Gudy the pipes from the neighbors where to turn. Why do the water pipes buzz? How to eliminate hum? What to do to eliminate the hum

Hello everyone again, I remind you that you are on the blog "Build a House". This means that here we are talking only about construction, repair, finishes at home and everything connected with it. Maybe remember, in the previous one I told you about choosing putty, how, where and what is used. Today I decided to devote time to the topic: " Why the pipes are buzzing?ยป.

In general, I did not have plans for this article. If not a case. The fact is that standing somehow in line, in the store I became an involuntary listener of the conversation of two solid men who complained about suspicious noises in the pipes. What is supposedly, it is worth repairing the heating system, but all the hands do not reach. So I decided that noisy pipes are probably worried about many (especially since this time has suffered from this shortcoming).

The girl repairs the pipes under the wam

Pipe "Symphony"

We all have become accustomed to home silence, defending themselves from a noisy street with plastic glass windows (there are good things about the windows).

Air conditioning almost silently works, the washing machine barely hear performs the duties assigned to her. In a word, in the house there is an atmosphere of a favorable acoustic comfort ... And suddenly, how the thunder among the clear sky "Put", "overwhelmed", or heating, whether the tap pipes. Why did they try, how to get rid of annoying noise?

Why do the pipes buzz?

Pretty frequent phenomenon especially in urban apartments. And even before the parish of the plumbing, it is necessary to find out two key factor - the nature of the pipe noise and how much there are listeners of this "symphony". Those. Is it only in your apartment suffer from the buzz in the pipes, or is it concerning all residents of the entrance?

And the neighbors are noisy?

It is more likely that not only you and your family suffers it. Therefore, you first need to bypass the neighbors on the riser to reveal the location of the noise.

We learn the places where the pipes are noisy

Now, with regard to the character of the buzz. The heating, however,, like water pipes, can exhibit single or rhythmic sounds like something like damping, rustling, bullshit, and even vibrate and even buzz - periodically or permanently. Causes can be completely different, they are even classified by groups.. But now we will not consider them absolutely all, but we will dwell only on noise effects impact character.

Note: The probability of noise formation in pipes is sharply reduced if used metal-plastic or plastic pipes instead of metal and copper. This is explained by the large sensitivity of steel pipes to low-frequency vibrations and high rigidity. Although their material is much stronger. It is recommended to use non-screw and ball valves as shut-off valves, and the ball valves that are controlled by the rotation of the handle. These are heavy alloy products from copper, and not Chinese production products from easy-alloy material.

The cause of noise in the plumbing pipes

Practice shows that it most often comes from the pipe-halide pipe in the ceiling between the floors with a strong thermal expansion. Such a problem is mainly characteristic of hot water pipes. And it happens that the riser is inserted into the overlap at all without a sleeve. It is observed in the revolution of new buildings. And in that and in another case, so that they are no longer buzzed under the pipe at the place of its passage through the overlap. lay out the elastic gasket or simmer the gap itself by heat-resistant foam.

Tapping in trumpet

Also tapping in the pipe can give a certain piece of metal, which turned out to be in the pipe after welding, when during its repair, it cut the hole in it and the hot metal penetrated inside. Therefore, some specialists are immediately interested in: "Isn't it recently repaid in any of the apartments?" Or "was the replacement of steel pipes?". In this situation, reveal the place of noise much easier. But that's just to exclude this reason, it happens as not easy (but not to change the same pipes). It remains only to hope that this piece will either "by its own way" a good stream of water, or do it forcibly, causing a professional plumbing.

23.11.2011, 13:44

The neighbors from below or from above faulty fault. When the water includes and turn off the wild hum, whistle and shake pipes from us and apparently all over the riser. While the water flows, the rumble is also there, but not so strong. Who is this for me not to calculate. Water turns on every 40 per day and the strength to listen is no longer. On weekdays at home only if on the hospital with a child. But in the evening or at the weekend, it's just horror. How to understand what floor is this floor and what to do something? We live on the 5th floor, 4 and 6 have already managed to check ... not they. In the midst of the screens of them were quiet.

