Where are the French mistrals. What happened to the Mistral aircraft carriers that France did not sell to Russia. "Mistral" - a ship without a Motherland

The International Naval Show taking place in St. Petersburg has become a source of the most important news in the domestic shipbuilding industry. The representative of the command of the Russian Navy announced plans to build two helicopter carriers and one aircraft carrier.

To replace the Mistrals

Since 2015, discussions have not ceased in Russia about the need to replace the French Mistral-type helicopter carriers, which Paris refused to give to Moscow under the pretext of the “aggressive policy of the Kremlin.” As a result, two dock ships without weapons and helicopters were transferred to Egypt.

Today we can say with confidence that the intrigue that had lasted two years has been resolved. Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy for armaments, confirmed that the construction of two Priboy UDCs was included in the state armaments program (GPV) for 2018-2025.

  • Model of the landing ship "Priboy"
  • RIA News
  • Alexander Wilf

On May 25, 2017, Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov told reporters that two helicopter carriers were included in the SAP until 2025 (which is still under discussion). However, he did not specify what project he was talking about.

On June 28, in an interview with TASS, Vice President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Igor Ponomarev said that the Priboy-class ships would be built at the facilities of two St. Petersburg enterprises - Severnaya Verf and Baltiysky Zavod, as well as at Sevmash (Arkhangelsk region).

"Surf" was first presented at the international forum "Army-2015". The Russian Defense Ministry said that the project could become an alternative to French ships. “On the Priboy, everything will be domestic: landing craft, an air wing, and weapons systems,” the agency said in a statement.

The displacement of the UDC will be 14 thousand tons with a draft of 5 meters. The ship's maximum speed is 20 knots (cruising is 15-16 knots), cruising range is 6,000 nautical miles (11,000 km), cruise autonomy is 60 days. The anti-aircraft defense of the Priboy will be held by the sea-based anti-aircraft complex Pantsir-M.

Up to 8 anti-submarine and landing helicopters Ka-27 and Ka-52K will be placed on the deck of the Priboy. Also, the universal ship will be able to carry four Project 11770M Serna landing craft and two Project 12061M Murena landing craft.

It is assumed that the "Priboy" will accommodate about 500 paratroopers and up to 60 units of various military equipment, including 20-30 tanks. The author of the project is the Nevsky Design Bureau (PKB).

Increased need

"Priboy", like any other modern universal landing ship, will perform the widest range of tasks. In the conditions of modern warfare, the UDC is an indispensable maritime transport, control ship and means of patrolling the far sea and ocean zone.

The appearance of two Surfs will significantly enhance the expeditionary capabilities of the Russian Navy. The need for long-range military campaigns has objectively grown in connection with the start of the Syrian operation and the creation of new bases in the Far East.

Domestic UDCs should become a full-fledged alternative to the French Sevastopol and Vladivostok helicopter carriers, which Russia never received from France. Meanwhile, there is an opinion in the expert community that two ships like a class are still not enough.

  • Helicopter carrier "Mistral"
  • Yannick Le Bris/Wikimedia Commons

In mid-June 2015, Anatoly Shlemov, head of the USC State Defense Order Department, said that Russia needed 6-8 helicopter carriers. Two years ago, the Ministry of Defense estimated the needs of the Navy at least four "Priboy", however, the department did not indicate the timing of their construction.

At the moment, it is known that by 2025 the Navy will receive two UDCs. The implementation of the Priboy project will be a difficult task for Russian shipbuilders, who have never built ships of this class. (In the Soviet years, all aircraft-carrying ships were built at the Black Sea plant in Ukrainian Nikolaev. — RT).

However, Russian shipyards gained a lot of experience working in cooperation with the French corporation Chantiers de l'Atlantique, which built Mistrals for the Navy. Domestic enterprises performed part of the assembly work, and engineers had the opportunity to observe the construction of ships at the shipyards of France.

The editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, Viktor Murakhovsky, in an interview with RT, suggested that it would take at least 5 years to build two Surfs. The cost of the contract with USC, in his opinion, will be approximately $ 1 billion (excluding helicopter equipment and weapons).

