Chemistry in human daily life presentation. Presentation on "Substances in Everyday Life". The use of Coca-Cola in everyday life

Chemistry presentation - Chemistry and everyday life human

Chemistry Possessing enormous opportunities, he creates unseen materials, multiplies the fertility of the soil, facilitates the work of a person, saves his time, dresses, preserves his health, creates coziness and comfort for him, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

Home first aid kit
Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic.
Ammonia aqueous solution of ammonia stimulates the respiratory center.
Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the drugs that is widely used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic agent.
Medicines for the treatment of the cardiovascular system are validol, corvalol, nitro glycerin.

Detergents and cleaners
Nowadays, synthetic detergents are widely used. The main one is synthetic surfactants-surfactants, in which a long hydrocarbon limiting radical is combined with a sulfate or sulfonate group. In addition to surfactants, SMS includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances.
Of the oxygenated bleaches, the most common are sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate.

Household insect control agents
Insecticides are insect control agents. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential areas should be treated only with drugs recommended for this purpose. These are well-known drugs: chlorophos (), dichlorvos, chlorophos pencils.

Chemicals for hygiene and cosmetics
Cosmetics and hygiene are closely related, as there are cosmetic products (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene products include, above all, soaps and detergents.

Dental care products
The most important dental care product is toothpaste. The main components of the toothpaste are as follows: abrasives, binders, foaming agents, and thickeners. The first of them provide mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque and polish. Most often, chemically precipitated calcium carbonate is used as an abrasive, as well as calcium phosphates and polymer sodium metaphosphate.

Deodorants are available in solid, roll-on and aerosol forms. Liquefied gases are used in aerosol cans, the boiling point of which is very low. They easily pass into the gas phase and not only push the base out of the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time, this role was played only by fluorochlorocarbons.

Cosmetical tools
The pearlescent effect is created by bismuthyl salts or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide.
Diluted aqueous solutions of highly soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used as a hair dye.
Hair lightening is performed using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
The coloring shampoos contain p-phenylenediamine, resorcinol and other similar compounds.

Chemistry and food
Man is the only creature on Earth that undergoes chemical or thermal processing almost all of its food.

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Chemistry in everyday life of a person Bulanova Nika 11 "A" class MBOU secondary school №30, Podolsk

Chemistry and everyday life of a person Chemistry, possessing enormous opportunities, creates unseen materials, multiplies the fertility of the soil, facilitates a person's work, saves him time, dresses, preserves his health, creates coziness and comfort for him, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

Home first aid kit Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic. Ammonia aqueous solution of ammonia stimulates the respiratory center. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the drugs that is widely used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic agent. Medicines for the treatment of the cardiovascular system are validol, corvalol, nitro glycerin.

Detergents and detergents Currently, synthetic detergents are widely used - detergents. The main one is synthetic surfactants-surfactants, in which a long hydrocarbon limiting radical is combined with a sulfate or sulfonate group. In addition to surfactants, SMS includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances. Of the oxygenated bleaches, the most common are sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate.

Household insect control agents Insecticides - insect control agents. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential areas should be treated only with drugs recommended for this purpose. These are well-known drugs: chlorophos (), dichlorvos, chlorophos pencils.

Chemical products for hygiene and cosmetics Cosmetics and hygiene are closely related, as there are cosmetic products (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene products include, above all, soaps and detergents.

Dental care products The most important dental care product is toothpaste. The main components of the toothpaste are as follows: abrasives, binders, foaming agents, and thickeners. The first of them provide mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque and polish. Most often, chemically precipitated calcium carbonate is used as an abrasive, as well as calcium phosphates and polymer sodium metaphosphate.

Deodorants Deodorants are available in solid, roll-on and aerosol forms. Liquefied gases are used in aerosol cans, the boiling point of which is very low. They easily pass into the gas phase and not only push the base out of the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time, this role was played only by fluorochlorocarbons.

Cosmetics The pearlescent effect is created by bismuthyl salts or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide. Diluted aqueous solutions of highly soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used as a hair dye. Hair lightening is performed using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The coloring shampoos contain p-phenylenediamine, resorcinol and other similar compounds.

Chemistry and food Man is the only creature on Earth that undergoes chemical or heat treatment almost all of his food.

Development Food Industry Doctors recommend for rational and dietary nutrition to include bread made from flour containing finely ground bran in the menu. Nowadays people often talk about "artificial food". Although this term does not mean obtaining food by chemical reactions. It is about giving natural protein products the flavor and appearance of traditional products, including delicacies.

