Leonid filatov nasreddin. The troublemaker (L. Filatov). Participants in the adventures of the Glorious Khoja Nasreddin during his stay in Noble Bukhara

Your attention is invited ...

"The troublemaker" by Leonid Solovyov in verse processing by Leonid Filatov! The author of the famous "Fedot the Archer" took up a difficult task: to retell our favorite book in verse. It turned out or not - decide for yourself. We do not want to impose our opinion on you, and you can express yours in the comments.

There are numerous audio recordings of this work (both audiobooks and radio plays), which we will probably bring to your attention soon.

To the wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, living and dead, is dedicated

May I burn in fire for a hundred years

Hell, dreamed in a dream, is not terrible

I fear the chorus of ignorant ignorant,

Talking to them is worse than death to me!

Omar Khayyam

East is a delicate matter…

Red Army soldier Sukhov

Get on the donkey! ..

Let's go to the East! ..

From southern cities

I am delighted -

From those bright skies

From those spicy bazaars

From those mountain streams

Where do I get my source ...

And if suddenly it kicks up

Fantasies donkey

And carry us so

That only a whistle in the ears

Then we will humble him

The bridle of the plot

And we will translate again

In the adventures of the Glorious Khoja Nasreddin during his stay in Noble Bukhara, the following are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir of Bukhara, Guljan, Chief of the Emir's Guard, Usurer Jafar, Hussein Guslia - a sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Niyaz - Father Guljan, Chaikhansk Ali, Blacksmith Yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Court doctor, , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one


Overnight in Bukhara. Bedroom of a wealthy Bukhara house. At the open window, against the background of the practicing dawn, a certain romantic couple say goodbye. Let's call them Beauty and the Traveler.

The traveler (looking out the window, delighted)

Greetings to you, about Bukhara!

It's time for us to see each other again!

Gorgeous (clinging to the Traveler's chest)

Stay the day!

The traveler (affectionately)

I would stay forever

Yes, the whole mountain has accumulated!


But we could in such a case

Meet in secret next night ?!

The traveler

What about your husband?


Where could he wake up!

He was such a mattress!

The traveler (looking around)

Though I am free as a spring stream,

But I must be wary of snitches

Therefore, in the same place

I don’t spend two nights in a row!

Suddenly the predawn silence is heard by a trumpet donkey roar. Beauty and the Traveler shudder.


Who is yelling so heart-rendingly under the window?

The traveler (calms down)

So donkey cares for me!

(out the window)

For waking me up, thank you

But don't wake up all the dogs around!

(To the beauty)

Wherever we spend the night - just a shame! -

He wakes me up with a cry in the morning,

Be it Istanbul, Cairo, or even Mecca,

Whether it's a palace, a lodging house or a temple!

Gorgeous (catching himself up, playfully)

However, I would be good

If I had forgotten to find out - with whom I slept!

It's time to get acquainted, darling,

Tell me your name!

The traveler (after a pause)

Abdullah! ..

Outside the window, the roar of a donkey is heard again. The traveler hastily pulls on his leaky dressing gown and jumps out the window. Outside the door, noise and shouts, the clatter of boots, the loud crackling of torches. The door cracks, and a fat nobleman in a rich dressing gown bursts into the bedroom, followed by a dozen soldiers of the city guard.


Could it be that this vile Nasrudin

Did he inherit in my family too?

(To the beauty)

Respond, O dissolute, spouse:

Where did he go?

Gorgeous (she herself is innocence)

Who, my lord?

Grandee (menacingly)

Stop playing around! Your husband is not an idiot!

This number will not work with me!

Tell me! - not that your head

Today he will be the first to fall from the block!

Gorgeous (sentimental)

I dreamed ... the rustle of stars and the noise of foliage.

And a kiss that was sweeter than halva ...

(cries out, amazed at the guess)

So it was different! .. But it seemed to me

What is this - about priceless! - were you!

Grandee (furious)

To the male who climbed into my bed,

Excess flesh must be torn off

Forever to discourage him

To steal Bukhara wives at night! ..

(to the guards)

Hey, boobies! .. Take the house in the ring!

Check out the windowsill and porch!

Who can this vile brute

Find out what is called in person?

(opens notebook and prepares to write)

So, the signs! .. But - not out of order!


- Lame!

Leonid Filatov


To the wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, living and dead, is dedicated

May I burn in fire for a hundred years

Hell, dreamed in a dream, is not terrible

I fear the chorus of ignorant ignorant,

Talking to them is worse than death to me!

Omar Khayyam

East is a delicate matter…

Red Army soldier Sukhov

Get on the donkey! ..

