Comparative assessment of the quality of smoked poultry products produced by various manufacturers. Boiled-smoked chicken at home Smoked boiled chicken products

GOST R 55499-2013



General specifications

Products of poultry meat. General specifications

OKS 67.120.20
OKP 92 1355

Introduction date 2014-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of the Poultry Processing Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GNU VNIIPP of the Russian Agricultural Academy)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 116 "Products of processing poultry, eggs and freeze-drying"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 29, 2013 N 456-st


The rules for the application of this standard are set out in GOST R 1.0-2012 (section 8). Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to poultry meat products (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for direct consumption, preparation of various dishes and snacks.

Safety requirements are set out in 5.2.4 and 5.2.5, quality requirements - in 5.2.1, marking - in 5.4.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R ISO 13493-2005 Meat and meat products. Method for the determination of chloramphenicol (levomycetin) using liquid chromatography

GOST R 50454-92 (ISO 3811-79) Meat and meat products. Detection and counting of putative coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (arbitrage method)

GOST R 50455-92 (ISO 3565-75) Meat and meat products. Salmonella detection (arbitration method)

GOST R 51074-2003 Food products. Information for consumers. General requirements

GOST R 51289-99 Reusable polymer boxes. General specifications

GOST R 51301-99 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)

GOST R 51444-99 (ISO 1841-2-96) Meat and meat products. Potentiometric method for determining the mass fraction of chlorides

GOST R 51447-99 (ISO 3100-1-91) Meat and meat products. Sampling methods

GOST R 51448-99 (ISO 3100-2-88) Meat and meat products. Sample preparation methods for microbiological studies

GOST R 51480-99 (ISO 1841-1-96) Meat and meat products. Determination of the mass fraction of chlorides. Folgard method

GOST R 51650-2000 Food products. Methods for determining the mass fraction of benzo(a)pyrene

GOST R 51766-2001 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of arsenic

GOST R 52173-2003 Food raw materials and products. Method for the identification of genetically modified sources (GMI) of plant origin

GOST R 52174-2003 Biological safety. Raw materials and food products. Method for the identification of genetically modified sources (GMI) of plant origin using a biological microchip

GOST R 53222-2008 Meat and meat products. Histological method for determining vegetable carbohydrate supplements

GOST R 52313-2005 Poultry processing industry. Food products. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 54004-2010 Food products. Sampling methods for microbiological studies

GOST R 54463-2011 Containers made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Specifications

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during production, packaging, sale and import

GOST ISO 7218-2011 Microbiology of food and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological studies

GOST 8558.1-78 Meat products. Methods for the determination of nitrite

GOST 9792-73 Sausage products and products from pork, lamb, beef and meat of other species of slaughter animals and birds. Acceptance rules and sampling methods

GOST 9794-74 Meat products. Methods for determining the content of total phosphorus

GOST 9957-73 Sausages and products from pork, lamb and beef. Methods for the determination of sodium chloride

GOST 9958-81 Sausage products and meat products. Methods of bacteriological analysis

GOST 9959-91 Meat products. General conditions for organoleptic evaluation

GOST 10444.15-94 Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 10574-91 Meat products. Methods for the determination of starch

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15846-2002 Products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 23042-86 Meat and meat products. Methods for determining fat

GOST 25011-81 Meat and meat products. Protein determination methods

GOST 26669-85 Food and flavor products. Sample preparation for microbiological analysis

GOST 26670-91 Food products. Methods for cultivating microorganisms

GOST 26927-86 Food raw materials and products. Methods for the determination of mercury

GOST 26929-94 Food raw materials and products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Food raw materials and products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Food raw materials and products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Food raw materials and products. Methods for the determination of cadmium

GOST 28560-90 Food products. Method for detection of bacteria of the genera Proteus, Morganella, Providencia

GOST 29185-91 Food products. Methods for the detection and quantification of sulfite-reducing clostridia

GOST 29299-92 (ISO 2918-75) Meat and meat products. Nitrite determination method

GOST 29301-92 (ISO 5554-78) Meat products. Method for the determination of starch

GOST 30178-96 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Method for determining toxic elements by atomic emission method

GOST 30726-2001 Food products. Methods for detection and quantification of Escherichia coli bacteria

GOST 31466-2012 Products of poultry meat processing. Methods for determining the mass fraction of calcium, the size and mass fraction of bone inclusions

GOST 31474-2012 Meat and meat products. Histological method for the determination of vegetable protein supplements

GOST 31475-2012 Meat and meat products. Determination of the mass fraction of vegetable (soy) protein by electrophoresis

GOST 31479-2012 Meat and meat products. Histological composition identification method

GOST 31490-2012 Mechanically deboned poultry meat. Specifications

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31659-2012 (ISO 6579:2002) Food products. Method for detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST 31694-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Method for determining the residual content of antibiotics of the tetracycline group using high performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector

GOST 31746-2012 (ISO 6888-1:1999; ISO 6888-2:1999; ISO 6888-3:2003) Food products. Methods for detection and determination of coagulase-positive staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus

GOST 31747-2012 (ISO 4831:2006, ISO 4832:2006) Food products. Methods for detecting and determining the number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliform bacteria)

GOST 31796-2012 Meat and meat products. Accelerated histological method for determining the structural components of the composition

GOST 31903-2012 Food products. Express method for the determination of antibiotics

GOST 31931-2012 Poultry meat. Methods of histological and microscopic analysis

GOST 32008-2012 (ISO 937:1978) Meat and meat products. Determination of nitrogen content (arbitration method)

GOST 32009-2013 (ISO 13730:1996) Meat and meat products. Spectrophotometric method for determining the mass fraction of total phosphorus

GOST 32031-2012 Food products. Methods for detection and determination of bacteria Listeria monocytogenes

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated referenced reference standard has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If the reference standard to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this standard with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the adoption of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 This standard uses the terms according to GOST R 52313, as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 poultry product: A product subjected to salting during the production process with subsequent bringing to readiness for consumption by heat treatment or without it, made in the form of a carcass, its individual parts, pieces of meat and muscles, offal of varying degrees of grinding to a fine inclusive, which can be stuffed, molded, in shell or without it.

3.1.2 raw or boiled-dried poultry meat product: A product made from raw or blanched (cooked) poultry meat, dehydrated by a physical method with a residual mass fraction of moisture from 20% to 10%.

3.2 The following abbreviation is used in this standard:

MPMO - Mechanically deboned poultry meat.

4 Classification

4.1 Products, depending on the meat and / or edible offal of a particular type of poultry used, are divided into products from meat (edible offal) of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowl and quails.

NOTE When meat or edible offal from two or more types of poultry is used, the product is referred to as: "Poultry meat product".

4.2 Depending on the production technology, products can be:

- raw-salted;

- smoked;

- raw smoked;

- dry-cured;

- dried;

- boiled-smoked;

- smoked-boiled;

- smoked-baked;

- dried;

- boiled-dried.

4.3 Depending on the thermal state, the products are divided into:

- chilled with a temperature in the thickness of the product from 2 °C to 8 °C inclusive;

- frostbitten with a temperature in the thickness of the product from minus 4 °С to 0 °С;

- frozen with a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than minus 8 °C.

4.4 Depending on the mass fraction of meat raw materials (pieces of poultry meat, MPMO and poultry edible by-products), the products are divided into the following grades:

extra - a product in the production of which the recipe provides for lumpy poultry meat with a mass fraction of at least 80%, including white meat - at least 50%;

the highest - a product in the production of which the recipe provides for lumpy poultry meat with a mass fraction of at least 80%;

the first is a product, in the production of which the recipe provides for lumpy poultry meat with a mass fraction of at least 51%;

the second - a product in the production of which the recipe provides for MPMO and / or edible offal of poultry with a mass fraction of at least 70%;

branded - a product made according to the original technology, taking into account the national, regional and other characteristics of a particular enterprise, in the production of which the recipe provides for lumpy poultry meat with a mass fraction of at least 40%.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard, the document for products of a specific name, in accordance with which they are manufactured, produced according to the technological instructions for the production of a specific assortment name in compliance with the requirements and norms established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation *.
* Before the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of federal executive bodies -.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 According to the main organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, the products must comply with the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

indicator change

Characteristics and value of the indicator for products











whole foods

Whole carcasses, their parts with or without skin, without remnants of internal organs. Surface free of stumps and hair-like feathers, coated with or without breading, with or without decorative spice mix, with or without casings

pieces (pieces), muscles of poultry meat, offal, incl. grind-
chennyh, form-

The shape is rectangular, trapezoidal, spherical, round-oval, etc.

Surface without torn or broken edges, breaded or not, with or without decorative spice mix; with or without shells.

