Equipment for mayonnaise. Mayonnaise production: equipment and technology. Mayonnaise manufacturing technology and raw materials used

Equipment for the production of mayonnaise has specific requirements. Since the finished product does not undergo complete heat treatment, the equipment on which it is manufactured (from the stage of preparation of raw materials to the process of packaging the packaged product) must be bacteriologically clean.

To do this, in addition to maintaining a hygienic regime, the equipment must meet the following requirements:

  • be protected (sealed) from microflora from the external environment;
  • do not have stagnant zones in which spontaneous reproduction of bacteria can occur;
  • easy to disassemble into individual units for thorough cleaning and disinfection;
  • be made of high-quality materials (with acceptable cleanliness of internal surfaces up to 0.1 microns);
  • have an automatic washing unit.

It is of no small importance to equip the mayonnaise production equipment with a deaeration unit, which allows you to increase the shelf life of the product and avoid oxidative spoilage.

Modern requirements for technological equipment place great importance on complete automation of production.

At the same time, the technological chain involves weighing ingredients and raw materials, measuring components in accordance with the recipe, mixing them to the required quality, monitoring and automatically recording the entire progress of the product production process.

It is desirable that cleaning and disinfection of equipment be carried out with solutions in a closed cycle (without the need to dismantle the equipment) - CIP (Cleaning In Place). To do this, the following requirements must be met:

  • valves must prevent contact between the cleaning solution and the product;
  • all surfaces in contact with the product must be accessible to the cleaning solution (in order to achieve complete cleaning);
  • it is necessary to exclude the possibility of corrosion of the materials from which the equipment is made.

Types of equipment

Depending on the different production schemes, equipment for the production of mayonnaise is divided into high-performance continuous or semi-continuous lines, in which the various stages of the process are carried out in different devices arranged in series, and small batch units for carrying out all operations in one container, the productivity of which varies widely limits (from 30 to 6000 l/h).

Continuous production lines for mayonnaise

Continuous and semi-continuous mayonnaise production lines have their advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include:

  1. high performance,
  2. possibility of full automation,
  3. guarantee of constant product quality,
  4. the ability to easily replace outdated or faulty modules.

The disadvantages of continuous lines are:

  1. the need for large production areas;
  2. significant material consumption;
  3. high consumption of detergents;
  4. increased product losses during sanitary and hygienic measures.

Automated high-performance Johnson lines (up to 1 t/h) and lines from Gilder Corp., Cherry Barrell, Holsum Food Co, Stork SalatOMatic, and Schroeder operate using continuous and semi-continuous technologies.

The technological flow diagram for the production of mayonnaise and salad dressings on the Johnson line is shown in Figure 1.

1 - bunker for egg powder; 2 - hopper for dry components; 3 - oil container; 4, 13 - containers for water and vinegar; 5 - deaerator; 6, 15, 23 - pumps; 7, 10 - dosing pumps; 8, 9 - voters; 11 - votator supply tank; 12 - bin for starch; 14 - tank for preparing starch suspension; 16 - finished product tank; 17 - filling machine; 18 - seaming machine; 19 - homogenizer; 20 - homogenizer supply tank; 21 - sanitary defect tank; 22 - filter; 24 - mixer
Figure 1 - Process flow diagram for the production of mayonnaise and salad dressings on the Johnson line

Batch equipment

The advantages of periodic lines are compactness, efficiency, and a wide range of productivity. However, it should be said that periodic lines operate effectively only with full automation.

In the production of mayonnaise, the main equipment of the production line are homogenizers (or dispersants), which must ensure the creation of homogeneous fine emulsions with a given particle size. The main working elements are high-speed mixers, high-pressure homogenizers, colloid mills, rotor-stator systems, homogenizing devices, which are combined with evacuation of the product in a hermetically sealed apparatus and pumping the product “for return” at high speed, which allows achieving the desired degree of dispersion finished product.

We will present equipment for the production of mayonnaise from some leading German companies.

"A. Stefan & Sons GmbH & Co. manufactures modern machines and systems for use in many areas of the food industry. For the production of mayonnaise, universal machines of the UMM/SK type, a universal vacuum-mixer of the VM/MC type and a Stefan Microcut MSN 10/2 homogenizer are of interest. These periodic machines can operate in both manual, semi-automatic and automatic process control modes according to a given program.

The Stefan UMM/SK unit has a rational design, suitable for integration into existing equipment, it is easy to maintain and clean, has many options, and allows you to obtain a stable quality of the product produced. The machine is a sealed container equipped with a double jacket, into which an elongated shaft is lowered, which serves to attach working tools - sharp knives or mixing blades. The kit also includes a transport blade for removing particularly viscous materials from the walls and directing them to the center of the container. Simultaneously with mechanical processes, thermal processes can occur in the machine: heating can be carried out either by direct steam supply or through a jacket. All processes can take place under vacuum conditions. A mini-variant for small batches of experimental products in laboratories is also produced - UMM/SK 5.

The technical data of these machines are shown in Table 1.

The Stefan Vakuterm installation is designed for the production of sauces, mayonnaise, food emulsions, as well as puree soups, various meat and fish products. The basis of the modular vacuter system (Figure 2) is a diagonally installed sealed working container with an attached gear motor, on which a stirrer with a scraper is attached. The drive shaft is sealed on the container side with a double-acting contact sealing ring, which is steamed during sanitary measures. The circulation pump serves to uniformly supply the product through the homogenizer and recirculation system back into the working container. At the end of the emulsification and homogenization cycle, additional components are added to the sauce and at the final stage the process of homogeneous mixing occurs. The product can be circulated optionally through a homogenizer or bypassing it. The circulation pump is also a discharge pump.

1 - STEFAN vacuum thermo; 2 - loading hole DN 200; 3 - viewing window DN 125; 4 - vacuum connection; 5 - unloading fitting; 6 - unloading pump; 7 - STEFAN microcut MSN; 8 - dosing funnel - dry substances; 9 - dosing funnel - liquids; 10 - control cabinet
Figure 2 - Stefan Vakutherm module

Modular vacuter systems are equipped with a jacket for indirect heating and cooling of the contents of the container. However, the supply of live steam and inert gases is also provided for rapid heating and cooling in a gentle mode.

The vacuum system of the installation consists of a vacuum pump and a control unit operating in an automatically set mode. The main working element of the installation is the Stefan homogenizer with a rotor-stator system, which can be equipped with various rings with a gap of 0.1 to 3 mm and thereby regulate the process of homogenization and emulsification.

