Analysis of the Russian labor market. The labor market in Russia

The labor market is a system of economic relations through which labor services are exchanged for material or other benefits. The labor market has a number of features. This is not only the sphere of purchase and sale or the exchange of labor, but also the sphere of reproduction of labor potential, and the sphere of labor use. Yakovenko E.G. gives such an interpretation of the labor market. . The ratio of supply and demand in the labor market depends on many factors. One of the most important is the economic situation, which characterizes the state of the economy. If the country's economy is on the rise, then the demand for labor is growing, and if the economy is in a crisis, then the opposite situation is observed - a decline in the labor market. This dependence, first of all, is due to the demand for goods produced with the help of labor. A favorable economic environment is characterized by an increase in the income of the country's population and a corresponding demand for various goods, requiring an increase in their production. But one should also not forget about technology development trends, which is typical not only for the Russian labor market, but also for many developing countries. High technical equipment, mechanization and automation lead to a decrease in the demand for labor. So in Russia such professions as telephone operators, cashiers-operators, weavers in factories, typists, tillers, chimney sweeps and many others disappeared forever. But the impact of technological progress is ambiguous.

A reduction in the demand for labor occurs in those industries in which labor is automated, but at the same time, the demand for labor increases in industries that produce new equipment, where it is serviced. Another factor is the demographic factor, namely the uneven distribution of the population in the country, which is very important for Russia. This is often due to a lack of demand in some regions and a glut in others. As a rule, salaries in all regions for the same professions are different and the average salary in Russia, according to Rosstat, is 36,600 rubles. This has a positive side for mobile youth, who have the opportunity to find prospects in other regions, and a disadvantage for mature people or near-retirement age who have been laid off. Therefore, developed social legislation is necessary. The establishment of a living wage, unemployment benefits, pension payments, health care development and so on.

Based on the official statistics websites, the most demanded industries in terms of the number of vacancies in Russia are the specialties presented in Figure 1.

Picture 1. Popular industries by number of vacancies in Russia

This statistics is interesting for schoolchildren who decide which specialty to choose, but being in demand does not always mean high pay, and it is always important for an employee to receive not only moral satisfaction, but also material, the ability to provide for themselves and their living. There is an expression “All professions are important”, but they are all paid differently. This is primarily due to the professionalism of the employee: his length of service, skills, work experience, advanced training, etc., as well as the type of work performed: harmful conditions¸ work at night. The prestige of the profession itself, its demand, the possibility of moving up the career ladder are of great importance. Significant differences in wages may be due to the lack of competition between purely professional groups of workers, for example, between an electrician and a doctor, a steelworker and an educator, etc. That is, the transition between these groups is practically impossible. The competitive environment arises either within a professional group, or in groups of interrelated professions and specialties. A special group is made up of people with unique professions who have talent and abilities: scientists, athletes, grandmasters, musicians, etc.

In general, the existence of a competitive environment in the labor market determines the wages of each professional group, influenced by the mutually balancing supply and demand for labor. But the labor market is often far from pure competition. On the one hand, the labor market is monopolized by trade unions and large corporations, that is, it exists in conditions of a double monopoly. On the other hand, it is regulated by the state through labor legislation and through the establishment of a minimum wage rate. Based on the official statistics websites, the most paid industries in Russia are the specialties presented in Figure 2.

The population of the country consists of economically active population and economically inactive. The economically inactive population includes the following category of citizens of the country:

1. students of another form of education;

2. persons engaged in housekeeping;

3. persons who do not need to work;

The economically active population is the population of the country that is already employed in labor activity, is looking for or has a desire to work, or has an independent source of income. That is, the economically active population of the country includes both employed and unemployed citizens of the country. The unemployed population includes citizens who:

1. did not have a job;

2. looking for a job;

3. were ready to start work;

4. are trained in the direction of employment services;

5. students and pensioners, if they were looking for work.

