Buying watches - how to sell watches expensive? Buying watches Where to sell old watches

A wrist watch is an everyday accessory, when wearing it, sooner or later, there will be signs of use, both minor mechanical damage and serious damage. According to this, the watch needs to be carried out preventive maintenance, sometimes serious repairs. There are cases when repairing a watch exceeds its market value, or repairing a given watch is simply not worth it. The VykupChasov company is ready to offer urgent redemption of watches in any condition for spare parts. We buy the following types of watches:

  • Swiss wrist watch, any year of manufacture
  • Soviet wrist watch of the USSR
  • Wristwatch of domestic manufacturer
  • Gold wrist watch (calculation is based on the weight of the precious metal)
  • Chronographs of all types
  • mantel clock
  • Wristwatches of all famous brands
  • buying watch cases
  • buying cheap watches
  • buying silver watches
  • scrap gold watch buying

Just leave us a request for an assessment, attach photos of your watch, and find out the cost within 15 minutes from the moment of sending. We buy watches throughout Moscow and the Moscow Region

How are hours evaluated?

Fill out the online application form indicating the brand and model of your watch, attach photos and get a fixed price for the purchase of your watch. Also, you can drive to the nearest assessment office (addresses can be found in the section

Or why in antique buying can be sold Swiss Watches more expensive than a watch pawnshop.
  • In buying You will receive exactly as much as the watch was priced;
  • In buying the entire amount is issued immediately, without the need to draw up any documents;
  • At the pawnshop money is issued on bail, the amount is underestimated due to the risks of non-return of money by the client;
  • At the pawnshop receiving cash secured by a Swiss watch, the client is subsequently forced to pay interest on the loan;

The purchase price of Swiss watches is influenced by

  • the technical condition of the watch;
  • visual state of the clock;
  • the presence of documents for the watch and the original box;
  • demand for the estimated watch model in the secondary market.

Swiss watches that can be sold as expensive as possible

Swiss watch rating

  1. Evaluation of Swiss watches online (by photo)

    • Take a picture of the clock with a camera or smartphone (at least from 2 angles). If the watch has chips, cracks, abrasions, for the most accurate assessment of Swiss wrist watch It is recommended to take close-up photographs of these places.
    • Send a photo of a watch in any way convenient for you.
      • Email: to address
      • Mobile applications for smartphone Viber WhatsApp to the number indicated in contacts.
    Specify: watch brand, mechanism condition, presence/absence of box and documents. Based on this, we will be able to name a fairly accurate price of our interest in your copy. The response time of an expert during business hours is approximately 10 - 15 minutes.
    To get the fastest result of the assessment of Swiss watches, enter your phone number or Skype.
  2. Rate swiss watches by phone

    • Contact an antique shop expert at the number listed in the contacts section.
    • Use the callback service. The blue button is located on the right side of the screen.
    With your words, we will try to give a preliminary assessment. In any case, we can answer in the affirmative: are we interested in this watch model. If not, we'll tell you where to go.
  3. Visit to an antique shop

    • For all our customers and guests of the antique shop, the evaluation of Swiss watches is free of charge.
    • We work without lunch and weekends. Before visiting, check the opening hours in the contacts section.
  4. Free appraiser call

    • You live in the Moscow region and you have neither the time nor the opportunity to get to the center of Moscow to sell Swiss watches at the highest possible price.
    • Old age or temporary health problems make it difficult to visit Moscow to evaluate or sell Swiss watches.
    • You are the owner of a whole collection of Swiss watches and want to sell several copies at once.
    Contact the antique store manager. By agreement, an appraiser of hours from among the full-time employees of the store will be delegated to you. The time and place of the meeting (office, apartment, cafe) you will appoint yourself.

"Bring a friend" promotion

  • If you are an advanced Internet user and are able to quickly and correctly find information on where you can evaluate and sell Swiss watches for the most expensive price.
  • If familiar people turn to you for help with a request to find the address of a good watch purchase or a pawnshop in Moscow, and your feedback and opinion are decisive for them.