Technical data of Stefan Vakuterm installations are given in Table 2.

Stefan Microkut homogenizers for grinding and emulsifying soups, sauces, desserts with a productivity (depending on the degree of grinding) from 3000 to 6000 l/h also have a disintegrator as the main working body.

The FRYMA company produces equipment for the production of food emulsions, purees, jams and confitures, and paste products.

For the production of mayonnaise and salad sauces, the company has developed the MZM/VK “Delmix” installation (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Processing
MZM/VK “Delmix” installation

The product passes through the emulsifying head and is returned to the container through a recirculation pipe to achieve the required degree of emulsification. The emulsifying head consists of a rotor and a stator, the gearing of which is selected taking into account the desired degree of dispersion of the product. Delmix units are available in 10 modifications, with a capacity from 7 to 3000 liters.

Since 1970, the KORUMA company has been producing plants for producing dispersed and homogenized food products. For the production of mayonnaise emulsions, “DISHO” (DISperses and HOmogenizes) installations with a working capacity from 85 to 1300 liters are offered (Table 3). The units are equipped with a rotor-stator homogenizer, recirculation and vacuum systems.

Mixing of the product is carried out in horizontal and vertical directions. Process control is automatic in accordance with the program.

Domestic equipment

Russian manufacturers also produce machines for the production of mayonnaise products, which are very easy to install and operate.

For example, the mini-installation "MAIS", produced by SPKF "Stroyvest" (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region) is intended for the production of food emulsions (mayonnaise, creams, pastes, jams, sauces, confitures and other food mixtures of various recipes) in catering establishments, dairy and oil and fat factories, small and medium-sized businesses.

The principle of operation of the installation is based on a sequential two-stage production of mayonnaise: first, dispersing all components of mayonnaise except oil, then slow supply of oil and homogenization of the mixture.

The installation can be equipped with a dispenser and an electric seaming machine with replaceable heads.

The installation for preparing mayonnaise from FLYTM is equipped with a homogenizer of an original Bulgarian design with a capacity of 1500 l/hour. Installation capacity up to 3000 kg/shift.

The IS-160 and IS-80 mixer grinders are offered by the KONSITA company for the production of sauces and mayonnaise. The installation is equipped with a stirrer, a jacket, a vacuum chamber, a live steam injection manifold, and automatic control.

The Elf-4M company produces a mayonnaise module IPKS-056 with a capacity of 3000 kg/day, equipped with a rotary pulsation unit RPA-1.5-5, as well as a mini-plant for the production of mayonnaise based on this module.

In the installation for the production of mayonnaise MA-0.5, offered by Tveryagroprodmash OJSC, with a capacity of 500 l/h, the homogenizer is a colloidal mill of an original design, consuming three times less electricity compared to piston-type homogenizers.

Sets of equipment for the production of mayonnaise with a capacity of 300, 500, 800 and 1000 kg/shift, in which dispersion and homogenization are provided by a rotary-pulsation apparatus, are offered by AGRO-3 JSC. The equipment ensures pasteurization of raw materials and finished mayonnaise. The duration of the cycle does not exceed 2.5-3 hours.

The mayonnaise production plant offered by the Ekomash enterprise is designed for the preparation and packaging of various types of mayonnaise in polystyrene cups and glass jars. The kit includes a tank mixer, a rotary pulsation apparatus, a pump, a set of shut-off equipment and a semi-automatic filling machine.

Equipment manufacturers in Russia and the CIS countries offer customers both sets of equipment for the production of mayonnaise and individual homogenizers of well-known brands, mainly developed for the dairy industry. For example, the company "AGRO-3" offers homogenizers OGV, the Odessa Mechanical Plant - homogenizers K5-OG2A and A1-OG2M, the company "FlightM" - homogenizers made in Bulgaria MDH-401, the Stupino plant in the Moscow region - homogenizers RPA.

To avoid deterioration in quality and reduce shelf life, mayonnaise is packaged immediately after production. For this purpose, various packaging equipment is used depending on the container used, the choice of which, in turn, is dictated by the features of the technological process, the calorie content of the product and its shelf life.

The range of containers and packaging currently used is very large: from flasks with a capacity of 18 and 25 kg to plastic bags weighing 150 g. Both traditional glass two-hundred-gram “mayonnaise” jars and glass jars with a “twist-off” lid are widely used. Mayonnaise is packaged in plastic cups and buckets, tubes, plastic jars with various lids, plastic bags of various capacities, Pure-Pak packaging, etc. The materials from which these types of containers are made have high chemical resistance to mayonnaise and its components, and hygienic indicators do not exceed current sanitary standards.

Equipment for packaging mayonnaise products in polyethylene, polypropylene, laminated, glass containers with various types of closures is produced by many foreign and domestic companies.

The Istok company offers automatic lines "Alta-4" for packaging and sealing homogeneous viscous products in polystyrene cups with an aluminum foil lid with thermovarnish, with a capacity of 100 to 500 ml (with a capacity of 900-1400 packages per hour).

Automatic machines AV50F(Zh) - vertical packaging in polypropylene bags weighing from 0.1 to 1.0 kg, with a capacity of 35 packages per minute, supplied by Flight-M.

The production of mayonnaise has not yet been fully studied, since there are many technologies for preparing the mixture as a base for the future product. Everything goes back to ancient times, when extraordinary ways of creating this “delicacy” were used to make food piquant and unusual.

History of the production of mayonnaise and sauces

Food historians offer four possible theories for the origin of mayonnaise. The most popular story dates from June 28, 1756, when the French captured Port Mayon on the Spanish island of Minorca. In preparation for the victory celebration, the Duke's chef was forced to replace the olive oil with cream in the sauce. Unexpectedly pleased with the result, the chef christened the final sauce “mayonnaise” in honor of the place of victory.

Carame, a French writer and author of Cuisinier Parisien: Trarte des Entries Froids, believed that the word was derived from the French verb "manier", which means to stir. Another food expert, Prosper Montagnier, argued that the origin lay in the old French word "moyeu", which means egg yolk.

Still others insist that the cream sauce was the city of Bayonne's own creation in southwestern France. Thus, what was originally called "mayonnaise" was later modified to mayonnaise.