Additional characteristics in the document in accordance with which a specific assortment name was developed

coated products

Products in natural or artificial casing with a diameter of 6 mm or more, with or without pre-pressing

Products in natural or artificial casing with a diameter of 13 mm or more, with or without pre-pressing

The surface is clean, without slips, influxes of minced meat, bouillon and fatty edema, with or without a decorative mixture of spices

Slight moisture and/or jelly allowed in retail packaging

Moisture and/or jelly allowed in retail packaging

Additional characteristics in the document in accordance with which a specific assortment name was developed


Sectional view

A product of homogeneous or heterogeneous structure, evenly mixed with lumpy meat and/or minced meat of varying degrees of grinding, with or without ingredients, with or without filling. Additional characteristics in the document in accordance with which a specific assortment name was developed

Uniformly colored surface from light yellow and rose red to dark brown, without gray spots

skin and subcutaneous fat

White to yellow and/or golden brown with a grayish tinge

Additional characteristics in the document in accordance with which a specific assortment name was developed

Smell and taste

Typical for this type of product, the taste is salty, without foreign taste and smell, with the aroma of spices and smoking (for smoked) or without them. Additional characteristics in the document in accordance with which a specific assortment name was developed

Mass fraction of protein, %, not less than

for extra variety - 20.0; higher - 18.0; the first - 17.0; branded - 15.0, second - 13.0

for the extra variety - 15.0; higher - 13.0; the first - 12.0; brand name - 10.0; second - 8.0

Mass fraction of fat, %, no more

They are regulated by a document in accordance with which a specific assortment name has been developed:

For extra grade - 25.0; higher - 30.0; the first - 35.0; branded - 40.0; second - 45.0

for extra variety - 20.0; higher - 25.0; the first - 30.0; branded - 35.0; second - 40.0

Mass fraction of starch (when using
zation), %, no more

It is regulated by a document in accordance with which a specific assortment name has been developed

Mass fraction of calcium, %, no more

It is regulated by a document in accordance with which a specific assortment name has been developed

Mass fraction of sodium chloride, %, max

Mass fraction of sodium nitrite (when using
vaniya),%, no more

Mass fraction added-
phosphorus (in terms of),%, no more


1 The mass fraction of calcium is regulated in products, in the formulations of which MPMO is included, at the rate of 0.26 multiplied by the proportion of mechanically deboned poultry meat in the recipe of the meat composition.

2 The limit value of the mass fraction of added phosphorus in terms of established for products in the formulation which provides for their use.

5.2.2 Products manufactured using frozen, partially or completely thawed raw materials are not subject to freezing.

5.2.3 The nutritional value of products of a specific name is established in the document in accordance with which they are developed.

5.2.4 The microbiological parameters of the products must not exceed the norms established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation*.

5.2.5 The content of toxic elements (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury), benzo(a)pyrene, nitrosamines, antibiotics, pesticides and dioxins in the products must not exceed the norms established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation*.
* Before the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of the federal executive authorities.

5.3 Requirements for raw materials and supplies

5.3.1 For the development of products, meat (edible offal) of poultry, MPMO should be used; edible eggs and egg products obtained from healthy poultry, as well as meat raw materials of slaughter animals that have passed a veterinary and sanitary examination, are approved for industrial processing and correspond to:

- in terms of safety indicators - the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation *;
* Before the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of the federal executive authorities.

- the requirements established in the document for specific assortment names of products, in accordance with which they are developed.

5.3.2 The list of raw materials and materials for a specific assortment name of products is regulated by the document in accordance with which it is developed.

5.3.3 In terms of thermal state and shelf life, raw materials must meet the following requirements.

a) Meat (edible offal) of poultry:

- chilled with a temperature in the thickness of the product from minus 2 °С to minus 4 °С - no more than 5 days, by-products - no more than 2 days, frozen and / or thawed with a temperature in the thickness of the product minus (2.5 ± 0.5) °С - no more than 10 days, by-products - no more than 7 days;

- frozen with a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than minus 8 °С and not lower than minus 18 °С - no more than 8 months.

MPMO according to GOST 31490:

- chilled with a temperature in the thickness of the product from minus 2 °C to minus 4 °C - no more than 3 days;

- frozen and/or defrosted with a temperature in the thickness of the product from minus (2.5 ± 0.5) ° C - no more than 5 days;

- frozen with a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than minus 12 °C and / or not lower than minus 18 °C - no more than one and / or four months, respectively.

b) Food eggs of poultry and egg products of their processing:

- edible chicken eggs with a shelf life of not more than 25 days, stored at a temperature of 0 °C to 20 °C;

- turkey, caesar, quail with a shelf life of not more than 30 days, stored at a temperature of 0 °C to 8 °C;

- egg products:

chilled liquids with a shelf life of not more than 24 hours, stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 °C;

frozen liquids with a shelf life of not more than 15 months, stored at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 ° C; with a shelf life of not more than 10 months, stored at a temperature not higher than minus 12 ° C;

dry with a shelf life of not more than 6 months, stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C or with a shelf life of not more than 24 months, stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 °C.

5.3.4 Drinking water in terms of safety indicators must comply with the requirements established.

5.3.5 The norms for the use of food additives and their mixtures in product formulations are established in the document for products of a specific assortment name, in accordance with which they are developed.

Food additives and their mixtures must be allowed for use in the production of poultry meat products and must comply with the requirements in terms of safety.

Note - In the manufacture of raw smoked, dry-cured and dried products, it is allowed to use sugars (mono-, di-) as acidity regulators, including as part of food additives, but without using, in this case, microbiological (starting bacterial) cultures.

5.3.6 Raw materials (food ingredients and additives) used to produce products should be controlled for the content of components obtained using GMOs.

5.3.7 For the production of products, materials should be used:

- natural sausage casings (beef casings and rounds, pork casings, lamb casings) according to the documents in accordance with which they are made;

- artificial and synthetic casings, including barrier ones, according to the documents in accordance with which they are made;

- molding and packaging materials in contact with food must comply with the requirements.

5.3.8 It is allowed to use raw materials, incl. slaughter animals and materials that are not inferior to the requirements of 5.3.1 in terms of quality and safety and are allowed for use in the food industry.

5.3.9 For the production of products, it is not allowed to use raw materials of animal origin, frozen more than once, with a changed color of fabrics.

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 Each unit of consumer packaging with a product, an artificial sausage casing, a label (package) attached to a product in a natural casing, must have a label that characterizes the product and meet the requirements of GOST R 51074 (general requirements in section 3, product requirements - in accordance with 4.3.7) and .

When using raw materials and ingredients obtained using GMOs, information about this should be placed on the label in accordance with GOST R 51074 (clause 3.5.5).

5.4.2 Marking of transport packaging - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs: "Perishable goods", "Temperature limit".

5.4.3 Each unit of transport packaging with products is marked with a stamp, stencil, labeling or in another way containing product data according to 5.4.1 with the following addition:

- Net weight;

- number of packaging units (for packaged products).

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, not to apply transport marking on reusable packaging with products intended for local sale.

It is allowed to put an additional leaflet with the same marking into each unit of transport packaging.

5.4.4 Labeling of products shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.5 Packaging

5.5.1 Consumer and transport packaging, packaging materials and fasteners must comply with the requirements and documents in accordance with which they are manufactured, ensure the safety, quality and safety of products during transportation and storage during the entire shelf life, and also be allowed for contact with food products.

5.5.2 Products intended for sale are released packaged in consumer packaging.

Group packaging is allowed, consisting of unpackaged units of products for sale in the public catering system.

5.5.3 Products are packed in polymeric film materials, under vacuum or under protective atmosphere in gas-tight polymeric materials (films or bags):

- whole products;

- a whole piece with a net weight of 100 to 1000 g;

- pieces with a net weight of 20 to 350 g without casing.

5.5.4 Products in consumer packaging and group packaging are packed in transport packaging: corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST R 54463, polymeric - in accordance with GOST R 51289.

5.5.5 Products of the same name, variety, one production date, one heat treatment method and one type of packaging are packed in each unit of transport packaging.

Packaging of products of different names in a unit of transport packaging is carried out as agreed between the buyer and the seller.

5.5.6 The packaging must be clean, dry and free from foreign odor. Reusable packaging must have a lid; it is allowed, by agreement with the consumer for local sale, in the absence of a lid, to cover the package with parchment, parchment, wrapping paper, as well as other types of packaging materials approved for use in the food industry.

5.5.7 It is allowed to use other types of consumer or transport packaging, fasteners and packaging materials permitted for contact with similar food products, ensuring the safety and quality of products during transportation and storage throughout the entire shelf life.

5.5.8 Packaging of products shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.5.9 Net weight of products in boxes - no more than 20 kg.

5.5.10 The net weight of the product in one consumer packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated on the labeling of the product in consumer packaging, taking into account allowable deviations.

Limits of permissible negative deviations and limits of permissible positive deviations of the net weight of one packaging unit from the nominal - according to GOST 8.579.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Rules for acceptance of products - in accordance with GOST 9792.

6.2 Products are accepted in batches. A batch is any number of products of the same name and variety, the same thermal state, the same production date, produced in one shift, equally packaged and accompanied by one veterinary document.

6.3 Organoleptic indicators are determined in each batch.

6.4 The order and frequency of control of physical, chemical, microbiological indicators, the content of toxic elements (mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead), nitrites, benz (a) pyrene, nitrosamines, antibiotics, dioxins and pesticides are established by the product manufacturer.

6.5 In case of disagreement on the composition of the raw materials used, the product composition is identified in accordance with GOST 31479, GOST 31796.

6.6 Identification of the composition of the product - according to GOST 31479, GOST 31796, GOST 31474, GOST 31475, GOST R 53222, GOST 31931.

7 Control methods

7.1 Sampling and preparation for testing - according to GOST R 51447, GOST 9792.

7.2 Sampling for the determination of toxic elements - according to GOST 26929.

7.3 Sampling and preparation for microbiological studies - according to GOST R 54004, GOST ISO 7218, GOST R 51448, GOST 9958, GOST 26669, GOST 26670 and *.

7.4 Determination of organoleptic indicators - according to GOST 9959.

7.5 Determination of physico-chemical parameters:

- mass fraction of protein - according to GOST 25011, GOST 32008;

- mass fraction of fat - according to GOST 23042;

- mass fraction of chlorides (table salt) - according to GOST R 51444, GOST R 51480, GOST 9957;

- mass fraction of sodium nitrite - according to GOST 8558.1, GOST 29299;

- mass fraction of starch - according to GOST 10574, GOST 29301;

- mass fraction of total phosphorus - according to GOST 9794, GOST 32009;

- mass fraction of calcium - according to GOST 31466.

