Whatever God does is for the best. "Everything that is done is done for the better." How true is the statement? Sometimes a small dream is more important than a big one.

Every person at least once in his life heard: "Everything that is done is done for the better." Or in this performance: "Everything that God does, everything is for the best." People usually hear this phrase in childhood from their mothers or grandmothers, but they do not reflect on the validity of this statement. They remember, and so their relationship with this folk wisdom ends or, rather, is interrupted exactly until the time when they have to independently enter the battlefield with life. And then they will be able to answer the question of how much God arranges human life for the better. In the meantime, while modern children are growing up, we will take a look at the interpretation of the phrase “Everything that is done is done for the better” in various philosophical and religious traditions.


Why are Christians convinced that God does everything for the best? Because, from the point of view of believers, everything in life is either a reward or a punishment (test). God tests a person with punishment, and the servant of God becomes better. Therefore, one way or another, everything that is done is done for the better. If a person believes in God, then in any case he wins: happiness falls on him - he enjoys life, he suffers - he becomes better, morally purer and generally closer to the Lord.

Indeed, what could be desperately bad in earthly life if it is only a prelude to heavenly life? Everything plays into the hands of a person in one way or another. Therefore, one can even say: "Everything that is done leads to the best." Yes, but this opinion had objections, primarily from common sense. Voltaire spoke on his behalf.

Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

The 18th century French philosopher wrote Candide, or Optimism. In this absolutely beautiful and infinitely wonderful work, Voltaire ridicules, among other things, metaphysics, especially the optimism of Leibniz, the quintessence of which can be considered the famous quote: "Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." In the philosophical story of the French philosopher, there are two main characters - Candide and his teacher Pangloss. The story is structured in such a way that many adventures and trials fall on the heroes, but Pangloss never loses heart and constantly repeats: "Everything is for the best." He says this even when he is left without an eye as a result of misadventures.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

Voltaire died in France, 10 years later A. Schopenhauer was born, and, strangely enough, he also did not like Leibniz and his “pink” optimism. And in retaliation, he came up with his own aphorism: "This world is the worst possible world" - implying that everything here changes only for the worse. Why is that? Because reality, according to the German philosopher, is controlled by the evil and ruthless World Will, its task is only one - to be reproduced in human beings and thus exist forever.

In the world of A. Schopenhauer, existence has only one content - suffering. Man is closed in it, he is a prisoner of life. The tragedy of human existence lies in the fact that it is not followed by any otherworldly continuation. The life task of a person is interpreted by A. Schopenhauer as the awareness of one's slavery to being and the adoption of a decision on the purposeful destruction of the will to live (another name for the World Will). Proceeding from this, Schopenhauer favorably treated both suicide and the mortification of the flesh, for the weaker the human body, the less will it have to live. The ideal death for the hero of philosophy A. Schopenhauer would be death from starvation in absolute poverty. So it goes.

The reader will probably be interested to know how the venerable Mr. Philosopher himself lived. Do not worry about him, he lived perfectly: he ate well, slept well. He was very sensitive to his health and, according to the assurances of A. Camus (a French philosopher of the 20th century), A. Schopenhauer could talk about suicide while sitting at the dinner table.

When the first irrationalist was asked why he did not follow his own instructions, he answered that sometimes a person’s spiritual heat is only enough to show the way, but he no longer has enough strength to go along it. A witty answer, and you can't argue. This is how Schopenhauer invented an alternative to popular wisdom, which says: "Everything that is done is done for the better."

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 - 1980)

It's time to open the cards. Behind the formulation examined here lies an ordinary fatalism. This term is known even to those who are not particularly fond of philosophy. Fatalism means the predestination of everything that happens in the world with a person. Accordingly, such a worldview forms a person who is submissive to fate. It is this type of person who believes that everything is done for the better.

Fatalists are opposed by voluntarists. The latter believe that there is no predestination, everything depends on the willpower of a person (hence the name). Existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre belonged to such people. He simply could not believe that God does everything for the best, since in his worldview system God is dead. The death of the Almighty happened already in the 19th century, Nietzsche announced it.

