Which advertising is the most effective: statistics and examples. How to make advertising effective Advertising about a company via the Internet

The World Wide Web is one of the most important media. If earlier people mainly drew knowledge from radio, newspapers and television, now almost all content has gradually migrated to the Internet. Hundreds of millions of people all over the planet use the Internet. Its audience is predominantly young and solvent. It is not surprising that marketers have begun to view the online space as an excellent place for promoting commercial products and making money.

Today, online advertising has become one of the most profitable industries in the world. It has already surpassed other types of promotion and has no intention of slowing down. For example, official data from IPG Mediabrands suggests that in 2017, global spending on online product presentation amounted to $209 billion. This is 6% more than the cost of advertising on TV. There are all prerequisites for the fact that in the near future the Internet will become the absolute leader, and other means of communication will become history.

If you are planning to master the art of PR, immediately turn your attention to the Internet. Sooner or later you will come to it, so it’s worth starting to comprehend its subtleties in advance.

The benefits of advertising on the Internet

1. Promotion on the Internet requires relatively low costs. If in order to launch a commercial on TV you need to shell out a tidy sum, then on the Internet it is quite possible to find popular platforms where you can order promotion at an affordable price.

2. Large audience reach. As a rule, a particular site is not limited to one region. Hypothetically, your ad can be seen by the entire Russian-speaking population of the world. By the way, many online stores use this: please note that they often deliver goods far beyond the country of origin.

3. Possibility of quick feedback. There are a lot of ways to communicate with clients on the Internet: you can make a page with reviews, indicate your e-mail and phone number, ask the customer to leave their details, etc. Establishing daily contact with everyone is as easy as pie.

4. Full demonstration of the product. Imagine advertising a clothing store on TV with a 30-second clip. What can the viewer understand from it? Will he search for your store? Will he rewrite your email address even if you show it full screen in huge font? Hardly. But if a person finds an identical online store, he can immediately click on an advertisement and view the entire assortment in a few minutes. It is obvious that stores that have official websites and have established online promotion are more successful than their competitors.

As you can see, advertising on the Internet is a powerful mechanism. However, in order to use it wisely, you need to distinguish between types of online promotion. Each product has its own option. You cannot advertise the sale of aerated concrete blocks and a public page with memes in the same way.

Main types of online advertising

1. Contextual.

You've probably noticed that if you type into a search engine, say, a Meizu smartphone, an LG TV, or Raffaello candies, information about these products literally begins to follow you at every step. This is not an accident. That's exactly how it works.

Its scheme is as simple as possible. Special systems read the requests of each user. Interests are automatically recorded and then suitable advertisements are offered to the person.

  • search engine;
  • thematic.

The first is targeting the keywords you Google. The second is used within individual online resources. Let’s say that if you are interested in a black dress in an online clothing store, in the future you will be offered similar black dresses or items of the same brand.

The main disadvantage: a person is not necessarily looking for what he wants to buy. Perhaps he's just writing an article about smartphones. Offering him contextual advertising is a waste of time.

2. Targeted.

This type of advertising is somewhat similar to contextual advertising. True, he focuses not only on the interests of the public, but also on socio-demographic characteristics. Its name comes from the English word target - goal. This is the whole essence of the principle. The marketer determines the target audience of the product and specifically offers it to each member of the selected group. Let's say you are promoting a toy store on VKontakte for children under 3 years old. Therefore, you need to target young mothers and fathers. You are looking for adults whose status states “married” or “married” and also “has a child.” You offer them a banner with a teddy bear.

To save money, many ways have been invented to rationally use targeted advertising. Some experts place it at certain times of the day. Others focus only on a specific region. Still others

pay attention to the gender and age of the potential client. Still others combine all these options and add something of their own. It all depends on the prevalence of the product and the size of the budget.

Main disadvantage: Usually people go to social networks to relax and chat with friends. At such moments, they are not particularly inclined to make unplanned purchases, so your ad runs the risk of going unnoticed.

3. SEO.

The success of any website, be it an online store or a blog of a famous photographer, largely depends on its position in the search engine. If it is on the first page of Google or Yandex, it will come to the attention of most users. And if he modestly huddles in position one hundred and twentieth, God grant that at least 5% of the audience reach him. Few people have the qualities of a researcher. As a rule, people choose one of the first options offered. Therefore, SEO promotion is highly desirable for everyone.

Main disadvantage: There are many subtleties in SEO that are inaccessible to the average person. Therefore, optimization is entrusted to specialists who know a lot about semantic analysis. Their services are expensive.

4. Banner.

Banners are good because they instantly sink into a person’s soul. Bright picture will be remembered faster than even the best text. There are many precedents when, after launching a competent banner advertisement, sales increased by 50% or more.

Banners are divided into the following types:

  • static;
  • animated;
  • interactive

The latter are considered the best option. If a simple drawing or GIF may not impress the user, then ignoring a survey from two options is much more difficult. And after the first interest arises, you can win over the client further.

Main disadvantage: due to the phenomenon banner blindness people often don't notice the pictures on the sides of the site. There are so many banners that the average person’s brain perceives them poorly.

5. E-mail newsletters.

6. Teaser.

“Find out why Pugacheva beat Kirkorov” or “Vanga predicted the end of the world in 2018” are the most striking examples of teaser advertising. To create it, a headline is used that instantly attracts attention, as well as a revival - the main message, which explains the big phrase and contains a call to action.

Teaser advertising is not necessarily clickbait with a catch. It is used not only by network marketing savvy people, but also by serious companies to promote branded items to the market. Sometimes they launch advertising in a comprehensive manner, sometimes the title comes out several days before the promotion. By stirring up public interest, the authors create intrigue.

Main disadvantage: because of Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Baskov, Goji berries and super-remedies for breast cancer to teaser advertising little trust. Alas, unscrupulous manufacturers adore her.

7. Video advertising.

Many entrepreneurs know about the popularity of YouTube and try to launch video advertising. I must say that it brings good results. The videos are well received by the public, especially if they are interesting and informative.

  • viral videos that you can send to a friend or post on your wall;
  • educational recordings (this method of presentation is very common among various online schools);
  • image clips aimed at presenting the product from its best sides

Video advertising is also good because it allows you to really track the reaction of viewers. People will rate the video with likes, leave positive reviews, and also criticize. This will help you see what you are doing well and what needs improvement.

Main disadvantage: You will have to spend a lot of money on a good video. At a minimum, you will need a good camera, quality editing and an adequate script.

8. Native.

Native advertising is a message that unobtrusively fits into the surrounding context. Imagine that you are reading an article about the most effective ways to learn English. And, stopping at each of them, you notice a remark that such and such a school actively uses this technique in teaching students. It would seem that these are completely neutral references, but in fact they appeared in the text for a reason.

Main disadvantage: unobtrusiveness often plays a cruel joke with native advertising. Because of this people often overlooked hidden message.

9. Notice boards.

For some reason this option has been undeservedly forgotten. Many people associate message boards with selling used items for three pennies and think that this platform is not at all suitable for promoting modern projects. But in vain. Avito is still visited by many people, and so far it is not going to fade into history.

It should be noted right away that message boards are just one way to increase your customer base. Don't put all your hopes on him. However, with the right approach, it can give good results. To really have an effect, you need to create a sales ad. Clear photographs, the most complete list of contacts, keywords in the title, simple and intelligible text are the key to success.

Main disadvantage: To prevent your message from sinking to the very end, it needs to be constantly raised. This is a rather troublesome task and often not free.

10. Spam and viruses.

Since this method of advertising exists, it is worth remembering, but we are extremely we do not recommend use it. Firstly, he is not pure from a moral and ethical point of view. Secondly, its effectiveness is in question. Your potential clients are not idiots. Gone are the days when most Internet users were fooled by incomprehensible offers and followed dubious links. Viral advertising that pops up all over the screen does not in any way push a person to make a purchase, and spam is immediately deleted from the mailbox. Therefore, if you want to gain an audience and make people trust you, choose a different method of promotion.

Efficiency and cost of advertising on the Internet

We already understand that online advertising is useful for a product. We also figured out that it can be done in many ways. However, online ads do not guarantee successful sales. Running an advertisement is a risk in any case. A lot depends on the mood of the public, the professionalism of the content maker, and the relevance of the proposal. You can protect yourself on all fronts, but there are times when even the best ideas fail.

