I saw a rook - welcome the spring! I saw a rook spring

A small thaw is enough for a nimble rook to find food for itself. This peculiarity of the bird is reflected in the popular proverb: "The rook pecked the winter." True, in recent years, rooks more and more often remain to winter at home, gradually transforming from migratory into nomadic, and even into sedentary birds. One of the reasons for this is a good food supply, which people kindly provide to rooks in the form of open containers with food waste. The relatively warm winters observed over the past five years also made the birds feel like full-fledged owners in their homeland. It is interesting that this autumn rooks gathered for a long time in large flocks and nevertheless, apparently, made the decision to fly to warm countries, as if knowing in advance about the upcoming cold weather. Rook is a typical representative of corvids, the closest relative of crows, hooded crows, jackdaws and magpies. It is easy to distinguish the rook from other members of the famous family by its long whitish beak with a white base and whitish skin around. Interestingly, young rooks are "black-nosed" and only over time, from frequent insertion of the beak deep into the soil, the feathers on the head around it are erased, exposing the whitish skin, and the beak itself looks, to put it mildly, "used". The spring rook is extraordinarily beautiful in its blue-black tailcoat. However, this bird seems completely black only from a distance. The wings and head with a "fashionable hairstyle" shine with a fantastic dark purple hue, shimmering under the spring sunbeams with all the colors of the rainbow. It is impossible to take your eyes off an important large bird walking on the snow. Rooks have no time to show their outfits. Every day brings new and new worries. Literally immediately upon arrival, the birds begin to repair and repair old ones and build new nests. Rooks nest in large colonies, forming the so-called rookery. Rookery colonies sometimes exist for decades, increasing in size every year. In the old colonies, there are several dozen, and sometimes hundreds of bird nests. With such a high density of the bird population, quarrels and “showdowns” are inevitable, accompanied by loud hoarse screams, noise and serious fights. The noisy rookery located in the countryside only gives it a unique flavor. In the city, it is difficult for people to get along in the neighborhood with loud birds, especially since, having chosen the central city squares and parks, the rooks made them a zone not entirely safe for walking. A slight lull in the verge of the colony occurs only in mid-April, when eggs are laid in the nest and the female begins to incubate - “tail to the left, nose to the right”. However, this period can be called the calm before the storm: chicks hatched in the first half of May bring even more fuss and confusion to the colony. Hungry rooks with loud croaking cries express their desire to eat quickly. By mid-June, the chicks leave the nest, but for another 2 weeks, guarded by adult birds, they stay in the trees within the colony. During the feeding period, rooks eat a huge number of insect pests, which, undoubtedly, is of great benefit. Rooks can be called omnivorous birds. Their menu changes with the seasons. During spring plowing, birds eat wireworms (click beetle larvae), slugs, caterpillars, insect larvae and pupae, and even mice. The help of rooks in the fight against May beetles (khrushches) is especially invaluable. “Working” in a flock, rooks distribute roles: part of the birds destroys beetles on trees, and part of them picks up fallen pests from the ground. And even the thick larvae of the May beetles cannot escape: literally under the ground, long bird beaks overtake them. But in the fall, rooks with no less enthusiasm pull out the shoots of winter crops in the fields, eat juicy vegetables and fruits in gardens and vegetable gardens, suddenly questioning their "usefulness". Nevertheless, in Russia, rooks were always protected, considering them not only the first messengers of spring, but also the peasant's helpers, generously forgiving the birds some "weaknesses". Elena ANASHKINA, candidate of biological sciences

A family ecological holiday "The Rooks Have Arrived!"

On Saturday, March 23rd, in the park of the New Jerusalem Museum, in a meadow near a peasant's estate, a spring environmental campaign “The Rooks Have Arrived!

The feast of Gerasim the Rookery, as it is popularly called, coincides with the day of memory of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan. For the third year in the second half of March, birds have been met in New Jerusalem that have returned to their native lands after wintering in distant countries.

This year the holiday took place, despite the fact that the weather was not frosty in spring. After all, migratory birds in such weather need even more help - feeding and equipping birdhouses.

The main purpose of the holiday in New Jerusalem is to put together a bird's house so that the “guides of spring” - the rooks - have a place to settle. For this, the museum staff prepared enough kits for assembling birdhouses. It turns out that it is not so easy to make a house in which the birds will settle.

The important characteristics of a bird's dwelling were discussed at a specialized master class. For example, a birdhouse should not be planed from the inside, it must be rough. It cannot be painted - the birds do not recognize even a hint of the smell of paint, and will never live even in the most beautiful house.

But people, especially those who appreciate and love art, employees and visitors of museums, cannot take away the craving for beauty. And a solution was found - the museum workers prepared special applications that can be placed on birdhouses without risking scaring off the feathered residents. At the master class on decorating bird houses, the participants were explained how to do it correctly.

Birdhouses made at the festival participated in the competition. As a result, prizes and mementos from the museum went to the most "frost-resistant" authors of bird houses - unfortunately, many did not wait for the summing up and fled to warm themselves, taking the birdhouses with them to install in their yard or in the country.

Birdhouses were made not only in the meadow near the hut, but also brought with them, pre-made at home. In the competition, they were held in a separate category. Particularly noted were unique exhibits - a house with a satellite antenna or a "cottage", decorated as a Swiss chalet (by Stepan Tararyev, 8 years old from Moscow). Despite some violations of technology, the jury especially noted these birdhouses, because they can serve as a real decoration! Stepan presented his birdhouse to the museum, and now it will take its rightful place in the collection of gifts for the New Jerusalem Museum.

