Sale of freshly squeezed juices permission. Freshly squeezed juices are a great business idea. What equipment is required to operate a fresh bar

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What to consider when preparing a fresh bar business plan? First, you need to walk through the most crowded places in the city - shopping and sports centers, cinemas, to see how busy the niche is. Secondly, you need to decide where to get 5-10 thousand dollars to start a business. Comparing the data obtained, we can conclude that the project is feasible in this locality.

We carry out calculations

Before considering the organization of the business itself, let's calculate its probable profitability for the month. It depends on the chosen place and correct positioning, but on average it is possible to sell from 15 to 25 liters of freshly squeezed juice per day. It would be a mistake to make it exclusively from any one fruit. It would be better if, in addition to purely fruit fresh, there will be both vegetable and combined. More on this below.

This approach not only provides a wide variety of offers to the consumer, but also reduces the cost of a glass of juice. It's one thing - pineapple fresh, another thing if it's apple-beetroot juice. The average cost of a kilogram of fruits and vegetables will be in the range of 0.4-0.5 dollars. From a kilogram of fruits and vegetables, 0.5-0.7 liters of freshly squeezed products come out. That is, per day for 15-25 liters of juice you will need 22-50 kg of fruits and vegetables with a total cost of 9-25 dollars. At the exchange rate, this is 585-1625 rubles.

A 200 ml glass of fresh costs an average of 30 rubles, a liter costs 150 rubles. Total daily revenue will be 2250-3750 rubles. Taking into account the costs of vegetables and fruits, the profit will be 1665-2125 rubles, or 50-64 thousand rubles. per month. But this is not a net profit, because the cost of rent and the salary of the seller are not taken into account. At first, it is strongly recommended to work independently at the bar in order to understand in practice the whole mechanism of the project functioning. But there is no escape from the cost of rent. It can fluctuate between 10-14 thousand rubles. We get a net profit of 36-54 thousand rubles. per month. These figures can change both upwards and downwards. It depends on the specific conditions and the region.

Site selection and equipment purchase

To choose a place, you need to carefully look at the crowded places and pay attention to the fresh bars already standing there. Their presence does not mean that the niche is already occupied even in this place. In large shopping centers there may be several such bars. Interest should not only be the fact of the location of such establishments, but also how they trade.

If buyers line up almost in line, it means that the demand for this service is high, and it makes sense to put your own bar counter on another floor of the room. If only a few glasses of freshly squeezed juice were sold in one hour of work on a weekend, then you should seriously think about the chosen place. There is a high probability that the project will be unprofitable.

The main requirement for the location of the establishment is that it must be crowded. In an institution that is visited by 30-50 people a day, it should not be placed.

When you have decided on the place where the bar will be located, you need to equip it with equipment. Don't skimp on it. A home juicer will not work because the increased load will cause it to fail during the first days (if not hours) of operation. You will need professional equipment, and more than one.

In addition to a juicer, the average cost of which is 120 thousand rubles, you will need a machine that will squeeze juice from citrus and pomegranate. Its cost is slightly higher - 150 thousand rubles. In addition to them, you need to purchase:

  • apparatus for cleaning vegetables and fruits - 8 thousand rubles.
  • freezer for 230 liters - 14 thousand rubles.
  • refrigerator for 700 liters - 30 thousand rubles.
  • demonstration showcase - 25 thousand rubles.
  • apparatus for mixing and shaking cocktails and juices - 10 thousand rubles.
  • bar counter and furniture for visitors - 50-150 thousand rubles.
  • cash register - 14 thousand rubles.

Also add here for additional services:

  • coffee machine - 80 thousand rubles.
  • ice generator - 7 thousand rubles.
  • ice cream machine - 150-200 thousand rubles.

In total, without the provision of additional services, 520 thousand rubles will be needed, and if with them - 800 thousand rubles. The second option is recommended, which makes it possible to both increase the average check and increase the profitability of the institution by distributing the risks of the project.