7.6 Determination of the content of toxic elements - according to GOST R 51301 , GOST 30178 , GOST 30538 , , :

- mercury - according to GOST 26927,;

- arsenic - according to GOST R 51766, GOST 26930, GOST 31628;

- lead - according to GOST 26932,;

- cadmium - according to GOST 26933,.

7.7 Determination of benz (a) pyrene - according to GOST R 51650.

7.8 Determination of nitrosamines - according to .

7.9 Determination of pesticides - by - *.

See section "Bibliography"

7.10 Determination of antibiotics - according to GOST R ISO 13493, GOST 31694, GOST 31903, -.

7.11 Determination of dioxins - according to *.

See section "Bibliography". - Database manufacturer's note.

7.12 Determination of microbiological indicators:

- mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms - according to GOST 10444.15;

- bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli (coliforms) - according to GOST R 50454, GOST 31747;

- bacteria E.coli - GOST 30726;

- sulfite-reducing clostridia - according to GOST 29185;

- bacteria S.aureus - according to GOST 31746;

- bacteria of the genus Proteus - according to GOST 28560;

- bacteria of the genus Listeria monocytogenes- according to GOST 32031;

- pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella - according to GOST R 50455, GOST 31659.

7.13 Identification of products for the presence of genetically modified organisms (if they are provided for by regulatory documents in accordance with which products of specific assortment names are manufactured) - according to GOST R 52173, GOST R 52174.

7.14 Determining core temperature

7.14.1 Controls

Digital thermometer "Zamer-1" (State Register 21267-01) according to the document in accordance with which it is manufactured, or other devices with similar technical and metrological characteristics, approved for contact with food products.

7.14.2 Testing

The temperature sensor must be inserted into the thickness of the product. Temperature information is read after the indicator readings stabilize. The range of measured temperatures is from minus 30 °С to plus 120 °С. The limit of permissible absolute measurement error is ±0.5 °С.

When using other measuring instruments, control is carried out in accordance with the instructions for their use.

7.15 Determination of the presence of genetically modified organisms - according to GOST R 52173, GOST R 52174, *-.

See section "Bibliography". - Database manufacturer's note.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Products are transported in refrigerated or isothermal means of transport, subject to the requirements for storage conditions and shelf life, regulated in the document in accordance with which specific product names are manufactured and in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force on this type of transport.

8.2 Recommended shelf life of products when stored in a suspended state, laid out in one or two rows or packed in a transport package, at a storage temperature of 0 to 6 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 75% - no more than 6 days, produced in a barrier shell , - no more than 60 days.

Recommended shelf life of products packed under vacuum or under protective atmosphere in gas-tight polymeric materials at a storage temperature of 0 °C to 6 °C:

- whole products - no more than 10 days;

- with portion cutting - no more than 6 days;

- when serving cutting - no more than 5 days.

8.3 The shelf life of products is determined from the date of manufacture.

At air temperature from minus 4 °C to minus 2 °C - no more than 6 months.

At air temperature from minus 9 °С to minus 7 °С - no more than 9 months.

8.4 Transportation and storage of products sent to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

8.5 The expiration date and storage conditions of products are set by the manufacturer.


Veterinary and sanitary rules for enterprises (shops) of poultry processing, production of egg products, approved by the State Agrarian Industry and the USSR Ministry of Health, 1987

Methodical instructions. Determination of the content of toxic elements in food products and food raw materials. Method of autoclave sample preparation

Guidelines for atomic absorption methods for the determination of toxic elements in food products

Guidelines for the determination of mercury in food

Method for measuring the mass fraction of lead and cadmium in food products and food raw materials by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Determination of organochlorine pesticides in meat, animal products and animal fats by thin layer chromatography

Determination of residual amounts of levomycetin (chloramphenicol, chlormycetin) in products of animal origin by high performance liquid chromatography and enzyme immunoassay

Determination of residual amounts of antibiotics of the tetracycline group and sulfanilamide preparations in food products of animal origin by enzyme immunoassay

Guidelines for the identification and isomer-specific determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in meat, poultry, fish, by-products and products from them, as well as in other fat-containing products and feeds by chromato-mass spectrometry

* Document not included in information products. For information about the document, you can contact the User Support Service. - Database manufacturer's note.

Methods for the quantitative determination of GMI of plant origin in food

* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Valid.t MUK 4.2.2304-07. - Database manufacturer's note.

The procedure and organization of control over food products obtained from / or using raw materials of plant origin that have genetically modified analogues

Methods for identification and quantification of genetically modified organisms of plant origin

UDC 637.52:006.354 OKS 67.120.20 OKP 92 1355

Keywords: products, poultry meat, technical requirements, safety indicators, packaging, labeling, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation, storage

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2014

Classification and range

Meat products- food products from meat and meat products.

The range of meat products is extremely large and varied and includes both raw products that have undergone only primary processing, as well as semi-finished products prepared for culinary use, and ready-made products for direct consumption.

Meat products are divided into the following main groups, which differ in the nature of processing, use and other features.

Meat and offal raw primary processing:

a) meat of various types in carcasses, half carcasses, quarters and varietal cuts in cooled, chilled, frozen and defrosted form (Lamb, Buffalo, Camel, Beef, Pork, etc.);

b) meat of various types, packaged in portions for culinary use - chilled and frozen;

c) offal of various species and from various animals.

Meat semi-finished products:

a) semi-finished products from meat of various types: natural, breaded and chopped in chilled and frozen form (Azu, Entrecote, Beef Stroganoff, Minced meat, Cutlets, etc.);

b) natural semi-finished products from offal - in chilled and frozen form - in blocks and packaged in portions (Lung, Brains, Liver, etc.).

Salted meat: meat of various types in cuts, preserved with salt (corned beef).

Smoked meat (smoked products);

a) smoked, smoked-boiled and boiled lamb meats (Lamb smoked meats);

b) beef smoked meats in smoked, finished-boiled and boiled form (Beef smoked meats);

c) smoked pork - in smoked, smoked-boiled, boiled and baked form (smoked pork, Hams, Rolls, Bacon, etc.).


a) boiled sausages;

b) semi-smoked sausages;

c) raw smoked sausages;

d) smoked-boiled sausages;

e) liver sausages;

e) blood sausages;

g) stuffed sausages;

h) horse sausages;

i) reindeer meat sausages;

j) dietary sausages;

l) sausages;

m) sausages;

m) meat loaves;

o) brawns;

n) jellied;

p) pates;

c) jelly.

Canned meat: canned meat, offal, meat with vegetable components and from vegetable raw materials with animal fats (stewed lamb, stewed beef, etc.).

Culinary products from meat and offal (Meat culinary products).

Meat concentrates (Bouillon cubes, Dry meat, Meat powder).

Blood products (Blood): canned food and medicinal blood products.

Meat of slaughtered poultry (Domestic slaughtered poultry): meat of chickens, geese, ducks, etc. in carcasses and packaged chilled and frozen (Chickens, Geese, Ducks, etc.).

Game (feathered game): upland game, steppe game, etc., chilled and frozen (Capercaillie, Partridges, Black grouse, etc.).

Sausages from poultry meat (Sausages from poultry meat).

Canned poultry and game meat (Canned poultry and game).

Culinary products from poultry and game meat (fried chickens, stuffed chickens, fried geese, roasted turkeys, etc.).

Meat and flour products (Pelmeni, Pirozhki).

Special fabrications:

a) endocrine-enzyme raw materials from meat carcasses in frozen form;

b) medical and technical products from endocrine-enzymatic raw materials.

Each group of meat products includes an assortment of many items of various nature and quality.

Raw meat products they enter the trade network in the form of large cuts, packaged and in the form of semi-finished products. The morphological composition (the ratio of muscle, fat, bone and other tissues) and the chemical composition of the various parts of the carcass - cuts - are heterogeneous. Based on the morphological and chemical composition and culinary purpose, meat products can be produced prepared for a specific culinary use:

for frying (mainly tenderloin, fillet, thick and thin edges, beef butts; pork loin, brisket and ham; lamb ham, loin and brisket, etc.);

For stewing (shoulder, rump and beef rump; pork loin, brisket and ham; lamb shoulder, brisket, etc.);

for cooking or for use in minced form (rump and rump of beef; ham, loin and brisket of pork; shoulder and brisket of lamb, etc.);

for first courses - soups, borscht, broths (various cuts). By-products were also produced in packed form in weight portions.

The production of meat semi-finished products in the form of portioned pieces, which do not require preliminary processing and are fully prepared for culinary use, has developed within a wide range. Semi-finished meat products were made from beef and lamb of the I category of fatness, veal of medium fatness, pork fat, bacon and meat categories of fatness.

Semi-finished products are produced in the following types:

natural, i.e. not subjected to any form of grinding or mechanical processing and prepared from the best varieties of tender muscle tissue (azu, entrecote, languettes, beef steaks; cutlets, escalopes, schnitzels, pork bacons; cutlets, schnitzels, lamb kebabs etc.);

Breaded, that is, subjected to some loosening and immersion in an egg solution - lezon and rolled in breadcrumbs (beef rump steaks; pork chops and schnitzels; lamb chops and schnitzels, etc.);

minced - from meat of all categories of fatness and all varieties, freed from bones, tendons, finely chopped and mixed with various ingredients: spices, fats, wheat bread, etc.;

· soup sets -- bone semi-finished products. Some types of by-products are also produced in the form of semi-finished products - french fries, brains in breadcrumbs.

