Environmental job titles for children. Leisure time dedicated to introducing the profession of “Ecologist”. For children of senior preschool age. Advantages of being an ecologist

Olga Ilinskaya
Summary of educational activities on the topic “Introduction to the profession of ecologist” for children 5–6 years old

Target: Form ideas about profession ecologist


1. Give an idea about profession ecologist.

2. Give knowledge about what profession ecologist affects all areas of life


3. Cultivate interest in this professions, the desire to change something yourself.

4. Feel the involvement of each person in what is happening on Earth.

5. Develop the ability to clearly answer questions posed.

6. Activate the dictionary: ecologist. ecological problem, disaster, international, experiment.

Equipment: globe, easel, emblems of the international organization for environmental protection "Greenpeace", funnels, plastic glasses, jars with contaminated water, filters, watering cans.

Use of ICT: Laptop with presentation “The earth is our home, we are all masters in it”

Preliminary work: View m/f "Wally", Conversations about nature, excursion to the zoo.

Organizing time

Target: Activate auditory attention.

V. - Guys, today we will talk about the beautiful planet on which we live. What is it called?

D. - Earth!

the teacher shows the globe

V. - What is this?

D. - This is Earth!

V. - No, this is not the earth, this is a globe model of the earth. If you look at our planet from space, this is exactly what it looks like!

Q. - What color is most on the globe?

D. - Blue!

Q. - What does the color blue mean?

D. - This is water!

V. - What does green mean?

D. - This is grass!

V. - This is not only grass, these are forests, fields, meadows.

V. - What other color is on the globe? What do these colors mean?

D. - Sand!

V. - These are deserts, mountains.

V. - Our planet is very beautiful, there are many amazing places on it, different animals and plants inhabit our planet.

Let's watch a short film about the nature of our Earth.

Presentation demonstration “The earth is our home - we are all masters in it”.The teacher comments on the slides.

V. - Very beautiful!

V. - However, there are people who have ceased to appreciate the beauty and purity that nature gave us.

Many factories pollute the air, forests are cut down and burned, thousands of tons of dirty water are discharged into rivers. Plants and animals are dying, people are getting sick from smoke and dirty air, and if this is not stopped, then environmental catastrophe and our beautiful planet will turn into a lifeless desert.

Frame demonstration environmental disasters.

B- To prevent this from happening, people in many countries created a special organization "Greenpeace"- green World. What do you think this means?

Listen to suggestions children.

V. - Members of this organization make sure that everyone follows the rules of community life on earth. In the organisation "Greenpeace" specialists work ecologists. Ecologists monitor the preservation of plants, animals, cleanliness of water and air. And if it happens somewhere ecological catastrophy, then they arrive there first ecologists.

V. - To help nature, ecologists must have different knowledge in chemistry, biology, medicine, geography.

V. - What qualities should they have? ecologists? What kind of people should they be?

D. - Kind, brave, love animals!

V. - Do you want to be conservationists?

Children move to an easel with an emblem "Greenpeace"

B. Shows a picture of a panda. Who is this?

D. - This is a panda!

V. - A panda is a bamboo bear, almost all of which were exterminated by hunters. But thanks environmentalists, the number of these bears has increased and the image of a panda has become the emblem of an international environmental organization "Greenpeace"

V. - And today I will also give you such emblems and we will become young environmentalists, conservationists.

Presentation of emblems.

V. - Congratulations. now we are helpers ecologists and let's do a little experiment on water purification.

The children move to the tables. where there are plastic glasses with contaminated water, funnels with filters and clean jars.

V. - Pay attention to the water. Can I drink this water?

V. - Now we will clean it. The funnels have a filter, it consists of gauze and cotton wool; this filter will trap dirt particles. Try pouring some water into the funnel and watch how the water clears.

Children conduct an experiment on water purification.

Q. - Can we say that water in a jar is cleaner than in a glass?

D. – Yes, you can!

Q. - Can we say that the filter helps purify the water?

D. - It’s possible.

V. - Guys, is the water that we cleaned now safe to drink?

D. - No, it’s not completely clean yet!

V. - Yes! Right. This water is not yet clean enough for drinking, but it is quite suitable for watering flowers. We will pour it into watering cans and then water our flowers.

