How much money do you need to open a cafe bar. Opening a bar from scratch. Documents, expenses and profits. Organization that repairs things or makes keys

Some of us, with enough initiative to work on our own and smart enough to be able to properly organize our workplace, open our own small business. Earning through self-employment is not given to everyone.

Many, believing that this bread is much easier than earned in the traditional way (in hire), recklessly, without calculating their material and moral capabilities, draw up a certificate for independent activity.

Business expenses start from this very moment: as soon as a person becomes an entrepreneur, he is obliged to pay certain amounts to various funds, even if you do not conduct any activity yet. To date, there are four such quarterly payments:

  • Compulsory health insurance. Accordingly, after receiving a certificate for the right of individual activity, one should register with the compulsory health insurance fund.
  • Pension payments (insurance and funded parts of the pension). You must register with the pension fund as a contributor.

Thus, it turns out that several thousand rubles should be given to oneself only on a quarterly basis for belonging to entrepreneurship.

Naturally, there is no time to think for a long time about where and what kind of business to open. Most likely, the decision has already been made, it remains to rent a room for rent and start work. And it is in our interests to do it as quickly as possible, because time is money.

For a novice entrepreneur, the preparatory stage always takes a lot of time, so you should think in advance about the funds pledged "just in case of a fire." After all, you can not quickly find the premises that would satisfy all requests.

In my personal experience, it happened that out of 4 open outlets, only one was profitable and has been operating uninterruptedly for several years.

It must be remembered that the rent is charged, not just monthly, but in the form of advance payments, and even with an insurance amount equal to the monthly payment.

In other words, renting the premises for the first time, most likely, you will have to pay two months in advance, and in a month the next payment will come, and the amount of the deposit will remain on the owner's account.

This is done because landlords are afraid of losing a tenant without finding another in his place. In order to prevent a situation in which the tenant “quietly disappeared” along with all his property, the owners take this amount as a guarantee that at least the next two months the entrepreneur will definitely not go anywhere.

The intention to leave the premises must be notified in advance. As a rule, this is 30 calendar days. This period must be spelled out in the lease, the violation of which can lead to litigation. However, all of us (both tenants and owners of real estate) are well aware that the court is a painful and expensive matter.

Therefore, even if the tenant moves out suddenly, he is unlikely to be searched for and held accountable. The amounts involved in the turnover of small businesses do not have a special role for the owners of the premises.

It is much easier for them to let go of such a negligent tenant with God, because the financial loss will not be more than legal costs. But for this, the next tenant will have to pay for the mistakes and dishonesty of the previous one by signing an agreement with a deposit clause.

A similar situation has developed in our shopping center. The first lease agreements did not carry any threat, were very comfortable, and suited everyone, but up to a certain point.

For four years we worked steadily, but with the onset of the first wave of the crisis, things went from bad to worse for many tenants, and even a slight reduction in rent could not save the situation.

As a result, half of the floor was empty, and without warning the owners. Many moved out without paying rent for the current month. The remaining entrepreneurs were in for a surprise when the contract was renegotiated. A clause on a deposit was included in it, because the requirement to notify in advance of the intention to leave the square turned out to be insufficient.

Depending on the city, distance from its center, infrastructure development, the rent for small premises (up to 15 m2) will be from 15 to 30 thousand, not taking into account megacities. This means that two rents should be added to the quarterly payments. We get 35-65 thousand (and we haven't started working yet).

Now you need to think about what equipment should be located even in a tiny room. After all, regardless of the type of entrepreneurial activity, this item cannot be bypassed. If services, repair equipment and a computer are required.

If production is a computer with an expensive program. If trade is generally a separate conversation, since the quantity of goods is directly related to the amount of revenue. The poorer the range, the less likely to sell. Therefore, from 50 to 100 thousand is necessary for arranging a place of work.

Thus, if one of the newcomers expects to open a business of 50 thousand, I will stipulate in advance that it will not work. All advertisements of “business without investments” are tempting packaging, nothing more. You won’t even be able to work on the Internet without the necessary equipment and knowledge! Minimum investment is needed everywhere. And intellectual property does not lend itself to calculations at all.

