ABC of professions. Professions Dictionary of professions from A to Z

Veterinary medicine, working with animals

Pet Protection Agent - Special Rescue Service Inspector. Its mission is to stop cases of cruelty to animals.

An aquarist is a specialist in creating and maintaining closed ecosystems in artificial pools.

A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals.

A veterinary assistant, as in “big medicine,” is a specialist with a secondary medical education who has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

A groomer is a specialist who specializes in grooming pets (usually dogs and cats).

A trainer is an artist who trains animals to perform in front of an audience.

An animal psychologist is a psychologist specializing in animal behavior.

A dog trainer is a specialist in the education and breeding of dogs. He can work with a variety of breeds, because people live next to fear-inducing bull terriers, calm Labradors, and nervous tiny dogs, which are considered to be sofa dogs.

A taxidermist (from the Greek derma - skin, skin and taxis - preparation, processing) is a specialist in making stuffed animals and birds (stuffed).


A felinologist is a specialist in domestic cats.

In the jewelry business, a gemologist is the “number one figure.” A professional gemologist can easily determine the type of gemstone and its origin, distinguish synthetic analogues and imitation gemstones from natural gemstones.

A surveyor is a specialist in drawing up maps of the area and making calculations necessary to describe the terrain.

Geologist is a specialist in studying the composition and structure of rocks for the purpose of searching and exploring mineral deposits. The profession of a geologist closely combines the solution of production problems and the development of theoretical problems, the study of natural objects and patterns and the assessment of the possibilities of their practical use.

Petroleum geologist is a specialist in the exploration of oil and gas fields, the most important sources of energy of modern civilization.

A geophysicist studies the origin, evolution, structure, properties of the Earth and the processes occurring in it and its shells.

Geochemist is a specialist in geochemistry, geochemical prospecting methods, with knowledge in the field of regional geochemistry, geochemistry of elements and their isotopes. He masters methods of experimental and theoretical modeling of natural processes, methods of instrumental analysis of the chemical composition of natural objects, and determination of the absolute age of minerals and rocks.

Hydrogeologists search for groundwater and study it. Currently, when surface water supplies are polluted, the problem of drinking water quality becomes urgent. So the profession of hydrogeologist is in demand more than ever.

A geological engineer carries out engineering and geological surveys in construction, during the reconstruction of buildings and structures and is responsible for the stability of buildings. Currently, when the construction of buildings and structures is in full swing, this profession is especially important and is in high demand.

The work of a cadastral engineer is associated, first of all, with land surveying, that is, with determining the coordinates of the boundaries of land ownership, implementing boundary plans and preparing all the necessary documents for registering property with the state.

A cartographer is a specialist in drawing up paper and electronic maps.

A surveyor is a specialist in geodetic measurements and markings during exploration of mineral deposits, construction of mining enterprises and underground structures.

Design and applied arts

A guitar maker is a craftsman who builds and repairs guitars.

A graphic designer specializes in designing the environment using graphics. It works with signs, billboards, posters, indexes, signs and diagrams that we see in large numbers around, and also takes care of the readability of the information we need, such as Internet sites, magazines, newspapers, leaflets, book covers and CDs, restaurant menus, product catalogs, business cards, as well as packaging of products, manufactured goods and graphic design of shop windows.

An interior designer is a specialist in creating new projects for a harmonious environment to improve human living conditions.

A clothing designer is a light industry specialist who develops sketches of new clothing models.

Font design is the most inconspicuous and at the same time the most responsible work in the field of graphic design and visual communications. Creating signs that encode and transmit information is a high-class skill.

The visualization designer works in the field of architecture and interior design. But this specialty is also quite often found in the field of graphic design, especially in packaging design studios. The visualization designer develops the project and, in addition to other documentation and drawings, provides the customer with its visualization, made using three-dimensional programs.

The art of beautiful writing, which a calligrapher masters, still finds its connoisseurs.

Landscape designer is a specialist in the artistic organization of gardens, parks, and personal plots.

Layout designer is a master in creating models of existing or planned buildings and structures.

The craft of a doll maker is a game, fine art and handicraft at the same time.

