The order of arrival of birds in the spring. Spring arrival of birds. Interesting signs associated with the arrival of birds in spring

Alla Salamatina

Theme « Spring» , « Migratory birds»

Remember with a child migratory birds(starling, swallow, crane, nightingale, swift, lark, rook, cuckoo);

View images of these birds in illustrations, discuss them appearance and distinctive features;

Tell us where they came from, what benefits they bring migratory birds ;

Observe life if possible migratory birds in spring while walking in the park, teach a child to recognize a rook and a starling, find common and distinctive features of these birds;

Teach a child to respect wildlife;

Together with the child, make a birdhouse and install it in the park;

Pay attention to seasonal changes in nature.

The grass turns green, the sun shines

Swallow with in the spring in the canopy flies to us.

With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter.

Say hello to us from the road sooner.

I'll give you grains, and you sing a song,

What I brought with me from distant countries.

(A. Pleshcheev)

Task 3. "Give me a word".

On the pole is a palace, in the palace there is a singer, and his name is -. (starling).

Task 4. Didactic game "The fourth extra" (by pictures or by ear).

Lark, sparrow, rook, starling.

Crow, duck, dove, sparrow.

Rook, tit, swallow, cuckoo.

Magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, swift.

Dove, swan, heron, crane.

Task 5. Didactic game "Who flew in?"... (The adult calls bird and baby answers: Yes or no.)

Task 6. Didactic game "Learn by description"... (An adult describes the appearance of some migratory bird, and the child recognizes and names her.)

Task 7. Writing a descriptive story

1. Color. (Colour bird plumage) .

2. Parts of the body. (Name body parts).

3. Nest. (Name her chicks).

4. Autumn. (When birds fly away to warm lands).

5. Insects. (What do they eat birds) .

6 persons. (What is the benefit to a person).

An approximate story according to the table.

Rook - bird black with a white beak. The rook has a head, body, wings, tail, paws. Whole body birds covered with feathers. In the spring rooks come from warm countries, build nests and breed chicks - rook. Rooks feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In autumn, when it gets cold, rooks gather in flocks and fly to warm countries before spring... Rooks help people, they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and vegetable gardens.

Task 8. Learning to compare. Learn to compare living and inanimate objects with each other.

a) what is common between a real bird and a toy, and what are they


b) what is common between animals and birds and what are they


c) what is common between bird and plane, and how they differ.

Task 9. Didactic game "One - many"(the formation of the genitive plural of a noun): one rook - many rooks, one cuckoo (swift, swallow ,.).

Task 10. Cut out pictures with an image migratory birds and paste them into the album.

Task 11. Didactic game "Name it affectionately" (word formation using diminutive-affectionate suffixes): nightingale - nightingale, crane - crane, swan - swan. ...

Task 12. Didactic game "Who has who" (exercise in singular and plural word formation).

Rooks - rooks, starlings -. , for a rook - a rook, for a crane -. ...

Task 13. Complete the sentence. Invite your child to end the sentence with words. "Long-legged crane"

In the field I saw. (long-legged crane)... I watched for a long time. (long-legged crane)... I really liked this beautiful and slender one. (long-legged crane)... I wanted to go to. (long-legged crane)... But he got scared and flew away. It flew beautifully, spreading its wings, and circling its sky. (long-legged crane)... I told my mother about. (long-legged crane)... Mom said that you cannot approach and frighten. (long-legged crane)... I promised my mom not to come back to. (long-legged crane)... Now I will only watch from afar. (long-legged crane).

Task 14. Choose the meaningful preposition (from, to, to, over, on, by).

The rook took off. nests. The rook has arrived. nest. The rook flew up. nest. The rook is circling. nest. The rook sat down. branch. The rook walks. arable land.

Task 15. Retell the story"The Rooks Have Arrived" on questions.

Rooks arrive first. There is still snow all around, and they are already here. Rooks will rest and begin to build nests. Rooks build their nests on top of a tall tree. Rooks hatch their chicks earlier than others birds.

Explain the meaning to the child phrases: "Harbingers spring» , "Nest", "Top of the tree", "To bring out the chicks".

Questions. What kind birds arrive first in spring? What do the rooks start to do right away? Where do they build their nests? When do they hatch their chicks?

Retell the story"Harbingers spring» on questions.

The cold winter has passed. Coming Spring... The sun rises higher. It warms more. Rooks have arrived. The children saw them and screamed: "The Rooks Have Arrived! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

Questions. What was the winter like? What comes after winter? How the sun warms in the spring? Who flew in? Whom did the children see? What did they scream?

Explain the expression to the child "Harbingers spring» .

Task 16. Retell first-person story.

Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took the boards, saw, sawed the boards. He made a birdhouse out of them. The birdhouse was hung on a tree. May the starlings have a good home.

Explain to the child the meaning of the word birdhouse.

Task 17. Didactic game "Complete the sentence".

There is a nest in the tree, but in the trees. (nests)... On the branch there are branches, and on the branches .. There is a nestling in the nest, and in the nests -. ... There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest -. ...

Fedoseeva Svetlana
Summary of the lesson "Migratory birds"

MKDOU Shubinsky kindergarten

educator: Fedoseeva S.I.

Theme: « Migratory birds» .

Target: expand understanding of migratory birds.

Development of horizons, vocabulary, observation. Form an idea of birds with characteristic features appearance, lifestyle.

To acquaint children with the concept " migrant"

To develop the speech of children to enrich with new words (birdhouse, migrant, logical thinking, attention, communicative qualities.

Foster a careful and caring attitude towards birds.

Educational area: Cognition (familiarization with others).

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development. Didactic games: "Collect bird»

Speech development. DI "Describe birds» , "What is the name of the chick"

Physical development. Physical minute.

Social and communicative development. D / y "How to behave in the forest" Artistic and aesthetic development. View presentation « Migratory birds» .