Don't rush to get upset. Popularization of a product is not a single event that happens once in a lifetime, but a process that lasts for years. Even if your initial strategy was unsuccessful, you can adjust it until it starts working.

Contrary to popular belief, marketers do not rely on intuition. They have clear schemes by which they check the performance indicators of online advertising:

1. Hit. In Russian, a hit means the number of visits to a resource. This indicator, in isolation from everything else, says little. You can follow a link at least a thousand times from one computer.

2. Host. This refers to the number of unique users interested in the resource. You can match unique IP addresses with hits and discover some correlations.

3. CTR. In common parlance, this abbreviation is called clickability. This takes into account the number of times an advertising message is shown to a user, as well as the percentage of responses to it.

4.CTB. This is the conversion rate. It shows the number of casual visitors who become customers.

5. CTI. This indicator is responsible for counting interested visitors. An interested person is considered to be the person who has thoroughly viewed the site and also returned to it several times.

6. ROI. Return on investment.

All data is taken from special counters. Professionals who evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising can learn a lot from these numbers. They clearly show how the average user reacts to the information offered to him. Based on his behavior, you can successfully change the PR campaign until it begins to work in full force.

Where to start advertising?

And now we move from theory to practice. If you are reading this article, then most likely you have a project that is waiting to move forward. So what should be your first action?

Here you should immediately make a reservation that a lot depends on the amount you expect to invest in promotion. If you have an unlimited budget, you can order a series of promotional mentions from top bloggers and rest on your laurels. But if you expect to spend money sparingly, you will have to build a more complex scheme.

Inexpensive but effective means of online promotion are:

  • targeted advertising;
  • thematic contextual advertising (and display media);
  • site optimization.

Most likely, you will have to repeatedly catch the eye of users. Your sales are unlikely to skyrocket the first time. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on finances and running advertising regularly for some time.

Another important aspect is promotion platforms. If you are a beginner, we advise you to start with search engines and social networks. This is where the largest concentration of potential clients is. AdWords Search Network, Yandex.Direct, VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram are practically win-win options. Many people started with them, and most were satisfied with the result. Below you will find more sophisticated advertising methods, but for now, choose proven methods.


In this article we looked at online advertising from all sides. We found out what it is, identified its types, learned how to test its effectiveness, and also gave some tips on launching your first ads. From all that has been said, let us draw some final conclusions.

Firstly, Always approach online promotion wisely. As you already understand, there are many ways to properly promote a product on the Internet without investing millions. Try to choose options that are likely to work. Ruthlessly discard unsuccessful ideas. Remember that your income depends on it.

Secondly, use every possible route. Don't get hung up on one thing, especially if you see that this option is ineffective. Practice shows that the best results are achieved by those businessmen and marketers who are not afraid of change.

Third, developing a PR campaign on the Internet is no less complex and responsible task than launching advertising on TV. This article provides just the basics of online marketing. If you are just starting to comprehend it, long and painstaking work awaits you. There will be mistakes at first, just like everyone else. The main thing is not to give up if something fails.

We hope that our material has become useful to you, and you will definitely apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Let this article be the first brick in building a successful career!


Stages of an online advertising campaign

  • Informs the consumer about your product, its characteristics and benefits;
  • Trains the consumer to use your product;
  • Entertains;
  • Sells.

Today, entrepreneurs have a wide choice of channels for advertising distribution: television, radio, print resources, billboards. However, the Internet is rightfully considered the most promising channel for distributing communication messages.

let's consider stages of development of online advertising in Russia:

  1. First there was spam. The beginning of the 90s of the last century. We all remember those annoying sales letters in our email inboxes. Senders did not have the opportunity to personalize letters, so they sent them to everyone. As a result, advertisers in most cases received only an angry reaction from users.
  2. 2000s - the emergence and use of social networks to promote products. The development of browsers and search engines has made it possible to conduct personalized advertising campaigns on the Internet.
  3. The 2010s saw the emergence of notifications and pop-ups.

Before moving on to studying the types of online advertising, we will consider the main stages of conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet:

  1. Formulating the goals of an online advertising campaign;
  2. Determining the target audience. Here you need to describe demographic and psychographic factors, interests and preferences.
  3. Development of a promotion strategy and program. Here you need to take into account your target audience and advertising campaign budget;
  4. Implementation;
  5. Control based on performance indicators.

Advantages of online advertising over other methods

Not all companies have huge marketing budgets. More recently, this was the main reason for the failures of small new organizations; their efforts were not noticeable against the background of grandiose advertising campaigns of the old-timers in the market.

With the advent of online advertising, everything has changed. Advertising on the Internet is not as expensive as advertising on television, radio, and print media. Even housewife Masha, who makes homemade soap and then sells it on her social network page, can afford it.

The Internet allows you to customize your message in such a way that it will be displayed only to those users who are interested in it, that is, only to your potential audience. At the same time, you can customize product advertising for each client individually, according to his needs and interests.

Types and cost of advertising on the Internet

In fact, today there are a huge number of types of advertising on the Internet. For the convenience of providing information, we will combine them into groups.

contextual advertising

This is the most famous method of promotion on the World Wide Web.

For example, you sell homemade soap, so contextual advertising of your products will be placed on women's forums and sites with women's advice.


  • Personalization;
  • Focus on the target audience;
  • Saving time and money;
  • Visible effectiveness.


  • Contextual advertising works exactly as long as you paid for;
  • Unstable price;
  • The need to regularly optimize messages to ensure “clickability”;
  • Mistrust on the part of the target audience;

Let's immediately figure out what contextual advertising tools exist and how to place them using each of them.

Yandex Direct– one of the most famous and effective contextual advertising tools. Setting it up is quite simple; we will describe the sequence of actions when placing contextual advertising in Yandex Direct.

  • Register in the Yandex system. During registration, select the professional service interface. Click on the “Advertise” link.
  • Setting up advertising campaign parameters. Here you need to select the name of the company, indicate your first name, last name and patronymic, and date of birth. It's not that important. You need to pay attention to five points: strategy, time targeting, region, setting up on thematic platforms and additional phrases.

Time targeting displays the time of day at which your message will be displayed in the Yandex search engine and the days of the week. When choosing time targeting, we recommend basing it on your product type and budget.

The region depends on where you sell your product. For example, if you offer homemade soap only in Moscow and do not offer delivery services to the regions, then you should indicate Moscow in this setting field.

Settings on thematic sites are needed to limit the resources in which your message will be displayed. Many experts recommend disabling search results on thematic sites so that the message is displayed exclusively in the search engine itself upon the corresponding user request.

Additional phrases are those phrases by which your message will be displayed, in addition to the main keywords. As a rule, these are synonyms and words close in meaning. Experts also recommend disabling this option to make the results more relevant.

  • You need to select the title and text of the ad, as well as select keywords. This stage is the most important.

To select a title and text, you must fill out the “link to site” field. In this field you must copy the link, in our case - the site where we sell our homemade soap. After this action, the title and text will be typed automatically.

Keywords are selected using the Yandex keyword selection service. You will be taken to it by clicking on the “Select words” link next to the new keywords field.

In the service settings, we indicate the region and sequentially type phrases that relate to our task - to sell soap. For example, buy homemade soap, homemade soap as a gift, and so on.

After you have typed a phrase and clicked on the “Select” button, a page will open in front of you with the frequency of the typed query in a certain period of time in a certain region, as well as queries that are similar in meaning and their frequency. Do not select phrases and words with a search frequency higher than 1000; we will suit queries with a frequency of 500 to 1000 per month.

If you want an entire phrase or word to identify your ad only in the form in which you entered it, then enclose that phrase or word in quotation marks. For example, if you do not put the phrase “homemade soap” in quotation marks, then your ad for selling it will also appear with the request “how to make homemade soap,” which is not what we want.

  • In the next step you will see your keywords and their prices. We can filter out overly expensive requests using a setting at the top of the page.
  • Submitting an ad for moderation and paying for clicks. If your campaign has not passed moderation, we advise you to contact the Yandex Direct support service by calling 8 800 333-9639, give the advertising campaign number and find out the reason. Ads are often rejected by mistake.

But here is the sequence of actions:

  • The first step is to register with Google.
  • The second step is choosing the type of contextual advertising, that is, those services in which your ad will be displayed: Google search query page, websites. In addition, at the first stage we indicate the name of the advertising campaign; it will not be displayed to users.

Here we select the platforms on which the ad will be displayed, region and strategy. Everything is the same as in Yandex Direct.

