The whole truth is from Pashkin. Interregional trade union of law enforcement officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs trade union

Interregional trade union of law enforcement officers


Article 1

The Interregional Trade Union of Law Enforcement Officers is an interregional, voluntary, public organization that unites members of the Trade Union. Full name: Interregional Trade Union of Law Enforcement Officers. Abbreviated name: MPSSPO.
The trade union operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, the legislation of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, and this Charter. MSSSPO operates in the city of Moscow, the Moscow region, as well as in other regions, cities, regions and districts of the Russian Federation, where territorial branches of the trade union will be created.
The trade union in its activities is independent of executive authorities, local governments, officials of law enforcement agencies, political parties and other public associations, is not accountable to them and is not controlled by them. Intervention of public authorities, local governments and their officials in the activities of the Trade Union is unacceptable.
The trade union independently develops and adopts the Charter, structure. The general regulation on the primary trade union organization, the regulation on the audit commission determines the goals, forms and methods of activity, forms trade union bodies, creates an apparatus, convenes congresses, conferences, plenums, meetings, and holds other events.
MSSSPO participates in the international trade union movement, cooperates with trade unions of other states, has the right to join international trade unions and other associations (associations) and organizations at its choice.


The objectives of the Interregional Trade Union of Law Enforcement Officers are the representation and protection of professional, social and labor rights and interests of members of the Trade Union.

The trade union builds its activities on the following principles:

    voluntariness of joining the Trade Union;

    the election of all trade union bodies from top to bottom, their regular reporting to members of the Trade Union and the relevant bodies of the Trade Union;

    publicity in the work of all trade union organizations and elected bodies;

    pluralism of opinions, freedom of discussion at the stage of discussion of issues and unity of action after the adoption of decisions;

    collegiality in the work of elected trade union bodies, personal responsibility for the implementation of adopted resolutions and trade union instructions;

    binding decisions of trade union bodies adopted by them within the powers defined by this Charter and additionally delegated rights to them;

    respect for the interests of the minority;

    payment of membership, entrance and other fees to the Trade Union in accordance with the established procedure, amounts and terms.

Tasks of the MSSSPO:

    achievement of social and legal protection of the members of the Trade Union - employees of law enforcement agencies, bodies of the Federal Security Service, customs authorities of the Russian Federation, federal tax police, employees of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, retired and retired citizens of the above professions and members of their families, as well as any citizens who have reached the age of fourteen and are engaged in labor (professional) activities;

    protection of general civil, social, economic and other rights and freedoms of these categories of citizens, creation of normal conditions for their professional activities;

    all possible assistance in strengthening the rule of law in the country, protecting the constitutional order, increasing the prestige of work in law enforcement agencies;

    development of comprehensive cooperation with international and foreign organizations and their associations (associations) in solving problems arising from this Charter.

To achieve its statutory goals, the Trade Union, through its elected bodies:

    represents and protects the social and other rights and interests of members of the Trade Union, members of their families and other citizens who need help and apply to the Trade Union and its bodies for this purpose, on issues of individual labor and labor-related relations, and in the field of collective rights and interests - all employees of law enforcement agencies, regardless of membership in the Trade Union, in state authorities, local governments and other organizations, before officials of law enforcement agencies;

    participates in the development of decisions of state authorities and local governments in the manner and to the extent prescribed by law;

    participates in the formation of socio-economic policy, the development of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts on social and labor issues;

    takes part in the formation of the state program on employment issues, proposes measures for the social protection of employees released as a result of the reorganization or liquidation of structural units of law enforcement agencies, downsizing or staffing, monitors compliance with current labor legislation;

    conducts collective negotiations and concludes collective agreements and agreements, exercises control over their implementation;

    in case of violation by officials of law enforcement agencies, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments of the terms of collective agreements, agreements, the Trade Union sends them representations on the elimination of these violations;

    participates in the management of off-budget social funds: social insurance, employment, medical insurance, pension and other funds, exercises trade union control over the use of these funds,
    works in international and foreign organizations and their associations (associations);

    interacts with state authorities, local governments, public associations (associations) and organizations, takes an active part in the organization and development of sanatorium treatment, children's recreation, cultural institutions, additional education, recreation, tourism, mass physical culture and sports ;

    controls the observance by all structures of the Trade Union of the current laws and other regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the Trade Union, the implementation by them of the decisions of the elected trade union bodies;

    carries out training, retraining, advanced training of personnel and education of trade union activists, trade union workers and members of the Trade Union;

    exercises control over compliance with labor legislation on issues of working time and rest time, wages, guarantees, compensations, benefits and requires the elimination of identified violations;

    participates in the formation of the state program on labor protection and the environment, in the development of regulatory legal and other acts regulating the issues of labor protection, prevention of occupational diseases and environmental safety;

    nominates candidates of its representatives for election to representative bodies in accordance with the law;

    carries out financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the law to achieve the statutory goals;

    creates its own social insurance and security systems,
    creates insurance and credit organizations, including banks, provides charitable assistance to members of the Trade Union, citizens and organizations,
    participates in housing and cultural construction, in the development of a network of children's institutions, in the work of trade, public catering and public utilities, in the creation of health care institutions for members of the Trade Union, their families, as well as other citizens, organizes patronage systems for members of the Trade Union , their families, as well as other citizens, manages the trade union budget, creates solidarity, insurance, cultural and educational, education and training funds, as well as other funds, mutual aid funds, insurance funds;

    provides information and methodological, advisory, legal and other types of assistance to members of the Trade Union and trade union organizations;

    freely disseminates information about its activities;

    establishes the mass media and carries out publishing activities;

    acquires, rents premises, in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation, carries out their repair and equipment, for which it attracts both its own funds and those received as charitable assistance;

    carries out any other activity not prohibited by applicable law.

The trade union has the right to participate in elections of bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In solving its tasks, the MSSSPO implements the rights granted by the Federal Law "On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity", taking into account the specifics of the application of the said Federal Law in relation to trade unions uniting military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, customs bodies of the Russian Federation, federal bodies of the tax police, judges and prosecutors.


Any citizen from law enforcement agencies, Federal Security Service agencies, customs authorities of the Russian Federation, federal tax police, employees of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, retired and retired citizens of the above professions and members of their families, as well as any a citizen who has reached the age of fourteen and is engaged in labor (professional) activities.