In addition to birdhouses, there were many more interesting things at the holiday. The presenters - the actors of the theater of mass performances "Artist" Ptashkin Denis and Anastasia Suslova - spoke about Gerasim of Jordan and the folk traditions of "Gerasim Grachevnik". Two groups from the Dedovsk Cultural and Leisure Complex delighted the guests with beautiful folk songs: the Razdolye Song and Dance Ensemble (artistic director, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurochkin) and the Zabavushka exemplary folklore ensemble (artistic director Olga Skuratovich). Russian folk songs sounded sincerely in the meadow, and smiling and perky performers cheered the audience up.

Theatrical performance "Sinichkin March" of the children's theater "Reprise" (artistic director - senior researcher of the Museum "New Jerusalem" Irina Gugova) interested the young participants of the holiday. In addition to the mini-performance, the young guests of the holiday took part in games and quizzes, which were conducted by the theater actors.

An exhibition of children's drawings and photographs on the "bird" theme is located in a clearing near the hut. Students of the children's school "Inspiration" (head Glazkova Irina Vladimirovna) and the school №2 (works presented by the director of the school for children and youth tourism and ecology Shestakova Tatyana Vasilyevna) presented their works: a variety of images of birds.

And in the hut itself, the guests got acquainted with the exhibition project "Dream of Flight", prepared specially for this day. In the upper room the works of the photographers Vladimir Ivanovich Inozemtsev (Istra) and Mikhail Alexandrovich Bogomolov (Moscow) were presented. In addition to these honored masters, children participated in the project.

Also in the hut showed their work, students of the Sunday School from the village. Rozhdestveno, Istra district (head Natalya Vasilievna Poltoratskaya). Small birds, made of clay and covered with colored glaze, decorated the interior of the peasant hut and aroused the genuine interest of visitors.

By tradition, the Museum "bird" post office also worked on this day. The participants of the holiday sent their greetings from the "New Jerusalem" to relatives, friends, just good people. The postcards were sent to the cities of the nearest Moscow region, to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Oryol, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Barnaul.

Exhibition-fair of folk crafts "City of Craftsmen" is an integral part of all public events of the museum. Not without master craftsmen from Moscow and the Moscow region this time too. Crafts made of wood, ceramics, beads and fur attracted with a variety of choices, many products supported the main theme of the holiday, the “bird” theme.

In the clearing near the hut it was possible to eat. In addition to the usual edible food, lean dishes were presented - delicious homemade pies with various fillings, traditional "rochiki", pancakes with buckwheat filling, herbal teas. These treats, made from organic farm products, were presented at the Cardamom Tea Party.

“This year our action was attended by about a thousand people - a good result for unprecedented March frosts,” says the director of the museum Natalya Alekseevna Abakumova. - We like this holiday very much, both ourselves and the guests of the event. We will continue this tradition and will definitely prepare something new and interesting next time. We hope that the number of guests and participants of the holiday will increase and it will turn into a glorious folk tradition. We will be glad to meet rooks with you next year! "

About Gerasim of Jordan

March 17 according to the Orthodox Church calendar - the day of memory of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan.

The Monk Gerasim “Izh on Jordan” was born in the 5th century in Lycia (Asia Minor). After being tonsured a monk, he lived for a long time alone in the desert of Egypt, and then moved to the banks of the Jordan River in Palestine, where he founded a monastery with a very strict charter.

The holy ascetic met a wounded lion in the wilderness and healed him. In gratitude, the lion began to serve the elder as a pet until his death. The beast died after its master, laying its head on his grave, and was buried near the tomb of the saint.

About the Day of Gerasim Rookery

The church holiday in honor of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan coincides with one of the first signs of the approaching spring - the arrival of rooks, which is why the day of March 4 (17) was named "Gerasim Rooks". The people said: “Rook on the mountain - so spring is in the yard”, “I saw a rook - meet the spring”, “Gerasim Rookery is leading a rook to Russia”. The nature of spring was judged by the behavior of the rooks that day: "If the rooks fly to the old nests, the spring will be friendly, the hollow water will run away all at once." If the rooks arrived earlier, they saw this as a bad omen, foreshadowing a hungry year. To speed up the onset of heat, on the day of Gerasim they baked birds - "rooks" from rye sour dough.

Spring, according to popular beliefs, not only brought the long-awaited warmth, but cleansed and renewed nature.

About the Wooden Architecture Department of the New Jerusalem Museum

In the park area of \u200b\u200bNew Jerusalem in the 80s of the XX century, the "Museum of Wooden Architecture in the Open Air" was founded. In the estate of the Kokorin family, built at the beginning of the 19th century, an exhibition of items of peasant life has been opened. The exhibits displayed in the hut and hallway reproduce the rustic interior of that time. The wooden chapel, recreated from measurements and photographs of the 18th century building, adorns the meadow in front of the manor gate. At a distance, on the banks of the Istra River, there is a 19th century windmill, where flour was ground until the 50s of the last century. Now these unique monuments of wooden architecture are open to visitors.

Many feature films and TV series were filmed at the wooden architecture objects of the New Jerusalem Museum: “The Young Years of Stirlitz”, “The Case of Dead Souls”, “Admiral”, “Isaev” and others.

