Socially significant posters. Social poster Stages of building a social poster. Global Action for Animals: Plastic Bags Kill

Such a concept as social advertising exists only in Russia, in the West it is replaced by “Publik Interest.” Such advertising is also known under the term “public service advertising and public service announcement, PSA for short. On the territory of Russia the "Law on Advertising" is in force, which stipulates the possibilities of production and placement of social advertising.

In fact, the purpose of social advertising is to change the attitude of the public to a problem, to draw people's attention to specific social problems or to inform about social initiatives of the authorities, and in the long term - to develop new social values. A well-known researcher of advertising, including social advertising, Fedotova L.N. writes: “... society has claimed a very important type of advertising - social advertising, as it faced problems, the solution of which depends on mass behavior. It has become a function of this type of advertising to multiply the models of the behavior preferred by society. This type of advertising forms the image of "socially approved and socially disapproved action or opinion (emotion), the overriding task of such an appeal to the masses is people's participation (participation as action and participation as complicity, empathy) in solving the designated problem."

The close attention of well-known designers to the field of social advertising is due to the related nature of the goals and basic principles of design and social advertising - heightened, sensitive perception of the social ills of society; the principle of humanity; caring attitude towards a person (user, consumer); the desire to be "on the cutting edge" of the most relevant and burning phenomena and, as a consequence, the desire for an active transformation of life for the better. The cult figure of American design Philippe Starck said: "The designer can and should participate in the search for meaning, in the construction of the civilized world." A particularly favorite and popular form of design creativity in this area is the social advertising poster.

Since Soviet times, there has been a steady verbal turnover "poster art". There are many points of view on the question: is the poster art or design? Undoubtedly, common features are easy to find, they exist, but the social poster was, is and will be the object of design. The words of the graphic design researcher Sergei Serov are convincing: “In the design profession, the poster stands somewhat apart. On the one hand, it is an almost easel form of graphic design, an independent area of \u200b\u200bcreativity. On the other hand, the poster belongs to the very core of graphic design. Here the project imagination develops, the visual language is improved. For designers, a poster is a constant companion of a professional biography. This is both an educational task in the first year, and the pinnacle of free creativity. Therefore, the preservation of the poster as a genre is a matter of the ecology of the design culture. Being deprived of the opportunity for poster expression, the entire graphic design grinds and withers. "

The social poster, as a special form of publishing, is one of the oldest types of advertising, which became widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century, during the First World War, and has not lost its relevance to this day. The expressive language of a social poster has its own characteristics. There are several basic graphic principles of poster design, knowledge and ownership of which will help you create a really bright, relevant, effective poster. Let's take a look at these formal graphic principles, as well as some creative tricks for designing a social poster:

1) unambiguity is one of the most important principles of poster design. The need for an unambiguous interpretation of the created image is mandatory, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired effect. That which is the dignity of a work of art - depth, polysemy and multidimensional meanings and images - is completely unacceptable in a poster. All noises and extraneous meanings that interfere with the perception of the main idea, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poster, must be mercilessly discarded. L.N. Fedotova: “Social advertising should be as explicit as possible, clearly expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bcommitting a specious and / or unseemly act ... the very essence of this dichotomy is good - it should be clearly present, if not textually, then as an explicit mental conclusion. Art can, reproducing all the diversity of the world, "look for positive traits in the villain," but this technique is not suitable for such a pragmatic message as advertising. " Most often, a measure that excludes a multiplicity of interpretation is the addition of a text commentary by the author: a slogan or slogan. For example, Figure 5 shows a poster called Indifference \u003d Murder.