We are looking for staff and developing a menu

It will not work for the owner of the project to sit at the bar all the time. It's none of his business, he has to work on promoting and expanding the business, and when serving customers, he won't be able to "create" much. You need to hire staff.

To do this, it is worth picking up women aged 20 to 40 years of pleasant appearance. Strive to keep them slim. It's not a whim - it depends on the increase in sales. Two employees are needed to work in shifts - week after week. From time to time they will have to be controlled, secret buyers will be sent to keep track of whether all goods are sold through the checkout.

The menu should be as diverse as possible. Wrong are those who advise to manage only citrus fruits or fruits. Carrot or apple juice, pumpkin or beetroot - for each of them, as well as for the mixture, there are regular customers. The more recipes, the higher the sales.

Look up recipes on the net, look at various forums that discuss varieties of freshly squeezed juices. Try and experiment, notice what the consumer chooses more, communicate with him, get to know his tastes and advertise new items.

We are working on the promotion of the project

Despite the fact that the bar is located in a crowded place, you should not rely on the consciousness of passers-by who will show an increased interest in products. It needs to be actively promoted. You need to do this, starting with the showcase itself.

Take note: the project is not aimed at selling fresh drinks, but at making people healthier. With each glass you give them a piece of health. Each vegetable and fruit contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, useful substances that have a positive effect on the internal organs and body systems. So build on this, making out the bar counter with visual propaganda.

For each proposed recipe, a beautiful laminated plate should hang in a conspicuous place, which would briefly describe the benefits of a glass of such a fresh. Use the legacy of natural juice lover Paul Bragg - excerpts from his books about the benefits of this product. It would be nice to make a poster with him, which would say that he stood on a surfboard at the age of 80.

It is necessary to make a page on the social network, in which posts would constantly be published promoting the benefits of drinks from fruits and vegetables. Design a page and launch advertising, gaining subscribers only from your city. Don't waste your money on something else - online advertising is now the most effective and cheapest.

When the first bar begins to bring in a stable and high income, scale up the business, open several more such establishments, projecting all the best that has already worked.

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The less natural products remain on store windows, the greater the demand for them appears. Also, the desire of people to lead a healthy lifestyle contributes to the development of a business in the sale of freshly squeezed juices.

How to start your business selling freshly squeezed juices? Firstly, it is worth understanding that opening one point for the sale of freshly squeezed juice will not bring much profit. This means that you should immediately calculate your financial and organizational capabilities for a network of several points. Fortunately, the opening of one point selling freshly squeezed juices will cost a relatively small amount (250-300 thousand rubles). The ideal option is to work out the sales technology at one outlet, and then build a network.

The most popular mixture is a mix of orange, grapefruit and lemon. Often he is asked to dilute with soda or tonic. The drink is refreshing in the heat and contains many vitamins. He also notes that the demand among lovers of fresh and healthy for pomegranate and carrot juices is gradually increasing.

So, from the statistics and experience of sellers, it is known that to obtain one liter of orange juice, an average of 2.1 kilograms of oranges is required. It will cost from 70 to 150 rubles if you take raw materials from ordinary retailers. As a rule, a 300 gram glass of orange juice is sold in shopping centers for 80-100 rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the approximate profitability of this business. It usually goes over 100%. There are also bolder figures, for example - some juice sellers talk about a 172 percent profitability of the business.

There are not many options with a place to locate a point selling freshly squeezed juices, basically only actively visited shopping centers and supermarkets are suitable, other places simply will not work. Also, as a good option, you can consider a place in the food court of the shopping center. The area required for trade in freshly squeezed juices needs a small amount of 4 sq. m., if the assortment is small, then you can even accommodate 2 sq. m. But the rent for each square meter of such an area, and even in a passageway, will be rather big, this should be taken into account when starting a business.