Meat and meat products are fresh perishable goods. To obtain meat products of greater durability, to give them new nutritional and taste qualities, they are subjected to various processing processes, as a result of which new types of meat products are obtained. To extend the shelf life of meat and meat products are chilled, frozen, salted, smoked, and processed into canned food, sausages, concentrates. From meat and meat products subjected to salting, a wide range of products is made, used in boiled and smoked form, which is distinguished by a specific taste and aroma.

When salting meat cuts, they are subjected to special preparatory operations (for example, removing bones, giving a certain shape, etc.), and then they are processed with special compounds (for example, in the fifties, salt compositions from table salt, saltpeter, nitrite, sugar, as well as ascorbic acid, or sodium ascorbate), which not only create an environment that prevents spoilage of the product, but also improve its quality: a more delicate texture is created, a pink-red color is preserved, and a specific aroma appears.

The range of meat products includes salted meat products(without their further processing), and subjected after salting to smoking, boiling, baking or smoking with subsequent cooking. Smoking meat products, in addition to high durability, gives them a specific taste and aroma. Both salted and salted-smoked meat products are subjected to cooking, with bones or after removing the bones. During cooking of salinities (as well as during salting), part of the protein and extractive substances are lost, but the digestibility of the product improves due to a change in the state of connective tissue formations that turn into gelatin, denaturation of proteins and the removal of some excess salt compounds.

Roasting gives a specific taste and aroma. Both salted and smoked meat products are baked, as well as those that have not undergone these processes (in the manufacture of boiled pork, carbonate). Baked meat products have a more delicate texture than boiled or smoked ones, and are well absorbed by the body.

A significant place among meat products is occupied by sausages. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the raw materials from which they are made are meat and offal, by preparation (freeing from bones, connective tissue formations, blood and lymphatic vessels, refractory fat deposits, etc.), grinding the resulting almost pure muscle tissue and mixing with fat, usually more fusible, as well as flavoring substances (salt, sugar, spices, spices, etc.) turns into a product of increased value and high digestibility. The meat raw material improved by such a special preparatory operation in the form of minced meat in casings or without them is subjected to heat treatment: frying and boiling or boiling and baking, or boiling and smoking, or only smoking, which makes the product ready for eating without any additional processing or for the preparation of second courses (sausages, etc.). Smoked sausages are shelf-stable. The assortment of sausages is varied.

An important type of meat products are also canned meat and offal. Canned meats are distinguished by high nutritional value and digestibility, since during their manufacture inedible parts are removed from the raw materials, and during cooking (sterilization), due to the tightness of the container, the main nutrients do not lose, although their properties change somewhat. Canned meat is convenient for eating, because it is a finished product - ready-made second or first courses, or snacks, which in some cases need only heating. Canned food can be stored without deterioration for a long time - for a number of years. They are the most persistent meat products and are used to create reserves of meat products.

Meat products also include meat concentrates- dry meat, meat powder, bouillon cubes, etc. They are dehydrated meat products with a moisture content of 6-10% (instead of 75-92% in raw products). Dehydration creates an environment unfavorable for the life of microflora, and therefore protects the product from spoilage during long-term storage, even at high ambient temperatures. Dehydration of meat products is achieved by exposure to high or low temperatures (sublimation - the removal of moisture at low temperatures without the transition of ice into a liquid). When water is added, concentrates are almost completely restored to their original (before dehydration) state and are used for cooking first and second courses. Concentrates are used mainly for expeditions and trips, when it is important to have a small weight of food products and get a quickly highly nutritious product.

Meat products are blood products- hematogen used for anemia; food albumin, which replaces egg white in the confectionery industry, and others, as well as endocrine-enzyme raw materials for the production of organ preparations for medical and technical purposes - endocrine and external secretion glands (pancreas, adrenal, thyroid, goiter, etc.) and enzyme raw materials (liver , mucous membranes of the stomachs, etc.).

A large group of meat products are meat and meat products from game and poultry raw, in the form of culinary and sausage products and canned food. V. A. Timofeeva “Commodity research of food products”, ed. "Phoenix", 2010

The bulk of the products of poultry farms is slaughtered poultry - chickens of meat breeds, ducks, turkeys, geese, less often guinea fowls and quails and semi-finished products from it - legs, breasts, wings, soup sets, etc. Almost no farm and even large poultry enterprises do not subject the bird to further processing, in particular, smoking. Meanwhile, smoked poultry meat is considered a high category product, and, for example, quail - even a delicacy.

Given that the price of any processed agricultural product increases significantly, and the costs of related equipment are extremely low, the production of smoked poultry can be a very profitable business - especially since the food industry itself is the most profitable and not risky: food turns around quickly (implemented) and in the overwhelming majority bring income that is not comparable with the costs. In addition, smoked products have a longer shelf life than fresh poultry meat, second only to frozen.

There will be no problems with the sale of products: such delicacies are readily accepted by chain supermarkets, small local stores, and large grocery warehouses. Competition in this segment is average; the market is not oversaturated, and even opening an enterprise in a city where such production already exists is not dangerous in terms of loss of capital investments. Moreover, there will be no difficulties with the supply: poultry farming, and in particular, chicken farming, both egg and meat, is now one of the most developed in the agro-industrial complex as a whole.

Technology and equipment for the production of smoked poultry

First of all, you should decide on the raw materials, or rather, what raw materials are supposed to be used - peeled (or cut), that is, carcasses, wings, breasts, legs, thighs, drumsticks, etc. or a whole slaughtered bird, uncleaned.

This is a question, first of all, not of technology, but rather of the financial side of the matter: additional equipment is required for cleaning dead poultry, while for cleaned carcasses or parts, only smoking equipment is needed.

On the other hand, a broken bird costs about 50-75% of a cleaned one, therefore, if an enterprise plans to reach any serious production volumes, then investments in additional equipment will pay for themselves sooner or later.

In addition, with this method of production, side products are also formed - down, feathers and offal, which are no less profitable to sell than the main one.

So, for completeness of information, we will consider both types of production, depending on the raw materials used in connection with the equipment. If an uncleaned dead bird is used, then the first step is to purchase a special machine (automatic machine) for removing the feather from the carcass of a broken bird.

Such devices are also called installations for removing plumage and they cost from 85 thousand rubles. (about 2800 dollars or a little less than 2100 euros) to about 110 thousand rubles. ($3,600 or just under €2,700).

The carcass, cleaned from the feather, enters the next unit, which cleans the paws of the bird. It costs about 125 thousand rubles. (4100 dollars or a little more than 3000 euros). The next stage of poultry processing is washing and cutting the stomachs.

The corresponding machines will cost about 80 thousand rubles. (2600 dollars or a little less than 2000 euros) and 155 thousand rubles. (5100 dollars or slightly less than 3800 euros) respectively.

If the bird is subjected to further processing, that is, cutting, then you will also need a machine for removing the cuticle (about 85 thousand rubles, which is equal to almost 2800 dollars or a little more than 2000 euros), a machine for cutting off the paws (about 105 thousand rubles, which is equal to slightly more than 3400 dollars or 2500 euros) and an automatic poultry cutting line worth 2850 thousand rubles. (92,300 dollars or 68,600 euros). The same apparatus will also be required when cleaned poultry carcasses are used.

After cleaning and cutting, poultry meat is smoked in industrial-type smokehouses. Their range is large, but the differences in universal thermal smoke chambers from different manufacturers are only in the volume of products loaded simultaneously.

The model range of chambers produced in Russia includes chambers with simultaneous loading of 50, 100, 250, 300, 500 and 1000 kg of product - in this case poultry meat. The cost of a 50-kilogram camera is about 90 thousand rubles. (3000 dollars or a little more than 2200 euros), 1000-kilogram - more than 550 thousand rubles. (nearly $18,000 or just under €13,500).

Samples equipped with a refrigeration unit will cost a little more - about 115 thousand rubles. (about 3700 dollars or slightly less than 2800 thousand euros) and about 710 thousand rubles. (almost 23,000 dollars or a little more than 17,000 euros), respectively.

In addition, there are also samples of thermal smoke chambers made of stainless steel or combined - where only the working surfaces are made of stainless steel. Combined chambers are 30-40% more expensive than conventional ones, and in the case of fully made of stainless steel, both the spread and the difference are greater - from 80 to 160% for small (50 kg) and large (1000 kg) chambers, respectively.

In principle, the main thing is that the working surface of the chamber is protected from corrosion, so the combined option seems to be more preferable. In some cases, additional equipment is installed on thermal smoke chambers - semi-automatic washes for finished products, and this equipment is the most profitable: the difference in price (prices are indicated for combined 50- and 1000-kilogram chambers equipped with refrigeration units, refrigeration units and washes, respectively) significant - only about 10-60 thousand rubles (320-2040 dollars or 240-1520 euros).

Organization, premises, personnel and profitability of smoked poultry production

Organizational issues include issues of obtaining permits and regulatory documentation. In this case, there is no GOST or OST (industry standard) specifically for smoked poultry, therefore, for its production, a package of regulatory documents is drawn up by entrepreneurs on their own.

Usually these are various specifications (technical specifications) and TI (technological instructions that clearly regulate the composition and technology of manufacturing products), agreed with the relevant regulatory and registration authorities - regional departments of consumer supervision ("Rospotrebnadzor") and the Center for Standardization and Metrology.

