Sergey Shrunov's statements about women. Sergey Shnurov: about love and the present in women. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Shnurov Sergey

Date of Birth:




TV presenter

Behind every successful man,
His chick is standing with a rolling pin.
Behind every man without rank,
There is also a heifer with a rolling pin.
And even a nerd man,
A woman is chasing with a rolling pin.
And those who are completely unemployed,
They're throwing that rolling pin pretty hard.
Behind each and every man,
His chick is standing with a rolling pin.
So maybe the reason is not the chick,
Did it just happen like that?

You begged, - come soon,
I am ready to take risks for the sake of happiness.
It’s more pleasant without a condom,
I'll throw you on the bed.
Arrived, you are wonderful, like a dream,
Like a loan, or even an advance.
Our hearts beat in unison.
And the soul sings a wondrous romance.
Warm waves crashed against the side,
You look beautiful in Jimmy Choo shoes
I want from you... an abortion,
Because I don't want children.

Autumn has come,
It's not cool outside the window.
Zhenya Osin died
Because he drank.
There is a buzzer on the phone.
Chalk on the asphalt.
Zhenya Osin died
Because he sang.
The girl keeps crying
In an old machine.
She's wearing a gray raincoat
And underneath is a robe.
Autumn cried to us,
The leaves circled.
Zhenya Osin died
Because he lived.

Comment on the quote:

About the death of Evgeny Osin

I’m an indecent artist, that’s why men offer me *** marriage, and ladies offer me *** marriage. For decent artists it’s the other way around.

Facebook is a hysterical environment. People there are in some kind of endless hysteria. It doesn’t matter for what reason, the main thing is to be hysterical. I love hysterics on stage, but not in life.

Many people ignore swearing like this, saying: “No, I won’t swear.” And then, *** the situation, and he has no words.

Behind every successful man,
There are a lot of women standing in line.
They breathe into each other’s backs, “What? Yes, and I would give it.”

Holy Rus'! The kingdom is huge!
He woke up very early.
Are there medications in the pharmacy?
Is water flowing from the tap?
Along the forests and along the steppes
He rushes, the motorcade flies.
Check everything, be on time everywhere,
Work things out with Trump.
Have you delivered the bread to the store?
And check the pharmacy again.
How much oil? How much gas?
What do we have there regarding APEC?
A pipe burst in St. Petersburg!
He leaves urgently.
And again they don’t have enough money,
The stadium is unfinished.
He will bring them money,
I'm driving, and there's a lambswool in my bag.
He will find the spare parts himself,
To your personal Lada.

Drinking my third glass with you,
I told myself, don’t rush, wait.
And then he grabbed your ass.
Lo and behold, he’s no longer single again.
As usual it was not calm,
The bloc that NATO expanded
The exchange rate of the ruble, bitcoin,
Only I am consistently drunk and married.
They will ask, have you had enough women?
No, it's complete, but there is one small thing.
I love. The same rake.
I'm by no means a bachelor.

I don't know a time in this country when people liked what was happening. No one is happy in Rublyovka either, I’m telling you. And in the basements of St. Petersburg, everyone is also unhappy. This is a country of dissatisfied people by definition. People are born with a sour expression on their face. In the summer, bitch, it’s hot, in the winter, it’s cold, it’s always not the same.

You can admire the Mona Lisa in the original. Or you can hang a reproduction in your toilet.

I don’t divide songs into “with swearing” and “without swearing”, I divide them into good and bad.

They were going to tighten the nuts, but they forgot that the bolts were all screwed off!

It seems to me that a wedding is an activity when people have completely fucked each other up, and they want some kind of celebration.

I propose to ban the sale of alcohol and drugs to people without higher education! The prestige of knowledge will skyrocket. If you want to drink, study! One law will change the world. Please consider my proposal.

The rules and conditions are all an illusion that people have invented for themselves.

There is no inspiration now, there is a commercial need.