Having started a business, you need to be aware that the first two or three years you will have to work off the invested funds, if at all the created enterprise turns out to be profitable. And this will be clear already in the first months of work.

If it didn’t work from the very beginning, urgently change the place. Now there is no "promotion" as such. People are either initially interested in what you want to offer, or you will fail. Therefore, do not waste time, if there is no demand in a given place, you need to change the place. If there is no demand at all, the type of activity should be changed. And this is all money. If you have them, you can try to be an entrepreneur.

It is difficult, responsible and risky. Not many survive, but only a few out of thousands get rich. If you are ready for this - go ahead, to the tax office for a certificate. And may success smile upon you!

  • Installation of fences and gates
  • Beauty services
  • Reinforced concrete rings
  • hot dogs
  • Hello dear readers of the portal site. Today we will talk about the best business ideas with minimal investment that you can successfully open in 2020. We will look at five business ideas that we think are worthy of special attention. Naturally, this list is far from complete and will be supplemented by new ideas that we will regularly publish on our website.

    Please note that the concept of "minimum investment" in this case implies an investment of no more than 500,000 rubles. So, let's begin.

    crossfit club

    Idea 1 - opening a crossfit club in your city. CrossFit is a mega-popular fitness trend that is making its way to the cities of the Russian Federation with leaps and bounds. The halls of crossfit fans are packed to the limit, there are not enough places, the club leaders do not have time to expand.

    Investments in equipment pay off in a matter of months. The hall is only 100 sq. m. will allow you to earn "clean" from 100,000 rubles. per month.

    How much money do you need to invest to open a cross-fit club

    A simple club for a small town can be opened with an amount of 300 - 500 thousand rubles.

    Installation of fences and gates

    How much money do you need to open the installation of fences and gates

    Installation of fences and gates is a proven business that can be opened for 100 - 200 thousand rubles. There are real examples of business success "on the fences". For example, you can read our interview with Oleg Rakov, the owner of a business for the manufacture and installation of fences from corrugated board, chain-link mesh and welded fences. There is virtually no competition in this area. Or rather, of course, there is, but there are enough customers for everyone, especially if you work with your team and keep prices at a decent level.

    You can start a business even in small towns, as the trend towards suburban construction is now continuing. Urban people are increasingly striving to create their own quiet place outside the city, to build a house or a cottage. And, as you know, no house is complete without a fence! So we can say that this is an eternal business. Only the seasonality of the service exaggerates somewhat. But, believe me, in one summer you can earn so much that in winter you can only relax.

    Beauty services

    Beauty and body care is an eternal theme for women. And therefore, almost any business related to the provision of services in the field of beauty does not lose its relevance even during a crisis. For example, services for nail and eyelash extensions, pedicures and manicures. One of these real ideas that can be implemented for a small amount is the opening of a nail bar or an express manicure studio.

    The nail bar is a small island in the form of a bar counter for 5 - 15 sq. m., for one or more workplaces. Most often, nail bars are located in shopping centers, where there is traditionally a high traffic of a potential audience of customers - solvent business women who need to quickly and efficiently get a manicure or eyelash extensions.

    How much money does it take to open a nail bar

    You can open your own express manicure studio without spending even 300,000 rubles, while the net profit after promoting the point can be 65 - 300 thousand rubles. per month. More details in the article: "small business - open a nail bar."

    Reinforced concrete rings

    The production of reinforced concrete rings is an equally profitable idea. For one work shift, a team of 3 workers can produce 10 products with a diameter of 70 to 150 cm.

    How much can you earn on reinforced concrete rings

    From each product sold, you get up to 3000 r. net profit, from 10 products - 30,000 rubles. respectively. Production can be organized even in the open air, the main thing is that there is a flat area and the ability to connect to 220 volts for a vibrator. One form for pouring rings costs about 50,000 rubles. and beats back in 1 month.

