The script for the anniversary of a 75-year-old man is interesting. "Hero of the Evening" Scenario for a cool birthday for a man. Congratulations from the son of Nikolai Ivanovich

Preparing a birthday is always busy and time consuming, and when it comes to a special 75th birthday, the pre-holiday bustle reaches its peak. But for every hero of the day, not only amazing gifts and special treats, a huge gift cake are important, attention sometimes plays the most important role. Therefore, it is worth taking a little time and preparing a script for the anniversary of the 75th anniversary of the man, so that the holiday turns out to be unforgettable and touching. The older generation most appreciate this kind of attention.

How to celebrate a man's 75th birthday

Required for the celebration.

Take on the role of leader
print the text of each participant on a separate piece of paper
pick up some greeting cards
decorate the room where the event will be held with balloons, posters, streamers with congratulations.

The simplest version of the script is to prepare several holiday greetings, which are laid out on the table in the form of small postcards. Each guest reads his text during the celebration.

But 75 years is a serious date and you want to make the holiday special, so it’s better to take the preparation of this event seriously. Moreover, a real festive evening can be held, even if there are no professional artists among those invited. The main thing is to distribute all the roles in advance and conduct at least one rehearsal.

Be sure to appoint a responsible photographer who will capture this joyful event. After the celebration, the photographs will make a wonderful commemorative album, and the words for the captions under the photo will be the script for the anniversary of the 75th anniversary of the man.


This scenario contains various congratulations from relatives and friends, so each sounded congratulation can also be pronounced in the form of a toast.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered to heartily congratulate our dear hero of the day on his birthday! 75 years is a special date!
Today, on the occasion of the anniversary, we are looking for unusual words,
So that everything is always easy and clear,
To make life happy
So that health never fails
And all the relatives were there.
Let's invite our loved ones to the party!
Let's bring all our friends together!

A small excerpt from Vakhtang Kikabidze's song "My Year" sounds.

Leading. Years, in fact, are real wealth for our hero of the day. We know how much the whole life (name of the hero of the day) is filled with noble and kind deeds. All relatives, friends and relatives can confirm that our birthday boy is a persistent, wise and noble person whom each of us respects and loves infinitely. Therefore, now I want to give the floor to the closest person to the wife of the hero of the day.

Wife. I will never forget the first time I saw you. Now we can say for sure that it was true love at first sight. From our first dates, I wanted you to become my husband, so that we could have a happy family. My wishes came true! We have lived with you for a long time. happy years We have wonderful children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren! In our life there was all sorts of joy and sorrow, but we were always together, always next to each other. Today, when all relatives and friends have gathered for your anniversary, I want to wish you, my dear, health and long life! After all, we have already earned money, achieved success, and we have happiness and love! You are very dear to me, my dear!

Leading. Look dear guests at the children of our hero of the day. They are in today in full force gathered at our festive table, and each of them wants to congratulate his beloved dad!

Daughter. For me, your family dad has always been a role model. Your love, your devotion to each other has become a real guiding star for me. I dedicate this poem to my parents.

Daughter reads a poem by Vasily Fedorov “And I once thought that gray-haired ...”

Daughter. Dad be happy, healthy, live long, long!

It is good if all family members, even the smallest ones, participate in the holiday. After all, almost any child is able to learn a small quatrain. At the same time, you should not arrange a grandiose performance with the kids, unless, of course, the children are engaged in a music school, ballroom dancing or a drama club. The older generation has a special attitude towards grandchildren, and it is best for a man to include the performance of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the scenario of the 75th anniversary of the man. All grandfathers are proud of the achievements of their grandchildren and they are especially pleased to see the performance of each of them. But in any case, even the most enchanting number should not last more than 5 minutes. Not only the performers themselves, but also the audience get tired of a long performance, and the holiday should be dynamic.

Leading. Now it's time for the smallest guests of the celebration. They prepared a special gift for Grandpa!

Poetic congratulations from grandchildren

My dear grandfather
We are all proud of you.
I will always try
To equal you
And I'll tell everyone a secret.
There is no better grandfather!

My kind and considerate
My best grandfather in the world
You are the most wonderful,
Live another hundred years!