Machine embroidery master is a specialist in working with an embroidery machine.

Wicker weaving is an ancient profession that is experiencing a new flourishing.

Hand embroidery is a type of applied art in which images are made by hand with a needle or crochet.

A mosaic artist is an artist or master of decorative and applied arts who works using the mosaic technique.

An artistic bookbinder is a master bookbinder who creates bindings and covers for books.

From English VIP - Very Important Person. Such a specialist monitors the clothes and shoes of the VIP person who hired him, and also takes care of the dressing room and manages household chores related to the wardrobe.

A glassblower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques.

The job of a technical designer is in many ways similar to the job of a prepress specialist. The only difference is that a prepress specialist often works directly in a printing house, while a technical designer’s workplace is almost always located only in an advertising agency or design studio.

Phytodesigner (Designer – florist)

A phytodesigner is a specialist in landscaping and interior decoration using plant compositions.

An artist of miniature painting is a master of decorating lacquer products in the traditions of folk miniature painting.

A fabric painter is a craftsman who decorates fabric using hand painting.

An enamel painter is an artist who specializes in painting enamel items.

Artist-technologist of the textile and light industry - a specialist responsible for developing the design of fabrics.

Image processing specialist. A color corrector works with various kinds of images; his job is to prepare these images for printing or for publication on a website.

Silk screen printer is a screen printer using the silk screen printing method.

A jeweler is a master of making artistic products, jewelry made of precious metals and stones.


A driller is a specialist who controls from the surface of the earth the deepening of the bottom of a well, the fastening of rocks on the walls of a well, the creation of a kind of formwork from high-strength pipes and cement mortar, the opening of productive deposits and the creation of an influx of oil and gas, the elimination of complications and accidents. Drilling is the profession of real men.

Conducts blasting operations when opening soil layers, rocks, etc., carries out seismic exploration, delivery of explosive materials, preparation of charges and carrying out blasting operations.

A geologist searches for and evaluates mineral deposits, as well as studies other features of the earth's crust.

There are also professions that are directly related to nature. This job is a mining engineer. Similar occupations include professions such as geologist, geophysicist, hydrologist or mining exploration engineer. Many social needs of people are satisfied thanks to mineral wealth and oil and gas production.

A miner is a worker in the mining industry who is in one way or another connected with the extraction of minerals. These include geologists engaged in prospecting and exploration of deposits, repairmen who service mining equipment, miners working deep underground, and mine rescuers, on whose professionalism the lives of miners who find themselves in difficult situations largely depend.

Livestock and crop production

An agronomist is a specialist in the field of agriculture with comprehensive knowledge in the field of growing and harvesting plants.

Arborist is a tree specialist, a specialist in the care of green spaces.

A forester is a forest protector. Without his help, the forest cannot withstand human carelessness and natural disasters.

A forester is a specialist in forest management, protection and use of forests. Many people call a forester a forester, so here it is: a forester and a forester are two different professions.

A beekeeper is a specialist in breeding bees, keeping them and obtaining bee products.


is a specialist responsible for compliance with labor safety standards and regulations in production.

A communications engineer is a specialist responsible for the operation of radio engineering and communications equipment.

A hydraulic engineer is an engineer who specializes in the design or operation of structures for using or protecting against water (hydroelectric power plants, dams, canals, etc.).

A building and structural engineer develops building structures and calculates the load (strength calculations) on all its important and load-bearing parts: foundation, frame, beams, columns, suspended lifting equipment. He works with buildings for various purposes: civil, industrial, warehouse, commercial, their designs can also be different: reinforced concrete, metal, wood, stone. The design engineer also prepares design documentation and drawings.

Design engineer - an engineer who develops diagrams and detailed plans for structures.

Design engineer for ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage

This design engineer works with systems of external and internal water supply, sewerage and heating, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, underfloor heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential, public and industrial buildings, and also designs boiler rooms.

The design engineer of low-current systems works with communication networks, this can be television, radio, telephone, intercom, as well as with video surveillance and alarm systems (security, fire), access control and management systems, CCTV system, public address system, clock system ( time synchronization throughout the entire facility) and other cable systems for civil buildings and industrial structures.