Business equipment:

1. Equipment for making pancakes;
2. Refrigerators;
3. Juicer;
4. Quality vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator;
5. Tables and chairs;
6. Rack;
7. Equipment for making juice;
8. Price tags on the sign;
9. Design in corporate style;
10. Trash can;
11. Cash register;

The business of selling freshly squeezed juices has good prospects, the market is actively growing, and the markup on juices is at least 100%. If you build completely Napoleonic plans, then, as an option for developing the direction of healthy eating, you can think about opening a cafe or even healthy food restaurants. In this niche, the main thing is to start working, and it will not be difficult to come up with new formats and directions with due imagination and experience gained.

Fresh bar (also called a juice bar or smoothie bar) is a relatively new phenomenon on the market, which arose on the wave of consumer interest in healthy eating. It is a stationary or mobile catering point where freshly squeezed juices and juice-based cocktails are prepared and sold. In developed European countries, smoothie bars are wildly popular. In the United States, the total annual income of businessmen employed in this niche is over $3.5 billion.

In summer, a huge number of Russians prefer to quench their thirst with cool, 100% natural juice, so the idea of ​​​​opening a fresh bar promises a good income with a relatively small initial investment (from 300 to 500 thousand rubles). At the same time, the direction is only gaining momentum - for sure, only a few of the shopping centers in your city can boast of such establishments.

Where is the best place to open a fresh bar?

A point of sale for fresh drinks can be opened on a small sales area (4-6 m²). The main condition is high traffic of potential buyers. The target audience includes everyone - from children to the elderly.

The most profitable places are:

  • shopping and business centers;
  • railway stations, airports;
  • cinemas;
  • sports clubs, fitness centers;
  • Beauty Salons:
  • hypermarkets;
  • markets;
  • amusement parks;
  • beaches;
  • embankments.

Often you can stumble upon an outdoor fresh bar in a car dealership or at some event (presentation, exhibition). But most often - in a shopping center right in the middle of the aisle. Juices and cocktails spoil quickly - within half an hour, drinks lose some of their useful properties and taste, so they are prepared in fact - in front of the buyer. And therefore, in a high-traffic area, where consumers can observe the process of making smoothies, the demand for products increases significantly.

In the shopping center, airport and other closed premises, you can sell drinks in winter, outdoor season - the period from late spring to early autumn. So either consider the business as seasonal or expand the range - so that there is something to offer at any time of the year. Entrepreneurial businessmen seek to immediately open a network of outlets in different parts of the city. Otherwise, an impressive share of the profit will go to the maintenance of one point.

Curious fresh bar design ideas

In any business, you can and should be creative, and even more so in this one. A wellness and vitamin bar will become even more profitable if it immediately attracts the attention of consumers. This can be achieved with the help of creative design of the trading place.

Option one - a hut with a thatched roof. Stylish and unusual. Make a wooden structure with a counter, order a straw canopy - and you're done. Brightness will be given by details - like a fruit dish, colorful posters with products.

An outlet in a shopping center can be decorated with artificial palm trees, tropical flowers and other "Mediterranean" attributes. If it's a mobile juice bar, sell drinks in a van. Make a showcase on one side, a window for communicating with customers - this will be very original.

Smoothie bar assortment

The main menu of the fresh bar includes freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, mixes and smoothies (a thick drink made from a mixture of fruits, berries with ice, milk or juice). But you should not stop there - the more assortment you offer, the better.

You can offer buyers:

  • tea, coffee, hot chocolate;
  • milkshakes;
  • ice cream;
  • mineral water;
  • light snacks and desserts.

Some entrepreneurs went even further and began to sell extracts of medicinal herbs. They are positioned as natural and more effective analogues of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. And in Japan, fresh bars also sell organic cosmetics. The majority seeks to make money on common fresh juices - orange, grapefruit and apple.

The traditional bar offers customers from 20 different juices from both fruits and vegetables.