Let's go to the East! ..

From southern cities

I am delighted -

From those bright skies

From those spicy bazaars

From those mountain streams

Where do I get my source ...

And if suddenly it kicks up

Fantasies donkey

And carry us so

That only a whistle in the ears

Then we will humble him

The bridle of the plot

And we will translate again

In the adventures of the Glorious Khoja Nasreddin during his stay in Noble Bukhara, the following are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir of Bukhara, Guljan, Chief of the Emir's Guard, Usurer Jafar, Hussein Guslia - a sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Niyaz - Father Guljan, Chaikhansk Ali, Blacksmith Yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Court doctor, , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one

Overnight in Bukhara. Bedroom of a wealthy Bukhara house. At the open window, against the background of the practicing dawn, a certain romantic couple say goodbye. Let's call them Beauty and the Traveler.

The traveler (looking out the window, delighted)

Greetings to you, about Bukhara!
It's time for us to see each other again!

Gorgeous (clinging to the Traveler's chest)

Stay the day!

The traveler (affectionately)

I would stay forever
Yes, the whole mountain has accumulated!


But we could in such a case
Meet in secret next night ?!

The traveler

What about your husband?


Where could he wake up!
He was such a mattress!

The traveler (looking around)

Though I am free as a spring stream,
But I must be wary of snitches
Therefore, in the same place
I don’t spend two nights in a row!

Suddenly the predawn silence is heard by a trumpet donkey roar. Beauty and the Traveler shudder.


Who is yelling so heart-rendingly under the window?

The traveler (calms down)

So donkey cares for me!

(out the window)

For waking me up, thank you
But don't wake up all the dogs around!

(To the beauty)

Wherever we spend the night - just a shame! -
He wakes me up with a cry in the morning,
Be it Istanbul, Cairo, or even Mecca,
Whether it's a palace, a lodging house or a temple!

Gorgeous (catching himself up, playfully)

However, I would be good
If I had forgotten to find out - with whom I slept!
It's time to get acquainted, darling,
Tell me your name!

The traveler (after a pause)

Abdullah! ..

Outside the window, the roar of a donkey is heard again. The traveler hastily pulls on his leaky dressing gown and jumps out the window. Outside the door, noise and shouts, the clatter of boots, the loud crackling of torches. The door cracks, and a fat nobleman in a rich dressing gown bursts into the bedroom, followed by a dozen soldiers of the city guard.


Could it be that this vile Nasrudin
Did he inherit in my family too?

(To the beauty)

Respond, O dissolute, spouse:
Where did he go?

Gorgeous (she herself is innocence)

Who, my lord?

Grandee (menacingly)

Stop playing around! Your husband is not an idiot!
This number will not work with me!
Tell me! - not that your head
Today he will be the first to fall from the chopping block!

Gorgeous (sentimental)

I dreamed ... the rustle of stars and the noise of foliage.
And a kiss that was sweeter than halva ...

(cries out, amazed at the guess)

So it was different! .. But it seemed to me
What is this - about priceless! - were you!

Grandee (furious)

To the male who climbed into my bed,
Excess flesh must be torn off
Forever to discourage him
To steal Bukhara wives at night! ..

(to the guards)

Hey, boobies! .. Take the house in the ring!
Check out the windowsill and porch!
Who can this vile brute
Find out what is called in person?

(opens notebook and prepares to write)

So, the signs! .. But - not out of order!


- Lame!
- Oblique!
- Ugly!
- Pockmarked!

Grandee (putting down pencil)

I do not believe! .. Knowing the taste of my wife,
I do not believe that he is so disgusting!
To my question - what is he, Nasreddin -
So far not a single one has answered! ..

Gorgeous (timidly)

Freckled ... Snub-nosed ... Blue-eyed.

Grandee (meticulously)

What about hair color?

Gorgeous (confidently)

Naturally blond!

Grandee (he slams the notebook shut with satisfaction)

Well, now we know your portrait!
Now your appearance is not a secret for us!
Now you can only hide in Ryazan,
But there is no escape for you in Bukhara!

Episode one

Morning. The shore of the pond on the outskirts of Bukhara. A crowd of townspeople gathered on the shore. The heart-rending screams of a drowning man can be heard from the pond.

Someone on the shore is trying to help the unfortunate man. Nasruddin approaches one of the onlookers.


Tell me why he screams and moans so much
The man swimming in the pond?

Onlooker (gloomy)

He doesn't bathe at all. He's drowning.

