GOST 16504 81 testing and quality control. Introduced by the USSR State Committee for Standards

GOST 16504-81
DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards
L. M. Zaks, G. K. Martynov (theme leaders), G. V. Anisimova, V. P.
Belyavtsev, Yu. S. Veniaminov, G. A. Gukasyan, M. G. Dolinskaya, V. D. Dudko, L. I.
Zavalko, A. A. Zenkov, M. G. Iofin, V. V. Kreshchuk, E. N. Leonova, O. G.
Lositsky, A. E. Manokhin, M. M. Manzon, V. V. Melentiev, V. P. Nikiforov, V. A.
Novikova, E. V. Nikitina, A. G. Osetrov, V. A. Pavlov, O. F. Poslavsky, V. I.
Pereponov, V. I. Pronenko, V. N. Smirnov, N. K. Sukhov. V. G. Stepanov, E. I.
Taver, A. L. Terkel, R. V. Utkina, N. M. Fedotov, I. A. Khalap, S. S. Chernyshev,
V. N. Chupyrin, V. I. Churilov, N. G. Sherstyukov, E. P. Schmidt, E. S. Ehrenburg.
INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards
Head of the Department for Attestation and State Product Testing
M. A. Ushakov
APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for
standards of December 8, 1981 No. 5297
State product testing system
Basic terms and definitions
The state system of testing products. product test and
quality inspection. General terms and definitions
GOST 16504-74
Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 8, 1981
No. 5297 the deadline for introduction is set
from 01.01.1982
This International Standard specifies the principles applicable in science, technology and industry.
terms and definitions of basic concepts in the field of testing and quality control
The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in
documentation of all kinds, scientific and technical, educational and reference literature.
There is one standardized term for each concept. Application
synonymous terms of the standardized term is prohibited.
Unacceptable synonymous terms are given in the standard as
reference and are marked with the mark "Ndp".
In cases where the necessary and sufficient features of concepts are contained in
the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, in
the column "Definition" is marked with a dash.
For individual standardized terms in the standard are given as
reference short forms that are allowed to be used if the possibility of their
different interpretation is excluded.
Standardized terms are printed in bold, the short form is
light, invalid - in italics.
In the standard, as a reference, foreign equivalents are given for a number of
standardized terms in English (E) and French (F) languages.
The standard provides alphabetical indexes of the terms contained in it to
Russian and their foreign equivalents.




GOST 16504-81



DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


L. M. Zaks, G. K. Martynov(theme leaders), G. V. Anisimova, V. P. Belyavtsev, Yu. S. Veniaminov, G. A. Gukasyan, M. G. Dolinskaya, V. D. Dudko, L. I. Zavalko, A. A. Zenkov, M. G. Iofin, V. V. Kreshchuk, E. N. Leonova, O. G. Lositsky, A. E. Manokhin, M. M. Manzon, V. V. Melentiev, V. P. Nikiforov , V. A. Novikova, E. V. Nikitina, A. G. Osetrov, V. A. Pavlov, O. F. Poslavsky, V. I. Pereponov, V. I. Pronenko, V. N. Smirnov, N K. Sukhov. V. G. Stepanov, E. I. Taver, A. L. Terkel, R. V. Utkina, N. M. Fedotov, I. A. Khalap, S. S. Chernyshev, V. N. Chupyrin, V. I. Churilov, N. G. Sherstyukov, E. P. Schmidt, E. S. Ehrenburg.

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

Head of the Department for Attestation and State Product Testing

M. A. Ushakov

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 8, 1981 No. 5297


Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 8, 1981 No. 5297 established the deadline for introduction

from 01.01.1982.

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of the basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of testing and quality control of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific and technical, educational and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms for the standardized term is prohibited.

Synonymous terms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are marked with the mark "Ndp".

In cases where the necessary and sufficient features of concepts are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is put in the “Definition” column.

For individual standardized terms in the standard, short forms are given as reference, which are allowed to be used if the possibility of their different interpretation is excluded.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, short form in light, invalid terms in italics.

The standard provides reference foreign equivalents for a number of standardized terms in English (E) and French (F) languages.

The standard contains alphabetical indexes of the terms contained in it in Russian and their foreign equivalents.

The reference provides explanations for some terms marked with an asterisk, the reference provides a systematization of the types of tests and control according to their main features.



E. Normal test conditions

F. Conditions d'essais normales

Test conditions established by the normative and technical documentation (NTD) for this type of product

E. Test specimen

F. Echantillon pour essai

Product or part thereof or sample directly subjected to experiment during testing

E. Pilot sample

A product sample manufactured according to the newly developed working documentation for verification by testing compliance with its specified technical requirements in order to make a decision on the possibility of putting into production and (or) use for its intended purpose

F. Modele pour essai

A product, process, phenomenon, mathematical model that is in a certain correspondence with the test object and (or) influences on it and is capable of replacing them in the test process

E. Test mock-up

F. Maquette pour essais

A product representing a simplified reproduction of the test object or part thereof and intended for testing

E. Test program

F. Program d'essais

Organizational and methodological document, mandatory for implementation, establishing the object and objectives of the tests, the types, sequence and scope of the experiments, the procedure, conditions, place and timing of the tests, provision and reporting on them, as well as responsibility for the provision and conduct of tests

F. Moyen d'essais

Technical device, substance and (or) material for testing

E. Test equipment

F. Equipement d'essais

Test tool, which is a technical device for reproducing test conditions

F. Systeme d'essais

A set of test tools, performers and certain test objects interacting according to the rules established by the relevant regulatory documentation

E. Accuracy of test results

F. Precision des resultats d'essais

A test property characterized by the closeness of test results to the actual values ​​of the characteristics of an object under certain test conditions

E. Reproducibility of test methods and results

F. Reproducibility des methodes et resultsats d "essais

A characteristic determined by the similarity of test results of identical samples of the same object using the same method in different laboratories, by different operators using different equipment

F. Donnees d'essais

Values ​​of characteristics of the properties of the object and (or) test conditions, operating time, as well as other parameters that are initial for further processing, recorded during testing

F. Resultat d'essais

Evaluation of the characteristics of the properties of the object, establishing the compliance of the object with the specified requirements according to the test data, the results of the analysis of the quality of the functioning of the object during the test

F. Proces verbal d'essais

E. Test organization

F. Organisme d'essais

An organization that, in accordance with the established procedure, is entrusted with testing certain types of products or carrying out certain types of tests

An organization that has been approved in accordance with the accepted procedure for conducting tests at the state level of established critical types of products for industrial, technical and cultural purposes

E. State testing center

F. Center national d'essais

A specialized subdivision of the head organization for state testing, designed to conduct state tests of established critical types of products for industrial, technical, cultural and community purposes

E. Republican (regional) testing center

F. Center republicain (regional) d'essais

An organization approved in accordance with the accepted procedure for conducting certain categories of tests of fixed types of products manufactured and (or) developed by enterprises and organizations of the republic (region), regardless of their departmental subordination

E. Testing division

F. unite d'essais

A subdivision of an organization to which the management of the latter is entrusted with conducting tests for its own needs

Base division

A subdivision appointed in accordance with the accepted procedure for testing certain types of products or types of tests from among those assigned to the head organization for state testing

strong point

An organization that is a consumer of products subject to testing, appointed in the accepted manner to test these products in operational conditions

E. Investigation test

F. Essais de recherche

Tests carried out to study certain characteristics of the properties of an object

F. Essais de controle

Tests carried out to control the quality of the object

E. Comparative test

F. Essais comparatifs

Tests of similar or identical objects carried out under identical conditions to compare the characteristics of their properties

E. Determinative test

F. Essais de determination

Tests carried out to determine the values ​​of the characteristics of the object with the given values ​​​​of the indicators of accuracy and (or) reliability

F. Essais officiels

Testing of identified critical products by a parent government testing organization or acceptance testing by a government commission or testing organization that has been granted the right to conduct them

E. Departmental test

F. Essais sectoriels

Tests conducted by a commission of representatives of the interested ministry or department

Ndp. Structural tests

E. Developmental test

F. Essais de finition

Research tests carried out during the development of products in order to assess the impact of changes made to it to achieve the specified values ​​​​of its quality indicators

E. Preliminary test

F. Essais preliminaires

Control tests of prototypes and (or) pilot batches of products in order to determine the possibility of their presentation for acceptance tests

E. Qualification test

F. Essais de qualification

Control tests of the installation series or the first industrial batch, carried out in order to assess the readiness of the enterprise to produce products of this type in a given volume