But there are also differences. The first is the ability to set a maximum click rate and budget. The second difference is the ability to add links to additional resources. Finally, the third difference is the ability to specify the start and end dates of your advertising campaign.

  • The third step is selecting keywords. The Google keyword selection service is similar to the Yandex service. The rules are the same.
  • The fourth step is sending the ad for moderation, payment and placement.

Banner advertising


  • Memorability;
  • "Visibility";
  • Wide audience coverage;
  • Increasing company/brand awareness;


  • The user gets bored quickly (needs to be changed frequently);
  • May be intrusive and negatively perceived by the user.

Let's now figure out how to place banner advertising. To do this, you can choose one of two ways: independently search for resources and placement or placement using banner services.

Here is a comparison table of these two methods.



Using banner placement services (take the Rotaban service as an example)

Quality of hosting sites


Low (medium)




Depends on the hosting site

Depends on the hosting site


Time costs

  • Search for sites and resources for posting. In order to find a suitable resource for placing a banner, you need to make a request for the topic in any search engine. In our case, homemade soap. We type “blog about natural cosmetics” into the search engine and follow the first five links.

After you get to the site, you need to pay attention to five elements: site design, presence and amount of advertising, site content, site traffic, audience reach. If all the indicators are high enough, then you can look for the “Advertising” section and negotiate placement with the site owner.

  • Creating a banner. It should be memorable and also relevant to your product. We recommend placing information about the benefits of the product on the banner. For example, homemade soap will relieve you of dry skin on your hands and envelop you in the aroma of ripe peaches. It is also necessary to place your logo and product image. The user will receive the rest of the information after clicking on the link.

When creating a banner, you need to pay attention to the standards. The size of the image is specified by the owner of the site on which the ad will be posted. Discuss this issue in advance. But the format can be jpeg for static images and gif or flash for animation.

  • We pay and place.

Teasers and viral videos

The essence of these tools is to create a video, image or text message that would immediately interest the user and become a kind of “virus”, that is, it would spread on the network independently with the help of the users themselves. It is better to place such advertising on social networks and forums.


  • No need to spend money on distribution;
  • Wide audience coverage;
  • Ease of execution;
  • Personalization.


  • High risk of failure of the entire advertising campaign;
  • High competition;
  • User misinterpretation of message.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Targeted advertising on social networks is the most accessible advertising tool on the Internet. Targeting is a small ad on a social network that, when clicked, will redirect the user to your website or page.


  • High degree of reaching the target audience (targeting);
  • Low cost;
  • Easy to set up.


  • Social networks that host targeted advertising are not aimed at sales;
  • Posting is only possible on a social network.

The structure of a targeting ad must contain the following elements:

  • Link to your resource;
  • Headline;
  • Basic information that you want to convey to the consumer (one or two sentences);
  • Image (if your brand is known, then you can place a logo, in other cases it is preferable to use an image of the product);
  • Target audience parameters: demographics, interests.

Compliance with this structure will allow you to set up effective targeted advertising on any social network.

Advertising on social networks

Placing such an ad is very simple. It is enough to agree with the owner of the page or group about placement for a certain price.


  • Personalization;
  • Low cost;
  • Ease of placement;
  • Possibility of establishing feedback with consumers.


  • The need for constant updating;
  • Social networks are not aimed at sales, so advertising on social networks is more of an informational nature.

Bulletin boards as a platform for advertising

Bulletin boards as an advertising platform are often used by small businesses. Such advertising is a simple advertisement for sale with a link to the site. In addition, bulletin boards are a place where you can place advertisements on the Internet absolutely free of charge.


  • Low cost (can be free);
  • Personalization;
  • Sales focus.


  • Small coverage;
  • User distrust.

Popup windows

Popup windows These are windows that pop up on top of a resource and make it difficult for the user to view the site.

Creating Popup windows requires programming knowledge, so we advise you to seek help from IT specialists.

If you don’t have this option, you can use one of the following services for creating Popup windows:

  • Hello Bar– a fairly simple service. When registering, you will be given a special code that must be inserted into your website template. Then you will be asked to configure the service's tasks (collecting user contact information, calling, redirecting to another page, ad), pop-up type, ad text and image. This will complete the creation of the Popup window. The service is paid.
  • GetSiteControl. This service completely repeats the process of setting up a Popup window in the Hello Bar service, so we won’t dwell on it. The service is also paid.
  • Mailmunch has a free version with limited functionality. In addition, this service, in addition to setting the window type, offers you to select a template, design and add additional fields. The sequence of actions when creating a window is similar to previous services.
  • Sumome also has a free version. Setting up the service is identical to the previous ones.


  • High brand recall;
  • Wide coverage.


  • Relatively high cost;
  • Ability to block them in the browser settings;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Excessive intrusiveness;
  • Mixed user reactions.

Push notifications

But unlike Popup windows, Push notifications also require careful elaboration of the content of the advertising message. First of all, it should interest the user and force him to follow the link.


  • Personalization;
  • Wide coverage;


  • User mistrust;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Relatively high cost.

Advertising in mobile applications

Advertising in mobile applications based on Android and iOS also consists of pop-up windows. In this case, the user cannot turn off the advertisement until he views it. Only after this, the application itself will be available to the user.

Such a notice can be placed by mutual agreement with the application owner. The technical side of ad development is usually taken care of by the application developer.


  • 100% guarantee that the user will see your ad;
  • Brand memorability;
  • Wide coverage.


  • Ambiguous user reaction;
  • Not aimed at sales;
  • High complexity of placement;
  • Relatively high cost of accommodation.

Promotional videos on YouTube

At the same time, you should strive to ensure that the user “shares” what he sees with friends. This will allow us to get the so-called viral effect, in which potential consumers themselves distribute your advertising.

There are several rules that must be followed when creating a viral video:

  • You need to become “invisible”. According to the author, viral advertising should not impose a product; its task is only to hint to the consumer about the product.
  • Patience, just patience. Viral advertising often takes a long time to become famous and make a profit.
  • “Infect” the consumer! The consumer must want to talk about the advertisement and the product.
  • The virus is the “master” of the situation. The thoughts and actions of the consumer must be under the control of the virus.
  • Exploiting the power of weak ties. In the spread of viral advertising on the Internet, users with a large number of casual social connections are of greatest importance than people who regularly communicate with a certain circle of close people.
  • to reach the turning point. In order for viral advertising to reach a certain scale, it is necessary to invest time, labor and money into it.

An excellent example of a viral video is an advertisement for the Delivery Club delivery service. The company released a series of short videos about stay-at-home Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles using an online food delivery service to solve their problem of fear of social contact while buying pizza. Each video has its own storyline, the center of which is the Delivery Club. One video cost the company an average of 5,000 rubles, and sales doubled.

Another example of a viral video is an advertisement for Cadbury chocolate. The 1.5-minute video features a huge gorilla playing drums and a chocolate bar appears at the end of the ad. This virus cost the company almost a million rubles. However, it did not bring economic results.

Let's look at why a video costing 5,000 rubles turned out to be more effective than a video costing 1 million rubles.

  • Your product should be central to the story;
  • The characters in the video should be associated with your product/company/brand (we all remember the cartoon about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who really loved pizza);
  • The video should not offend the feelings of the audience.

Email newsletters

This became possible largely thanks to the development of browsers and the Internet in general. You can obtain information about the interests and preferences of users based on their latest queries in search engines. And this, in turn, allows you to make personalized newsletters.

In this case, the letter must meet several criteria:

  • Bright, interesting title;
  • Personalized offer (the product must solve a problem for a specific consumer). It is necessary to write an individual letter for each potential client!
  • The letter must include a link to your website;
  • At the bottom of the letter, be sure to attach a button that allows you to unsubscribe from your mailing list.


  • Personalized approach;
  • Sales focus;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • 100% guarantee that the user will see your ad.


  • High labor costs;
  • Difficulty obtaining contact information of potential clients;
  • Excessive intrusiveness.

Expert articles in online magazines

The first thing you will need to do is negotiate with the journal editor to publish the article (for a certain cost or even for free).

You will have to write the article yourself. In this case, the article must correspond to the theme of the magazine and the style of writing.

In an expert article, it is necessary to give the most complete description of your product, its advantages, and indicate its consumer value. It is advisable to confirm your words with scientific or expert research data.


  • High degree of trust of potential consumers;
  • Low cost (usually);
  • Improves the company's image;
  • Informs the consumer;
  • Ease of implementation.