Every year festive events and interactive programs are held here: "Day of Slavic Writing and Culture", "Christmas in New Jerusalem", "Russian Wedding", "Peasant Childhood" and others.

About the New Jerusalem Museum

The Historical, Architectural and Art Museum "New Jerusalem", located on the territory of the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery, in the city of Istra, Moscow Region, was founded in 1920. This is one of the oldest and largest state museums in the Moscow region. Over the past decades, the museum has experienced many transformations and upheavals, was almost completely destroyed in 1941 by the German fascist invaders. Despite the unprecedented damage caused to the museum by the invaders, it has been revived, is actively developing and looks confidently into the future.

The modern museum "New Jerusalem" stores about 170 thousand exhibits, including rich collections of church utensils, Russian and foreign paintings, porcelain, weapons, furniture from the noble estates of the Moscow region, handwritten and rare printed publications, works of decorative and applied art, a rare collection of paintings and graphics of the XX century. The open-air department of wooden architecture works in the park area of \u200b\u200bthe museum. Here guests can get acquainted with the remarkable monuments of the 19th century - a peasant hut, a chapel, a mill.

Currently, the museum is moving into a modern building specially built not far from the Resurrection Monastery. The opening of the new museum complex will take place in 2013.

Official site: www.museum-new-jerusalem.rf

Skype: museum_newjerusalem

Twitter: @NewJerusalemMus
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Museum-New-Jerusalem/166485893377596

VKontakte: http://vk.com/club25406999.

The Day of Remembrance of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan (popularly - the Day of Gerasim the Rookery) is traditionally celebrated in Russia on March 17 (March 4, Old Style). On the next day off - March 19 - an action was held in New Jerusalem to meet the "vanguard of spring" - migratory birds that returned to their homelands after wintering in distant countries.

Rookery is being held in New Jerusalem for the first time. During the action, the guests got acquainted with the life of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan, as well as with the folk traditions of welcoming spring.

The action took place in the park of the museum, in a clearing near a peasant hut of the 19th century. In the hut itself, in addition to the permanent exhibition of objects of peasant life, one could get acquainted with photographs on the topic “ Birds of the Moscow Region"(Authors: Inozemtsev V.I. and Bogomolov M.A.). The exhibition “ The image of a bird in Russian embroidery"(Works of N. A. Sotnikova).

In front of the hut were exhibited drawings of pupils of the children's art school "Inspiration" (Istra). The guys drew a variety of birds: bullfinch, sparrow, starling, woodpecker, tit ...

- We wanted to hold a children's drawing competition. - says Oksana Vladimirovna Moschitskaya, head of the wooden architecture department of the New Jerusalem Museum. - But when I looked at the works, I liked them all! They show individuality, it is felt that the children fell in love with the birds they drew. We were unable to choose the winners, so we displayed all the drawings without exception.

Opposite the hut is the "City of Craftsmen" - a fair of handicrafts. Here one could buy clay whistles, rag dolls, birch bark toys, and even watch the creation of amulets made of wood.

The atmosphere of "Rookery" was set by the host - singer-guslar Artyom Veselov. The holiday was decorated with the performance of the folk song and dance ensemble "Razdolye" (Dedovsk, Istra district). The young guests of New Jerusalem especially liked the performance of the children's musical theater "Reprise" (Istra). The guys played a scene about birds wintering at home and migratory. And then everyone together solved the “bird” crossword puzzle, guessed the voices of the birds. The smartest got the sweet cockerels!

But sweets weren't the only treat this Saturday. Everyone liked the lean "bird porridge" - buckwheat, which was prepared by the field kitchen. They ate, praised, but not greedy - they threw the last spoon on the snow. After all, Rooks' motto is: “ I ate it myself - leave it to the bird!».

The assembly of birdhouses has become a real pleasure for both adults and children. Boys and girls, as well as their parents, grandparents, selflessly knocked with hammers.

- Today we are not just walking and relaxing. We are talking about birds, their diversity, habits. - says the head of the department of advertising, scientific and educational programs and projects of the museum, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Usmanova - and in order not to dwell on words, we got down to business: we make and hang birdhouses, feed the birds, exhausted by the long flight. This is concrete help for them during the nesting period.

All the birdhouses collected at the Rookery were hung in a birch grove not far from the hut. Now more than a dozen bird families will settle in the new comfortable dwellings of New Jerusalem.

- This is our new undertaking, an ecological spring action. - says the director of the museum Natalya Alekseevna Abakumova - It is through an event of this format that we try to educate in the younger generation a responsible attitude to the environment, to stimulate active research and protection of nature. Today we are convinced that it is interesting for the residents of the Moscow region. So we will hold the Day of Gerasim Rookery every year!

Our page: www.facebook.com/pages/Museum-New-Jerusalem/166485893377596

About the Monk Gerasim of Jordan

March 17 according to the Orthodox Church calendar - the day of memory of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan.

The Monk Gerasim “Izhi on Jordan” was born in the 5th century in Lycia (Asia Minor). After being tonsured a monk, he lived for a long time alone in the desert of Egypt, and then moved to the banks of the Jordan River in Palestine, where he founded a monastery with a very strict charter.

The holy ascetic met a wounded lion in the desert and healed him. In gratitude, the lion began to serve the elder as a pet until his death. The beast died after its master, putting its muzzle on his grave. At the grave and was buried near the tomb of the saint.