The development of technical specifications is carried out either independently or by specialized firms. However, for products such as smoked poultry meat, technical specifications already exist - they can be purchased, as a rule, from manufacturers of the corresponding equipment, unless, of course, the original recipe is used.

The premises of the smoking shop must comply with SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the manufacture and turnover of food products and food raw materials in them" - be equipped with appropriate communications: electricity, hot and cold water, sewage, gasified and ventilated up to the installation of forced - exhaust - ventilation.

There are some additional requirements for firms working with frozen raw materials - defrosters must be equipped with drains and located separately from the production area. However, when working with dead poultry, there are also some restrictions - in particular, regarding the storage of raw materials, separate rooms for cleaning carcasses, etc.

But smoking equipment can also be placed on the street - of course, not in the open air, but under special sheds, if, of course, the design of the thermal smoke chamber allows this.

A medium-sized enterprise producing 5-6 tons of products per day (i.e., in 2-3 shifts) needs only 5-8 workers (per shift), depending on the chosen work scheme - with refined or unrefined raw materials. The shift must be attended by a master with education 260100 "Technology of food products" or 260301 "Technology of meat and meat products" according to OKSO and a technologist with education 260601 "Machines and apparatus for food production" or 260602 "Food engineering of small enterprises". Other workers may be unskilled. The wage fund is 200-300 thousand rubles. (taking into account social insurance contributions, the current rate of which is 34%).

It is rather difficult to calculate the profitability of production: the range of products is large - raw and cooked-smoked products vary greatly in class: they can be both economy and elite segments of the market, but the minimum profitability is not less than 25% (when using ready-made - peeled and cut raw materials and the production of only the cheapest smoked meats).

The real average profitability fluctuates between 50 and 100%, and in some cases (for example, when using meat of a musk duck or guinea fowl and other expensive species) - and 200-250%.

Short description

The purpose of my course work: a comparative assessment of the quality of smoked poultry products. The main tasks in the course work are: to study the general characteristics of smoked poultry products, chemical composition, nutritional and biological value, assortment, raw materials used, production scheme, standard requirements for the quality of smoked poultry products, defects and their causes , conditions and terms of storage. And also to compare the results obtained with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation, determine their compliance (or non-compliance) with these documents and substantiate the commodity assessment of the product under study.

1. Literature review……………………………………………………………………...5
1.1 General characteristics…………………………………………………………………5
1.2 Chemical composition, nutritional, biological and energy value of smoked poultry meat products…………………………………………………..... 7
1.3 Assortment (classification) of smoked poultry products……………..8
1.4 Raw materials used in production, requirements for its quality…………...11
1.5 Scheme for the production of smoked poultry products………………………….12
1.6 Requirements of the standards for the quality of smoked poultry products………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....14
1.7 Defects, defects and their causes…………………………………...16
1.8 Storage conditions and terms………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Characteristics of a trading enterprise…………………………………………….
2.1 Material and research methods………………………………………………….19
2.2 Research results and their analysis………………………………………….....20
Conclusions on the results of the work…………………………………………………………..27
List of used literature…………………………………………………..28

Work content - 1 file

1.3 Range (classification) of smoked poultry products

Smoked poultry products are classified:

I. By type of bird:


II. According to the heat treatment method:




The industry produces smoked poultry products in the following range in accordance with T

Smoked chickens and ducks;

Chickens baked;

Duck baked and smoked-baked;

Boiled chickens and chickens;

Fried bird;

Pastroma goose and duck.

1.4 Raw materials used in production, requirements for their quality and safety

Main raw material. Raw materials include all products of slaughter of chickens (chickens), geese, ducks, turkeys: carcasses and butchered poultry. Use pre-chilled or frozen raw materials. The choice and assessment of its quality is carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, taking into account the nutritional and consumer value, as well as the possibility of processing.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements. Only raw materials that meet veterinary requirements are used for processing. It should not have any changes in quality, especially in terms of color, smell, taste, deviation from consistency, physical contamination. Raw materials must not contain toxins of infectious microorganisms and microbes, as well as chemical residues in excess of established limits.

Auxiliary raw materials. It includes:

Food salt. Under its influence, the muscle tissue swells, its moisture absorption increases. Salt increases the stabilization of fat emulsions;

Phosphates. The sodium salt of phosphoric acid is highly soluble in water and insoluble in saline. The permitted dose of phosphates is 0.4%;

Smoking substances. These substances with smoke fall on the surface of the product and penetrate inside. They produce liquid and powdered smoke substances. They are easily dosed and do not contain foreign impurities, but have the disadvantage that the impact of the smell of soot is somewhat different from natural smoked raw materials.

Food table salt - GOST 13830;

Sugar - GOST 21;

Drinking water - GOST 2874.

Sodium benzoate must comply with the requirements of the USSR State Pharmacology FS or other regulatory and technical documentation;

1.5 Scheme for the production of smoked poultry products

Smoked chickens and ducks. Gutted carcasses of chickens and ducks in a cooled, chilled or thawed state are cut into two halves, the cut line should run along the middle of the spine and keel. Prepared carcass halves are washed in baths with running water or in machines with a shower device. Slightly dried carcasses are rubbed with a salted mixture, placed in wooden barrels, metal containers, etc., poured with a solution containing 10 liters of water and 10 g of sodium nitrite (to preserve the natural color of the meat) per 100 kg of raw materials, and pressed. The duration of salting at a temperature of 3-4 ° C is 3-4 days.

After the end of the salting, the half-carcasses are taken out, the brine is allowed to drain, they are looped with twine by the leg or hung on hooks and served for smoking. Smoked with smoke at a temperature of 90-105 ° C for 2-3 hours. After smoking, the half-carcasses are cooled in a suspended state to a temperature of 8 ° C, and then the twine is removed or removed from the hooks.

Chickens baked. Thawed carcasses of chickens are salted in perforated baskets in a wet way: with a cold 5% solution of table salt at a temperature of 2-4 ° C for 16-18 hours. After unloading and draining the brine (within 40-60 minutes), the carcasses are wrapped in two layers special aluminum foil, tucking the skin of the neck behind the wing, tie both ends with twine with one dressing and secure with metal clips (clips). The remaining ends of the film are cut off.

Carcasses are baked in ovens on baking sheets or perforated trays at a temperature of 190-200 ° C for 50-80 minutes, and in the first hour of baking, hot steam is fed into the chamber. By the end of baking, the temperature inside the thickness of the pectoral muscles should be at least 91 ° C. The unloaded frames with the finished product are first cooled without forced circulation, and then at an air speed of 3-4 m/s. The temperature in the thickness of the muscles of the chilled carcass should not exceed 8 °C.

Baked carcasses are sold in a two-layer cellophane wrapper in which they were baked.

Duck baked and smoked-baked. Technological operations are similar to the production of baked chickens: defrosting, carcass preparation, salting, wrapping, baking, looping, smoking, cooling, cooling, packaging, packaging in transport containers, cooling, storage.

Unlike roasted chicken, ducks and ducklings are smoked in roasting chambers at a temperature of 100-105 ° C for 4-5 hours. For the first 2 hours, the temperature in the roasting chambers is maintained at 105 ° C and moist smoke is supplied, then the temperature is reduced to 100 ° C With and dry smoke is served. At the end of hot smoking, the temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscles should be 78-80 ° C.

Boiled chickens and chickens. Technological scheme: defrosting; preparation of carcasses; molding; ambassador; cooking; cooling down; cooling; packing; packaging in a shipping container; cooling; storage.

Prepared carcasses of chickens and chickens (for carcasses of chickens, wings are removed along the elbow joint, for chickens, they are left on the carcass) are molded; the legs (tarsal joints) are tucked into the incisions of the abdominal wall, which are made on both sides of the carcass, the skin of the neck is tucked into the hole formed after the removal of the goiter, trachea and esophagus, in chicken carcasses, the wings are wrapped behind the back, fastening them together.

The molded carcasses are placed in perforated baskets, loaded into curing containers, poured with a cold 5% solution of table salt and kept in it for 12-16 hours at 2-4 ° C. Then the baskets with the bird are unloaded and left to drain the brine for 50 minutes.

Carcasses are boiled with live steam in steam chambers on perforated trays placed on frames, or in water in digesters. Cooking with live steam at 98-100 ° C lasts from 30 to 70 minutes, depending on the type of carcasses. At the end of cooking, the temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscles should be at least 78 ° C.

Boiled carcasses are unloaded onto a perforated table for draining liquid and cooling. The cooled carcasses are placed in one row in a returnable container or on the shelves of multi-tiered carts and sent for cooling.

Fried poultry.. Technological scheme: defrosting; preparation of carcasses; molding; ambassador; frying; cooling down; cooling; packing: packing in a transport container; cooling; storage.

They are made in the same way as boiled chickens, but instead of boiling, the carcasses are fried in rotary ovens, electric or gas cabinets. At the end of frying, the temperature in the thickness of the pectoral and femoral muscles of the carcass must be at least 78 ° C.

Pastroma goose and duck. When making pastrami from frozen carcasses, they are first defrosted by hanging them on hangers or laying them out on racks in one LAYER. Prepared carcasses are washed and sent to cutting. When cutting, the wings are removed along the elbow joint, then the loin part along with the leg. The skin is not removed. The femur and tibia are not removed from the hams. The loin is given an oval shape. After that, the prepared raw materials are rubbed with a salted mixture, placed for salting in wooden vats, barrels or metal containers and poured with brine. The duration of the salting is 3-4 days. at a temperature of 3-4 °C. After the extraction and draining of the brine, the raw material is looped with twine by the shin and served for smoking, which is carried out at a temperature of 90-105 ° C for 6-8 hours.