Fresh bar equipment

Equipment is the main item of expenditure. For a traditional point you will need:

  • universal juicer:
  • juicer for individual fruits (citrus fruits, pomegranates);
  • blender;
  • mixer;
  • tools for cleaning fruits and vegetables;
  • refrigerators;
  • bar counter;
  • ice generator;
  • showcase;
  • cash equipment;
  • coffee machine;
  • work cabinets.

It is advisable to purchase equipment from a service provider. In this way, you protect yourself from long downtimes and additional repair costs in the event of instrument failure.

If the area allows, you can put tables and chairs for visitors. As for utensils, disposable is usually used. Sometimes glassware is used, but then the fresh bar already belongs to the field of catering, and not catering.


Optimally - to hire two sellers who will work in shifts. Recruitment is not an easy task, because profit directly depends on the quality of service. Give preference to open and friendly people who can interest the buyer in the assortment and cause a desire to buy. Take care of stylish uniforms.

There are no special requirements for personnel. There is nothing complicated in the work, so everyone can be trained. Wages are usually formed from salary and a percentage of sales (up to 10%).


Purchases in fresh bars are made spontaneously, which is why it is difficult to implement a clear, consistent advertising strategy. The most important marketing component of a fresh bar is the design of a point of sale. Come up with an original name and make a bright stylish sign. Design the sales area in such a way that it attracts attention. Further, the supply of the assortment and the professionalism of the seller “are used”.

In order for as many people as possible to know about the smoothie bar, you can distribute flyers in the area where it is located. It is important to think over the assortment to the smallest detail. A varied menu of popular drinks is a guarantee of high income.


If you are self-employed, it is better to register as a sole trader. Such a form of business as an LLC will be required in cooperation with investors or partners.

After registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to:

  • Get registered with the tax office.
  • Select the type of activity (OKVED). Classic - production of fruit and vegetable juices and serving drinks.
  • Get a TIN, approve the taxation system.
  • Obtain permission from the State Fire Supervisor.
  • Register with social, medical, pension funds.
  • Obtain permission from the SES.
  • Register cash register.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Draw up a lease agreement.

Fresh bar in the shopping center will not require permits from the fire department and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. When opening a fresh bar in a separate room, more efforts and costs are needed. Probably will have to carry out repair and design work.

To obtain a permit in the SES, the following documents are needed:

  • List of sold goods (in 3 copies).
  • Sanitary certificate for the building.
  • Sanitary passport for transport.
  • Contract for disinfestation and deratization.
  • Journal of disinfection work, registered in the SES.
  • Waste collection agreement.
  • Sanitary records of each worker.
  • Building lease agreement or proof of ownership.
  • Registration certificate.
  • Project of redevelopment or reconstruction of the premises (if necessary).
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station permission to open.

Also, a technological project is approved in the SES.

Profitability and payback

To make it clear why selling fresh juices as a business is so tempting, consider grapefruit juice (one of the most sought after) as an example.

  • A kilogram of grapefruits costs an average of 90 rubles.
  • The average price of a glass of grapefruit juice in a smoothie bar is 150 rubles.
  • The average price of a liter of grapefruit juice in the same place is 750 rubles.
  • It will take 1.5 kilograms of grapefruits or 135 rubles to prepare a liter of juice.

Profit: 750 - 135 = 615 rubles.

Impressive, isn't it?

And now we will present a detailed business plan for a fresh bar with calculations.

Cost items to start:



80 000 rubles

Citrus and Pomegranate Juicer

120 000 rubles

Vegetable and fruit peeling machine

8 000 rubles


30 000 rubles

Bar counter, showcase and chairs

150 000 rubles

Equipment for mixing and shaking cocktails

10 000 rubles

30 000 rubles

ice maker

7 000 rubles

Cash equipment

30 000 rubles

Stock of disposable tableware

10 000 rubles

25 000 rubles

Registration (collection of documents, payment of fees, etc.)