Chemistry surrounds us everywhere, but unfortunately it does not always have a beneficial effect on a person.

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A presentation on Substances in Everyday Life in Chemistry will assist the teacher in teaching the lesson. It will acquaint students with the main problems of food safety, household chemicals, contains interesting facts. The slide show will help you to better assimilate the material.

  1. The main problems faced by modern man
  2. Healthy dietary deficiencies
  3. Detergents
  4. Experience number 1
  5. Sausage composition
  6. Experience number 2
  7. Interesting Facts about Coca - Cola
  8. Experience number 3


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Gerasimenko E.V.


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    The purpose

    • To teach the lesson by the teacher

Slide 1

"Substances in your life"

Chemistry lesson in 9th grade

Teacher: Gerasimenko E.V.

Slide 2

"If the father of a disease is not always known, then its mother is always food" Hippocrates

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Slide 3

    The main problems faced by a modern person:

    • food quality
  • Slide 4

    Why does a person eat? What do we know about food and nutrition?

  • Slide 5

    Healthy dietary deficiencies

    • Crisps
    • "Mars are sneakers"
    • "Chupa - Chups"
    • "Kirieshki", pizza,
    • hot dogs
  • Slide 6


  • Slide 7

    Experience number 1

    • Determine the nature of the detergent environment and identify the agent with less adverse effects on the skin.
      • 1 .. Stir with a stick until the soap dissolves.
      • 3. Then gently dip this paper into a glass of soap solution.
      • 4. You can do the same with solutions:

    a) liquid soap; b) shampoo.

    Slide 8

    Fill in the table in the guidance card

  • Slide 9

    Sausage composition

    • 30% - poultry. 25% - emulsion 25% - soy protein. 10% - just meat. 8% - flour / starch. 2% - flavorings
    • Emulsion - leather, meat production waste - all this is ground and boiled to a state of light gray gruel.
    • Soy is a regular white powder.
  • Slide 10

    • when buying, carefully look at the packaging, labeling, date of manufacture and expiration date;
    • pay attention to how the product is stored in the store display. The optimum storage temperature for sausages and meat is from 0 ° to 6 ° C;
    • the surface of the sausage must be clean, dry, without damage, punctures, minced meat influx;
    • the casing, whether artificial or natural, must not stray from the product.
  • Slide 11

    Experience number 2

    Determination of the presence of impurities in meat products by example sausages.

  • Slide 12

    • Today Cola is made from Armenian insects
  • Slide 13

    Experience number 3

    • Determination of the acidity of soft drinks.
  • Slide 14

    The use of Coca-Cola in everyday life

    1. If you pour Cola into the toilet, it will make it noticeably cleaner.

    Slide 15

    • Toothpaste contains calcium and antibacterial substances that inhibit the growth of sodium fluoride and bacteria.
    • In case of burns, herpes or scratches, you can apply a little toothpaste to the affected area and you will quickly get rid of the problems.
    • Toothpaste can kill garlic or onion odors.
    • You can use toothpaste to remove stains from clothes.
    • Silver jewelry can be whitened well with toothpaste.
  • Slide 16


    • Prepare a message about chips, lollipops, hot dogs, etc. (optional)
  • Slide 17

    Thank you for the lesson

    View all slides


    Slide number 2 The purpose of the lesson:

    learn to use the knowledge gained in chemistry lessons in their practical activities.

    to analyze samples of sausages, samples of household chemicals, drinks.

    Object of study:

    sausage samples

    food quality

    safety of household chemicals

    Nutrition is the process of consuming food, as a result of which the body receives chemical energy and substances necessary for life.

    Nutrition has physiological, psychological, cultural and ecological significance.

    Nutrition Science - Nutritionology.

    Dietetics is the science of nutrition indicated for various diseases.

    Nutrients are substances found in foods or nutrients.

    "Mars are sneakers"

    "Chupa - Chups"

    "Kirieshki", pizza, hot dogs

    "Pepsi", "Colas", "Fanta", "Sprite", colored sweet carbonated drinks.

    1.Pour some soap powder into a glass and pour some water to cover the soap lightly .

    2.Wet the phenolphthalein paper and touch the skin of your hand with it.

    Draw a conclusion, which detergent would you recommend to use and why?

    Boiled sausage:

    30% is poultry.

    25% - emulsion

    25% soy protein.

    10% is just meat.

    8% flour / starch.

    2% - flavoring additives.