Any good music sooner or later becomes commercial.


Nobody needs heroes. Especially in Russia.

You can admire the Mona Lisa in the original. Or you can hang a reproduction in your toilet.

We do not choose life, but life chooses us, having you.

People are controlled by political strategists.

If I were like the hero of my texts, I would hardly have lived to this day.

“Leningrad” is like a pain in the ass.

In St. Petersburg, music is born precisely from idleness.

As the practice of modern cinema shows, even dogs play in films.

This whole swamp with frogs croaking next to each other needs to be stirred up. Our cultural space must expand.

I'm a goofball, of which there are many everywhere.

You need to be able to learn to drown.

Even the taste of whiskey has changed since the millennium.

Rather, these are not remakes - these are quotes. Remakes are complete rehashes of songs, and I learned how to quote from Schnittke.

I grew up in an area where the largest “raspberries” in the city of St. Petersburg were located. It's better not to go there without a brick. I still come to my parents with a baseball bat.

It was in the 19th century that one could freely be revolutionaries. Now it's stupid. There is no room for exploits.

“All my songs are about love. About unrequited, animal, paradoxical, impossible, tragic, past, fatal, lustful, unbearable, f*cking, deadly, mutual, bad, but love. I don’t write about non-love.”

Sergey Shnurov and Matilda (real name - Elena Mozgovaya)

got married in 2010

"I love you. Even when I say no, I love you. Fuck Rachmaninov's second concert to the fullest, and let's go to Kanonersky Island, there is something that is forever, this little human thing of ours forever. Gulf of Finland . Lighthouse. Ships. ****! ****! No, I’m not swearing. This is my delight that knows no other words. This is my favorite Russian language, low and high at the same time. The language in which I think and in which I I don't think so. The Russian language is inside me and outside. This is my being. This is me. This is you."

"So the leaves rustle, The alleys of July. Almost without magic. I love you, I love you. Whether I am silent or sing, I beg you - read. I love you. July. Almost without magic."


“When he has already drunk the third bottle of vodka, and his eyes reflect the abyss, all the everyday and political husk flies away and only the peeling, very last essence remains, he asks the main question: “Do you respect me?” excites a man. This is his core. Yes, this is such a primitive thing. A cunning woman demonstrates this respect by manipulating a man, without outwardly claiming anything, in the end she gets everything. A stupid woman first demands respect for herself, openly declares her rights, insists on attention. Claiming for everything at once, most often ends up with nothing. An intelligent woman, understanding the rules of the game, chooses one or another strategy, depending on her desire to get one or another result. Depending on the situation, as they say. But an honest one ", in my own opinion, a straightforward and uncompromising woman is just a fool. I forgot to say the most important thing - there are no honest women."

"A man, unlike a woman, is a stupid and naive animal. But, like all animals, he loves affection. He just wants to get it for nothing, out of love. He will grow a belly, watch enough football until he moos, break out in acne, buy an inexpensive gray sports suit , because there is no money, and is waiting. When will someone love him for his priceless soul, for the fact that he is HIM. Meanwhile, the woman has already gone on a diet, and ran to the gym, and went to courses, and worked She found money. She took the loan and drives in a brand new car past the man’s lair. “What a b****.” Selling ******. I hate," - this is how a man confesses his love to her. But his love is unrequited. Despair pierces his big masculine heart. His life is bleak and unbearable. And he, poor thing, has no idea that just like that - only ******* can be obtained, not love."


“Why do women love me? Because I love them SO much! To paraphrase Belinsky (he is talking about the theater): “Do you love women the way I love them, that is, with all the strength of your soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy. .." "Any lady is more complex and interesting than any theater. I don't go to the theater. Maybe only with a lady."


“As soon as I heard from a lady: “You are my soul mate,” I immediately stopped all relations with her. I didn’t want to be someone’s soul mate. I lived somehow before her and was not my soul mate. A solid, strong-willed person , as Basilashvili’s hero said in “Autumn Marathon.” And if, say, she has a mistress or a lover, then you’re already a quarter, it turns out. And left a quarter of her half there? Am I still half of her? No, I’d rather do without arithmetic in relationships.”