    This topic will always be relevant, since septic tanks are built at every house. Delivery of these products is very expensive, so a small businessman should not be afraid of competition from large players. This is pure small business!

    hot dogs

    The hot dog business is an old idea, but no less profitable for that. You always want to eat, so any idea related to the sale of fast food with proper organization will not leave you without money. And you don’t need to invent a bicycle - get up and work.

    How much money does it take to open a hot dog

    You can open your own point of sale of hot dogs with an amount of up to 100,000 rubles. The main costs will include: a gas counter with equipment for making sausages and buns and the actual ingredients themselves. Occupied area - only 2 - 3 square meters. m. The liveliest places where sausages will go “like hot cakes” (by the way, you can also trade in pies): shopping centers, bus and railway stations, educational centers, universities, cinemas, markets and other highly passable places.

    How much can you earn on hot dogs

    From just one point you can raise up to 60,000 rubles. net per month (if you sell 70 - 100 hot dogs a day).

    To open your own business, first of all, you need an idea, a well-designed plan and start-up capital. The volume of investments mainly depends on the type of activity, its scale, as well as location.

    Some projects do not require large initial capital investments. For example, money may be needed only to register an enterprise. As an office, you can use your own living space, convert a personal garage into a warehouse. To issue goods for sale on credit, and print promotional materials on a home printer. In this case, the business will begin to generate income with minimal initial costs.

    According to statistics, about 20% of small businesses in the United States started their activities with $1,000 - $5,000. The majority (about 90%) of businessmen used their own savings for a startup, that is, without attracting bank loans.

    More than 50% of successfully growing companies (according to the latest research of the US Small Business Association) were organized precisely “at home” and required investments in the range of $25,000.

    The amount of costs is also affected in which country the enterprise is opened. For example, to open a McDonalds cafe with a total area of ​​150 m2 in America, you will need to invest about $100,000, and in Moscow: $500,000 - $1,000,000.

    Where to start your business?

    Before starting your own business, you must:

    • Decide on a direction. In this case, it is important to take into account personal knowledge, experience and skills. The more information a businessman has, the more likely it is that the project will become profitable.
    • Research potential competitors. This stage will allow you to understand how to make money on the chosen type of activity, what problems may arise and how profitable this enterprise is. The best option is to study the experience of both domestic and Western colleagues.
    • Create a business plan. A rather laborious stage, on which the success of the entire enterprise depends, as well as the chances of attracting external investors. A well-written project will make it possible to avoid not only unplanned expenses, but also complete bankruptcy. According to statistics, about 70% of all small firms close within the first year of operation.
    • Make a budget. In this case, it is not allowed to use approximate calculations, the figures must be accurate and reasonable. Not all entrepreneurs own enough money for a startup. According to research by the Kauffman Foundation Growthology: 34.9% of the start-up capital is a bank loan; 6.3% - financial assistance from relatives; 6.2% - money from credit cards; 22.6% - other sources and 30% - own savings.

    How much money do you need to open your own clothing store is a popular question on the Internet today. The reasons for starting a business are different: someone lacks implementation, someone has free time and funds for business, someone just got the boss and he goes into business for good. For modern businessmen, one of the most “not risky” ways of making money is trading.

    Despite the annual recession observed in the retail industry, this type of business remains afloat and is doing well in comparison with other industries. Groceries and clothing stores were especially lucky, as food and clothing are the main consumption items for the consumer.

    According to recent studies, with the fall in the purchasing power of fellow citizens, their love for clothes of famous brands also falls. And here, as in the distant 90s, the owners of small clothing stores enter the scene, which do not cheat on the brand, and offer goods manufactured in the country of the rising sun at prices that are more acceptable to the modern buyer. In general, in the current situation, this business can bring good income.

    But for this to happen, it is necessary in each specific case to consider the profitability of such a store, and it’s worth starting with an assessment of your financial capabilities. After calculating all the amounts required at the initial stage, it will be possible to decide whether there will be enough own funds, whether borrowed funds will be needed, or maybe it is worth abandoning this idea altogether. The article describes the costs of opening a small (up to 50 sq.m.) clothing store.