Who knows everything in the world
Who understands grandchildren
Who in the world is not better
This is my favorite grandfather.

My grandfather is dear
My dearest
Looking forward to our adventures
stories and conversations!

Each of these small poems can be broken down into small passages, or the whole verse can be read to one child. After the performance, all the children come up, hug and kiss the hero of the day.

A son. Dad, I want to wish you all the best in everything! May your health never let you down! May your faithful friends be by your side! May every day be happy! On this day, I also want to congratulate my mother, the hostess of the celebration!

Our beloved mother,
The hostess, which can not be found.
Beautiful, kind, nice.
We want to wish you
May your love and respect be kept in the family forever.
Health, smiles, patience and happiness for all time!

Leading. It is impossible for a man to imagine the scenario of a 75th anniversary without the participation of the friends of the hero of the day in it, so the next congratulations are congratulations from his closest friends.

Friend. I want to wish my friend who I have known for many years a happy birthday. Happy anniversary to you (name of the hero of the day)! Our friendship has been tested by time, it is stronger than granite, we always follow each other like a mountain. And may it always be so!

When preparing the solemn part, one should not forget about the age of the birthday man and invited guests. Too long a holiday can simply tire an elderly person. Therefore, it is better to hold various contests and quizzes if there is confidence in the strength of each of the participants in the identity.

Anniversary - always significant event In human life. This is a great occasion to gather relatives and friends at the same table, to see all friends and colleagues, acquaintances and partners. In a word - to arrange a holiday for your beloved and dear people, but first of all - for yourself. In order for this event to be remembered for sure, it is necessary to prepare for it in a certain way. To do this, you can make a small script: "Jubilee - 75 years for a man!"

To decorate the room, use Balloons red and Let them be tied by color and filled with helium. It would be nice to place large numbers with the anniversary date on the wall.

In a 75-year-old man, it is important to introduce musical accompaniment, consisting of compositions by performers close in age to the birthday man. Let it be, for example, Adriano Celentano, the Beatles.

A mandatory attribute should be a large table with comfortable chairs, a variant of several small tables for 6 people is possible. Let one of the friends or girlfriends of the hero of the day be the leader.


Indispensable congratulatory speeches included in the script: "Jubilee - 75 years of a man!" there will be congratulations to the children and grandchildren of the birthday man. Approximately they should carry the following meaning: “We have always been proud of our father and grandfather. We admired his strength and purposefulness, rigor and ability to work. Only thanks to him we managed to achieve everything that we have now. Thank you for your tireless support and heartfelt understanding! With all our heart we wish you to live even more lived! Good health to you, joy from children and grandchildren! 75 is not a sunset at all, it's just the evening time of life, when only the most interesting begins! Happy anniversary, you, our dear man!

And of course, this is the best time to present a gift.

Scenario: "75 years old man", will include congratulations from friends of youth and colleagues. From everyone who came with joy to congratulate the hero of the day. The host, in turn, of course, can create a festive atmosphere as if in passing, unobtrusively: “Today we can plunge into the past! Let's forget about numbers and time and go to the unforgettable 60s that have remained in our memory. Let's remember what we always keep with warmth and love! Let calm melodic music begin to sound.

And now the guests are gradually seated at the table.
Scenario: "Jubilee - 75 years of a man!" must have a corresponding menu.

For appetizers: vegetable salads, steamed vegetable stew, Caesar and Mimosa salads, cold cuts.

For hot dishes: boiled or mashed potatoes, steaks or with cream or mushroom sauce.

Let the dessert please you with a large decorated with bright cream flowers and the number - 75.

Let there be white and red wine in the assortment of drinks. For dessert: tea and coffee, fruit drink and lemonade.

Toast "For our victories!" you can smoothly sum up the scenario "Jubilee - 75 years for a man!" to completion:
“It is customary to compare each anniversary with a certain milestone in life. You already have many milestones behind you. Each milestone is a certain victory, the conclusion of some stage. Let's raise a glass to all your victories!"