    1.On a fresh cut of sausage, apply a few drops of an alcohol solution of iodine using a cotton swab

    2. Note the color change and compare with the tabular data.

    Make a conclusion, what meat products would you recommend to use in food and why?

    Slide number 12

    1.Put in 2 cups 2-3 pieces of chalk ("fake" of our teeth).

    2. Pour some mineral water into the first glass, and "Coca-Cola" into the second.

    3. Observe the course of the reaction in each of the cups.

    Make a conclusion about the effect of soft drinks on the human body.

    (Kuryshkin D) Interesting facts about teeth.

    5. Message

    Slide number 15

    2. If you dyed your hair, and it turned out to be too saturated color, then Cola will help you to make it a little lighter.

    3. Pour Coca-Cola into your kettle and leave it there all day. It will remove all the limescale and the kettle will be like new inside.

    4. If old coins are soaked in Cola, it will make them more shiny.

    5. Coca-Cola is a good hair conditioner. Pour it all over your hair, rinse and dry


    Reflection (fill in at the end of the lesson)

    Chemistry lesson in the 9th grade "Substances in your life"

    "If the father of a disease is not always known, then its mother is always food" - Hippocrates

    Slide number 2 The purpose of the lesson:

    learn to use the knowledge gained in chemistry lessons in their practical activities.

    to analyze samples of sausages, samples of household chemicals, drinks.

    Object of study:

    sausage samples

    SMS, liquid and solid soaps, shampoos and gels

    Pepsi, Fanta, Cola, mineral water, carbonated water.

    Subject of study: chemical analysis suggested samples.

    Equipment and reagents: glass, Petri dishes, phenolphthalein paper, phenolphthalein solution, cotton swabs, iodine solution, pieces of chalk.

    Slide number 3 The main problems faced by a modern person:

    food quality

    safety of household chemicals

    Slide number 4 Why does a person eat? What do we know about food and nutrition?

    Nutrition is the process of consuming food, as a result of which the body receives chemical energy and substances necessary for life.

    Nutrition has physiological, psychological, cultural and ecological significance.

    Nutrition Science - Nutritionology.

    Dietetics is the science of nutrition indicated for various diseases.

    Nutrients are substances found in foods or nutrients.

    Slide number 5 Deficiency of healthy food

    "Mars are sneakers"

    "Chupa - Chups"

    "Kirieshki", pizza, hot dogs

    "Pepsi", "Colas", "Fanta", "Sprite", colored sweet carbonated drinks.

    The work is carried out according to the card - instructions. (Appendix # 1)

    Slide number 6 1. Student message (Berezina L) Historical reference. At first, people washed with plain water. Oils and abrasives such as wet sand and wet clay were sometimes used. The oldest known detergent for washing wool is stale (rotting) urine. Soap appeared in antiquity as a result of cooking animal fat with water and wood ash... Other detergents are ox bile.

    Synthetic detergents were not always available. Soap first appeared, it was invented back in Ancient Greece... The soap was made by heating the internal fat of animals with an ash solution (lye). In terms of composition, such soaps, when washed in hard water, formed insoluble calcium salts, which were clogged into the fibers of the fabric, making it hard (washed). Washing powders were invented at the end of the 9th century, and since the mid-30s of the last century they have firmly entered our life. Laundry detergents do not have the same disadvantages as soap.

    Slide No. 7 Experience No. 1 Determination of the nature of the environment of the detergent and identification of the agent that has a lesser adverse effect on the skin.

    1.Pour some soap powder into a glass and pour some water to cover the soap lightly . Stir with a glass rod until the soap dissolves.

    2.Wet the phenolphthalein paper and touch the skin of your hand with it.

    3.Gently lower this paper into a glass of soap solution.

    4. Similar actions can be done with solutions of: a) liquid soap; b) shampoo.

    Add a few drops of UI to the test solution.

    Slide number 8 Filling in the results in the table

    Draw a conclusion, which detergent would you recommend to use and why?

    Slide number 9 2. Message from the student (Shtepa Zh) What is sausage actually made of?

    Boiled sausage:

    30% is poultry.

    25% - emulsion

    25% soy protein.

    10% is just meat.

    8% flour / starch.

    2% - flavoring additives.


    Emulsion - leather, products, meat production waste - all this is ground and boiled to a state of light gray gruel.

    Flavoring additives - thickeners, colorants, "meat flavor", preservatives.

    The most common way to replace meat in sausages is to add soy protein instead. You mix it with water, and it turns into porridge, which can be salted, pepper, tinted and added to sausages instead of meat.