    Delivery of goods

    The first thing to think about is what product you will sell, and where you actually buy this product. No product - no store. Therefore, in the first place are the costs of supplying the goods, and not rent and other costs. It is at this stage that most of the ideas about opening a clothing store go into oblivion, never showing themselves to the world.

    The most popular direction in the field of clothing retail is the sale of clothing made in China. Whether it's a children's clothing store or a fashion store, the quality and the initial price of the goods allow you to make an average margin of 40 to 100%, which is quite good. To fill the windows of a small store completely, the goods will need at least 300,000 rubles.

    The initial purchase price is made up of:

    • the cost of the product itself
    • the cost of shipping this product to your store

    Don't rush to save on shipping. The supplier located in your area will not always offer the best price. It happens that it is cheaper to bring goods from Moscow or even China than to buy the same goods from the nearest wholesaler.


    After the main question "What to sell" is resolved, it is necessary to solve the question "Where to sell". This article deals with an offline clothing store, so you need to find a store room that also has a storage room. The choice of rental premises is now very large. Newspapers and the Internet are filled with advertisements for the rental of non-residential premises. It is understandable. Many small business lines have closed quickly in recent times. And besides, the price of rent in our country just rolls over.

    Prices for renting non-residential premises for a shop:

    • Moscow and the region: premises in office and residential buildings (not shopping centers) - 10-20 thousand rubles per sq.m.
    • Shopping centers in Moscow and the region - 20-100 thousand rubles per sq.m.
    • Large cities of the regions: premises in office and residential buildings (not shopping centers) 1-20 thousand rubles per sq.m.
    • Shopping centers in large regional cities: 10-100 thousand rubles per sq.m.
    • Small cities in the regions - 300-10,000 rubles per sq.m.

    As can be seen from the data presented, to open a small store in a residential area of ​​Moscow, you will need at least 500 thousand rubles for one month of rent. For regional centers, this amount starts from 50 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that often landlords agree to conclude a lease for at least 3 months. Therefore, the indicated amount is multiplied by three. Total for Moscow, the cost and rent for the first three months will be from 1.5 million rubles, in the regions from 150 thousand rubles.

    It is also worth mentioning the cost of repairing the premises. The clothing store requires a certain design. You can just paint the walls. The minimum price of such repairs will cost 30 thousand rubles. Here it is worth noting an important point in the design of a clothing store, which owners often forget about, lighting. Proper lighting can boost store profits by 30%. Top and side light, guiding lamps on showcases with clothes: the minimum cost of lighting will cost 300 thousand rubles.

    Company formation costs

    If the first two points didn't stop your idea of ​​opening your own clothing store, it's time to settle the legal formalities. It is possible to engage in entrepreneurial activity in Russia by properly registering a legal entity. The most popular for this type of activity are legal entities in the form of an Individual Entrepreneur (IP) and a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Registration of a company in Moscow and the Moscow region will cost an average of 15 thousand rubles, for the regions this amount is half as much. This includes the cost of paying for the services of an intermediary company involved in the preparation of documents for submission to the tax office.

    At this stage, you can save money and arrange everything yourself, while paying only the state duty. For registration as an individual entrepreneur, a state duty of 800 rubles is charged. When creating an LLC, this amount will be 4,000 rubles.

    When opening a limited liability company, you should also not forget about the authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles.

    Expenses for cash register equipment

    The use of cash registers is mandatory. Without further ado, it is worth looking at the amount of fines for non-use of cash registers for cash payments:

    • for citizens, that is, a seller or cashier - from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles;
    • for officials, namely the heads of organizations and individual entrepreneurs (according to Article 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur is an official when committing administrative offenses) - from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles;
    • for legal entities - from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.

    The cost of the device itself is approximately 10,000 rubles. Monthly mandatory maintenance of the device is 300 rubles.

    Payroll expenses

    No seller. Of course, you can stand behind the counter yourself, with the help of relatives or friends, but we still advise you to hire a permanent seller, preferably two. Managing a store and standing behind a counter with good traffic is very difficult.

    As a rule, clothing stores work seven days a week, so there should be two sellers. The salary of a retail store salesperson in the regions averages 15,000 rubles, in Moscow - 40,000 rubles.