J.-P. Sartre argued that there is no predestination in man. He himself is fully responsible for himself, he is his own personal “project”, and there are no higher powers over him. He is the only one. God, according to Sartre, did not die without a trace and not painlessly for a person. As a legacy to his son, the Almighty left a "hole in the soul", which a person has to fill during his life and thereby take place.


Let us digress from the West and turn to the East. For the Buddha, there was only one predestination - this is the dependence of a person on his actions. An ordinary person lives in samsara, i.e. in the constant cycle of birth and death. We remind you that, according to Buddhism, a person is reborn again and again until he reaches nirvana (from Sanskrit - "extinction") - liberation from the endless circle of rebirths and, accordingly, the suffering associated with them.

The existing world is filled with suffering. And, in principle, nothing good awaits a person in him if he does not realize the truth that life is suffering, this is the first step towards liberation. Then other "noble truths" should be assimilated: the desire to live gives rise to suffering; it is possible to achieve a state of complete indifference to what is happening - it is called nirvana; the middle road leads to nirvana, which lies between asceticism (mortification of the flesh) and hedonism (the desire for constant and unrestrained pleasure). Thus, if the Buddha said that everything that is not done is done for the better, his quotes could sound like this: “You will reach nirvana only if you realize that life is suffering, you need to give up your desires and embark on the middle path” ; “If you are already on the path of enlightenment, then everything is for the best.”

Is it worth blindly submitting to fate, God or chance (God-Chance)?

The Buddhist "middle way" can be quite easily applied to Everyday life. Fatalism and voluntarism are the facets of life. Everyone chooses for himself who he is - a puppet in the hands of higher powers or a being endowed with will and able to decide his own destiny, to be its master.

For someone who does not want to decide anything, but prefers to go with the flow, fatalism is quite suitable, and he can say: "Everything God does is for the best." True, fatalism can be different, it can express certain thinking after the fact. For example, a person struggled with fate all his life, and then submitted to it, and he considers his entire life path as the fulfillment of a higher predestination.

Voluntarism, on the contrary, is for those who do not want to surrender to the mercy of God or fate.

Thus, depending on the choice of the party in this dispute, a person decides for himself whether the statement placed in the title of the article is true or not.

A small bonus for readers who do not know Latin, but would like to show off some expression. So, the phrase “everything that is not done is done for the better” in Latin sounds like this: Omne quod fit, fit in melius.

Whatever is done, everything is for the better.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what is "Whatever is done, everything is for the better." in other dictionaries:

    Every bad thing is not without good. Everything is for the best. See SORRY COMFORT Everything in the world is for the best. Whatever is done, everything is for the better. See FATE PATIENCE HOPE...

    Wed You should not lament that the marriage between us will not take place. Everything that is done is for the best. N. Makarov. Memories. 5, 13. Cf. Finally... everything is for the best in this world, as Voltaire seems to have said... Turgenev. Zap. hunter. My neighbour… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    teerline- sl. funny signature motto Examples: Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening. Do you like to ride? Love and ride. You can't take me with your bare feet!!! Grandfather Mastdai and hares. Everything that is done is all for the better, and what is for the better is not ... Hacker "s dictionary

    Detach, thin life, tie a good one! If you don't know sorrow, you won't know joy. You will swallow Ino bitterly, but spit it out sweetly (and vice versa). Eat bitterly and regurgitate sweetly (and vice versa). We've seen the bad, we'll see the good. We waited for now, let's wait and sweat. Waiting… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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  • Whatever is done is for the better! , Vedenskaya Tatyana Evgenievna. "Neighbours, or happiness is not in guys" Diana believed that Sergey's attention to her person was undeserved happiness, unprecedented luck, breathtaking luck. Still would! Not pretty, not smart...
  • Whatever is done is for the better Dilogy, Vedenskaya T .. "Neighbours, or happiness is not in the guys" Diana believed that Sergei's attention to her person was undeserved happiness, unprecedented luck, breathtaking luck. Still would! Not pretty, not smart...