This poster is dedicated to the death of homeless people from the cold in winter on the streets of Moscow. The viewer has no doubts that indifference is bad. The social campaign turned out to be effective, people paid attention to the freezing homeless, called the indicated numbers, hundreds of lives were thus saved;

conciseness - it is perfectly reasonable to use only concise, well-readable graphics in the poster. The pace of modern life requires clear and vivid images, short and boring phrases that people are able to perceive literally "on the go" in the bustle of a modern city street. The habitat of a social poster is not an art gallery with a viewer initially tuned into thoughtful contemplation of the work, it is a rich and aggressive media environment. “The poster is an urban art. It is designed to attract our thoughtlessly automatic gaze, awakening from constant haste, returning for a moment the meaning of life, ”writes Sergei Serov. An example of a concise poster would be the poster shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6- Anti-Beer Campaign Poster

Modern advertising is intrusive and active, it finds and "attacks" a person by itself. In order for the designer's creative efforts not to be wasted, not to go unnoticed, the developer must know modern ergonomic requirements in the field of visual perception of graphic objects, skillfully use the entire arsenal of compositional and creative means to create a competitive, memorable and concise poster;

2) the principle of synchronicity is the key to the effectiveness of the poster. The use of a modern aesthetic system in relation to the addressee, in other words, the actual poster requires that the designer's aesthetic system be synchronous and modern with the aesthetic system of the message recipient. It is no coincidence that the speech turnover "on the topic of the day" was attached so tightly to the social poster, firstly, because the "topic of the day" does not end in any way, there are always pressing and acute problems of our time, and secondly, the specificity of the poster as a short-lived advertising object, requires from him relevance, acuteness and ringing tension, even in those cases when it comes to timeless, eternal problems of mankind. Figure 7 shows an example of a "hot news" poster. In the history of the poster, the principle of synchronization can be very clearly traced. In this regard, commercial advertising is more loyal to historical quotes and radical stylization under the aesthetics of bygone days - this is justified by the specifics of the product, the manufacturer, or the characteristics of the target audience. A professional engaged in the development of a social poster for a mass consumer must be able to restrain his impulses of creative self-expression, resulting in the use of historical stylizations and graphic techniques of past eras, no matter how skillfully and competently he masters them. Awareness and erudition of a specialist in these matters, personal style preferences should not dominate the current system of aesthetic coordinates, understandable to the target audience. On the other hand, synchrony is not a dogma. There is such a controversial phenomenon as the fashion for various retro styles, the theme of the poster may require the need for a diachronic cut. Sometimes the collision of modern and historical stylistics can give an unexpected, bright and witty solution to a social poster. In this case, the key success factor is the qualifications of the designer, his cultural intuition, the desire to search for new expressive techniques together with a clear and conceptually elaborated design pragmatism. Any graphic "madness" should be meaningful and designed within the framework of a specific task, for a specific target audience;

Figure 7 - Poster "Pensioner's menu"

3) the verbal (verbal) component of the poster. There are several options for the design of the verbal component of the poster. As a rule, textual appeal in a social poster is assigned, if not a dominant, then a very important role, while any options for its correlation with the visual graphic component are possible - from complete absence to one hundred percent dominance in the absence of graphics.

Option one - the presence of the text tends to zero. Since Soviet times, everyone remembers well the topical caricature pictures with the caption "without words", indeed, why unnecessary words and comments, when the graphic image eloquently and expressively conveys the author's thought. According to the principle of emotional impact, such a poster can be compared with a work of modern art, the main thing is that the principle of unambiguous reading of the advertising idea is observed and adequately served by graphics. An example of a poster with minimal text is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - "First breath"

Among the latest examples of social posters from the most famous advertising agencies and world-class designers, you can find works where the text presence is similarly limited only to the labeling of the brand of the project or a public organization such as Greenpeace (GREENPEACE) plus the address of the Internet resource, the entire design creative, the entire imaginative advertising idea of the poster is concentrated in the image.

The second option is the most common, when the text part and the graphic image, complementing and reinforcing each other, are necessary and integral components of a social poster. The graphic solution of the slogan font and the font composition as a whole can be from the simplest, as it were, imperceptible, to the most complex and pretentious, using zigzag or radial writing trajectories, with overflowing and penetration into graphic elements. There are a lot of possible graphic solutions, the main criterion for a quality product is a designer's sense of proportion and adherence to the aforementioned principles of conciseness, readability and compliance with the design task. The Habit poster shown in Figure 9 clearly demonstrates this.

The third option is the complete dominance of the verbal component in the social poster. In one case, it means giving the font composition a figurative expressiveness using various graphic techniques, without using any active graphic background elements.