Membership in the Trade Union is voluntary. Admission to membership in a trade union and withdrawal from it is carried out on a personal application in accordance with the procedure established by the trade union. Trade union membership is calculated from the date of filing an application for admission to the membership of the Trade Union. Admitted to the Trade Union, a certificate of a member of the Trade Union of a single sample is issued. A member of the Trade Union is registered with the trade union organization at the place of work or place of residence.

Trade union membership remains:

    for those who temporarily lost their jobs due to a reduction in the number or staff;

    for those who temporarily stopped working in connection with raising children or caring for a seriously ill family member;

    for pensioners who, due to health reasons or age, have stopped working, but have not lost contact with the trade union organization;

    for other members of the Trade Union, by decision of the trade union body. Trade union membership is terminated in cases of withdrawal from the Trade Union of one's own free will or expulsion from the Trade Union.

A member of the Trade Union has the right:

    to the protection by the Trade Union of their professional and social and labor rights and interests;

    apply to the Trade Union and receive advice, free legal assistance, up to the protection of his rights in court, and support from the trade union bodies, demand an answer on the merits of their appeals;

    participate in the work of their trade union organization, freely discuss any issues related to the life and activities of their organization, the Trade Union, defend their point of view, including at trade union meetings, conferences, congresses, in the press, take part in the development of decisions and control over their implementation receive information about the work of the trade union organization, trade union bodies and the trade union as a whole, use free of charge or on preferential terms the property and material resources of the trade union in the prescribed manner;

    receive subsidies for vouchers for sanatorium treatment and recreation, as well as material assistance from the funds of the Trade Union, taking into account the available opportunities, to use the services of sports, cultural and other institutions of the Trade Union in a preferential manner;

    be a member of the mutual benefit fund under the trade union body;

    leave the Trade Union on the basis of a personal application.

A member of a trade union must:

    observe the Charter of the Trade Union;

    carry out the decisions of the trade union bodies, the trade union duties and assignments assigned to him;

    take part in the work of meetings of their trade union organization, and in case of election as a delegate - in the work of the conference, congress;

    prevent actions (inaction) that harm the Trade Union, infringe on the interests and reduce its authority;

    contribute to strengthening the unity of the Trade Union and the achievement of its goals and objectives;

    monthly, in the prescribed amount and in the manner to pay membership fees;

    fulfill the obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements;

    to support the collective actions of the Trade Union aimed at protecting the labor and socio-economic rights of the members of the Trade Union and other workers.

For active participation in the activities of the Trade Union, labor success, a member of the Trade Union can be noted by the trade union body with moral and material forms of encouragement, and also presented for awards of all-Russian and international trade union associations, which include the trade union, for government awards and conferment of honorary titles.
For non-fulfillment of statutory obligations, including non-payment of membership fees for more than three months, measures of influence may be applied to a member of the Trade Union: warning, reprimand and, as a last resort, expulsion from the Trade Union. The issue of determining the measure of influence on a member of the Trade Union is decided at a meeting, conference or meeting of an elected trade union body.
The decision to apply a measure of influence to a member of the Trade Union is made in his presence. In the event that a member of the Trade Union fails to appear without good reason at a meeting, conference, meeting of an elected body, these issues can be resolved in his absence. The decision is considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the members of the Trade Union present at the conference voted for it, if there is a quorum. After a year, the applied measure of influence becomes invalid. The issue of early removal of a measure of influence applied to a member of the Trade Union is considered by the body that applied it. A member of the Trade Union has the right to appeal within a month with an appeal to the next instance of the trade union body, which is obliged to consider it within a month. Excluded from the Trade Union may be re-admitted to the membership of the Trade Union on a general basis, but not earlier than one year later. The trade union experience of voluntarily retired or expelled from the Trade Union is interrupted and is not restored upon re-entry into the Trade Union. A trade union member does not have the right to allocate a share in the property belonging to the Trade Union, as well as to return trade union membership dues.


The trade union is based on the production-territorial principle. The structure of the Trade Union includes primary and territorial trade union organizations. Primary trade union organizations act on the basis of the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization. The territorial organizations of the trade union act on the basis of the Charter of the Trade Union.
In the structure of the primary trade union organization, shop trade union organizations, trade union groups can be created, introduced, if necessary, the institution of trusted persons, authorized persons, the response of organizers who act on the basis of the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization. The supreme governing body of the primary trade union organization is the conference, of the territorial organization - the Central Committee of the Trade Union, of the Trade Union - the congress.
The permanent governing body of the primary organization is the trade union committee, the territorial organization of the Trade Union - the territorial committee, the Trade Union - the central committee of the Trade Union. The executive body of the territorial organization of the Trade Union is the presidium of the territorial committee. The executive body of the Trade Union is the Executive Committee of the Trade Union.
The formation of trade union bodies is carried out by nomination and election directly at the congress, or by the principle of direct delegation according to the established quota for each organization with the right to recall and replace a member of this elected trade union body, or in another way. The norm of representation and the procedure for electing delegates to a conference, congress, is established by the trade union body convening the conference, congress. The heads and deputy heads of trade union bodies convening a conference or congress are delegates to the conference or congress. Elections of members of trade union bodies, their leaders, delegates to a conference, congress are held by closed (secret) or open voting. The leaders of the Trade Union and trade union bodies and their deputies elected directly at the conference, congress are considered elected members of these bodies. During the election of the head, his deputies, members of the trade union body, the candidate who received more than half of the votes of the participants in the meeting, the meeting of the elected trade union body, the delegates present at the conference, congress, if there is a quorum, is considered elected. In the event that none of the candidates received more than half of the votes, a repeat voting is held for the two candidates who received the largest number of votes. If none of the candidates received more than half of the votes during the repeated voting, the candidates are re-nominated. Early elections may be held at the request of at least a third of the members of the Trade Union united by the trade union organization, by decision of the elected body or by decision of the higher trade union body. A member of a trade union body elected by direct delegation can be recalled or replaced by the organization that delegated him at his own request, at the initiative of this organization or at the suggestion of the trade union body of the corresponding level.
A trade union meeting, a meeting of a trade union committee is considered competent if more than half of the members of the trade union organization, members of the trade union committee are present at it. A trade union conference and congress are considered competent if at least two thirds of the elected delegates participate in them.
Members of audit commissions have the right to attend meetings of trade union bodies.