This specialist works with power supply systems, internal and external, of different types of voltage (high, medium, low), with distribution and transformer substations.

An energy engineer is a specialist who is involved in the development, production and operation of heat and energy supply systems.

Metrologist is a specialist in monitoring the accuracy of measuring equipment.

Marine engineer - an engineer who specializes in the construction of ships, their engineering components or their maintenance.

A patent specialist is a specialist in filing applications for registration of inventions.

Radio mechanic - a specialist in the repair of television and radio receivers, electronic equipment.

Radio engineer is a specialist in the assembly, configuration, testing and operation of radio systems and devices.

A roboticist is a specialist in the development and maintenance of robots.

A quality expert examines the quality of goods as well as the raw materials from which these goods are made.

An electrician is a specialist in the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical circuits.

Information technology (IT)

is a 3D graphics professional who customizes computer characters for game animation and ensures the movement of hand-drawn models and objects. To put it in a high style, the art of a 3D animator is to breathe soul into a character and create a living, animated world around.


3D Generalist is a generalist who has accumulated knowledge and advanced skills in the field of creating 3D graphics.

Engaged in the creation, updating, and improvement of mobile applications and software for smartphones, tablets, e-readers, game consoles and other devices running on the Android operating system.

is a specialist involved in the development, maintenance, and testing of embedded software.

ERP consultant (consultant on the implementation of ERP systems) is a specialist in the implementation and adjustment of enterprise planning systems.

An ERP programmer is a specialist who ensures the functioning of the ERP system. ERP programmers work in consulting companies or in the IT departments of large companies, for example, banks, trading enterprises.

is a cartoonist who creates animation products using the program Macro Media Flash, which allows you to create animated videos, games, banners, icons, screensavers.

Front-end developer(from English “front-end developer”) is a programmer who develops the user interface, that is, the external public part of the site in the browser. The main task of a front-end developer is to make user interaction with a website or web application as convenient as possible.

Game developer or gamedev- a specialist involved in the creation of program code, visualization and concept of the game, as well as the selection of tools for implementing the assigned tasks.

Engaged in the creation of games, software, interfaces and updates for devices created under the Apple brand (iPad, iPod, iPhone, Watch).

An IT evangelist is a specialist responsible for promoting software products.

QA-engineer- Quality Assurance engineer (Quality Assurance literally means “quality assurance”) is a specialist in functional testing of software at the development stage. Its activities are aimed at improving the software development process, preventing defects and identifying errors in the product. In practice, it is sometimes mistakenly believed that a QA engineer and a software tester are one and the same. In fact, a software tester is engaged in testing ready-made software, and a QA engineer is working on developing testing processes

SEO-specialist(from English SEO - Search Engine Optimization) carries out search engine optimization of sites.

Web Analyst- an IT specialist who collects and analyzes various information about website visitors in order to improve the efficiency of the web resource.

A Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project so that as many users as possible become interested in it.

A web programmer is a specialist in the field of computer technology, namely web programming. Designed to bring web designers' projects to life, creating a functioning website. A programmer is not a profession, but a calling.

A database administrator is a specialist who maintains databases.

Site administrators are responsible for maintaining the functionality of the site and ensuring network security, managing the placement, updating, and moderation of content.

is a virtual reality architect, a specialist who creates a new virtual space.

is an experienced technical specialist who manages a whole group of employees. He is involved in choosing technology for storing data, creating and optimizing queries, drawing up a development plan and technical specifications for subordinates, can design and optimize the database, and monitors the security of the database.

Back-end developer(from English back-end (back side) developer) This is a specialist who deals with the software and administrative part of a web application, the internal content of the system, server technologies - database, architecture, program logic.

(game designer, game design) is a game creator in the broad sense of the word. He can be called a game producer, responsible for the game design of the project.

An e-sportsman is a participant in computer video games.

This is a specialist in developing the structure of a corporate software system, its design and monitoring the progress of implementation. He makes decisions on the internal design and external interface of the software, checking the project requirements and existing resources.