Forms of direct educational activities:

cognitive and research (solving problem situations, playing with rules, modeling, communicative (conversation, leading dialogue, situational conversation, game (games with rules, didactic games).

Forms of organization: group.

Preliminary work: viewing albums, magazines with migratory birds.

Cut pictures depicting a swallow, rook, starling.

GCD move:

Educator: guys, it's not usual with us today class, guests have come to us. Let's say hello to our guests. I hope that today you will be attentive, friendly and active.

Today is an unusual day to surprise you, I want to show you something very interesting now. (film screening).

Educator: In the spring, guys, nature comes to life, wakes up from hibernation. What happens in nature?

Di "Draw spring"

you need to call the signs of spring with the words “Spring is when

Children: The sun is shining brighter, the cold snows are melting. The buds swell on the trees. The first flowers sprout (snowdrops)... Animals wake up from hibernation (bears, hedgehogs, the grass turns green, chirps birds, snow is melting)

Educator: And they arrive in the spring birds... Do you know where they were?

Why birds fly away to warm lands? Children: Because it gets cold, insects disappear, plant seeds fall off. The reservoirs will soon freeze birds it will be difficult to get food ..

And what are they called birds who come to us from warm regions? !

Children: Migratory birds.

Educator: What kind birds are called« migratory» ?

Educator: These birds fly to the south in the fall and fly back to our homeland in the spring, make flights, so they were named migratory... Homeland is the place where you were born. That's why the birds are back to build a nest and hatch chicks. Chicks are born blind, helpless, covered with down. Parents are feeding. Over the summer, the chicks grow up in the fall, with their parents they fly away to warm lands. In order to return home again in the spring.

Educator: First migratory bird arrives ... - rook. (slide)... Describe what he is.

Children: Rook large bird... Its body is covered with black feathers. They have strong wings. Rooks have light beak and paws.

Educator: They had a difficult road. When they arrive from warm countries, I begin to build nests (slide to bring out and feed the chicks. Look, the rooks have a large nest, it is made of large branches.

Educator: Next birds arrive - starlings. (slide) They arrive later than the rooks. Educator. Guys, describe the starling what it is.

Children. The starlings are small. They are gray-brown, motley. They have thin beaks. Paws and beak are light.

Educator. The rooks have already bred their chicks, and the starlings are still building a nest in the birdhouse. (slide)

If rooks build a nest from large branches, then starlings carry thin twigs, blades of grass, feathers to the birdhouse. Starlings are small and their nests are small. Birdhouses are made by people and attached to a tree.

Fizminutka "Birdhouse".

I will cut the planks with a saw - whack, - whack, - whack, - whack. (Children imitate the movements of sawing a plank).

I will knock a birdhouse out of them - bunch, - bunch, - bunch, - bunch. (Children imitate nail driving movements).

Come fly birds to visit us, -to us, -to us, -to us. (They perform swing movements with their arms towards themselves).

We will hang birdhouses here and there, here and there. (Bends with outstretched arms up, to the sides, down).

Educator. Swallows come from the south. (slide) Describe, guys, a swallow, what is she?

Children: They are small, almost black, their tail is like a fork, they have sharp wings.

Educator. They also build nests under the roof of the house. The swallow sculpts it from lumps of clay. Lined from the inside with leaves, feathers, down. What do you think for what birds nests?

Children: hatch chicks.

DI "What is the name of the chick"

Educator. While you and I were talking about migratory birds, the mischievous Winter, who does not want to give in to Spring, froze birds and broke them apart. Please help to warm up birds.

Di "Collect bird» Children from cut pictures collect a swallow, starling, rook.

The result of the GCD.

Educator: What are they for? birds?

Children: Destroy insects - pests; delight us with their singing, bright colors.

Do I need to protect and cherish birds? How? Make birdhouses, feeders; feed; you can't destroy nests, collect eggs birds; shoot them with a slingshot; make noise, shout, listen to loud music in the forest, park where they live birds.

Educator: You should remember:

What birds, no need to catch,

Necessary always love birds.

Do not destroy birds' nests,

In winter help the birds,

Pity them, protect them.

Educator: What are you guys, did you like our work? About what birds we talked?

Why these birds are called migratory birds? (These birds in the fall they fly south, and in the spring they fly in from the south)

What kind migratory birds first to arrive in the spring? (Rooks arrive first in the spring)

What else birds arrive in spring? (In the spring, starlings, cranes, storks, blackbirds, swans, swallows, geese, ducks, nightingales, siskins arrive)

What games did you play? What did you like?

I have a surprise templates for you birds.

In the large avian world, there are migratory and non-migratory birds. For migrants, the change of seasons is preparation for a big trip, and for non-migratory birds, the onset of the cold season becomes a long and difficult time to overcome this difficult time.


Birds in spring

With the arrival of the first warm days, migratory birds return to their native lands. A lot of work awaits them at home: building nests and raising chicks.

Wagtails are the first to return to their habitats. They are especially punctual, so they never miss the beginning of the ice drift.

At the time when the land was almost free of the heavy snow cover, rooks had already arrived. They are the very first to hatch chicks, which is why their nests have already been built in March.

Starlings and larks are also early migratory birds. The first song of the lark is a testament to the fact that the cold will never come again. As a rule, males return first, and only after - females. And the last of the starlings and larks to return are those who are delayed or lost on the way.

Birds do not return home from warm lands because there is nothing to eat there. It's all about the instincts of the birds. They are drawn to their homeland by the desire to reproduce.

The flight of birds to their native lands is much faster than departure. And the whole point is that they are in a hurry to hatch their cubs, which does not tolerate delay.

You can roughly determine the periods of arrival of birds to their native lands. Rooks return to their homeland in mid-March, and starlings arrive by the end of this month.

In early April, larks, swans, blackbirds, finches and kites can be observed. In the middle of this month geese, ducks, gulls, cranes and waders arrive. And at the end - warblers, redstarts, woodcocks and forest pipits.