Article 10

A primary trade union organization is created in a structural subdivision of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, bodies of the Federal Security Service, customs bodies of the Russian Federation, federal tax police bodies, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, if there are at least three members of the Trade Union. The decision to establish a primary trade union organization is made by individuals and the body of the Trade Union of the appropriate level. The primary trade union organization operates on the basis of the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization.

Article 11

The supreme governing body of the primary trade union organization is the conference, which is held as needed, but at least twice a year. The conference is considered eligible with the participation of at least two thirds of the elected delegates. Decisions of the conference are taken if they are voted for by a simple majority of the delegates present. The agenda, date and place of the conference are announced at least 15 days before the deadline.

Trade Union Conference:

    determines the direction of the work of his organization;

    listens to the reports of the elected bodies of the trade union organization in all areas of their activities and on the implementation of the decisions made;

    approves the trade union budget (estimate) of the primary trade union organization;

    determines the need for and procedure for the formation of elected bodies, the audit commission, their functions;

    elects the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization;
    elects and dismisses the chairman of the primary trade union organization and his deputies;

    elects the treasurer of the primary trade union organization;
    nominates and elects delegates to trade union and inter-union conferences, trade union congresses, as well as its representatives to trade union bodies in accordance with the norm of representation;

    elects the audit commission of the primary trade union organization;
    determines the dates for holding conferences, the terms and forms of reporting by elected bodies;

    may delegate some of its powers to an elected trade union body;
    considers other issues of activity of the primary trade union organization.

Article 12

In the period between conferences, the permanent governing body of the primary trade union organization is an elected collegial body - the trade union committee, which:

    is accountable to the conference of the primary trade union organization;

    organizes the work of the trade union organization;

    represents the trade union organization in relations with other trade union and public organizations and institutions, represents the interests of trade union members in courts in resolving collective labor disputes;

    represents the interests of the members of the Trade Union and carries out work on the conclusion of a collective agreement with the relevant officials of law enforcement agencies, on behalf of the labor collective, signs it and monitors its implementation;

    monitors compliance with labor laws;

    informs the trade union bodies of the relevant levels about issues that need to be resolved at the regional or federal level;

    in accordance with the law, gives consent to the dismissal of members of the Trade Union at the initiative of officials;

    creates conditions for all members of the Trade Union to equally enjoy the rights granted by the Charter of the Trade Union;

    organizes and exercises control over the implementation of the decisions of the conference of the trade union organization, the implementation of critical remarks and proposals of members of the Trade Union, informs the trade union organization about their implementation;

    decides to convene a trade union conference,
    manages the funds of the trade union organization;

    forms an estimate of income and expenses of the primary trade union organization;

    prepares and submits for the approval of the trade union conference the annual report and balance sheet and ensures its publicity;

    is responsible for the completeness of the collection of membership dues;

    participates in the management of the activities of commercial organizations created by the trade union committee;

    approves the structure of the trade union organization;

    approves the staff list and official salaries of the chairman, as well as employees of the trade union committee;

    takes part in the creation and creates cash desks (insurance, mutual assistance, etc.) and manages their activities;

    makes decisions on holding reports and elections in the structural divisions of the organization;

    annually reports to the members of the Trade Union;

    organizes registration of members of the Trade Union;

    conducts training of trade union activists;

    performs other functions that are delegated to it by the conference.

The trade union committee meets as needed, but at least once a month. The meeting of the trade union committee is considered competent, with the participation of at least two thirds of the members of the committee. Decisions of the trade union committee are taken if a simple majority of the members of the trade union committee present voted for them. The term of office of trade union committees is determined by the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization.

Article 13

To conduct the current work of the primary trade union organization, the chairman of the primary trade union organization is elected, who:

    is accountable to the conference of the primary trade union organization, and in the period between them - to the trade union committee;

    represents interests and negotiates on behalf of the primary trade union organization with state authorities and economic management, law enforcement officials, public and other organizations and institutions;

    manages the property and funds of the organization, concludes contracts and agreements within the powers determined by the trade union committee;

    submits financial statements related to the calculation and payment of trade union membership dues to the relevant trade union body;

    in the period between meetings of the trade union committee makes decisions of an operational nature with subsequent informing of the trade union committee;

    performs other functions delegated to him by the trade union committee.

Article 14

The reorganization of the primary trade union organization is carried out by the decision of the trade union conference and the decision of the trade union body of the corresponding level. The termination of the activities of the primary trade union organization as a legal entity is carried out by the decision of the trade union conference and the trade union body of the corresponding level or by a court decision. The liquidation of the primary trade union organization as a legal entity is carried out by the decision of the trade union conference and the trade union body of the corresponding level or by a court decision. The decision on reorganization, termination of activity or liquidation of the primary trade union organization is considered adopted if at least two thirds of the conference delegates participating in the meeting voted for it, if there is a quorum.


Article 15

Territorial organization of the Trade Union - operating on the territory of one or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or on the territory of a city, region or district. The territorial organization of the Trade Union is created and liquidated by the decision of the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The territorial organizations of the Trade Union represent, protect and implement the social and labor rights and interests of the members of the Trade Union in the relevant state authorities, local governments, law enforcement officials, in public, political and other organizations. Territorial organizations of the Trade Union act in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union.

Article 16

The supreme governing body of the territorial organization of the Trade Union is the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The permanent body of the territorial organization is the territorial committee. Meetings of the territorial committee are held as needed, but at least once a quarter. Meetings of the territorial committee are considered competent if at least two thirds of the members of the territorial committee participate in them. Decisions are made at meetings of the territorial committee by a majority vote of its members participating in the meeting.