“Haven’t you noticed? The cultural level has grown recently, especially among the ladies.” “A priori!” A priori! A priori! ", they coo, sitting in cafes and restaurants. They philosophize. But this should not embarrass or please you. You should not grab Kant's books either. Let them lie. "A priori" in women's philosophical terminology, if anyone is not in the know, - this is the good old "any way". A priori."


"Something went wrong when plastic surgery became available to almost everyone. New standards of beauty appeared. Oh, standard beauty! Yes, this also happens. Its formula is as simple as simplicity, which is worse than theft. The more, the better! This, of course, does not apply to the belly. With the belly, everything is exactly the opposite. Lips, legs, eyes, nails, tits and ass - that’s all that women should have big. For beauty. And now almost everyone has become irresistible "standardly beautiful. But the charming ones have disappeared somewhere. There are fewer and fewer cute ones. The delightful ugly girls have somehow calmed down. The fauna of big cities has become impoverished. Only lionesses and panthers prowl the streets. But they are not real."

“We are not so different animals that we cannot be together. Man and woman. Why is each other’s company now becoming more and more unbearable and painful? A chasm has opened up between the different sexes of the same species. And this chasm has opened up in time. In our age of performance and carnival, people choose their own style, religion, even this or that era. It is enough to look at the architecture of Rublyovka to understand this. Castles are adjacent to villas, huts - with concrete and glass. Russian women, for the most part, live in the Baroque era. About This is what their craving for everything artificially sublime tells us (see the section “female philosophy”). The standards of plastic surgery in terms of the degree of strangeness and unnaturalness compete with wigs and corsets. Etiquette dominates ethics. “Propriety” and conventions. Women’s Instagram resembles ladies’ albums 17- 18 centuries with naive poems and romantic pictures. Men survive in the era of feudalism of the early Middle Ages. Closed bath societies, vassal relations, allotments for service, civil strife. Rudeness and savagery as a manifestation of strength and power. Love of long and immoderate feasts. Lack of respect for what they consider to be the lower strata of society. Meeting in the evenings in the kitchens of panel houses, these two eras look at each other with bewilderment. Where did THIS come from here, in my world, in my time? Some kind of misunderstanding. Baroque woman and medieval man. Russia. November 2014."


“I’m never bored. Nowhere and never. Even when accompanying my wife as a porter-consultant, I find a million interesting oddities. Women’s fashion stores inspire no worse than fishing, a summer house and a tavern. I saw in them triumphs and downfalls, disappointments and delight, beauty and abomination. The amplitude of feelings and emotions is quite comparable to that of a football stadium. You just need to take a closer look. Fresh collections, like young lovers, invite ladies into the risky and ambiguous. Old, last season, like abandoned husbands, are collecting dust on the shelves and will soon be given to someone for next to nothing. A big, amazing and absolutely not a man's world. There I peek and find stories. It's never boring. Here's at least yesterday's scene. A lady - about forty, plump, with a bouffant on her head - comes out of the fitting room. She's wearing a red dress. It clearly she is not enough. The fabric is tense, madam too. “Tolik, how do you like it?” she apparently addresses her husband. Tolik sits half-turned on the sofa. Small belly, velvet jacket. Looks at the phone. “Well?”, demands wife's reactions. “F**k,” says Tolik, without looking up from the phone. “Yes, I like it too!” the lady calms down. Just a song."

Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov (Shnur), born April 13, 1973, Leningrad. Russian rock musician, leader of the groups “Leningrad” and “Ruble”. Performs songs in the genres of punk rock, chanson, ska. Author of songs for films: "NLS Agency", "Theory of Binge", "Boomer", "Games of Moths", "Koktebel", "Personal Number", "And Everything Illuminated", "Boomer 2", "Streets of Broken Lanterns" and etc.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Shnurov Sergey.