In general, the cost of domestic UDC will be comparable to the money that was paid to Chantiers de l'Atlantique. Recall that the French corporation received $ 1.2 billion from the Russian Ministry of Defense. Armament, helicopters and some equipment were produced at Russian enterprises - this was one of the key conditions of the contract.

Clean aircraft carrier

In addition to helicopter carriers, the multi-purpose aircraft carrier of Project 23000 Storm is called upon to ensure a strong presence of the Navy in the waters of the World Ocean. For the first time this project was demonstrated in closed mode in July 2013. Its developer is the Krylov State Research Center (KGNTs).

Currently, Russia has one aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov (project 1143.5), which was launched in 1987. However, the ship belongs to the class of aircraft-carrying cruisers and is not a pure aircraft carrier.

For comparison: on the deck of the "Storm" can be placed 80-90 units of aircraft, and on the deck of the "Admiral Kuznetsov" - no more than 52 aircraft and helicopters.

"Storm" will significantly exceed the dimensions of the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov". The displacement of the ship will be 90-100 thousand tons (against 50-60 thousand tons), length - 330 m (against 270 m), width at the waterline - 40 m (against 33 m).

An important feature of the "Storm" will be a nuclear power plant, which provides the ship with almost unlimited autonomy of movement.

  • The cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" during the passage of the aircraft carrier group of the Russian Northern Fleet
  • RIA News

At Kuznetsov, the power plant runs on fuel oil. On the one hand, it increases the survivability of the ship, on the other hand, it negatively affects the speed and range.

At the ongoing naval show in St. Petersburg, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that the contract for the construction of an aircraft carrier is planned to be signed by the end of 2025. However, he did not name the shipyards that will participate in the project.

According to foreign media, the command of the Russian Navy expects to receive at least two Storms in the future. The construction of the lead cruiser will cost $6.2 billion (excluding aircraft and armaments), the second ship will cost less.

An epic task

The editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, Viktor Murakhovsky, drew attention to the fact that the appearance of three aircraft-carrying ships in the Navy will require the construction of warships of the first and second ranks (with a displacement of over 3 and 4 thousand tons).

The expert believes that destroyers of project 23560 "Leader" will probably accompany the helicopter carriers and aircraft carriers on campaigns.

“To escort one aircraft carrier, 4-5 frigates or corvettes and one submarine are required. “Leader” would unequivocally solve these tasks, but whether this project will be included in the SAP before 2025 is still unclear,” Murakhovsky stated.

Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk said that the project for destroyers would be developed at the Northern Design Bureau (Petersburg). However, the Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy did not announce the timing of the start of production.

  • Cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov"
  • RIA News

In turn, Viktor Murakhovsky hopes that in the future the Russian Navy will acquire about four Priboy-type UDCs, as the Ministry of Defense planned in 2015: “Helicopter carriers are important for the Russian Federation, primarily for supplying exclaves and remote bases with everything necessary. Therefore, we will need two ships in the Pacific and one in the Baltic. And one more UDC should be on duty in the Black or Mediterranean Sea.

“The implementation of such projects will require large-scale expenditures. The cost of an air wing, equipment, material and time costs for the training of pilots and sailors cannot be discounted. This is a daunting task in the current environment. We will probably manage, but I would not draw far-reaching conclusions today, ”summed up Murakhovsky.

The French were not particularly upset, because even then Egypt showed an active interest in buying ships. Paris and Cairo agreed on the terms of the deal as quickly as possible, and already in June 2016, the Mistrals set off for Alexandria, having previously taken part in joint naval maneuvers between the two countries.
In the country of the pyramids, helicopter carriers received new names, the ships were named after the former presidents of Egypt. Vladivostok became Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Sevastopol became Anwar Sadat.
Russia did not remain in the overlay either. Since these Mistrals were created specifically for the needs of domestic aircraft, Cairo bought 50 Ka-52k and Ka-29/31 helicopters from Moscow.
Well, already this year both Mistrals began to take an active part in the anti-terrorist operation against the Islamists in Sinai. Helicopters based on ships are engaged in operations to clean up the coast of the peninsula.
Currently, judging by the latest news, the Gamal Abdel Nasser helicopter carrier is participating in naval military exercises together with the Meduza-6 units of Cyprus and Greece. With its help, the interaction of ground, air and sea forces during landing operations is practiced. Thus, the former "Vladivostok" and "Sevastopol" are actively used in their new homeland for their intended purpose.