V. - And so that the water can be consumed as food, huge filters are installed at special treatment plants and they purify the water, and also so that dirty water does not fall into the river.

V. - Guys. let's come up with rules for the young ecologists in our kindergarten.

To save nature need to:

1. Don't litter!

2. Do not pick plants!

3. Do not break trees and branches!

4. Do not crush insects!

5. Plant flowers in spring and care for them

6. In winter, make feeders and feed the birds!

7. Turn off the tap and save water!

V. - We will print these rules in our corner and you will tell moms and dads how to take care of nature.

Speech and movement coordination game "Among the White Doves"

Publications on the topic:

An important way to realize cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize their joint activities, in which parents are not involved.

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From the history of the holiday

World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day) was established December 15, 1972 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly to “draw public attention to the need to preserve and improve the environment.”

The choice of date was not accidental: on June 5, 1972, a special UN conference on environmental issues was held for the first time. Ecologist Day is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, environmental departments, as well as other public and private environmental organizations.

Traditionally, on this day many environmental events take place - conferences, round tables, forums and presentations, as well as public and environmental organizations organizing exhibitions of children's drawings, cleaning park areas, planting trees and other events aimed at attracting public attention to environmental problems and preserving our environment.

Over the years, the themes of World Environment Day were: “Only one Earth”, “Water is a key resource of life”, “Only one future for our children - development without destruction”, “Organization of the collection, disposal and disposal of hazardous waste: acid rain and energy”, “Tree for peace”, “Youth: population and environment”, “Climate change. The need for a global partnership", "Poverty and the environment - breaking the vicious circle", "One Earth - one family", "For the sake of life on Earth - save our seas", "Enter the World Wide Web of Life", "Green Cities": A Plan for planets!”, “We need seas and oceans! Alive, not dead”, “Forests: using the services of nature”, “Think. Eat. Save”, “Raise your voice, but not sea level!” and others.

Ecologist. Professionogram.

General characteristics of the profession

An ecologist is a specialist who comprehensively studies the impact of human activity on the environment and develops a set of environmental measures.

Nowadays, one of the most powerful factors influencing nature is human activity, the consequences of various human impacts on the living world (industrial pollution, agricultural production, urbanization, tourism, etc.).

Ecology is closely related to economics, legal and moral aspects of environmental management, and politics.

Modern ecology is not only a biological science, but, to a certain extent, also a social one.

Based on environmental laws, laws on nature protection, a system of reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, and Red Books with lists of plants and animals to be protected are developed.

Environmental knowledge is also necessary for the development of practical measures to protect the environment and human health (for example, when creating waste-free technology, in a system for monitoring environmental quality, etc.).

All this is done by specialists - ecologists.

The main place in their work is occupied by research activities.
An ecologist works in sanitary and hygienic, meteorological, scientific institutions, industrial enterprises, and environmental inspections.

Responsibilities of an ecologist:

Research of the state of water, land, air, observation of the life of plants and animals;
research into the influence of the natural environment and food on the health and well-being of people, their genetic apparatus;
identification and classification of current and potential sources of environmental hazards, determination of the influence of various factors on the environment of their nature, degree, scale, real and predicted consequences;
development of complexes of environmental protection measures, their implementation and monitoring of results;
determining the level of compliance of the condition of technical facilities with environmental standards and taking measures to introduce new equipment and technologies that comply with environmental standards.

The main goal of an ecologist's activity– organization of protection of the life and health of people, flora and fauna from the process and consequences of irrational and uncontrolled use by people of the achievements of science and technology.

Main subject of work- nature (study, research of the state and living conditions of humans, animals, plants), accompanying - sign systems (numbers, documents).

In his work, the ecologist uses material (instrumental) means of labor - manual (pen, pencil), mechanical and automatic, control and measuring instruments (chemical and physico-chemical analysis, gas analyzers, biotesters, recording equipment).