The antique shop appreciates the desire to help people and is ready to generously thank you for your recommendation. Check with the store manager for details and conditions of the promotion.

You live far from Moscow

  • You live in the Central, Western Federal Districts, the Urals, Siberia or the Far East.
  • You intend to sell a collection of Swiss watches at the purchase price in the most expensive watch purchases and pawnshops in Moscow.

You just need to send photos of watches to the e-mail address of the store.

Acceptance of Swiss watches for commission

In a situation where the price of buying watches offered in an antique store does not suit you for any reason, we are always ready to meet your needs and put your watch on a commission. Given the daily number of visitors to the antique shop on the Arbat, modern Swiss watches, if they are assigned an adequate price, do not stay in the window for a long time.

Privacy and non-disclosure policy

Question: how can I be sure that contact information (e-mail address, phone number) will not be available to third parties, and strangers will not call me?

Answer: the antique shop does not, under any circumstances, transfer the contact details of our customers and guests "to the side." Moreover, after 3 days, all information, including correspondence and personal contact details of guests, is deleted.

Payment and transaction security

Payment is made in cash, or, for security reasons, by transfer to the client's payment card account.

Buying famous brand watches have a recognized high value, so they are often used as a value that can be profitably and expensively sold.

Such direction in financial activities can be simply explained: the difference in cost between new original watches and already used devices is significant. Therefore, the risk of pawnshops when buying watches is leveled high profitability deals. But such a service is in great demand, because the return of watches on bail is a great opportunity to cope with temporary financial difficulties. On the site you can find the addresses of organizations that buy watches in Moscow.

If you urgently needed money or you just decided to sell a watch that you do not need, then you can contact specialized stores. To find out the estimated cost of your device, you can simply call for a telephone consultation. But only a qualified appraiser can tell you the exact amount, who will inspect the device presented to him in detail, find out about the origin of the watch and the general condition.

The following parameters influence the pricing of watches in the secondary market:

  • Materials of manufacture, their quantity and quality;
  • Watch age;
  • Manufacturer's mark;
  • The average cost of watches of the same class;
  • Real technical condition devices;
  • The popularity of this model;
  • The presence of branded packaging and documents.

In most pawnshops, you can get the estimated cost of the watch within 15 minutes after signing the contract, under the terms of which the further purchase of the device will be carried out.

Swiss and other elite watches can serve as the most popular options. It is possible to sell both Swiss and, for example, gold watches quickly and they will be able to offer you the most optimal amount of money. Such copies will allow you to receive substantial financial resources and they will be readily accepted in any pawnshops.


When using the services of a pawnshop, the following services are usually provided:

  • Individual approach. Pawnshop employees often try to create special conditions suitable for each individual client;
  • Free estimate. The appraisal is carried out by employees of pawnshops without cash investments of clients;
  • Prompt disbursement of funds. The money is provided in as soon as possible immediately after registration of the service;
  • Convenient design. Registration is carried out no more than 10 minutes according to a pre-drawn contract. After reviewing, you can amend and change the contract to suit your individual requirements;
  • Insurance. If you are not sure about the safety of your watch, you can take out insurance that will compensate for the cost of the device in case of loss in a pawnshop;
  • Complete privacy. For the convenience of customers, pawnshops do not distribute information about their customers.

In buying up the city of Moscow, you can always sell a variety of watches price categories and brands. From wrist watches of the USSR, to old watches with an unknown past. In most buyouts and pawnshops, you can expect a refund of up to 40% of the price of a new original watch.

On our website you can find out up-to-date information addresses where you can sell watches for a high price. You can find the most suitable pawnshops on a territorial basis:

  • By subway;
  • According to the districts of the city;
  • to specific addresses.

Also, you can always get the necessary advice. Specialists where buying up are ready to answer all your questions, provide information on the cost of certain brands, and find out the estimated cost of your watch.