E. Pre-delivery test

F. Essay de presentation

Control tests of products carried out by the technical control service of the manufacturer before presenting it for acceptance by a representative of the customer, consumer or other acceptance bodies

E. Approval test

F. Essais de reception

Control tests of products during acceptance control

E. Periodical test

F. Essais periodiques

Control tests of manufactured products, carried out in the volumes and within the time limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation, in order to control the stability of product quality and the possibility of continuing its production

E.Inspection test

F. Essais d'inspection

Control tests of established types of manufactured products, carried out on a selective basis in order to control the stability of product quality by specially authorized organizations

Ndp. Verification tests

Control tests of manufactured products, carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes to the design, recipe or technological process

E. Evaluation test

F. Essais d'attestation

Tests carried out to assess the level of product quality during its certification by quality categories

E. Certification test

F. Essay de certification

Control tests of products carried out in order to establish the conformity of the characteristics and properties of national and (or) international regulatory and technical documents

E. Laboratory test

F. Essais de labouratoire

Object tests carried out in laboratory conditions

F. Essais au banc

Object tests carried out on test equipment

F. Essais au terrain

Object tests carried out at the test site

E. Test with modeling

F. Essais avec utilisation des modeles

F. Essais normaux

Tests, methods and conditions of which provide obtaining the necessary amount of information about the characteristics of the properties of the object in the same time interval as in the envisaged operating conditions.

E. Accelerated test

F. Essais acceleres

Tests, the methods and conditions of which provide the necessary information about the characteristics of the properties of the object in a shorter period than during normal tests

F. Essais tronques

Tests carried out according to an abbreviated program

E. environmental test

F. Essais climatiques

Tests for the impact of climatic factors

E. Thermal test

F. Essais thermiques

Thermal Factor Testing

E.Radiation test

F. Essais de radiation

Tests for the influence of radiation factors

E. Electromagnetic test

F. Essais electromagnetiques

Electromagnetic Field Tests

e.Electric test

F. Essais electriques

Electrical voltage, current or zero test

E.Magnetic test

F. Essais magnetiques

Magnetic Field Tests

E. Chemical test

F. Essais de resistance chimique

Tests for the impact of special environments

F. Essais biologists

Tests for the influence of biological factors

E. Strength test

F. Essais d'endurance

Tests carried out to determine the values ​​of influencing factors that cause the values ​​of the characteristics of the properties of the object to go beyond the established limits or its destruction

E. Stability test

F. Essais de stabilite

Tests carried out to control the ability of a product to perform its functions and maintain parameter values ​​within established limits during the action of certain factors on it

E.Functional test

F. Essais functionnels

Tests conducted to determine the values ​​of the indicators of the purpose of the object

E. Reliability test

F. Essais de fiabilite

Tests carried out to determine reliability indicators under specified conditions

F. Essais de securite

E. Transportability test

F. Essais d'aptitude au transport

E. Marginal test

F. Essais limits

Tests carried out to determine the dependencies between the maximum permissible values ​​of the parameters of the object and the operating mode

E. In-process test

F. Essais de technicalite

Tests carried out during the manufacture of products in order to assess their manufacturability


General concepts


F. Control technique

Checking the compliance of the object with the established technical requirements

E. Item under inspection

F. Object a controller

Controlled products, processes of their creation, application, transportation, storage, maintenance and repair, as well as related technical documentation

E. Automated control system

F. Systeme de controle automatise

Control system that provides control with partial direct participation of a person

E. Automatic control system

F. Systeme de controle automatique

Control system that provides control without direct human participation

Types of control

E. Manufacturing supervision

F. Controle de fabrication

Control carried out at the production stage

E. Field inspection

F. Controle en utilization

Control carried out at the stage of product operation

E. 100% inspection

F. Controle a 100%

Control of each unit of production in a batch

E. Sampling inspection

F. Controle par echantillonnage

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50779.10-2000, GOST R 50779.11-2000 apply

E. Registration control

F. Controle par enregistrement

Control carried out by recording the values ​​of controlled parameters of products or processes

E. Organoleptic inspection

F. Controle organoleptique

Control, in which the primary information is perceived by the senses


Test equipment certification

Certification of testing organizations and divisions

Test method certification

Reproducibility of methods and test results

Research tests

Qualification tests

Structural tests

Interdepartmental tests

Model tests

Transportability Tests

Bearer tests

Acceptance tests

Certification tests

Operational tests

Electromagnetic tests

Product quality control

Organoleptic control

Destructive control method

Non-destructive control method

Test equipment

Object of technical control

Stronghold of the parent organization for state testing

Head organization for state testing of products

Product quality assessment

Division probation

Subdivision test basic

Automated control system

Automatic control system

Departmental control system

Test conditions are normal

Accuracy of test results

Departmental testing center

State testing center

Republican testing center (regional)


Certification of testing organizations and divisions*


Organisme pilote pour les essais officiels des produits

Reproducibility des methodes et resultsats d "essais

Unite d'essais de base d'un organisme pilote**

1 Terms marked with a single asterisk (*) are approximate equivalents; terms marked with two asterisks (**) should be considered translations; terms without designations are full equivalents.




Experimental determination of the characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be carried out by using measurements, analyses, diagnostics, organoleptic methods, by registering certain events during testing (failures, damage), etc.

The characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be evaluated if the task of testing is to obtain quantitative or qualitative assessments, and they can be controlled if the task of testing is only to establish that the characteristics of the object comply with the specified requirements. In this case, the tests are reduced to control. Therefore, a number of types of tests are control, during which the problem of control is solved.

The most important feature of any tests is the adoption of certain decisions based on their results.

Another sign of testing is the setting of certain test conditions (real or simulated), which is understood as a set of effects on the object and modes of operation of the object.

The determination of the characteristics of an object during testing can be carried out both during the operation of the object and in the absence of operation, in the presence of impacts, before or after their application.

To the term "Test conditions" ()

The test conditions include external influencing factors, both natural and artificially created, as well as internal influences caused by the operation of the object (for example, heating caused by friction or the passage of electric current) and the modes of operation of the object, methods and place of its installation, mounting, fastening, travel speed, etc.

To the term "Normal test conditions" ()

Normal test conditions (values ​​of influencing factors, modes of operation) must be specified in the NTD for test methods for specific types of products. So, for example, normal climatic test conditions are established for various types of other technical products. Normal conditions for performing linear and angular measurements, etc.

A wide range of types of tests combined in the category of tests is characterized by organizational features of their implementation, namely, the level (state, interdepartmental, departmental tests), development stages (preliminary, acceptance), various types of tests of finished products (qualification, acceptance, periodic , typical, etc.).

Based on the results of all these tests, an assessment of the object as a whole is made and an appropriate decision is made - on the possibility of presenting the product for acceptance tests, on putting the product into production, on the completion of mastering mass production, on the possibility of its continuation, on assigning the product to one or another quality category, etc. d.

To the term "Test Object" ()

The main feature of the test object is that, based on the results of its tests, one or another decision is made on this object - on its suitability or rejection, on the possibility of presenting it for the next test, on the possibility of serial production, and others.

Depending on the type of product and the test program, the object of testing may be a single product or a batch of products subjected to complete or selective control, a separate sample or a batch of products from which a sample specified in the RTD is taken.

The object of testing may be a mock-up or model of a product, and the decision based on the test results may refer directly to the mock-up or model. However, if, when testing a product, some of its elements have to be replaced by models for testing or certain characteristics of the product are determined on models, then the object of testing remains the product itself, the assessment of the characteristics of which is obtained on the basis of model testing.

2. One of several channels of the communication system is submitted for testing. In this case, the test object is the given channel of the communication system.

3. A batch of TVs with a volume of N. From N products are sampled in n products for which the characteristics of their properties are determined. Based on the use of selective methods of evaluation and control, the test results apply to the entire batch of N TVs. In this case, the test object is the entire batch of N TVs.

To the term "Test Program" ()

The test program must contain test methods or references to them, if these methods are designed as independent documents.

To the term "Test Method" ()

The test procedure, which essentially determines the technological process of their implementation, can be drawn up in an independent document or in a test program, or in a regulatory and technical document for products (standards, specifications). The test procedure must be certified.

To the term "Test Tool" ()

The concept of a test tool covers any technical means used in testing. This includes, first of all, test equipment (), which refers to the means of reproducing test conditions (). Test tools include measuring instruments, both built into the test equipment and used in tests to measure certain characteristics of an object or control test conditions. Test tools should also include auxiliary technical devices for fixing the test object, recording and processing the results.