Since January 2017, Rosstat has been conducting a sample labor force survey among the population aged 15-72. According to the February 2017 survey, the labor force was 75.6 million people, or 52% of the total population of the country ( as of January 1, 2017, according to Rosstat, in Russia there were 146,804,372
permanent residents)
among them, 71.4 million people were employed in the economy and 4.2 million people did not have an occupation, but were actively looking for it (in accordance with the methodology of the International Labor Organization, they are classified as unemployed). The employment rate of the population aged 15 years and older was 58.8%, the unemployment rate was 5.6%.

The number of employed people in February 2017 decreased compared to January by 368 thousand people, or 0.5%, compared to February 2016 - by 264 thousand people, or 0.4%.

Number of unemployed in February 2017 compared to January, decreased by 62 thousand people, or by 1.4%, compared to February 2016. - by 203 thousand people, or by 4.6%.

Employment policy is a socio-economic phenomenon through which the state exercises an indirect and direct impact on the labor market (labor market) to resolve employment problems in order to increase the effectiveness of employment programs, develop social partnership, stimulate the mobility of the economically active population and strengthen labor market flexibility. This idea is given by Yu.G. Odegov. The main tasks of the employment policy include providing the economically active population with jobs, combating unemployment and satisfying investing capital in the labor force.

The employed population includes persons aged 16 years and over, as well as younger ages who:

1. perform work for hire;

2. temporarily absent from work due to illness or vacation;

3. work without pay in a family business.

Classification of employment by status includes the following groups:

1. hired workers, which are divided into civilian labor and military personnel;

2. employers;

3.persons working on an individual basis;

4. unpaid family workers;

5. members of collective enterprises;

6. Persons not classifiable by status in employment.

Measures to combat unemployment include a set of social guarantees, social insurance, various forms and methods of social assistance that ensure the protection of the population from unemployment, namely two main groups: population - employed, but under the threat of dismissal of citizens, and unemployed citizens registered with the state employment service. Such methods of social protection are given by Kochetkov A.A. . Employment policy is a multi-level system and operates on 3 main levels: the macro level, the regional level and the local level. So on September 28, 2016, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 974 “On the creation of a territory of advanced socio-economic development of Togliatti” was adopted. This project was undertaken to accelerate the development of the economy and improve the lives of the population of the urban district of Togliatti. In addition, the state is regulating relations with other countries on the migration exchange of labor. For any country, even with centuries-old market traditions, it is a big problem to maintain the required level of employment. As a rule, in the field of employment, the market cannot automatically influence the process of self-regulation, therefore, in all countries with a market orientation, an employment regulation policy is pursued. Russia is also developing programs to support employment of the population: the payment of appropriate benefits, the formation of existing employment services, support for small and medium businesses, the formation of public services and institutions for retraining and retraining of personnel, stimulation of private services, and many others.

What changes can we expect in the labor market in the metropolis?

Main labor market trends in 2017 in Moscow

1. Reducing the wave of contractions

Over the previous year, about 40-45% of companies carried out personnel optimization: they reduced staff, closed departments that did not bring profit, expanded the duties of employees, reduced salaries and bonus percentages. The main work to optimize the organizational structure of companies has been completed, so experts in the field of employment do not predict a serious wave of layoffs.

2. Risk avoidance

The workload of experienced professionals in various fields has increased significantly. However, those who are ready to take active steps to find a new place are few. Slightly more than half of all citizens employed in Moscow have not changed jobs for more than a year and do not plan to do so in the near future.

The current year should be a turning point for the Moscow labor market. Residents of the city are waiting for radical changes, the activity of the authorities, business, the launch of new projects and the emergence of highly paid job offers.

In February 2017, more than 586 thousand vacancies were opened on the Jobsora website in Moscow with an average monthly income of 43,700 rubles. Given the rise in public transport fares and persistently high housing prices, Muscovites' standard of living has dropped significantly compared to pre-crisis levels.

3. Increase the period of job search

If even 3-5 years ago the search for a new employer took 1-2 months, at the beginning of 2017 Moscow reached the average Russian indicators in terms of its duration: today, 4-6 months is considered a normal period of employment. Companies are also in no hurry to close the vacancy, trying to choose the most qualified candidate with minimal ambitions.