About the national holiday - the Day of Gerasim Rookery

The church holiday in honor of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan coincides with one of the first signs of the approaching spring - the arrival of rooks, which is why the day of March 4 (17) was named Gerasim Hrachevnik". The people said: “ Rook on the mountain - so is spring in the yard», « I saw a rook - welcome the spring», « Gerasim Rookery Rook Leads to Russia».

The nature of spring was judged by the behavior of the rooks that day: “ If rooks fly to old nests, spring will be friendly, hollow water will run away all at once". If the rooks arrived earlier, they saw this as a bad omen, foreshadowing a hungry year. To speed up the onset of heat, on the day of Gerasim they baked birds - "rooks" from rye sour dough.

About the Wooden Architecture Department of the New Jerusalem Museum

In the park area of \u200b\u200bNew Jerusalem in the 80s of the XX century, “ Open Air Museum of Wooden Architecture". In the estate of the Kokorin family, built at the beginning of the 19th century, an exhibition of items of peasant life has been opened. The exhibits displayed in the hut and hallway reproduce the rustic interior of that time. The wooden chapel, recreated from measurements and photographs of the 18th century building, adorns the meadow in front of the manor gate. At a distance, on the banks of the Istra River, there is a 19th century windmill, where flour was ground until the 50s of the last century. Now these unique monuments of wooden architecture are open to visitors.

Many feature films and TV series were shot at the wooden architecture objects of the New Jerusalem Museum: Stirlitz's early years», « The Dead Souls Case"," Admiral "," Isaev "and others.

Every year, festive mass events and interactive programs are held here: "Day of Slavic Literature and Culture", " Christmas in New Jerusalem», « Shrovetide - farewell to the Russian winter in New Jerusalem", "Russian wedding", " Moving to a new home», « Peasant childhood».

About the New Jerusalem Museum

The Historical, Architectural and Art Museum "New Jerusalem", located on the territory of the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery, in the city of Istra, Moscow Region, was founded in 1920. This is one of the oldest and largest state museums in the Moscow region. Over the past decades, the museum has experienced many transformations and upheavals, was almost completely destroyed in 1941 by the German fascist invaders. Despite the unprecedented damage caused to the museum by the invaders, it has been revived, is actively developing and looks confidently into the future.

The modern museum "New Jerusalem" stores about 170 thousand exhibits, including rich collections of church utensils, Russian and foreign paintings, porcelain, weapons, furniture from the noble estates of the Moscow region, handwritten and rare printed publications, works of decorative and applied art, a rare collection of paintings and graphics of the XX century.

The museum is annually visited by about 300 thousand people.

From: Source: Moscow Region News Agency 03/23/2011, & nbsp1438 views
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  • to form natural science ideas about the relationship between living and inanimate nature;
  • to acquaint with the features of migratory birds;
  • to cultivate a respect for birds.


educational:to give students knowledge about changes in living and inanimate nature in spring; to acquaint with the connection between living and inanimate nature; to acquaint students with migratory birds, with the structure of body parts of a bird, with the life of birds.

developing:develop speech, thinking, attention, memory, the ability to compare living organisms, develop the ability to correctly and clearly express one's thoughts verbally, enrich vocabulary, develop observation, form curiosity, and contribute to the enrichment of the emotional sphere of children.

educational:foster a respect for nature, teach to see the beauty of birds, teach children to see the relationship between elements of animate and inanimate nature.

Equipment: textbook Z.A. Klepinin “I and the world around” 1–2 grade, workbook of Z.A. Klepinin “I and the World Around”, 1–2 grade, illustrations of flowers, birds, puzzles, audio recording of “Singing Birds”, a stuffed rook, books about birds, forest signs.


I. Organizational moment.

Today, in the natural history lesson, we will get acquainted with a very interesting topic. So let's start the lesson.

II. Repetition of the past.

Guys, who can tell me what time of year it is? (Spring)

Tell me, how has the weather changed with the arrival of spring?

What happened to the snow? (He began to melt)

Why did he start to melt? State the reason. What do you think happened to our land? She began to thaw? (Yes, the ground began to thaw)

That's right, guys, our land began to thaw, tk. the warmth of the sun's rays began to warm her.

Tell me, what changes occur to plants in spring? (Grass and first early flowers begin to grow. Buds swell on trees and bushes)

And what are the names of such flowers that begin to bloom earlier than other flowers? (Early flowering)

And why do they begin to bloom first, what are the reasons for such changes? (It gets warm, moisture appears as the snow begins to melt)

That's right, in addition, the roots of early flowering plants contain nutrients, and heat and moisture helps to grow quickly.

Let us repeat the reasons for the growth of early flowering plants. (Warmth, moisture appears, roots contain nutrients)

In the last lesson, you learned about early flowering plants. Several types of plants hang on the board. You must determine which one is early flowering.

  • Proleska
  • Mother and stepmother
  • Gladiolus
  • Narcissus
  • Dahlia
  • Aster
  • Chamomile

How should these plants be treated?

Display of flower protection signs.

With the onset of spring, changes occur not only in inanimate nature, but also in plant life. The ground has thawed, and the first flowers appear. It turns out that changes in inanimate nature and in plant life greatly affect the life of animals in spring. Migratory birds are returning to us: rook, starling, lark, swallow, nightingale, cuckoo, thrush, etc.