Test tools also include basic and auxiliary substances and materials (reagents, etc.) used in testing.

To the term "Test System" ()

The main characteristic feature of any testing system is the presence of some organized set of performers (organizations or individuals) who have the necessary testing tools and interact with certain test objects according to established rules. In this sense, they speak, for example, of a system for testing agricultural machines, based on the machine-testing stations of the State Committee for Agriculture; on the system of state testing of measuring instruments, based on metrological institutes and regulated by the relevant state standards; on the system of state testing of the most important types of products, based on the parent organizations for state testing and regulated by the relevant set of regulatory documents.

to the term "Reproducibility of methods and test results "()

The reproducibility of test methods and results, except for the test procedure (including the method, means, algorithm, etc.) can largely depend on the properties of the test object.

If the object is, for example, a batch of products subjected to random testing, then such tests at the supplier and the consumer can be carried out on identical samples selected from this batch, in which case the heterogeneity of the products can significantly, sometimes decisively, affect the reproducibility of the test results.

To the term "Research tests" ()

Research tests are carried out with the aim of:

determining or evaluating the quality indicators of the functioning of the tested object in certain conditions of its use;

selection of the best modes of application of the object or the best characteristics of the properties of the object;

comparison of many options for the implementation of the object in the design and certification;

building a mathematical model of the object functioning (estimating the parameters of the mathematical model);

selection of significant factors influencing the quality indicators of the operation of the facility;

selection of the type of mathematical model of the object (among a given set of options).

To the term "State tests" ()

Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 695 of July 12, 1979 extended the concept of "state tests" to the most important types of products for industrial, technical and cultural purposes. The head organizations for state testing of these types of products, approved in accordance with the decree, are entrusted with conducting a wide range of state tests, including, along with acceptance tests, also tests of serial products, imported products, attestation and other types of tests. Accordingly, the content of the concept of "state tests" for these most important types of products has been changed.

At the same time, for other important types of products that are not covered by the activities of the parent organizations, the former content of the concept of “state tests” has been retained as acceptance tests conducted by the state commission, with the addition of the possibility of conducting them by organizations that have been granted such a right.

To the term "Interdepartmental tests" ()

For certain types of products, the concept of “interdepartmental testing”, by decision of the ministries concerned, may refer only to certain categories of tests (for example, only to acceptance tests), regardless of the fact that representatives of different ministries may also participate in commissions for testing other categories.

To the term "Acceptance tests" ()

Acceptance tests of prototypes or batches of products are carried out to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting these products into production, and acceptance tests of single-piece production products are carried out to resolve the issue of the advisability of transferring these products to operation (GOST 15.001-88 *).

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 15.201-2000 applies.

To the term "Acceptance tests" ()

Acceptance tests are usually carried out by the product manufacturer. If the manufacturer has a representative of the customer, acceptance tests are carried out by him in the presence of the manufacturer's representative.

To the term "Certification tests" ()

The procedure and conditions for conducting certification tests are established in the certification documentation. Based on the results of these tests, the compliance of product quality with the requirements of national or international standards is checked.

To the term "Bench tests" ()

The concept of "test bench" in various industries is interpreted in different ways. So, for example, in the technique of vibration testing, a vibration stand is understood as a vibrating table on which the tested product is installed, and the whole complex of control and measurement tools together with the table is called a vibration installation.

The engine test bench, on the contrary, includes the whole range of tools necessary for these tests. There are great contradictions in the interpretation of this term and in foreign terminology.

Since the term "test equipment" () as a test tool for reproducing test conditions fully covers all interpretations of the concept of "test bench", then, accordingly, the common term "bench test" is defined as tests carried out on test equipment.

To the term "Field tests" ()

Full-scale tests are implemented if three main conditions are met:

1. The directly manufactured products (i.e., the test object) are subjected to tests without the use of product models or its components.

2. Tests are carried out under conditions and under impacts on products that correspond to the conditions and impacts of use for the intended purpose.

3. The determined characteristics of the properties of the test object are measured directly, and in this case, analytical dependencies are not used, reflecting the physical structure of the test object and its components. It is allowed to use the mathematical apparatus of statistical processing of experimental data.

Examples: 1. An omnidirectional radar station was presented for testing. The purpose of the tests is to determine the range of detection by this station of an aircraft (LA) of a given type with a given reflective surface. During the tests, aircraft flights with a given reflective surface are carried out along pre-selected routes, the radar detection range is determined directly (radar coordinates are known in advance, aircraft coordinates are known for any moment of time), the detection time is determined during testing. In this case, all three of the above conditions are met. Consequently, the radar is subjected to full-scale tests.

The tests will remain full-scale if, instead of an aircraft, some physical body with characteristic movements close to the characteristics of an aircraft of a given type with a given reflective surface is used.

Tests using models include carrying out calculations on mathematical or physical and mathematical models of the test object and (or) impacts on it in combination with full-scale tests of the object and its components (experimental-theoretical test method), as well as the use of a physical model of the test object or its constituent parts. Field test data are required as initial data for modeling, and are also used to verify the correct functioning of the test object (correct docking of the component parts of the object, the ability of the object to perform the tasks for which it is intended, etc.).

To the term "Performance tests" ()

One of the main types of operational tests is pilot operation. In addition, controlled operation can be carried out, which to some extent can also be conditionally referred to as operational tests. Controlled operation is a natural operation, the course and results of which are observed by personnel specially designed and trained for this purpose (additional or full-time) and guided by documentation also developed specifically for collecting, accounting and primary processing of information, the source of which is controlled operation.

To terms
"Mechanical tests" (),
"Climatic tests" (),
"Thermal tests" (),

2. Comparison of primary information with pre-established requirements, norms, criteria, i.e. detection of compliance or non-compliance of actual data with the required (expected). Information about the discrepancy (discrepancy) between the actual and required data can be called secondary.

The object, the data on the state and (or) properties of which are subject to comparison with the established requirements during control, can be a product or a process (see explanations and examples for the term "Object of control").

In some cases, the time boundary between the first and second stages of control is indistinguishable. In such cases, the first stage may not be clearly expressed or may be practically not observed. A typical example is the control of the size by a caliber, which is reduced to the operation of comparing the actual and maximum allowable size values.

Further, the secondary information is used to develop appropriate control actions on the object subjected to control. In this sense, any control is always active. It should be noted in this regard that any control, in addition, should always be preventive to one degree or another, since secondary information can be used to improve the development, production and operation of products, to improve their quality, etc.

However, decision-making based on the analysis of secondary information, the development of appropriate control actions is no longer a part of control. This is the next stage of management, based on the results of control - an integral and essential part of any management. During technical control, primary information is compared with the technical requirements recorded in the regulatory documentation, with the characteristics of the control sample, with data recorded using a caliber, etc.

At the stage of product development, technical control consists, for example, in checking the compliance of a prototype and (or) developed technical documentation with the design rules and terms of reference.

At the manufacturing stage, technical control covers the quality, completeness, packaging, labeling and quantity of products presented, the course (state) of production processes.

At the stage of product operation, technical control consists, for example, in checking compliance with the requirements of operational and repair documentation.

To the term "Object of technical control" ()

The objects of technical control are objects of labor (for example, products of the main and auxiliary production in the form of products, materials, technical documentation, etc.), means of labor (for example, equipment of industrial enterprises) and technological processes.

To the term "Checkpoint" ()

The control point of the control object can be a part (element) of the controlled object or be located at some distance from it (for example, monitoring the content of carbon monoxide in exhaust gases by its content in the atmosphere outside the pipe). The control point is usually where the sensor is located, the beginning of the output from the electrical circuit to the measuring device, etc. The control point is the established place for sampling the substance.

To the term "Control sample" ()

The control sample can be used to normalize quality indicators. When controlling the quality of products, it is allowed to use duplicates of control samples.

The control product sample should be distinguished from the basic product sample used in its certification (establishment of the quality category).

Color control sample is a duly approved product sample designed to standardize color and control the accuracy of its reproduction in products during the production process.

To the terms "Automatic control system" (), "Automated control system" ()

The automatic control system consists of controls that perform all the functions of controllers. In an automated control system, control tools perform only part of the functions of controllers.

To the term "Production control" ()

Production control, as a rule, covers all auxiliary, preparatory and technological operations.

To the term "Operational control" ()

The objects of operational control can be operated products and the operation process.