  • You need to be able to learn to drown.
  • I don't propagandize, I reflect.
  • People are controlled by political strategists.
  • “Leningrad” is like a pain in the ass.
  • I'm a goofball, of which there are many everywhere.
  • I'm worried about the hell we'll all end up in.
  • You have to try not to be shit.
  • The factories are standing still, there are only guitarists in the country.
  • Nobody needs heroes. Especially in Russia.
  • I don't understand who I am. This is my happiness.
  • We do not choose life, but life chooses us, having you.
  • Even the taste of whiskey has changed since the millennium.
  • In St. Petersburg, music is born precisely from idleness.
  • In art, ideas always win, not budget.
  • Every second in the world one person kills another.
  • It is generally impossible to perceive mass culture soberly.
  • Bach and Mozart are also pumped. They do not care. And me too.
  • There is no inspiration now, there is a commercial need.
  • Fools can do anything, but I’m a fool. Bear with me like this.
  • Any good music sooner or later becomes commercial.
  • People who do business cannot also do music.
  • The rules and conditions are all an illusion that people have invented for themselves.
  • I don’t divide songs into “with swearing” and “without swearing”, I divide them into good and bad.
  • As the practice of modern cinema shows, even dogs play in films.
  • If I were like the hero of my texts, I would hardly have lived to this day.
  • You can admire the Mona Lisa in the original. Or you can hang a reproduction in your toilet.
  • Popularity is when the traffic cop doesn't charge a fine, but love is when he also pours it for free.
  • It was in the 19th century that one could freely be revolutionaries. Now it's stupid. There is no room for exploits.
  • Rather, these are not remakes - these are quotes. Remakes are complete rehashes of songs, and I learned how to quote from Schnittke.
  • This whole swamp with frogs croaking next to each other needs to be stirred up. Our cultural space must expand.
  • I know people who listened with bated breath to, say, the patriotic Alexander Rosenbaum and were complete bastards.
  • I want to lie decorously in a coffin, with a cigarette in my hands, and let the speakers say: he was a very good person, but he loved to smoke, and that’s why he died.
  • I grew up in an area where the largest “raspberries” in the city of St. Petersburg were located. It's better not to go there without a brick. I still come to my parents with a baseball bat.
  • Do you really believe that America is run by a man who talks on TV? He can promise anything, but it’s not he who decides. He is just a TV presenter, no one tells him - they tell him.

The leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, who once again reminded himself of himself as a folk singer with his , is also known for his witty statements. Sergei’s words instantly scatter into quotes and catchphrases, and we will remember the best of them later.

“I don’t like the authorities. But I don’t know who I don’t like more - the authorities or the people. They, bitch, deserve each other.”

"Vodka performs the functions of a reboot. If I get incredibly drunk, then I give up: drinking is like a little death. And drinking is an entire art. I have never met decent people who don’t drink. If a person doesn’t drink at all, for me he is indecent. I can’t find a relationship with him points of contact. It seems to me that there is something wrong with his soul. Either he is a scout, or he is afraid."

“We are endlessly looking for someone to blame. No one takes care of themselves. It’s your neighbor’s fault that you’re so flawed.”

"My political position is never to engage in politics. It is a thankless task."

“I don’t know a period in this country when people liked what was happening. In Rublevka, no one is happy either, I answer you. And in the basements of St. Petersburg, everyone is also unhappy. This is a country of the dissatisfied by definition. People are born with a sour expression on their faces "In the summer, bitch, it's hot, in the winter, *** [damn], it's cold, it's always not the same."

“People who have strong convictions scare me. They never reason. Everything is clear to them. It’s unclear to me. When I reason, I try not to hold any beliefs.”

“Every period of life is unique. Few people understand this. Everyone is trying to live to a certain age - and now I’ll start! Every second is unique. You can never say: “Now I’m accomplished.” You were accomplished as soon as you were born.”