Figure 9 - "Habit"

In another case, all advertising creativity, meaning and unique author's idea are enclosed and implemented directly in verbal form, the font composition in this case "takes a hit". An example of such a poster is shown in Figure 10.

The designer's game with signs and letters (Aid - help, support, English) clearly shows that by making donations to the fund, you can help defeat AIDS by defeating the disease

The considered principles are mainly advisory, but not strict and dogmatic in nature. The search for creative deviations from the established genre norms has always been characteristic of a restless, restless, eternally dissatisfied designer's view of the world around a person.

The PSA poster has always been and remains a very fertile topic in the educational process. Educational creativity is free from strict, fixed external attitudes, therefore, within the framework of the educational process, it is possible to work out the most extreme and expressive creative techniques. For a student designer, social advertising is a testing ground for working out his own creative style, an opportunity to master the most spectacular and effective advertising moves and techniques, up to the "shock" and outrageous ones. The topic of the social poster remains relevant and interesting both for scientific research and for a more effective and deep introduction into the process of higher education of educational institutions that train advertising and graphic designers. Thus, social posters contribute to the formation of attitudes, ideas, ethical principles, beliefs and stereotypes, but their main function is to persuade the reader to take action. The depth, strength of viewers' reaction to social advertising depends on the degree of identification with the ideas contained in the social poster

New works from social campaigns appear regularly, creatives and public organizations are trying to solve an impossible task - to scare a healthy person with disease and suffering. And also appeal to conscience and understanding.
Advertising Against Government Atrocities

Colorado State Police: Crumpled Billboard
The Colorado State Patrol Service has posted a volumetric billboard simulating the aftermath of a car accident.

Your speed \u003d number of days in hospital
Interactive billboard in the USA showing the consequences of speeding 25 mph.

Help feed the homeless

More deaths from smoking than in road accidents
In Canada, a car hit by a large cigarette was installed to show that smoking kills more people every year than in road accidents.

There is a better way to build a career
Advertising service for employment in Germany.

Billboard with blood. Do not drive in the rain
When the rain passes, red smudges appear in the child as a call to slow down.

Prostheses for the disabled
The Indian organization is developing prostheses for the disabled, including the creation of complex artificial feet with a polyurethane shell.

Buckle up!

Don't hide domestic violence
To open or not to open?

Closed straw
Cholesterol does the same for your arteries. Watch what you eat!

Smokers look the same

Prevention of major cardiovascular diseases
Better to prevent it than to do it.

Child abuse
“Stay on our side. Report violence! "

Save paper

The "father of advertising" David Ogilvy ascribes to his contemporary Howard Gossage the following quote: “ Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest, it is too powerful a tool to be used exclusively for commercial purposes". We agree with this statement, therefore we publish for you a selection of effective social advertising.

Torture victims are people like you and me

Stop the Violence: Don't Drink While Driving

Premature end: "If you smoke, according to statistics, your story will end 15% ahead of time."

World Wide Fund for Nature: This is scary. And this is even worse.

Your skin color shouldn't dictate the future

As we turn the page, deforestation continues


Elm Grove Police Department: Radar combined with PSA. The board displays the speed of a passing car and the message "46 days in the hospital." Slogan: the slower the better

Save paper - save the planet

Polluted air kills 60,000 people a year

Empathy doesn't help. Become a volunteer. Change your life

Protect the Birds: Don't Throw Trash

What do we see when you smoke

Anti-cruelty. Animal Defense League: This Is Not Football

Bangalore City Traffic Police: Don't Talk While Driving

Child Soldiers: This is not happening here, but it is happening now

Art Director Pius Walker, Amnesty International, Switzerland

Censorship is lying

Don't get distracted while driving

A species dies out every 60 seconds. Every minute counts

Innocence in Danger: Where's the Pedophile?

Art director: Michael Arguello. Copywriter: Bassam Tariq. Additional Photos: Jason Musante

Sexual predators may be lurking on your child's smartphone

Smoking leads to premature aging

You are not a sketch. Say no to anorexia

Abandoned children feel invisible. Stop child abuse

Australian Childhood Foundation, JWT Melbourne

Global Action for Animals: Plastic Bags Kill

Keep the sea clean

Failure to keep the distance is not worth it. Pass the truck

Society for the Conservation of Marine Fauna (SSCS): When You See Tuna, Think Of A Panda

Sleep is stronger than you. Do not drive when sleepy

See how easy it is to feed the hungry?