But May is characterized by the arrival of swallows, flycatchers, nightingales, swifts and ivology.


Bird life in summer

The main task of each species of birds for the summer is feeding and adapting the chicks to life. If the summer turned out to be rainy and cool, then the life of birds becomes somewhat more difficult. Chicks die of colds and hunger. And the parents themselves are in great danger while it rains.

Drought is also not a favorable state of nature for birds. For birds living in swamps, drought is a disaster. During such periods, wading birds are forced to go out in search of a new habitat. And if the hot days drag on, then the vegetation begins to dry out. This situation is dangerous for all bird species.

The main task of birds for the summer is to teach their chicks to fly, so that in the fall they can fly south with their parents.

Usually, summer days accompanied by early sunrise and late sunset, so the day for many birds is getting longer. So, for example, chicks, they wake up with the first rays of the sun, and fall asleep at sunset.

And the songs of the redstart can be heard at any time of the day, because it wakes up even before the sun rises, and falls asleep at dusk.

In the summer season, birds are especially active and lead their usual way of life. Day and night predators hunt in forests and steppes. The inhabitants of crowded places, familiar to us, fly through the streets of cities and villages.


Which birds fly away in the fall, and which ones remain?

Why do birds fly south? Because in the winter they do not have enough food, and there is a possibility that their body will not endure severe frosts. Most of the inhabitants of the tundra are migratory birds, and some species are such in the taiga. The dependence of the number of migratory species depends on how suitable the habitat is in the forage plan - whether there is enough food reserves. Thus, it turns out that half of the forest feathered inhabitants fly south. And fields, marshes and reservoirs are completely left to winter without their winged inhabitants.

Migratory birds are: finches, wagtails, songbirds, chiffchaffs and swallows. Lapwings, woodpipes, larks, orioles, robins and redstarts also prefer to fly to warm lands.

But there are birds that are able to endure cold days, they are called sedentary. These birds include: woodpeckers, tits, pikas, nuthatches and jays. Cold days are not terrible for wood grouses, black grouses and hazel grouses. And the crossbill bird can generally build nests in winter and breed.

It is worth highlighting the nomadic bird species. They do not fly away to warm regions, but they move from place to place all the time. For example, waxwings, Muscovy tits, Nuts, tap dancers, bullfinches and many others.


How birds winter

Winter is not an unexpected period in the life of birds. Those who stay for the winter are really prepared for the harsh conditions. Birds stock up on food and seeds. And from time to time they go out in search of fallen earrings, cones and nuts.

So, for example, jays. They can often be seen looking for acorns, even potatoes and grains.

And the hazel grouse grows a special fringe on the legs, so it can hold on to the icy tree branches.

Birds that feed on buds, seeds and catkins are better supplied with food in winter. These are ptarmigan, hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse.

But birds that prefer to consume seeds and foliage are always in a difficult search for food. For example, goldfinches, linnet, siskins, tap dancers. These birds are saved only by the seeds of spruce and pine trees.

Wonderful pictures with migratory and wintering birds. Which birds stay in their homeland for the winter, and which ones fly away?

Walking in a park or forest, we listen to birds singing and often just don’t think about which bird is so gloriously displaying trills. There are birds that live in our area all year round, but there are also those that fly to the "warm lands" in the fall.

The fact is that in winter it is very difficult for birds to find food for themselves, because there are few insects, berries and grains, and when it snows, it is almost impossible to find them. AND different types birds solve this problem in different ways: migratory birds fly hundreds and even thousands of kilometers to warmer countries, and sedentary ones adapt to our harsh winters.

A tit in the snow that seems to want to feast on sunflower seeds

Sedentary, wintering birds: list, photo with names

To help the birds that stayed overwintering to find food, they hang feeders. And it is quite possible that they will be of interest to such visitors:

  • Sparrow... Noisy sparrows that fly in flocks may well become the first visitors to the feeder.

  • Tit. Tits are in many ways not inferior to sparrows, they quickly rush to feed in the feeders. But compared to sparrows, tits are endowed with a more meek disposition. Interestingly, in summer, the titmouse eats almost as much food as it weighs itself. Mixed flocks of both sparrows and titmice can often be observed in the feeders.

  • Gaichka... A close relative of the tit. However, the breasts of the chickweed are not yellow, but light brown. Also, the titmouse differs from other tits in that it makes a hollow in a tree in order to build a nest in it.

Gaichka is a special type of tit
  • Crow. The raven is often confused with rooks. It is known that crows are very rare in the western part of Russia. Therefore, if you live in the European part of Russia and see a black bird emitting a piercing caw, then most likely in front of you is a rook.

  • Pigeon. The distribution and lifestyle of pigeons was largely influenced by people who simply brought them with them to different parts of the Earth. Now pigeons are found on all continents with the exception of Antarctica. Pigeons easily change rocks, which are their natural habitat, for man-made structures.

The nodding gait of pigeons is due to the fact that it is easier for them to see the object of interest to them.
  • Woodpecker. In the warm season, woodpeckers feed mainly on insects, which they get from under the bark of trees, and in the winter cold, they can also eat plant foods: seeds and nuts.

  • Magpie. The magpie is considered a bird with high intelligence, it is able to express a lot of emotions, including sadness, and knows how to recognize its reflection in the mirror. It is interesting that not only its brethren, but also other birds, as well as wild animals, in particular bears and wolves, react to the alarming cry of a magpie.

Magpie - wintering bird
  • Owl... Owls are different, large and small, in total there are more than 200 species. These birds are endowed with keen eyesight and excellent hearing, which allows them to lead night image life. It is interesting that the tassels on the owl's head are not ears, the real ears of owls are hidden in the feathers, and one of them is directed upward, and the other downward, in order to better hear what is happening above the head and on the ground.

Owl is a nocturnal bird
  • This bird is also considered an owl and is a close relative of other owls.