In addition, the main ones include its intangible (functional) means - analytical thinking, long-term memory; well-coordinated body, business speech, as well as senses - vision, hearing, smell, touch.

The work of an ecologist has a clearly defined nature and is carried out in accordance with the current ones:
job responsibilities;
legislative and regulatory legal acts;
methodological and guidance materials, environmental standards;
decrees, orders, orders, instructions relating to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

The work of an ecologist is organized in such a way that the fulfillment of work tasks depends on the process and result of the actions of other people (team members, specialists from other contact departments).

Functionally, the ecologist is the organizer of his own work - he plans it, distributes the load, changes the methods of performing and solving problems according to changing circumstances.

The ecologist has few contacts - with work colleagues and representatives of related organizations that are connected by common labor functions.
An ecologist has increased responsibility for the life and health of people, animals, and plants.

An ecologist works both in comfortable conditions - indoors (a desk with a PC and communications equipment), and outdoors in constant movement - these are trips to expeditions, nature reserves, and work in field teams.

The following factors can contribute to psychophysiological tension in the work of an ecologist:
increased responsibility for the life and health of humans, animals and plants;
physical exercise;
work in harmful conditions (air pollution, water and soil pollution, vibration, high humidity);
work outdoors.

Requirements of the profession for the individual abilities of a specialist:

Neuropsychic stability;
analytical thinking;
good long-term and short-term memory;
physical endurance.

Requirements of the profession for the personal abilities and qualities of a specialist:

personal organization;
ability to make decisions;
organizational skills.

Medical contraindications:

The work of an ecologist is not recommended for people with the following diseases:
musculoskeletal system;
upper respiratory tract;
digestive organs;
visual analyzer.

Pre-vocational education

Knowledge of biology, chemistry, Russian language and literature is required as part of the school curriculum.

Professional education

Ecological professions are taught in institutions of higher professional education.

Related professions

Laboratory ecologist, biologist, sanitary doctor, meteorologist.

Educational institutions specializing in “Ecologist”

The Faculty of Natural Geography was formed in October 1932, at the same time the Department of Chemistry was created. In 1934, a joint department of botany and zoology was organized, which in 1940 was divided into the departments of botany and zoology. In 1960, the Department of Geography was founded in connection with the opening of the specialty “history and geography”, and in 1963 the faculty received the name of natural geography. In 2012, the faculty celebrated the 80th anniversary of its activities.

Currently, the faculty is a center for training specialists: biologists, geographers, teachers (teachers of biology, geography, chemistry).

The faculty structure includes 5 departments (Department of Botany and Plant Ecology, Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology, Department of Geography, Department of Chemistry, Department of Life Safety and Biomedical Disciplines), problem laboratories (environmental studies, regional studies, GIS laboratory), zoological museum , resource center for collective use Herbarium of Pskov State University, biological station - in the Gdovsky district (village of Pnevo).


Teacher Education
profile "Biology and Chemistry" (full-time study, 5 years)

profile "Bioecology" (full-time study, 4 years)

Aquatic biological resources and aquaculture (full-time study, 4 years)


Teacher Education
profile "Theory and methods of teaching biology and chemistry" (full-time study, 2 years)

profile "Ecology" (full-time study, 2 years)

The Department of General Ecology is one of the youngest departments of the faculty,
it was created in mid-1999.

The department is equipped with modern teaching aids and equipment for the effective implementation of educational and research processes, a modern computer class has been created, on the basis of which the department conducts the general faculty course “Mathematical methods in biology”. The department runs a permanent scientific seminar “Population and system ecology”; The employees of the department have created and maintained the scientific and educational portal “Fundamental Ecology”, the information system “Ecology of Fresh Waters in Russia and Adjacent Countries”, and the website “Vasily Vasilyevich Nalimov - an outstanding scientist, mathematician and philosopher”.

Professional periodicals

International scientific journal "Ecology" (Russian Journal of Ecology)

The magazine "Ecology" was founded in 1970.

Frequency - 6 issues per year.