    Expenses for additional equipment

    Of course, you can arrange clothes in boxes, or hang them on hooks on the walls, but buying special hangers and shelves would be more desirable. Based on the average prices for commercial equipment, these costs for premises up to 50 sq.m. will be from 100 to 500 thousand rubles.

    Properly laid out merchandise can also make a big difference in daily revenue.

    Advertising expenses

    Let's take a sign here, which will cost at least 50,000 rubles. It will not be superfluous to advertise in the elevators of nearby houses, banner advertising. Monthly rental of a 3x6 meter banner in the regions will cost 7-15 thousand rubles. The owners of billboards in Moscow and the Moscow region are ready to provide you with advertising space for 70-150 thousand rubles a month.

    Based on the foregoing, it should be concluded that the budget for opening a small clothing retail store depends on many factors, the key of which is the geographic location of the store. To fulfill your dream of owning your own clothing store, provided it is located outside the capital, you will need at least 800 thousand rubles. For Moscow and the Moscow region, this amount becomes much higher. Without two million rubles in your pocket, you should not start this business in the capital.

    Where to start if you want to open your own store? Which store is better to open and how to choose goods for trade? How much does it cost to open your own small store and how to do it from scratch?

    Hello, dear readers of business magazine. Entrepreneur and author of the site Alexander Berezhnov is with you.

    When start-up entrepreneurs have a question about what kind of business to do, many choose the simplest and most obvious - retail trade, namely opening their own outlet or store, which is essentially the same thing.

    The article will be especially interesting for a beginner who decided to open a store without sufficient experience. After studying it, you will learn about all the secrets and nuances of this business.

    The information in the article is universal for opening any kind of stores.

    For example, if you decide to open a clothing store, an auto parts store, a children's store, or a grocery store, then you will have to go through the same steps. Here you will also find recommendations for opening the most common types of stores. This will be especially true for you if you have not yet decided which store to open.

    Now I will tell you everything in order!

    1. What you need to know to open a profitable store

    Dear friend, most importantly, you must understand that the vast majority of people come up with the idea of ​​​​opening a store as a simple commercial project at first glance.

    For clarity, I propose to consider the objective pros and cons of your store as a business. This will make it easier for you to decide which store to open and what to look for.

    Pluses (+) of your store as a business

    1. Clarity for the average person

    That is why most aspiring entrepreneurs consider their store as the first project. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing markets, stalls and even supermarkets, where today you can buy almost everything.

    The truth is that a person is reluctant to take on a task that he does not understand. In the case of the store, it seems to us, we will have the least problems. But this is only partly true.

    2. Ease of implementation of the idea

    In general, in trade, 99% of all business processes have long been worked out.

    It is not for nothing that, having opened 1 store, its owner often does not stop and, with the right approach to business, outlets multiply like mushrooms after rain.

    Indeed, all you need is not to reinvent the wheel and go along the beaten path, which should lead to success in your business, unless, of course, you “hit the jambs” at the very beginning.

    3. Ease of calculations (forecasting income and expenses)

    Trading is the most understandable business also in terms of settlements. You have the cost of the item, the sales margin, and the costs you incur.

    4. Sustainability of business with its promotion

    A well-established outlet is a paradise for its owner. For example, a "brisk" grocery store in a residential area of ​​​​the city can provide you with a comfortable life, even despite nearby competitors.

    5. Ability to sell your store as a ready-made business

    Having built the entire store management system correctly, you can only occasionally coordinate the main processes, all things will go by inertia. So you become the owner of a completely autonomous system that makes a profit.

    Naturally, many people who have capital but do not want to open their store from scratch will want to become the owner of such a “tidbit”.

    Now selling a business is as easy as selling a car or an apartment, you just have to notify potential customers that you are selling your profitable store.

    Cons (-) of your store as a business

    1. High competition

    The reverse side of the simplicity and clarity of opening a store is a high level of competition. After all, there are a lot of people who want to become the owner of their own outlet. Every second entrepreneur wants to open his own store in one area or another. This greatly complicates the start in this business and its further development.