After smoking, goose and duck pastrami are cooled in a suspended state to a temperature of 8 ° C, then the twine is removed, packaged and packaged.

1.6 Standard requirements for product quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic characteristics of smoked poultry products according to TU 9213-162-23476484-2001

Table number 2


According to TU 9213-162-23476484-2001


Products with a clean, dry surface, free of hemp, feather residue, skin tears and bruising. Surface color yellow to light brown. On the surface of carcasses or parts of carcasses, crushed spices (spices) are allowed


Elastic, dense

Sectional view

Uniformly colored muscle tissue from light pink to white or brown-gray, fat white or with a pinkish tint, without yellowing.

Smell and taste

Characteristic of this type of product, with the aroma of spices and smoking, the taste is moderately salty, without foreign taste and smell.

Physical and chemical parameters of smoked poultry products.

Table #3


According to TU 9213-162-23476484-2001

Mass fraction of sodium chloride, % no more

No more than 2.5

Moisture content, %

No more than 72

Mass fraction of sodium nitrite, %

Not more than 0.005

Mass fraction of protein, % not less than

Not less than 15.0

Mass fraction of fat, % no more

Not more than 15.0

Residual activity of acid phosphatase, % no more

Not more than 0.006

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Commodity characteristics of boiled-smoked poultry thigh


2. Examination of the quality of boiled-smoked thigh sold in Naberezhnye Chelny

2.3 The results of the study of physical and chemical indicators of the quality of boiled-smoked thigh



Poultry meat has been eaten by humans since time immemorial. This is a valuable dietary product, useful to everyone without exception. Doctors advise serving chicken or turkey dishes more often, as poultry meat is a unique source of protein and important amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The low content of fat, and hence cholesterol, makes it possible to recommend poultry meat to people with cardiovascular problems, to children, and to those who simply watch their weight.

The main types of poultry are chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowls and quails. Poultry meat is valued for its high taste qualities. It consists of the same tissues as the meat of slaughtered animals, but has distinctive features. Poultry meat is more tender, muscle tissue contains less connective tissue, it is easier and more fully absorbed by the human body.

The fats contained in meat determine the high energy value of meat products, participate in the formation of the aroma and taste of products, and contain polyunsaturated fatty acids in sufficient quantities for humans. The muscle tissue of meat contains extractive substances involved in the formation of the taste of meat products and related to energetic stimulants of the secretion of the gastric glands. A person receives with meat and meat products all the minerals he needs. Especially a lot of meat food phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium. In addition, the meat contains a number of trace elements.

The nutritional value of poultry meat is characterized by the amount and ratio of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and the degree of their assimilation by the human body; it is also due to the energy content and taste properties of meat.

All these characteristics, along with a relatively low cost, have made poultry meat extremely popular, both in home food and in cooking at catering establishments, including therapeutic and prophylactic products.

Poultry farming and the poultry processing industry are very efficient branches of the national economy, supplying the population with valuable meat and eggs.

Chickens, turkeys, guinea fowls, geese and ducks are of economic importance. From poultry, you can get products at 4-6 months of age, and broilers at 50 days of age reach a weight of 1.8 kg. Chickens are of the greatest economic importance. The slaughter yield of gutted carcasses of chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys is 57-60%, and half-gutted - 77-80%.

The purpose of the course work: to conduct a commodity examination and assess the quality and authenticity of boiled-smoked poultry products presented in Russia, to develop recommendations for promoting the sale of this type of product.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To study the commodity characteristics of the cooked-smoked poultry meat product - composition, nutritional value, raw materials, production technology, classification, defects and quality requirements for the cooked-smoked poultry meat product.

2. Conduct comparative studies of selected samples of cooked and smoked poultry products in terms of organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators.

The subject of the study is the quality of the selected three commercial samples of boiled-smoked poultry thighs.

The object of the study is boiled-smoked poultry thigh sold in Russia.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references, illustrated with tables.

The first chapter discusses the nutritional value, production technology, storage features, classification and assortment, quality requirements in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, the main defects and problems of falsification of cooked smoked poultry products. The second chapter presents the results of the examination of the quality of cooked-smoked poultry meat products in terms of organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators.

To write a term paper, normative documents - GOSTs were used, periodicals were analyzed.

1. Theoretical foundations of commodity characteristics of boiled-smoked products from poultry meat

1.1 Characteristics and technology of cooking smoked poultry products

In the production of boiled-smoked products from poultry meat, it is important to follow the basic technological regulations. Otherwise, it may lead to certain technological defects.

Poultry meat must be processed in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological instructions for the production of poultry meat in compliance with the sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

For the production of poultry meat, poultry is used according to GOST 18292-85.

Depending on the age of the bird, the meat is divided into the meat of young and adult birds. The meat of a young bird includes carcasses of chickens, broiler chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults and caesarlings with a non-ossified (cartilaginous) keel of the sternum, with a non-keratinized beak, with delicate elastic skin on the carcass. On the legs of carcasses of chickens, broiler chickens, turkey poults and caesarlings, smooth, tight-fitting scales and undeveloped spurs in the form of tubercles; ducklings and goslings - delicate skin.

The meat of an adult bird includes carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls with an ossified (hard) keel of the sternum and a keratinized beak. The carcasses of chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls have coarse scales on their legs, while the carcasses of ducks and geese have coarse skin. The spurs of roosters and turkeys are hard.

Depending on the duration of curing, smoking method, packaging material, storage temperature and production technology, pastrami is produced with a short (up to 14 days) and longer (up to one year) shelf life.

Aging salting is made with table salt using sodium nitrite. Salt is a preservative and forms the taste of the product, and nitrite determines the formation of characteristic color and taste.

Starter cultures of microorganisms are used to improve the color and taste of products.

In the process of cooling in water during primary processing, the bird absorbs moisture. In this regard, before salting, one should take into account the higher moisture content of the raw material compared to the raw materials of the meat industry.

Apply dry and wet salting, as well as a combination of both. Taking into account the duration of salting, short (24 hours) and longer (5-6 days) exposures are used.

Depending on the method of salting, the following technologies have become widespread:

Conventional salting in containers made of artificial material - raw materials are placed in a container and kept in salting without mechanical impact;

Vacuum salting, when exposure to salting is carried out under vacuum, while the raw material is subjected to mechanical stress.

With any salting method, the salt concentration in flat and small pieces of raw materials is higher than in large ones.

In this regard, in order to equalize the salt concentration after salting, it is advisable to withstand the raw materials (let them ripen). Finished smoked poultry products with a long shelf life after they are made also require maturation.

The ripening period varies depending on the type of bird, the finished product and the method of processing.

Summing up, it should be noted that boiled-smoked poultry meat products are a poultry meat product aged in salting in one of two ways. There are two types of salting: normal and vacuum.

1.2 Chemical composition and nutritional value of poultry meat

Distinctive features of poultry meat:

* good digestibility;

* optimal content and ratio of essential amino acids;

* high digestibility;

* low caloric content;

Boiled-smoked poultry sausages are characterized by higher digestibility compared to beef and pork sausages, as poultry meat is easily digestible and has good taste and nutritional value.

In birds, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the most valuable meat is the muscles of the chest and shoulder, as well as the muscles of the thigh. The meat of birds compared to the meat of mammals has significantly less connective tissue, and this tissue is softer, more tender and evenly distributed over all muscles. Fat deposits in birds are concentrated mainly under the skin and on the internal organs. The skin of the bird is also part of the meat and is distinguished by its tenderness.

In birds, unlike mammals, the meat is sharply divided into two parts: white and dark. Running birds (chickens, turkeys, guinea fowls) have white meat on the chest and torso, and dark meat on the legs. Flying and waterfowl (fowl, pigeons, geese and ducks) have dark meat.

Poultry meat is a valuable source of proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Its chemical composition depends on the type of bird and the degree of its fatness. The content of carbohydrates in poultry meat is insignificant and does not exceed 0.5%. The average protein content is about 18-20%. A very fatty bird, such as a goose, has less protein (16%), while turkeys have the highest protein content (19.5%).

In bird meat, compared to mammals, there is less connective tissue, therefore, less defective proteins - collagen and elastin, and, accordingly, more complete protein - muscle plasma. By their amino acid composition, poultry meat proteins are complete, containing all the essential amino acids, balanced in optimal ratios. Bird meat (white and dark) has a high content of growth-stimulating amino acids: tryptophan, lysine and arginine. In addition, it is especially rich in glutamic acid, which is actively involved in the release of the body from non-utilizable decay products of food protein, primarily from ammonia. The presence of glutamic acid is due to the specific aroma and taste of poultry meat. White meat contains more nitrogenous extractives.

The calorie content of poultry meat also depends on its fatness. In 100 g of skinny chicken and duck meat - 117 kcal, in the same amount of fat goose meat - up to 474 kcal.

Poultry meat is a valuable source of B vitamins, especially B2, folic acid and nicotinamide. For example, chicken meat contains vitamins B, B3, B6, PP, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, B12. The internal and subcutaneous fat of birds contains vitamin A. The use of poultry meat makes it possible to produce boiled-smoked products with high quality indicators.

Poultry meat has a fine-grained structure of white or reddish color, depending on the species. Of economic importance are chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls. Compared to meat from slaughter animals, poultry meat contains more complete proteins and less collagen and elastin. It contains fats, minerals, many extractives, vitamins A, PP, D, B1, B2, B12. Fats have a low melting point (23-34°C) and are easily absorbed by the body (by 93%). Extractive substances enhance the separation of digestive juices, contribute to the rapid absorption of food.