Leonid Filatov


To the wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, living and dead, is dedicated

May I burn in fire for a hundred years

Hell, dreamed in a dream, is not terrible

I fear the chorus of ignorant ignorant,

Talking to them is worse than death to me!

Omar Khayyam

East is a delicate matter…

Get on the donkey! ..

Let's go to the East! ..

From southern cities

I am delighted -

From those bright skies

From those spicy bazaars

From those mountain streams

Where do I get my source ...

And if suddenly it kicks up

Fantasies donkey

And carry us so

That only a whistle in the ears

Then we will humble him

The bridle of the plot

And we will translate again

On thoughtfulness step ...

In the adventures of the Glorious Khoja Nasreddin during his stay in Noble Bukhara, the following are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir of Bukhara, Guljan, Chief of the Emir's Guard, Usurer Jafar, Hussein Guslia - a sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Niyaz - Father Guljan, Chaikhansk Ali, Blacksmith Yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Court doctor, , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one

Overnight in Bukhara. Bedroom of a wealthy Bukhara house. At the open window, against the background of the practicing dawn, a certain romantic couple say goodbye. Let's call them Beauty and the Traveler.

The traveler (looking out the window, delighted)

Greetings to you, about Bukhara!

It's time for us to see each other again!

Gorgeous (clinging to the Traveler's chest)

Stay the day!

The traveler (affectionately)

I would stay forever

Yes, the whole mountain has accumulated!


But we could in such a case

Meet in secret next night ?!

What about your husband?


Where could he wake up!

He was such a mattress!

The traveler (looking around)

Though I am free as a spring stream,

But I must be wary of snitches

Therefore, in the same place

I don’t spend two nights in a row!

Suddenly the predawn silence is heard by a trumpet donkey roar. Beauty and the Traveler shudder.


Who is yelling so heart-rendingly under the window?

The traveler (calms down)

So donkey cares for me!

(out the window)

For waking me up, thank you

But don't wake up all the dogs around!

(To the beauty)

Wherever we spend the night - just a shame! -

He wakes me up with a cry in the morning,

Be it Istanbul, Cairo, or even Mecca,

Whether it's a palace, a lodging house or a temple!

Gorgeous (catching himself up, playfully)

However, I would be good

If I had forgotten to find out - with whom I slept!

It's time to get acquainted, darling,

Tell me your name!

The traveler (after a pause)

Abdullah! ..

Outside the window, the roar of a donkey is heard again. The traveler hastily pulls on his leaky dressing gown and jumps out the window. Outside the door, noise and shouts, the clatter of boots, the loud crackling of torches. The door cracks, and a fat nobleman in a rich dressing gown bursts into the bedroom, followed by a dozen soldiers of the city guard.


Could it be that this vile Nasrudin

Did he inherit in my family too?

(To the beauty)

Respond, O dissolute, spouse:

Where did he go?

Gorgeous (she herself is innocence)

Who, my lord?

Grandee (menacingly)

Stop playing around! Your husband is not an idiot!

This number will not work with me!

Tell me! - not that your head

Today he will be the first to fall from the block!

Gorgeous (sentimental)

I dreamed ... the rustle of stars and the noise of foliage.

And a kiss that was sweeter than halva ...

(cries out, amazed at the guess)

So it was different! .. But it seemed to me

What is this - about priceless! - were you!

Grandee (furious)

To the male who climbed into my bed,

Excess flesh must be torn off

Forever to discourage him

To steal Bukhara wives at night! ..

(to the guards)

Hey, boobies! .. Take the house in the ring!

Now you can only hide in Ryazan,

But there is no escape for you in Bukhara!

Episode one

Morning. The shore of the pond on the outskirts of Bukhara. A crowd of townspeople gathered on the shore. The heart-rending screams of a drowning man can be heard from the pond.

Someone on the shore is trying to help the unfortunate man. Nasruddin approaches one of the onlookers.


Tell me why he screams and moans so much

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 4 pages) [available passage for reading: 1 pages]

Leonid Alekseevich Filatov
The troublemaker. Adventurous comedy in two parts based on the novel of the same name by Leonid Solovyov

May I burn in fire for a hundred years

Hell, dreamed in a dream, is not terrible

I fear the chorus of ignorant ignorant,

Talking to them is worse than death to me!

Omar Khayyam

East is a delicate matter…

Red Army soldier Sukhov

Get on the donkey! ..
Let's go to the East! ..
From southern cities
I am delighted -
From those bright skies
From those spicy bazaars
From those mountain streams
Where do I get my source ...
And if suddenly it kicks up
Fantasies donkey
And carry us so
That only a whistle in the ears
Then we will humble him
The bridle of the plot
And we will translate again
On thoughtfulness step ...