As a specialist, a link manager is considered a link between the optimizer andweb-master, performing most of the routine work associated with large amounts of information.

is a specialist who develops software applications for various mobile devices: tablets, smartphones. The profession is currently the most fashionable, promising and in demand. After all, it is in the field of mobile development that such interesting new products as voice and gesture interfaces have appeared.

Forum moderator

The forum moderator is responsible for the work of the forum, answers questions from visitors, acts as a censor (monitors the behavior of forum participants, suppresses attempts at incorrect or obscene statements or advertising messages).

REA installer is a specialist in the installation of radio-electronic equipment.

A programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models.

A 1C programmer must have all the qualities inherent in a classic programmer: patience and endurance in the process of developing and debugging a program, the ability to quickly adapt to new things, and responsibility. Since a 1C programmer works in the field of accounting, he needs such personal qualities as balance, stress resistance, logical thinking and perseverance.

Specializes in the development of web applications, desktop and cross-platform applications, games, cloud services, applications for devices running on the Windows Phone mobile OS, and other software products.

is a specialist who creates applications of varying complexity using the oldest programming language. He not only writes program code, but also deals with implementation, testing, Russification of programs, and code modification.

Ruby programmers- These are specialists who have extensive experience, technical knowledge, and use a dynamic programming language. Developers use this language to create websites, web interfaces, corporate applications, and software.

- a specialist who develops and improves ways for Internet users to interact with an IT product, creating its attractive interface and appearance. That is, a product designer does everything to ensure that the IT product is profitable, and that using the application or website is convenient, understandable and easy for users.

Database Developer is a specialist who creates databases, debugs them, modernizes them, and maintains them.

A system administrator is a specialist in servicing computers and local computer networks.

A systems analyst, in a broad sense, is a specialist in solving complex organizational and technical problems of an interdisciplinary nature, using systems analysis methods.

- a specialist who sets up and maintains internal computer networks, office equipment and PCs, he also trains employees and helps them use the software.

A systems programmer hardly deals with application programs that make life easier for users. Its task is to build a multi-level structure that will unite individual components into modules, and the modules into a single computer organism or computer network.

Information security specialists are directly involved in the creation of an information security system, its audit and monitoring, analyze information risks, develop and implement measures to prevent them.

Engaged in the creation, support and promotion of various information resources (Internet projects).

is engaged in the development, maintenance and implementation of various information systems.

Software Tester(from the English test - test, check) is a specialist who tests software and controls its quality.

Team lead- this is not an honorable completion of the IT career ladder from junior to senior. This is just the beginning of truly understanding where you want to go next.

(or “usability specialist”) researches, analyzes and improves the user interface of web resources in order to create a more “user-friendly” interface, and ultimately to achieve high conversions and increase sales rates.

Arts (music, theater, cinema, visual arts)

An actor is a professional performer of diverse roles in plays, films, commercials, and video clips.

A make-up artist is a master who masters the art of transforming an actor’s appearance using paints, stickers and other tricks.

The theater, film and television playwright creates the literary basis for future productions. In cinema and TV he is also called a screenwriter. Only a good script can make a good movie. And only the best plays outlive their creators for a long time.

A sound engineer is a specialist in sound recording and sound processing.

A sound engineer is a specialist responsible for the sound design of a film, television, radio program or show.

An icon painter (isographer, image painter, icon scribe) is a painter who specializes in creating icons.

A projectionist is a film demonstrator in a cinema.

A cinematographer is a very important specialist in the field of film shooting, who usually lives in the shadow of the director's fame, while he does the colossal work necessary to shoot a film, not just from the technical, but especially from the artistic side.

A film producer is a specialist in administrative and financial support for the creation of a film.

Film director

A film director is a director who directs the production of a film.

A costume designer is a specialist responsible for storing and preparing costumes in a theater, film studio, etc.

A location manager is involved in finding and preparing locations for filming a film or television show.


A producer is a person in the entertainment industry who manages creative, financial, technological and other processes.

An editing director is a specialist who combines the footage of a film or television program into a coherent work.

A production director is the head of a creative team working on the creation of a film, play or show.