Since 1973, the journal "Ecology" has been translated into English.
The journal publishes reviews and original articles from all over the world on completed materials of fundamental research in all areas of theoretical and experimental ecology in the classical sense of the term, i.e. science about the relationships of living organisms and their communities with their environment.

The journal "Ecology" is currently a recognized authoritative Russian publication that publishes original scientific articles on problems of theoretical and experimental ecology.

The most important topics:
studying the structure of populations in various environmental conditions,
homeostasis, adaptation and resistance to stress,
problems of biodiversity and ecosystem stability,
main types of variability of morpho-physiological characteristics of different species,
anthropogenic impact on living organisms and ecosystems, 6. radioecology,
new research methods.

The journal also publishes short reports, chronicles of international and Russian conferences and symposia on environmental problems, reviews and reviews of new books.

Full-text versions of articles are available by subscription on the website of the electronic scientific library elibrary.ru

Newspaper "Society and Ecology"

The newspaper has been published since May 1999 and is published monthly.

The newspaper is distributed free of charge by delivery to administrative, informational, legislative, political, environmental and other structures, as well as at conferences, exhibitions and seminars.

Each issue of the newspaper is sent electronically via a database to scientific, public, environmental organizations, administrative institutions, legislative and executive authorities, to the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, television and radio companies, Internet sites - more than 500 recipients.

Topics covered by the newspaper: environmental culture, environmental education, environmental legislation, energy, construction, protection of forests and green spaces, eco-villages, air condition, clean water, soil condition, soils, survey and environmental activities, nature conservation, green youth issues, development of environmental journalism, household and industrial waste, agriculture, nuclear energy, information policy, religious and ideological issues, eco-policy, eco-tourism, press tours and much more.

The site contains an archive of newspaper issues in PDF format since 2011.

Books and articles about the profession of ECOLOGIST

Klepa chooses a profession. Ecologist: almanac // Klepa. – 2001. – No. 7 (70). – P. 2-32.

What does an ecologist do? What is the biosphere? How did the greenhouse effect arise? Who is to blame for the appearance of ozone holes? Why does acid rain occur? How to keep the planet clean?
Klepa develops smart solutions to environmental problems.
The almanac also contains the comic book “Klepa and Ecological Balance”.

Kolozaridi, P. Become a professional “green” / P. Kolozaridi // Entrant. – 2009 - No. 9. – P. 22-24.

In the 20th century, there was a need to take special care of nature. The ecologist has become a specialist in demand in a variety of fields. The article will tell you how to become an ecologist and where a person with such a profession can apply himself.

Romanova E. S. 99 Popular professions: psychology. analysis and professionograms / E. S. Romanova. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2003. - 460 p.

On pp. 423-426 there is a professiogram of the profession “Ecologist”.

Shalaeva, G. P. Big book of professions for the little ones / G. P. Shalaeva. - M.: Slovo: Eksmo, 2005. - 239 p.

On pp. 226-227 the profession of ecologist is described.

Books about ecology

Geography of the Pskov region: Nature, population, economy: textbook. allowance for 8-9 grades. / ed. A. G. Manakova. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - Pskov: POIPKRO, 2000. - 199 p.

P. 160-165 contains the topic “Ecological problems”, which talks about how vegetation is changing, the air, water and soil of the Pskov region are being polluted.

Greshnevikov A.N. Ecological primer: [for environments. and art. school age] / Greshnevikov A.N. - M.: Ecos-inform, 1995. - 73 p.

The Ecological Primer is the first book that will teach environmental literacy and help prepare conversations on ecology and environmental protection with middle and high school students.
The primer tells us how to preserve our native land, plants and animals, fields and forests, and restore purity to the seas and rivers, land and air.
After each chapter there are practical tasks.
The purpose of the classes is to introduce children to nature conservation and awaken in the children a sense of responsibility for everything living and inanimate on earth, to show with specific examples that the health of the planet largely depends on the interaction of humans with nature.

Local history and nature conservation / Pskov. state ped. Institute; Pskov. region Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers. - Pskov: [b. i.], 1993. - 217 p. - Bibliography: p. 212-215.