    The main property of soy protein is to absorb water, swell and increase the yield.

    Some companies use a supplement called carrot fiber. This fiber, like soybeans, has the ability to absorb moisture, which is beneficial for sausage growers. It is boldly poured into minced sausage, water is poured and it swells, increasing the weight of the final product several times.

    Slide number 10. Some tips for choosing sausages

    Slide No. 11 Experience No. 2 Determination of the presence of impurities in meat products by the example of sausages.

    1.On a fresh cut of sausage, apply a few drops of an alcohol solution of iodine using a cotton swab

    2. Note the color change and compare with the tabular data.

    Filling in the results in the table "Research of sausages"

    Make a conclusion, what meat products would you recommend to use in food and why?

    Slide number 12 3. student messages (Pimenova A) Interesting facts about Coca Cola.

    Coca-Cola was invented by the pharmacist John Pemerton in 1886. John considered the drink a medicinal tincture and thought it would help relieve stomach pains. This all makes sense, since the leaves of the coca bush, which was originally one of the ingredients in Coca-Cola, contains cocaine (0.1% to 0.9%). Today Coca-Cola is produced without the use of cocaine. Interestingly, Coca Cola still imports approximately 100 tons of coca bush leaves each year from a Peruvian firm called National Coca Co. Importing cocaine leaves into the United States requires approval from the US Drug Enforcement Administration. It takes 2 liters of water to produce one liter of Coca-Cola. What are the ingredients of Coca-Cola? The Coca Cola sticker reads: soda, cane sugar, caramel color, food acid (phosphoric acid 338), "flavor" and caffeine. However, there is also a secret ingredient in Coca-Cola called "Item 7X" and a description of this ingredient is kept in a security vault at a bank in Atlanta, Georgia. Only a limited number of high-ranking officials know what constitutes this secret component. The question arises: what do we really drink? What we know today is that Coca-Cola is a highly acidic beverage with a high amount of sugar that masks the acidic taste. The acid in Coca-Cola is called phosphoric acid, which is known to destroy organic matter. In reality, Coca-Cola makes the body prone to many diseases such as: osteoporosis (lack of calcium due to high phosphorus levels), cancer, mild depression, dental problems, and fatigue.

    Slide No. 13 Experience No. 3 Determination of the acidity of soft drinks.

    Drinks can be anything the student chooses.

    1.Put in 2 cups 2-3 pieces of chalk ("fake" of our teeth).

    2. Pour some mineral water into the first glass, and "Coca-Cola" into the second.

    3. Observe the course of the reaction in each of the cups.

    Make a conclusion about the effect of soft drinks on the human body.

    Slide number 14 4. Student message (Kuryshkin D) Interesting facts about teeth.

    Tooth enamel is the only and hardest tissue in the human body that does not regenerate.

    The largest number of teeth: Several times there were cases of teeth appearing for the 3rd time. In France, in 1896, a case became known when the teeth grew for the 4th time, Albert Hellwigy wrote in 1680 about a man with 3 rows of teeth.

    The very first teeth: There are many reports of babies being born with teeth. Prince Louis Dieudonne. Louis XIV, who later became King of France, was born with two teeth.

    Most expensive tooth: In 1816, the tooth of the famous scientist Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727) was sold in London for 730 pounds sterling. The buyer was a nobleman who inserted a tooth into a ring that he wore without removing it.

    The earliest artificial teeth: During the excavation of Etruscan burials, archaeologists have found parts of dental bridges, which were used in 700 BC. NS. in what is now Tuscany, Italy. Some of them were permanent, others were removable.

    5. Message (Khmelev V) History of toothpaste

    From time immemorial, even ancient people had to resort to various improvised means to remove food debris from their teeth. Than only people did not brush their teeth before the advent of toothpaste and brushes. For oral hygiene, we used ash, powdered stones, crushed glass, wool soaked in honey, charcoal, gypsum, plant roots, resin, cocoa beans, salt and many other exotic at sight modern man Components.

    The first toothpaste recipes date back to 1500 BC. The famous physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC) made the first description of dental diseases and recommended the use of toothpastes. In the second millennium BC. NS. already used tooth powder made from pumice with the addition of natural acids - tartaric vinegar or tartaric acid.