Territorial Committee of the Trade Union:

    coordinates the activities of primary organizations, promotes the development of mutual relations between them, provides organizational, advisory and legal assistance and support in the protection and implementation of their rights, directs their work to implement the decisions of conferences and congresses, the provisions of the Charter of the Trade Union;

    represents and defends the rights and interests of members of the Trade Union, trade union organizations in the territorial bodies of state power and economic management, before officials of law enforcement agencies and in other organizations;

    quarterly reports on its work to the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    determines the organizational structure of the territorial organization of the Trade Union;

    organizes training of trade union personnel and activists;

    conducts negotiations and concludes contracts and agreements with officials, with the relevant state authorities and economic management;

    participates in the formation and implementation of territorial programs of employment, social development;

    exercises control over the timely and in the prescribed manner the fulfillment of financial obligations to the Trade Union;

    carries out financial, economic and other activities, manages the property and funds of the territorial organization of the Trade Union in accordance with the approved estimate, establishes the amount of transactions related to the acquisition or alienation of property by the territorial organization of the Trade Union;

    approves the staff list of employees of the apparatus of the territorial committee of the trade union;

    approves the estimate of income and expenses of the trade union budget of the territorial committee of the trade union;

    approves the annual report and balance sheet;

    creates funds for the territorial organization of the Trade Union (training of personnel, mass media, election campaigns, etc.);

    makes a decision on entry into the territorial associations of organizations of Trade Unions and exit from them, informing the relevant bodies of the Trade Union about this;

    performs other functions that are delegated to him by the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The terms of office of the territorial committee of the Trade Union are determined by the Central Committee of the Trade Union, but it cannot be more than five years.

Article 17

Between meetings of the territorial committee of the Trade Union, the permanent executive body of the territorial organization of the Trade Union is the Presidium of the territorial committee. The Presidium consists ex officio of the chairman, deputy chairmen of the territorial organization of the Trade Union. The Presidium is elected for the term of office of the Territorial Committee of the Trade Union and is accountable to the Territorial Committee of the Trade Union. Meetings of the Presidium are held as needed, but at least once a month. The Presidium is authorized to make decisions if at least two thirds of the members of the Presidium participate in its meeting. Decisions of the Presidium are made by a majority vote of its members participating in the meeting. Decisions of the Presidium are taken in the form of resolutions.

    convenes meetings of the territorial committee of the Trade Union, makes proposals on the agenda and venue;

    organizes and controls the implementation of decisions of the bodies of the Trade Union and the territorial committee of the Trade Union;

    exercises control over the statutory activities and coordinates the activities of the primary trade union organizations;

    carries out financial and economic activities, manages the funds of the territorial organization of the Trade Union in accordance with the approved estimate, makes decisions on the acquisition or alienation of property within the limits of the powers granted to him;

    makes decisions on the creation of primary trade union organizations;

    controls the timeliness and completeness of the receipt of membership dues from the primary trade union organizations;

    approves the regulation on remuneration for employees of the apparatus of the territorial committee of the Trade Union in accordance with established standards;

    prepares the annual report and balance sheet and ensures its publicity;

    submits statistical and financial reports in the prescribed form and within the approved deadlines;

    exercises the rights and obligations of a legal entity on behalf of the territorial organization of the Trade Union;

    petitions, on the proposal of the primary trade union organizations, for the awarding of trade union workers and activists with state awards, trade union insignia and for conferring honorary titles on them;

Article 18

Chairman of the territorial organization of the Trade Union:

    organizes the work of the territorial organization of the Trade Union, its elected bodies to fulfill the statutory tasks, decisions of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the elected bodies of the territorial organization of the Trade Union;

    is accountable to the territorial committee of the Trade Union;

    represents the interests of the territorial organization of the Trade Union in state bodies, local governments, law enforcement officials and other organizations;

    determines the powers and duties of his deputies;

    makes decisions on the participation of the territorial organization of the Trade Union in economic societies and partnerships, the creation of institutions and other non-profit organizations;

    bears disciplinary responsibility for the completeness of the collection of trade union membership dues in the territorial organization of the Trade Union and compliance with the procedure for their mandatory deductions and distribution;

    within the powers granted to him, determined by the territorial committee of the Trade Union, concludes transactions, issues powers of attorney, opens settlement and other accounts in bank institutions, manages the property and funds of the territorial organization of the Trade Union, is responsible for their rational use;

    concludes and terminates employment agreements (contracts) with employees of the territorial committee of the Trade Union, exercises general management of the apparatus of the territorial committee of the Trade Union, issues orders;
    performs other functions delegated to him by the territorial committee of the Trade Union.

Article 19

The reorganization of the territorial organization of the Trade Union is carried out by the decision of the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The termination of the activity of the territorial organization of the Trade Union is carried out by the decision of the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The liquidation of the territorial organization of the Trade Union as a legal entity is carried out by decision of the Central Committee of the Trade Union or by a court decision.


Article 20

The governing bodies of the trade union, in descending order of authority, are:

  • Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    Chairman of the Central Committee of the Trade Union and his deputies;

    Executive Committee of the Trade Union;

    Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union and his deputies.

The control and auditing body of the Trade Union is the Audit Commission of the Trade Union.

Article 21

The supreme body of the trade union.
The supreme body of the Trade Union is the Congress, which is convened by the Central Committee of the Trade Union as needed, but at least once every five years. The convocation of the congress and the agenda are announced no later than three months before the opening of the congress.

Congress of the Trade Union:

    hears reports on the activities of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the Executive Committee of the Trade Union and the Audit Commission of the Trade Union;

    determines the next tasks and the program of actions of the Trade Union;

    determines the financial policy of the Trade Union;

    approves the Charter of the Trade Union, makes changes and additions to it, with subsequent state registration and the procedure and terms established by law;

    elects the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    elects the Audit Commission;

    approves the Regulations on the Audit Commission of the Trade Union, makes changes and additions to it;

    establishes the amount of entrance and membership fees of members of the Trade Union and the procedure for their transfer;

    determines the principles of formation and use of the property of the Trade Union;

    considers appeals on the application of this Charter;

    makes decisions on reorganization, termination of activities and liquidation of the Trade Union.

The congress is considered competent if at least two thirds of the elected delegates are present at it.