  • Small coverage (depending on the magazine);
  • Not intended for sales.

CPA and Affiliate Marketing

CPA or Cost per Action translated from English means “Pay for Action”. Indeed, CPA is a promotion tool that involves paying for Internet advertising only after your potential client completes a targeted action. The target action can be following a link, registering on the site, or purchasing your product; you set the goal for advertisers yourself.

If the established action was not performed, payment for promotion services is not made. In the case of CPA, both parties, the customer and the performer, are interested in the maximum result of the advertising campaign, since their profit is directly dependent on its success. They become partners, which is why CPA marketing is also called affiliate marketing.

Benefits of CPA marketing

  • You pay only for real clients;
  • Your expenses are fixed (you set them yourself);
  • The interest of advertising platforms in attracting customers;
  • Saving time and labor resources;
  • Wide audience coverage.

Disadvantages of CPA marketing

  • The need to conclude an agreement;
  • High barriers to entry for small organizations: sites do not want to take on “small” orders;
  • High competition for advertising space;
  • There is a possibility of fraud on the part of advertising platforms.

Thus, CPA allows you to pay only for real clients (leads) brought to you by the advertiser. To apply CPA marketing in practice, CPA networks or affiliate programs are used. They are services where advertisers are selected suitable platforms for advertising their products.

CPA networks work as follows: the advertiser enters into an agreement with the network, sets up the parameters of the advertising campaign (price, downloads the advertising materials themselves, sets the target action), replenishes the budget with a certain amount, and then receives its clients.

Native advertising

Native advertising is often used by PR specialists in their activities. This type of advertising represents content of the platform site that is interesting for readers. This is what makes native advertising attractive to PR professionals; Internet resources often publish such advertising for free, and even thank the advertiser for the interesting content.

  • Low cost (possibility of free placement);
  • The ability to delegate the responsibility for writing the article itself to third-party specialists;
  • Lively interest in content.
  • Low degree of personalization;
  • Aimed at informing, not selling;
  • The risk of “losing” the product due to interesting content.
  • Its readers should be your target audience;
  • Its content should correspond to the topic of your advertising article.

SEO + your information website

To do this, select keywords (those phrases and words that users use as queries in search engines) on your topic. It is better to do this in two services at once: Yandex Wordstat and Google Adwords, in order to raise the site in the search results of Google and Yandex. Then write an article incorporating these words and phrases. The article should be interesting and informative. At the same time, its theme should promote your product.


  • Promoting your own website;
  • Positive perception from readers;
  • Lively interest in content;
  • Low cost of the campaign (can be carried out free of charge);
  • Attracting new clients from search engines.


  • Low degree of personalization;
  • The risk of creating too “advertising” content (rejection by sites and negative reaction from consumers);
  • The risk of “losing” the product due to interesting content;
  • The site's sales function may be lost.

Comparison of all types of advertising on the Internet

Average cost of placement Orientation

Implementation complexity

200 rubles/day Sales
Depends on the resource on which it is posted, the size of the banner and the location of the banner on the page.

Can be implemented independently


300 rubles/day. Depends on the resource, calculated based on the cost per click Sales/

Can be implemented independently

200 rubles/day. Depends on the resource, calculated based on the cost of a click (transition)

Can be implemented independently

20 rubles/day. Depends on resource Increasing brand awareness, informing consumers

Can be implemented independently

Notice boards

Free advertising possible Sales

Can be implemented independently

Popup windows

Depends on many factors Sales/Brand Awareness

Help from specialists (programmers) is needed. It is possible to use special services (Hello Bar, GetSiteControl, Mailmunch, Sumome, AddThis, Witget, Picreel, Optimonk)

Push notifications

Depends on many factors Sales/Brand Awareness

Need help from specialists (programmers)

Depends on many factors Increasing brand awareness

By agreement with the application owner

Free placement possible Increasing brand awareness

Depends on the video idea

Free if you have contact details Sales, consumer information

Can be implemented independently

Expert articles

100 rubles/day

Can be implemented independently

CPA and Affiliate Marketing

Sales percentage Sales

Use of services / can be implemented independently

Depends on many factors Informing consumers/improving the image of the organization Can be implemented independently
SEO + your information website Depends on many factors Informing the consumer / improving the image of the organization / sales

You can implement it yourself, but it is better to contact specialists

Calculating the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign

After we have chosen the most suitable online promotion tools for us, we need to begin assessing the effectiveness of each of them. There are three universal ways to evaluate the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign: CPM, CTR and CPC. Let's look at each of them.

Click-through rate (CTR) – click-through rate. It displays the number of users who clicked on the link after seeing your ad.

CTR is defined as the ratio of the number of clicks on your ad to the total number of ad impressions multiplied by 100%.

Example. Your ad was shown 2.5 thousand times, and 200 people clicked on it. Thus, CTR = 200/2500*100% = 8%.

This means that your ad brought 8% of users who saw this ad to your site. Typically, the CTR rate ranges from 1%-2%.

To increase this indicator, it is necessary to carry out the following work with the ad:

  • Personalize as much as possible;
  • Make it brighter and more contrasting;
  • Resize (enlarge);
  • Change the location of the ad (place it in the central area).

Cost per click (CPC) – cost per click. This metric shows the cost of one click on your ad.

Using CPC, you can evaluate your ad in terms of the return on investment of one potential client who comes to your site.

Example. Your banner costs 6,000 rubles per month. During this month, 500 potential clients switched to your website through it. CPC = 6000/500 = 12 rubles. Thus, one transition to the site from a banner cost you 12 rubles.

To increase CPC you need to:

  • Personalize your ad as much as possible;
  • Set up a geographic filter for impressions;
  • Set up a time filter for impressions (the time of day at which your ad will be shown);

Cost per mille (CPM) – displays a fixed cost for 1000 impressions excluding clicks.

It is calculated as the product of a thousand impressions, CTR and cost per click.

Example. Your ad was shown 2,500 times and 200 people clicked on it. Its cost is 400 rubles per day.

CTR = 200/2500*100% = 8%;

CPC = 400/200 = 2 rubles per day;

Thus, CPM = 1000*8%*2 = 160 rubles costs 1000 impressions of your ad.

How to best conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet

Now is the time to talk about how best to conduct an online advertising campaign: on your own or with the help of online advertising specialists from third-party organizations.

This is a rather complicated question. The answer depends on factors such as:

  • Availability of free time;
  • Your education;
  • Selected types of advertising on the Internet;
  • Your product;
  • The target audience.

But still, we compared these two methods of conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet, the analysis data is presented in the table.


On one's own Freelancers
Low (free placement possible) From 1,000 rubles for one type of advertising on the Internet

From 3,000 rubles


High Low

Labor costs

High Average
High High

Width of choice of online promotion tools

Not all tools are available All tools available

All tools available

Frequently asked questions about online promotion

  1. What type of advertising on the Internet is considered the most effective?

There is no such thing as the most effective promotion tool. It all depends on the goal of the advertising campaign, detail, and quality of work. However, from the point of view of economic efficiency, at the moment, contextual advertising can be distinguished.

  1. Is it possible to conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet without spending money?

Yes, you can. But in this case you will need to spend a lot of time and your own labor. At the same time, you will have access to a limited set of tools: advertising on message boards, promotional videos on YouTube and E-mail newsletters.

  1. What is the best way to combine online promotion tools? Can I use only one tool?

You cannot create a universal media plan. The combination of certain tools depends on your goals, capabilities, and product. But at the same time, it can be unequivocally stated that using only one online promotion tool will not lead to significant results.

Internet advertising definitely very popular. Many advanced users do not want to pay advertising companies and try to promote their products and services on the Internet on their own, but as a rule, not everyone knows how to do this effectively and get results from the efforts spent on creating an advertising company. Trying to keep this article as short as possible, I have identified three basic rules that must be followed for a successful online advertising company. If you have a desire, you can find more details about promotion in this.

1) Website creation. Create the correct website structure, namely, 1 product = 1 website page, 1 service = 1 website page. When creating an advertising company on the Internet, and using, for example, contextual advertising, you will need to provide a link to the site page where a click on your ad will lead. When going to your site, the user should see the product that interests him, and not a “dump” of products, among which he needs to find the one he needs. For example, in the Yandex search engine, I enter the query “buy iPhone 5”, Yandex gives me a list of advertisements on one of which it says “iPhone 5 for 25,000 rubles.”, So when I click on this advertisement and go to the site on it, I should get on the page with iPhone 5 for 25,000 rubles. Many do not fulfill this condition; as a result, a person clicks on an ad and does not see the product that interests him, and simply leaves the site. It is very important, do not give false advertisements, do not write advertisements “iPhone 5 is cheap” if its price is the usual market price or is more expensive.