4. Preference for candidates aged 35-40

Low birth rate 90s. and the expected "demographic pit" is forcing employers to reconsider the requirements for the age of employees. If earlier, for example, the positions of sales managers were recruited mainly by young people after universities, this year less attention is paid to the age of applicants. According to recruiters, employees over the age of 40 have clearly defined goals, set priorities, have well-established career ambitions, so they are more loyal to their employer.

Labor market experts believe that the dynamics towards increasing the popularity of older employees among employers in 2017 will continue, but preference will be given to candidates with higher qualifications than age data.

Moscow is a key region whose employers shape the mood in the labor market, and the dynamics of indicators predicts the development of the situation throughout the country. Labor market trends that originated in the capital will soon spread throughout Russia - it's only a matter of time.

Analysis of the labor market in Russia for 2014–2019 shows that its structure is gradually changing. Vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant. In particular, these are IT specialists, freelancers in various fields, robotics, HR specialists, recruiters, etc.

In 2019, vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago become relevant.

But in 2019, the situation in the Russian Federation has changed, which is associated with the gradual stabilization of the economy, labor market, trade and finance.

The following factors influence the state of the labor market and the level of employment of the population during 2018-2019:

  1. War in eastern Ukraine.
  2. Sanctions against Russia imposed by Western countries and the United States.
  3. Accession of the Crimean peninsula, and its inclusion in the all-Russian economic system.
  4. Rising prices for food, services, utility bills.
  5. High inflation, which remains stably high.
  6. demographic crisis.
  7. The low standard of living of the population and the differentiation of society into rich and poor.
  8. The transition of the economy into a phase of stagnation.
  9. High unemployment.

In addition, the state of the labor market in Russia is influenced by events in the international arena. Changes in the conjuncture of the system of international relations, foreign economic relations, the introduction of new technologies, automation and robotization directly affect the level of employment of Russians, incomes of the population and wages.

Popular professions among job seekers in 2019

As a result, the Russian labor market is characterized by the following features:

  1. There is differentiation across regions.
  2. There is a so-called gray economy sector. More than 40% of workers work in the "shadow", without official registration.
  3. There are slow processes of replacing inefficient specialties with effective ones.
  4. Legislation has not been adapted to the new conditions of the labor market.

The labor market in Russia in 2016–2019: trends

Studies regularly conducted by experts and analysts show that 25% of Russians in the fall of 2015 considered the economic situation in the Russian Federation difficult and unstable. Opinions of the same number of citizens that there are positive changes. More than half of the population of the Russian Federation believes that there are no changes in the labor market.

Research also shows that Russian citizens are concerned about finding a job. Their opinions (as a percentage) are expressed as follows:

  • 12 - the search for a new job will be difficult and fruitless.
  • 30 - a new job will be worse, including wages.
  • 25 - if the employer fires, then it will not be difficult to find a job again.
  • 31 - there is work, you just need to make a little effort to get a positive result.

During 2016–2019, the economic system and the labor market were characterized by crisis phenomena, which either deepened or stabilized. A certain stagnation occurred in 2015, when the Russian labor market constantly needed such specialists:

  • marketers;
  • accountants;
  • financiers;
  • auditors;
  • economists;
  • programmers;
  • IT specialists.

Unemployment rate in Russia compared to other countries

The demand for agricultural workers and qualified specialists for factories, factories, and companies has reappeared. Travel companies and firms began to recruit employees, as domestic tourism has intensified.

At the same time, there were more vacancies in some regions than people who were looking for work.

The end of 2018 is the period when the number of cuts peaked. This trend continued at the beginning of 2019, but then the situation began to change. Many companies have begun planning for a gradual expansion of the workforce. First of all, vacancies appeared in the following areas:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Financial organizations.
  3. Mass media, including electronic ones.
  4. Medical area.
  5. Pharmacology.