P. 3-36 contains the chapter “Ecology and Nature Conservation”, dedicated to the environmental situation in the Pskov region, the state of the Pskov-Chudskoye Lake ecosystem, environmental forecasting and much more.

Molodova L.P. Playful environmental activities with children: educational method. allowance / L. P. Molodova. - M.: TsGL, 2003. - 128 p.

The manual offers 54 developments of play activities for children aged 2 to 12 years and older to educate children about environmental culture.
To provide an accessible explanation of environmental problems, the content of the lessons includes a variety of games, extensive literary and folklore material.
Many classes can be conducted not only with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, but also with children of middle school age.
The manual is intended for teachers of kindergartens, orphanages, boarding schools, after-school groups, school teachers, organizers of children's leisure, as well as students of pedagogical schools and universities.

Pryadko, K. A. Ecology: a schoolchild’s dictionary / K. A. Pryadko. - St. Petersburg. : Litera, 2006. - 63 p. - (Concepts and definitions).

The dictionary contains basic concepts and definitions for the ecology course for high school. The material is selected in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and is arranged in alphabetical order in the form of dictionary entries.
Using a dictionary, you can consolidate the knowledge gained in class, test yourself and prepare for tests, and simply glean interesting information.
The dictionary is intended for secondary school students, university students, as well as for anyone interested in ecology.

Ryanzhin S.V. Ecological primer: book. for classes with children at school. / Ryanzhin S.V. - St. Petersburg. : Pit-Tal, 1996. - 184 p. - Bibliography: p. 182. -ISBN 5-72-61051-18

The "Primer" sets out the basics of knowledge on modern ecology in a simple and accessible form.

Scenarios dedicated to World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day)

1. Peshkun, L. G. Eco-rainbow: June 5 - World Environment Day: for children 9 years old / L. G. Peshkun // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2015. - No. 4. – P. 56-58.

The team game scenario contains tasks to compose a three-sentence story about the danger to nature hidden in it, name and draw an animal based on the description, write gratitude to the sun for everything it gives to nature and man, and much more.

2. Astafieva, A. A. Nature is our home: an ecological matinee for children 6-7 years old / A. A. Astafieva // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2014. - No. 4. – P. 57-59.

This event scenario for preschoolers is dedicated to World Environment Day.

3. Yunda, N. N. Environmental court / N. N. Yunda, M. I. Chernysh // Class teacher. – 2012. No. 7. – P. 99-102.

The proposed scenario in the form of a court hearing to hear a case about planet pollution is intended to form students' ideas about the aggravation of the environmental situation and the development of students' environmental culture.

4. Loboda, O. V. Be a man, man! : June 5 – Ecologist Day: for children 8-10 years old / O. V. Loboda // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2012. - No. 4. – P. 30-32.

The event scenario contains educational information about ecology, the Red Book of Russia and interactive tasks for children, which help to develop respect and love for nature among the event participants.

Poems about ecologist and ecology

green nature,
All the birds and animals
Ecologist protects
With my care.

He tells the people
Worried and loving:
"Who will save nature -
He will save himself."

Let the sea be clean
The fields are blooming,
Let him not know grief
Beloved Earth.

Profession "Ecologist" on the TV channel "PROSVESCHENIE"

Every year people think more and more about the world around them, its condition, resources and their exhaustibility, ecology, and so on. The green world that past generations knew has sunk into oblivion for several decades. Everything was filled with factories, factories, and wood processing concerns. There are more and more cars on the streets, more and more emissions are released into the atmosphere. More and more heavy metals settle in the lungs of people and animals. Further we go, worse it becomes. And so people began to think about the danger and finally realized that they needed to take care of it and do it wisely. This is what the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources did. But the staff for it and some other organizations involved in the state of our environment is being prepared by universities. This direction is called “Ecology and environmental management”. Let's look at the characteristics and functions of this area and specialty.