To the term "Flying control" ()

The effectiveness of volatile control is determined by its suddenness, the rules for ensuring which must be specially developed. Volatile control, as a rule, is carried out directly at the place of manufacture, repair, storage, etc.

To the term "Organoleptic control" ()

Organoleptic control is based on the perceptions of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) of such information that is not presented in numerical terms.

The decision regarding the object of control is then made only on the basis of the results of the analysis of sensory perceptions (for example, an assessment of color shades, an assessment of smell, etc.).

In organoleptic control, control means that are not measuring, but increase the resolution or susceptibility of the senses, can be used.



Systematization of types of tests according to the main features

Sign of the type of tests

Type of tests

Assignment of tests





Level of testing




Product Development Stages




Finished product testing








Conditions and place of testing





Model tests


Test duration




Type of impact










Impact result



Durability Tests

Strength tests

Stability tests

Defined characteristics of the object


Reliability Tests

Safety Tests

Transportability Tests

Boundary tests

Technological tests


1. Tests may have two or more features from those listed. If necessary, the name of the tests includes a listing of these features of the types of tests, for example, interdepartmental periodic bench tests for reliability, etc.

2. The test category, characterized by organizational features and decision-making based on the results of the assessment of the object as a whole, includes types of tests determined by the level of their implementation, development stages, as well as all tests of finished products.

Systematization of types of control according to the main features

Sign of the type of control

Type of control

Stage of creation and existence of products



Stage of the production process




Completeness of control coverage





Influence on the object of control



Application of controls





Technical inspection




GOST 16504-81



DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


L. M. Zaks, G. K. Martynov(theme leaders), G. V. Anisimova, V. P. Belyavtsev, Yu. S. Veniaminov, G. A. Gukasyan, M. G. Dolinskaya, V. D. Dudko, L. I. Zavalko, A. A. Zenkov, M. G. Iofin, V. V. Kreshchuk, E. N. Leonova, O. G. Lositsky, A. E. Manokhin, M. M. Manzon, V. V. Melentiev, V. P. Nikiforov , V. A. Novikova, E. V. Nikitina, A. G. Osetrov, V. A. Pavlov, O. F. Poslavsky, V. I. Pereponov, V. I. Pronenko, V. N. Smirnov, N K. Sukhov. V. G. Stepanov, E. I. Taver, A. L. Terkel, R. V. Utkina, N. M. Fedotov, I. A. Khalap, S. S. Chernyshev, V. N. Chupyrin, V. I. Churilov, N. G. Sherstyukov, E. P. Schmidt, E. S. Ehrenburg.

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

Head of the Department for Attestation and State Product Testing

M. A. Ushakov

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 8, 1981 No. 5297


Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 8, 1981 No. 5297 established the deadline for introduction

from 01.01.1982.

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of the basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of testing and quality control of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific and technical, educational and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms for the standardized term is prohibited.

Synonymous terms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are marked with the mark "Ndp".

In cases where the necessary and sufficient features of concepts are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is put in the “Definition” column.

For individual standardized terms in the standard, short forms are given as reference, which are allowed to be used if the possibility of their different interpretation is excluded.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, short form in light, invalid terms in italics.

The standard provides reference foreign equivalents for a number of standardized terms in English (E) and French (F) languages.

The standard contains alphabetical indexes of the terms contained in it in Russian and their foreign equivalents.

Reference Appendix 1 provides explanations for some terms marked with an asterisk, Reference Appendix 2 provides a systematization of the types of tests and controls according to their main features.



1. Tests *

Experimental determination of quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of the properties of the test object as a result of the impact on it, during its operation, when modeling the object and (or) impacts.

Note. Definition includes assessment and/or control

2. Conditionstests *

E. Test conditions

F. Conditions d'essais

The set of influencing factors and (or) modes of operation of the object during testing

3. Normal test conditions *

E. Normal test conditions

F. Conditions d'essais normales

Test conditions established by the normative and technical documentation (NTD) for this type of product

4. Viewtests

E. Mode of test

F. Type d'essai

Classification grouping of tests according to a certain attribute

E. Category of test

F. Category d'essai

Type of tests, characterized by an organizational sign of their implementation and decision-making based on the results of the assessment of the object as a whole

6. An objecttests *

E. Item under test

F. Objet a essayer

Products under test

7. Sample for testing

E. Test specimen

F. Echantillon pour essai

Product or part thereof or sample directly subjected to experiment during testing

8. Prototype

E. Pilot sample

A product sample manufactured according to the newly developed working documentation for verification by testing compliance with its specified technical requirements in order to make a decision on the possibility of putting into production and (or) use for its intended purpose

9. Test model

F. Modele pour essai

A product, process, phenomenon, mathematical model that is in a certain correspondence with the test object and (or) influences on it and is capable of replacing them in the test process

10. Layout for testing

E. Test mock-up

F. Maquette pour essais

A product representing a simplified reproduction of the test object or part thereof and intended for testing

11. Methodtests

F. Methode d'essais

Rules for the application of certain principles and means of testing

12. Volumetests

E. Extent of test

F. taille des essais

Characteristics of tests, determined by the number of objects and types of tests, as well as the total duration of tests

13. Test program *

E. Test program

F. Program d'essais

Organizational and methodological document, mandatory for implementation, establishing the object and objectives of the tests, the types, sequence and scope of the experiments, the procedure, conditions, place and timing of the tests, provision and reporting on them, as well as responsibility for the provision and conduct of tests

14. Methodologytests *

E. Test procedure

F. Procedure d'essais

An organizational and methodological document that is mandatory for implementation, including a test method, test tools and conditions, sampling, algorithms for performing operations to determine one or more interrelated characteristics of object properties, data presentation forms and assessment of accuracy, reliability of results, safety and environmental protection requirements environments

15. Certificationmethodstests

E. Approval of test procedure

F. Certification de la procedure d'essais

Determination of the values ​​of indicators of accuracy, reliability and (or) reproducibility of test results provided by the method and their compliance with specified requirements

16. Test tool *

F. Moyen d'essais

Technical device, substance and (or) material for testing

17. Test equipment

E. Test equipment

F. Equipement d'essais

Test tool, which is a technical device for reproducing test conditions

18. Certificationtrialequipment

E. Certification of test equipment

F. Certification de l'equipment d'essais

Determination of the normalized accuracy characteristics of the test equipment, their compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and the establishment of the suitability of this equipment for operation

19. Test system *

F. Systeme d'essais

A set of test tools, performers and certain test objects interacting according to the rules established by the relevant regulatory documentation

20. Accuracy of test results

E. Accuracy of test results

F. Precision des resultats d'essais

Test property characterized by the closeness of test results to the actual values ​​of the characteristics of an object, under certain test conditions

21. Reproducibility of test methods and results *

E. Reproducibility of test methods and results

F. Reproducibility des methodes et resultsats d "essais

A characteristic determined by the similarity of test results of identical samples of the same object using the same method in different laboratories, by different operators using different equipment

22. Test data

F. Donnees d'essais

Values ​​of characteristics of the properties of the object and (or) test conditions, operating time, as well as other parameters that are initial for further processing, recorded during testing

23. Test result

F. Resultat d'essais

Evaluation of the characteristics of the properties of the object, establishing the compliance of the object with the specified requirements according to the test data, the results of the analysis of the quality of the functioning of the object during the test

24. Test report

F. Proces verbal d'essais

25. Testpolygon

E. Testing (proving) ground

F. Terrain d'essais

Territory and test facilities on it, equipped with test equipment and providing testing of the object in conditions close to the operating conditions of the object

26. Test organization

E. Test organization

F. Organisme d'essais

An organization that, in accordance with the established procedure, is entrusted with testing certain types of products or carrying out certain types of tests

27. Parent organization for state product testing

An organization that has been approved in accordance with the accepted procedure for conducting tests at the state level of the established most important types of products for industrial, technical and cultural purposes

28. State testing center

E. State testing center

F. Center national d'essais

A specialized subdivision of the head organization for state testing, designed to conduct state tests of established critical types of products for industrial, technical, cultural and community purposes

29. Republican (regional) testing center

E. Republican (regional) testing center

F. Center republicain (regional) d'essais

An organization approved in accordance with the accepted procedure for conducting certain categories of tests of fixed types of products manufactured and (or) developed by enterprises and organizations of the republic (region), regardless of their departmental subordination