In 2019, when the situation on the labor market began to level off, the number of vacancies gradually increased. Engineers, technicians, blue-collar workers were considered in demand. There is a constant shortage of qualified personnel at enterprises and factories, so employers sign contracts with universities, colleges and technical schools.

Demanded professions among employers in 2019

Employers are actively involved in the process of retraining and advanced training of their employees. For this, special trainings were held on career growth, mastering new methods of work, including on a computer.

Employment rate in 2019

Official statistics indicated that in 2019 the number of able-bodied citizens of the Russian Federation was almost 76 million people, which is 52% of the total population of Russia. At the same time, the unemployment rate reached at that time 5.8% (4.4 million people). Compared to 2018, this figure increased by 3.4%.

Simultaneously with the increase in the unemployment rate, there was a reduction in the income of the population, the level of wages. Many enterprises have owed salaries to their employees since 2019.

The situation in the country developed differently:

  1. Moscow and Moscow region. The labor market and the economic situation have hardly suffered from sanctions, political influence, inflation.
  2. Siberia, Urals, North Caucasus, Far East. There are no problems with employment, since many workers work without official registration or create their own business, working for themselves.

Current vacancies in 2016–2019

Despite massive layoffs in 2016 and early 2019, the number of vacancies began to grow, which a few years ago were considered unclaimed, unpromising, and unnecessary.

First of all, specialists who switched to a remote work schedule began to be massively required. For the employer, this is very beneficial, since you can hire a highly qualified person from another city or even a region. At the same time, there is no need to pay for the rental of premises, to look for equipment, an office.

The number of resumes per job in various fields

The top professions that were in demand in late 2016 - early 2019 included:

  • Workers of factories and industrial enterprises: welders of different directions, electricians, milling machines.
  • Engineers. Specialists who could work in other related fields were especially appreciated.
  • Programmers.
  • , nurses, nurses.
  • Sales professionals.
  • Drivers.
  • Logistics.
  • Call center operators.
  • Secretaries.
  • Executive assistants.

The market for agriculture and production began to gradually emerge from the crisis; workers were required to participate in import and export programs. In this regard, the heads of enterprises carried out the modernization of production, where there are always not enough drivers of tractors and trucks, toolmakers, machine operators, including those who can work on CNC machines.

Features of Russian unemployment

Among the main problems of the labor market in Russia are unemployment and misuse of labor force. There are several types of unemployment in the country:

  • regional;
  • structural;
  • friction;
  • latent.

Regional unemployment is the most widespread. It is exacerbated due to the fact that in the regions there is untimely payment of wages. Unemployment is characterized by heterogeneity, strong differentiation by industries, areas of employment and territories.

How the unemployment rate differs in different regions of Russia

The results of regional unemployment are:

  • Deterioration of economic indicators.
  • Social tension.
  • Separation of regions from the center.
  • The development of crime.
  • emergence of regional conflicts.

Latent unemployment is very dangerous for the labor market and the employed population, as it delays the transition to a market economy in Russia. Many countries of the world are undergoing such a transitional period, but in the Russian Federation the process has dragged on. This prevents workers from getting used to the new working conditions and the mobility of specialists from one industry to another, and becomes an obstacle to the registration of official unemployed by employment centers.

Latent unemployment provokes delays in wages, the size of which does not increase. At the same time, there is a decrease in the standard of living of people, and the differentiation of society is increasing.

Rosstat data for 2016–2019 show that unemployment is characterized by an uneven distribution of unemployed people across regions. Detailed information is presented in the table.