Self-cause cancer

Deforestation and the air we breathe: before it's too late

For the homeless, every day is a struggle

Warning beer mug: Please don't lose control of your drinking

One of the children is holding something forbidden in America. Guess what exactly?

Appearing in the public arena in 1994-95, PSAs immediately became the "servant" of politics. For Russia, this phenomenon is natural, since the middle of the 90s was saturated, on the one hand, with an avalanche of democratic elections, many of which were held for the first time in our country, and on the other hand, coincided with the most difficult, crisis stage in building new economic relations. During this period, social issues: unemployment, non-payment of wages, pensions, social benefits, illness and even hunger - became the number one problem for most Russians. And it is natural that political strategists very organically included the discussion of these problems, their symbols and images in the election campaigns of their candidates.

Recently, the popularity of the social poster has caused the penetration of its symbols, themes, techniques and even slogans into commercial advertising. In Perm, for example, on one of the main streets there is a billboard on which the slogan: "Understand each other!" without any logo or other graphic symbol. Only when you approach the shield, you can read the signature: "Phoenix Insurance Company." We have before us a typical example of the use of social slogans and values \u200b\u200bfor commercial purposes (this slogan is associated primarily with social motives and programs. For example, the same text was one of the slogans of a series of billboards for the City without Drugs social program, developed in Yekaterinburg in 1999).

During the early Soviet era, social advertising was completely reduced to one political type. The Soviet government used it for the purpose of its own popularization, mobilization of the population into the Red Army, collecting funds and donations. Later, when the problems of war and the struggle against the White Guards faded into the background, the topics of social advertising became more diverse. Although the PSAs were fairly monotonous, mostly colorful posters.

In Russia, unlike the USSR, several types of posters can be distinguished. You can distinguish the so-called, public poster, non-commercial, state and pure type of social poster.

Currently, in contrast to the Soviet era, it dictates somewhat different topics of social advertising. This is explained, first of all, by the changed values \u200b\u200band attitudes that came to Russia from the West. One of the most popular themes of this social poster is the fight against AIDS and drug addiction. The problems of modern society are directly reflected in social advertising. If we continue the list of topics most discussed in social advertising in modern Russia, then these are:

Violence in family;

Alcoholism and smoking;

Prevention of emergencies;

Civil rights and obligations (taxes);

Prevention of personal safety of citizens.

Social poster techniques

The visuals in a social poster can take many forms.

The photo. Photography has become an integral part of the social poster. It gives a sense of more authenticity to the text. People have a feeling of involvement in the events depicted in the photograph, empathy for its heroes. At the same time, photography is an interpretation of a special intention of the photographer, and not an objective registration of events. At the same time, our entire personal experience and cultural environment influences the interpretation. Various symbols are used in photography, and for the correct interpretation of the image in public service advertising, these symbols must be well known and understood by the audience.

Leaflets. The flyer genre as a form of public service announcement also has a long history.

During the First World War, leaflets were scattered from airplanes, and it is no coincidence that in Polish the word leaflet sounds like a flyer.

During the revolution, civil war and intervention, the Bolsheviks attached great importance to leaflets. V. Lenin personally wrote the texts of leaflets aimed at the moral decay of the enemy troops.

During the military operations of the USSR in 1939-1940, before the start of the Great Patriotic War, leaflets were actively used to address the population and soldiers of the enemy army.

From 1941 to 1945, many different leaflets were created to influence the behavior of both their own population, the military, partisans, and the enemy troops, the population of Germany and the liberated countries. The leaflets were different in function: informing and misleading, calling for action and causing a depressive mood, creating meaning and depriving them of meaning.

Social posters contribute to the formation of attitudes, ideas, ethical principles, beliefs and stereotypes, but their main function is to induce the reader to take action. The depth and strength of the voters' reaction to political advertising depends on the degree of identification with the ideas that it contains.