Decisions of the congress are considered adopted if more than half of the votes of the delegates participating in the meeting are in favor of them, if there is a quorum. The order of voting when making decisions of the congress is determined by its delegates. Decisions on the approval of the Charter, amendments and additions to it, the program of action, the principles of financial activity, the formation and use of property, are considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the delegates participating in the meeting voted for them, if there is a quorum. Decisions of the congress are taken in the form of resolutions. The Chairman of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union, the Chairman of the Audit Commission of the Trade Union are delegates to the Congress of the Trade Union ex officio. Members of the Central Committee of the Trade Union and the Audit Commission of the Trade Union with the right of an advisory vote (without the right to participate in voting) who are not elected as delegates, have the right to participate in the work of the congress. An extraordinary congress of the Trade Union is convened by the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The decision on its convocation and agenda is announced at least one month before the opening of the extraordinary congress. The norm of representation at the congress is established by the Central Committee of the Trade Union, and the procedure for electing delegates - by the territorial organizations of the Trade Union, and in their absence by the primary trade union organizations of the Trade Union.

Article 22

The governing body of the trade union.

Between regular congresses, the permanent elected governing body of the Trade Union is the Central Committee of the Trade Union, elected by the congress. A meeting of the Central Committee is considered competent if at least two-thirds of the members of the Central Committee are present. Decisions are made at meetings of the Central Committee by a majority vote of its members participating in the meeting. Decisions of the Central Committee of the Trade Union are approved by the chairman. Meetings of the Central Committee are held as needed, but at least once a year. The term of office of the Central Committee is five years.

Central Committee of the Trade Union:

    makes decisions on opening, closing, liquidation, reorganization of territorial branches, representative offices of the Trade Union;

    carries out activities to fulfill the statutory tasks and decisions of the congress of the Trade Union;

    reports on its activities before the congress;

    manages the current work of the Trade Union between congresses, coordinates the activities of the organization and bodies of the Trade Union, provides them with assistance and support;

    represents and defends the rights and interests of members of the Trade Union, primary trade union organizations, territorial organizations of the Trade Union in state, economic, judicial bodies and public organizations, before officials of law enforcement agencies;

    participates in solving social and labor issues, develops proposals for enshrining in laws and other regulatory legal acts issues related to employment, wages, working conditions, social guarantees for law enforcement officers and others;

    interacts with public authorities, local governments, associations and organizations for the development of sanatorium treatment, children's recreation, cultural institutions, recreation, tourism, physical culture and sports;

    negotiates and concludes agreements and contracts with the heads of law enforcement agencies, public authorities, public and other organizations;

    exercises control over the implementation of collective agreements and agreements;

    unites, coordinates and controls the activities of the territorial organizations of the Trade Union and primary trade union organizations;

    demands the annulment of decisions of state and economic bodies adopted in violation of the current legislation and infringing on the interests of members of the Trade Union and organizations of the Trade Union;

    maintains relations with trade unions in Russia, other countries, international trade union associations, provides practical assistance to trade union organizations in establishing and developing direct mutually beneficial relations with foreign partners;

    makes decisions on joining all-Russian and international associations of trade unions, international organizations and leaving them;

    participates in election campaigns in accordance with the current legislation;

    approves the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization;

    approves the Regulations on the procedure and terms of payment of entrance and membership fees;

    approves the size, procedure and terms of deductions of trade union dues for the activities of trade union structures at all levels;

    implements personnel policy;

    makes proposals (in agreement with the territorial association of trade unions) on candidates for the position of chairman of the territorial organization of the Trade Union;

    carries out publishing activities;

    approves the estimate of income and expenses of the trade union budget, owns, uses and disposes of the funds and property belonging to the Trade Union, establishes the amount of the transaction related to the acquisition or alienation of trade union property;

    approves the annual report and balance sheet of the Trade Union and ensures its publicity;

    makes decisions on the creation of funds of the Trade Union and participation in the activities of other funds that contribute to the implementation of the statutory tasks of the Trade Union;

    confirms the powers of the members of the Central Committee of the Trade Union in the event of their replacement, if they are elected from trade union organizations on the principle of direct delegation;

    approves the regulations for the work of the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    makes a decision to convene a congress;

    elects delegates to congresses and conferences of trade union associations;

    elects representatives of the Trade Union to the elected bodies of trade union associations;

The Central Committee of the Trade Union is headed by a chairman who manages the activities of the Trade Union in accordance with the Charter.

Chairman of the Central Committee:

    represents the interests of the Trade Union without a power of attorney in all organizations, institutions, enterprises and courts of all instances, with all the rights provided for by the current legislation for representatives, draws up decisions and orders on behalf of the Trade Union and the Central Committee of the Trade Union on any issues;

    independently concludes agreements and contracts, makes transactions, signs documents on behalf of the Trade Union and the Central Committee;

    manages the property of the Trade Union, in accordance with the decision of the Central Committee;

    determines working conditions;

    conducts correspondence on behalf of the Trade Union;

    exercises control over the execution of the decisions of the congress and the Central Committee;

    approves the projects, programs and plans provided for by this Charter, as well as reports on their implementation;

    makes decisions and issues orders on operational issues of the internal activities of the Trade Union;

    approves the staffing and structure of the Trade Union, representative offices, branches.

Article 23

Executive body of the trade union.

The current management of the activities of the Trade Union is carried out by the Executive Committee of the Trade Union, which is the executive body of the Trade Union. The Executive Committee is accountable to the Congress and the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The term of office of the executive committee is five years. Meetings of the executive committee are held as needed, but at least once a year. Meetings of the executive committee are considered competent if at least two thirds of the members of the executive committee are present. Decisions of the executive committee are made by a majority vote of its members participating in the meeting. The decisions of the executive committee are approved by the chairman.

Executive committee:

    organizes and controls the implementation of decisions of the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    exercises control and coordinates the activities of the territorial organizations of the Trade Union and primary trade union organizations;

    carries out economic and financial activities, manages the funds of the Trade Union in accordance with the approved estimate, makes decisions on transactions related to the acquisition or alienation of trade union property within the powers granted to him;

    makes decisions on the participation of the Trade Union in economic companies and partnerships, on the creation of institutions and other non-profit organizations;

    controls the timeliness and completeness of receipt of membership fees from organizations;

    ensures the timely and complete transfer of membership dues to trade unions, of which the Trade Union is a member;

    organizes and coordinates the work of training trade union personnel and activists;

    approves the Instruction on the procedure for preparing and conducting reports and elections in the organizations of the Trade Union, determines the timing of their conduct;

    approves the Regulations on the conditions of remuneration for elected and hired workers of the Trade Union in accordance with established standards and recommendations;

    determines the list of information and statistical materials submitted to the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    exercises the rights and obligations of a legal entity on behalf of the Trade Union within the limits established by law, this Charter, resolutions of the Congress and the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

    petitions for the awarding of state awards, trade union insignia of trade union workers and activists, for conferring honorary titles on them;

    makes decisions on awarding the insignia of the Trade Union;
    performs other functions delegated to him by the central committee of the Trade Union.