Poultry carcasses, depending on fatness and quality of processing, are divided into categories I and II. When determining the category, age, type, method of processing, fatness, condition of the skin surface are taken into account. Carcasses of category I have well-developed muscles, deposits of subcutaneous fat. Poultry carcasses of category II have satisfactorily developed muscles, slight deposits of subcutaneous fat or its absence. The meat of a young bird is more useful, it is used in clinical nutrition.

Meat of chickens and chickens is a favorite among other types of poultry meat. With a low fat content (no more than 10%), it has more proteins than any other meat. It provides a complete balance of protein in the body and is an excellent product for life and growth. The nutritional value of chicken broths is reduced by the high content of cholesterol and purine substances. The broth contains up to 20% cholesterol and about 65% nitrogenous extractives. The most useful is boiled white chicken meat (especially breast), which is considered a dietary product.

Chicken meat contains vitamin B6 much more than peanuts, black beans, broccoli and other foods rich in this vitamin. It normalizes metabolism and helps to strengthen the immune system, helps prevent heart attacks, strokes and coronary disease. Chicken broth contains a peptide - a protein that improves the condition of the heart muscle and normalizes the heart rhythm. Therefore, in case of heart diseases, chicken meat is recommended to patients.

Nutritionists recommend eating chicken meat at least twice a week. An important argument in favor of chicken meat is its price, which is significantly lower than the price of other poultry meat, especially beef, pork and lamb. Chicken meat is combined with all types of side dishes, it is well absorbed by the body. Chicken broth is recommended for convalescents after illnesses and operations.

Chicken meat has a delicate texture, has a high taste. It contains a smaller amount of connective tissue, it is easily digested. The meat of broiler chickens is especially tasty and healthy.

The meat of geese and ducks has a specific taste and aroma, which is not perceived equally by everyone. Unlike white chicken, goose and duck meat is dark (reddish in color), it has more fat, and less nitrogenous substances soluble in water. The broths from the meat of these birds are not transparent, many find them unpleasant in taste. It is used, as a rule, for frying, and ducks and geese must be well-fed.

Otherwise, fried foods turn out dry and rough, acquire a sugary aftertaste and are difficult to digest. Goose meat is fatter than duck (up to 20% fat) and tougher. Fatty taste and cloying can be softened with sour-tasting side dishes - sour apples, stewed sauerkraut, pickled fruits and berries. Most often, geese and ducks are baked, stuffed with apples, vegetables, and cereals.

Turkey meat is very tender, never causes allergies, so it is recommended for children. Compared to other types of birds, it contains a small amount of cholesterol - 74 mg per 100 g. Rich in iron, selenium, magnesium and potassium, contains vitamins: PP, B6, B12, B2. It is used in dietary nutrition, as well as for the preparation of sausages, sausages, dumplings.

1.3 Assortment and storage of cooked and smoked poultry products

According to TU 9213-042-30779096-2013 poultry meat products are produced in the following range:

- carcass of poultry (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

- chicken legs (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

- poultry wings (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

- poultry tails (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey) smoked and boiled;

- chicken drumstick (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked-boiled;

- poultry breasts (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

-- Appetizing galantine made from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

-- amateur galantine from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

-- Rural galantine from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

-- Gentle galantine from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

-- galantine Lux from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

- galantine from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled;

-- Festive galantine from poultry meat (chicken, chicken, broiler chicken, turkey, goose, duck) smoked and boiled.

- smoked-boiled cartilage;

-- Beer joint smoked and boiled;

--Appetizing buffalo wings;

Shelf life of chilled products from the date of manufacture at a temperature of 0 to 6 ° C, packed without the use of vacuum or modified atmosphere: no more than 48 hours.

Shelf life of frozen products from the date of manufacture at a temperature not higher than minus 18 ° C:

-- hermetically packed - 90 days;

-- not hermetically packed and weight - 30 days.

Recommended shelf life of products from the date of manufacture at a temperature of 0 to 6 ° C, packed under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere: no more than 10 days.

When putting products with recommended shelf life into production, it is necessary to conduct research according to the scheme: from one batch of products at least 3 times during the established shelf life, in accordance with MUK 4.2.1847 according to clause 3.10.

In the absence of cold, products are not subject to storage and sale.

Thawed and re-frozen products are not allowed for sale. food poultry technology cooking

Summing up, it should be said that the main criterion for the shelf life of cooked and smoked poultry products is the storage of finished products at low temperatures.

2. Examination of the quality of cooked and smoked poultry products sold in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny

2.1 Characteristics of the objects of expertise and the structure of the study

3. according to GOST R 51479 - 99.

5. Determination of water-binding capacity according to GOST 53516-2009.

Rice. 1. Structural and logical scheme of research

The object of the study is samples of boiled-smoked thighs:

1- Cooked-smoked thigh "Halal";

2- Boiled-smoked chicken thigh;

3- Chicken thigh boiled and smoked in a vacuum.

1) Cooked-smoked thigh "Halal".

Ingredients: broiler chicken thigh, table salt, complex food additives.

Nutritional value of 100g of product:

Proteins - 15.0 g,

Fat - 23.0 g,

Energy value is not more than 267 kcal.

Storage: Shelf life at t from 0 to 6°C and relative humidity 70-80% no more than 15 days.

Producer: OOO "Chelny-Broiler".

Legal address: 423800 Russian Federation Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, st. named after E.N. Batenchuk, d.3.

Standard: TU 9213-038-54899698-08.

Barcode: 4570009950949.

2) Boiled-smoked chicken thigh.


Legal address: 423520 Republic of Tatarstan, Zainsk, st. Vokzalnaya, 3.

Ingredients: chicken thigh, table salt, animal protein, spices, sugar, food additives.

Nutritional value per 100g of product:

Protein - not less than 15.0 g,

Fat - no more than 13.0 g,

Energy value is not more than 236 kcal.

Shelf life: 10 days, at t from 0 to + 6°C and relative air humidity not more than 70-80%.

Standard: TU9213-002-51361389-00.

Sheath type: vacuum.

3) Vacuum boiled-smoked chicken thigh.

Ingredients: broiler chicken thigh, table salt, black pepper, red pepper, mustard, garlic.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

protein - not less than 20.0 g,

fats - no more than 13.0 g,

Energy value - 201 kcal.

Shelf life: 15 days at t from 0 to 6°C.

Manufacturer: LLC "Pestrechinka"

Manufacturer's address: 422527, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Zelenodolsky district, pos. Osinovo.

Standard: TU 9213-003-86943538-11.

Barcode: 4811518004154.

Conclusion: based on the identification data, referring to GOST 9959-91, these products were manufactured in violation of GOST: KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAIN RAIPO" does not have a barcode.

2.2 Organoleptic qualities of cooked and smoked poultry products

Determination of organoleptic indicators of cooked-smoked products from poultry meat is carried out in accordance with GOST 9959-91 "Meat products. General conditions for organoleptic evaluation".

An organoleptic evaluation is carried out to establish the compliance of the organoleptic quality indicators of products with the requirements of a regulatory document.

Organoleptic assessment is carried out to determine indicators - appearance, color, taste, aroma, texture through the senses.

Sampling is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for the relevant type of product.

Samples are presented for tasting at the same temperature at which the product is normally consumed.

Before submitting for tasting, samples are coded with numbers or letters.

According to organoleptic parameters, boiled-smoked products from poultry meat must comply with Table 1.

Table 1. Evaluation of the quality of cooked-smoked products according to organoleptic indicators


Characteristics of products according to GOST

Characteristics of indicators




worse than average

Smell and taste



below the average

Sectional view





From table 1 it can be seen that the quality indicators of the boiled-smoked thigh KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP ZAINSKOGO RAIPO" indicate a not very satisfactory presentation of the product. And the quality indicators for organoleptic indicators 1 and 3 of the sample are more or less satisfactory.

The organoleptic profile of the thigh of cooked-smoked "Halal" LLC "Chelny-Broiler" can be seen in Figure 1.

Rice. 1 - Organoleptic profile of the cooked-smoked thigh "Halal" LLC "Chelny-Broiler"

The organoleptic profile of the boiled-smoked chicken thigh KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKOGO RAIPO" is shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2 - Organoleptic profile of a boiled-smoked chicken thigh KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKY RAIPO"

The organoleptic profile of chicken thigh cooked and smoked in a vacuum by Pestrechinka LLC is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3 - Organoleptic profile of chicken thigh boiled-smoked in vacuum LLC "Pestrechinka".

Conclusion: based on organoleptic data, referring to GOST 9959-91, poultry meat products were produced with violations of GOST for all samples. At the manufacturer Chelny-Broiler LLC, the consistency is not dense enough. Taste properties correspond to GOST. The manufacturer KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKOGO RAIPO" was released with a damaged casing and gray spots on the section. The taste does not match this product. The manufacturer LLC "Pestrechinka" has a smell with pronounced sourness, not fragrant enough. The taste corresponds to this product, but the taste of spices is mild.

2.3 The results of the study of physical and chemical indicators of the quality of cooked and smoked products from poultry meat

In the experimental part, to determine the mass fraction of moisture, fat peroxide value, sodium chloride content, water-binding capacity and volatile fatty acids, 3 types of the test product were taken, that is, boiled-smoked thigh:

Sample 1 - Cooked-smoked thigh "Halal" LLC "Chelny-Broiler";

Sample 2 - Boiled-smoked chicken thigh KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKOGO RAIPO";

Sample 3 - Vacuum boiled-smoked chicken thigh LLC "Pestrechinka".