23.11.2011, 13:57

Walk to all apartments and ask to turn on the cranes alternately. Going better together, threesome, i.e. With those neighbors who have already been checked. I think everyone is interested in that this screen is not.

To eliminate noise, you just need to replace the gasket on the rod, which directly plugs the hole in the crane saddle. Or at least remove the face with this gasket - to cut the edge with a knife in a circle.

23.11.2011, 14:49

Thank. Today I will try to walk around apartments. I'm afraid not everyone will be allowed to themselves.

Mom Arkashi

23.11.2011, 14:51

23.11.2011, 15:13

Here we have the same nonsense. And the most terrible thing is that the roar stands at night and in the morning, when we are already sleeping, constantly wake up from horror, as if someone carabic the door, and this pipe shakes, because someone from the neighbors is also faulty faulty.

We were lucky more))). This (as we suspect) Babulka gets up late. So rumble only in the day and evening. But at the weekend sometimes wakes up.

Mom Arkashi

23.11.2011, 15:17

23.11.2011, 15:22

This (as we suspect) Babulka gets up late. So rumble only in the day and evening. But at the weekend sometimes wakes up.

Tell your granny that familiar from such vibration a crane fell off and they poured 5 apartments. Granny scares and cause plumbing :))

23.11.2011, 15:24

Good bird

23.11.2011, 15:34

I think everything is too, too, to check from everyone, because there is no strength to listen. Probably with all these noises in the apartment already fucking :). Not only are the pipes of these romes, also the floors from the neighbors are terribly creaked.
And how do people relate to your desire to check the cranes? We just live here for the first year, your apartment, may not everyone want me to come to them with :).

Definitely not all)) To me here, the elderly neighbor from the lower in the elevator clutched - is it not the water at night pour? I convinced that I was not politely so, sympathetically ... Three days later, her husband - listen to whether I would not be poured. Already strained. Was sent. Who is he actually like that would check me, learn and suspect? Plumbing let go and looking for. You still have something buzzing, even there, and my pouring you see constantly ...

Good bird

23.11.2011, 15:35

announcement Hang in the entrance, which one whom the crane buzzes in such apartments, are ready to replace them with the gasket on the crane

I myself had the same desire when our neighbors had the same garbage, but did not have time, they were fixed themselves :)

As an option

Mom Arkashi

23.11.2011, 15:38

Yes, we think to call the plumbing let everything check everything, I do not go.

23.11.2011, 15:47

23.11.2011, 15:53

We have the same topic in our house. It is especially unpleasant to hear this noise at night ... And because of this, the connection on the pipes are smalleled and begin to leak up .. there was a couple of times the plumbing accounted for.
We know which apartment is faulty faucet, the owners of the drum, even caused technique from Zhweg, so that they make the brains.

23.11.2011, 15:53

He spoke with the plumber this morning, said that nothing could do anything with inadequate. Announcement until I will hang, I will try to find it so much. At your own expense I will not accurately repair. That's what it will be if we find and this "miracle" will send us ... then I don't even know .... my husband has already offered a couple of fortunes to do ... but it should be anonymously doing, and if you know in my face who did it, can be effects. I am not a supporter to shy neighbors, of course, but if nothing helps, I don't even know what to do.

23.11.2011, 16:08

dripping on the brain - publicly verbally and printed - the entrance should know his "heroes"
Perhaps PRUMET.

23.11.2011, 16:10

Formally, due to noisy crane-ink, they may not be allowed, and do not open the door, and on ads in the entrance-threat of fusion due to the vibration of the pipe to sneeze ... There are unfortunately such inadequate.
Do not even react to offer free to put a new high quality trance.

But what about the case? The parents in the apartment also had a riser, when someone was used by water, it was crawling out. But I had a feeling that it was just an air stop was somewhere in the highway. Now there are no problems. But I think, the plumber was completely emptied the riser and again filled out somehow in competent.