Regardless of its origins, mayonnaise quickly gained popularity, so it is not surprising that it appeared throughout European cuisine. In the early 1900s, a German immigrant named Richard Hellmann opened the delicacy in New York City. The salads his wife made were especially popular. When customers began asking if they could buy the mayonnaise itself, Hellmans decided to produce it in bulk and sell it by weight in small wooden jars to measure the oil.

Eventually the Hellmans began sorting their mayonnaise into glass jars. In 1913 they built their first mayonnaise factory. California-based company Best Foods Inc. also enjoyed success with its version of mayonnaise. In 1932, it acquired the Hellman brand and continued producing both versions of the sauce.

The production of which was focused on the production of salad dressings, was developed by the National Dairy Company in 1933 and presented at the World's Peace Fair in Chicago. The product eventually became known as Kraft Miracle Whip Salad Dressing.

Mayonnaise production technology - features of each crop

To create mayonnaise, you only need two steps to obtain the finished product.

Creating an emulsion:

  1. To maintain the correct degree of emulsification, a continuous mixing system is used. An emulsion (known technically as a colloid) occurs when mixing two liquids, in this case vinegar and oil, causes one to form small droplets that disperse throughout the other liquid.
  2. The vinegar and oil mixture moves continuously through a series of pumps that mix the ingredients. These devices have a cavity or set of cavities with rotating impellers. The controlled pumping action causes the cavities to fill and empty. Impellers move mixed fluid from one cavity to another.

The result is a uniform consistency, which is so important for this type of product. Next, various components are added, which is a way to diversify the base mixture.

Adding ingredients:

  1. Pre-measured ingredients are fed into the pipelines through holes in the sides of the pumps or from pressure sleeves.
  2. The mayonnaise is moved through a pumping system to the filling station. Pre-sterilized jars move along a conveyor belt and pre-measured quantities of mayonnaise are placed into them. They are sealed with metal screw clamps. At the same time, they are not sealed in a vacuum.

This mayonnaise is used by almost 80% of enterprises and factories. The standard scheme did not change for a long time until varieties of sauces with additives appeared.

Raw materials for creating sauces and mayonnaises

Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water emulsion that can contain up to 80% oil. Thickeners such as starches are used in low-fat products to replace the natural viscosity and bulking effect of oil, and to improve mouthfeel and provide a stable emulsion.

You can add spices and other natural seasonings, with the exception of turmeric and saffron. They gave mayonnaise a yellow tint, which consumers did not like, so the mayonnaise production line with them in its composition did not last long.

They also use vinegar, which is distilled from distilled alcohol, and lemon or lime juice (diluted with water). Soybean oil is the most common type of ingredient used in the production of mayonnaise.

Large scale production is usually carried out using a specially designed plant. This process is often semi-automated and under vacuum. Research and development uses experimental small-scale production, typical of the "ready-to-eat" market: sandwich makers, food service companies and other small companies. For them, mayonnaise needs to be produced in a way that will increase their sales, but at the same time experiment with the components of the composition.

Some typical recipes would be:

  1. In the first stage of production, the egg, which can be used in liquid or powder form, is dispersed in water. It acts as an emulsifier.
  2. The remaining continuous phase ingredients are then added and mixed until dispersed and hydrated.
  3. The oil is added so quickly that the continuous mixing phase immediately raises it. This leads to a sharp increase in the viscosity of the product during the formation of the emulsion.


"Continuous phase ingredients" make up only a small fraction of the total composition, but they perform vital functions. Mixing equipment must be able to disperse and moisten them properly at a relatively low volume of liquid. If the egg and other emulsifiers are not properly dispersed and hydrated, the emulsion may break during the oil addition step.

Hydration of stabilizers and thickeners is one of the most difficult mixing operations. The ingredients may need to be stirred for a long time to ensure complete hydration.

Due to the high proportion of oil in the recipe, the emulsion may break if it is not added to the continuous phase correctly. This is very difficult to control when the process is done manually.

The oil phase droplets must be reduced to a minimum size to maximize the oil surface area in the continuous mayonnaise production step to ensure a stable emulsion consistency. This cannot be achieved without special equipment.

Aeration should be minimized or eliminated to ensure maximum product shelf life.

Equipment for making mayonnaise

To achieve the desired result, you need to select the optimal equipment for creating mayonnaise. The devices operate on the following principle:

  1. Water is recirculated from the vessel through the system using a specially designed In-Line mixer. or liquid) is added to the vessel and is quickly wetted and dispersed in the high velocity liquid stream.
  2. The remaining ingredients in the aqueous phase are then added to the vessel. Recirculation continues until the ingredients are completely dispersed and hydrated.
  3. The oil supply valve opens and the oil flows from the hopper into the aqueous phase at a controlled rate. The ingredients of the water and oil phases enter directly into the working head of the mixer, where they are subjected to intensive mixing. This process finely distributes the oil in the aqueous phase, immediately forming an emulsion. Vinegar or lemon juice is added with the last portion of oil.
  4. Recirculation of the product continues to provide a uniform consistency as viscosity increases. After a short period, the process is completed and the finished product is discharged.

The method is ideal for small batches intended for immediate use. Aeration is minimized and the system virtually eliminates operator error. Raw material yield is maximized as thickeners are fully hydrated and other ingredients are properly dispersed. Mass production of mayonnaise occurs somewhat differently. The process is suitable for producing more than 1000 kg of products per hour:

  1. Metering pumps simultaneously add various ingredients to the reservoir in the required proportions.
  2. The mixture is pumped through a built-in mixer, and mayonnaise is obtained through only one compartment, all ready at once, and then pumped into a buffer tank and prepared for packaging.

Equipment for the production of mayonnaise in mass quantities should be installed in accordance with accepted quality standards, so that the products can then pass inspections and testing.

Quality control of finished products

All raw materials are checked for freshness when they arrive at the processing plant. Stored materials are also checked periodically. Mayonnaise samples are taken and taste tested during the production process.

A variety of mayonnaise-based sauces

There are many varieties of mayonnaise, including light and low-fat. This health-promoting seasoning can be part of a well-balanced diet to suit any dietary requirement. Mayonnaise is made from pure oils such as soybean and canola. They are a natural source of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. In addition to providing important fatty acids, these oils are also the main source of our daily vitamin E intake.

Commercial mayonnaise is also one of the safest products. Salad dressings contain pasteurized eggs that have been heat-treated to kill harmful bacteria and ensure the product is safe, so you can trust it. Tatar, spicy, and mustard sauces are created on the basis of mayonnaise. Since the production of mayonnaise involves the use of basic principles, they can be supplemented. You can diversify the taste, not the consistency or proportions, with the help of seasonings.