A sculptor is an artist who creates sculptures, that is, works of volumetric-spatial form, three-dimensional and tangible.

A television producer is a person involved in the creation of specific television programs and is responsible for the broadcast policy of the channel as a whole.

A photographer is a person or specialist who creates photographs using a camera and special equipment for printing them. A photographer is a person who captures the beautiful moments of life.

A costume designer in film, theater and television creates clothing for characters. He helps actors in their transformation.

The production designer creates a visual solution for the film, which helps to reveal the director's intention and gives the desired emotional mood.

Cooking, food industry

A winemaker is a specialist in creating recipes for wines and cognacs. He comes up with the composition of drinks and monitors compliance with the technology.

The taster is a specialist in sensory analysis. It determines the quality of a product (tea, wine, etc.) by taste and smell.

A confectioner is a master of making sweets.

Blender is an employee responsible for mixing raw materials in a certain proportion to obtain the best taste. Blenders are generally thought to work with wine. But winemaking is only one of the options for this profession.

Boner - a worker in the meat industry, a specialist in separating meat from bones.

A baker is a specialist in baking bread and baked goods.

A brewer is a specialist in brewing technology.

Pizza maker or pizzaiolo is the name given to a pizza maker.

A cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people.

Remuer is a master at shaking bottles of maturing champagne. The profession is rare, but very important in winemaking.

A catering technologist is a specialist in the development, production and quality control of culinary and confectionery products at catering establishments.

Light industry

Knitter of knitwear - specialist in working with a knitting machine

Cutter (cutter) is a specialist in cutting materials for the manufacture of clothing, shoes and other textile and leather products.

Skinner - a leather and fur craftsman responsible for cleaning skins from subcutaneous tissue, remaining fat, meat, etc.

A fashion designer is a specialist in the development of new models of clothing, shoes, hats, and accessories.

A furniture assembler is a specialist in assembling and disassembling different types of furniture.

A shoe assembler is a craftsman, a shoemaker, who creates finished shoes, boots and footwear from individual parts.

Furrier is a master of dressing hides for fur and sewing fur products.

A weaver (weaver) is a master who produces fabrics on a loom.

Linguistics, communications

A librarian is a specialist in servicing library visitors and processing information about library collections.

A blogger keeps a personal diary (blog) on ​​the Internet or writes on behalf of an organization. Most often, a blog is dedicated to a specific topic.

A video blogger is a person. who takes a video and posts it online

The announcer (from the Latin “dictor” - “speaking”) reads informational, political, artistic or advertising texts at a microphone for recording or live broadcast.

A linguist (linguist) is a specialist in linguistics (linguistics, linguistics), whose subject of research is the history of the formation and development of languages, their structure and characteristic features.

Translator is a general concept of specialists involved in translating spoken or written speech from one language to another.

A translator is a specialist with a higher linguistic education who is able to translate a phrase from one language to another without losing its meaning.

A polygraph examiner is a person who professionally provides lie detector (polygraph) testing services.

A profiler is an expert in detecting lies. Such a specialist can assess and predict a person’s behavior by analyzing his actions, facial expressions, gestures and the way he speaks.

The simultaneous translator begins to translate the phrase even before it is said to the end. This is the most difficult type of interpretation.

A sign language interpreter (also known as a fingerprint translator) is a specialist in translating oral speech into sign language and vice versa.

Logistics, warehouse, foreign trade

A warehouse manager is a specialist who manages the operation of a warehouse and is personally responsible for its functioning.

Storekeeper - a warehouse employee who keeps records of material assets.

Logistician is a specialist involved in monitoring and managing the movement of inventory, organizing a rational process for promoting goods and services from supplier to consumer.

Foreign trade manager is a specialist who manages the export or import of foreign goods.

A purchasing manager is a specialist who purchases goods from suppliers on the most favorable terms for his company.

The customs clearance manager prepares, checks and approves documents for customs clearance of goods.

Foreign trade specialist - oversees all operations related to the foreign economic activities of the company.

Specialist in customs clearance of cargo (cars) - deals with the preparation of documents for cars arriving from abroad.