Direction characteristics

"Ecology and Environmental Management" is a specialty that prepares students in three areas. Namely: geoecology, environmental management, ecology. The principle of all areas is related, and specialists can work in the future under the same conditions. As it became clear from the preface, the profession is really relevant. And, most importantly, there are not very many specialists in it at the moment. This creates the opportunity for more extensive career exploration and career growth, provided that the matter will really be of interest to the student, and in the future to the graduate and potential employee. However, you will have to work not only in a cozy office chair. “Ecology and environmental management” is a specialty that involves working in the field, frequent trips to take measurements and take samples for analysis. In any case, this will be the case at the beginning of your career.

What students study

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region needs specialists who can do their job efficiently. It offers many internships, internships and even vacancies for future graduates of higher education institutions. But in order to get there, you need to know the relevant subjects perfectly. And, of course, it is important to be able to apply knowledge in practice.

The Committee on Ecology and Natural Resources Management has identified the most important skills of specialists in this industry. These include: knowledge of the biological diversity of species in the controlled area, their requirements for living conditions; ability to analyze and interpret the results of environmental research; prediction in connection with certain man-made actions; knowledge of environmental economics; understanding of the principles of environmental monitoring; the ability to rationally organize the extraction and use of organic and natural resources.

Required skills and knowledge

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region involves the work of experts in exact science. This is not a humanities major in most cases. The student and specialist will have to make many global calculations. Each such specialist in a group of workers will be assigned great responsibility for the results of their analyses, systematics and verdict. The direction “Ecology and environmental management” is positioned by universities as a research field. This means that the applicant must be aware of the need for the ability to use numbers and formulas, and also, quite possibly, to develop new methods of calculations, analysis, monitoring and other methods of research and action to protect the environment. Not all people have the ability to bear great responsibility, nor do they have the desire for calculations, especially such complex and large-scale ones.

Prospects of the direction

Everything in this world is currently “sick” of environmental friendliness. Eco-friendly food, environmentally friendly production of clothing and household items, environmentally friendly mining and production of minerals. In almost all spheres of society, ecology has taken first place in importance. Few people alive today do not realize the importance of preserving the environment in its original, pure form. And since this purity is, in fact, no longer left, we must try with all our might to return it. In any case, the next few decades, both commercial organizations and government projects will not force graduates of the specialty “Ecology and Environmental Management” to ask the question: “Who should I work with?”

Career ladder

Learning means being able to move forward rather than stay in one place. And any self-respecting person will not work all his life without any advancement. Be it salary, professional responsibilities, range of functions, and so on. Life is motion. So, ecologists are one of the few specialists who actually have a clearly structured hierarchy of career ladders and the opportunity to advance along it. Starting with various research groups, communities and laboratories, continue to work in large concerns, leading global industries. There is a pleasant opportunity for environmentalists to occupy high-ranking positions in the government apparatus. It is society’s view of the pressing problem that will help move in the right direction.

"Ecology and environmental management": who to work with

Nowadays, people go to study not according to the call of their hearts, but according to the market situation and the demand for specialists. Therefore, the list of vacancies that you can apply for after graduation is always interesting. This is where the question arises: “I graduated with a degree in Ecology and Environmental Management. Where can I go to work?” A burning question for many who are interested in this area.

So, having received the specialty "Ecology and Environmental Management", what kind of work can you do? These are: agroecologist, bioecologist, geoecologist, hydroecologist, ecologist, ecologist-auditor, ecologist-inspector, ecologist-nature user, and, of course, the most obvious, teacher of the completed disciplines. An agroecologist studies and protects the rational use of water and air, and implements a set of measures to protect them from pollution. His responsibilities also include the study and protection of plants and animals in agriculture from various viruses, fungi and diseases.

Bioecologists carry out their activities mainly in laboratories and research centers. Their task is to study the components of the ecosystem and develop measures to maintain their balance.

Geoecologists accompany all construction work. Any construction project must have an opinion from this specialist. Firstly, he must determine how damaging the construction of a new facility will be for nature, and secondly, how the environment will react, what cataclysms and accidents may occur.

The profession of a hydroecologist is associated with reservoirs, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their biological component and the degree of safety in terms of pollution. Development of treatment facilities, regulatory documentation on the use of water resources, reports on work done - this is what this specialist will have to do.