2) Selection of advertising “tools”. Online advertising is a whole set of different “tools”, for example; contextual advertising, search, media, viral advertising, etc. Select the right advertising “tools” correctly. To do this, just imagine who can use your product or service, determine the approximate age, interests, and then you will easily understand how and with the help of which advertising “tools” to “catch” your client. If you still have difficulties creating advertising on the Internet, then just contact a good advertising company.

3) Check everything! Online advertising is undoubtedly effective, and if you are not getting the desired results from advertising, it means that you have made a mistake somewhere. Here is a whole series of errors that you can often or sometimes find: the phone number on the site is indicated incorrectly or does not work at all, the site displays poorly in one or more browsers, the site is not adaptive and mobile device users do not stay on it, the site does not provide the necessary “standard” » information (contacts, price, terms), etc.

about the author

How to create effective advertising on the Internet

Free advertising on the Internet does not mean ineffective. Expenses for large-scale marketing projects can reach five or even six figures. But this applies only to serious business sharks. To promote your own small project, you can use free methods of advertising on the Internet. Perhaps in the future, with proper promotion, advertising costs will no longer be frightening in their numbers.

Types of advertisements

Before choosing the appropriate advertising method, you need to decide what kind of ad it will be. The standard classification of advertisements contains only two points:

  • Commercial advertising is the advertising of goods or services with the aim of selling them and, as a result, making a profit. Today, commercial advertising does not exactly push a person to buy. It literally dictates how one should live, what goods to buy, what to wear, etc. Unlike private advertisements, commercial advertising must be properly designed, contain original “selling” text, and its distribution must cover the largest possible area of ​​the Internet -space.
  • Private advertisements are advertisements of ordinary people not associated with commercial activities. Private advertisements can serve many purposes, such as selling private real estate or finding a job. There are no special requirements for private advertisements. However, if a person has some professional skills in the field of marketing, then it will be much easier for him to achieve the goal he is pursuing by posting his ad online.

Advertising methods

To place your advertisement on the Internet for free, you need to really imagine what it will look like. How the advertisement is presented to users determines how many people will be interested in it. Advertisements are published in three types:

  • graphic;
  • text;
  • mixed.

Each site independently determines what can be placed in it. But, even taking into account the fact that the selling text will be written by a professional, without visual perception of information the ad may be ineffective.

In addition, there are different methods of advertising. There are three ways to post an ad.

  • - a kind of “riddle”. In simple terms, a teaser is an image that should intrigue the Internet user. It can be accompanied by equally intriguing text with headings such as: “SHOCK!”, “Did you know that...”, etc.
  • Graphic advertising images on website pages are banners. can be seen not only online, but also on the streets of the city. However, web banners are much cheaper.
  • The last way to advertise is contextual advertising. Contextual advertising is graphic or text ads that are published either on search engine results pages or on the pages of some web resources. Since such advertisements are part of pages, that is, they are placed in their context, the name of this method of advertising online appeared.

Where can I advertise for free?

Free message boards have long moved from real life to the Internet space. Moreover, they are extremely popular among the population. If previously, when searching for the right thing or service, users would type the corresponding query into a search engine, but now many have a “favorite” website that can provide everything they need with one key phrase. The ranking of the most popular free message boards includes:

  • Avito.
  • From hand to hand.
  • Molotok.ru.
  • Tiu.ru.

Free message boards are suitable for both commercial and private use. An advertisement for an online store and an advertisement for the sale of private property will work equally well there. But since these advertising platforms are not only frequently visited, but also free, they are simply inundated with spam. Therefore, in order to use free message boards usefully, you should not impose and highly praise the products or services offered.

All free message boards have a list of paid services. No matter how lucrative the offers may seem, you should avoid them. It is best to submit as many advertisements as possible on all thematic and general sites. Registration on various resources will take most of the time. Moreover, for greater efficiency, you should not create an advertising post using a template on all sites. Several ad options allow you to choose the most effective one.

Free advertising in Yandex and Google

Contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwards is not a cheap pleasure. For beginners in the business field, this method of advertising will clearly not be affordable. But there is one option that will help you attract customers using these popular search engines.

To provide information about your company for free, you can use Yandex and Google maps. It is no secret that placing an address and a link to a company on a map is free of charge.

Yes, this is a little different from the classic concept of “advertising”. But if the user searches for something nearby, he will see the company's address and a link to its official website, which may attract his attention.

Social media

Social networks are an excellent platform not only for advertising, but also for business in general. If a novice businessman does not have the money to create a website for an online store, then social networks can easily replace it. You can advertise your business on social networks either using a personal page or using a special group, but for this you will have to create one.

A group or community on a social network is a thematic space where users who are interested in a proposed topic gather. This means that the community should not be filled solely with advertising or product shots. To attract customers in the group, you need to post interesting information that is directly related to the goods or services offered. Posts with the headings “Promotion”, “Competition” or “Discount for repost” will also be relevant. This will help not only advertise the products, but also promote the community.

The advertising entry on the page must be pinned.

Advertising on forums

I would like to note right away that forum owners have a negative attitude towards advertisers. Therefore, it will not be possible to aggressively advertise your services there. The advertising post or comment will be deleted in a few minutes, and the profile will be completely blocked. To take advantage of this advertising method, you need to be more cunning.

  • Find several popular thematic forums and register there under the guise of an ordinary user.
  • Actively participate in discussions, create non-advertising topics, comment on questions from members of the forum.
  • After some time has passed, which will be required to create a positive reputation, begin to unobtrusively advertise goods or services.

Most often, users begin to ask for advice on their own if they see the expertise of the interlocutor in the issue of interest. However, even in personal messages you should not be zealous. Advertising a product or service should be done little by little and only to users who are familiar with it. Then the site administration will not have any suspicions and, accordingly, the account will not be blocked.

To summarize, we can say that free online advertising is real. The list of available advertising platforms provides unlimited opportunities for budding entrepreneurs to develop their business. The main thing is not to waste time. And then all efforts will definitely give a positive result.

Not really

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! In this issue we will tell about advertising on the Internet- one of the most dynamically developing branches of advertising and an integral part of a successful business.

If you want to start your own business, but don’t know which business to open, they will help you make your choice. Having chosen your business idea, feel free to start implementing it.

One of the most important components of any business is advertising. No wonder they call her engine of trade . After all, even the most wonderful product or service will not be in demand if potential buyers do not know about it.

Necessary highlight the proposed product from many similar ones and convey to a possible client the idea of ​​​​the need to prefer it.

When choosing a platform for an advertising campaign, in no way don't miss the Internet. Indeed, thanks to the development of technology, the World Wide Web is not only constantly growing in new users, but is also becoming more and more convenient for advertisers.

It is this way of promoting your goods or services that is the most relevant in our time . However, like any tool, online advertising allows you to achieve results only if you use it correctly.

From this article you can learn:

  1. What types of advertising on the Internet exist and what is their cost of placement;
  2. What are the features, pros and cons of each of these methods of promoting services and goods;
  3. How to properly conduct an online advertising campaign so as not to waste your investment.

1. Advertising on the Internet - characteristic features and its differences from traditional advertising 💻

Internet advertising represents all possible ways of placing advertising materials on the World Wide Web. The format of these materials is very diverse - texts, graphics, multimedia files, as well as their combinations. The result is a large set of tools, the choice of which depends on the capabilities and goals of the advertiser.

1.1. The Internet as the main channel for advertising distribution at present

The large-scale development of the World Wide Web occurred in the last decade of the last century, when Internet pages began to appear one by one. However, advertising on these platforms has been in its infancy for a long time. And only during the last ten to fifteen years the use of the Internet to promote any goods and services has acquired global scale.

There are several reasons for this:

  • With the development of mobile technologies and the increasing capacity of existing communication channels, the number of people using the World Wide Web is growing every day. The time people spend online is also increasing. From being an unaffordable luxury, surfing the Internet is turning into a daily, if not hourly, necessity.
  • Trading through online platforms, if it does not displace traditional methods, may well compete with them, while offering new opportunities.
  • Traditional media, following the latest trends, are increasingly moving to the World Wide Web.
  • The development of software has made it possible to create increasingly sophisticated advertising management tools, as well as effective tools for analyzing it and measuring its effectiveness.