  • A rare owl that lives mainly in the highlands in the northern latitudes. The name of the bird, according to various versions, means "inedible" or "insatiable".

  • Jackdaw. Outwardly, jackdaws look like rooks and crows, moreover, there are mixed flocks in which you can see all three species of birds. However, the jackdaw is smaller than a crow. And if you are lucky enough to observe the jackdaw up close, then you can easily recognize it by the gray color of part of the feathers.

  • Nuthatch. This small bird very dexterously climbs the trunks of trees. In summer, nuthatches hide seeds and nuts in the bark, and in winter they feed on these supplies.

  • Crossbill. Like the nuthatch, this bird climbs trees well and can hang upside down on branches. The favorite food of the crossbill is seeds from spruce and pine cones. This bird is remarkable in that it can hatch chicks even in winter, but only if there is enough food.

  • Bullfinch. Only males have bright red plumage on the chest, females look much more modest. Bullfinches are more often seen in winter, as due to lack of food, they are drawn to people. In summer, bullfinches prefer wooded areas and behave inconspicuously, so it is not easy to see them.

  • Waxwing... A bird with beautiful plumage and a singing voice. In summer, it feeds mainly on insects and likes to settle in coniferous forests. In winter, the waxwing moves to the more southern regions of the country, it is often found in cities. In the cold season, mountain ash and other fruits become the main food for poultry.

  • Jay. Large bird, which, however, can fly to feast on the feeder, hung by people. In summer, it is rarely seen in the city, but closer to winter, the bird begins to reach for human habitation.

  • Kinglet. One of the smallest birds, the weight of an adult male is only 5-7 grams. Kings are relatives of sparrows.

Kinglet - an inhabitant of the forests
  • ... A large bird that is a favorite trophy for many hunters. Pheasants can fly, but more often they move on foot.

  • Grouse... It is also an object of hunting, despite the fact that this bird is quite small. The weight of an adult hazel grouse rarely reaches 500 g. It is interesting that the largest population of these birds lives in Russia.

Grouse - a bird that has a relationship with the black grouse
  • Another bird that is related to the hunting industry. Black grouse are found at the edge of the forest and in the forest-steppe.

  • Falcon... It is considered one of the smartest birds on the planet and one of the best hunters. The falcon is able to work in tandem with a human, but it is very difficult to tame it.

  • ... Like a falcon, it is a bird of prey. The vision of a hawk is 8 times sharper than a human. And rushing after prey, the hawk can reach speeds of up to 240 km / h.

Migratory, nomadic birds: list, photo with names

  • Rooks differ from crows with a gray-yellow beak. In the Kuban and Ukraine, you can see how in the fall rooks gather in huge flocks, so large that the sky looks black from the birds soaring in it - these are rooks that fly to the south. However, rooks refer to migratory birds only conditionally, some of them remain to winter in central Russia, some winter in Ukraine, and only some birds fly to the warm shores of Turkey for the winter.

  • they love to fly to the newly dug ground, sometimes they fly right behind the plowing tractor in order to have time to get as many worms and larvae as possible from the dug ground.

  • This inconspicuous bird with a singing voice loves warmth, and therefore flies south in the fall. And for wintering, our native nightingales have chosen hot Africa. These birds fly to winter in the eastern part of the continent - Kenya and Ethiopia. However, the locals cannot enjoy their singing, because nightingales sing only in mating season, which is held in their homeland.

  • Martin. Swallows love rocky terrain, and they often settle on the steep walls of quarries that people have dug. However, our winters are too harsh for swallows, and therefore in autumn they fly to the southern, far from us, part of Africa or to Tropical Asia.

  • Chizh... Like the rook, it is a migratory bird that arrives early and hibernates nearby: in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and southern Europe. Outwardly, the siskins are inconspicuous, their gray-green feathers are absolutely not striking against the background of the branches. The bird's temper matches the appearance: quiet and meek.

  • Goldfinch. In Europe, it is a wintering bird, however, in Russia, goldfinches can only be seen in summer. By winter, goldfinches gather in flocks and go to lands with warmer climates. Goldfinches are close relatives of siskins.

Goldfinch is one of the most variegated birds
  • A slender bird that quickly runs on the ground and shakes its tail with every step. Wagtails spend winter in east africa, southern Asia, and sometimes southern Europe.

  • Quail. The only bird from the order of chickens, which is migratory. The weight of an adult quail is not so great and is 80-150 g. In summer, quails can be found in fields sown with wheat and rye. Quails hibernate far beyond the borders of our homeland: in the southern part of Africa and in southern Asia, on the Indian subcontinent.

  • Thrush... The songbird with its sweet trills creates a worthy competitor to the nightingale. And its appearance, like that of a nightingale, is inconspicuous. In winter, blackbirds become Europeans: Italy, France and Spain are their second homeland.

  • Lark... Larks return from warm countries very early, sometimes already in March you can hear their sonorous song, which becomes a harbinger of spring warmth. Larks overwinter in Southern Europe.

  • Gull... With the onset of cold weather, gulls living on the coasts of the northern seas migrate to the Black and Caspian Seas. But over the years, seagulls are more and more drawn to people, and more and more often remain to winter in cities.

  • ... Swifts winter in Africa, and they fly to its equatorial part or even go to the southern part of the mainland.

  • Starlings are in great need of nesting houses, since most often they breed their offspring in them. And our starlings go to winter in Southern Europe and East Africa.

This freaky black cloud is a flock of starlings returning home
  • Finch... Finches from the western part of the country winter mainly in Central Europe and the Mediterranean, while finches that live near the Urals in summer go to winter in southern Kazakhstan and southern regions of Asia.

Chaffinch - a noisy inhabitant of the forest
  • Heron... It is rather difficult to determine where the herons winter, some of them travel great distances to South Africa, some winter in the Crimea or in the Kuban, and in the Stavropol Territory, herons sometimes even stay for the winter.

