismically unstable areas, and the technology will help the building withstand even a powerful earthquake.

The Supreme Council scientific research Spain is also not far behind the Chinese counterparts, but their developments are directed in a different direction. It is known that woodpeckers have a strong immunity to malaria pathogens. Blood was taken from chicks at the age of 3-13 days, the properties of which were studied for several months. As a result, the mechanism that guards the birds in the fight against malaria was revealed: if the bird was infected, then the level of immunoglobulins in its blood plasma increased sharply. This has a “sobering” effect on the pathogens: its development stops, and soon the malaria stops. There was a mere "trifle" - to create an appropriate vaccine. It is worth working on, no matter how long it takes to create it: more than 200 million people fall ill with malaria every year, and this number has only increased over the past few decades.

Reasons for woodpecker hunting

Even before the “rehabilitation” of the feathered healer, approximately in the 18th-19th centuries, the woodpecker, along with other motley flyers, fell under real repression with a fatal outcome. The notorious fashion for decorating clothes and accessories bright feathers, established in the USA and Europe, had an effect on birds no worse than some kind of plague: entire teams of hunters for winged prey caught woodpeckers in order to sell their plumage. Only in the 20th century common sense took over fashion, and the bullying stopped. In fact, man is the only enemy of the woodpecker. In nature, he has no rivals: the meat is tasteless, but just like that, there are no people who want to get in the forehead with a beak. The woodpecker is not cowardly, but does not get into an open fight either, preferring to assess the situation from the opposite side of the trunk, and only then decides what to do. A sort of local strategist.

The inedibility of this bird is known to animals, but two-legged gourmets had a different opinion for quite some time. Back in the 19th century, in several states of the United States, the golden woodpecker was served at the table, the meat of which smelled of ants and was considered a great delicacy. Now such a "dish" is excluded from the American diet, but, as they say, there were spoons - but the sediment remained. The birds turned out to be very vindictive creatures, and made a big dirty trick for gluttons: when NASA was about to launch the Discovery shuttle (1995), people found about 200 holes in the thermal insulation of the external fuel tank. Naturally, the launch had to be postponed until the consequences of the work of feathered saboteurs were eliminated.

Woodpecker and omens

Woodpeckers have not bypassed folk wisdom. They are quite associated interesting signs. Of course, skeptics can scatter them to the wind, but that's what they are skeptics, right? So, it is believed that if a woodpecker in a thunderstorm marks a tree with a short “burst”, and then quickly flies away from there, then it is better not to seek shelter under this crown - lightning will strike it very soon. If the bird knocks on the roof of the house, this may portend trouble for its inhabitants, and the drum roll on the fence promises an invasion of pests in the garden. The same fraction, sounding on the right, promises imminent happiness, and the cry of a woodpecker "guarantees" an equally quick marriage. To notice a woodpecker while walking through the forest is to heal from an illness. However, I myself am ready to argue with the last sign, although I have never been a skeptic - after all, the forest itself is a healer. Well, if you happen to meet a motley handsome man there, tirelessly working for the benefit of the trees and himself, his beloved, then happiness cannot be avoided.

"black vest, red beret, nose like an ax, tail like an emphasis" (riddle)

Alternative descriptions

long-nosed bird

Who sewed the costume for Pinocchio in Malvina's house?

forest climbing bird with strong beak

A forest bird that feeds on the bark of trees

The forest bird whose tail is always dirty underneath

Forest healer and musician

Lives a little, because he knocks a lot

Cause of forest caries

Manufacturer of hollows, but not caries

Snitch, but not to the competent authorities

forest drummer

forest telegraph operator

overload at the start spaceship reach 4g, and what animal experiences g-forces up to 1000g daily?

Who was the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker?

What bird is the informer compared to?

The name of this bird is related to the old Russian word "chisel"

The Roman god Picus was turned into this bird by the rejected Circe.

woodworking bird

Spinner like a bird

Zhelna is a kind of bird?

. "a carpenter with a sharp chisel builds a house with one window" (riddle)

. “not a lumberjack, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest” (riddle)

The bird that has taken over the whole forest

Disney Woody

Forest bird with a strong beak

Bird with strong head

gouging bird

forest snitch

Bird "knock-knock-knock"

Zhelna, lazy

Feathered "hammer"

knocking feathered

Snitch on the trunk

grinder beetle harvester

Who doesn't have a headache?

Forest snitch bird

forest burrower

Bird knocking out food

snitch bird

Feathered catcher for grinder beetles

feathered drummer

Vertineck, zhelna and toucan

forest bird-chisel

Bird foraging under the bark

Feathered "chisel"

Forest bird working with its head

Pied feathered snitch

What bird can peck?

Flying "jackhammer"

High position snitch

forest climbing bird

Forest climbing bird with a strong beak

The red head climbs deftly into the hole

Forest bird of the woodpecker order with a strong beak

. "not a lumberjack, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest" (riddle)

. "a carpenter with a sharp chisel builds a house with one window" (riddle)

What bird can peck

Who sewed a suit for Pinocchio in Malvina's house

Flying "jackhammer"

M. bird Picus, from the family of climbers. green, red-faced, larger than thrush, viridis. motley, tail and nape scarlet, major; grey, canus; small, minor, from a sparrow. tattered, tridactylus. black, zhelna, beekeeper, martius. Woodpecker and oak gouges. If only the woodpecker didn’t have his own sock, no one would have found him! Woodpecker moss dolbt in the hut, to the dead man. Dyatelny, woodpecker, related to woodpecker. Dyatlovina a place in a tree, in a stump, hollowed out by a woodpecker. Dyatlovina, woodpecker, woodpecker, woodpecker, plant. porridge, treushnik, shamrock, clover, different types: Trifoliumagrarium, wild hops, hops, field hops, crown; alpestre, porridge, red porridge, konovalchik; arvense, catnip, catnip, downy grass, cannons; hybridum, svetlebey? woodpecker, swedish clover; medium, red porridge, dyatelnik; montanum, whitehead, cuckoo, horse horse, konovalchik; pratense, woodpecker or red porridge, shamrock, trojan, troezele, woodpecker, woodpecker, plantain? honey cake, trinity, crown, sweetie; repens, honey cake, white porridge, white woodpecker, spadiceum, pigeon hop, black hop, meadow hop. a vowel, and at the beginning and at the end of a word (his, the first) sometimes there is a two-vowel letter, in alphabetical order the sixth: in the church account, with a title five, and with a sign five thousand. Novoladozhsky district they say, as in Little Russia: I have e (ye), vm. I have. In many cases, e is pronounced like yo, which is sometimes denoted by a colon e. In general, e is pronounced in five frets: like e (time, and Kazakh perm. pron. Elabuga, Emel, blackberry), like (hope, stranded), like ye (spruce, fidget, unit), like yo one-piece (bucket, light), like yo two-vowel (era, yours, mine), like o (black, silk, lye). It cannot be said that the spelling through and e was firmly established with us

The name of this bird is related to the old Russian word "chisel"

G-forces at the launch of a spacecraft reach 4g, and which animal experiences g-forces up to 1000g daily

Feathered "chisel"

Feathered "drummer"

Feathered "hammer"

Cause of forest "caries"


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