Three years ago, France refused to transfer Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia in connection with the annexation of Crimea and the situation in eastern Ukraine. Having terminated the contract from 2011 worth €1.2 billion, Paris returned the previously delivered equipment to Moscow and paid a penalty in the amount of €949.7 million.

What about the Mistrals?

The helicopter carriers were bought by Egypt. In June 2016, the Mistrals were sent to Alexandria. They were given new names in honor of the former presidents of Egypt. Vladivostok became Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Sevastopol became Anwar Sadat.

According to media reports, in 2018, the Mistrals took an active part in the anti-terrorist operation against militants of the Islamic State banned in the Russian Federation in the north and in the central part of the Sinai Peninsula. On February 9, they took part in Operation Sinai 2018, with the support of the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior, in the Nile Delta and desert areas in western Egypt. In particular, special naval units were landed from the Mistrals to carry out operations to clean up the coast in the el-Arish area.

Helicopter carriers are also used to conduct various joint military exercises. The helicopter carrier Gamal Abdel Nasser took part in naval exercises together with the Meduza-6 units of Cyprus and Greece, and the Anwar Sadat took part in the Cleopatra-2018 joint exercises of France and Egypt in the Red Sea. During the exercises, the interaction of ground, air and sea forces during landing operations, joint actions for planning and managing offensive and defensive operations, as well as for detaining ships in case of their possible violation of territorial waters, were worked out.

In addition to participating in joint and anti-terrorist operations, Egypt uses helicopter carriers to protect remote offshore gas fields, which are more than 200 kilometers from the coast.


Cold north or northwest wind blowing in winter and spring on the south coast of France.

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is MISTRAL in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MISTRAL in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Frederi is a Provencal poet, the largest representative of the new Provencal literature (see), one of the founders and leader ...
  • MISTRAL in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Mistral) Gabriela (real name Godoy Alcayaga Godoy Alcayaga) (1889-1957), Chilean poetess. In 1924-46 in diplomatic work. The lyrics connected the traditions of the Spanish ...
  • MISTRAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Mistral (Frederic Mistral) - New Provencal poet, b. in 1830 after a series of small plays in Provence. dialect, he gave the rural poem "Mireio" ...
  • MISTRAL in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Mistral) Gabriela (1889 - 1957), Chilean poet. Lyrics (collections Sonnets of Death, 1914, Despair, 1922, Tala, 1938, Winepress, 1954) connected the traditions of…
  • MISTRAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    i, m. A strong and cold north or northwest wind blowing from the mountains in the South. France.||Wed. BORA, BOREAIS, BREEZE…
  • MISTRAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, m. In the south of France: strong northwestern ...
    MISTRAL (French mistral), strong and cold local north-west. wind in the south of France. It is similar to boron...
  • MISTRAL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Mistral Frederick (1830-1914), Provence. poet, leader of the Felibre movement. The poem "Mireio" (1859), collections "Golden Islands" (1876), "Olive picking" (1912) ...
  • MISTRAL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MISTRAL (Mistral) Gabriela (real name and surname Lusila Godoy Alcayaga, Godoy Alcayaga) (1889-1957), chil. poetess. In 1924-46, Dipl. work; …
  • MISTRAL in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    mistra "le, mistra" li, mistra "la, mistra" ley, mistra "liu, mistra" lyam, mistra "le, mistra" li, mistra "lem, mistra" lyami, mistra "le, ...
  • MISTRAL in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (fr. mistral) a strong and cold north or northwest wind blowing from the mountains to the south. …
  • MISTRAL in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [fr. mistral] strong and cold north or northwest wind blowing from the mountains to the south. …
  • MISTRAL in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • MISTRAL in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
  • MISTRAL in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    mister'al, ...
  • MISTRAL in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    mistral, ...
  • MISTRAL in the Spelling Dictionary:
    mister'al, ...
  • MISTRAL in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    In the south of France: strong northwestern …
  • MISTRAL in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (French mistral), a strong and cold local northwest wind in the south of France. It is similar to boron. - (Mistral) Gabriela (real name ...
  • MISTRAL in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    mistral, m. (French mistral) (geographic). Northwest dry and cold wind in southern …
  • MISTRAL in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    mistral m. Cold north or northwest wind blowing in winter and spring on the south coast ...
  • MISTRAL in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    m. Cold north or northwest wind blowing in winter and spring on the south coast ...