  • Crane... These birds are monogamous, and once having chosen a partner, they remain faithful to him all their lives. Cranes settle in swampy areas. And their wintering places are as diverse as those of herons: Southern Europe, Africa and even China - in all these parts of the world you can find cranes that have flown in from Russia to winter.

  • Stork... In Russia, there are black and white storks. White storks build huge nests, which are up to one and a half meters wide, and make very long flights to the south. Sometimes they overcome half of the planet and fly to South Africa - a country that is located in the very south of Africa.

  • Swan... The swan is a bird of devotion and romance. Swans are waterfowl, so for wintering they choose places near the water, often the Caspian or Mediterranean Sea.

  • Duck... In winter, wild ducks, as a rule, do not fly far away and remain in the vastness of the post-Soviet states. It is noteworthy that their domestic relatives in the fall also begin to worry and sometimes try to fly away, sometimes they even fly over fences and fly insignificant distances.

  • ... Cuckoos settle in forests, forest-steppe, and steppe. The overwhelming majority of cuckoos fly away to winter in tropical and South Africa, less often cuckoos winter in South Asia: in India and China.

  • ... A small bird with a singing voice and bright plumage, which flies off to winter in the tropics.

  • ... They wake up at dawn and are among the first to start the morning song. This little songbird used to be called the robin. In winter, European robins fly to Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, and they are among the first to return home.

How migratory birds differ from wintering ones: presentation for preschoolers

Slide 2

Slide 3: presentation of migratory birds

Why do migratory birds fly to warmer regions, where they winter, why do they come back?

Winter is an ordeal for birds. And only those who, in harsh conditions, can get food for themselves, remain to winter.

What can be the ways for birds to survive in cold weather?

  • Some birds store food in the summer for the winter. They hide plant seeds, nuts, acorns, caterpillars and larvae in the grass and cracks in the bark of trees. These birds include the nuthatch.
  • Some birds are not afraid of people and live near residential buildings. In winter, they find food in troughs and garbage heaps.
  • Some birds are predators and feed on rodents. There is predator birds that can feed on hares, hunt fish, small birds and bats.

If a bird can find food for itself in winter, it means that it does not need to go on an exhausting and difficult flight to warmer regions in the fall.

It would seem that everything is simple, and the only reason for the seasonal migration of birds is the lack of food. But in reality, there are more questions than answers. For example, imagine that a mallard, which is a migratory bird, is provided with an artificially heated pond and ample food. Will she stay for the winter? Of course not. She will be called on a long journey, a strong feeling that is difficult to explain, called a natural instinct.

It turns out that birds fly away to warm lands, as if out of habit, because their ancestors did this for hundreds and thousands of years.

Another question to be answered is: why do birds return from warm countries every spring? Scientists-ornithologists have concluded that the beginning of the return flight is associated with the activation of sex hormones and the beginning of the breeding period. But why should birds fly thousands of kilometers and hatch chicks exactly where they themselves were born? Poets and romantic natures say that birds, like people, are simply drawn to their homeland.

How do migratory birds know where to fly? The question, to which to this day, there is no intelligible answer. It has been experimentally proven that birds can navigate in completely unfamiliar terrain and in conditions of limited visibility, when neither the sun nor the stars are visible. They have an organ that allows you to orient yourself according to the earth's magnetic field.

But the mystery is how young individuals, who have never flown to warmer regions before, find their wintering place themselves, and how do they know the route to fly? It turns out that in birds, at the genetic level, information is recorded about the point on the map where you need to fly and, moreover, a route to it is drawn.

Do migratory birds nest in the south?

Birds wintering in warm regions do not lay eggs or hatch chicks, which means they do not need a nest. The nest is needed only for chicks, which migratory birds will incubate in their homeland.

What birds are the first and last to arrive in the spring?

The first to arrive in the spring rooks... These birds return to their homeland in early spring, when the first thawed patches appear in the snow. With their strong beak, rooks dig out larvae on such thawed patches, which form the basis of their diet.

The last to arrive are birds that feed on flying insects. These are swallows, swifts, orioles. The diet of these birds consists of:

  • Komarov
  • Moshek
  • Blind man
  • Zhukov
  • Cicad
  • Butterflies

Since the appearance of a large number of adult flying insects from the larvae requires warm weather and about two weeks of time, the birds that feed on them fly home after the massive appearance of these insects.

Which birds are the first and last to fly away in the fall?

With the onset of autumn cold weather, insects complete their active life cycle and hibernate. Therefore, birds that feed on insects are the first to fly to the warm regions. Then birds fly away, feeding on plants. The last to fly away are waterfowl. For them, even in autumn, there is enough food in the water. And they fly away before the water in the reservoirs begins to freeze.

VIDEO: Birds fly south

What migratory flock of birds promises snow?

According to folklore, if a flock of wild geese- you should expect the first snow to fall. This omen may not coincide with real weather events. So in the north of Russia geese fly away to warm regions in mid-September, and snow can fall much earlier. Let's say the first snow in Norilsk this year fell on 25 August. In the south, geese fly to warm regions at the end of October, and sometimes even at the beginning of November. The first snow in these areas may occur at this time. But it all depends on the weather conditions in the fall. Indian summer here can drag on for the whole of October.

VIDEO: Geese gather in flocks for flights to the south

Which bird from the order of chickens is migratory?

A migratory bird from the order of chickens is quail... The quail's habitat extends beyond Russia to the west and south. In the east, these birds live up to the western coast of Lake Baikal. They are widespread in Europe, Western Asia and Africa.

They fly south for the winter. And they winter in Hindustan, North Africa and South-West Asia.

VIDEO: How do migratory birds fly?

With the onset of spring, our feathered friends return from warm lands to their native habitats. Which birds are considered migratory and which birds are the first to arrive in different regions of our vast country? Let's talk about this in the article and get to know the tireless, melodious workers of forests, fields and gardens.