23.11.2011, 16:10

and still with plumber

Cat convert

23.11.2011, 16:17

Tell your granny that familiar from such vibration a crane fell off and they poured 5 apartments. Granny scares and cause plumbing :))

Other grandmothers are all to the light bulb. I, as a result, changed the mixer myself, at my own expense - got it.

24.11.2011, 10:34

24.11.2011, 11:07

Last night I went to the board, plumbing turned out to be in the morning I went to our parade and heard this rumble. This is how I thought a pensioner on the first floor. Promised today to do everything. So everything went without my participation.
everything was quite successful

If you ever lived in an apartment building, then surely heard how loudly and disgusting sometimes in some cases the hums are heard, when several apartments are connected to one rising water supply, in other buzz of the pipes acts on the nerves at the same time all residents of the house. Sometimes this sound can appear and over time to disappear, and sometimes noise from the water pipe is kept constantly.

Why do the water pipes buzzing in the apartment at night? There may be several reasons for any. Consider them in detail below.

Causes of sounds from a water supply system, or why tap pipes buzz

Most often, the cause of unpleasant sounds in the pipes are bad pads installed in the plumbing. The sound appears as a result of resonance oscillations of gaskets and water running through the pipes. Resonance enhances the sound and spreads it all over the house. In this case, it is extremely difficult to reveal, who from the tenants in the house has a problem plumbing.

If the pipes in the house are not constantly constantly, then the cause of noise is usually a set of water in a drain tank of one of the apartments or the opening of a resident

If the buzz is observed constantly, then its reason is the differences in pressure in cold and hot water risers. The liquid is squeezed out of one riser to another through a broken crane in one of the apartments. Sometimes the valves can be broken at the same time in several different apartments.

Why do the water pipes buzz when you open the crane? Probably, the problem lies in a poor quality or deformed laying. Plumbing with many years of experience recommend to eliminate noise from water pipes to begin fighting unpleasant phenomenon precisely from searching and replacing poor-quality gaskets.

Methods for finding a faulty crane

To reveal an apartment with faulty cranes, it is necessary to turn off them alternately for the other from the water pipes of hot and cold water and listen, disappeared unpleasant sound or not. As soon as the hum in the pipes stopped - the apartment with a faulty plumbing was found.

If the way you described above checked each of the apartments in the house, and the problem did not dare, it is likely that the sound causes the valve laying, overlapping the riser. You can check this hypothesis, bump cranes that feed water on this riser. If the sound disappeared, then the problem lies in the rising valve.

Remember also that if you have a branched plumbing in your basement, containing many valves and valves, the buzz can cause any shut-off valve. Determine the cause of unpleasant sounds without an experienced plumber in this case can be very difficult and not so soon, as I would like.

If the reason still managed to localize - consider what you are lucky. By easy repair, it can be easily eliminated.

What to do to eliminate the roast?

Gul provoke not all valves. The cause of noise can be mixers or cranes of obsolete structures, with valve, as well as semi-coiled crane.

Modern or joystick-type faucets do not have gaskets in their design. Therefore, they cannot enter into resonance with water pipes.

To get rid of noise, sometimes there is no need to buy a new crane. It is often enough to dismantle the crane-tap, remove the gasket and correct it or replace. Such elements are often fluent on stock or have conical edges.

Freely hanging gasket should be replaced. And the deformed, irregular shape can be cut with scissors. Then the crane should be collected and installed in the plumbing. If the repair is made correctly, noise should not be noise.

The simplest solution for the tap of the outdated construction is to replace it with a newer model of the crane ball. Quality ball structures cause fewer problems during the operation of the water supply.

The same advice can be given in relation to morally obsolete mixers. Replace the old mixer with a new model with one lever - the optimal solution to the problem.