Russian factories - how are they different?

The production of mayonnaise in Russia is somewhat different from foreign ones due to technology and equipment. Thus, many technologists use basic recipes, creating only “shades” of compositions in terms of fat content and acidity.

To replace the fat from egg yolks, modified food starches are added. To ensure that low-fat mayonnaise retains the creamy texture and body of real mayonnaise, starches from corn or agar product (seaweed extraction) are used. In Moscow, mayonnaise production is carried out by top-level technologists. However, the recipe is standard and has not changed for years. The Togrus trademark does not change traditions and age-old quality standards.

Sometimes, according to recipes, salt is added to enhance the flavor. This amount is equal to approximately 1/16 teaspoon of salt per tablespoon of mayonnaise. To increase shelf life, preservatives such as calcium disodium salt are added. But mayonnaise production in Noginsk was formed relatively recently, but the plant already has many awards for the honorary title of “worthy example.”

Mayonnaise-based Hollandaise sauce recipe

You will need a blender to mix the products.

  1. Add double the amount of yolks (so that the blender blades are covered with it).
  2. Add 2 tsp. salt.
  3. Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once it starts to separate and is still bubbling, pour some into the blender with the motor running.
  4. Add a little more oil; the emulsion should produce a change in sound when the blender motor operates.
  5. Continue adding the oil slowly without adding milk solids.
  6. Season to taste with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Some mayonnaise production companies have incorporated this recipe into the base of some sauces. You can diversify them using spices and a combination of ingredients in proportions.

Tartar recipe

There are recipes for “Tartare” based on mayonnaise. It’s easy to do, given that the base is already ready:

  1. Mayonnaise - 300 g.
  2. Sour cream - 200 g.
  3. Pickled cucumber - 1 piece.

Mix the products until a uniform consistency is formed. Add garlic and herbs to taste. Sprinkle with lemon juice before serving.


The mayonnaise production business is quite a profitable business. The basis for such enrichment was created by Africans: they produce the sauce in simple jars without inscriptions or brands, using a cheap recipe and available raw materials. Thanks to such factors, many businessmen can secure goods and create their own sales business. If we talk about setting up production, then we should start with small batches, because for continuous sales of 1000 kg, you need to find sales points. Egg-free mayonnaise is gaining popularity - vegetarians and people who cannot tolerate this product will be the main consumers.

The product will be packaged in plastic containers (buckets) of various capacities: from 500 ml - for retail; up to 5 liters – for catering establishments (cafes, canteens, kitchens). The market niche for mayonnaise is a regional and affordable product in the “economy” category.

Assessment of business prospects

The fairly high popularity of mayonnaise and a large number of consumers are the reasons why the mayonnaise market in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Thus, according to UkrAgroConsult estimates, the volume of mayonnaise consumption in Russia last year exceeded 750 thousand tons. And the market itself has more than doubled over the past 10 years. The potential audience can be divided into two groups - retail clients (B2C sector) and corporate clients (B2B sector). The lion's share of product sales (up to 95%) will go to the direct end consumers of mayonnaise - Russians who buy it at various retail outlets.

The main sales points for mayonnaise are now markets, pavilions, linear retail, as well as food supermarkets and hypermarkets. In this case, it is necessary to take into account regional trends: for example, if in the markets of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities the demand for mayonnaise is gradually moving to the retail chain format, then in the regions markets or ordinary grocery stores dominate.

Separately, it should be said about possible niches for small and medium-sized mayonnaise producers. At the moment, the market in the “average” and “above average” price categories is firmly occupied by leading brands - TM “Makheev”, TM “Sloboda”, TM “Moscow Provencal” and TM “Ryaba”. These brands have strong marketing support and firmly hold their positions.

In this regard, there are not many free niches left for new manufacturers, but they still exist.

  • Firstly, this is a regional niche for mayonnaise in the lower and budget categories. The main emphasis should be on promotion through non-chain retail - trade pavilions, markets, convenience stores, etc. outlets.
  • Secondly, prospects for new manufacturers are opening up in fairly narrow and specific niches. In particular, these could be mayonnaises with some new and unusual flavors - since the traditional tastes “Provencal” and “olive” are firmly occupied by leading brands.
  • Thirdly, additional prospects are opening up due to the B2B niche, which is formed by regional catering enterprises - canteens, cafes, as well as companies engaged in the production of custom salads and other dishes that include mayonnaise.

Production technology and necessary equipment

Mayonnaise is an “oil in water” emulsion made from refined deodorized oils, with the addition of emulsifiers, as well as various flavorings and spices. The technological process for preparing mayonnaise, the requirements for it and for the main starting components are regulated GOST 30004.1-93 "Mayonnaise. Technical conditions".

The following raw materials are used in production:

  • sunflower, soybean, olive or corn oil;
  • egg powder;
  • powdered cow's milk (whole or skim);
  • sugar, table salt, soda, mustard powder;
  • acetic acid and water;

In order to obtain a final product with improved taste and consistency, it is allowed to add additives and stabilizers, the list of which is also determined by GOST.

General mayonnaise production process diagram consists of 10 stages, the first of which is the preparation and dosing of components. From which, in the second and third stages, egg and mustard-milk paste are made, respectively. The next steps are adding oil, and making, first, a vinegar-salt solution, then a coarse and, finally, a fine emulsion. In essence, this is ready-made mayonnaise, which is subsequently packaged in containers, placed on transport vehicles and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Equipment set

For small and medium-sized businesses, the Russian market offers a fairly large selection of equipment with appropriate productivity.

For example, the Russian company NPP Elf 4M offers the supply of affordable lines for portion production of mayonnaise for small businesses.

More productive equipment that meets the needs of medium-sized businesses is offered by the Russian manufacturer INOX.

In addition to the main production equipment, a business needs a cold storage room to store finished products. Considering that product shipments will be made 2 times a week, the chamber should provide storage for 3.5 days of production and have a volume of about 10 m3. A camera of this size from a Russian manufacturer costs about 118 thousand rubles.