Birds are warm-blooded creatures, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, they are forced to leave their habitable places in search of comfortable places with a warm climate, so as not to freeze and not die of hunger. But as soon as spring comes, the birds return to their homeland and their usual life begins: equipping the nest, incubating eggs, feeding and raising babies. And all these troubles are accompanied by extraordinary life-affirming chants.

Interesting fact: all migratory birds return to their old habitats, following their own internal schedule. Each species of migratory bird has its own flight time. Moreover, the birds love old places of residence and nests in which chicks were previously incubated. If for some reason the dwelling is destroyed, restless workers build new nests.

Wagtails and rooks the first to fly from warm countries, when the first thawed patches appear in the snow cover. Starlings, different types ducks,larks return with the first warmth even when the ice has not melted yet.

Zelenushki and linnet also arrive from the south before the ice melts on the rivers. Birds with colorful plumage return from the countries of the northwestern part of the African continent, northern Iran and Central Asia, where they spend the winter.

Cuckoo- a bright representative of migratory birds arriving in the summer from Africa and the Asian tropics.

Blackbirds spend their wintering in the south. In early spring they gather in large flocks and return home.

Redstarts return from African countries and South Arabia, where they go to winter at the end of August.

Nightingales they prefer to fly to hot Africa for the winter.

What birds arrive in the spring from warm countries

Birds migrate to warm countries, which, with the onset of winter conditions, are deprived of their usual food. These are all insectivorous birds: flycatchers, swallows,swifts, nightingales, warblers and other birds. In winter conditions, these birds are deprived of a chance to survive, so the flight to countries with a warm climate is an evolutionary reflex, developed over a long time.

Western Asia, the Mediterranean coast, the African continent are places where birds go to wait out the winter. Migration of birds from warm places of temporary habitat occurs with the end of cold weather and the onset of spring. From the end of March to the first ten days of May, a massive return of birds from warm countries begins.

Departing from their native nesting places, migratory birds have to cover long distances and fly over the seas and desert zones. New winter habitats for migratory birds must match the usual temperature climate of their native places. So forest birds settle in warm wooded areas, and coastal ones - on the coasts of rivers, lakes, sea and ocean islands.

We will demonstrate a photo of migratory birds wintering in warm countries.

Lapwings arrive from southern countries in early spring. They can be seen even in March during sunny thaws. It happens that incoming cold weather, replacing short-term warming, force lapwings to return to the nearest wintering places. Most often it is the Mediterranean coast.

All species of blackbirds winter in warm countries. In Russia, the following types are most common: blackbird, songbird, black-throated thrush,white-bellied thrush,blackbird japanese, blackbird and etc.

White-browed Thrushes- small birds from the thrush family fly away to winter on the African continent in late autumn. They love to build nests in a rare birch forest.

Warblers- inconspicuous birds that can imitate the voices of other birds. They fly to India for the winter.

Landrail flies to Africa in winter. A small secretive bird living in dense and tall grass.

Slavki- little songbirds. In Russia live: garden warbler, gray warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, warbler... Birds feed on small insects, caterpillars, larvae. When the berries ripen, they switch to a sweet menu. Winter is spent in African territories.

What migratory birds are the first to arrive in the spring in the Moscow region

Before the snow had even melted, flocks returned to the Moscow suburbs with the first warmth of spring wagtail... These birds are the first to arrive from distant countries. You can often see on the blocks of melting ice floating along the rivers, small nimble birdies: gray with a white chest and forehead, as if in hats and a black beard.

White wagtails settle near water bodies and human habitation. Birds make loose nests in crevices of walls, under bridge rafters, in depressions on the ground, in hollows, bushes, under tree roots.

Rooks- also early guests in the Moscow region. Quite large black birds with a purple tint of plumage, arrive with the first thaws. A strong beak allows birds to find worms, larvae and insects crawling out in the sun in thawed patches heated by the sun. On old tall trees you can see massive settlements of rooks made of dry branches - "rookery".

Starlings- small beautiful songbirds with black plumage, shimmering with a metallic sheen with a bronze, purple and blue tint. White spots are a great decoration for starlings, which disappear during the spring molt. The unusually wide sound range allows starlings to mimic various sounds and even the singing of other birds.

Upon returning from warm wintering grounds, starlings often imitate the singing of their subtropical counterparts. Male starlings arrive first and equip a nest house. Females come back and immediately start hatching eggs.

Larks usually return to their native places in the first decade of April. The arrival of birds is accompanied by resounding singing, resounding over the fields from a heavenly height. A small bird the size of a large sparrow has a graceful crest on its head. Field birds feed on the seeds of last year's grasses and grasses on thawed thawed patches.

Finches arrive together with larks, blackbirds, swans in early April. A smartly colored bird is a decoration of our forests. The plumage of males is brighter than that of females. The chest, part of the back and head have shades of brownish-red. The finch is decorated with a bright blue cap and a green tail. Finches willingly settle in gardens, parks and forest areas. They can often be found near a person's home.

Blackbirds- birds with mesmerizing singing come after the finches. Thrush feathers have many shades: from brown to almost black. Thrush nests in massive nests in bushes or directly in depressions on the ground, using clay and earth to embed the side walls of the dwelling.

Redstarts- nimble beautiful birds from the order of passerines. The tail and tummy seem to be burning orange. On this basis, the birds got their name. The birds are distinguished by a gray-white head and some white feathers in the bulk of black wings. They arrive in their native lands in April and announce their arrival with loud chants even at night.

Swallows they arrive announcing spring in early to mid-May. Beautiful birds settle near human habitation and mold nests from pieces of clay, earth, and blades of grass. Near rivers and reservoirs with steep overhanging banks, you can often see numerous settlements of swallows. This is the best time to catch small insects that swallows catch without stopping their flight.