The table is set and everything is ready. So there is an anniversary in the house! Hey, master, pour it up, Cups full soon, Open your ears wider, Accept congratulations, Sit straight, get ready to listen, Well, it's time to start.
By right, the first word for congratulating the hero of the day is given to the mistress of the house, the beloved wife of our birthday man.
My dear, beloved, gentle, sweet All these words you are worthy completely. I hasten to tell you that the years you have lived with you are doubly dear.
I wish you good health and luck, So that we live a long time with you on earth, With an open heart and a cheerful mood, I wish you all the best.

Our hero of the day has a beloved and only daughter. She also wants to wish her father a happy birthday.

Dear daddy, you are not related, You are so beautiful on this anniversary. And although the hoarfrost silvers whiskey, There is no sadness, sadness and longing in the eyes. As always, you are wise, young at heart,

We are always safe and easy with you. We wish you vivacity and strength, so that a lasting business brings profit.

“The son-in-law joins in congratulating the Daughter.”

We wish you health, our daddy,
To raise grandchildren
Brought to the people by grandfather,
Have fun on your anniversary, don't be bored,
And in the morning with a hangover we will come for tea!

Anniversary toast!
We wish you so much health
To last a hundred years
So that on the hundredth birthday
We came here for lunch!

Our dear hero of the day has very good friends, one might say friends, they have prepared a surprise for him, meet him!

(To the motive of "Grandmother of an old woman from the repertoire of V. Dobrynin")

We dressed up in the morning
In a bright sarafan,
Slightly loosened up
They brought gifts.
Our young hero of the day,
Though no longer a boy,
And in the circle you look
jumping like a bunny

Grandpa, Grandpa"
grandfather, grandfather,
Dancing around you
drunk grannies,
We are with you until the morning
Let's have fun
On your anniversary day
You can also get drunk.

It's all right with you
home, family, work,
He called us not in vain,
Dance hunting.
Play music louder
Let the walls shake
You dance well
Even now on the stage.

Attention! Contest!

For this relay competition, you need to create two teams.
The competition is called "Swim the Creek".
Each team is given a boat: "basin". Your task, putting one foot in the basin, as quickly as possible to cross the stream, in which the stones (any obstacles) lie, they must be bypassed without touching and return to the team, passing the baton.

The guests have prepared another song for our hero of the day.

(Motive "If I were a Sultan")

We have gathered to you today not in vain
Friends came to your birthday
On your anniversary day, sing and dance
Happy birthday to you, we will congratulate

Today is a holiday, a big anniversary
Come on, master, pour some more
Today we want to wish you
Tail with a gun
hold tight

You are so beautiful, oh, Vasily dzhan,
There are many women around, as if you are a sultan.
Everyone is looking at you, sweet peach you
Everyone smiles and brings flowers.

Dear birthday man, everyone present at your holiday wishes you a fabulous happy life and therefore, real fairy-tale heroes will appear in your house now.


Lived - there were grandmother and grandfather,
Lived together side by side
Sometime for a birthday
Asks grandfather to bake a cake.
Grandma is playful from a young age,
Cheerful and talkative...

I don't have money for a cake
I'll bake a bun
To reduce my expense
I mix flour and water.

Okay, grandma, I agree.
The bun will be beautiful
You cook it with your soul
And sing songs at the same time.

(attack to grandfather)
Oh you sweet old man
Let me touch the barrel.

Get off, go cook
And don't touch me yet
The night will be ahead
That's when you come

(Rolls a "bun" - a balloon or a ball, while humming)

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
Your ruddy side will be
How will the old man eat you
Become strong like a bull
He is young again
Have fun with me
I will be happy then
And forget about the years.

(Grandma made a bun, put it on the window and left)

(blows the balloon out of the window)

Hello guys!
I'm grandfather's old lunch.
Birthday like a pie
And my name is Kolobok,
I have a hot side
Until my grandfather appeared, I rolled further ...

A gingerbread man is rolling through the forest, and a hare is meeting him.

(Running, trembling, empty bottles ring in the bag)

Hey hello!
Who are you?
Where are you going, oblique?

I'm running to the stall on business
Koresh sent for a white one.
I really wanted to drink
I quickly flew.

(walks around the rabbit)

Who is your friend, dear? Goat or cockerel?

What are you, what are you not, of course,
My friend is so innocent.
The gray wolf is his name.
A real bastard.
He walks with Kuma - Fox,
Well, heifers attracts
He loves to have fun
Free then to get drunk.