In the adventures of the Glorious Khoja Nasreddin during his stay in Noble Bukhara, the following are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin

Emir of Bukhara


Chief of the Emir's Guard

Usurer Jafar

Hussein Huslia - sage from Baghdad

Potter Niyaz - father of Guljan

Chaikhana keeper Ali

Blacksmith Yusup

1st guard

2nd guard

Palace doctor

courtiers in the palace, servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one
(prologue, episodes 1-11)


Overnight in Bukhara. Bedroom of a wealthy Bukhara house. At the open window, against the background of the practicing dawn, a certain romantic couple say goodbye. Let's call them Beauty and the Traveler.

The traveler

(looking out the window, delighted)

Greetings to you, about Bukhara!
It's time for us to see each other again!


(clinging to the Traveler's chest)

Stay the day!

The traveler


I would stay forever
Yes, the whole mountain has accumulated!


But we could in such a case
Meet in secret next night ?!

The traveler

What about your husband?


Where could he wake up!
He was such a mattress!

The traveler

(looking around)

Though I am free as a spring stream,
But I must be wary of snitches
Therefore, in the same place
I don’t spend two nights in a row!

Suddenly the predawn silence is heard by a trumpet donkey roar. Beauty and the Traveler shudder.


Who is yelling so heart-rendingly under the window?

The traveler

(calms down)

So donkey cares for me!

(out the window)

For waking me up, thank you
But don't wake up all the dogs around!

(To the beauty)

Wherever we spend the night - it's just a shame! -
He wakes me up with a cry in the morning,
Be it Istanbul, Cairo, or even Mecca,
Whether it's a palace, a lodging house or a temple!


(catching himself up, playfully)

However, I would be good
If I had forgotten to find out - with whom I slept!
It's time to get acquainted, darling,
Tell me your name!

The traveler

(after a pause)

Outside the window, the roar of a donkey is heard again. The traveler hastily pulls on his leaky dressing gown and jumps out the window. Outside the door, noise and shouts, the clatter of boots, the loud crackling of torches. The door cracks, and a fat nobleman in a rich dressing gown bursts into the bedroom, followed by a dozen soldiers of the city guard.


Could it be that this vile Nasrudin
Did he inherit in my family too?

(To the beauty)

Respond, O dissolute, spouse:
Where did he go?


(she herself is innocence)

Who, my lord?



Stop playing around! Your husband is not an idiot!
This number will not work with me!
Tell me! - not that your head
Today he will be the first to fall from the block!



I dreamed ... the rustle of stars and the noise of foliage.
And a kiss that was sweeter than halva ...

(cries out, amazed at the guess)

So it was different! .. But it seemed to me
What is this - about priceless! - were you!



To the male who climbed into my bed,
Excess flesh must be torn off
Forever to discourage him
To steal Bukhara wives at night! ..

(to the guards)

Hey, boobies! .. Take the house in the ring!
Check out the windowsill and porch!
Who can this vile brute
Find out what is called in person?

(opens notebook and prepares to write)

So, the signs! .. But - not out of order!


- Lame!
- Oblique!
- Ugly!
- Pockmarked!


(putting down pencil)

I do not believe! .. Knowing the taste of my wife,
I do not believe that he is so disgusting!
To my question - what is he, Nasreddin -
So far not a single one has answered! ..



Freckled ... Snub-nosed ... Blue-eyed.



What about hair color?



Naturally blond!


(he slams the notebook shut with satisfaction)

Well, now we know your portrait!
Now your appearance is not a secret for us!
Now you can only hide in Ryazan,
But there is no escape for you in Bukhara!

Episode one

Morning. The shore of the pond on the outskirts of Bukhara. A crowd of townspeople gathered on the shore. The heart-rending screams of a drowning man can be heard from the pond.

Someone on the shore is trying to help the unfortunate man. Nasruddin approaches one of the onlookers.


Tell me why he screams and moans so much
The man swimming in the pond?



He doesn't bathe at all. He's drowning.


How is it drowning? .. In plain sight of fellow citizens?
But if he really is drowning, this uncle ...



Another minute - and it will go to the bottom!



... Why, looking at this horror,
None of you lead by ear?


Try to save such a wicked person!
Do you see how the people are worried?
Everyone is drawn to him, give, ask, a hand.
He drowns, but does not give them a hand!


(looks thoughtfully at the drowning man)

He is a rich and disgusting man ...



Ready to bet!


But how did you guess? .. After all, you are not a local.


His robe told me a lot!



Everyone in Bukhara wears such robes!