Feasibility study of the project

The capital costs of starting a business are

  • purchase of a line for the production of mayonnaise IPKS-0401 (capacity 1100 kg per day) - 621 thousand rubles;
  • delivery, installation and launch of the production line - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a freezer - 118 thousand rubles.
  • preparation and overhaul of production premises - 500 thousand rubles;
  • creating a monthly supply of raw materials (butter, egg powder, milk, additives) and plastic containers - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of activities, coordination with the SES, other expenses - 200 thousand rubles.

Total investment for mayonnaise production: 2,039,000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue and profitability

The standard productivity of the line is 1100 kg of products per day.

Provided the site operates 250 days a year and reaches 50% of production capacity, 137.5 tons of mayonnaise will be produced per year.

The wholesale price of budget category mayonnaise (50% fat) in plastic packaging is around 50 rubles per 1 kg. Annual revenue from the sale of mayonnaise will be 6.85 million rubles, net profitability 20%, payback 18-24 months.

A few introductory words

Mayonnaise is the most common industrially produced sauce. Its consumption in Russia reaches 3 kg per person per year, and this figure tends to increase. Mayonnaise is a creamy oil-in-water emulsion made from refined vegetable oils with the addition of flavorings and spices, and is used as seasonings to improve the taste of meat, fish, vegetable, cereal and flour dishes. The production of mayonnaise in small enterprises can be identified as one of the most profitable, which is facilitated by the increased interest of the population in small-scale products that have clear differences from the usual standards of mass production. Another feature of small production, favorable for the small manufacturer, is that the equipment used is easy to operate, while the technology mayonnaise production and sauces is quite simple. And this allows you to set up the production process in a short period of 1 - 2 months.

Some questions and answers

- What is mayonnaise? What does it consist of?

Mayonnaise is an emulsion: it consists of many microscopic drops of vegetable oil placed in an aqueous mixture of a certain composition.

- What are the raw materials for making mayonnaise?

The main component of mayonnaise is vegetable oil (from 40 to 60 percent of weight). Highly refined olive or sunflower oil is used. The other part of mayonnaise is a water mixture including salt, vinegar, mustard, egg powder, starch, and flavorings.

- What do you need to start producing mayonnaise?

Firstly, you need a room that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements and is suitably equipped. Secondly, a certain set of equipment. And finally, it is imperative to have a sufficiently experienced technologist.

- What is the main thing in mayonnaise production technology?

The most important thing is strict adherence to the developed recipes and regimens. Any violation will affect, first of all, the actual shelf life.

- How to choose equipment?

First of all, you need to determine the desired production volume. The main selection criterion is the possibility of complete and fairly quick implementation of the product. Next comes the choice of one of the kits offered by various companies. The compositions of such kits are very similar, but there may be differences in the design - units that crush the mass of oil into microscopic droplets. However, these differences are not fundamental. The main factors influencing the choice are the price of the equipment and the degree of automation of the technological process.

- How to choose a method for packaging mayonnaise and equipment for this?

The easiest way is to pack it in plastic containers. In this case, the least expensive set of equipment is used. However, the shelf life when using this type of packaging is minimal. Packaging in glass jars is the most hygienic and gives the longest shelf life. The equipment is also relatively inexpensive. However, this is the most labor-intensive packaging method. Finally, the most expensive equipment is used for packaging mayonnaise in disposable polymer bags. At the same time, this method is the least labor intensive. In addition, in this case, the costs of storing and transporting the product are minimal.

- What determines the quality of mayonnaise?

The main quality indicators are taste and shelf life. Taste qualities are determined by the quality of raw materials and recipe. Development of recipes is a function of highly qualified technologists; proprietary recipes are trade secrets. Thus, the taste of mayonnaise depends entirely on the technologist. The main indicator of durability is the absence of delamination and oil release. This indicator depends on compliance with the technology and storage conditions.

- What is the payback period for the equipment?

The exact calculation results are given below. Practice has shown that the real time period, taking into account the time for debugging production and reaching design productivity, is three? four months.

About raw materials and ingredients

Table mayonnaises of the "Provencal" and "Lyubitelsky" types, medium-calorie "Molochny" type and low-calorie "Moskovsky" type are produced in accordance with GOST R-50174-92 "Mayonnaise" on technical equipment for the preparation of liquid nutritional mixtures of the AMZ-0.8 type.

The following raw materials are used for the preparation of mayonnaise:

  • vegetable oil (sunflower, soybean, corn, cottonseed);
  • egg powder;
  • whole cow's milk powder and skim milk powder;
  • corn and potato starch;
  • granulated sugar, salt, acetic acid, baking soda, water.

Other flavoring and stabilizing additives are also used. More details about the raw materials and ingredients, as well as the characteristics and requirements for the products of the mayonnaise workshop, are described in the brochure “Mayonnaise lines: technical and economic calculation”, prepared and published by the company “Dialog Plus” based on calculations made by the company’s specialists.

About recipes

In the Middle Ages, the recipes for mayonnaise and sauces were the secret secrets of European royal cuisine, and few dignitaries could boast of their inventive cook - the creator of these exquisite seasonings. Nowadays, the most popular mayonnaises are “Provencal”, “Saladny” and “Lyubitelsky”, sample recipes for which are given below.

name of raw materials Mass fraction of components, %
"Provencal" "Amateur" "Salad"
1. 65,40 46,00 35,00
2. Egg powder 5,00 5,00 6,00
3. Skimmed milk powder 1,60 1,60 2,50
4. Mustard powder 0,75 0,25 - 0,75 1,20
5. Sodium bicarbonate 0,05 0,05 0,05
6. Sugar (sand) 1,05 1,50 3,00
7. Table salt 1,00 - 1,30 1,10 1,50 - 2,00
8. Sodium alginate - 0-0,50 1,5 - 2,00
9. Acetic acid 80% 0,55 - 0,75 0,65 0,55 - 0,75
10. Water 24,15 - 23,65 43,85 - 42,85 24,15 - 23,65

About technology (mini-line equipment)

In the brochure "Mayonnaise lines: technical and economic calculations" the main equipment of the sets (lines) is discussed in detail; only the most important technical indicators of the sets based on the IPKS-056 mini-plant described in the brochure, for which technical and economic calculations were performed, are presented here.

About mayonnaise production technology

The principles of the technology for making table mayonnaise, outlined below, are based on their recipe. On its basis, a technical process or technological instructions can be drawn up for the production of a specific name of mayonnaise, taking into account the process of preparing spices and gelling additives.