Why are these birds called migratory?

Why do birds come to us in the spring?

Guess the riddle:

A lace crawls along the ground
He has no arms or legs. (Worm)

Our land is thawing and many worms appear in it, which will serve as food for birds.

Tell me, why do birds fly away from us in autumn? What is the reason for the birds' departure? (Colds come and bird food runs out)

So what contributes to the migration of birds in the fall and spring? (Appearance of food and heat)

III. Statement of the topic and its explanation.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with one of the migratory birds, which arrives to us first. Guess the riddle:

All migratory birds are black
Cleans arable land from worms,
All day long on arable land
And the bird is called ... (Rook)

No wonder they say about her “I saw a rook - meet the spring”. Rooks are the first feathered messengers of spring. They also have their own day - March 17, when the rooks arrive. Such a day is called a rookery. It is believed that with the arrival of rooks, spring begins here. (Featuring a stuffed rook)

Working with the tutorial.

Open the tutorial and look at the illustration of a rook. Why do you think the rook comes to us first? (Food has appeared.) What is his food? (Worms). But not only birds feed on worms, but the seeds of sowing serve as food for birds.

What bird do you think the rook looks like? (To the starling)

Why do you think so? (Same size)

How do they differ? (The beak of the rook is white, and that of the starling is yellow, in color)

Consider the illustration in the tutorial. Pay attention to the structure of the rook bird. What are the parts of the rook's body?

The bird's feather is a miracle of nature. Lightweight and very durable. Where do you think the largest feathers are located? (On the wings and tail)

Feathers play a large role in the life of birds. Why do you think? Feathers not only warm birds, but also serve as a feather bed on the abdomen, a blanket on the back.

Pay attention to the legs of the rook. How are they different from the legs of animals? What is a bird's legs for?

Birds need legs not only to walk, but also to rake, defend, and attack. So a parrot brings a berry to its beak with its paw, a hawk carries its prey in its claws.

IV. Physical minute.

Two claps over your head
Two claps in front of you
Hide two hands behind your back
And we'll jump on two legs.

V. Working with a textbook and workbook.

In the illustration of a bird in a notebook, students sign the name of the bird and identify its body parts.

Guessing a rebus with a keyword bay .

Let's take a look at the illustration of the nest in the tutorial. Tell me what is the first thing birds start doing after returning from a long journey. (Build nests)

Look at the illustration in the textbook and tell me what size nest the rook builds, in what place? Why does he build a large nest in the spring? What for? (For breeding chicks)

The nest is a bird house. There are so many nests. They are molded, woven, folded. What do you think the rook's nest is made of? (From the branches). What else can you build a nest with? (From moss, feathers, wool)

When rooks begin to build nests, there are quarrels between them over a convenient location for a nest or branches for construction. But basically the rook is a peaceful and sociable bird. Cases were observed when rooks collectively built a nest for birds that were late in construction. Rooks build rough nests from twigs and branches. Sometimes in rookery there are hundreds of nests, as shown in the large picture in the textbook. The starling arrives second after the rook. A starling, having picked up a birdhouse, cleans it, throwing out last year's nest and garbage, and then prepares a new one. Carries there a soft bedding. Tits and starlings settle in houses made for them by man, and in the forest - in ready-made hollows. But larks and nightingales make their nests on the ground. And all this is done by birds in order to breed ... (offspring)

But nesting time is a difficult and dangerous time for birds. At this time, birds are endangered not only from predators, but also from evil and unreasonable people.

Display of forest signs.

The best singers on earth are birds. In the grove - a nightingale, in the field - a lark, in the forest - a songbird.

Hear the songbird and the lark sing.

(Musical background sounds)

How can birds be useful? (Destruction of harmful insects)

It is known that a family of swallows over the summer destroys about one million pests (midges and mosquitoes). The rook, following the plow, can destroy up to 8 thousand dangerous worms and caterpillars per day. Thus, birds are beneficial: they protect crops and plantings of cultivated plants from pests. What else can birds be useful for? They predict the weather. Early arrival of rooks and larks - by warm spring. The nightingale sings all night - before a fine day. If the rooks are screaming, it will rain.

Vi. Physical minute.

Birds sat on the lakes
The birds sat down to rest
Birds sat on the lakes
You can't see high waves.
I will come out of the plague:
What's so much noise?
There are countless birds on the lakes
There is nowhere for the sun to sit in the water.

Vii. Anchoring. Work with a notebook.

Open the notebook on page 32. Find out if the animals did the right thing. Where are they right and wrong?

1 drawing (you cannot shoot with a slingshot)

2 drawing (you can take pictures, but do not frighten the birds)

3 drawing (you cannot come close to the eggs, someone else's smell can frighten off the mother bird and she will never return to the nest, and the chicks will die)

How else can you protect rooks?

(Sign display)

Children's answers: Build birdhouses. Feed the birds. Do not touch eggs with your hands.

Now write in your notebook on page 32 two or three answers. How can you protect birds?

VIII. Lesson summary.

Today in the lesson we got acquainted with the changes in the inanimate and wildlife with the onset of spring.