“I drank every day for three years.”

“I didn’t expect such a success of the “Exhibit” video. Why? There is never an explanation for this. Today at the rehearsal I announced that for two years in the future you don’t have to release *** [anything]; learn to play “On Louboutins” well - and that will be enough "

“Any extremes are fraught. “Neither dumbbells nor alcohol will make you smarter.” In principle, it doesn’t matter whether you ruin your health purposefully or care and cherish it purposefully - you’re a *** [fool] in any case. Because it’s senseless *** [nonsense]. When the meaning of life becomes either ensuring your own health or undermining it, this is *** [nonsense]."

“There’s Elena Vaenga - she’s *** [gorgeous]. Just look at her performances, she absolutely hits her target audience. This is the same woman who walks into a burning hut. Polina Gagarina is not from a burning hut. And Vaenga is absolutely Russian type, she suits this landscape. When you drive along the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway and see these rickety huts, what kind of Polina Gagarina is there? Vaenga plays there!"

“1998 was the most desperate revelry of our lives, a feast during the plague. Everyone suddenly became suddenly and extremely poor. It was much stronger than now. It was a collapse and a catastrophe. People had to use their brains, reinvent their lives. Many changed jobs, schemes. It was a break, it cheered me up. Now it will be the same. We will have to be more dexterous, the efficiency of people should increase."

"No synthetics. All natural: pure alcohol."

“If I had a burning desire to join some forces, I would have joined. I just don’t like packs. Packs are not freedom. But I’m still for personal freedom. I always want to be in a state of choice. When I’ve already made a choice , then I can no longer be in a state of choice."

“If someone ever asks me what I did for Russian culture, seriously, without jokes, I will say that I returned passion to it. That very Dionysian principle that we prefer not to see and keep silent about. Love fever, alcoholic madness, I depicted lustful rage in my scream songs. Those volcanic emotions, without which there is and cannot be a complex, elemental person."

“I’ve been living without TV for eight years now. I used to watch it in hotels. But I haven’t watched it anywhere for two years now. On TV you get the feeling that you’re living in a country of idiots. On the street there’s no such thing. Life is truer than TV.”

“Those who zealously advocate for the preservation and enhancement of Russian culture, in fact, turn out to be absolutely and completely illiterate savages. And the firmer, fiercer and more “spiritual” their calls are, the more illiterate and stupid they are. Without errors, they can write one word of three letters , which is inserted everywhere and everywhere. And this word is God. Just as teenagers, in order to seem more mature, go overboard and cover their *** [penises] where they should and shouldn’t, so these fighters for culture swear in order to create the impression of spirituality. But, "They create nothing except an atmosphere of corrupting idiocy."

“Why do women love me? Because I love them so much! To paraphrase Belinsky (he is talking about the theater): “Do you love women the way I love them, that is, with all the strength of your soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy? » Any lady is more complex and interesting than any theater."

“I also saw and witnessed how my grandfather, a naval sailor, celebrated Victory Day. Without any outward pride and bravado, he met with his comrades, veterans like him. They drank. My grandfather played the seven-string guitar , and to his accompaniment they sang not necessarily military songs, toasts like “We are the winners!” I didn’t hear. There was no arrogance in this holiday. They celebrated not only and not so much Victory Day, but mainly the Day of the End of the War."

"Well, the time has come to talk about the most important and exciting thing. My note about big bellies. Everyone knows that men have three stages of bloating. 1. You can’t see how you’re hanging. 2. You can’t see how you’re standing. 3. You can’t see who *** [delivers oral sex]. The third stage is the most interesting. It allows you to be practically independent and indiscriminate. I just thought: maybe the belly is some kind of psychophysical barrier that grows with age in order to somehow isolate and no longer see the faces of boring and ugly wives. And one more important aspect of the third stage of emaciation. At the third stage, it is no longer visible, as it should not be."


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