The mayonnaise production process consists of four main stages:

Preparation of recipe components

  1. Packaging, packaging, labeling

The sequence of operations can be described in the following order:

Preparation of recipe components. Preparation of bulk ingredients (milk powder, granulated sugar, egg powder, salt): sifting and dosing by weight in accordance with the recipes, and then loading into food containers.

Preparing mustard. 24 hours before the start of mayonnaise production, the required amount of mustard powder is placed in an enamel or stainless steel bowl and filled with water at a temperature of 80-100 o C in a ratio of 1: 2. The mixture is well mixed until smooth, smoothing the top layer. Water with a temperature of 100 o C and a height of 4-6 cm is carefully poured onto a flat surface of the mixture. The container is tightly closed with a lid and left alone for a day. Before use, the top layer of water is carefully drained.

Preparation of egg powder solution. In a food container, egg powder is dispersed in warm water with a temperature of 40-50 o C in a ratio of 1: 1, then hot water with a temperature of 60-75 o C is added to the mass until a ratio of egg powder and water is 1: 1.5. The composition is thoroughly mixed by hand until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Preparation of vinegar-salt solution. 9% table vinegar according to the recipe is poured into an aluminum tank, previously filled with the amount of salt corresponding to the recipe, and diluted with water.

Making mayonnaise paste

Dry components are manually poured from measuring containers filled in accordance with the recipe into an emulsifier mixer and filled with boiled water at a temperature of at least 30-40 o C. The mixture is pasteurized (heated to 80-85 o C) with thorough stirring for 30 minutes. At the same time, granulated sugar is added. At the end of pasteurization, the mass is mixed and cooled to a temperature of 50-55 o C. Then the prepared amount of egg powder and mustard is introduced. The mixture is heated again (to 60-65 o C) and kept at it for 25-30 minutes, and then cooled to 30 o C.

Preparation of mayonnaise emulsion

Vegetable oil is added to the mayonnaise paste with further mixing. After the entire dose of oil has been received and a homogeneous emulsion has been obtained, a vinegar-salt solution is introduced and the mixture is stirred for another 15-20 minutes. At the last stage, the final homogenization of the resulting mixture is carried out using a homogenizer pump, after which the product is poured into flasks or finished product containers for further packaging and packaging. Mayonnaise packaging can be carried out in several ways: in glass or polymer containers (glass jars with a capacity of 200-250 and 500 ml with metal lids, polymer cups with polymer lids or sealed with foil, polymer 1 - 2 liter cans, PET bottles of various volumes and shapes with screw caps lids, and so on). The equipment used at this stage is very diverse both in purpose and in design features, performance and price. On small lines, polymer packaging is most often used and quite simple and productive dosing devices (in terms of volume) of the UD-2 type and installations for welding polystyrene cups with Al-foil USS-2 are used.

About prices, product costs, profits and payback periods
(excerpts from technical and economic calculations

A person or group of entrepreneurs who decide to engage in food production will, as a rule, primarily be interested in the following questions:

  1. Cost of a set of equipment.
  2. How much money will be spent on the purchase of raw materials, consumption of electricity, heat, etc. - current production costs.
  3. How soon will this production generate profit and the amount of this profit.
  4. Equipment payback period.
  5. Sales market.

These and many questions are answered in detail in our brochure. "Mayonnaise lines: technical and economic calculation." Here are a few excerpts from it.

Product cost represents a cost estimate of the raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, fixed assets, labor resources used in the production process, as well as other costs for its production and sale.

Total cost- total cost of production for the month (including taxes - 4%).

Payback period equipment represents a period of time after which the total value of depreciation charges and net profit of the enterprise will be equal to the book value of the purchased equipment.

Net profit- the difference between the volume of planned sales (revenue) and the total cost of production.

Break even- the amount for which products must be produced in order to cover one’s own production costs. Knowing the selling price of the manufactured products, you can determine what timeframes will be needed to start break-even production. Therefore, the break-even point is often determined in units of time (days, months). For the calculations, it was assumed that the equipment is located in a newly created small enterprise and that this enterprise enjoys certain well-known tax benefits.

Initial data:

  • work is carried out in 3 shifts (8 hours each);
  • the salary of each worker is 1,500 rubles;
  • there are 25 working days in a month;
  • product sales - 100%.

Wholesale purchasing prices for raw materials and ingredients (excluding VAT, as of September 1999 in the Moscow region)

Raw materials Unit change Price
Refined deodorized vegetable oil 1 l 19 rub.
Tap drinking water 1 m 3 13 rub. 82 kopecks
Egg powder 1 kg 63 rub.
Skimmed milk powder 1 kg 30 rub.
Mustard powder 1 kg 13 rub.
Sugar (sand) 1 kg 7 rub.
Salt 1 kg 1.2 rub.
Electricity 1 kW/h 45 kopecks

The results of calculating the cost of 1 liter of products and its selling price are given below.

Options Unit change Kit number
№1 №2
Material costs (based on 1 liter of finished product) rub/l 16,25 16,25
Payroll fund rub/l 0,25 0,19
Depreciation deductions rub/l 0,08 0,11
Other costs rub/l 2,47 2,47
Taxes attributable to cost rub/l 0,76 0,76
Cost price rub/l 19,82 19,77
Selling price excluding VAT rub/l 21,80 21,75

Below, in the final table, are the results of calculating the break-even point of production, net profit and payback periods for equipment for each of the three lines (sets).

Final table

Main source and calculation items Kit (line) number
№ 1 № 2
Cost of equipment including VAT (RUB) 135000 245000
Break-even point (months) 0,63 0,63
Net profit (rubles) 148 621 197 643
Equipment payback period (months) 0,8 1,1

Main conclusions from the calculation results

1. The break-even point in time for all sets is the same and is about half a month. This is explained by the same ratio of fixed and variable costs adopted in the calculations.

2. Equipment performance determines its payback period and the amount of net profit. The higher the equipment productivity, the higher the net profit and the shorter the payback period.

3. The calculations assumed the same relative value of the planned profit, so the profitability of production for all sets is also the same and amounts to 10%. If prices on the market for products sold significantly exceed the cost of the final product produced, then the planned profit will grow and, accordingly, the profitability of production will increase.

In this article:

The production of mayonnaise and ketchup is rightfully considered one of the most profitable. The production of mustard is slightly inferior in economic efficiency, so it is recommended to consider it as an auxiliary product. There is an increased interest of the population in small-scale products, which differ from the standards of mass production. This trend can serve a budding entrepreneur well.