30. DepartmentaltestCentre

E. Departmental testing center

F. Center sectoriel d'essais

An organization entrusted by a ministry or department with carrying out certain categories of testing of fixed types of products manufactured and (or) developed by enterprises and organizations of this ministry or department

31. Test unit

E. Testing division

F. unite d'essais

A subdivision of an organization to which the management of the latter is entrusted with conducting tests for its own needs

32. Basic test unit of the parent organization

Base division

A subdivision appointed in accordance with the accepted procedure for testing certain types of products or types of tests from among those assigned to the head organization for state testing

33. Stronghold of the parent organization for state product testing

strong point

An organization that is a consumer of products subject to testing, appointed in the accepted manner to test these products in operational conditions

34. Certification of testing organizations and divisions

E. Certification of testing organizations and divisions

F. Agrement des organismes et des unites d'essais

Certification of the competence of testing organizations and divisions and their equipment, ensuring that all tests of fixed types of products and (or) types of tests provided for by the regulatory and technical documentation are carried out at the proper technical level

Test types

35. Research tests *

E. Investigation test

F. Essais de recherche

Tests carried out to study certain characteristics of the properties of an object

36. Control tests

F. Essais de controle

Tests carried out to control the quality of the object

37. Comparative tests

E. Comparative test

F. Essais comparatifs

Tests of similar or identical objects carried out under identical conditions to compare the characteristics of their properties

38. Definitive tests

E. Determinative test

F. Essais de determination

Tests carried out to determine the values ​​of the characteristics of the object with the given values ​​of the indicators of accuracy and (or) reliability

39. State tests *

F. Essais officiels

Testing of identified critical products by a parent government testing organization or acceptance testing by a government commission or testing organization that has been granted the right to conduct them

40. Interdepartmentaltests *

E. Interdepartmental test

F. Essais intersectoriels

Product tests conducted by a commission of representatives of several interested ministries and (or) departments, or acceptance tests of established types of products for the acceptance of component parts of an object developed jointly by several departments

41. Departmental tests

E. Departmental test

F. Essais sectoriels

Tests conducted by a commission of representatives of the interested ministry or department

42. Finishing tests

Ndp. Structural tests

E. Developmental test

F. Essais de finition

Research tests carried out during the development of products in order to assess the impact of changes made to it to achieve the specified values ​​​​of its quality indicators

43. Preliminary tests

E. Preliminary test

F. Essais preliminaires

Control tests of prototypes and (or) pilot batches of products in order to determine the possibility of their presentation for acceptance tests

44. Acceptancetests *

E. Acceptance test

F. Essais d'acceptance

Control tests of prototypes, pilot batches of products or unit-production products, carried out respectively in order to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting these products into production and (or) using them for their intended purpose

45. Qualification tests

E. Qualification test

F. Essais de qualification

Control tests of the installation series or the first industrial batch, carried out in order to assess the readiness of the enterprise to produce products of this type in a given volume

46. ​​Bearer trials

E. Pre-delivery test

F. Essay de presentation

Control tests of products carried out by the technical control service of the manufacturer before presenting it for acceptance by a representative of the customer, consumer or other acceptance bodies

47. Acceptance tests *

E. Approval test

F. Essais de reception

Control tests of products during acceptance control

48. Periodic tests

E. Periodical test

F. Essais periodiques

Control tests of manufactured products, carried out in the volumes and within the time limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation, in order to control the stability of product quality and the possibility of continuing its production

49. Inspection tests

E.Inspection test

F. Essais d'inspection

Control tests of established types of manufactured products, carried out on a selective basis in order to control the stability of product quality by specially authorized organizations

50. Type tests

Ndp. Verification tests

Control tests of manufactured products, carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes to the design, recipe or technological process

51. Qualification tests

E. Evaluation test

F. Essais d'attestation

Tests carried out to assess the level of product quality during its certification by quality categories

52. Certification tests *

E. Certification test

F. Essay de certification

Control tests of products carried out in order to establish the conformity of the characteristics and properties of national and (or) international regulatory and technical documents

53. Laboratory testing

E. Laboratory test

F. Essais de labouratoire

Object tests carried out in laboratory conditions

54. Bench tests *

F. Essais au banc

Object tests carried out on test equipment

55. Field tests

F. Essais au terrain

Object tests carried out at the test site

56. Naturaltests *

E. Verification test in situ

F. Essais in situ

Testing an object under conditions corresponding to the conditions of its intended use with direct evaluation or control of the determined characteristics of the object's properties

57. Model tests *

E. Test with modeling

F. Essais avec utilisation des modeles

58. Performance tests *

F. Essais pratiques

Object tests carried out during operation

59. Normal tests

F. Essais normaux

Tests, methods and conditions of which provide obtaining the necessary amount of information about the characteristics of the properties of the object in the same time interval as in the envisaged operating conditions.

60. Accelerated Trials

E. Accelerated test

F. Essais acceleres

Tests, the methods and conditions of which provide the necessary information about the characteristics of the properties of the object in a shorter period than during normal tests

61. Reduced Trials

F. Essais tronques

Tests carried out according to an abbreviated program

62. Mechanicaltests *

E.Mechanical test

F. Essais mecaniques

Tests for the impact of mechanical factors

63. Climate test *

E. environmental test

F. Essais climatiques

Tests for the impact of climatic factors

64. Thermal testing *

F. Essais thermiques

Thermal Factor Testing

65. Radiation testing

E.Radiation test

F. Essais de radiation

Tests for the influence of radiation factors

66. Electromagnetic testing *

E. Electromagnetic test

F. Essais electromagnetiques

Electromagnetic Field Tests

67. Electrical tests *

e.Electric test

F. Essais electriques

Electrical voltage, current or zero test

68. Magnetic tests *

E.Magnetic test

F. Essais magnetiques

Magnetic Field Tests

69. Chemical testing *

E. Chemical test

F. Essais de resistance chimique

Tests for the impact of special environments

70. Biological tests *

F. Essais biologists

Tests for the influence of biological factors

71. non-destructivetests

E. Non-destructive test

F. Essais non-destructifs

Tests using non-destructive control methods

72. Destructivetests

E. Destructive test

F. Essais destructifs

Tests using destructive control methods

73. Strength tests

E. Strength test

F. Essais d'endurance

Tests carried out to determine the values ​​of influencing factors that cause the values ​​of the characteristics of the properties of the object to go beyond the established limits or its destruction

74. Stability tests

E. Stability test

F. Essais de stabilite

Tests carried out to control the ability of a product to perform its functions and maintain parameter values ​​within established limits during the action of certain factors on it

75. Functional tests

E.Functional test

F. Essais functionnels

Tests conducted to determine the values ​​of the indicators of the purpose of the object

76. Reliability testing

E. Reliability test

F. Essais de fiabilite

Tests carried out to determine the reliability performance under specified conditions

77. Safety tests

F. Essais de securite

78. Tests for transportability

E. Transportability test

F. Essais d'aptitude au transport

79. Boundary tests

E. Marginal test

F. Essais limits

Tests carried out to determine the dependencies between the maximum permissible values ​​of the parameters of the object and the operating mode

80. Technological tests

E. In-process test

F. Essais de technicalite

Tests carried out during the manufacture of products in order to assess their manufacturability


General concepts

81. Technical control *


F. Control technique

Checking the compliance of the object with the established technical requirements

82. Controlqualityproducts

E. Product quality inspection

F. Controle de la qualite des produits

Control of quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of product properties

83. Evaluationqualityproducts

E. Assessment of product quality

F. Estimation de la qualite des produits

Determination of values ​​of product characteristics with indication of accuracy and (or) reliability

84. Object of technical control *

E. Item under inspection

F. Object a controller

Controlled products, processes of their creation, application, transportation, storage, maintenance and repair, as well as related technical documentation

85. Viewcontrol

E. Mode of inspection

F. Type de controle

Classification grouping of control according to a certain attribute

86. Volumecontrol

E. Amount of inspection

F. Taille du controle

The number of objects and the totality of controlled features established for control

87. Methodcontrol

E. Inspection method

F. Methode de controle

Rules for the application of certain principles and controls

88. Methoddestructivecontrol

E. Method of destructive inspection

F. Methode destructive

Method of control, which may violate the suitability of the object for use

89. Methodnon-destructivecontrol

E. Method of non-destructive inspection

F. Non-destructive method

Method of control, in which the suitability of the object for use should not be violated

90. Meanscontrol

E. Inspection means

F. Moyens de controle

Technical device, substance and (or) material for control

91. Controlledsign

E. Characteristic under control

F. Caractere a controller

Characteristic of the object subjected to control

92. Controldot *

E. Point of inspection

F. Point de controle

Location of the primary source of information about the controlled parameter of the control object