Not all! Spread your mind, if you are not stupid.
The robe is expensive, but covered in patches.
This means that our client is rich, but stingy!
Learn one simple science:
When a rich man, say, drowns bye,
You can't stick his empty hand
With a stupid and idiotic request: give!


But what about?


Hold a coin in your hand
And stretch out to the poor fellow with a cry: On! -
And, taking a bite at this simple trick,
He is even dead! - will float up from the bottom!

(Nasrudin walks to the edge of the pond and watches the drowning man for a while.)

I'm afraid it's too late! .. He's no longer breathing!



And in appearance - no more agile than a log!


Well, I'll check! .. Suddenly he hears
Such a sweet word to him ...

(He holds out his hand to the drowning man.)

The drowning man grabs the outstretched hand with a death grip. Nasruddin cries out in pain, but still pulls the drowning man ashore. But the rescued, apparently, is in no hurry to free his savior.

How obsessive you are, however!
I should save myself now!

(To the onlooker)

He grabbed the hand, as if a dog were on a bone!

The rescued one comes to his senses, and Nasruddin already recoils, seeing how humpbacked and ugly he is.

Leave me alone! .. Do you hear ?! Let go! ..



The crowd, I feel not happy ?!
Get out, quitters! .. Clear the shores!

(To Nasreddin)

And you, passer-by, stop! .. You get a reward! ..

(rummages in wallet)

As much as whole ... as much as ... as much as half a tanga! ..

(throws a coin to Nasruddin)



You are filled with heavenly bounty!
To know that life is really dear to you,
When you appreciated it, my dear ...
Not to lose track of ... half a tanga!
Having such a large sum,
From the belly I'll eat and get drunk!
I’ll make a mess with this money,
I'll turn around with this money!

At this time, someone gently takes Nasruddin by the arm and pulls him aside. This is one of the townspeople, the Bukhara blacksmith Yusup.


I see that you are not a frequent visitor in Bukhara,
You are not privy to the rules of the game
Otherwise, I would have known what kind of misfortune
You brought you to the Bukhara courtyards!
Pulling him out of his mouth at death,
You struck a terrible blow to Bukhara,
Because the one you unfortunately saved
None other than the usurer Jafar!
In-it, you see, the house of Sadik the cheese-maker?
You better help him, poor fellow!
After all, his house by the grace of Jafar
Arrested today for debts!


(with despair)

And indeed be damned, this demon! ..
Believe me, my way of life is not like that
So that I consider my favorite thing
Salvation from the water of usurers!



Yes, the locals tried, but for show,
Since not saving the poor man is a sin,
But the greater sin is to save such a nit,
Therefore, you are the most sinner of all! ..



Consider that I have already wept for this sin! ..
I do not like to throw words into the wind,
And this ferret - by Allah! -
I'll drown in the same pond!

Episode two

Teahouse in the fresh air. Visitors settled in groups right on the ground in the middle of steaming barbecues. At the hitching post, bored, Nasruddin's donkey nibbles at the grass.

Nasreddin himself, unnoticed by anyone, settled himself apart from everyone in the back of the courtyard. A soldier of the city guard appears.


(To the teahouse)

Tell me if there was one passing by
A commoner on a gray donkey?


It's full of commoners here!

But this one is special! .. Nasreddin! ..

Visitors to the teahouse are alarmed, conversations between them subside, and all eyes turn to the guardian of order.


(with mock interest)

What does he look like, this Nasruddin?



Snub. Blue-eyed. And blond.

One of the visitors sprinkles into a fist.



And in this defiant guise
He's hanging around the streets, you cretin ?!


(feeling the catch)



First visitor

But I confess I hear for the first time
That he is fair-haired and blue-eyed!


(glares at First Visitor)

Ah, so you met Nasrudin!
Can you tell me, friend, where is he now?

The visitor sniffs anxiously, not knowing what to answer. The Second Visitor rushes to his rescue.

Second visitor

Nasruddin's house is a whole world:
Baghdad and Basra, Mecca and Cairo!

Third visitor

Yes Nasruddin - wherever he comes -
In any country - a favorite and an idol!


But if you believe the local kids,
That Nasreddin is in Bukhara today! ..

Fourth visitor

Perhaps. But catching him is not easier
Than the shadow of that birdie in the yard!



But I'll catch him!

First visitor

Let's see!
You are not the only one hunting him!
But who ever met Nasruddin,
He knows: Nasreddin is invincible!

The guard looks around the audience with an unkind look, as if memorizing everyone in the face, then spits angrily and leaves. Visitors accompany him with laughter, whistles and hooting. They are stopped by the raspy voice of the Stranger, who has not yet intervened in what is happening.