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If an advertisement is thought out, then it interests consumers and is remembered for a long time. Social advertising informs the population about the problems of society, environmental problems, warns about the dangers. Let's look at examples of such advertising and identify the one that can be considered the best social advertising.

Best PSA in the world: 20 examples

  1. Telephone wall

  1. The slower the better

  1. Speed \u200b\u200bkills

The slogan "Speed \u200b\u200bkills" is often used in advertising campaigns. Advertising agency Western Cape Government has selected a suitable image for the slogan.

  1. Don't be rude to others

In public transport in France, its governing organization RATP ran a social advertisement calling for respect for other passengers.

  1. Feeding the hungry isn't as difficult as it seems

  1. Stop the violence: don't drive drunk

  1. It is impossible not to approach such an advertisement.

This garbage collection method is very original. Its author is the English company Hubbub. The essence of the project: advertising materials contain calls to vote on a specific topic by placing a cigarette butt in a particular container.

  1. Your child eats what you eat

The social network was created by the creative agency Paim, commissioned by the Brazilian Society of Pediatricians (SPRS). The posters clearly show that unhealthy eating habits of moms can cause health problems in children.

Submit your application

  1. None of the kids want to be fat in adulthood.

The American agency LatinWorks (Austin) in its social advertising raises the problem of obesity. It shows that obesity is an obstacle to achieving your goals.

  1. What you spend in two minutes, she can live for two days

Colgate-Palmolive has launched a campaign to conserve water resources.

  1. Brand logos take on new meanings

The creator of social advertising Mozambique Fashion Week calls for the abandonment of fur coats and other fur products, the use of elephant bones and rhino horns. Although it will not affect poachers, it can make buyers think.

  1. Think for two

  1. Toys against child labor

Socialist of the Portuguese company APAV demonstrates the performance of various jobs with toys. There are many children in the world who are forced to work. A teddy bear as a seamstress, a Teletubbie as a shoe shiner make you think seriously about the problem.

  1. When you see tuna, imagine a panda

  1. Telephone conversations while driving are not allowed

In India, the Mudra Group has created a public service advertisement highlighting the importance of mindfulness on the road. It urges not to be distracted by telephone conversations, as they can cause a serious accident.

  1. Likes don't work

  1. Buckle up, save your life

  1. Have you drunk? Choose who gets you lucky

  1. Premature end

This social media warns: "The life expectancy of smokers, according to statistics, is 15% less."

  1. Romania against pollution

Best PSA: Videos That Make You Think

A very effective way to set a good example is to create a video-based social advertisement. Below is a selection of the best social advertising videos that are shocking and thought-provoking.

  1. Anti-smoking campaigns

A series of social videos produced by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is called Advice from Former Smokers. In them, the heroine Terry tells how she prepares every morning for a new day after the loss due to the treatment of cancer of the throat, teeth, hair and removal of the larynx.

These videos are from the UK anti-smoking campaign. They show how the protagonist's tumor grows, what happens to the body under the influence of nicotine.

  1. "Which one of us is perfect?"

In Switzerland, the charitable foundation Pro Infirmis has created social videos about people with disabilities. In one shopping center in Zurich, the foundation's specialists replaced ordinary mannequins with figures of real people with disabilities.

The company came up with a slogan: "Because who is perfect?" ("Which of us is perfect?"). 13 million people from all over the world know about it.

  1. Fight Heart Disease

The public service advertisement was shot by the Swiss Heart Foundation. The video shows a love story with a dramatic ending. A man who lived his whole life unrequitedly loved one woman, and after many years he almost achieved his dream come true. The foundation's slogan is this: life can end very early as a result of a heart attack.

  1. Video from Greenpeace

This video from Greenpeace demonstrates the effectiveness of mailing and information dissemination in the fight against whale extermination. This method is compared to being in an inflatable boat aboard a whaling boat.

  1. Drunk driving

The most terrifying social scene filmed in the toilet. The number of views of the video is more than 10 million. Those who have watched it will probably never drive drunk.

  1. Social advertising against domestic violence

The customer of the video is the Croatian social service. It is very convincing, as evidenced by its title: "Photos of every day of the worst year of my life."