Okay, okay don't shake
Well, relax, smile...

(sniffs, touches the kolobok)

What's your name friend?
Oh what a hot side!
The spirit of bread stands around...

I am called a kolobok
I can only listen
But don't you dare eat me
They didn't bake me for you
Wherever you go, go there.

In the forest, why are you rushing stupid
What will they eat, are you not afraid?

From enemies I know the remedy
I invite everyone to the holiday
Grandpa's birthday
Come to dinner too.

Well then I'm leaving
I will warn everyone in the forest

What are these miracles
Not a pie, not a sausage?
No arms, no legs...
Hey who are you?

I am Kolobok.

Well - ka
you, billiards with eyes,
Let me touch the barrel...
(tries to touch the bun)

Immediately feel, what kind!
Are you blue sometimes?

For your words now
I will eat you...

Those times!?
Eat right away
Wait, wolf
Come visit my friend
Do you know the house of grandma and grandpa?
Come there for lunch.

Okay, agreed.
Well, for now, I dusted.

What is this ball
Jumping across my clearing?
Hey, ruddy, who is it?

(Gingerbread Man, avoiding, wants to pass by)

I'm not delicious...

Hey, wait!
At times I want to devour you,
Then I will continue to stomp.

Himself, who are you clumsy?

I am the Bear, the storm of beasts!

Okay, Misha, don't growl,
Better come visit
To grandfather's birthday
I invite guests
Come and you soon.

Okay, if that's the case,
Then I will come, go, not brave.

Who else is this?
A fox?
Oh what bodies!

Oh, ruddy bun
Wow, what a fragrant side!
You come to me my friend
I remember you a little.

Oh, beautiful Fox,
Gray wolf girl
I won't walk with you
I'm afraid of your friend.

Don't be afraid of his friend, I'll deal with the wolf.
I'm afraid of him myself
But I'll have fun with you
And then I'll eat.

Oh, you're a smart bastard
Well, I'm not a bastard,
You will come to my grandfather,
You will spend the night with me.

Okay, I'll come, of course ...

Have fun, who is not sinless?

(goes out to see if the bun is cold or not, but it is not)

It's strange, where is the bun,
Birthday cake?
What to feed grandfather
What to lure into the night?
What, is the meal ready?
For mine, for my birthday?

(runs out to grandfather with a woman)

Hey hosts, hello!
Have you prepared lunch?
Guests are coming to you now
I called them...

Those times!?
Grandfather, look at miracles
Gingerbread man opened his eyes
I cooked a bun
We got a son

Hey grandma, well done!
Even back down the aisle
Gave me a son
Can we make a daughter?

Oh, you're a sweet old man
Is your "pod" still alive?

Oh, you're all naughty old woman,
Set the table soon
Get out the plates, mugs
I went for champagne.


Unfortunately birthday is only once a year

(included with rune bottle)
Kolobok, where are the guests?

And here they are.

(Drum roll, noise, din are heard. A detachment of congratulations appears)

(walks ahead of the column)

Who walks together in a row ?!

Congratulations to the squad!

One, two, three, four, five
Let's congratulate grandfather

We came to congratulate grandfather
Happy birthday to all...

You are the mistress, do not be shy, Sing a song with us!

(everyone sing)

(to the motive of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")

Grandpa's birthday
The table is set for all guests
You are the owner, smile
Pour us some champagne
Toast to you today
Raised everything more than once
You have a holiday today
So we have a holiday.

Pa-pa-pa-pa-raru-pa, etc.

happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Because you are dear
Wonderful neighbor
Dance with us,
Song ringing binge
We celebrate your anniversary
Cheerful crowd.

Chorus: the same

(and all participants in the tale)

You accept, birthday boy,
Instead of a bun, a pie
What would it be your birthday
I could manage my dreams together.
(Give a cake or pie).

Here the fairy tale ends
Who was with us, well done.

Meet another celebrity guest.

Vitas! And his team!

I came to you, but not alone
My backup dancer is with me,
Someone on the road
For no reason
Friends poured vodka for them.