Praise be to Allah, there is a safe circle
Friends and three dozen faithful hands,
Who will help Nasruddin!



I am his old friend! ..

(sits closer to the visitors.)

But I must tell you in advance
That Nasruddin is no longer the same
Which in your imagination
Draws our gullible people! ..
He became serious and pious,
With the common people - rude, with the authorities - flattering,
He changed friends, habits, appearance
And in general, the motive changed the fate ...
He became lazy, gluttonous and pot-bellied ...
He is married to a grumpy woman ...
He spends the whole day in the bazaar,
Where he sells radishes and spinach ...
A former hero, in short,
Forever lost the glory of a rebel,
And with her - honor and respect,
Thanks to my brainlessness!

First visitor

Come on, Stranger! .. Apparently,
You are simply jealous of him!

Second visitor


But this is how to envy Hafiz ...
Or, say, Avicenna himself.

Third visitor

It looks like this same Nasrudin
I hurt you pretty much in my life!

Fourth visitor

But with what? Stole your prayer rug?
Have you awarded them with branchy horns?



And I recognized the bastard! .. This is it,
Emir is a spy and a spy! ..
Enough controversy! .. Hit him guys!
Take it in the ring from all sides!

The visitors, provoking each other with war cries, beat Nasruddin. The poor man is rescued by a donkey - with his trumpet roar he sober up the fighting. Grunting and moaning, Nasruddin drags on to his savior and gratefully embraces his neck.


(to donkey, quietly)

Everything is fair. No hard feelings.
Know that Nasreddin is not forgotten among the people!
I encroached on my own glory
And he was beaten by his own glory! ..

Episode three

The courtyard of the usurer Jafar. Jafar himself stands on the threshold of his house and with squeamish curiosity looks at the debtors standing in front of him - the potter Niyaz and his daughter Guljan (her face is covered with a veil)

Here in the courtyard, closer to the audience, three observers hid behind an old mulberry tree - the blacksmith Yusup, Nasreddin and his faithful donkey.



Don't you dare cry! Don't do the mournful pose!
I am sick of your whining! ..
Don't you think these tears
Will melt my rough heart?


(through tears)

I will return everything to you, Allah is the witness,
But give me a reprieve for at least a year!
All year I'm on you, oh benefactor,
I will waste sweat without a break!


(interrupts without listening)

How do you comfort yourself with the prospect
What is the use of your sobs?
"Defer my debt!" - you ask, wicked one!
And I ask you: "Return my debt!"



The old man is in tears, but this one bares his teeth!
Wow, I would have crumpled his sides! ..
Ruthless villain! Damned stingy!
The illegitimate son of a goat and a donkey!



Scold him furiously and vehemently
And do not be sorry for the language of abuse,
All images are suitable for Jafar,
But I ask: don't touch the donkey!



Until you found in my face
Dangerous and terrible enemy
Hurry to return your debt and interest to me,
Give back my four hundred tangas!

Jafar approaches Guljan and throws back his veil with a sharp movement.

Guljan's face was in the light for only a moment, but that was enough for Nasreddin to cluck his tongue in admiration, and Jafar was speechless.



Look, the hunchback is melting with passion!
Hope to please, freak!


Well, he doesn't consider himself a freak,
He thinks he is the other way around!

As if confirming these words, Jafar becomes dignified and even tries to assume a dashing look.



Everything! I don’t touch the topic of money anymore!


Even though I was not born yesterday,
I don't remember such beauties
Someday Bukhara gave birth!


So that we don't bargain for too long,
I immediately declare that I do not mind
Take from you, old man, to pay off the debt
Your adorable daughter!

Yusup (can't stand)

Well, what a mean nature!
Well, what a black soul!


However, his lip is not stupid!
The girl is really good!



Her name is popularly called "touchy".
Anyone would like to marry Guljan.
We have a lot of caring for her
Famous and wealthy citizens!




(with a sigh)

There is no equal pair yet!
She did not find a worthy groom!

(nods towards Jafar.)

All sorts of jafars cling to her,
And she has no escape from them! ..



I hope you won't persist!
If your daughter is really dear to you,
You will crawl out of your skin, but you will get it
You will get me four hundred tangas! ..
Go for the above amount,
I give you exactly one hour of reprieve!


(to myself)

You were clearly absent, my mind,
When I saved this one! ..

Jafar goes to the gate and, not noticing Yusup and Nasreddin, leaves the courtyard onto the city street.


(without taking his eyes off Guljan)

Today, chance will smile at her!