Buying watches in Moscow at high prices. The company site carries out the redemption of European-made watches on the day of treatment. We are interested in men's and women's watches. We buy any brands of European and American watches. Our experts will professionally evaluate the watch and we will offer you the highest price we can pay.

The company site is engaged in the evaluation of watches and the subsequent purchase of any Swiss as well as watches of world famous brands. Site experts have extensive experience in the evaluation of wrist and pocket watches. Watches are valued using catalogs and auction sales results.

The cost of a watch is affected by:

  • watch brand
  • Watch material (gold watch, platinum watch, silver watch, steel watch)
  • Watch condition (safety)
  • The presence of packaging and documents for the watch
  • Model, mechanism complexity, year of production
  • Popularity and demand for a watch brand and watch model among customers and watch collectors

For a preliminary assessment of the watch, you can send photos to WhatsApp +7 925 047 07 90, e-mail or use the evaluation form. For a more accurate assessment, you can drive up to us at one of the five offices located in the center of Moscow. Wristwatch appraisal usually takes from 10 minutes to one hour, depending on the complexity of the mechanism and the exclusivity of the watch model.

Sell ​​watches in Moscow, fast and expensive

Do you want to sell watches, quickly and expensively?. All transactions for the sale of watches take place in one of our offices, and we guarantee complete confidentiality and security of the transaction. You can sell watches to us:

  • Fast
  • Expensive
  • Safely
  • Confidential

Exclusive soviet watch today they are not inferior in popularity to Swiss and German counterparts. However, this is not surprising, given the impeccable build quality, the high precision of the clockwork and their enviable durability. Gold, silver and platinum watches of the USSR are highly valued in the modern market. If necessary, they can be sold dearly. But it is hardly reasonable to look for a buyer on your own. This is a long process. He takes a lot of time. In addition, there is always a high probability of stumbling upon scammers. To protect yourself from many risks, the Ransom Watch company offers to use the popular service of buying up Soviet watches in Moscow.

We are experts in buying expensive luxury watches. Our company carries out, both, and the purchase of new watches, men's and women's the best prices. For all the time of work in the consumer lending market, we have established ourselves as a responsible buyer and a reliable partner who can be trusted.

"Flight", "Glory", "Rocket", "Vostok", "Lightning", "Seagull", "Dawn", "Agat", "Ray", "ZiM", "Mayak", "Amber", "Sevani ”, “Nairi”, “Electronics”, “spring”; we are waiting for you in our office.

We guarantee:

  • an objective assessment;
  • full confidentiality of buying watches of the USSR;
  • assistance in drawing up a contract of sale;
  • quick settlement with the client after the conclusion of the transaction.

On favorable terms, it is available in the company "Redemption of watches". What factors influence the final cost of USSR watches?

Pricing Factors

  • appearance;
  • serviceability of the clock mechanism;
  • original watch material (type and weight);
  • relevance of the model in the market;
  • lifetime;
  • The presence or absence of documents and original packaging.

All this allows us to evaluate Soviet watches as objectively as possible and offer the best prices.

Buying Soviet watches in the company "Redemption of hours" is profitable for many reasons. To just a few of them:

  • 1. Confidentiality of buying watches of the USSR.
  • 2. Flexible terms of cooperation.
  • 3. Individual approach.
  • 4. Objective assessment.
  • 5. Free consultations.
  • 6. Insurance of purchase and sale transactions.
  • 7. Legal registration of the purchase of Soviet watches. eight. Lump sum payments up to 6 million rubles.

Expensive watches of the USSR are a unique legacy of the Soviet era. They do not go out of fashion, do not lose their popularity and every year they only increase in price. Use the service of buying up Soviet watches in our company, and you will be satisfied. Redemption of men's and women's watches in the company "Redemption of hours" is safe, profitable and very convenient. Convince yourself of this too!


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