What is the reason for the arrival of the rook? (It's warmer, there's food for the rook)

Which bird comes to us first? (Rook)

Why do they think that if you saw a rook, then meet the spring? (Spring begins with the arrival of the rook. The rook is the messenger of spring)

Why do rooks build nests? (For posterity)

What should be the attitude towards rooks? (Berezhny)

What other birds come to us in the spring? (Lark, starling, swallow)

Why are they called migratory? (They come to us from distant countries)

Look at the board, the words are written here: attention, care, anger, joy, resentment ... How did you feel about watching rooks?

IX. The general result of the lesson.

Exhibition of books. Guys on the board you have books about birds. They are very interesting. Maybe some of you would like to tell about your book that you brought to our exhibition? What interesting things can you learn about birds?

INesna will show everything. (Russian)

Spring is red during the day. (Russian)

Spring the earth soars. (Russian)

Spring is red, but hungry. (Russian)

In March, day and night are measured, equal. (Russian)


Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard. (Russian)

Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin, but tenacious. (Russian)

Spring - light the snow, play the ravines. (Russian)

Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day. (Russian)

Spring is a woman's work *. (* whitewash canvases) (Russian)

Spring is the best time to find a friend. (Karelian)

Spring is red with flowers and autumn with cakes. (Russian)


Spring has come - it's not up to sleep. (Russian)

Spring unlocks the keys and water. (Russian)

Our spring is red. (Russian)

Spring has come - everything has gone. (Russian)

Autumn will command, and spring will tell you. (Russian)

Spring is not red on the wrong side. (Russian)

In the spring - a bucket of water, a spoonful of dirt; in the fall - a spoonful of water, a bucket of dirt. (Russian)

In the spring, what it spills like a river is not a drop; in the fall it will sift with chintz - at least scoop up a bucket. (Russian)

In the spring you will miss a day - you will not return a year. (Russian)

In the spring, the shaft overgrows overnight. (Russian)

In the spring, it bakes from above and freezes from below. (Russian)

Spring before the Annunciation - a lot of frost ahead. (Russian)

In the spring it wets the day, and the hour dries. (Russian)

Spring and autumn ride on a piebald mare. (Russian)

Winter scares spring, but it melts itself. (Russian)


A seagull would arrive, and there will be spring. (Russian)

Spring says: "I will hide"; autumn says: "but I'll have a look." (Russian)

Whoever sleeps a lot in the spring has insomnia in winter. (Russian)

Mother spring is red to everyone. (Russian) (proverb for children)

The earth blooms from the March rains. (Russian)

Spring is red with flowers, autumn - in sheaves. (Russian)

Early spring is a big flood. (Russian)

Winter ends - spring begins. (Russian) (proverb for children)

This wheat, when spring is red days. (Russian)

You will oversleep the warm spring - you will curse the cold winter. (Mordovian)

Spring flies ** off the ground. (** i.e. quickly leaves) (Russian)

What is Aksinya *** - such is the spring. (*** Aksinya Vesnookazatelnitsa or Aksinya half-winter - February 6 N.S., a holiday in the Orthodox calendar)

You make a good fortune, but what kind of spring will it be? (Russian)


Proverbs and sayings about Summer

Proverbs and sayings about March

Positive psychology 03.03.2018 Irina 03.03.2018 Spring is red with flowers ... Proverbs and sayings about spring

Dear readers, it's not for nothing that so many proverbs about everything in the world have been invented. This is a storehouse of folk wisdom, life itself. And although we do not teach them specifically, proverbs so accurately express the essence of many phenomena that they seem to come to mind in appropriate situations. Thanks to this imagery, accuracy, they live for centuries in our culture and are passed down from generation to generation.

There are also a great many proverbs about spring: about the weather, about awakening nature, about months, about the earth, about plants. For each case, there is one that, better than any detailed descriptions, will very briefly reflect the essence of spring phenomena.

Proverbs about the spring months

March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
In March blows south, warms the old.
Sometimes March boasts of frost.
March is dry - the harvest is bad.
March ends winter, spring begins.
March is not spring, but an anticipation.
March - windbore, watercourse, rookery.
March - rookery, drove rooks.
March is a winter harbor, struggling with winter.
March is the heir to February.
March is the counterpart.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March is a drop.
In March, the frost is squeaky, but not burning.
April flower breaks the snow.
Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.
April rays awaken the earth.
The April starling is a messenger of the spring.
Even the wind sings in May.
May grass also feeds the hungry.
Blooming May is real May.
May is merry, under every bush there is paradise.
In May, everything will dress up - there with a leaf, here with a flower, and sometimes with a blade of grass.

Proverbs about the spring labor of people

Whoever sleeps in the spring cries in the winter.
Work hard in the spring - you will be full in winter.
Hope for spring, and store firewood.
Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread.
What you sow, so you reap, what you reap, so you sow.
Put the manure thickly, it won't be empty in the barn.
Better starve, but sow with good seed.
And we will eat, and we will dance, only we will save the arable land.
Don't waste your time, spring will pass - you can't turn it back.
You cannot plow on time, you cannot harvest - you will miss your harvest.

Proverbs about the weather and the arrival of spring

I saw a rook - welcome the spring.
Spring rain grows, autumn rot.
Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
You see a starling, know, spring is at the porch!
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is sheaves.
In the spring, the shafts overgrow with grass overnight.
Spring will revive the worm.
Water flowed from the mountains - it brought spring.
In the spring, it bakes from above and freezes from below.
Winter scares spring, but it melts itself.
No matter how angry the blizzard is, it still smells like spring.
The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends summer.
Oatmeal flew in, sang vesnianka - leave the sleigh, take it.
Spring water and the king will not stop.
Spring time - I ate from the yard.
There are no three fine days in a row in spring.
In the spring, even a rotten tree stump blooms.
The bird cherry blossomed - called the cold.