A customs broker is a participant in foreign economic activity, selected by the declarant (customer) to provide intermediary services for customs clearance of goods, payment of customs duties, etc., as well as transportation vehicles.

A forwarder is a person who delivers goods and cargo from one facility to another.

A PR manager is a specialist responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a specific brand owned by this company.

The word "profession" comes from the Latin "professio", which means "official occupation, occupation." The modern definition of this term is more voluminous and reads as follows: “a profession is a historically emerged form of labor activity, for the performance of which a person must have certain knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as professionally important qualities.”

Our list of professions is constantly updated and growing.

There is a special list of professions (where, unfortunately, no description can be found) approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor - “All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades” (OKPDTR). As a rule, a rigid tariff schedule is actually used only in government and budgetary institutions. Private firms and commercial organizations are more accepting of the discrepancy between education, profession and position.

A consultation on career guidance from ProfGuide will help you in this important matter not only as information support, but will indicate the direction and set guidelines that correspond to your abilities. After all, to build a successful career and a decent life in the future, it is not enough to determine your inclination towards a particular profession. A psychologist will help you choose a profession that matches your talents, but in different industries - the most developed in the present and promising in the future.

The world of professions is incredibly diverse and large. In order not to get lost in this diversity, professions were conventionally divided into groups: man-person, man-technology, man-nature, man-artistic image.

We do everything so that you understand your desires and acquire the necessary information.

ProfGuide will give you:

  • momentum to move forward
  • opportunity to learn new things
  • get to know yourself from a new side, be surprised and rejoice at these discoveries.

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  • Checking and adjusting electrical equipment (PM. 02), Olifirenko Natalya Aleksandrovna, Galanov Konstantin Dmitrievich, Ovchinnikova Inna Vasilievna. The textbook was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the profession 13.01.10 “Electrician for repair and…
  • Checking and adjusting electrical equipment PM 02, Olifirenko N., Galanov K., Ovchinnikova I. (ed.-comp.). The textbook was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the profession 13.01.10 “Electrician for repair and...

We want to talk about the ABC of Professions project, which we prepared with 1st grade students during the period of literacy training. These are the first steps in career guidance work, which must begin from the first years of school. The project is carried out in an interesting, entertaining form; There are creative tasks, and parental assistance is required. The whole class participated in the project.

Hello! We, students of class 1-A, present a joint project “The ABC of Professions”. In this work we wanted to show how many wonderful and worthy professions exist in modern life.

My years are getting older
It will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
What to do?
(V. Mayakovsky)

Each of us will have to choose a profession to our liking in the future. How many professions do we know? Doctor, teacher, salesman, driver, programmer: these are perhaps the most famous professions for us. But we guessed that there were a lot of professions, very different, interesting, unusual. In a literacy lesson, we read a story in ABC about what the kids dream of becoming when they grow up. While learning new letters, we also read about people of different professions: cook, carpenter, diver. And so we thought, what other professions are there? It would be interesting to know about them. And not just find out, but connect it with literacy lessons. This is how the idea for the project came about.

The first thing we started our work with was to find out the names of the professions that exist in the world. And to make this task more interesting, we decided to look for the names of professions for each letter of the Russian alphabet. Let's learn letters at the same time! Each student in the class chose a worksheet with three letters of the alphabet. (Appendix A). At home, together with our parents or on our own, we wrote down as many profession names as possible for each letter. The assignments were handed over to our leader - our teacher. She summarized this work and compiled a list of occupations in alphabetical order. It turned out that we found 207 names of professions for almost all letters of the Russian alphabet!

And here is the next stage of work. From this large list we had to select the most unusual names of professions that we knew nothing about, had not heard of, or had no idea about. We worked in groups. We actively discussed, found out, argued. And as a result of the discussions, it turned out that in all groups three identical profession names were noted: agronomist, huntsman, radio operator.

Now we had to find information about these professions that interested us. We worked at home, our parents helped us. Here's what we learned.