Pied flycatchers come to us when the time comes for the mass appearance of insects and flies. No wonder the small nondescript gray-brown bird got its name. The male looks more elegant - contrasting white and black feathers, a white forehead and part of the feathers in a black wing. Insect larvae and flies are the main food for birds.

Nightingales- gray inconspicuous birds with wondrous bewitching singing, appear in our forests in the second decade of May. To build a nest, birds choose wet shrubs near rivers. Insects, spiders, berries and small fruits of plants are the main food for birds.

The first migratory birds of Russia, video:

What birds fly to Siberia in spring

The return of feathered singers to the Siberian region indicates the end of the winter cold and the arrival of warm days. The harsh Siberian winters are a real test for birds. The most important thing is not even the excessively subzero air temperature, but the problem of food. Many birdies die of hunger, since the snow cover covers all possible food places for a long time.

Black throated loon- a beautiful bird with an elegant color of feathers. At the end of September, the loon migrates singly or in pairs, gathering in large flocks on vacation near water bodies. For wintering, birds move to the coastal zone of the Black and Azov seas... Some of the loons fly closer to the Caspian and Aral seas.

Common gogol- a large-headed duck of brown-gray plumage. Lives and nests near taiga rivers and forest lakes. They migrate to the Caspian for the winter.

Coot- a representative of waterfowl. The white forehead and beak stand out in contrast against the shiny black plumage. Spends the winter in warm countries: India, Pakistan and southeast Asia.

Klintukh- a pigeon living in forests and parks. Leads a cautious lifestyle and hides in dense foliage. Winters on the Caspian coast, even reaches the central and southern regions of Europe. Returns home in March-April.

Nightjar- a nocturnal inconspicuous bird with large eyes, a large mouth, a small beak and short legs. It lives in pine forests, feeding on insects. For the winter, he goes to Africa, flying around the Sahara.

What birds fly to the Urals in spring

The length of the Ural Mountains is great: from the tundra to the steppe zone of Kazakhstan. It is not surprising to see a lot of nomadic and migratory birds here. The harsh and unpredictable climate, frosty snowy winters force birds to migrate to warm countries and return to their native places in spring. Let's list the brightest representatives of birds that return to the Urals in the spring.

Whooper swan Is a beautiful white bird with black legs, living on water bodies. The lemon yellow beak becomes a black tip. Only two years later, the wings of whooper swans become snow-white-white. Wintering is carried out on the Caspian Sea or on the Mediterranean coast. Many whooper swans fly to the reservoirs of "Bird Harbor" near Omsk and remain until spring.

Small swan or tundra swan also return to the Urals in spring, where they nest near water bodies and hatch chicks.

Osprey- a predator living near rivers, lakes, teeming with fish. In winter it flies to Africa and returns to the Urals in May to the place of its old nesting site.

Wasp eaters- birds of prey of medium size. They feed on the larvae of bumblebees, wasps and bees. Sometimes they feast on small lizards, frogs, mice. May lay eggs in cold rainy weather.

White Owl- another exotic living in the mountain-tundra Urals. A beautiful arctic bird with snow-white plumage with patterned black-and-brown blotches all over the body. In winter it flies to southern countries, and in spring it returns to incubate owls.

What birds fly to Belarus in spring

The avian world of Belarus is represented by a large variety of birds. Favorable natural conditions, dense forests and numerous bodies of water contribute to the life and nesting of many birds. However, severe snowy winters are a big test for many birds and they are forced to fly away in search of warm lands. Almost 200 species of migratory birds have been recorded in Belarus.

Starlings, lapwings, larks, ducks,geese arrive in March with the first thawed patches. Birds wintering in Africa arrive later. These are mainly insectivorous birds: storks, cuckoos, robins,blackbirds etc. In the second half of spring there are already enough insects, worms, larvae to feed these birds. The last to arrive in Belarus black swifts and swallows... Their arrival takes place in late April and early May.

White stork is a symbol of the Republic of Belarus. A beautiful snow-white bird has a wide black edging of wings, the span of which reaches 1.5-2 m. Storks have a thin reddish beak and long bright legs. Birds live near reservoirs in the lowlands. Nests are often built near a person's dwelling. Storks fly to India and Africa for the winter.

Red-headed duck- a duck with a long neck and an inconspicuous tail. Drakes look very elegant: a red-brown head, a black tint chest and white plumage on the sides. Females look modest and inconspicuous. Ducks winter in Africa, Japan, western and southern Europe.

What birds fly to the North in spring

The harsh habitat of the northern latitudes forces the birds nesting in this territory to leave their homes and migrate to places with a comfortable climate for bird living.

Kittiwake seagulls build nests on the coastal cliffs of the Kola coast, and in order to survive the harsh winter of the extreme north, they fly to the northwestern Atlantic and even fly to the western coast of Greenland. With the onset of spring, large flocks of kittiwakes return to their homes.

Arctic tern- a typical representative of birds of northern latitudes. Red legs and beak adorn a white-gray bird from the gull family. For the winter, the bird migrates to the Southern Hemisphere, overcoming great distances and settles down to winter in the waters of the Southern Ocean.

Small Sarich- a predator that migrates in the winter to Africa or South Asia. Habitat - hilly coniferous forests, alternating open areas. It feeds on small vertebrates: ground squirrels, mice, small birds. The buzzard's voice resembles a cat's meow. When migrating to warm regions, birds create large flocks and fly away at the end of September.

What birds fly to Murmansk in spring

Murmansk is a city located beyond the Arctic Circle. The location on the steep, indented eastern cliffs of the Kola Bay and the temperate climate softened by the proximity of the Barents Sea makes it possible for many unique birds to nest.

Dense forests, many lakes and streams also favor bird colonies. Ornithologists of the Lapland Nature Reserve are carefully studying the migration of birds in the winter and returning back. From the beginning of April, the active movement of birds to the polar region begins.

Punochka- a small beautiful bird with a snow-white chest and tummy interspersed with black-brown feathers. The sonorous trills of snow buntings can be heard already from the beginning of April.