The Executive Committee is headed by a Chairman approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

Executive Committee Chairman:

    represents the interests of the Trade Union without a power of attorney in all organizations, institutions, enterprises and courts of all instances with all the rights provided for by the current legislation for representatives, draws up decisions on behalf of the executive committee of the Trade Union on any issues;

    carries out the hiring and dismissal of employees of the Trade Union;

    organizes accounting and static reporting in the Trade Union, in accordance with applicable law and is responsible for their accuracy and timeliness;

    no later than one month after the end of the financial year, submit an annual report on the implementation of the financial plan and the annual balance sheet.

Article 24

Control and auditing body of the Trade Union.

The control and auditing body of the Trade Union is the Audit Commission of the Trade Union. The Audit Commission of the Trade Union is created to control the financial and economic activities of the Trade Union, the organizations established by it, the calculation and receipt of membership and other fees, the correct spending of funds, and the use of the property of the Trade Union. Audit of financial and economic activities is carried out at least once a year. The Audit Commission of the Trade Union is elected at the Congress and is guided in its activities by the Regulations on the Audit Commission of the Trade Union, approved by the Congress.


Article 25

A trade union is recognized as a legal entity in the manner prescribed by law. The rights and obligations of the Trade Union, as a legal entity, are implemented by the Congress, the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the Executive Committee of the Trade Union, acting within the limits established by law. The trade union owns, uses and disposes of property, including funds necessary to fulfill its goals and objectives, belonging to it on the basis of ownership, created or acquired for use in the interests of members of the Trade Union, primary trade union organizations, territorial organizations of the Trade Union. A trade union may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment and inventory, cultural, educational, scientific and educational institutions, sanatoriums, resorts, tourism, sports, health and other organizations, including publishing houses. , printing houses created and acquired at the expense of the Trade Union in accordance with the statutory purposes, as well as cash, shares and other securities and other property necessary to ensure the statutory activities of the Trade Union.

The sources of formation of funds and property of the Trade Union are:

    entrance and membership fees;

    voluntary property contributions and donations of legal entities and individuals;

    receipts provided for by collective agreements, and agreements for the conduct of social, cultural and other work, other receipts not prohibited by law;

    income from investments of temporarily free funds, outside of sales transactions, including dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;

    proceeds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events not prohibited by law held in accordance with this Charter;

    income from the work of volunteers, and in cases provided for by law, receipts from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and extra-budgetary funds;

    income from civil law transactions, entrepreneurial, including foreign economic activity;

    other receipts of property on the grounds permitted by law and other receipts not prohibited by law.

The trade union can engage in foreign economic activity, create banks, insurance companies, credit and other commercial organizations, solidarity funds, insurance, cultural and educational funds, education and training funds and other necessary funds in accordance with the statutory goals and objectives and in the manner prescribed by law . The trade union has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other bank accounts, including currency ones, on the basis of federal legislation.
Members of the Trade Union pay entrance and monthly membership fees in the manner and amount approved by the congress of the Trade Union. Membership dues are paid in cash according to the statement or by non-cash transfer from wages at the personal request of a member of the Trade Union in the manner prescribed by the collective agreement between officials and the trade union organization.
Funding from trade union dues and other sources is spent on the basis of estimates. The property and funds of the Trade Union are the sole and indivisible property of the Trade Union. Members of the Trade Union do not retain the rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of the Trade Union, including membership dues. Members of the Trade Union are not liable for the obligations of the Trade Union, and the Trade Union is not liable for the obligations of its members.
Financial reports in the prescribed form are submitted to the relevant trade union bodies, within the time limits approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The inviolability and protection of property rights and the independence of the financial activities of the Trade Union are guaranteed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The property of the Trade Union without its consent can be alienated only by a court decision.

The right to dispose of the funds and property of the Trade Union belongs to:

  • the Central Committee;

    in territorial branches - to the territorial committee.

Operational management of the financial activities of the Trade Union is carried out by the chairman of the executive committee. Accounting for financial receipts and their spending is carried out by the chief accountant, who is appointed to the position and dismissed by the central committee in accordance with the current legislation. The trade union and its elected bodies are not accountable and not controlled by state bodies in their financial activities, if the Trade Union is not engaged in entrepreneurial activity, in accordance with the current legislation and ILO Conventions No. 87, 98.


Article 26

Reorganization, termination of the activity of the Trade Union and liquidation is carried out by the decision of the congress of the Trade Union. The decision of the congress is considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the delegates participating in the meeting voted for it, if there is a quorum. The termination of the activity or liquidation of the Trade Union as a legal entity, as well as the suspension or prohibition of the activity of the Trade Union is carried out in accordance with federal law. The property of the Trade Union, remaining after all calculations, mandatory payments and satisfaction of creditors' claims, is directed to the purposes provided for by this Charter and determined by the decision of the congress. In the event of the liquidation of the Trade Union, the documents of the Trade Union are transferred for storage to state archival organizations in accordance with the established procedure. All funds released after the reorganization or remaining after the liquidation of the MSSSPO are directed to the purposes provided for by this Charter.


Article 27

The trade union has its own seal, stamps, forms, certificate with its name, approved by the Central Committee. The trade union has the right to have its own symbols (emblem, pennant) approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union and registered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Location of the governing body of the Trade Union: 121552, Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 1.

In mid-April, one of the popular Moscow newspapers published an article about trade unionist Mikhail Pashkin, who was well known throughout the Moscow police. The Moscow GUVD disowned him a long time ago, but he still continues to call himself the leader of the Trade Union of Moscow Police Officers. It turns out, as in the well-known Soviet film - "once upon a time they were nominated along the trade union line and still cannot be pushed back." Our newspaper drew attention to another critical article about the self-proclaimed trade union after the main character of the publication answered it. On his own website, Mikhail Pashkin published the so-called "review", in which he tried to justify himself. Whether it was possible to do this is for our readers to judge. We only publish excerpts from the material in the aforementioned newspaper and the answers to them by Pashkin himself.