10 000 rubles

15 000 rubles


80 000 rubles

605,000 rubles

Let's say that in a day you will sell 35 freshly squeezed juices and mixes for 150 rubles, 15 cocktails for 200 rubles, and other products worth about 3,000 rubles. The daily profit will be 5,250 + 3,000 + 3,000 = 11,250 rubles. Monthly - 337,500 rubles.

Monthly expenses for raw materials, taxes, wages, rent - 125,000 rubles.

Net income - 212,500 rubles. Payback will be achieved in about 3 months.


The main law of fresh business: the wider the assortment, the higher the profit. Before opening, it is imperative to draw up a business plan with a detailed analysis of the competitive environment, industry development prospects, data on initial investments and monthly expenses, calculation of profitability and payback. First of all, it is worth studying what fresh bars are in your city and specifically in the place where you plan to open a point. Two smoothie bars in one shopping center is tolerable, but two bars at the entrance are already critical.

Success depends on the location, range and quality of service. The advantages of the business include a quick payback, high profitability, regular demand (when trading in closed areas). The risks are the prejudice of the audience that freshly squeezed juice is an expensive luxury product, as well as the high cost of raw materials, the dishonesty of suppliers.

I got my first entrepreneurial experience at the age of 19. It was 2007 and the Internet business was just starting to take off. I decided to start my activity by opening a point of draft beer. He invested 70 thousand rubles and worked in this area for six months, considering future prospects. I realized that for real income, you need to open a whole network of such departments, which required a lot of investment. I decided to sell my point as a finished project. With the proceeds, he flew on vacation, and set aside the rest.

New small business ideas were born in my head. I tried to work in the B2B system, but I did not like the “buy-sell” activity. Then I got into the construction industry and became an intermediary between customers and contractors. There are a lot of headaches in this business, no pleasure, and the concept of earning is very vague.

As much as I hate to admit it, I lacked banal experience. I decided to study the mechanism of business from the inside. To do this, he got a job in a large company in the field of catering. He held a good position, had a good income and the opportunity to study the internal structure of a large organization. And that's when the idea came to me to open my own business on fresh juices, using part of the concept of the mechanism I studied. But this required start-up capital and partners. I shared the idea with my friends, and we decided - we will work!

How much does a fresh bar cost

The first point we opened was called "Orange". The capital for it amounted to 1 million rubles. It included equipment for the production of juice, a trading kiosk, and software. In the future, we opened another "orange" and 2 "juice bars". It took about the same amount for each point.

In this business, the difference between the cost and the final price is significant. The main thing is that the initial cost of the product should be no more than 30%. Today we have a margin of 300-400%. But this is very conditional, since it all depends on the combination of fruits for juice and their cost. Expenses in this business: rent of retail space, salaries of employees, taxes, material for production - this is nothing new.

Where to place outlets

Before you open a fresh bar, you should think about its location. The greater the patency of the point, the greater the sales, and, accordingly, the profit. Choose entertainment complexes, shopping centers, cinemas. It will be effective to locate a point in a hypermarket near the cash desks. In any case, I advise you to request rental traffic and navigate from it.

Only 1 person per shift is enough to work. There are 3 owners in our business, between whom we have divided administrative and economic functions. Each partner has its own area of ​​responsibility. For the first six months of work, we returned the money invested. Then there was a lull, but 100 thousand rubles. per month from the point came out. In the best of times, the monthly income reached 250 thousand rubles, and on average - 150 thousand rubles.

Business features

Even if you have a ready-made smoothie bar business plan, you will have to face many specific difficulties in the course of work. Although I was familiar with this "kitchen", I had to learn some things on the go: which fruits are best, how to cut them correctly, etc.

I advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Juice dispensing equipment must be of high quality and should not be skimped on. A huge number of business start-ups want to cut material costs by buying a juicer in a hardware store and building a homemade bar counter. This is not how you start a business! Successful activity requires investments and a serious approach.
  2. Choose the "right" employees. You must see that a person has a desire to work, ambitions and eyes are burning. After all, sales will depend on it. Surely everyone had a case when they wanted to buy a product, but because of a not very pleasant seller, this purchase was canceled.
  3. Buy only high-quality raw materials for freshly squeezed juice cocktails.