    Particular attention was paid to such moments as the freshness of breath, to maintain which it was recommended to use goat's milk. But the effectiveness of some of the recommendations for dental care, such as rubbing the ashes of burned parts of animals (mice, rabbits, wolves, bulls and goats) into the gums, rinsing the teeth with turtle blood three times a year, wearing a wolf bone necklace as a talisman for dental pain, would raise doubts today

    Slide number 15 The use of Coca-Cola in everyday life

    1. If you burned the pot, pouring Coke into it and bringing it to a boil, you can get the original state of the pot.

    2. If you dyed your hair, and it turned out to be too saturated color, then Cola will help you to make it a little lighter.

    3. Pour Coca-Cola into your kettle and leave it there all day. It will remove all the limescale and the kettle will be like new inside.

    4. If old coins are soaked in Cola, it will make them more shiny.

    5. Coca-Cola is a good hair conditioner. Pour it all over your hair, rinse and dry

    6. If you pour Cola into the toilet, it will make it noticeably cleaner.

    7. If you cannot unscrew the bolt due to the fact that it is rusted, then try this: take a rag. Dip it in Coca-Cola and wrap it around the bolt. Leave it all on for a few hours. After that, it will be much easier for you to unscrew this bolt.

    8. Clean your jewelry. Just place them in a glass of Cola, and then lightly brush over it. Just don't do this if you have any stones on your jewelry. It is very harmful for them!


    Slide №16 D \ W prepare a message about chips, hot dogs, chupa-chups, etc.

    Table salt - sodium chloride NaCl is not without reason an important component of food. This substance in a dissolved state is part of the blood and intercellular fluid. In case of severe bleeding, the volume of circulating blood is replenished with the so-called isotonic solution - 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

    The well-known potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate KMnO 4) is one of such "mysterious natures". For those who get acquainted with this substance for the first time, it presents many surprises: Potassium permanganate in solid form is crystals of a black-violet color that are readily soluble in water. In medicine, aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate of various concentrations are used. For rinsing and washing the stomach in case of poisoning - 0.01-0.1% - e solutions of a pale pink color, for washing wounds - 0.1-0.5% - e (pink), For the treatment of ulcers and burns - 2- 5% - e (purple). Potassium permanganate solutions are used to treat burns. Potassium permanganate will also help with a snakebite.

    Iodine. The name of the new element was given in 1813 by the French chemist Joseph - Louis Gay-Lussac () for the violet color of its vapor ("iodos" in Greek means "violet"). Sodium iodide from algae, interacting with sulfuric acid, releases iodine (I) ; at the same time, sulfur dioxide is formed - sulfur dioxide SO2: 2NaI + 2H2SO4 = I2 + SO2 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O For a long time iodine was not used in medicine.Only in 1904, the Russian military doctor Filonchikov introduced into practice 5-10% alcohol solutions of iodine for treatment of wounds.

    Baking soda. For the first time, this compound of the composition NaHCO 3 (sodium bicarbonate) was obtained in pure form by the French scientist Henri-Louis Duhamel de Monceau (). Later chemists different countries obtained this substance by passing carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of soda - sodium carbonate. Alkaline solutions of baking soda soften living tissues, so soda rinses in the throat and mouth contribute to the mechanical removal of the infection. Better yet, use baking soda - saline solutions with iodine added. Soda baths (1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water) are good for softening calluses on the hands and feet. They can be done 2-3 times a week. Fresh burns are treated with dry baking soda.

    Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia. The name "ammonia" comes from the name of the Ammon oasis and was assigned to this substance after 1787. Ammonia released from ammonia stimulates the respiratory centers. However, large amounts of ammonia can cause respiratory arrest. Ammonia is used as a first aid remedy to bring a person out of a fainting state.

    Proteins In metabolic processes between external environment and by the body, the leading place is occupied by the exchange of proteins. Proteins enter the body of humans and animals with different food, in which the protein content varies widely. Protein molecules are large, which is why they are called macromolecules. In addition to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, proteins can include sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Proteins differ from each other in the number, composition and sequence of monomers. Protein monomers are amino acids.

    Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (sugars) are one of the most important and widespread groups of natural organic compounds. They make up 80% of the dry matter mass of plants and about 2% of the dry matter of animal organisms. Animals and humans are not able to synthesize sugars and get them with various food products of plant origin. In plants, carbohydrates are formed from carbon dioxide and water during a complex reaction of photosynthesis, carried out by solar energy with the participation of the green plant pigment - chlorophyll.

    Fats Fats are an essential part of our food. They are found in meat, fish, dairy products, and grains. Any natural fat contains: phosphatides, sterols, vitamins, pigments and odor carriers. Usually, only a small part of fat is stored in the reserve, but due to improper lifestyle, the balance between the intake of substances and their consumption is disturbed, and this leads to obesity.