An agronomist is an agricultural specialist who has comprehensive knowledge of the study and cultivation of field, garden, and vegetable crops. The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law. An agronomist knows when to sow and harvest, how to fight weeds, plant diseases, and pests. A high yield is the greatest reward for an agronomist.

A huntsman is a professional hunter, game warden, and forester. He protects the forest area from poachers and controls the correctness of hunting. The huntsman knows the forest and forest inhabitants very well, prepares food supplies for the winter for animals and birds, and protects them from poachers. Helps amateur hunters. This is a very important and dangerous profession.

A radio operator is a specialist in transmitting and receiving radio messages. He works at sea on ships, on submarines; in the sky on airplanes, in space; on earth where there is radio communication. A radio operator is a military profession. Information is transmitted using Morse code. Morse code is an encrypted alphabet.

As a result of the work done, we came up with a “Dictionary of Professions”. It contains the names of professions in alphabetical order. Read and choose your future profession (Appendix B).

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, we came up with a game. They composed a short fairy tale about how in one city an evil wizard harmed the inhabitants. It was necessary to answer the question of what professions people would help correct the situation and restore order (Appendix C).

Our work has come to an end. Let's draw conclusions:

There are countless wonderful professions in the world,
And glory and honor to every profession!

And most importantly, we realized that no matter what profession we choose in the future, we need to prepare for it now - study well, be diligent, responsible, careful.

If you want to build a bridge,
Watch the movement of the stars
Drive a machine in the field
Or drive the car up -
Do a good job at school
Study conscientiously.
(S. Marshak)


Appendix A. Sample assignment form No. 1.

ABC of professions Write the names of professions for each letter

Appendix B Dictionary of professions.

Note: all names are written exactly as they were written by the students together with their parents. The purpose of such a task is to expand students’ vocabulary and increase cognitive activity. If you do a similar project, the job titles may be different. You can also format the dictionary in any form. We designed it in the form of a homemade bound book, and the words were arranged in a column.

Dictionary of professions

Aircraft designer, Race driver, Auto mechanic, Agronomist, Lawyer, Actor, Animator, Artist, Architect, Astrologer, Astronomer

Banker, Bartender, Librarian, Biologist, Flight Engineer, Flight Attendant, Botanist, Boatswain, Bulldozer Driver, Accountant

Car driver, Watchman, Layout maker, Veterinarian, Winemaker, Driver, Diver, Aeronaut, Vocalist, Educator, Doctor

Geneticist, Geologist, Guide, Make-up Artist, Governess

Janitor, Designer, Diplomat, Conductor, Trainer

Railway worker, Tinsmith, Painter, Livestock breeder, Jockey, Juggler, Journalist

Slaughterer, Manager, Breeder, Head Teacher, Caretaker, Cutter, Measurer, Refueler, Beller, Excavator, Medicine Man, Zoologist, Zootechnician

Icon painter, Illusionist, Immunologist, Engineer, Inspector, Instructor, Toolmaker, Irrigator, Art critic, Tester, Historian, Ichthyologist

Cashier, Whaler, Combiner, Confectioner, Cosmonaut, Blacksmith

Forester, Lumberjack, Pilot, Speech therapist, Boatman

Painter, Masseur, Machinist, Policeman, Sailor, Butcher

Adjuster, Neurologist, Neuropathologist, Neurosurgeon, Standardizer, Porter, Notary, Nanny

Ophthalmologist, Operator, Officer, Waiter, Hunter, Security Guard

Hairdresser, Perfumer, Singer, Baker, Bookbinder, Printer, Stovemaker, Pianist, Pilot, Writer, Carpenter, Cook, Border Guard, Fireman, Polisher, Dressmaker, Postman, Poet, Programmer, Seller, Beekeeper

Worker, Radio Operator, Director, Reporter, Realtor, Fisherman

Plumber, Welder, Cattleman, Steelmaker, Stylist, Joiner, Dentist, Watchman, Judge, Cheese maker

Taxi driver, TV presenter, Technologist, Commodity expert, Turner, Tractor driver, Trainer, Chimney sweep

Cleaner, Coal Miner, Layer, Tamer, Manager, Urologist, Ufologist, Scientist, Accountant, Teacher