A high dragon is a fully mature female dragon. These huge winged monsters, conquering the skies and burning all life in their path, are the legendary and rarest of all existing dragons.

In the Dragon Age series, dragon fights have always been very difficult and dangerous. To defeat this flying monster required strong tactics and the ability to control the entire group. And now in more detail. There are ten high dragons left in Thedas, and for completing the game we are obliged to get to know each one (unless, of course, we want a wonderful achievement for ourselves " Storm of Dragons»)

Ferelden Frostbite

The first dragon encountered by most players. This dragon settled well in the Hinterlands and began to produce offspring. We, as heroes, are obliged to prevent this, and, of course, the reward for killing the monster is quite good.
Dragon Features:
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to cold
The battle itself is not difficult, but the dragon often takes off and begins to call on his children to help him, who calmly cut out the gaping archer or magician.
In battle, you should be wary of his fiery breath and, of course, huge paws with a tail. When you lower his health to zero, the dragon will fall and leave you his treasure (search the skull) [Achievement 1\10]

dragon nest


Our next target will be very evil, because we will prevent the dragon from enjoying the meat of the giant and interrupt their amazing fight. The dragon is located on the Storm Coast, on the Isle of Dragons. You can get there by boat from Darwin Estuary (opened by the Red Waters quest). This strong adversary will create a sea of ​​​​obstacles for you before you get that cherished one.
Attack type: electricity
Vulnerable to spirit
It's worth being afraid of the dragon's energy balls, the damage from them is terribly high. In close combat, the dragon does not show itself as such a formidable opponent. The only danger is his energy attacks, take care of magicians, archers. Do not forget about pauses, controls, jars and this monster will bow before you. [Achievement 2\10]

dragon nest

Deep High Dragon

You can find the "Deep High Dragon" in the Western Reach location. In order for the dragon to come out, you need to go through an interesting chain of dragon hunting quests. This dragon is used to living in warmth and comfort, I'm afraid he won't like it when we throw ice magic at him.
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to ice
The battle takes place as usual. The tank tries not to let go of the boss, the melee damage cuts its paws, the far one is as far away as possible, because. the dragon often likes to please the team with a fireball. She will also interfere with you in every possible way with her paws and tail, but do not forget about the wings! Terrible wind currents created by the flapping of huge wings can spoil your picture well. [Achievement 3\10]

dragon nest

Gamordan Bouregon (Formerly Gamoran Stormrider)

You should start looking for him on the Sacred Plains in Raven Marsh.
His nest is in a pond and this is a huge advantage in his favor. The dragon has an electric attack, which water does well.
Attack type: electricity
Weakness to the spirit
In battle, the dragon behaves as standard. Attacks with paws and tail, sometimes starts chasing a random target from our group. Occasionally, the dragon uses water against us, transferring an electrical charge of great strength through it. If the heroes stand in the water, they will take a lot of damage and be stunned, so try to spend most of your time on land. Further, according to the standard tactics: damage the paw, drink jars, microcontrol, active use of spells and skills. Result - the dragon is defeated! [Achievement 4\10]