  1. Anti-drug advertising

Social program from Drug Control of Yakutia clearly shows what life can become if you start using drugs.

Best social advertising in Russia

In our country, social advertising has appeared recently. It should be noted that many domestic campaigns of a social nature are very interesting. In the Russian social sphere, an environmental problem is raised, problems of bad habits, diseases, drunk driving and many others.

In 2010, the project “All the same ?!” was created. Over the seven years of its existence, 38 campaigns have been carried out in 72 cities. The campaign has received a great response, touching the hearts of many people. This is evidenced by the summary on the project website.

A very striking campaign - "Garbage has its own home", which was one of the first to be carried out. News Outdoor and ADV Group jointly developed billboards that appeared on the streets of our cities in 2011. The posters depict bottles and cans asking to "throw it home." The project was created with the aim to educate and support social activity, responsibility, to form an ecological worldview, to achieve respectful attitude and love of people to the environment and places of residence. 2017 is the year of ecology, so environmental problems are also very relevant now.

Another campaign aims to remind adults that every moment they spend with their parents is precious to children. Within the framework of the “Spend Time with Children” project, posters were developed with the slogans: “Which card is more important?” and "Who is your child like?"

The "I Saw a Zebra - Slow Down" campaign was also successful. The project was dedicated to the topic of pedestrian safety. The call to slow down in front of the zebra is accompanied by a demonstration of the sad consequences for pedestrians, which can be the result of driver neglect.

In 2012, the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications created social posters within the framework of the “Do Reading” project. The heroes of this social advertisement are the classics of Russian literature: Pushkin, Chekhov and Tolstoy. On the posters they are depicted in sports uniforms and urge to "pump" themselves with books. The goal of the project is to convey to citizens that reading books is a serious matter that requires dedication, akin to sports. The relevance of this social network is due to the great popularity of sports training among young people. To implement the campaign on the Web, a music video was shot for the song of the young rapper Fike.

Another noteworthy project is “Be a Man”. Its authors are activists from St. Petersburg. The government decided to place 150 posters in the city's metro.

Previously, social advertising created by bureaucratic structures was not imaginative and effective, but now many campaigns of the authorities are taken to heart. But these videos do not always resonate. About two years ago, the Department of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Union of the Film Industry of Russia developed a high-quality social program. But representatives of large channels considered the videos too cruel and naturalistic, motivating the refusal to broadcast them.

Places of social advertisements dedicated to various problems of society are places where people gather both indoors and outdoors (highways, subways, shopping centers, toilets). In our country, the effectiveness of social advertising is growing every year, it becomes stronger and more urgent, makes us break away from endless affairs and think about the problem.

Best Social Ads of 2016: Video That Wows

  1. We are the superhumans

This video in the Internet space is already called the best in the social advertising category for its entire existence. British television channel Channel 4 filmed a trailer for the Summer Paralympics. The heroes of the video - 140 athletes, musicians, dancers - show their "superpowers". They overcome the barriers that result from disability, demonstrating the strength of the spirit of the "superhuman". The video "We are the superhumans" is worth watching more than once.

  1. How do you see me?

For several years in Italy, Coordown has been filming a powerful video for International Down Syndrome Day. In the 2016 video, actress Olivia Wild became the heroine. She asks: "How do you see me?" People are influenced by stereotypes, so their attitude towards people with Down syndrome is determined by the external side.

  1. 30 Millions D'Amis Foundation

In this video - a touching story about a dog that was abandoned by the owner. The purpose of the 30 Millions D'Amis Foundation video is to show that animals are incapable of betrayal. Unlike people. It is impossible not to cry while watching.

  1. Social experiment by UNICEF

The Georgian company UNICEF conducted a social experiment. Most likely, its results in other countries would have been the same. The reaction of people to a single girl of 6 years old depended on her appearance. The experiment was stopped so that little Anano would not get even more upset.