Region of the Russian FederationMinimum indicatorsMaximum performance
Central Federal District3,2 %–5,8 % Moscow - 3.2%Ivanovo region - 5.8%
North Caucasian Federal District12,5 % Stavropol regionThe Republic of Ingushetia
Northwestern Federal District4,9 % Saint PetersburgNenets Autonomous Okrug
Southern Federal District6,8 % Krasnodar regionKalmykia
Volga Federal District5,2 % Samara RegionKirov region
Ural federal district5,9 % Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous OkrugKurgan region
Siberian Federal District7,5 % Tyva RepublicNovosibirsk region
Far Eastern Federal District6,3 % Magadan RegionJewish Autonomous Region

Thus, during 2014–2019. the unemployment rate by regions did not exceed 12.5% ​​(maximum value). The data show that the number of unemployed people in individual regions is approximately the same: on average, from five to 7.5% of Russians are unemployed.

Labor market in 2019–2019

The formation of modern labor relations and the formation of the labor market in Russia after overcoming the crisis continues. In 2018 and 2019, analysts, first of all, note the imbalance in employment, the lack of a structure for the distribution of labor resources.

At the same time, experts pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • Lack of workers and specialists in industries where graduates of technical universities, colleges and technical schools are needed.
  • Unemployment continues to rise.
  • An employee with high qualifications and professional training is valued, which has a positive effect on increasing the number of young people who go to study.
  • Employees with high-quality knowledge and practical skills will come to work. But for this, employers will have to adapt to the new realities of the labor market: the duration of training is increasing, and labor activity begins much later.
  • Employees get the opportunity to look for employment that will fully meet their qualifications and wishes.
  • CEOs and entrepreneurs are no longer looking to make quick profits, but sustainable returns, which positively affects firms and businesses in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Activation of processes for robotization and automation of production, companies, enterprises. At the same time, a large-scale introduction of digital technologies is taking place.
  • There is a merger of professions, the transition of one area of ​​employment to another.
  • As before, there is an acute shortage of medical personnel: doctors, nurses, orderlies. This is especially felt in remote regions of the country, in rural areas and megacities.

In 2019, employment processes covered most regions of the country. For example, in January of this year, the number of unemployed (officially registered) decreased in 37 administrative subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the situation has not changed at all in the Chechen Republic, but the number of unemployed has increased in 47 subjects of the Federation. The main regions where there is an increase in the unemployed include:

  • The Republic of Tuva - by 9%.
  • - by 5.5%.
  • Omsk region - by 5%.
  • Ivanovo region - by 4.6%.
  • Tatarstan - by 4.2%.

So, at the beginning of 2019, the labor market in Russia continues to change. Positive trends are noted, which are characterized by structural changes. But the lack of balance between the required and existing specialists prevents the economy from completely escaping the state of stagnation.

This also reflects unemployment, which in some regions decreases, while in others it increases by several percent. This situation indicates that there is no mass unemployment in the Russian Federation, it is, as before, of a regional nature.

The following factors hinder the development of the labor market in 2019:

  • Age discrimination. Employers are cutting wages for people who have crossed the retirement threshold or are close to it.
  • Work experience discrimination. Young specialists cannot receive a decent salary, because managers are not ready to pay people without experience as much as specialists with experience.
  • People do not want to work in public organizations.
  • Reducing the number of employees through optimization while giving other employees more responsibilities.
  • Doctors, teachers, educators, lecturers, sellers, cashiers, accountants are constantly at risk.
  • Vasilyeva Ekaterina Georgievna, bachelor, student
  • Sterlitamak Branch Bashkir State University

This article discusses the dynamics of change, unemployment over the past 10 years, as well as the causes of unemployment.

  • Professional training and level of education of personnel at large enterprises
  • Basic methods of working with the elderly in stationary social service institutions
  • Corporate culture as an essential element of fitness service organizations

The state of the modern labor market in Russia in 2015-2016 is extremely influenced by political events and economic phenomena. Undoubtedly, the overall situation was influenced by:

  • -events in Ukraine;
  • -western sanctions;
  • - annexation of Crimea;
  • - rising prices;
  • - continuing inflation;
  • - low standard of living of the majority of the population;
  • - stagnation of the economy;
  • - the remaining stably high levels of unemployment and corruption and bribery of the authorities.

The labor market is the sphere of formation of demand and supply of labor (labor services). Through the labor market, the majority of the working population receives jobs and incomes. The labor market is regulated by the demand and supply of labor (table 1).