Although many components of online advertising are similar to traditional promotion channels, there are still a number of features, related primarily to the principle of operation of the World Wide Web. Indeed, unlike conventional media, here the user is not only a passive consumer of the information offered, but also takes a direct part in many processes.

1.2. The main features of advertising on the Internet

Feature 1. Interactivity

When advertising is placed in the press, on billboards or on television, the interaction with the consumer is one-way. On the Internet, advertising seeks to involve a potential client in some process.

The user has the opportunity to react to posted advertising material. This could be following a suggested link, clicking on a banner, registering, or answering a question. That is, online advertising requires a response from the user.

Feature 2. Increasing audience of the Internet space

World Wide Web audience constantly increasing, and so far there are no prerequisites for slowing down this process. At the same time, a significant part of those with access to the Internet is a tasty morsel for advertisers, since they belong to the category solvent citizens.

Of course, some social and age groups are not yet involved in this process. Therefore, companies for which they are of interest as potential clients are forced to actively use other advertising channels. However, the share of such advertisers in the total number is not very large.

Feature 3. The ability to promote your products only to the target audience

Advertising system analysis tools allow you to identify among a huge number of users exactly those who may be interested in specific product. This process is called targeting .

At the same time, they can be identified as groups of users looking for a specific product or service ( direct targeting), as well as those who are interested in any materials that have an indirect connection with the promoted products.

The Internet allows you to identify your target audience based on many characteristics. It could be geography of residence, age of the user, range of his interests, purchases already made or existing property, for which related products are needed.

Targeting allows you to cut out those who are not within the advertiser’s sphere of interest, and thus make advertising more effective. After all, if funds are spent on promoting products to those who initially not a potential client, there will be such advertising a waste of money.

We wrote in more detail in a separate article.

Feature 4. The ability to accurately measure all advertising indicators

Since almost every user action is recorded on the Internet, it is possible to track the effectiveness of both the entire advertising campaign as a whole and each of its elements separately.

It is important that this process is highly efficient. And this means opportunity fast and timely response. The advertiser can adjust the advertising campaign, abandon those methods that do not bring the desired result, and increase investments in more effective types of advertising.

2. Organizing and conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet - 3 main stages 📃

Despite all its distinctive features, the very algorithm for conducting a campaign to promote something is common to any sales channel. It can be broken down into three stage.

Stage 1. Determining the target audience

This stage is one of the most important steps, because it is the creation of a clear image of your potential clients that determines the effectiveness of the funds spent on advertising.

Identifying the target audience can be done in various ways. Large companies order large-scale studies with numerous questionnaires and surveys. A individual entrepreneur, who does not have such financial and time resources, simply conducts a study of open sources, for example, user requests on individual resources or client statistics from a competitor.

In the simplest cases, it is enough to simply arrange a little brainstorming. Eg, a manufacturer of dog overalls can easily identify its target audience simply based on its experience with dog lovers.

Having identified the circle of potential buyers and compiled a list of their needs and preferences, you can begin to develop a strategy for promoting your product.

Stage 2. Development of a promotion strategy

The next important step is to determine in what format the advertising will be carried out, as well as through which channels.

The budget allocated for advertising is also important. After all, if funds are extremely limited, you can hardly count on a large number of advertising platforms and large-scale actions to attract buyers.

Having chosen the general direction in which you need to move, you can select those sites where advertising will be placed, as well as the creation of specific materials, including texts, banners, videos, and so on.

Stage 3. Launch of an advertising campaign

The final stage is launch of the advertisement itself. Here the placement of created advertising materials takes place, as well as subsequent monitoring of the effectiveness of their impact. If necessary, adjustments and changes are made.

Main types of attracting customers for goods and services on the Internet

3. Types of online advertising and its cost - TOP 10 most popular and effective areas of advertising on the Internet 💎

There are a huge variety of ways to promote your products or services on the Internet, and they are constantly evolving. Development and emergence new types of online advertising This is due not only to the high level of competition in this area, but also to the improvement of technology.

The latter not only allow you to invent new ways of conveying information to users, but also enable the latter to get rid of annoying advertising. As a result advertising channels that until recently were effective and productive are becoming useless and obsolete.

Below we will consider those areas of product promotion on the Internet that are relevant and effective at the moment.

1. contextual advertising

As the name itself suggests, this method of promotion is tied to specific context.

The operating principle of contextual advertising is as follows: the user receives advertising messages that are tied to his requests. For this purpose, a system of keywords and phrases is used to select advertising messages. There may be two options here:

Option 1. The user enters a specific request in the search engine, to which the system provides links to various sites with topics corresponding to this request. But in addition to links to sites, it also displays advertisements, also tied to the subject of the request.

Option 2. The user goes to a site that is a partner of the advertising network of one of the search engines, and sees an ad there that takes into account both the theme of the site itself and the history of this user’s requests. If a person has recently been looking for some service online, then on the websites he will also see advertisements offering exactly this service.

Others advantages (+) contextual advertising are:

  • Payment for the result in the form of clicking on the provided link. That is, the advertiser pays only for those impressions that resulted in some kind of action.
  • Because advertisements are tailored to the user's preferences and interests, they also benefit potential customers. And this means less rejection from users.
  • This type of promotion is not so intrusive and annoying, like most advertisements, which also contributes to its acceptance among users.
  • The budget for a contextual advertising campaign can be absolutely anything. Even for a very small amount of 100-200 rubles per day available acceptable result.
  • Modern advertising networks offering contextual ad placement provide great possibilities for customizing them. That is, an advertiser can create an individual advertising system that will take into account all the nuances of promoting a specific product.
  • Return speed. By paying for contextual advertising, you can get almost instant results in the form of customers who follow the link.
  • Huge tools for performance analysis advertisements placed and a large amount of information that can be obtained from them.

But, of course, it can’t do without minuses (-). These include:

  • Quick returns also imply short-term effects. For a constant influx of customers, constant investments are required.
  • An incorrectly configured advertising system will result in money going to waste. It is in this method of promotion that there are risks of spending a huge budget without any return due to incorrectly chosen keywords.
  • Budget uncertainty, associated with calculating the price for one click on an advertisement (the so-called click), which will be discussed below.
  • Not for all areas of business This method of promotion is suitable.

Concerning cost the same click on the basis of which the budget will be determined, it is formed as follows. If multiple advertisers tie their ads to a single keyword phrase, the best placement on a search engine's page will be given to those who bid the highest CPC. That is, the auction principle applies - the one who pays more gets more.

At the same time, there are different niches, the cost of clicks in which varies greatly. For example, the cost per click for queries like "knitted toys" will average from 9 to 40 rubles, and here are the requests "PVC windows" will cost much more - 500-1500 rubles in one click.

Thus, the advertiser is faced with the task of finding the optimal strategy for placing contextual advertising. On the one side, the selected cost per click should not be too high - in this case, the advertisement will, of course, be seen by many users, but the profit from them may be less than the funds spent on promotion. On the other side By setting the cost per click too low, the seller may simply not wait for clicks on the posted ad, since no one will see it.

Of course, search engine advertising networks assure that any user can make such settings, but such gullibility can lead to serious losses. To get the maximum result at a minimum cost, you must either properly understand contextual advertising yourself, or seek help from a specialist in this field.

Currently there are two the most popular advertising networks are from the famous search engines Yandex and Google.

1) Yandex.Direct - contextual advertising on Yandex

Without exaggeration, the most popular and successful search engine on the RuNet, Yandex, offers its services for posting ads in a section called Yandex.Direct.

There are many tools here that allow you to choose the right advertising strategy in accordance with your goals and available budget.

Moreover, even with automatic settings, the advertiser is offered a large number of possible strategies. So, you can set a limit on the cost of transition or limit the budget for a certain period.

We wrote in more detail about (phrases) in a separate article in our magazine.

2) Google AdWords - Google contextual advertising

  • Google provides the ability to fine-tune and fine-tune settings, offering more flexible tools. Here it is possible to separate advertisements into groups, for each of which you can conduct your own advertising campaign with different strategies.
  • Selecting the geography of your ads also gives you more options.– in Google AdWords you can not only select one of the cities or regions, but also very small areas with a radius from 1 km. This option is especially suitable for advertisers who offer their services to residents of nearby streets.
  • There are more placement sites here, and the competition is lower, which also affects the cost of one click. However, the quality of the latter is often worse. The fact is that Yandex.Direct tracks so-called “bad” transitions, that is, those after which the user immediately leaves the site. As a result, with a higher cost per click, the final result is better with the Russian advertising system.