  1. Behind the leather

PETA's animal advocates have launched yet another social experiment. In 2016, the British tried "dog milk" through their efforts and learned why sex with vegetarians is better. Employees of the organization beat a girl in a woolen sweater and created special condoms for hunters. The action in the fashionable boutique of Bangkok found the greatest response. The social video demonstrates the reaction of people who saw the price of luxury leather goods.

  1. The DNA journey

Momondo's viral video contains a story about the DNA journey. The attitude towards other peoples can change to tolerant and humane when a person learns about his roots. Even the staged video made a lot of people think. I would like to believe that this social advertisement has hurt the feelings and supporters of the "pure ethnos".

  1. The World's Biggest Asshole

The author of the social advertisement about the "biggest asshole" is the American company Donate Life. A notorious villain after his death becomes a hero. The video serves as a reminder that 120,000 American residents need help - they are waiting for donor organs.

  1. Hairy nose

The international environmental organization WildAid's GOblue released a video about how polluted the air in China is. Imagine that people need to adapt to the conditions they have created. Have you presented? Now look at what a country with hairy noses looks like. WildAid's GOblue tells about serious problems with humor.

  1. I'm not asking to be a firefighter

Polish social advertising rarely appears in the rankings. But this video, filmed with a bit of humor, is very different from the others. The Polish Integration Foundation employs people with disabilities. He shot a video in which disabled people are trying to "put out a fire." Can they do it? Spoiler alert: They could be offered more suitable jobs.

  1. Still The Most Shocking Second A Day

In 2014, a social video about a girl from Syria "Most shocking Second a Day" shocked hundreds of thousands of people. The video is 1.5 minutes long, in which Save the Children and Don’t Panic advertising agency were able to fit a whole year of life full of fear and despair. After 2 years, a new video was created, telling about the life of refugee children. His heroine is the same girl.

Best Public Service Ads 2017

  1. Blauez kreuz

Socialist Blauez Kreuz was created in Germany, its goal is to show that alcoholism is a family problem. The posters suggest that the alcohol dependence of one of the family members is pushing the rest into the abyss. "Alcohol hurts not only them."

  1. Womanity Foundation

The Womanity Foundation created a PSA reminding that sexual assault predates revealing outfits. Mini-skirts, short shorts and T-shirts began to be worn only in the 20th century. A woman's dress code is no excuse for rapists. Posters showcase retro clothing photographs and scenes of violence in paintings or documentaries.

  1. Innocence in danger

In Germany, Innocence in Danger has created a public service advertisement warning parents that children can easily glean information they do not need from the Internet. On the posters, children read magazines whose name speaks for itself.

In Georgia, WWF demonstrates a bunch of grapes made from light bulbs on a poster. Social advertising warns: “You reap what you sow. Thoughtless industrialization has an impact on the soil. "

  1. Global2000

The Australian company Global2000 shows in its public service announcement that the extinction of animals could be the result of global warming. Nature did not create a guillotine for a polar bear and an electric chair for a penguin, but that doesn't make it any easier.

  1. Beneva foudation

If you don't pay enough attention to children, they will feel unnecessary. Beneva Foudation's public service announcement raises the problem of “homelessness at home” and encourages parents to spend at least 1 hour a day with their children.

  1. Bates Chi & Partners

In India, a public service advertisement has been created to stop domestic violence. Its author is Bates Chi & Partners. The campaign's name is #voiceforvictims and calls on women to speak out against daily abuse and violence. "If you are tolerant and silent, then this is only to your detriment."

  1. African Conversation Foundation

Social advertising was developed by the African Conversation Foundation. The extinction of many African animals is due to uncontrolled poaching. There are fewer than 300 gorillas in Africa and less than 5,000 rhinos. Poachers kill 35,000 elephants every year. In its public service announcement, the African Conversation Foundation draws an analogy between killed animals and needle-punctured balloons.

  1. Garde-Manger Pour Tous

The PSA, created by advertising agency Cossette (Montreal, Canada) and commissioned by Garde-Manger Pour Tous (GMPT), is laconic. GMPT has been organizing hot meals in schools from disadvantaged areas for children from low-income families for more than 30 years. The purpose of this public service announcement is to attract potential sponsors to work with the organization. The posters show children with empty plates in their hands. Social slogan: "Help us fill the void."

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