Table 1. Demand and supply of labor.

As a result of the interaction of supply and demand for labor in the market, an equilibrium price of labor is established and the level of employment in the economy is determined.

The population of the country at the end of 2016 in Russia was 146,389,999 people. In 2016, the population of Russia increased by approximately 59,995 people. Considering that the population of Russia at the beginning of the year was estimated at 146,330,004 people, the annual increase was 0.04%. In 2017, the population of Russia will increase by 60,020 people and at the end of the year will be 146,450,019 people.

The number of economically active population in the Russian Federation is gradually growing. Thus, the economically active population increased from 75.1 million people in 2013 to 76.7 or 52% of the country's total population in 2016. The employment rate in 2016 was 94.6%, i.e. 72.6 million people.

Table 2. Dynamics of changes in the unemployment rate in the period from 2007 to 2016.

Unemployment rate,%

From the table we see that the unemployment rate decreased from 2009 to 2014, and since 2015 it began to grow. The labor market has almost completely recovered after the crisis.

The carrier of labor relations in society is the working part of the population. This category of people, as well as those who would like to work, but for various reasons do not work, are an object that is studied by such disciplines as economics and the sociology of labor.

The study of resources for labor activity is of great importance in assessing the labor market and pursuing an appropriate demographic policy by the state in order to influence the processes of reproduction of the population and its employment.

The unemployment rate is the main indicator characterizing the state of the labor market and employment. The problems of labor, labor relations, wages and productivity are connected with the equally important problem of employment, which is understood as the measure of involving people in labor activity and the degree of satisfaction of their labor needs, providing jobs. The implementation of a certain employment policy, the creation of conditions for rational employment is a task that arises both in a market and in a non-market economy.

The main directions of the policy of promoting employment of the population are:

  • overcoming unfavorable trends associated with a drop in investment activity, a decrease in production, inflation
  • containment of the mass dismissal of working citizens, primarily at the city-forming enterprises;
  • creation of conditions for the development of employment in alternative non-state sectors of the economy;
  • providing targeted support and protection for citizens at risk of dismissal;
  • implementation of additional measures to promote the employment of vulnerable categories of the population in the labor market;
  • mitigate the effects of long-term unemployment.

One of the reasons for the decline in employment is the constant fluctuations in the economy associated with the crisis, as well as the slowdown in economic growth. The decline in economic activity affects the reduction in the level of employment in such sectors of the economy as industry, agriculture, construction, etc.

There are five main causes of unemployment:

  • structural shifts in the economy, expressed in the fact that the introduction of new technologies and equipment leads to a reduction in excess labor;
  • economic recession (depression), which forces employers to reduce the need for all resources, including labor;
  • wage policy of the government and trade unions: raising the minimum wage reduces the demand for labor;
  • seasonal changes in the level of production in certain sectors of the economy;
  • a change in the demographic structure of the population, in particular, an increase in the working-age population.

In world practice, there are three main models of employment policy used in countries with developed market economies.

The European model assumes a reduction in the number of employees with an increase in labor productivity and, as a result, an increase in the income of workers. Such a policy provides for a costly system of benefits for a large number of the unemployed.

The Scandinavian model is based on providing employment to almost all workers through the creation of jobs in the public sector with average wages. Such a policy is designed mainly for public funds, the deficit of which leads to a decline in production, which leads to layoffs.

The American model focuses on creating jobs that do not require high productivity for a large part of the economically active population. With this approach, unemployment formally decreases, but the number of people with low incomes increases.

Summing up, we can say that, despite the fact that the number of the economically active population and those employed in the economy is increasing every year, the number of unemployed continues to remain at a deplorably high level. In addition, one should take into account the difficult demographic situation in the country, based on the analysis of which, it is impossible to speak with confidence about the positive trends in the development of the labor market.