dragon nest

big mistral

This dragon is not so difficult to find, but it was on his search that I spent the most time.
Mistral is an ice dragon that lives in the Emerald Cave. To find it, you need to move from the Dreadstone (which is located near the small camp of the criminal Kasandra is chasing after on the quest) to the north. There you will see a huge, beautiful dragon that will not appreciate your visit and will decide to drive away the uninvited guests.
Attack type: ice
Vulnerable to fire
To reduce the damage of the dragon, you need to increase your protection from ice. In close combat, the dragon torments you with sharp claws and a huge tail. Also with the help of wings, he creates wind currents. When the dragon becomes enraged, it freezes its body and creates an armor bar on top of its health. In flight, he releases ice balls, in order to dodge, use tactical control. The battle with this high dragon can last a long time, so stock up on healing potions and other supplies. When his health drops to zero, the dragon will disappear into oblivion and leave only a memory and a wonderful drop. This is how we get closer and closer to clearing the world of Dragons and getting the long-awaited achievement. [Achievement 5\10]

dragon nest

Northern Hunter

Our next high dragon lives in Crestwood. This dragon was my first and left a bunch of pleasant and unpleasant memories of itself. In my opinion, the fight with this dragon was the most difficult. Perhaps because he was the first, and I did not have enough experience in fighting such monsters, my level was very low, and my clothes left much to be desired. But still, by blood and sweat, by the power given to us, I mastered it, and so began my hunt for dragons.
Attack type: electricity
Vulnerable to spirit
Keep an eye on your mages and rogues, because they are the sweet targets for the electro-sphere, which can kill almost any hero in a matter of seconds. You should also be wary of his attacks with paws and tail, but do not forget about the dragon's breath. After a ton of cans for health, a hundred skills used and a couple of three deaths, our dragon will finally give up and leave you with a sweet bonus in the form of new things. [Achievement 6\10]

dragon nest

Sand Weeper

To find this Dragon, head to the "Whistling Wastes" location and, starting from the first camp, go up along the right edge of the map. Soon you will see a beautiful entrance between the mountains, this will be the passage to our sleeping dragon. Carefully approach the monster without waking it up ahead of time, and start attacking with a tank.
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to ice
This Dragon has strong legs and often likes to flap her wings. To break through its scales, you will have to try hard, since the dragon often blocks its health with armor. You won’t be able to relax in this battle, the Dragon can take off and instantly collapse on any of your heroes. Use jars, control all the heroes and do not forget about the pause, and this fiery beast will fall at your feet. [Achievement 7\10]

dragon nest


To fight this ice beauty, we need to repair the bridge in Emprise du Lion. The dragon cannot stand the heat and often likes to refresh the entire team with icy breath.
Attack type: ice
Vulnerable to fire
During the battle, it is worth protecting the tank from ice attacks as much as possible, otherwise the battle will be fast. Other heroes actively use fire magic and deal damage in all possible ways. During the battle, the Dragon decides to take a break, spreading his mighty wings, he will fly away into the heavenly heights.
In this location, after the capture of the fortress, there is a quest for all dragons before you go hunting - do not forget to take it. [Achievement 8\10]

dragon nest


This high dragon can be easily found on the second tower after crossing the bridge (quest beacon shown). Fights with two dragons are pretty similar and easy, so we won't talk much here, let's get down to business.
Attack type: ice
Vulnerable to fire
The dragon is very active on the battlefield and constantly jumps from side to side. A weak hindrance in his murder will be his breath and a fierce desire to survive, but when the dragon realizes her inevitable fate, she will call on offspring to help. Get rid of help as soon as possible! It is the little dragons that make up the whole problem of this fight. Percentage by percentage of the Dragon's health will drop to zero and he will finally be defeated. Last target, here we go! [Achievement 9/10]

dragon nest

Highland Destroyer

Here it is, the last fight! Are you already in anticipation? Be sure to save!!! Achievement may not be given the first time and then you will have to repeat killing the dragon.
We will find this monster in the third amphitheater behind the bridge, however, the mark on the map on the assignment will help you.
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to Ice
This dragon poses a huge threat! Throughout the battle, he will protect himself with armor and constantly call on his children, who have considerable damage, and killing them is not so easy. Here are a few dangerous factors during combat: jump attack, stun, summon small dragons, fire breath, fireballs on points (mortar principle). All this can take away your victory. I was lucky to kill this monster the first time, but at the end of the fight, the monster killed my Bull with one blow. The fight lasted about five minutes and the fiery queen surrendered. Drop, achievement, applause to the winners. [Achievement 10\10]

dragon nest


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