Spring day feeds the year

Through proverbs, children learn to observe nature, how it changes. They learn what is right, learn about the benefits of hard work. Now, not all schoolchildren are in the field and see how the same wheat grows, but proverbs tell how important it is to plow and sow the field on time and how the future harvest depends on it. That is why the topic of proverbs is often raised in schools in the classroom, and these proverbs about spring for schoolchildren of 2nd grade.

Proverbs about the spring months

In March, day and night are measured, equal.
Martok - put on two trousers.
And in March frost sets on the nose.
March brings winter to nothing.
March sows with snow and warms with the sun.
The March sun will leave its mark.
Winter-March-February-bokogreyu little brother.
It's time to store the cold - when it's March outside.
The monkey will spin the blizzard still.
March knocks the horn off the cow.
The month of March loves to play tricks.
March is proud of the frost.
Sometimes March boasts of frost.
In March and on the trough you go (off-road).
In March, both the back and front are winter.
Warm April, wet May means there will be a harvest.
The sun rolls down the April slide into the summer.
April begins with snow and ends with green.
April streams wake the earth.
April is the primrose, the month of talkative water, the keeper of spring noise.
April is a snowdrift.
April is red with Egor.
April is rich in water.
April-April, drops are ringing in the yard.
April does not like the lazy, the nimble pigeon.
April is black in the field, but still white in the forest.
April will deceive - by May it will fail.
The deceiver is unstable - April: there are seven weathers on the day.
No water in March, no grass in April.
April was neither colder than March, nor warmer than May.
The first April rain of the cart of gold is worth it.
May has come, give the horse some grass, climb the stove yourself.
May is cold - hungry year.
March is dry and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.
May decorates the forest and waits for the summer.
There are two colds in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak is blooming.
May frost will not squeeze out tears.

Proverbs about weather and spring changes in nature

Spring ice is thick and simple, autumn ice is thin and tenacious.
Spring ice, that someone else's hut's threshold is unreliable.
Spring winter does not go to the bins.
Spring rain is never superfluous.
Spring - light the snow, play the ravines.
Spring and summer, and not this will pass.
Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day.
Until the first thunderstorm, frogs do not croak.
Spring is red during the day.
Spring and autumn ride on a piebald mare.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and satisfying.
Spring is red but cold.
Spring is red and summer is miserable.
Spring unlocks the keys and water.
Spring has come - for everything.
Spring will say its own.
In the spring - a bucket of water, a spoonful of dirt; in the fall - a spoonful of water, a bucket of dirt.
In the spring, the rain soars, in the fall it wets.
In the spring it wets the day, and the hour dries.
A seagull would arrive, and there will be spring.
Early spring is worthless, late spring does not deceive.
In the spring, what it spills like a river is not a drop; in the fall it will sift with chintz - at least scoop up a bucket.
As the aspen trembles, so the cattle in the field are fed.
In a foreign land, spring is black, in its own land, winter is green.
Spring is generous for warmth, but stingy for a time.
No one will take away the spring water - the water will find a way.
Avdotya is red - and spring is red.
The willow is leading the mud, driving the last ice from the river.
Where the crow does not fly, peck all the manure.

Proverbs about human labor in spring

In the spring, if you skip an hour, you won't catch up in a week.
Time is precious - the peasant has no rest.
Feed your cows more satisfying in autumn, spring will be more profitable.
Whoever sleeps a lot in the spring has insomnia in winter.
Sow at the right time - you will collect grains from the mountain.
Spring has come, so no time for sleep.
Rye says: "Throw me into the ashes and in time." Oats says: "Trample me in the mud, and I will be a prince."
The one who sows first is the first to harvest.
The earth has warmed, do not be late with sowing.
You cannot put it in the ground - and you cannot take it from the ground.
He brought manure into the field - a cart from the field.
Chilly seeds always sprout late.
Do not feast on feasts, if you sow bread.
One grain gives a handful.
Bad oats - you will swallow tears.
We plow and sow, we don't know how to brag, but we will reap the harvest.
Whoever sows early does not lose seeds.
You can't get enough of it.
The cuckoo has baked - it's time to sow flax.
Do not be lazy with a plow - you will be with a pie.
The plow shines from work.
Return the debt to the earth - there will be a sense.

Proverbs about Maslenitsa and spring are inextricably linked, because it is spring that comes with the celebration of Maslenitsa. But since this holiday is special, which includes so many customs in relation to food, games, festivities, meetings with family and friends, a separate article is devoted to the proverbs about Maslenitsa on the blog - Shrovetide brings light to everyone, and great greetings from spring

How to explain the meaning of proverbs

Proverbs are valuable because, for all their brevity, they carry a valuable meaning, some kind of morality, edification. And it is important to correctly understand and be able to explain this meaning. In this section, you will find an explanation of the essence of some of the proverbs about spring.

One swallow does not make spring (the meaning of the proverb is that the arrival of one hurried bird does not mean that spring has come.

In the month of April, keep your clothes close to your body (that is, there are still cold weather).

Those who sleep in the spring cry in the winter (in the spring you need to sow fields and vegetable gardens, otherwise there will be no supplies in winter).