93. Controlsample *

E. Reference specimen

F. Specimen temoin

A product unit or part thereof, or a duly approved sample, the characteristics of which are taken as the basis for the manufacture and control of the same product

94. Systemcontrol

E.Inspection system

F. Systeme du controle

A set of controls, executors and certain objects of control interacting according to the rules established by the relevant regulatory documentation

95. Systemdepartmentalcontrol

E. Departmental management system

F. Systeme du controle sectoriel

The control system carried out by the bodies of the ministry or department

96. Automated control system *

E. Automated control system

F. Systeme de controle automatise

Control system that provides control with partial direct participation of a person

97. Automatic control system *

E. Automatic control system

F. Systeme de controle automatique

Control system that provides control without direct human participation

Types of control

98. Production control *

E. Manufacturing supervision

F. Controle de fabrication

Control carried out at the production stage

99. Operational control *

E. Field inspection

F. Controle en utilization

Control carried out at the stage of product operation

100. Inputcontrol

E. incoming inspection

F. Controle a l'entree

Control of the supplier's products received by the consumer or customer and intended for use in the manufacture, repair or operation of products

101. Operatingcontrol

E. Operational inspection

F. Controle des operations

Inspection of a product or process during or after a manufacturing operation

102. Acceptancecontrol

E. Acceptance inspection

F. Controle de reception

Control of products, based on the results of which a decision is made on its suitability for supply and (or) use

103. Inspectioncontrol

E. Inspection check-up

Control carried out by specially authorized persons in order to verify the effectiveness of previously performed control

104. Total control

E. 100% inspection

F. Controle a 100%

Control of each unit of production in a batch

105. Selective control

E. Sampling inspection

F. Controle par echantillonnage

According to GOST 15895-77 *

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50779.10-2000, GOST R 50779.11-2000 apply

106. Volatilecontrol *

E. Casual inspection

F. controle volant

Random Time Control

107. Continuouscontrol

E. Continuous inspection

F. Controle continu

Control, in which the flow of information about the controlled parameters occurs continuously

108. Periodiccontrol

E. Periodical inspection

F. Controle periodique

Control, in which the receipt of information about the controlled parameters occurs at specified time intervals

109. destructivecontrol

E. Destructive inspection

F. control destructif

110. non-destructivecontrol

E. Non-destructive inspection

F. Controle non-destructive

111. Measuringcontrol

E. Control by measurement

F. Controle par mesures

Control carried out using measuring instruments

112. Registration control

E. Registration control

F. Controle par enregistrement

Control carried out by recording the values ​​of controlled parameters of products or processes

113. Organoleptic control *

E. Organoleptic inspection

F. Controle organoleptique

Control, in which the primary information is perceived by the senses

114. Visualcontrol

E.Visual inspection

F. Controle visuel

Organoleptic control exercised by the organs of vision

115. Technicalinspection

E. Technical check-up

F. Visit technique

Control carried out mainly with the help of the sense organs and, if necessary, means of control, the nomenclature of which is established by the relevant documentation

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).


Test Equipment Qualification 18

Certification of testing organizations and divisions 34

Test method certification 15

Test type 4

Type of control 85

Reproducibility of methods and test results 21

Test Data 22

Trials 1

Attestation tests 51

Biological tests 70

Departmental tests 41

State tests 39

Boundary tests 79

Finishing tests 42

Research tests 35

Inspection tests 49

Qualification tests 45

Climatic tests 63

Structural tests 42

Control tests 36

Laboratory tests 53

Magnetic tests 68

Interdepartmental tests 40

Mechanical tests 62

Testing with Models 57

Safety tests 77

Reliability testing 76

Identification tests 38

Strength tests 73

Transportability tests 78

Stability tests 74

Field tests 56

Non-destructive tests 71

Tests normal 59

Periodic tests 48

Field tests 55

Preliminary tests 43

Bearer tests 46

Acceptance tests 47

Acceptance tests 44

Verification tests 50

Radiation tests 65

Destructive tests 72

Certification tests 52

Reduced tests 61

Comparative tests 37

Bench tests 54

Thermal tests 64

Technological tests 80

Type tests 50

Tests accelerated 60

Functional tests 75

Chemical tests 69

Operational tests 58

Electrical tests 107

Electromagnetic tests 66

Visual control 114

Selective control 105

Input control 100

Measuring control 111

Inspection control 103

Product quality control 82

Volatile control 106

Continuous monitoring 107

Non-destructive testing 110

Operational control 101

Organoleptic control 113

Periodic control 108

Acceptance control 102

Production control 98

Destructive control 109

Registration control 112

Continuous control 104

Technical control 81

Operational control 99

Test layout 10

Test Method 11

Test model 9

Control method 87

Destructive control method 88

Non-destructive control method 89

Test Method 14

Test equipment 17

Control sample 93

Scope of control 86

Test scope 12

Test object 6

Object of technical control 84

Experimental sample 8

Stronghold of the parent organization for state testing 33

Test organization 26

Lead organization for state testing of products 27

Technical inspection 115

Product quality assessment 83

Probation Unit 31

Subdivision test basic 32

Test site 25

Feature controlled 91

Test program 13

Test report 24

Test result 23

Test System 19

Control system 94

Automated control system 96

Automatic control system 97

Departmental control system 95

Test tools 16

Control 90

Test conditions 2

Test conditions normal 3

Control point 92

Accuracy of test results 20

Departmental testing center 30

State testing center 28

Republican testing center (regional) 29

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).


Accelerated test 60

Acceptance inspection 102

Acceptance test 44

Accuracy of test results 20

Amount of inspection 86

Approval of test procedure * 15

Approval test 47

Assessment of product quality 83

Automated control system 96

Automatic control system 97

Base testing division of head organization 32

Biological test 70

Casual inspection** 106

Category test 5

Certification of test equipment * 18

Certification of testing organizations and divisions * 34

Certification test 52

Characteristic under control 91

Comparative test 37

Continuous inspection 107

Control by measurement 111

Departmental management system 95

Departmental test 11

Departmental testing center 30

Destructive inspection 110

Destructive inspection method 88

Destructive test 72

Development test 42

Durability test 76

electric test 67

Electromagnetic test 66

environmental test 63

Evaluation test * 51

Extent of test 12

Field inspection 99

Functional test 75

Head organization for state product test 27

Incoming inspection 100

In-process test * 80

100% inspection 104

Inspection check-up 103

inspection means 90

Inspection method 87

Inspection system 94

Inspection test 49

Interdepartmental test 40

Investigation test 35

Item under inspection 84

item under test 6

Laboratory test 53

Magnetic test 68

Manufacturing Supervision 98

marginal test 79

mechanical test 62

Mode of inspection 85

Non-destructive inspection 110

Non-destructive inspection method 89

Non-destructive test 71

Normal test conditions 3

Operational inspection 101

Organoleptic inspection 113

Periodical inspection 108

Periodical test 48

Point of inspection 92

Predelivery test*46

Preliminary test 43

Product quality assessment 83

Product quality inspection 82

Qualification test 45

Radiation test 65

Reference specimen 93

Registration control ** 112

Reliability test 76

Reproducibility of test methods and results 21

Republican (regional) testing center** 29

Sampling inspection 105

Stability test 74

Stale testing center 28

strength test 73

Technical check-up 115

test conditions 2

test equipment 17

Test procedure 14

Test with modeling 57

Test division 31

Testing (proving) ground 25

Testing organization 26

Testing station accredited by head organization 33

Transportability test 75

Verification test in situ * 55

Visual inspection 114

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).