Following the snow buntings from warm countries, birds included in the Red Book of the Murmansk region arrive - whooper swans, and in the last days of April - eagles... At the same time, they actively flock to the places of their former nesting: gogol, big merganser, goose, mallard, seagulls, finches.

At the beginning of May they arrive white-browed thrush and field thrush.

What birds fly to us last

The migration of birds to their native lands begins from the end of February to May. Some birds feed on insects, larvae, worms, berries and plant fruits that appear in late spring. Therefore, their arrival from distant countries occurs at a later time.

Seagulls, geese, ducks,cranes appear in their native places from mid to late April.

Warblers, forest skates,redstarts flock in early May. Warblers- miniature birds with a fragile constitution and a thin beak in yellow-green plumage. Insects are the favorite food of little birds.

Swifts, swallows, nightingales return to their homeland in May. Swifts like swallows grab flying midges and insects on the fly. Birds spend most of their lives in flight, picking up a full beak of food and only then return to the nest to feed the chicks.

Orioles and Golden bee-eaters- beautiful birds with yellow plumage, the last to arrive from warm countries. Melodic singing common oriole resembles playing the flute, and is sometimes associated with the meow of a cat. Midges, caterpillars, berries - delicious food for the tireless toiler of the forests - the oriole.

Bee-eater- one of the most colorful and beautiful birds... Wild bees, wasps, bumblebees, dragonflies and other flying insects are the main food of the forest beauty, which swallows live food on the fly. Therefore, the bird moves early to winter, and one of the last returns to its homeland when there is enough food for food.

Folk omens and migratory birds

A clear migratory flight schedule of birds has been noted since ancient times, so many folk signs are associated with bird arrival in their native lands. The onset of warm sunny days, the time of sowing cereals in the field and vegetable crops in the garden - the observant people tied to the arrival of certain birds.

weather and migratory birds

Traditionally, the first birds to return from distant lands heralded spring and the arrival of warmth.

  • Geese are calling for spring.
  • The geese and ducks returned unwashed - wait for a long and cold spring.
  • A migratory bird flows in flocks - towards a friendly spring.
  • I saw a rook - note the spring.
  • I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
  • The swallow has arrived - there will soon be thunder.
  • The bird cuddles in bad weather.
  • The larks have arrived - it's time to get the hives.
  • Finches have arrived - expect a cold snap.
  • A bird nests in the sun - expect a cool summer.
  • Jackdaws flew in - they shouted heat.
  • The nightingale floods all night - it will rain.
  • The rook gathers brushwood from the ground - it promises a sunny summer.
  • Rooks circle around the nest in a flock - to be bad weather.
  • The titmouse sang - to be warm.
  • The wagtail's legs are thin, but it will break the ice and bring the spring.
  • Larks sang early over the field - a warm spring is expected.
  • The birds are in no hurry to fly south - to be warm in autumn.

harvest and migratory birds

Until now, old people observe the traditions of sowing grain and other crops at certain periods in the spring after the migratory birds return home. And if you follow folk signs, you can grow an excellent harvest according to the bird's clue.

  • Rooks sat down in the nest - in three weeks go out to the sowing season.
  • The rook kids are shouting - it's time to sow oats.
  • The pied flycatcher calls the beginning of plowing.
  • Starlings arrived - this buckwheat in 40 days.
  • The frog crackled - this carrot and beet.
  • Lapwings have arrived - prepare turnip seeds for sowing.
  • The oriole sang - it's time to sow peas, cucumbers and cabbage.
  • I heard the singing of a cuckoo in the bare trees before Yegoriy (May 6) - don't wait for the harvest.
  • The swift is circling en masse - it's time to sow flax and barley.
  • The cuckoo has begun to bite, the mountain ash has blossomed and the oak has opened - it's time to sow flax.
  • The birds returned from warm lands on time - expect an excellent harvest of bread.
  • The lark sang over the warm ground - it's time to sow bread.

What birds live in the garden

Many birds willingly settle around human habitation. In our gardens, they have something to feast on: numerous larvae, harmful insects, worms, snails, slugs - and much more edible things can be found for little feathered workers. In the garden plots and nearby in the forest, the following birds live and nest:

  • wagtails
  • goldfinches
  • cuckoos
  • warblers
  • tits
  • redstarts
  • warblers
  • sparrows and many more other birds

What birds are useful for the garden

Birds living in gardens are very beneficial for fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. After all, small birds find harmful insects for food on our estates. It has been noticed that the birdies living in the gardens do not allow the apple moth, pear bug, ringed silkworm, raspberry gall midge, aphids, caterpillars and other garden pests to breed. In addition, feathered friends delight us with extraordinary trills. Here are the useful birds that are desirable for our gardens:

  • tits
  • wagtails
  • redstarts
  • warblers
  • robins
  • lentils

These birds protect our garden from pests and do not damage the crop. But there are also such birds that willingly eat not only worm beetles in our gardens, but also sweet berries. This is how the great craving of starlings is known to feast on ripe cherries. And sparrow pranksters peck out sunflower seeds.

How to attract beneficial birds to your garden

To attract birds to the site, you should create comfortable living conditions for them. At the beginning of spring, titmouses, nest boxes, wooden houses for bird nests are arranged on trees. It is advisable to plant a dense shrub in the form of a hedge along the perimeter of the site. In such places, small birdies like to build their nests. And for the winter, you should stock up on seeds, seeds, nuts for feeding wintering birds on frosty days.

Birds are loyal protectors of forests, parks, our gardens and vegetable gardens. Little feathered friends delight us with their charming chants and attract with their beautiful plumage color. The arrival of spring and the onset of warm days are heralded by the first birds that have flown to their native places from the warm overseas lands. You should take care and take care of the little singing creatures that bring peace and harmony to the planet.

What birds benefit the garden and how to attract them, video:


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