Are you a wizard?



Oh, don't tell!
The groom she turns up at least not the best ...

(famously slides the skullcap over his ear.)

But not the worst, damn me! ..



Who are you?


I am the person who
Unraveled dozens of times
Tangle of stories so tangled
Where would Nasreddin himself get stuck! ..



I see you know how to lie well,
But still there are no such examples in the world,
So that the most talented rascal
Collected four hundred coins in an hour!



Ah, we have never had enough time!
You can look at it in different ways!
While we say: an hour is not enough for us! -
Our hour has decreased by a third!
Sly Jafar, you bond us tightly,
Limiting the supply of time for us! ..
I could say: there is only an hour left,
But I will say: there is a whole hour in stock!



Can you help them?



What could be easier!
Find out where Jafar is headed!


(looking out the gate)

He seems to be going to the square
Bazaar. In short, to the bazaar.


Well, we can easily find a bazaar in Bukhara
And even ahead of the hunchback! ..


(recollecting himself)

Wait! .. But we don't even know each other.


Blacksmith Yusup!

Episode four

Bukhara bazaar. In the bazaar crowd, Yusup and Nasreddin.

Suddenly, Yusup, winking at Nasruddin, climbs onto one of the counters.



All the people of Bukhara are not alone! -
Dreamed from time immemorial
What will appear in Bukhara one day
Beloved by all of us Nasreddin!
Allah is great! He bestowed honor on me
To tell you the most pleasant news:
A favorite of all times and all peoples -
Our Nasreddin is here again today! ..

Nasreddin also scrambles onto the counter and stands next to Yusup. The market crowd greets him with shouts of jubilation.



But the guards are stinking rabble! -
At the city gates,
They robbed Nasruddin to the bone,
Having said that this is a fee, they say, for the entrance!

The crowd is indignant, curses fly at the guards. Yusup is pleased.

So let us be wise and generous
And bring our gifts here
To apologize to Nasruddin
And wash away the stain of shame from Bukhara! ..

Man from the crowd


What gifts would suit him?
Ham? Smoked meats? Cheese?


And it will come in handy, only better -
Robes, skullcaps and carpets! ..

Nasruddin's keen eye picks out a familiar face from the crowd - this is the Chaikhana man.



But you haven't convinced us yet
That this stranger is Nasrudin!
Let him give us a couple of jokes to try,
He jokingly, they say, is invincible! ..


(without taking his eyes off the Chaikhana keeper)

In one of the eateries yesterday
They broke two of my ribs for a joke ...
And I understood: my graceful jokes
Bukhara does not understand yet! ..

The chaikhana keeper lowers his head in confusion.

Even though I am with you, you see, at a great price,
Don't give me ovation!
I really do not like applause,
Especially with your feet on the back! ..

Laughs are heard in the crowd, a restless little man crawls out of the crowd.


Without admitting that this is Nasreddin,
We will hurt ourselves.
We will remain completely without Nasreddin,
And we - at least one! - is necessary!

The Doubter objected sluggishly to the restless.


I don't know, Nasrudin is not Nasrudin,
But he looks like a commoner ...

The chaikhana keeper, who feels guilty, puts an end to the dispute.



He will look better than Emir,
If we give it all to him!

The chaikhana keeper throws his arms around the bazaar stalls, and the crowd begins to carry everything that the Bukhara bazaar is rich in at Nasreddin's feet. Instantly a mountain of things grows at Nasruddin's feet: here are horse saddles, rich robes, and precious jewelry.



Thank you, O people of Bukhara,
For your precious gifts!
Thank you for visiting Nasreddin
You are so generous and kind! ..

My name, people of Bukhara,
It is not worth pronouncing for the time being:
I'm tired of fighting off spies
Scammers and other midges! ..

Suddenly, Jafar appears in the market crowd. The crowd parted either with respect or with fear: it is obvious that the inhabitants of Bukhara know this man well.


(seeing Nasruddin, with amazement)

Look! .. We parted just yesterday,
And today we met again in the morning! ..


We were lucky not to meet at all,
Be more spacious the city of Bukhara ...


(groping greedily for the things lying in front of Nasruddin)
I'd be a two-time idiot
When would I drop the price to two hundred.
To put it in your eye for this offer
Only education does not give me!
Pay me what I want
Otherwise I will raise the price fivefold,
Then you and a nail from this heap
Buy is unlikely to be on the shoulder.
I'm waiting. What have you decided, Jafar-aha?


(after a pause, hands out a wallet to Nasreddin)

Keep your four hundred tangas!