On average, the population consumes about 3.5 kilograms of pasty products per year (mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup). Thus, the product will be in demand, and its production will be economically profitable.

Organizational nuances of the food business

1. Deciding on the organizational form of business

To operate a mini-factory for the production of pasty products, it is recommended to register an LLC on the general taxation system. Strategic partners are wholesale warehouses, food warehouses and supermarkets, which often prefer to cooperate with a reliable company.

To prepare periodic reporting, it will be more economical to use the services of an outsourcing company.

During the registration process, a novice entrepreneur will need the following OKVED code: 15.87 Production of spices and seasonings

2. We study regulations

Before releasing the first batch of pasty products, it is recommended to study state standards:

  • GOST R 53590-2009 Mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces. General technical conditions.
  • GOST R 52141-2003 Ketchups. General technical conditions.
  • GOST 9159-71 Mustard seeds.

3. Product certification

To organize the production of any type of sauce, it is mandatory to undergo certification and receive the necessary package of documents that will confirm the quality of the product. To complete it, it is necessary to decide on the regulatory document according to which paste products will be produced.

Regulatory documents can be the above-mentioned GOSTs or personally developed specifications (technical conditions).

Mayonnaise production technology

There are various recipes for mayonnaise, but the main ingredients in it are unchanged - eggs and vegetable (soybean) oil. From eggs, only the yolks, only the whites, or both are taken. Eggs must be pasteurized to kill salmonella and other bacteria. Eggs are delivered to large enterprises in metal tanks in liquid form.

Using a pump, the eggs are pumped through a hose into a cooling receiving tank.

The second main ingredient is soybean oil. All tanks or other containers that come from the supplier must be hermetically sealed and not opened until they arrive at the mini-plant. The pump also pumps oil into storage tanks. Next, additional ingredients are weighed - spices that need to be added according to the company's secret recipe.

The resulting mixture is poured into a tank at room temperature. As a result of mixing all the components, mayonnaise paste is obtained.

Meanwhile, the raw eggs are poured into a large refrigerated tank. Thus, in the production workshop there are 3 containers: with pasta, eggs and soybean oil. Next, in a certain ratio (according to the company’s recipe), all components are sent to a mixing vat.

After 5 minutes of operation of the unit, the eggs, paste and oil are mixed into a homogeneous mass - mayonnaise.

Periodically, samples of the mini-plant product are sent to the laboratory for quality control.

Laboratory technicians evaluate parameters such as color, consistency and smell. After checking the finished product for quality, the packaging machine pours it into plastic containers. It is recommended to place foil inside the lid, which is attached by induction heating. It is this that will protect the mayonnaise from heating, and also indicate that the jar was not opened after shipment from the factory.

The quality control laboratory carries out another check - the consistency of the product is measured.

Ketchup production technology

Ketchup production begins by adding a mixture of sugar and salt to a giant pot of water. The components are thoroughly mixed.

As the main raw material, factories often use ready-made concentrated tomato paste, which is pumped into a large digester.

A sugar-salt solution is placed in it.


The mixture is thoroughly mixed in a giant cauldron. Steam is supplied between the internal and external walls of the unit, which prevents the mass from burning. The stirrers constantly rotate and make the ketchup homogeneous, i.e. homogenization of the mixture occurs.

Digester structure

The finished factory sauce is sent for laboratory testing, where the mass fraction of soluble solids is measured using a refractometer - i.e. find out if there are enough tomatoes in ketchup.

If all the parameters suit the specialist (consistency, aroma, color, etc.), then the batch is sent in bottles.

The containers can be manufactured in a neighboring workshop. The basis is PVC granules, which many plastic products are made of. Next, dye is added - so the container will acquire a noticeable red color.

The granules are heated and ground in a device that is similar to a meat grinder - an extruder.

Hot red “sausages” are pressed on both sides by the walls of the molds.

Then the syringe injects a portion of air into the plastic blank and the semi-finished product becomes a “pot-bellied” bottle.

It is noteworthy that a standard ketchup bottle weighs only 42 grams; it comes to bottling directly from the conveyor, barely cooling down.

In this case, ketchup is bottled using hot technology, when the temperature of the finished product should not be less than 80 degrees. In this case, the appearance and proliferation of bacteria in the sauce is prevented. Next, the bottles are equipped with caps, labels and packaged in boxes.

Technology for producing mustard from seeds

The starting ingredients for the production of the product are: mustard plant seeds, pepper and turmeric, salt, water and white vinegar. The crushed ingredients are poured into a mixing tank with water and vinegar.

The approximate proportions for making yellow mustard are as follows: 60% water, 20% vinegar, 15% seeds and 5% spices.

Mustard seed is added last. A huge rotary mixer mixes all the components for about an hour at a speed that helps break up the grains (up to 265 km/h).

Rotary mixer

The contents are poured into a stainless steel mill.

Inside the unit there are 2 artificial stones that grind the grains (millstone grinding). During the grinding process, the mixture is heated to 60 degrees, as a result of which it turns into bright yellow mustard with a creamy consistency. Before bottling, the finished product is checked for uniformity.

If the particles are larger than a quarter of a millimeter, then specialists adjust the millstones to a finer grinding program.

Let's organize a mini-factory - a list of mandatory steps

The preliminary stage of releasing the first batch of the finished product is:

  • choosing a room that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • acquisition of a technological line;
  • search for an experienced technologist.

The equipment procurement stage is inextricably linked with the planned production volume. Almost all technological lines have a similar configuration. The difference lies in the design of the homogenizer - the apparatus that is responsible for crushing into microscopic droplets. The main factors that influence the choice of a forward-thinking entrepreneur are the cost of the production line and the degree of automation of the technological process.

You also need to decide on the packaging method. For mayonnaise, the most preferred options are tubes (polymer disposable bags) or plastic containers.

Equipment for this type of packaging is inexpensive. In the case of bottling in glass jars, the finished product will have a maximum shelf life, and the production process will be labor-intensive.

Thus, the first method of packaging pasty products (mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard) is the most preferable, since it will be possible to achieve minimal storage and transportation costs.

We purchase a technological line for the production of pasty products, which consists of the following units:

  • long-term pasteurization baths with stirrers; (photo bath)
  • boiler;
  • homogenizer; (photo homogenizer)
  • vacuum installation; (photo of vacuum installations)
  • transfer pump;
  • storage tanks for raw materials and finished products; (photo storage tanks)
  • dispenser and packaging plant. (photo of packaging machine)

The cost of the production line is 3,000,000 rubles.