Why houses buzzing plumbing pipes: other reasons

The breakdowns of the valves and mixers of the water pipeline are the most common, but not all the reasons that can cause noise. In some cases, the buzzing in the pipes is caused by factors, the elimination of which is much more expensive and requires great strength.

Vodked pipes

With a decrease in the pipe diameter, water flows arise. They force pipes to vibrate, which is the cause of noise in the apartment.

Such a problem can be solved, only replacing the clogged portion of the plumbing line.

To check if there is a block in the pipe, it is enough to turn off one of the mixers and look at what happens in the pipe. If from the inside everything is covered with a thick layer of dirt, then it is time to change the communication system.

In rare cases, dirt in the pipes can only accumulate at the ends of the highways. If you cut off the pipes and try to clean their ends, that is, the chance that the problem of noise will disappear. If it does not disappear, the only output is replacing the part of the water pipeline.

It is worth noting that not only metallic, but also plastic, and polypropylene tubes are subject to clogulation. The reason for the accumulation of dirt is the difference in pipe diameters and mixer hoses.

Bad plugs

Vibration can cause not only dirt and raid inside the pipes. If during installation, the plumbing was not properly fixed on the walls, then with a sharp opening of the crane, there may be a hydrate and, as a result, the vibration of the water supply system.

That is why it is still important at the stage of installing a new water supply system to trace the quality of installation. Construction companies that are currently expensive by their reputation always monitor that the installation of water pipes even in trifles was carried out in all technical rules.

The method of eliminating the problem of noise due to poorly fixed pipes is the installation of special fasteners on the plumbing fixing it in the correct position.

Why are water pipes buzz when closed crane?

If, regardless of whether you are closed at home cranes or open, the buzz of the water pipe is heard in the apartment, it is necessary to start the problem from the basement.

In the basement, find the riser, from which your plumbing is driven. It is easy to do if you compare the location of the stands with the layout of your entrance. You can navigate the stairs.

If in the basement you found water leakage, then without a call of the plumbing, you can hardly do. Contact an organization serving your home and call a specialist. He will have all the necessary tools with him, and he will surely be familiar with the water supply circuit in your basement.

In addition, so you will not leave the tenants of the entrance without water, tightening something wrong or accidentally damaging some valve. It is important to remember that in the winter season in the highway can be very high temperatures. Repair of such a line requires compliance with special caution, because it is fraught with burns.

If there was no water in the basement as a result of inspection, then it is necessary to interview the neighbors, whether they do not flow something.

To identify a bad laying in the mixer in the kitchen is easy. Damage to the gasket leads to hot water getting into a crane for cold water, because in a hot liquid riser, the pressure is almost always higher.

If the survey of the neighbors did not bring the result, you can go through the highway and try to determine the blockage in narrow places of the pipe. Most often, the pebbles fall into the body of the valves or in the location of the connections of two pipes. You can also try to check the valve, does not interfere with anything full opening and closing.

Periodic noise

The answer to the question of why the pipes are buzzed when the water is turned on in the next apartment, often lies on the surface. After watching the plumbing from the neighbors, you will probably find the valve and faucets of outdated design, or cranes with poor-quality pads, or a long-not changing section of the tap pipe.

Not every neighbor will agree to start repairing the water supply in the first to your request. People can have their own glance at the problem of the water supply noise, and maybe they will not want to spend their time and money to eliminate the problem, which is also such and does not seem.

Knock in highways

How to find the source of the knock in the pipes? To do this, you will need acute hearing. If there are strong blows from time to time, the best solution will be replaced by the valve overlapping the riser. Plumbers from housing and communal services are obliged to replace such nodes at the applications of residents.

The knock in the pipe can be associated with a change in the water temperature in the riser or with a soil water supply. To identify the problem in such cases, it is necessary to inspect the highway and outline the places where the water supply is in contact with other stationary objects.

The poorly fixed areas of the plumbing line in order to eliminate the knocks are fixed with brackets, anchors, or weld.

You can also eliminate the contact of two pipes, creating a clearance between them, and thus get rid of the knock in the highways.


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