    2. Relatively high business entry threshold

    If you are dealing with a product and selling it through a regular store, in this case you will need several hundred thousand rubles, or an average of $10,000, to start your business.

    3. The appearance of remnants of unsold goods

    Another weakness of the store as a business is the remnants of the goods.

    Especially often they are formed in grocery stores and in stores selling seasonal goods. For example, Christmas toys and other holiday accessories.

    The cost of the rest of the goods has to be included in the current cost, which leads to a drop in demand, as the final price of the goods rises, and the buyer does not want to overpay.

    4. A large number of periodic routine operations

    Suppliers and working with them, tracking product balances, updating the assortment, renting, working with staff (if any), taxes, checks, inventories - this is a far from complete list of what you will have to face in the process of working on your own store.

    5. Seasonality of business depending on the chosen niche

    Each trading niche has its own seasonality. It can be more or less pronounced. For example, building and finishing materials sell well in summer, while sales fall significantly in winter.

    Other stores make super profits in the winter before the new year, and in the summer they “suck their paw” in anticipation of a new profitable season. Pay attention to this factor when choosing a niche for a future store.

    6. If the business fails, the risk of losing 80% of the money

    If suddenly your business does not go well, then the purchased commercial equipment will have to be sold for a pittance, and the remaining goods will also be sold in bulk or simply presented to friends for the holidays (if the goods do not belong to food).

    I hope that now you have a better picture of opening your store and know what difficulties you will face in the process.

    You can reduce the risk of financial losses if you approach the opening of your store, or rather trading activities, in a slightly different way, for example, by starting trading on the "Business with China" section.

    This is a very trendy and interesting topic today. My friends are doing it successfully. Buying goods in China, you can sell them at a markup of up to 500% without even opening a physical outlet. This business can be done through the Internet.

    Yevgeny Guryev, a specialist in the “Chinese theme”, teaches this business very cool. Our team knows Zhenya personally and recommends him as a professional in this field.

    Watch the video in which student Evgenia shares her impressions of the training and monetary results:

    We continue the theme of opening our store.

    2. Opening a store from scratch - sweet myth or bitter truth

    If by “zero” we mean the lack of knowledge and experience, then of course such a zero will not be an obstacle to the implementation of the project.

    But if someone thinks that you can open your store without having anything, then you must be disappointed - this is really a myth!

    Let's look at those mandatory elements, without which it is simply impossible to open a store in principle.

    I will list this minimum, and then you yourself can calculate in numbers how much, according to conservative estimates, it will cost to open and maintain a store.

    For example, one of my acquaintances, having opened a premium-class women's clothing store, invested in it more than 1,200,000 rubles . This amount included the rental of premises, repairs in it, the purchase of goods, the purchase of commercial equipment, hiring staff, registering a company.

    How much does it cost to open your store?

    1. Premises (shopping area)

    Own or rented.

    Naturally, having your own space (not rented) gives you tremendous advantages, but unfortunately, a minority of people have such a bonus at the start.

    Get ready for the fact that rent will “eat up” most of the profits, and during seasonal recessions you can work “to zero” without earning a penny or even go into the red, putting money out of your pocket.

    2. Trade equipment

    In rare cases, you will not need counters or other equipment: stands, refrigerators (if you open a grocery store). Depending on the specifics and size of your outlet, the cost of commercial equipment will vary.

    3. Product

    You can take part of the goods from suppliers for sale on the terms of deferred payment. That is, give money for it after the sale. But the other half of the goods will most likely have to be purchased.

    It is especially difficult here for novice players in this market. So, if you are a beginner, then not every supplier will agree to give you the goods for sale due to a lack of trust.

    4. Seller

    At first, you yourself can act as a seller and it will even be useful, because it is the owner who is primarily interested in the success of his business.

    So you will study the most popular products, work with the objections of customers and be able to transfer your experience to employees hired in the future.

    5. Legal and accounting nuances

    In any case, you will need to officially register your commercial activities, as well as periodically submit reports to the tax office and the Pension Fund.

    In addition, you will deal with invoices, invoices and contracts. With all these points you have to deal with sequentially.


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