Agrement des organismes et des unites d'essais 34

Caractere a controller 91

Category d'essais 5

Center national d'essais 28

Center republicain (regional) d'essais 29

Center sectoriel d'essais 30

Certification de la procedure d'essais 15

Certification de 1'equipment d'essais 14

Conditions d'essais 2

Conditions d'essais normales 3

Controle a 100% 101

Controle a 1’entree 100

Controle continu 107

Controle de fabrication 98

Controle de la qualite des produits 82

Controle de reception 102

Controle des operations* 101

Controle destructif 109

Controle en utilization 99

Controle non-destructif 110

Controle organoleptique 113

Controle par echantillonnage 105

Controle par enregistrement 112

Controle par mesures 111

Controle periodique 108

Controle sectoriel 93

Control technique 81

Control visual 114

Controle volant 106

Donnees d'essais 22

Echantillon pour essai 7

Equipement d'essais 17

Essais acceleres 60

Essais au bank 54

Essais au terrain 55

Essais avec utilization des modeles * 57

Essais biologists 70

Essais climatiques 63

Essais comparatifs 37

Essais d'acceptance 44

Essais d'aptitude au transport 78

Essais d'attestation * 51

Essay decertification 52

Essais de controle 36

Essais de determination 38

Essais d'endurance * 73

Essais de fiabilite 76

Essais de finition 42

Essais de labouratoire 53

Essay de presentation 46

Essais de radiation 65

Essais de recherches 35

Essais de resistance chimique 69

Essais de stabilite * 74

Essais destructits 72

Essais de qualification 45

Essais de reception 47

Essais de securite 77

Essais de technicite** 80

Essais inspection*49

Essais electriqucs 67

Essais electromagnetiques 6

Essais functionnels 75

Essais in situ 56

Essais intersectoriels 40

Essais limits 79

Essais magneliques 68

Essais mecaniques 62

Essais non-destructifs 71

Essais normaux 59

Essais ofticiels 39

Essais periodiques 48

Essais pratiques 58

Essais preliminaires 43

Essais secloriels 41

Essais thermiques 64

Essais tronques 61

Estimation de la qualite des produits 83

Maquelle pour essais 10

Methode de controle 87

Methode d'essais 11

Methode destructive 88

Methode non-destructive 89

Modele pour essais 9

Moyen de controle 90

Moyen d'essais 16

Objet a essayer 6

Objet a controller 84

Organisme d'essais 26

Organisme pilote pour les essais officiels des produits 27

Point de controle 92

Precision des resultats d'essais 20

Procedure d'essais 14

Proces verbal d'essais 24

Program d'essais 13

Reproducibility des methodes et resultsats d "essais 21

Resultats d'essais 23

Specimen temoin 93

Systeme de controle automatique 97

Systeme de controle automatise 96

Systeme d'essais 19

Systeme du controle 94

Systeme du controle sectoriel 95

Taille des essays * 12

Taille du controle*86

Terrain d'essais 25

Type de controle 85

Type d'essais 4

Unite d'essais 31

Unite d'essais de base d'un organisme pilote ** 32

Visit technique 115

1 Terms marked with a single asterisk (*) are approximate equivalents; terms marked with two asterisks (**) should be considered translations; terms without designations are full equivalents.

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).




To the term "Tests" (item 1)

Experimental determination of the characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be carried out by using measurements, analyses, diagnostics, organoleptic methods, by registering certain events during testing (failures, damage), etc.

The characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be evaluated if the task of testing is to obtain quantitative or qualitative assessments, and they can be controlled if the task of testing is only to establish that the characteristics of the object comply with the specified requirements. In this case, the tests are reduced to control. Therefore, a number of types of tests are control, during which the problem of control is solved.

The most important feature of any tests is the adoption of certain decisions based on their results.

Another sign of testing is the setting of certain test conditions (real or simulated), which is understood as a set of effects on the object and modes of operation of the object.

The determination of the characteristics of an object during testing can be carried out both during the operation of the object and in the absence of operation, in the presence of impacts, before or after their application.

To the term "Test conditions" (item 2)

The test conditions include external influencing factors, both natural and artificially created, as well as internal influences caused by the operation of the object (for example, heating caused by friction or the passage of electric current) and the modes of operation of the object, methods and place of its installation, mounting, fastening, travel speed, etc.

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).

To the term "Normal test conditions" (item 3)

Normal test conditions (values ​​of influencing factors, modes of operation) must be specified in the NTD for test methods for specific types of products. So, for example, normal climatic test conditions are established for various types of other technical products. Normal conditions for performing linear and angular measurements, etc.

A wide range of types of tests combined in the category of tests is characterized by organizational features of their implementation, namely, the level (state, interdepartmental, departmental tests), development stages (preliminary, acceptance), various types of tests of finished products (qualification, acceptance, periodic , typical, etc.).

Based on the results of all these tests, an assessment of the object as a whole is made and an appropriate decision is made - on the possibility of presenting the product for acceptance tests, on putting the product into production, on the completion of mastering mass production, on the possibility of its continuation, on assigning the product to one or another quality category, etc. d.

To the term "Test Object" (item 6)

The main feature of the test object is that, based on the results of its tests, one or another decision is made on this object - on its suitability or rejection, on the possibility of presenting it for the next test, on the possibility of serial production, and others.

Depending on the type of product and the test program, the object of testing may be a single product or a batch of products subjected to complete or selective control, a separate sample or a batch of products from which a sample specified in the RTD is taken.

The object of testing may be a mock-up or model of a product, and the decision based on the test results may refer directly to the mock-up or model. However, if, when testing a product, some of its elements have to be replaced by models for testing or certain characteristics of the product are determined on models, then the object of testing remains the product itself, the assessment of the characteristics of which is obtained on the basis of model testing.

Examples: 1. A computer is being tested as part of input and output devices, a memory device, an arithmetic device, etc. The computer as a whole is considered to be the test object.

2. One of several channels of the communication system is submitted for testing. In this case, the test object is the given channel of the communication system.

3. A batch of TVs with a volume of N. From N products are sampled in n products for which the characteristics of their properties are determined. Based on the use of selective methods of evaluation and control, the test results apply to the entire batch of N TVs. In this case, the test object is the entire batch of N TVs.

To the term "Test Program" (item 13)

The test program must contain test methods or references to them, if these methods are designed as independent documents.

To the term "Test Method" (14)

The test procedure, which essentially determines the technological process of their implementation, can be drawn up in an independent document or in a test program, or in a regulatory and technical document for products (standards, specifications). The test procedure must be certified.

To the term "Means of testing" (16)

The concept of a test tool covers any technical means used in testing. This includes, first of all, test equipment (clause 17), which refers to the means of reproducing test conditions (clause 2). Test tools include measuring instruments, both built into the test equipment and used in tests to measure certain characteristics of an object or control test conditions. Test tools should also include auxiliary technical devices for fixing the test object, recording and processing the results.

Test tools also include basic and auxiliary substances and materials (reagents, etc.) used in testing.

To the term "Test System" (19)

The main characteristic feature of any testing system is the presence of some organized set of performers (organizations or individuals) who have the necessary testing tools and interact with certain test objects according to established rules. In this sense, they speak, for example, of a system for testing agricultural machines, based on the machine-testing stations of the State Committee for Agriculture; on the system of state testing of measuring instruments, based on metrological institutes and regulated by the relevant state standards; on the system of state testing of the most important types of products, based on the parent organizations for state testing and regulated by the relevant set of regulatory documents.

to the term "Reproducibility of methods and test results» (21)

The reproducibility of test methods and results, except for the test procedure (including the method, means, algorithm, etc.) can largely depend on the properties of the test object.

If the object is, for example, a batch of products subjected to random testing, then such tests at the supplier and the consumer can be carried out on identical samples selected from this batch, in which case the heterogeneity of the products can significantly, sometimes decisively, affect the reproducibility of the test results.

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).

To the term "Research tests" (35)

Research tests are carried out with the aim of:

determining or evaluating the quality indicators of the functioning of the tested object in certain conditions of its use;

selection of the best modes of application of the object or the best characteristics of the properties of the object;

comparison of many options for the implementation of the object in the design and certification;

building a mathematical model of the object functioning (estimating the parameters of the mathematical model);

selection of significant factors influencing the quality indicators of the operation of the facility;

selection of the type of mathematical model of the object (among a given set of options).

To the term "State tests" (39)

Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 695 of July 12, 1979 extended the concept of "state tests" to the most important types of products for industrial, technical and cultural purposes. The head organizations for state testing of these types of products, approved in accordance with the decree, are entrusted with conducting a wide range of state tests, including, along with acceptance tests, also tests of serial products, imported products, attestation and other types of tests. Accordingly, the content of the concept of "state tests" for these most important types of products has been changed.

At the same time, for other important types of products that are not covered by the activities of the parent organizations, the former content of the concept of “state tests” has been retained as acceptance tests conducted by the state commission, with the addition of the possibility of conducting them by organizations that have been granted such a right.

To the term "Interdepartmental tests" (40)

For certain types of products, the concept of “interdepartmental testing”, by decision of the ministries concerned, may refer only to certain categories of tests (for example, only to acceptance tests), regardless of the fact that representatives of different ministries may also participate in commissions for testing other categories.