Two traveler angels stopped for the night in the house of a wealthy family.
The family was not hospitable and did not want to leave the angels in the living room. Instead, they were laid to sleep in a cold basement. As they were making the bed, the elder angel saw a hole in the wall and patched it up.
The next night they came to spend the night in the house of a very poor but hospitable man and his wife. The couple shared with the angels some of the food they had and told the angels to sleep in their beds where they could sleep well.
In the morning after waking up, the angels found the owner and his wife weeping. Their only cow, her milk was the family's only income, lay dead in the barn.
The younger angel asked the elder - how could this happen? The first man had everything, and you helped him.

Nothing in this world happens by chance. Paulo Coelho, "Veronica Decides to Die" - this is how I wanted to name my article for the first time, but something stopped me. After all, this is not my life credo. I have one saying that helps me live. I'm not exaggerating, it's actually true. And it sounds like this: “Everything that God does not do is all for the better!” People understand it differently: someone sees in it an attempt to justify their idleness; someone shouts that there is no God, why are you referring to him; someone, like me, sees in any act and any chance meeting - a true fishery.

Please do not throw stones and slippers at me, because I want to tell all of you about what happened in my life and how it relates to accessories. Get comfortable, I'm starting ....

I don't even doubt it. Tested on myself many times. Everything that is done is done for the better. I can't believe it or not - it's simply impossible. “For the better” in itself is a loose concept and often and directly opposed to each has its own ... which excludes the possibility of a “common good” and the meaning of the phrase is completely lost ... I believe) but !! I’m not sure that always and everything is the work of God) everything good is from GOD, and everything bad is from ourselves! Anecdote: Everything that is done is for the best ... But not necessarily - to yours))) Hmm ... Does this loafer do at least something? Sleeping, it seems ... I believe ..))))))) apparently ... it was necessary ... Nothing in this world happens by chance.

Jacob! Ah, how long ago that was. Remember or dig deeper into memory? Well, for example, how a dog tries to bury delicious bones. Or maybe still decide and remember? I haven’t had time to set myself up to remember how here I am, young, healthy, perky and at 27 years old, already having a daughter of 5. All the years before that she lived with her mother, for two reasons. I was addicted until the age of 17. At the age of 20, she could not leave because of a debt in the bank for the purchase of a cow (mother's whim). And at 21, when I had to move out to my husband's family, I didn't move out. She looked into her mother's eyes and it seemed that there was sadness and regret in her eyes. “It’s a pity to leave her alone,” she said to everyone. Lived by the principle; “There can be many husbands, but only one mother.” And only now, admitting everything to myself, I understand that it was not a pity for her, but it was convenient for herself. Look after the child, cook dinner.

True, for everything for this it was necessary to pay obedience, endure her demands, such as, gave birth and sit with the child. For once, he will let go to the cinema.

Everything that God doesn’t do is all for the better!… My husband and I have been married for 5.5 years, we’ve known each other for exactly the same amount of time, and we’ve been working on our baby for exactly the same amount… For the first year, we thought that “it’s not scary, it doesn’t work out, so it’s too early ". In the second year, they began to think “why exactly is this with us, and what is the problem”, but only I went to the doctors. Once my mother went to the monastery to one old woman for her prayerful help in her needs, and she took me with her, saying, “you will ask her prayers for you and for giving you children.” I went…. To my mother, the old woman agreed to her prayerful help, and she said to me: “What kind of children, what are you talking about? The world is coming to an end, you need to save your soul, and you want to drag unfortunate children into this hell!! You need to repent and get ready!!!” Three months later my husband was diagnosed with azoospermia, ie. complete absence sperm... During the year, they treated as best they could, urologists, andrologists, prostatitis, sores, nerves and tears... After the first trip to the old woman, it passed.


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