An ecologist and an environmental engineer are required in all plants and factories, as well as in organizations involved in the mining industry. All actions of market participants must comply with environmental regulations and not exceed acceptable levels of pollution and safety. An ecologist should monitor all this.

Auditors and inspectors in the field of ecology work in inspection bodies, various sanitary and epidemiological stations, state control services, and statistical authorities. Their duty is to verify compliance with regulations and impose sanctions on entities that violate standards.

Prestige and demand for the profession

What is a prestigious job in our society? It is unlikely that this includes a sales consultant and a staff accountant. There are too many of these specialists on the market now. But researchers, designers, auditors are another matter. But ecologists, in essence, can be all of the above. The work of an ecologist requires extensive knowledge and skills, which already eliminates a large audience when entering this specialty. An extraordinary mind and the ability to see what others do not see is what makes prestige. And most importantly, they pay a good salary for it. The small number of ecologists makes them the most sought-after specialists in the world, where they are urgently needed at the moment. This means that finding a job as a professional will be much faster and easier.

The essence of the work

Depending on the place where the specialist will work, and on the activities of the employer, his responsibilities will be as follows: conducting environmental assessments and monitoring, creating and maintaining an environmental database, forming an enterprise policy regarding environmental behavior, preparing programs and action plans for environmental protection environment, making proposals to legislative bodies, drawing up reports on the environment, implementing regulatory plans, calculating the noise level in a designated area and in premises, implementing and maintaining an internal management system in the area. Especially such specialists are needed at manufacturing enterprises to monitor compliance with environmental standards. Specialists without work experience can start working in various laboratories, research centers, and expert groups.

Salary expectations

The most important and interesting part of the article for many readers is how much the work of such a specialist costs. Is it worth studying in this direction? So, an environmental engineer will receive around 50,000 rubles per month, an environmentalist project developer will receive up to 70,000 rubles per month, an environmental engineer will be able to increase his budget every month by 100,000. In most vacancies, the salary parameter is “at agreements,” which means that your price as a specialist will be told to you after the interview.

Ecologist (environmental engineer) is a specialist who analyzes the situation and develops measures to reduce existing and possible harm to nature.

Ecologist (environmental engineer) - a specialist involved in analyzing the situation and developing measures to reduce existing and possible harm to nature. An ecologist identifies the causes of natural disasters and develops ways to reduce the impact of human factors on the environment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry, biology and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

In the future, problems of environmental conservation will occupy an increasingly important place. Due to the increasing emission of harmful elements into the atmosphere, environmental problems are being placed at one of the top places. The demand for professional ecologists will increase, but the requirements for them will also increase. The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most popular and important.

Ecologists are trying to understand and explain, for example, why lakes dry up or their inhabitants die. They study the state of the earth, water, air, as well as the degree of impact of industrial production on people, plants, and animals. Ecologists identify the degree of pollution, analyze the causes and make a forecast of the situation in the future. Environmental specialists study the consequences of certain events affecting the environment (for example, rocket launches), monitor the proper disposal of various wastes, and monitor hazardous industries.

Environmental engineers are faced with the development and approval by government environmental authorities of documents that justify the environmental safety of various projects and industrial production. Specialists in laboratories conduct research on the content of specific and basic pollutants in the air of cities.

At the moment, qualified ecologists are needed to conduct examinations when starting the construction of any residential buildings, factories, or transport road facilities. Without a positive conclusion, none of the construction projects will begin. Moreover, each enterprise must conduct its activities under the close supervision of environmental engineers.