To the term "Acceptance tests" (44)

Acceptance tests of prototypes or batches of products are carried out to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting these products into production, and acceptance tests of single-piece production products are carried out to resolve the issue of the advisability of transferring these products to operation (GOST 15.001-88 *).

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 15.201-2000 applies.

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).

To the term "Acceptance tests" (47)

Acceptance tests are usually carried out by the product manufacturer. If the manufacturer has a representative of the customer, acceptance tests are carried out by him in the presence of the manufacturer's representative.

To the term "Certification tests" (52)

The procedure and conditions for conducting certification tests are established in the certification documentation. Based on the results of these tests, the compliance of product quality with the requirements of national or international standards is checked.

To the term "Bench tests" (54)

The concept of "test bench" in various industries is interpreted in different ways. So, for example, in the technique of vibration testing, a vibration stand is understood as a vibrating table on which the tested product is installed, and the whole complex of control and measurement tools together with the table is called a vibration installation.

The engine test bench, on the contrary, includes the whole range of tools necessary for these tests. There are great contradictions in the interpretation of this term and in foreign terminology.

Since the term "test equipment" (clause 17) as a test tool for reproducing test conditions fully covers all interpretations of the concept "test bench", then, accordingly, the common term "bench tests" is defined as tests carried out on test equipment.

To the term "Field tests" (56)

Full-scale tests are implemented if three main conditions are met:

1. The directly manufactured products (i.e., the test object) are subjected to tests without the use of product models or its components.

2. Tests are carried out under conditions and under impacts on products that correspond to the conditions and impacts of use for the intended purpose.

3. The determined characteristics of the properties of the test object are measured directly, and in this case, analytical dependencies are not used, reflecting the physical structure of the test object and its components. It is allowed to use the mathematical apparatus of statistical processing of experimental data.

Examples: 1. An omnidirectional radar station was presented for testing. The purpose of the tests is to determine the range of detection by this station of an aircraft (LA) of a given type with a given reflective surface. During the tests, aircraft flights with a given reflective surface are carried out along pre-selected routes, the radar detection range is determined directly (radar coordinates are known in advance, aircraft coordinates are known for any moment of time), the detection time is determined during testing. In this case, all three of the above conditions are met. Consequently, the radar is subjected to full-scale tests.

The tests will remain full-scale if, instead of an aircraft, some physical body with characteristic movements close to the characteristics of an aircraft of a given type with a given reflective surface is used.

2. Under the conditions of example 1, the tests are carried out without the use of an aircraft. During the tests, the sensitivity of the radar receiving path, the transmitter power, the frequency of the radiated energy, etc. are directly measured. The measurement results are substituted into the radar formula and the detection range of the radar is determined. In this case, the third of the above conditions is not met (in fact, a mathematical model is used - the radar formula) and the radar tests are not full-scale.

To the term "Tests using models" (57)

Tests using models include carrying out calculations on mathematical or physical and mathematical models of the test object and (or) impacts on it in combination with full-scale tests of the object and its components (experimental-theoretical test method), as well as the use of a physical model of the test object or its constituent parts. Field test data are required as initial data for modeling, and are also used to verify the correct functioning of the test object (correct docking of the component parts of the object, the ability of the object to perform the tasks for which it is intended, etc.).

To the term "Performance tests" (58)

One of the main types of operational tests is pilot operation. In addition, controlled operation can be carried out, which to some extent can also be conditionally referred to as operational tests. Controlled operation is a natural operation, the course and results of which are observed by personnel specially designed and trained for this purpose (additional or full-time) and guided by documentation also developed specifically for collecting, accounting and primary processing of information, the source of which is controlled operation.

To terms
"Mechanical tests" (
"Climatic tests" (
"Thermal Tests" (
"Radiation tests" (
"Electrical Tests" (
"Electromagnetic Tests" (
"Magnetic Tests" (
"Chemical tests" (
"Biological tests" (

The listed types of tests are carried out to check the performance and (or) maintain the appearance of products within the limits established by the NTD, under conditions and (or) after exposure to these factors.

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 ).

To the term "Technical control" (81)

The essence of any control comes down to the implementation of two main stages:

1. Obtaining information about the actual state of some object, about the signs and indicators of its properties. This information can be called primary.

2. Comparison of primary information with pre-established requirements, norms, criteria, i.e. detection of compliance or non-compliance of actual data with the required (expected). Information about the discrepancy (discrepancy) between the actual and required data can be called secondary.

The object, the data on the state and (or) properties of which are subject to comparison with the established requirements during control, can be a product or a process (see explanations and examples for the term "Object of control").

In some cases, the time boundary between the first and second stages of control is indistinguishable. In such cases, the first stage may not be clearly expressed or may be practically not observed. A typical example is the control of the size by a caliber, which is reduced to the operation of comparing the actual and maximum allowable size values.

Further, the secondary information is used to develop appropriate control actions on the object subjected to control. In this sense, any control is always active. It should be noted in this regard that any control, in addition, should always be preventive to one degree or another, since secondary information can be used to improve the development, production and operation of products, to improve their quality, etc.

However, decision-making based on the analysis of secondary information, the development of appropriate control actions is no longer a part of control. This is the next stage of management, based on the results of control - an integral and essential part of any management. During technical control, primary information is compared with the technical requirements recorded in the regulatory documentation, with the characteristics of the control sample, with data recorded using a caliber, etc.

At the stage of product development, technical control consists, for example, in checking the compliance of a prototype and (or) developed technical documentation with the design rules and terms of reference.

At the manufacturing stage, technical control covers the quality, completeness, packaging, labeling and quantity of products presented, the course (state) of production processes.

At the stage of product operation, technical control consists, for example, in checking compliance with the requirements of operational and repair documentation.

To the term "Object of technical control" (84)

The objects of technical control are objects of labor (for example, products of the main and auxiliary production in the form of products, materials, technical documentation, etc.), means of labor (for example, equipment of industrial enterprises) and technological processes.

To the term "Checkpoint" (92)

The control point of the control object can be a part (element) of the controlled object or be located at some distance from it (for example, monitoring the content of carbon monoxide in exhaust gases by its content in the atmosphere outside the pipe). The control point is usually where the sensor is located, the beginning of the output from the electrical circuit to the measuring device, etc. The control point is the established place for sampling the substance.

To the term "Control sample" (93)

The control sample can be used to normalize quality indicators. When controlling the quality of products, it is allowed to use duplicates of control samples.

The control product sample should be distinguished from the basic product sample used in its certification (establishment of the quality category).

Color control sample is a duly approved product sample designed to standardize color and control the accuracy of its reproduction in products during the production process.

To the terms "Automatic control system" (97), "Automated control system" (96)

The automatic control system consists of controls that perform all the functions of controllers. In an automated control system, control tools perform only part of the functions of controllers.

To the term "Production control" (98)

Production control, as a rule, covers all auxiliary, preparatory and technological operations.

To the term "Operational control" (99)

The objects of operational control can be operated products and the operation process.

To the term "Flying control" (106)

The effectiveness of volatile control is determined by its suddenness, the rules for ensuring which must be specially developed. Volatile control, as a rule, is carried out directly at the place of manufacture, repair, storage, etc.

To the term "Organoleptic control" (113)

Organoleptic control is based on the perceptions of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) of such information that is not presented in numerical terms.

The decision regarding the object of control is then made only on the basis of the results of the analysis of sensory perceptions (for example, an assessment of color shades, an assessment of smell, etc.).

In organoleptic control, control means that are not measuring, but increase the resolution or susceptibility of the senses, can be used.



Systematization of types of tests according to the main features

Sign of the type of tests

Type of tests

Assignment of tests





Level of testing




Product Development Stages




Finished product testing








Conditions and place of testing





Model tests


Test duration




Type of impact










Impact result



Durability Tests

Strength tests

Stability tests

Defined characteristics of the object


Reliability Tests

Safety Tests

Transportability Tests

Boundary tests

Technological tests


1. Tests may have two or more features from those listed. If necessary, the name of the tests includes a listing of these features of the types of tests, for example, interdepartmental periodic bench tests for reliability, etc.

2. The test category, characterized by organizational features and decision-making based on the results of the assessment of the object as a whole, includes types of tests determined by the level of their implementation, development stages, as well as all tests of finished products.

Systematization of types of control according to the main features

Sign of the type of control

Type of control

Stage of creation and existence of products



Stage of the production process




Completeness of control coverage





Influence on the object of control



Application of controls





Technical inspection


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