The determination of the mass fraction of moisture is carried out according to GOST R 51479 - 99.

The essence of the method lies in drying a sample sample with sand to a constant weight at a temperature of 103 ± 2 ° C or 150 ± 2 ° C. The materials used are purified sand, washed with acid, passing through a sieve with a cell diameter of 1.4 mm and remaining on a sieve with a diameter of cells 0.25 mm.

The moisture content in smoked and boiled poultry products is strictly regulated. The moisture content averages 53-70%.

The current standard establishes the following methods for determining the moisture content: drying in an oven at a temperature of 103±2 o C or 150±2 o C; drying in a SAP dryer using infrared radiation. Operation procedure: sand is poured into a dry bottle, approximately 2-3 times the weight of the product, weighed, then a weight of the product is added with a glass rod, mixed and weighed again. Dry in an oven in an open bottle at a temperature of 150 ± 2 ° C for 1 hour. Then the bottle is closed with a lid, cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed.

W = (m 1 - m 2 ) .100

m 1 - m o where

m o - mass of bottles with sand and a stick, g

m 1 - mass of bottles with sand, a stick and a sample, g

m 2 - mass of bottles with sand, a stick and a sample after drying, g

Table 4. Results of the mass fraction of moisture in the boiled-smoked thigh

Conclusion: the data presented above show that the approximate standard amount of moisture is contained in the samples of Chelny-Broiler LLC (70.8%), the rest of the samples do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Rice. 4. The quality index of the mass fraction of moisture,%.

Conclusion: the data presented above show that the standard amount of moisture is contained in the sample of Chelny-Broiler LLC (70.8%) The standard according to GOST is 70%. The remaining samples do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

The determination of the salt content of ham is carried out in accordance with GOST 31639-2012. The content of sodium chloride is determined in an aqueous extract from the product by the Mohr method in the natural environment.

X ps = 2.92KV 1 V 2 m

Where K is the correction to the titer of a solution of silver nitrate with a concentration of 0.5 moldm 3

V 2 - the volume of water extract taken for titration, cm 3

V 1 - the volume of a solution of silver nitrate with a concentration of 0.5 moldm 3

Table 5. Table salt results

Conclusion: the data presented above show that the standard amount of table salt is contained in all samples, since the content of table salt does not exceed 2.5%.

Rice. 5. Index of salt content, %.

Conclusion: according to GOST 31639-2012, the salt content should not exceed 2.5%.

All samples meet the standard.

Determination of water-binding capacity is carried out according to GOST 53516-2009.

The amount of tightly bound moisture is calculated by the formula:

X pv \u003d W- m 1 - m 2 100%

M m 1 - sample weight before pressing, mg

m 2 - sample weight after pressing, mg

Table 6. Water-binding capacity results

Conclusion: the data presented above in accordance with GOST, from 15 to 20%, show that all samples exceed the norm, it can be assumed that phosphates were used in the curing mixture.

Rice. 6. Index of water-binding capacity, %

Conclusion: the standard for the indicator is from 15 to 20%. None of the samples does not comply with GOST, as all samples exceed the norm.

Determination of fat peroxide value is carried out according to GOST 23042 - 86.

Peroxide number (X pch) in% is determined by the formula:

X pch \u003d (V- V 1 )TO 0,00127 100 = 0,127(V 1 - V)TO M m

V is the volume of a solution of hyposulfate with a concentration of 0.01 moldm 3 used for titration during the main experiment with a sample of fat, cm 3

V is the volume of a hyposulfate solution with a concentration of 0.01 moldm 3 used for titration during the main experiment without fat, cm 3

m is the weight of the sample of the tested fat, g

K-factor of the correction to the hyposulfite solution for recalculation for the exact solution of concentration 0.01 moldm 3

0.00127 - the number of grams of iodine equivalent to 1 cm 3 of a hyposulfite solution with a concentration of 0.01 moldm 3

Table 7. The results of the content of peroxide value of fat in boiled-smoked products from poultry meat

Conclusion: the above data show that not all of the presented samples comply with the GOST standard. The standard according to GOST is 0.01%. In 3 samples, the standard exceeds, therefore, it does not meet the standard.

Fig.7. Fat peroxide index, %

Conclusion: experience has shown that sample 3 does not meet the standard, its fat peroxide value is more than 0.01%. Determination of the content of volatile fatty acids is carried out according to GOST 23392-78. The determination of the content of volatile fatty acids is calculated by the formula:

X lzhk \u003d 5.61 (V 1 -V 2) K

V 1 - the amount of sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 0.1 moldm 3 .

Table 8. Volatile Fatty Acid Results

Conclusion: according to GOST, the content of fatty acids should not exceed 4 mg. All but 2 samples meet the standard.

Fig.8. Volatile fat content, %

Conclusion: since the amount of potassium hydroxide in samples 1 and 3 is up to 4 mg, the products meet the standard.

After analyzing all the quality indicators, we can say that the boiled-smoked thigh of three manufacturers: LLC "Chelny-Broiler", KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKY RAIPO" and LLC "Pestrechinka", based on organoleptic data, referring to GOST 9959-91 , these samples were issued with violations of GOST at all manufacturing factories.

During the tests, it was revealed that two manufacturers: KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKOGO RAIPO" and LLC "Pestrechinka" produced products with violations of GOST. When determining the amount of moisture, it turned out that the standard amount is contained in the cooked-smoked thigh of Chelny-Broiler LLC (70.8%). The standard according to GOST is 70%. The remaining samples do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

The normative amount of table salt is contained in all samples, since the content of table salt does not exceed 2.5%.

When determining the peroxide number, not all of the presented samples comply with the GOST standard. The standard according to GOST is 0.01%. In sample 3, it exceeds, therefore, does not meet the standard.

When determining volatile fatty acids, it turned out that the boiled-smoked thigh KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKOGO RAIPO" does not meet the standard. The standard according to GOST is 4 mg.


Boiled smoked poultry products are characterized by higher digestibility compared to beef and pork sausages, as poultry meat is easily digestible and has good taste and nutritional value.

Poultry meat is a valuable source of proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Its chemical composition depends on the type of bird and the degree of its fatness. The content of carbohydrates in poultry meat is insignificant and does not exceed 0.5%. The average protein content is about 18-20%. A very fatty bird, such as a goose, has less protein (16%), while turkeys have the highest protein content (19.5%).

Commodity expertise of quality includes the determination of the following indicators:

1. Organoleptic methods for assessing quality according to GOST 9959-91.

2. Determination of the mass fraction of moisture

3. according to GOST R 51479 - 99.

4. Determination of the salt content of boiled-smoked poultry products according to GOST 31639-2012.

5. Determination of water-binding capacity according to GOST 53516-2009.

6. Determination of peroxide value of fat according to GOST 23042 - 86.

7. Determination of the content of volatile fatty acids according to GOST 23392-78.

The object of the study was the cooked-smoked thigh of three manufacturers: Chelny-Broiler LLC, KON PRODUCTION LLC SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKY RAIPO, LLC Pestrechinka. Based on organoleptic data, referring to GOST 9959-91, the boiled-smoked thigh was produced in violation of GOST: the manufacturer KON PRODUCTION LLC "SAUSAGE SHOP OF ZAINSKOGO RAIPO" does not have a barcode.

When determining the amount of moisture, it turned out that the standard amount is contained in the cooked-smoked thigh of Chelny-Broiler LLC (70.8%). The standard according to GOST is 70%. The remaining samples do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

When determining the content of table salt, it turned out that all the samples presented correspond to the GOST standard. The standard according to GOST is no more than 2.5%.

When determining the water-binding capacity of ham, all samples: do not meet the requirements of GOST. The standard according to GOST is from 15 to 20%. It can be assumed that this was facilitated by the excessive use of phosphates in the curing mixture.

List of used literature

1. GOST 9959-91 Meat products. General conditions for organoleptic evaluation.

2. GOST 21784-76 Poultry meat. Carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl.

3. GOST 23392-78 Meat. Methods of chemical and microscopic analysis of freshness (with Changes N 1, 2).

4. GOST R 51479-99 Meat and meat products. Method for determining the mass fraction of moisture.

5. Kondrashova E.A., Konik N.V., Peshkova T.A. Merchandising of food products: Textbook. - M.: AlfaM: INFRA-M, 2009. - 416 p.

6. Nikolaeva M.A. Merchandising of consumer goods. Theoretical foundations: A textbook for universities in the specialty "Commerce", "Commodity and examination of goods." - M.: NORMA, 2009. - 283 p.

7. Timofeeva V.A. Merchandising of food products. Textbook. 5th edition, add. and Perer. --Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2009. -416 p.

8. Commodity science and expertise of consumer goods: textbook. / Shevchenko V.V., Ermilova I.A. - M.: Infra, 2010. - 543 p.

9. Shepelev A.F. Commodity science and examination of goods: textbook. Rostov.2011. - 128 p.

10. Chemical composition of food products / ed. prof. THEM. Skurikhina, M.N. Volgarev. - M.: VO "Agropromizdat", 2012. -224 p.

11., BIOPROM Publishing House, "Cooked and smoked products from poultry meat", author of the article: Lyudmila Stynga.

12., AGRO-search, "Cooked and smoked poultry products".

13., Ptitsa-RU, "Poultry meat. Chemical composition of poultry meat".

14., Nutrition and health, "Poultry meat. Chemical composition, nutritional and energy value".

15., Meat and meat products, "Poultry meat".

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