    Cosmetics Today's cosmetic "products" are in great demand among women. Any kind of cosmetics has a very complex composition. Despite the fact that these products make girls and women even more beautiful, they are still chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the body! Natural beauty is best.

    Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry, grade 11 M. Bustard, 2004. BB% D0% BA% D0% B8 & lr = 194 & stpar2 =% 2Fh1% 2Ftm5% 2F s3 & stpar4 =% 2Fs3 & stpar1 =% 2Fu0http: // Text =% D0% B1% D0% B5% D0% BB% % BA% D0% B8 & lr = 194 & stpar2 =% 2Fh1% 2Ftm5% 2F s3 & stpar4 =% 2Fs3 & stpar1 =% 2Fu

    Slide 1

    Slide 2

    Slide 3

    Every day we do the usual at first glance actions: salt food, write on the board with chalk, boil water. But in fact, we are performing chemical actions with various chemicals!

    Slide 4

    Table salt - sodium chloride NaCl is not without reason an important component of food. This substance in a dissolved state is part of the blood and intercellular fluid. In case of severe bleeding, the volume of circulating blood is replenished with the so-called isotonic solution - 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

    Slide 5

    The well-known potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate KMnO4) is one of such "mysterious natures". For those who get acquainted with this substance for the first time, it presents many surprises: Potassium permanganate in solid form is crystals of a black-violet color that are readily soluble in water. In medicine, aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate of various concentrations are used. For rinsing and washing the stomach in case of poisoning - 0.01-0.1% - e solutions of a pale pink color, for washing wounds - 0.1-0.5% - e (pink), For the treatment of ulcers and burns - 2- 5% - e (purple). Potassium permanganate solutions are used to treat burns. Potassium permanganate will also help with a snakebite.

    Slide 6

    Iodine. The name of the new element was given in 1813 by the French chemist Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) for the violet color of its vapor (“iodos” in Greek means “violet”). Sodium iodide from algae, interacting with sulfuric acid, releases iodine (I); at the same time, sulfur dioxide is formed - sulfur dioxide SO2: 2NaI + 2H2SO4 = I2 + SO2 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O For a long time iodine was not used in medicine. iodine solutions for treating wounds.

    Slide 7

    Baking soda. For the first time, this compound of the composition NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) was obtained in pure form by the French scientist Henri-Louis Duhamel de Monceau (1700-1781). Later, chemists from different countries obtained this substance by passing carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of soda - sodium carbonate. Alkaline solutions of baking soda soften living tissues, so soda rinses in the throat and mouth contribute to the mechanical removal of the infection. Better yet, use baking soda - saline solutions with iodine added. Soda baths (1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water) are good for softening calluses on the hands and feet. They can be done 2-3 times a week. Fresh burns are treated with dry baking soda.

    Slide 8

    Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia. The name "ammonia" comes from the name of the Ammon oasis and was assigned to this substance after 1787. Ammonia released from ammonia stimulates the respiratory centers. However, large amounts of ammonia can cause respiratory arrest. Ammonia is used as a first aid remedy to bring a person out of a fainting state.

    Slide 9

    All these substances are in every person's medicine cabinet. Chemical compounds are also present in the body of each of us, and they play a huge role for human life and health.

    Slide 10

    Proteins In the processes of metabolism between the environment and the body, the leading place is occupied by the exchange of proteins. Proteins enter the body of humans and animals with various food products, in which the protein content varies widely. Protein molecules are large, which is why they are called macromolecules. In addition to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, proteins can include sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Proteins differ from each other in the number, composition and sequence of monomers. Protein monomers are amino acids.

    Slide 11

    Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (sugars) are one of the most important and widespread groups of natural organic compounds. They make up 80% of the dry matter mass of plants and about 2% of the dry matter of animal organisms. Animals and humans are not able to synthesize sugars and get them with various food products of plant origin. In plants, carbohydrates are formed from carbon dioxide and water during a complex reaction of photosynthesis, carried out by solar energy with the participation of the green plant pigment - chlorophyll.

    Slide 12

    Fats Fats are an essential part of our food. They are found in meat, fish, dairy products, and grains. Any natural fat contains: phosphatides, sterols, vitamins, pigments and odor carriers. Usually, only a small part of fat is stored in the reserve, but due to improper lifestyle, the balance between the intake of substances and their consumption is disturbed, and this leads to obesity.


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