If we compare these two systems, we can say that Yandex.Direct is better suited for beginners, but Google AdWords provides more opportunities for real contextual advertising professionals.

2. Media (banner) advertising

Promoting goods or services using a banner is in many ways similar to traditional advertising, when a colorful ad, large or small, is placed on the pages of newspapers or magazines. You can see examples and costs of placing banner advertising on our website at this link .

In addition to static images, multimedia tools are actively used when creating banners. It could be short animated video, For example, beloved by many “gifs”, short looped videos.

Another important property of banners is their interactivity. Very often, when clicking on a banner, the user is taken to the advertiser’s website. You can often find flash banners in the form of short games or small tasks that offer the user a little fun. After completing such a game, the potential client is unobtrusively informed about the service or product being promoted.

The peculiarity of banners is that they are not necessarily links to the advertiser’s website, although the function of attracting the target audience is also inherent in this type of advertising. Equally important here is the opportunity to formulate among Internet users recognition of a brand or product, fix a certain associative series.

Thus, banners can be divided into two categories:

  1. those that encourage the user to take a certain action ( For example, go to the site);
  2. those that create a certain image and recognition of the advertiser.

To place a banner, a company or entrepreneur agrees with the owner of a website so that he will place the desired picture or animated video on his resource.

  • popularity of the resource on which the banner is placed;
  • the size of the banner itself;
  • its location on the page.

Most often, payment is made either for the number of banner impressions, or for the number of transitions on it to the advertiser's website. Occasionally payment is applied for constant placement of the banner on any page. As a rule, this method is used for a short time on sites with high traffic. After all, after some time, people simply stop paying attention to a familiar picture or animation.

As already mentioned, there are no clear price limits for banner placement - it can be 1000-2000 rubles per month, and tens of thousands of dollars.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning one of the most important points in banner advertising. It will only work if done high quality and attractive to users, and also if the information in the banner matches what the advertiser offers. Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur - a persistent negative attitude will arise towards the advertised brand or product.


This type of promotion comes from the English word meaning "tease". A teaser is in many ways similar to a banner.– this is also a statistical or animated ad that is placed on websites.

This type of advertising has enough dubious reputation. Very often it is associated with sites of a certain focus (for example, erotic or fraudulent, offering instant big money). For many users, it causes ardent rejection.

Often, a teaser uses a flashing image, which in theory should attract a possible client, but in practice it turns the site on which it is located into a very unsightly and unpleasant place.

But even such aggressive and usually vulgar advertising has its own audience. Many beginners, just mastering the World Wide Web, fall for these tempting advertising pictures. Also, unassuming users who are killing time on the Internet may fall for teasers.

Methods for placing and paying for teasers are similar to banner advertising. The only difference is that the number of sites ready to host a teaser is much smaller. And the owners of large and popular sites value their reputation too much to post such advertisements on their own. But the cost of such advertising is usually lower, and making a teaser is much easier– quality is usually not particularly required here.

4. Targeted advertising on social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram

A separate group should include advertising campaigns that are carried out in in social networks. This is not surprising - after all, a huge number of people prefer to spend a significant amount of time on sites such as VKontakte or Facebook.

At the same time, when creating their own page, most users provide very useful information about yourself, including gender, age, geography of residence and interests. (or we already wrote about the group in the previous article)

  • placing advertising texts and advertisements on your own page under your account (does not require any funds);
  • creating a special group or community (it will only require time to create and pay an employee who will be involved in administration);
  • exchange of advertising posts with any group or community (both paid and free methods);
  • paid placement of advertisements;
  • holding various competitions, in which to win you need to repost any entry (in this case, the cost of advertising is determined by the price of the prize).

Targeted, that is, aimed at the target audience, advertising on social networks has a number of advantages:

  • does not require the user to switch to a third-party resource, thereby providing him with convenience and comfort;
  • the presence of feedback not only in the form of orders or clicks on an advertisement, but also in the form of likes or comments;
  • Convenience of advertising, because often this does not even require special skills - you just need to upload a photograph or enter the desired text.

1) Advertising on VKontakte

If we talk about the Russian segment of the Internet, then it is unlikely that any resource can compete with this brainchild of Pavel Durov. Moreover, there is also own advertising network, similar to those of Yandex and Google. The principle of its operation is simple– it is necessary to configure the display of advertising taking into account the available budget.

2) Advertising in Odnoklassniki

Another popular Russian social network, Odnoklassniki, also offers interesting options for inexpensive placement of your ads. Here the audience, as a rule, is older than on the previous service, and therefore more solvent. So it is possible to promote more expensive services here.

  • the ability to customize display times, which ensures greater efficiency;
  • Advertising is also displayed on other services owned by Mail.ru, for example in “My World”;
  • the possibility of remarketing, that is, automatic tracking of those who have already taken an action on a posted ad in order to attract them again.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the existing breakdown into groups is not very convenient, which makes the entire advertising system less flexible and adaptive to a specific advertiser.

3) Advertising on Instagram

Unlike the two social networks already mentioned above, Instagram has its own specializationpictures and short videos. Communication here comes down to posting photos taken here and now, and receiving likes and comments on them.

  • creating special communities and inviting users to them;
  • subscribing to the profiles of other users so that they subscribe to the advertiser’s account in return;
  • placement of advertising posts in popular accounts.

However, since last year it has also become available on Instagram targeted advertising . True, there is one thing here "But". The fact is that data about the target audience for placing an advertisement is taken from the Facebook profile to which the Instagram account is linked. But a significant number of users of this resource are registered directly on it, and they do not make any connection to their Facebook page. And that means that a huge part of the potential target audience simply turns out to be outside the targeting system.

Text information on Instagram plays a much smaller role. Therefore, the promoted product should look good and impressive in photographs. Do not forget that this resource is popular above all among women, and therefore the advertised product must correspond to this category of customers.

4) Advertising on Facebook

The founder of all social networks, Facebook, is not as popular in our country as VKontakte. But here is an audience that has much greater financial resources. So here it is On the one side, you can promote more expensive products . But on the other hand, users of this network have a rather negative attitude towards direct offers to buy something and usually ignore them.

5. Push notifications as a sales tool

Push notifications (messages) - what is it. Example of advertising display

Traditionally, such notifications inform the user about any changes or news for a mobile device or computer. Eg:

  • The installed antivirus periodically provides information about new computer protection tools.
  • Applications used on your mobile device notify you when updates are available.
  • Social networking applications can notify the user that one of his friends has written a post or posted a photo.

There are several services where you can pay for and configure the delivery of such notifications. They work as follows– users subscribe to certain mailings that interest them, and then receive short information in the form of Push notifications. Several requirements must be met here:

  • the messages received should not irritate the user with their frequency and intrusiveness;
  • they must be relevant to the topic to which the user has subscribed;
  • be linked to a page or account on a social network so that the user can provide feedback;
  • the user must be able to unsubscribe at any time, otherwise the arrival of such notifications may be perceived as spam.

6. Advertising in mobile applications for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android platforms

The development of mobile communications and technology has led to the fact that more and more Internet users access it from their smartphones or tablets. And almost each of these devices contains more than a dozen applications. It can be both social networks and various services for ordering and purchasing something.

If a mobile application is intended for ordering goods from any company, then its main function is sell this product, and through profits, the development and operation of this application pays off.

However, there are a huge number of programs for mobile devices that simply offer users all kinds of entertainment or information services. At the same time, the user downloads and uses these applications absolutely free.

It is not surprising that the developers of many programs for mobile devices willingly sell advertising space in their applications. And for users, viewing these advertisements is a kind of payment for using the program.

As a rule, you can get a potential client to watch an advertisement two ways:

  1. make it impossible to disable or block displayed advertising;
  2. offer the user any benefits for viewing.

The latter option is especially often used in online games, where the player can receive a resource for viewing an advertisement.

The types of advertising placed in mobile applications are quite diverse. It could be a text ad that pops up from the edge of the application, or an image that pops up on startup.

You can often find an expensive, beautiful video, but in this case the budget of the advertising company will be very high - in addition to the high cost of display, you need to invest decent money in the creation of the video itself.