Do not waste time in vain, spring will pass - you can't turn it back (if it's a good day, then you need to sow).

Spring rain grows, and autumn rain rot (in the spring it is necessary for the planted seeds to sprout. In autumn, the rains spoil the unharvested crop).

In the spring - a bucket of water, a spoonful of dirt; in the fall - a spoonful of water, a bucket of mud (in the spring it rains, the snow melts, but the sun is hot too, so all the moisture evaporates faster. In the fall, dirt is due to the lack of sun and constant cloudy weather).

Spring - light the snow, play the ravines (with the onset of spring new streams appear, hollows in the ground appear and become visible. That is, places where water flowed).

I saw a rook - meet spring (rooks arrive with the onset of warmth, there will be no frost, and you can expect spring already).

Spring has come - everything went well (in spring everything turns green and everything around wakes up. Flowers, trees come to life, birds fly in, the gardening season begins for adults, and the kids can now spend day or day outside).

Return the debt to the land - it will be useful (in the spring you need not only planting, but also fertilizing the land).

The earth has warmed up, do not be late with sowing (when the sun baked and dried the earth a little, then it’s time to plant seeds and seedlings).

Early swallows for a happy year (swallows fly to the warmth, which means there will be early spring).

Those who work in the spring will have fun in the fall (what you plant in the spring, you will collect in the fall).

The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby is the mother (birds are happy with the spring just like a child at the sight of his mother).

In one year two springs do not happen (in the spring it wakes up and blooms all once).

The spring ice is thick and simple; the autumn is thin, but tenacious (in the spring it is very dangerous to get on the ice and go out. But in the fall it seems thin, but much stronger than the spring).

Spring unlocks springs and waters (all living things wake up, snow falls, streams flow).

A good flowering - a good ovary (if everything blooms and does not hit the frost, then the ovary will be good, and the harvest itself).

In the spring, what it spills like a river is not a drop; in the fall it will sift with chintz - at least scoop up a bucket (in spring water is quickly absorbed into the ground, and the sun bakes well and dries quickly. And in the fall there is no longer any heat, so there is always dampness).

Spring is generous for warmth, but stingy for a time (in spring there is a lot of work, you need to do the cleaning after winter and prepare for sowing).

Martok - put on two trousers (trousers are the old name for trousers. A proverb teaches us not to believe in deceptive warmth, but to dress warmly, despite the bright sun).

A good year can be seen in the spring (if there are no late frosts, then nothing will harm the crop).

In March, the chicken will get drunk under the sill (poultry will be able to drink water from any place with melt water).

In March, the pike breaks the ice with its tail (this indicates thin spring ice on the river).

The spring is red, and the summer is mild (in the spring the fields are sown, and they begin to turn beautifully green. In summer, the time comes for hard work, since the crops need to be looked after).

All the wisdom of the people is collected in proverbs and sayings about spring. And even now, when we are already so far from agriculture, when we hardly know how to read signs, these short but capacious expressions still contain so much meaning that is valuable to us.

Spring ... And I want to hug the whole world ... warm my soul ... Capel a cappella - the best poems about spring

And for the mood, a musical gift from Ernesto Cortazar - Precioso.

see also

Vinaigrette - a classic recipe with variations Words and sayings about winter Riddles about spring Shrovetide brings light to everyone and a big hello from spring I saw a starling - spring is at the door. Folk omens of spring For what a treasure, when the family is happy. Family proverbs and sayings

  • Blooming Sally. Beneficial features. Contraindications
  • How to make Ivan - tea. Medicinal properties. Application
  • Chamomile

Spring- morning of the year.

Spring and the worm is alive.

Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day.

March the cow hurts horns.

Spring is red during the day.

Spring is red with flowers and autumn with cakes.

Spring is red and summer is miserable.

In the spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in the fall, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

In the spring, the shafts overgrow with grass overnight.

The spring ice is thick and simple; autumn - thin, but tenacious.

Mother spring is red to everyone.

Spring is not meaty, autumn is not milky.

I saw a rook, meet the spring.

If you miss an hour in the spring, you won't catch up with the year.

Spring - light the snow, play the ravines.

March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

Spring rain grows, autumn rot.

In the spring it wets the day, and the hour dries.

Even though it's a martok, put on two trousers.

Snow in April, granddaughters came for grandfather.

March is dry and wet, May will be porridge and loaf.

In the spring, what it spills like a river is not a drop; in the fall it will sift with chintz - at least scoop up a bucket.

In the spring, if you fall behind for an hour, you won't catch up in a week.

The spring day feeds the year.

Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and well fed.

Fear autumn - winter will follow; do not be afraid of winter - spring is behind it.

Spring is not winter: don't climb onto the stove, but get ready for the field.

I saw a rook - welcome the spring.

    I saw a rook - welcome the spring.

    One flower does not make spring.

    There is no snow without winter.

    One rose is not yet spring.

    Spring and summer, not that will pass.

    Jackdaws of heat shouted.

    What you drag with your foot in the summer, you can pick it up with your lips in winter.

    May will deceive, but will go into the forest.

    Prepare sleds from spring, and wheels from autumn.

    November - September grandson, October son, winter brother.

    The sun does not shine against the summer sun in winter.

    Gray in summer and white in winter. (Hare)

    The summer week is more expensive than the winter one.

    Water is not a miracle in winter.

    July - the triumph of a clear summer


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