  1. Talanova A.V. The labor market and employment of the population // Economics and management of innovative technologies.-2014
  2. Employment and unemployment in the Russian Federation in January 2017 [Electronic resource]. URL access mode:
  3. Fateeva Yu.V., Karpeshina A.A. Problems of Russian employment of the population // Economics and management of innovative technologies. 2013.
  4. Kashepov A.V. Labor Market: Problems and Solutions: -M.: Scientific Expert 2014-232 p.

The international recruitment agency Kelly Services presented the results of a large-scale study of the Russian labor market, which was attended by representatives of more than 200 employing companies and 2,480 employees, who shared their views on the current situation and forecasts for 2017. According to the results of the study, the number of vacancies on the market and the activity of applicants have increased, while the period of job search for the majority of respondents has decreased.

Employers are actively recruiting new employees: in 2017, 38% of companies plan to expand the staff, while last year only 12% of respondents announced such an intention (Fig. 1). Also, 66% of employers are ready to conduct a general or selective indexation of salaries.

The activity of workers has also increased. When asked if they had a job, 79% of those surveyed responded positively, up 3% from a similar 2016 Kelly Services survey. At the same time, the majority of respondents (69%) declared their readiness to change jobs, which is 9% more than last year.

Looking for a job, according to job seekers, takes less time compared to last year. In 2016, 21% of respondents believed that the job search period was reduced or remained

the former, in 2017 38% already think so. At the same time, 42% of respondents find a job within the first 3 months, 32% - within six months, and 26% spend up to 1 year searching for a suitable place.

76% of companies introduce various measures to reduce costs and save money, however, saving on employees is not a priority measure - on the contrary, employers prefer to reduce costs by eliminating corporate events (17%), partially outsourcing functionality (15%), reducing hospitality expenses ( 11%) and other measures (Fig. 2).

Most of all, the market needs specialists - they are considered the most in demand by 69% of respondents, the second place is occupied by middle managers (20%), the demand for senior managers (8%) and specialists without experience (3%) is relatively low (Fig. 3) .

The employees of the IT and telecom industries can feel the most relaxed, according to employers' forecasts. In 2016, demand for them was predicted by 32% of the total number of surveyed employers, and in 2017 - already 46% of employers. Then, pharmaceutical and medical industry specialists follow by a wide margin (demand for them decreased by more than two times compared to the same forecasts of the previous year and amounted to 8%), the same number falls on the consumer goods and retail industry (Fig. 4).

“In 2017, we are seeing an increase in the number of vacancies compared to 2016. As before, employers primarily need specialists - in various fields, and preference is given to those who, in addition to their specialization, also have “related” skills. Interestingly, leadership qualities are still not in high demand; instead, they need the skills of project work in a professional team, the ability to quickly solve complex problems. It is worth noting that 69% of job seekers are ready to consider new job offers, so if there are good vacancies, in-demand specialists can start changing jobs and companies risk losing their best employees,” comments Ekaterina Gorokhova, CEO of Kelly Services Russia and Poland and CEO of the Association of Private Employment Agencies (APEA).

In addition to multifunctionality, employers value such qualities of employees as the ability to resolve difficult situations and make responsible decisions (25%) and achieve the goal (15%), but the ability to establish informal relations with the team turned out to be the least popular (1%) (Fig. 5) .

Study information:

The employee survey data is the result of the Labor Market Through the Eyes of Employees survey conducted in February-March 2017;

2,486 employees took part in the survey.

Gender: Men - 55%, Women - 45%;

Age: 41% - 26-33 years old, 34-45 years old - 29%, 18-25 years old - 22%, over 45 years old - 8%.

Geography: Moscow - 43%, St. Petersburg - 23%, Other regions - 34%;

Professional level: 52% - specialists, 26% - middle managers, 12% - entry level, 10% - top management.

Employer survey data is the result of the survey "Labor market through the eyes of employers",

held in January-February 2017;

More than 200 representatives of companies took part in the survey, including HR managers, directors, recruiters and other specialists.

Geography: Moscow - 66%, St. Petersburg - 14%, Other regions - 20%;


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