Manufacturers of equipment and fruits

The purchase of fruits depends on the region in which the outlet is located. If we compare Moscow and Chelyabinsk, the differences are cardinal, since in the first case there are much more suppliers. I propose to consider some popular positions, taking into account doing business in the central part of the country:

  • Oranges are best purchased from South African suppliers.
  • Good tangerines are produced in Turkey.
  • Buy apples and pears from Serbian producers.
  • Excellent carrots are grown in China.

You can buy equipment from this company They have everything you need for this business. Each item has a clear description. You can first get acquainted with the equipment, and then look for analogues from other companies. We have 70% of equipment from "Juicemaster".

How to arrange a fresh bar

Unfortunately, I cannot provide a photo of our outlets, as this violates anonymity and a partnership agreement. The issue of bar design needs to be taken seriously, as you create your own brand. Your next dots should look the same and be recognizable. There are no clear restrictions here, it all depends on the imagination. I will only say that our "orange" and "juice bar" look different, because these are two different directions.

Fresh juice production

At present, all our stores and supermarkets are filled with juices of various kinds. You can read more about the industrial production of juices in a business plan dedicated to this topic. However, they are made from concentrates, which are obtained in various ways. This happens due to the fact that 90 - 95 percent of natural juice consists of liquid. The transportation of such a product is not very profitable. Therefore, to reduce the cost, the juice is transported in the form of a concentrate. And also natural juice is poorly stored if heat treatment or preservatives are not used.

All this affects the quality of the product, useful substances are destroyed. As a result, the demand for fresh juices is increasing. The idea of ​​a business based on freshly squeezed juices, as well as the production of natural jam, is very beneficial for a novice entrepreneur. You can also get acquainted with a detailed business plan for the industrial production of juices.

Business development

There are two ways to develop a business such as fresh juice:

  • Opening a store:
  • in the supermarket;
  • in the park of culture and recreation;
  • in shopping centers;
  • in other public places.
    • Installation of special machines for the production of fresh juices. You can install them in public places or commercial enterprises.

    To open a retail outlet, you need to rent an area (about 5 - 6 square meters).

    Business Equipment

    For a business like fresh, you will need equipment:

  • Bar counter;
  • Citrus juicer;
  • Juicer for fruits and vegetables;
  • Glasses and bottles for juice.
  • The opening of the outlet provides customers with a large selection of various juices, both vegetable and fruit.

    When using automatic juice machines, a large investment is required for the purchase of equipment.

    The cost of such a machine will be approximately 60 thousand rubles.

    On the video: Vending machine for freshly squeezed juice

    You can also place such devices in various places.

  • In the first case. Buyers are not very attracted to the look of the counter, the home juicer and the way the juices are made.
  • The second method, despite the initial costs, is more efficient, allows you to achieve high results in the quality of the products sold.
  • Delicious refreshing juice

    Profit calculation

    The profit calculation for a business like selling fresh juice is as follows:

    A box of oranges (15 kilograms) costs about 300 rubles (1 kilogram - 20 rubles). Of the original weight, the juice will be approximately 50 percent. On average, you get 5.5 - 6 liters of juice. It turns out that the cost of juice (6 liters) is 300 rubles, and one liter of juice is 50 rubles. The cost of a glass of juice is not more than 10 rubles. A liter of freshly squeezed juice costs about 150 rubles, which means that the price of a glass of juice will be about 30 rubles. As a result, it turns out that the profit from 1 liter of juice sold will be 100 rubles.

    When selling at a point of sale per day from 10 to 20 liters of juice, the profit per month can be in the range of 29 thousand rubles to 60 thousand rubles.

    When opening several points in different trading places, the profit, respectively, increases by the number of these points.


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