So, the material was called “Independent trade union”, and the main question that the author of the article asked was: “Who and why is Mikhail Pashkin “protecting” in the Moscow police department?”. Mr. Pashkin took such an approach to his person very critically and tried with all his might to prove that his territorial organization “Trade Union of Police Officers of Moscow” (hereinafter referred to as the Trade Union) is the real trade union of Moscow policemen. However, it looked at least strange, because if the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow says that the structure of their unit already has its own trade union organization, then the second one simply cannot exist in nature. Pashkin could call his organization at least the "Trade Union of Metallurgists", but he would have the same attitude towards the mining and processing industry as he does now towards the police.
Emphasize "now". After all, once upon a time, Mikhail Pashkin really served in the internal affairs bodies. His failed career has become another point with which the hero of the story cannot possibly agree.
First, let's give the facts of his service activities, which our colleagues managed to get. Mr. Pashkin got into the Moscow police as early as 1984, but he showed himself not from the best side. The service was characterized mediocre. In 1990, the shortcomings in his performance were identified by the Department of the BHSS of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow City Executive Committee. According to the results of the attestation, only if the work improved, he was recognized as appropriate for the position he held. In March 1991, he was demoted in an attestation procedure. And in January 1994, Pashkin was fired from the internal affairs bodies. He went straight to court. What arguments the dismissed employee gave there remains a mystery, but the Tver Intermunicipal Court decided to reinstate him in the service. Four months later, he was fired again for gross misconduct. Nevertheless, by the decision of the same Tver Intermunicipal Court, he was reinstated in the service. In May 1995, Pashkin again entered the service, but did not change his attitude towards her. He looked at his official duties through his fingers and for a violation of discipline, expressed in a long absence from work, he was warned about incomplete official compliance. Despite this, Pashkin continued to be absent from the service. As a result, in January 2000, for a gross violation of discipline, police captain Mikhail Pashkin was finally dismissed from the internal affairs bodies.
And now the version of a failed career from Mr. Pashkin himself: “... The persecution of me began after I had lunch in the general's canteen on the 2nd floor at 38 Petrovka, together with one of the journalists from the Shield and Sword newspaper. Moreover, I sat in the place of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate P. Bogdanov, without knowing it myself ... ”This, according to Pashkin, became a stumbling block in relations with his then leadership. Agree, it is impossible to come up with a more ridiculous version, especially when you have a list of absenteeism in your personal file. Further, Mr. Pashkin tells how he guarded the White House and became a victim of political games in 1993. Then, about how he was restored in 1998 to private security and went to work in the real Trade Union of the Main Department of Internal Affairs. Maybe this was the case in reality, but you can’t erase a word from the song, and Pashkin ends the topic of a career in the Moscow police with the following words: “... I was fired. In the certification it was said "for absenteeism for 2 years! ..". Comments, as they say, are unnecessary ...
By the way, as in the next topic about how Mr. Pashkin recruits new members to his trade union. A real example of this can be found on the forum of the official website of the Territorial Organization Trade Union of Police Officers in Moscow. We leave the answer to the question about membership fees unedited: “According to the Charter, the entrance fee is twice the monthly fee, this year the monthly fee is 150 rubles, next year - 200 rubles. We take contributions immediately for 6 months. Thus, if you join in September 2009, then pay: 300 rubles. +(150 x 4)+(200 x 2)=1300 rub. (until February 2010 inclusive). If you join in October, then 1350 rubles, in November - 1400 rubles, in December - 1450 rubles, in January 2010 and further - 400 rubles + 6 x 200 = 1600 rubles. In the future (after 6 months) you can pay at least monthly - 200 rubles each. The period of 6 months is established by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union for this: very often employees join the Trade Union with one goal - to get competent advice from our lawyer and forget about the Trade Union forever. Therefore, we decided: “even a tuft of wool from a black sheep”, let them pay contributions for six months at once, this will at least somehow pay for the costs of the Trade Union.” As can be seen from all of the above, the main goal pursued by Pashkin's organization is commercial gain.
This is confirmed by his former colleagues. According to the journalists who published the material "Independent Trade Union", the chairman of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vasiliev was addressed by officers who had witnessed how Mr. Pashkin conducted his trade union work for more than a decade. The result - a request to initiate an audit of the activities of the head of this organization. According to the authors of the appeal, for all the years of the Trade Union's activity at the reporting conferences, a detailed report on the expenditure of funds has never been heard. The amounts here are considerable. After all, only the trade union dues of almost four thousand members of the organization amount to about five million rubles.
To such a statement, Mr. Pashkin got a short and concise answer: “... those employees who wrote a letter to the State Duma against me were expelled from the Trade Union for discrediting the Chairman of the Coordinating Council - Pashkin M.P., and their trade union group was disbanded. They filed a lawsuit, citing arguments, most of which are indicated in this article, but this did not help them ... ". So, short and clear: if you don't like something, get out! But where, then, are those very democratic values ​​for which the trade union leader stands up so much?
Further, the author of the previously published material suggests thinking about why such a strange person attracts attention. It turns out that Mr. Pashkin made business cards, on which, under the image of the state emblem of the Russian Federation (the law on the use of state symbols does not count), the following details appear: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, the Trade Union of Police Officers of Moscow, Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich, Chairman of the Coordinating Council, telephone and fax numbers, as well as the address of his organization. Guess what... And this one: Petrovka street, house 38. It turns out that this is how Mr. Pashkin identified himself in the structure of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow. It is easy to guess that all active policemen who go to look for protection in the Trade Union, this organization does not arouse any suspicions. Agree, quite convenient for a practically commercial organization.
To such reproaches, Pashkin replied that indeed, he ordered business cards five years ago for himself, and even apologized for using state symbols. Here is his statement verbatim: “... Our Trade Union and its telephone numbers were included in the directory of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for 1998. Well, as for the coat of arms on the business card - forgive me, please, I haven’t been doing this for 5 years and won’t do it again, thanks for the warning ... ”. It turns out that already 12 years ago, the Pashkin trade union disappeared from the structure of the head office, and all subsequent years its leader deliberately fooled those around him, telling them that he was still related to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow.
But this is not the whole truth, which Mr. Pashkin himself confirmed. Our colleagues published information that Mikhail Pashkin, without devoting other members of his public organization to the cause, created under its "roof" a commercial enterprise engaged in the purchase and processing ... of diamonds. Only Mr. Pashkin knows how the trade union affairs of police officers and the trade relations of diamond manufacturers come into contact. At the very least, it is his trade union that is the founder of the Sodruzhestvo Trade Union of Moscow Police Officers LLC, which manufactures diamonds from rough diamonds. By the way, the general director of this enterprise, a certain Viktor Mikhalev, is a fairly well-known figure who has repeatedly come to the attention of law enforcement agencies. Helps Mikhail Pashkin in the diamond business and his wife. Both in the trade union and in the enterprise, she is listed as the chief accountant. So, for example, back in 2002, when the “precious business” was just getting better, it was she who transferred more than four million rubles to the Commonwealth account.
Oddly enough, but Mr. Pashkin did not refute many of the facts listed above. The employees of the UBEP, who gave such interesting information to journalists, used reliable sources. Mikhail Pashkin agreed that in the case of Sodruzhestvo, its Trade Union was the 100% founder. And the income, if it were, would go to the Trade Union. But, unfortunately, the General Director of the Commonwealth not only failed to receive income, but also caused losses to the enterprise. Two years ago, seeing this, the Trade Union withdrew from the founders of the Commonwealth. All this, again, was voluntarily stated in his “review” by the trade union leader. Apparently, not fully realizing that by doing so he admits that the funds of the trade union were not at all for their intended purpose. And someone else is wondering where union dues go ...
Naturally, such information could not fail to interest the fighters against economic crimes, our colleague writes further. It was decided to check the financial and economic activities of the Pashkin Trade Union. In April last year, operatives paid a visit to his office in Bolshoy Karetny Lane. There was no warm welcome from the “defender of the police officers”. He began to interfere in every possible way with the lawful actions of representatives of law and order, by force snatched from them statements of contributions and lists of members of his organization. Then he hastily retreated. Then, during the inspection of the premises of the Trade Union, seven computer units with unlicensed software were seized. Representatives of the Microsoft company conducted relevant research and found that their company suffered damage in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles. I received confirmation and information that the Trade Union violates the procedure for working with cash and the procedure for conducting cash transactions. More than 140,000 rubles of membership fees alone were discovered that day, while the Trade Union's bank account received only the money needed to rent an office space.
Mr. Pashkin did not cover all these facts in his “review”, he only noted that the Trade Union did not personally purchase all of his computers - some were given to him, some someone brought from home. But the operatives were more interested in the facts of concealment of funds received by the Trade Union. However, our hero did not comment on this situation, he only stated that he had already complained about the “illegal”, in his opinion, search to Geneva, to the International Labor Organization.
Well, Mr. Pashkin is the best at complaining...