The ability to target users directly depends on what data a specific application collects during download and registration.

7. Advertising on YouTube in videos

Views of individual videos can go through the roof for millions! You can imagine what a huge number of potential clients can be attracted in this way. In a separate article, we also wrote about advertising on the Internet and in what ways they achieve high earnings results.

There are several types of advertising on YouTube:

  • the video itself posted on any channel - both on your own and for a fee on someone else’s, which is popular;
  • a small commercial that is shown before the main one;
  • text advertising placed on the displayed video;
  • a link to a video placed above the search results for a video.

Just like previous advertising methods, this type of promotion allows you to sample impressions only target audience. The main advantage of this method of promotion is the effectiveness of video advertising, as well as very wide audience. But do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • In order for advertising to be seen by as many potential customers as possible, it needs to be placed on very popular channels, and this is extremely expensive.
  • Users have the opportunity to disable advertising, as well as use special software to block it. In addition, paid accounts do not display ads.
  • Intrusive advertising that interferes with the viewing of an interesting movie or music video often irritates users.

8. Pop-Up Windows (Pop-Up and Pop-Under)

One of the most aggressive and least liked ways by users to promote a product is popup window, nevertheless continues to be quite popular.

The operating principle of such advertising is as follows: the user enters the site, begins to read some information, and at that moment a pop-up window pops up. To close it and return to normal viewing of the site, you need to click on the cross in the corner of the Pop-up window.

However, if used carefully and correctly, such advertising will also may be beneficial. It is only important that it can be easily disabled, and that the advertising message is in correlation with the theme of the page itself.

Pop-up windows that inform about discounts on goods or about any promotions can also bring certain results.

9. Advertising in E-mail newsletters (via email)

Most Internet users have various electronic mailboxes, through which they exchange work or personal information. And that’s why advertising through mailing letters to your subscribers still enjoys some popularity.

Typically, this type of promotion is used by two types of advertisers:

  1. stores or service providers from whom the user has ever purchased a product;
  2. information businessmen who use this channel to sell their products.

1) In the first case, sending emails has a greater impact image value. Many stores offer bonus and discount cards. And to receive them, you usually need to provide certain information, including your email address. Subsequently, this buyer receives letters with information about ongoing promotions, assortment updates, discounts and personal offers.

Since the mailing is carried out to a person who has already made a purchase, and therefore is quite loyal to this seller, such mailing usually does not cause irritation to the user. And there is a high probability that, having received such a letter, the buyer will return to the store again.

2) For an information business that has been developing recently, email distribution is one of the main ways to promote its services.

Initially, the user ends up on some resource where he is offered a free course or materials on an issue of interest to the person. But to receive these materials you must leave your email address. After this, the subscriber begins to receive letters. In them, usually, useful free information alternates with offers buy any information product.

Manually sending out a large number of emails is, of course, a task extremely irrational. There are specialized resources, for example, “Smartresponder”, on which you can configure automatic sending of letters to all your subscribers. At the same time, to create an atmosphere of personal appeal to each of the subscribers, you can configure the inclusion of their names in letters.

10. Advertising on thematic websites and online platforms (forums and blogs, bulletin boards, social networking groups, large portals, etc.)

The last way to conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet, which is discussed in this article, is to place ads on various thematic resources. There are a large number of pages where people with similar interests gather, and they have the opportunity not only to read the information posted, but also to write messages themselves.

Since people with a clearly defined range of interests often communicate on such resources, placing advertisements here will as precise as possible.

However, this method of promotion has a number of disadvantages:

  • a lot of labor - after all, it is necessary not only to find a suitable resource and register on it, but also to write a message, and then track its fate and comments on it;
  • owners and administrators of many resources do not like blatant advertising and immediately ban those who post them;
  • on many resources where the placement of advertising posts is not prohibited, there are restrictions on their number over a certain period of time;
  • if the advertisement seems intrusive to other interlocutors and came out of “nowhere,” no one will respond to it - that is, in order to earn trust, on many forums you first need to communicate a fair amount just like that.

Thus, this method is suitable only for those sellers whose goods or services are single, and a certain amount of time can be spent on selling them.

In addition, this option is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs who do not have an advertising budget as such.

Summary analysis of the described types of online advertising

After considering all ten of the most interesting and popular types of advertising, it is worth mentioning which of them are the most effective, and how the costs of different methods of promotion compare.

Table: pros and cons of various types of advertising on the Internet

The most expensive way to promote any services or goods on the Internet is banner advertising , which requires not only payment for placement, but also funds to create a high-quality and attractive advertisement. It will also be quite an expensive pleasure to post information about your product. on Youtube, mobile applications and social networks, as well as via Push notifications.

As for the effectiveness of influencing the user and the ability to attract the largest possible number of buyers, there are no equals here. contextual advertising . Taking into account the fact that its cost can be made extremely low, this type of promotion is the most optimal.

But the placement of teasers and banners, alas, will not bring much results. At the same time, if banner advertising at least provides an image component, then teasers, on the contrary, can scare away a significant part of users. Also, you shouldn’t really hope for free placement of ads on thematic pages.

4. Pros ( + ) and cons (− ) of online advertising 📊

Like any channel for promoting a product, the Internet has certain advantages (+) over other advertising methods.

These include:

  • Relative cheapness and the ability to pay only for effective advertising actions, For example, clicking on links.
  • Advertising placed on the Internet can work around the clock throughout the year, there is no need to take breaks or weekends.
  • Many of those who use the Internet readily accept new products and services, subsequently conveying positive messages to conservative consumers.
  • A huge database of analytical tools allows quickly and accurately assess the effectiveness of a particular advertising campaign, as well as make important marketing measurements which will further increase sales.
  • The ability to quickly change your advertising strategy at any time with minimal costs. If an advertiser sees that a promotional method is not working, he can adjust it before the budget allocated for the implementation of this strategy is exhausted.

The main thing disadvantage (-) organization of an advertising company on the World Wide Web is incredible competition . Due to the excessive number of existing pages, as well as advertisements placed, many users develop a so-called “blind spot”, when they simply do not notice the advertisement placed, having gotten used to ignoring it.

5. Basic parameters for measuring the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet (CPM, CTR and CPC)

As mentioned earlier, one of the undoubted advantages of promoting products on the Internet is the ability to accurately measure the effectiveness of the use of each individual platform or advertisement.

The main indicator of how effectively a particular advertising method works is coefficient CTR . It is determined by the ratio of ad impressions to the number of active actions performed by the user. As a rule, such actions are considered to be a click on an advertisement and a subsequent transition to the advertiser’s website.

This coefficient shows how many users who were shown the ad were interested in the ad and clicked on the link to find out more?. This value varies greatly for different types of advertising, which is primarily due to different possibilities for targeting users.

However, it is important to remember that this indicator is only a way to measure the effectiveness of attracting users to your site. It does not in any way determine the profit received or expected. After all, a person, having become interested in a product and clicking on a link, may find that its prices are too high, or that the product itself does not correspond to the image that was presented in the advertisement.

It is also important for anyone who plans to advertise their products on the Internet to know the parameters that determine how the budget of an advertising company is determined. This CPM And CPC. Under the English abbreviation there are two options for generating payment for advertising placement.

In the first case, CPM, the advertiser pays for the number of impressions of his advertisement. Typically calculated per thousand views.

This pricing method can be used in the following situations:

  • the advertising platform has a clearly defined audience that will be interested in the product being offered;
  • users of the resource change quite often - because otherwise the same user will be shown the same advertisement several times, the budget will be wasted;
  • The advertiser is confident that the number of clicks will be quite large, and therefore this method is more profitable compared to the one where you have to pay for transitions.

In other cases, such payment will be irrational, because with a large number of ad views, the number of transitions will most likely be extremely low, and the cost of promotion will be overpriced.

Another, more common way of pricing is strategy CPC, that is, the cost per click. In this case, the advertiser pays only for actual promotion methods that lead to certain user actions.

In addition, not the most honest owners of sites where advertisements are placed often hire freelancers, which click on ads for pennies, creating the appearance of efficient operation of the advertising resource.

The main ways to attract customers to the site

6. How to place online advertising and attract customers to the site - 2 ways to advertise on the Internet 📋

To attract visitors to your website, you need to advertise it somehow, which will require using one of the listed types of promotion. In this case, you can use both your own strength and attract specialists who know all the subtleties and nuances of this difficult matter.

We have already talked about starting from scratch in one of our articles.


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