(grins hard)

It is not the product that is dear to me - even though it is dear.
True friendship is dear to me!



Do not fall! Nasreddin.

Episode five

And again the courtyard of Jafar. Old Niyaz and his daughter are standing in the same place.

It can be seen that they did not spend the past hour on the search for money, realizing the futility of such attempts. In the shade of an old mulberry tree, Nasruddin's donkey grazes serenely. The gate opens slightly, and Nasreddin slips into the courtyard. After a while, the gate swings wide open - the owner's hand is felt! - and Jafar appears, loaded with goods. Seeing Nasruddin, he even recoils back - he is so amazed at a new meeting with an old acquaintance. Wherever you stick: Your term has expired! .. What do you say to me, bum?
But just do not moan, do not cry, do not whine!
I see there is no money ... But there is no money -
Guljan becomes my wife!

Jafar's last words cause a storm of sobs in Niyaz and Guljan. Nasreddin intervenes.


(To Jafar)

It is yours, since the amount you are looking for is not!


Don't be in a hurry to cry, Niyaz-aha!

(Jafar again)

But here is a wallet, very familiar to you,
And there are exactly four hundred tangas in it! ..

Nasreddin gives the purse to Jafar, after which he takes Niyaz and Guljan by the shoulders and leads them to the gate.


(in impotent rage)

So that's who the eagle was in that fable!
So that's what you mean, hinting at!


(over shoulder)

Am I an eagle - a debatable question,
But - absolutely definitely - not a jackal! ..

Attention! This is an introductory excerpt from the book.

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To the wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, living and dead, is dedicated

May I burn in fire for a hundred years

Hell, dreamed in a dream, is not terrible

I fear the chorus of ignorant ignorant,

Talking to them is worse than death to me!

Omar Khayyam

East is a delicate matter…

Get on the donkey! ..

Let's go to the East! ..

From southern cities

I am delighted -

From those bright skies

From those spicy bazaars

From those mountain streams

Where do I get my source ...

And if suddenly it kicks up

Fantasies donkey

And carry us so

That only a whistle in the ears

Then we will humble him

The bridle of the plot

And we will translate again

On thoughtfulness step ...

In the adventures of the Glorious Khoja Nasreddin during his stay in Noble Bukhara, the following are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir of Bukhara, Guljan, Chief of the Emir's Guard, Usurer Jafar, Hussein Guslia - a sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Niyaz - Father Guljan, Chaikhansk Ali, Blacksmith Yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Court doctor, , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one

Overnight in Bukhara. Bedroom of a wealthy Bukhara house. At the open window, against the background of the practicing dawn, a certain romantic couple say goodbye. Let's call them Beauty and the Traveler.

The traveler (looking out the window, delighted)

Greetings to you, about Bukhara!

It's time for us to see each other again!

Gorgeous (clinging to the Traveler's chest)

Stay the day!

The traveler (affectionately)

I would stay forever

Yes, the whole mountain has accumulated!


But we could in such a case

Meet in secret next night ?!

What about your husband?


Where could he wake up!

He was such a mattress!

The traveler (looking around)

Though I am free as a spring stream,

But I must be wary of snitches

Therefore, in the same place

I don’t spend two nights in a row!

Suddenly the predawn silence is heard by a trumpet donkey roar. Beauty and the Traveler shudder.


Who is yelling so heart-rendingly under the window?

The traveler (calms down)

So donkey cares for me!

(out the window)

For waking me up, thank you

But don't wake up all the dogs around!

(To the beauty)

Wherever we spend the night - it's just a shame! -

He wakes me up with a cry in the morning,

Be it Istanbul, Cairo, or even Mecca,

Whether it's a palace, a lodging house or a temple!

Gorgeous (catching himself up, playfully)

However, I would be good

If I had forgotten to find out - with whom I slept!

It's time to get acquainted, darling,

Tell me your name!

The traveler (after a pause)

Abdullah! ..

Outside the window, the roar of a donkey is heard again. The traveler hastily pulls on his leaky dressing gown and jumps out the window. Outside the door, noise and shouts, the clatter of boots, the loud crackling of torches. The door cracks, and a fat nobleman in a rich dressing gown bursts into the bedroom, followed by a dozen soldiers of the city guard.


Could it be that this vile Nasrudin

Did he inherit in my family too?

(To the beauty)

Respond, O dissolute, spouse:

Where did he go?

Gorgeous (she herself is innocence)

Who, my lord?

Grandee (menacingly)

Stop playing around! Your husband is not an idiot!

This number will not work with me!

Tell me! - not that your head

Today he will be the first to fall from the block!


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