Dr. radish pharmaceutical company. Probation period or adaptation period

Salary. Collective. Budget. Good training school.

A guide that only looks at statistics. Deception by management. They promised 13 visits a day, but in reality up to 20 and this is not a joke. On top of this farm mugs and activities. If you do not wake up in time, I can offer you to quit own will or fired under the article. Ordinary employees are not appreciated.

23.10.19 12:59SamaraVasily Popov,

There is a budget for pharmaceutical events and medical conferences. The salary is adequate to the market.

The team is excellent, mostly those who went through school in European companies. As for the management segment, there is a complete inadequacy of management in relation to practical work in company. If you have a desire to make 10 visits in 3 hours, then this company will suit you. 6 hours of work on Webex or business trips are not compensated by a decrease in the volume of visits per day. Reviews themselves...

06.08.19 11:09 Moscow cityMichal Mikhalych,

Didn't notice anything positive.

I was at the interview, there is nothing special to write about the vacancy. Impressive recruiter. You rarely see such non-professionalism, often in facial expressions there were traces of contempt, irritation and arrogance :) The company got the impression of a sham office. I'm not writing because they didn't take it :) Don't think.

08.05.19 20:52 Moscow citygala,

Interviewed with HR manager Natalya Plotnikova. Natalia is a high-level professional: specific questions, everything is to the point, time frames are respected. I did not expect that HR would ask questions regarding the intricacies of specialization, but this was rather a pleasant surprise. During the conversation, feedback was given, which, in my opinion, is very important for the applicant. We have the most pleasant impressions of...

The only negative, in my opinion, is a long way to make a decision, which is typical for all big pharma.

08.08.18 14:03 Moscow citygosh gosh,

I was interviewed by the chief HR manager, and I will say frankly that the impression is stunning. Hairstyle - an explosion at a pasta factory (it will be a model for her) We were talking somewhere in the passage corridor, twisted into three deaths! One of the first phrases of this "specialist" we would like to see a candidate from Astra-Zeneca, and you are from another company, madam, and you did not try to read the resume at first, before ...

07.06.18 16:55 Moscow cityAnonymous

Social package

I love the company, but what is happening to her now is a quiet horror. Under the leadership of Fedotova, there is constant pressure and intimidation. empty promises about career and promotion! Fedotova has already placed and dragged her people from Shtada to all posts, so there are simply no chances for those who have been working in the company for a long time and work well! And also wild problems with HR! super incompetent mrs...

24.01.18 16:22 Moscow cityAnton Petrov,

Convenient office location

I was interviewing for a PC Operator position. Before the interview, they sent me an Excel test by mail. After it was successfully completed, they invited me to the office. At the interview itself, they drove me from manager to manager asking questions that were completely unrelated to work. They immediately asked how I feel about processing. As a result, after three such leaders, I was given another test of knowledge ...

31.08.17 13:18 Moscow cityhonest worker,

Car, travel.

Yes, guys, everything was fine at first, a great leader, exhibitions, interesting conferences, the corporate spirit of the company, and then it started, I worked for more than a year, I love the pharmaceutical business and my job, honestly, but when this happens, I want to leave and never return to this business. First, they "removed" our leader, who really built a team out of us, which annually ...

Yes, guys, everything was fine at first, a great leader, exhibitions, interesting conferences, the corporate spirit of the company, and then it started, I worked for more than a year, I love the pharmaceutical business and my job, honestly, but when this happens, I want to leave and never return to this business. First, they "removed" our leader, who really built a team out of us, which annually fulfilled the plan, worked for the benefit of the company and was the most friendly. Everything fell apart with the advent of a new leader, who was removed from the previous company and ours picked him up, it’s not clear why, because this kid doesn’t even fumble in many things))) At first he fired two for mistakes in planning, he took their place (GIRL 20 YEARS WITHOUT WORK EXPERIENCE and a guy from his last company, to whom he came to double once in a month). He could call at 9 pm and ask for something to be calculated, done, sent, he could write on weekends, during holidays and sick leave. Sometimes he asked him for a lift, for something to call. And when you refuse him, his mood changes and the war begins. He began to follow each of us, sitting in a car near pharmacies and hospitals, who left what time, came, arranged surprises at visits, of course everyone is ready for this. But his lies! The former leader taught us 5 plus, doubles, triples were always brilliant! And the current one stuck into the phone on doubles, playing applications, and then proved that everyone didn’t say something, although all this was said, but you can’t prove it to him. This year, just in time for the arrival of a new leader, our team exceeded the plan by 2.1 times, for which we were supposed to receive about 30-40 thousand rubles in bonuses. The company apparently did not intend to pay them. Wild surveillance and setups began. I did not pass a doctor who was on vacation and for this I was deprived of bonuses and warned that promotion in the future would be impossible, I would be on the verge of being fired and I would be closely monitored from now on (although it would seem, where to go!). The rest (ALL OF OUR TEAM) were also stripped of bonuses for misplanning or doubles (although this did not affect the quality of the visits) and were asked to write a letter of resignation, otherwise they would simply survive (so they said). So what's the point of this company and new management? I never understood. We worked for one year, some for two, some for more than 5 years, and we were all dispersed and deprived of bonuses when we overfulfilled the company's plan. But now they are recruiting newcomers with no experience or with experience of half a year or a year. I hope it's just that we were unlucky with the new leader, who simply wants to bring in all of his "friends" from the previous company, removing all of the current employees. I hope it's not Dr. Reddy's that fell so low. It's a shame when a brilliant leader is replaced by a similar guy and he turns on the status of a star, which supposedly allows him to do anything. Good luck to the company and employees! I'm sorry that the whole company is falling apart , as it turned out, we are not the first!


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