Studying the fundamentals of environmental management is especially important in connection with Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The World Trade Organization (WTO) plans to adopt and implement ISO international standards in countries that have joined the WTO, providing a unified global system of requirements for quality management of services and goods. One of the most important world standards is ISO 14000. The subject of this standard is an environmental management system (EMS), the use of which makes it possible to effectively combine the economic growth of a company's income with the preservation of a favorable environment. Knowledge of ISO series standards and their implementation in organizations are mandatory requirements for future ecologists.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • be able to fluently understand environmental legislation, standards and regulations
  • knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, processes occurring in the environment
  • have an idea of ​​the procedure for conducting environmental impact assessments
  • know environmental monitoring methods
  • have computer modeling skills
  • understand foreign and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection
  • be able to draw up the necessary reporting and documentation on environmental protection
  • knowledge of a foreign language (for the possibility of business trips or work abroad)

Personal qualities

  • diplomacy, flexibility, civic courage (to challenge the actions of officials, authorities, government agencies)
  • internal discipline
  • stress resistance
  • scrupulousness, responsibility, accuracy
  • accuracy (no mistakes allowed)
  • Analytical mind
  • passion for living nature, ability for scientific creativity
  • skill to work in team
  • independence
  • decency
  • performance

Pros of the profession

  • obtaining moral satisfaction from the work done, in connection with receiving a salary through improving the environment
  • qualified ecologists are popular among employers and this demand will grow
  • University graduates already have some work experience due to undergoing the necessary internships in production, which helps them acquire useful contacts and recommendations (this will simplify and accelerate career growth)
  • An environmental engineer who has received the necessary qualifications can count on a fairly lucrative job in the petrochemical, construction or energy industries.
  • the profession of ecologist is international, which makes it possible to work abroad (this profession is in greater demand abroad than in Russia)
  • The work of an ecologist is quite interesting and involves business trips

Cons of the profession

  • low salaries for environmentalists
  • ability to work in extreme conditions
  • health hazard due to the need to work with hazardous substances

Place of work and career growth

Ecology graduates can begin their careers in government agencies (for example, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, etc.). In environmental organizations, large enterprises, and municipal structures, there is an ecologist staff position.

A young specialist usually starts his career as a technical assistant. Later he can become a coordinator and take on a certain direction. The next stage of career development could be supervising several coordinators.

In commercial organizations, environmental specialists have higher salaries, but the experience and qualifications of an environmental engineer are of great importance when determining salaries.

The highest demand for an environmental specialist is in industrial enterprises. However, you can also get a job in a design organization that provides services to all kinds of factories and construction companies.

Main places of work of ecologists:

  • Research laboratories
  • Ecological structures at the enterprise
  • Government structures, control and supervision bodies
  • Environmental organizations
  • Construction companies
  • Plants and factories

“Environmental education of preschool children” - Reading literature, looking at demonstration material, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings, etc. Some protected plants and animals of their region, country. Tasks. Integrations. Forms of working with children. Take care of indoor plants and pets. Features of the work of people in the most common professions.

“Ecological culture of preschool children” - Positive results. Model of environmental education for preschoolers. Accumulation of emotional positive experiences by children. Ecological trail. The teacher must take care of instilling in his children feelings of boundless love for the Motherland. Conditions for organizing work with parents. Caring and compassionate attitude towards natural objects.

“Ecological School” - Defense of projects aimed at creating an eco-psychological microclimate in the school. Preschoolers, together with high school students, cleared and landscaped the territory of the Quiet spring. Project. Debate club "ERUDIT". Healthy lifestyle skills are established in childhood. These activities have the aim to form the ecological atmosphere.

“Ecology in kindergarten” - The road to home (about the rules of behavior on the street). Why are the leaves colored? 4.Excursions. How do you feel when you hug a tree? 1.Environmental activities; 2. Circle work. Thanks to perception in nature and art, a person discovers the beauty in himself. Beauty will save the world. What do children need to know about nature?

“Ecological excursions for preschoolers” - What a person needs. Nature excursion. How do people use natural resources - water? Lake. Autumn forest. The importance of environmental education. By the pond. Formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge. Ecological excursion. Diagnostics. Long-term planning.

“Ecological trail in kindergarten” - Highlighting interesting objects. Ecological trail passport. Behavior rules. Rules of behavior on the ecological path. 3 main types of ecological paths. Drawing up a map. Sequencing. Preschoolers. Ecological path. Environmental signs. Ecological route.

There are 11 presentations in total


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