It is planned that the mini-plant's products will be in the middle price segment. It is planned to produce mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.

Economic feasibility of the production process

To operate a mini-factory for the production of pasty products, 9 people will be enough:

  • director – 13,000 rubles;
  • chief technologist – 12,000 rubles;
  • laboratory assistant – 11,000 rubles;
  • manager for procurement of raw materials and sales of finished products - 9,000 rubles;
  • 5 workers to service the line (5,000 rubles each) - 25,000 rubles.

Total monthly payroll is 70,000 rubles.

Monthly fixed costs will consist of the following sections:

  • Payroll – 70,000 rubles;
  • utility costs - 7,000 rubles;
  • rental of an industrial building – 10,000 rubles;
  • transportation costs – 5,000 rubles;
  • packaging containers – 4,000 rubles.

Total: 96,000 rubles.

Business plan for mayonnaise production

Let's determine the cost of 1 kilogram of mayonnaise (2 jars of 500 grams each). The starting ingredients for the production of the finished product are:

  • vegetable oil – 25% (30 rubles per 1 liter) – 7.5 rubles;
  • eggs (egg powder) – 20% (30 rubles for 10 pieces) – 6 rubles;
  • water, sugar and salt - 46% (20 rubles per 1 kg) - 9.20 rubles;
  • acetic acid - 3% (35 rubles per 1 liter) - 1.05 rubles;
  • spices 6% - (80 rubles per 1 kg) - 4.80 rubles.

Total: 28.55 rubles.

The planned daily production volume of mayonnaise is 70 kg (140 plastic jars or 350 tubes). Thus, monthly production, taking into account 22 working days, will be equal to 1540 kg (3080 packages of the finished product in plastic containers or 7700 pieces of the finished product in tubes).

Total cost = Monthly production x Cost of 1 kg of mayonnaise = 1540 kg x 28.55 rubles. = 43,967.00 rubles.

Gross income = Monthly output x Retail cost of 1 kg of mayonnaise = 1540 kg x 150 rubles. = 231,000 rubles.

The financial performance indicators of the mini-plant for the first month of operation of the enterprise will be presented in the following form:

  • gross income – 231,000 rubles;
  • cost price – 43,967 rubles;
  • gross profit - 187,033 rubles;
  • monthly fixed costs – 96,000 rubles / 3 types of product = 32,000 rubles;
  • profit minus taxation (15%) – 131,778 rubles.
  • return on sales - 57%.

Ketchup production business plan

Let's calculate the cost of 1 kilogram of ketchup (2 jars of 500 grams each). The starting ingredients for the production of the finished product are:

  • concentrated tomato paste 28% (100 rub./kg) – 28 rubles;
  • sugar 10% (30 rub./kg) – 3 rubles;
  • water 42% – 0 rubles;
  • dried vegetables 9% (100 rub./kg) – 9 rubles;
  • spices – 4% (120 rubles/kg) – 4.80 rubles;
  • salt – 7% (10 rubles/kg) – 0.70 rubles.

Total: 45.50 rubles.

The monthly output of the finished product will be 1650 kg or 5500 packages of 300 grams.

Total cost = Monthly production x Cost of 1 kg of ketchup = 1650 kg x 45.50 rubles. = 75,075.00 rubles.

Gross income = Monthly output x Retail cost of 1 kg of ketchup = 1650 kg x 130 rubles. = 214,500 rubles.

The mini-plant will complete the first month of work on selling ketchup with the following financial indicators:

  • gross income – 214,500 rubles;
  • cost price – 75,075 rubles;
  • gross profit – 139,425 rubles;
  • profit minus taxation (15%) – 123,539 rubles;
  • return on sales – 57%.

Mustard production business plan

Let's calculate the cost of 1 kilogram of mustard.

The following ingredients are required for its production:

  • water 60% - 0 rubles.
  • mustard plant seeds 15% (90 rubles/kg) – 13.50 rubles;
  • pepper 2% (150 rub./kg) – 3 rubles;
  • turmeric 2% (125 rub./kg) – 2.50 rubles;
  • salt 1% (10 rub./kg) - 0.10 rubles;
  • white vinegar 20%. (160 rubles/liter) – 32 rubles.

Total: 51.10 rubles.

The monthly output of the finished product will be 500 kg or 2500 jars of 200 grams each.

Total cost = Monthly production x Cost of 1 kg of mustard = 500 kg x 51.10 rubles. = 25,550 rubles.

Gross income = Monthly output x Retail cost of 1 kg of mustard = 500 kg x 150 rubles. = 75,000 rubles.

Subject to 100% sales of finished products, the mini-plant will complete the first month of operation with the following indicators:

  • gross income – 75,000 rubles;
  • cost price – 25,550 rubles;
  • gross profit – 49,450 rubles;
  • monthly fixed costs – 32,000 rubles;
  • profit minus taxation (15%) – 14,832 rubles.
  • return on sales – 19%.

Thus, the production of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard is an economically profitable business. The total net profit is 271,935 rubles, and the average return on sales is 45%. Financial investments will fully pay off in 1.5 years.

Sales of pasty products

The main forces of the sales manager must be directed to concluding contracts with wholesalers, grocery stores and supermarkets. At first, in order to stimulate strategic partners, it is advisable to use several simple techniques:

  • providing a discount for each additional box of goods that was purchased over a certain period of time; - each intermediary for a free product (for example, 10 pieces of packaging), subject to the purchase of a certain number of boxes;
  • discount on products subject to pickup;
  • monetary incentives for dealers (sellers) for their efforts to promote paste products.

To increase product recognition, the manufacturer can produce souvenirs with the company logo (pens, calendars, notepads, etc.) and give them to the public free of charge. It would also be advisable to hold a promotion to sell packaging at a discounted price. Stimulation of short-term sales growth is possible in the case of selling 2-3 related products (mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard) at a reduced price.

During the first months of operation of the mini-factory, investments in advertising will not be impressive. This is especially true for plans to work exclusively in your region, as well as cooperation with small wholesalers and directly with supermarkets. In this case, the taste qualities of the manufactured products will work for themselves. However, if the assortment increases, it will be necessary to properly promote the product. Bright packaging, a creative slogan, participation in international competitions and winning prizes will help increase demand from consumers.


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