Pharmacist, Packer, Packer, Paramedic, Figure skater, Physicist, Herbalist, Magician, Photographer, Photojournalist, Fashion model, Milling operator

Halvomes, Chemist, Surgeon, Grain Grower, Cotton Grower, Choreographer, Artist

Florist, Flower Girl, Clergyman, Circus Performer, Barber

Watchmaker, Engraver, Draftsman, Carder, Cleaner

Organ Grinder, Seamstress, Chef, Grinder, Showman, Chauffeur, Plasterer, Navigator

Economist, Excavator operator, Tour guide, Electrician, Ethnographer

Comedian, Jung, Lawyer

Appendix C Examples of fairy tales invented by students.

Good conquers evil.

Once upon a time there lived Lilliputians. And everything was fine with them until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the entire city with white snow. All the trees and bushes died. And spring and summer no longer came. The Lilliputians were cold and began to get sick. Then everyone gathered wipers and swept away all the snow. Agronomists They plowed the land and planted new trees. A doctors They gave all the residents tea with raspberries, and everything became as before. And the evil wizard realized that he had lost and flew away.

Georgy Timofeev, student of 1st - A class

Once upon a time there lived an evil wizard of darkness. He made his way to the city where people were going to celebrate the New Year. Everything in the city was decorated with beautiful light bulbs. Everything around sparkled and it was very light. The evil wizard brought in a strong wind, and all the electrical wires were cut off. Then they came electricians and fixed all the wires, and policemen drove away the evil wizard.

Maxim Shutikov, student of 1st - A class

One day an evil wizard came to the city of Happiness. He was also harmful. And so he decided to harm people. The wizard waved his magic wand and all the children in the city became stupid. They forgot the letters. But children can get help teachers. They will teach children to read and write.

Valeria Ploskonosova, student of 1st - A grade

Evil wizard.

An evil wizard mixed up the traffic lights in the city: when the pedestrians were red, the cars were also red. And so all traffic in the city stopped, and no one knew who to give way to.

And they helped fix it traffic inspector movement. They began to regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians with their striped stick. And the evil wizard gave up - he returned everything to its place.

Yana Durova, student of 1st - A grade


Winter came. All residents of Moscow began to prepare for the New Year. Everyone began to draw New Year's pictures. But no one invited the evil wizard who lived in this city to the holiday. He got offended and ruined all the drawings. In all the drawings, instead of Santa Claus, Kikimora appeared. The residents were upset. Who will help fix everything?

And in this city lived a good artist. People went to him and asked for help. With one stroke of his magic brush, he made Santa Claus appear in all the drawings instead of Kikimora.

Santa Claus now has a magnificent exhibition of paintings in his hut.

Ira Gerasimova, student of 1st - A grade

Fairytale story.

In a certain sea, in the very middle of it, lay an island. There was a city on it. Very friendly and hardworking people lived in this city. And then one day, when they were preparing to celebrate the big holiday “Island Day”, this story happened.

On the most beautiful square, the residents set up tables for all the islanders and prepared a lot of delicious food. But one wizard, who lived on a neighboring island, was offended that he was not invited to the holiday, and ruined the entire treat. He turned it bitter and unappetizing. And he cast a spell on all the residents so that they would forget all the recipes. The inhabitants of the island were very upset, because their holiday was ruined.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman came to their aid, as if from the foam of the sea. She had a metal suitcase in her hands. She opened it, put on her headphones and began transmitting some incomprehensible message. Residents of the town stood, watched and did not understand anything. A little time passed and a small red helicopter arrived. An important man with a white cap on his head sat in it. He brought a lot of food and prepared very tasty and unusual dishes. And the best dish was a huge five-tier cake.

The residents were very glad that their holiday still took place. They even forgave and invited their neighbor-wizard to the holiday. The wizard apologized, cast a spell on all the residents and decorated the square with flowers and balloons. And at the end of the holiday he gave all the residents a festive fireworks display. Everyone was in a very good mood.

Who were these mysterious helpers?

What professions can they be classified as?

Anna Sisetskaya, 1st - A grade student


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