I told them
What do you want to perform
So you can't drink that much
Now they can't dance
Just how I vote

Well, you'll have to take the rap yourself and sing without backing dancers.

(To the motive "Love while being loved")

Let this day be remembered
And let everyone smile at you.
And my song is for this
With such a refrain it is sung

Love for now, love
Jealous for now, jealous
Suffer while suffering
Dream while dreaming.
I wish you joy
Health and good luck
Don't be sad about old age
You are alive, which means
Chorus: the same

Anniversary is a short word
But, and there are many lived years in it
Life passes by inaudible gait,
Leaving only a trace in memory.
But there is no need to regret the past years,
Many new ones are yet to come
Spread your boundless wings
And fly like a bird.
Happy birthday to you
You are a good father, good grandfather
All family friends with admiration,
They wish you new victories.
Be healthy, happy and affectionate
We wish you dear
To many more birthdays
We celebrated with you.

End of the anniversary script.

To conduct the competition, several people will be needed, one of which is the leader. The host takes out a simple drawing and shows it to one of the players, all the rest should not see it. The player who saw the drawing must explain in a whisper to the other player what was shown in the drawing. The second player tells the third player from the words of the first and so on.
The last player to be told about the drawing takes a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, and tries to draw what he was told. Then the drawing drawn by the last player is compared with the original.

catch a butterfly

Two players are invited to participate in the competition, each of which is awarded a large net on a long stick. Along with this, they are given a balloon each. The task of the players is to catch each other in the net without dropping the ball.
The competition is quite funny and gives pleasure not only to the players, but also to the guests.

kiss ribbons

For the competition, you will need several ribbons of the same color and length. The host folds all the ribbons so that the edges match, then compresses the middle of the folded ribbons into a fist, and arbitrarily lowers their ends down.
Each player must take the end of the tape. Then the host opens his fist, and the couple who hold on to different ends of the same ribbon should kiss.

Congratulations on the round date

Only the bravest take part. So, the guests take turns putting a round bagel in their mouth and say a short congratulation in two or three sentences. The guest congratulates, and the hero of the day "recognizes" the text of the congratulator. The guest, whose congratulations with a bagel in his mouth the hero of the day recognizes verbatim, will win and receive a prize.

Round date - in a ball

Participants are divided into pairs and each pair receives the same (in length) ball of thread. On the “start” command, some participants in pairs unravel the ball, and the second participants are tied with a thread, that is, they wind the threads around themselves. The couple that unwinds the ball faster than the rest and winds the threads around the participant will win and receive a prize.

Bouquet for the hero of the day

Guests are divided into equal teams (5 or 7 people each). Each participant receives a rose with the same number of thorns. On the “start” command, the teams begin to form a bouquet for the birthday boy - they remove the thorns from the roses. As soon as each participant frees his rose from thorns, the team collects all the roses in a single bouquet and hands it to the hero of the day. The team that will be the first to complete the task will win and receive a prize, and the birthday boy will be extremely pleased to receive additional bouquets as a gift.

Ride the ball

All players are divided into two teams, the captain of each team is given the ball. Each player is taken by the hands of the other two, and his feet are placed on the ball. The task is to step on the ball and reach the end of the hall.
The team whose players reach the end of the hall the fastest wins.


A stool is placed in the center of the hall. Each leg of this stool becomes one player, in whose hands is an aluminum spoon. All players stand with their backs to the stool and, accordingly, to each other.
Then, at the command of the leader, the players move three steps away from the stool and turn around. After that, the host gives another signal, after which each of the players should try to put their spoon on the chair first.

draw an elephant

All players are divided into two teams, they are blindfolded. The facilitator takes out a large sheet of paper and pencils for all participants. Teams are invited to draw an elephant. And the whole team should draw. One player draws a trunk, a second tail, a third leg, and so on.
At the end, the players take off their bandages and admire the drawing. The clearest drawing wins.

Bowling in reverse

If the bowling player's task is to knock down all the pins, then in this competition the essence is not to knock down any pins. All players are divided into two teams, they are blindfolded. Skittles are placed along all trajectories. Players, holding hands or lined up in a snake, must go through the entire trajectory without knocking down a single pin.
The team that knocks down the fewest pins will be the winner.


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