In conclusion, our newspaper provides a commentary on the activities of the Pashkin Trade Union of the head of the Inspectorate for Personnel of the Criminal Code of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow, police colonel Vsevolod Belkin. Naturally, this comment did not suit Pashkin himself, but he could not dispute anything. So, a look at the leader of the pocket Trade Union of the current senior officer of the central office:
- For a number of years, Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the Coordinating Council of the public organization "Territorial Organization" Trade Union of Police Officers in Moscow ", has repeatedly addressed both the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow and other authorities with statements (including in the interests of other persons ) and complaints about illegal, in his opinion, actions of the heads of services and divisions of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate at various levels. All appeals were carried out by the forces of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the results of which were notified to the initiator.
The practice of considering these appeals shows that the contingent of employees whom Pashkin chooses as the objects of his “protection” is rather peculiar: these are mainly persons who are systematically brought to disciplinary responsibility for various violations, and some are actually threatened with dismissal from the internal affairs bodies on negative grounds. Criminal cases were initiated against many employees at the time of their appeal to the Trade Union, and by hook or by crook they tried to avoid the imminent responsibility, believing that the best way to protect them was an attack. At the same time, many of those who were so actively “protected” by Pashkin received real terms.
Considering that Pashkin himself was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies for a gross violation of official discipline (and, no matter how hard he tried later, the court did not cancel this decision), it is not surprising that he sympathizes with such violators.
In a word, the “Territorial Organization “Trade Union of Police Officers in Moscow” has essentially become a law office representing the interests (including in courts) of a far from the best part of the police officers. At the same time, I get the impression that the main thing for Pashkin and his colleagues is PR and again PR. Now, when only the lazy does not scold the police, and the media has launched a simply frantic and professionally organized campaign to discredit it, Pashkin by all means raises his rating as "a fighter for justice and the purity of the police ranks." For example, on January 24 of this year, at a conference of their organization (which, by the way, was attended by only 96 delegates instead of the expected 200), Pashkin and other speakers spoke very unflatteringly about the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, demanded their resignation, disbanding educational apparatus. There was also complete nonsense like recommendations for all police officers to go to work with voice recorders and record everything that happens around.
I am not against criticism of the police. Heading the sixth year of the Inspectorate for the personnel of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, I saw a lot. Last year alone, together with the district police departments, we considered 22,000 complaints, statements and messages from citizens. Conducted 10.5 thousand service checks. 830 employees were punished, 84 of them were fired. Abandoned in the early and mid-90s of the last century to the mercy of state power, the police were forced to simply survive. Many of the guys recruited at that time did not see any other militia than the one in which they found themselves at that time. Now they are middle managers. And already they should educate and guide those who came to the service 2-3 years ago. About how they do it, say special reports on personnel. For some reason, it is believed that everyone can talk about reforming the law enforcement system, give advice and recommendations. Everyone considers himself a connoisseur of the problem and is in a hurry to pour his bucket of dirt on our already muzzled police. At the same time, those who want to talk about the problems of quantum mechanics or molecular biology every day are not visible: you need special in-depth knowledge and many years of experience, and without them you will look like an eccentric. But this is exactly what the majority of those who rant about reforming the police look like. There is nothing worse when serious questions are at the mercy of amateurs or people of dubious reputation.


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