Labor standards and their classification. Classification of labor standards. All labor standards (time, output, service, number and controllability), depending on the methods of their development, are divided into two groups Labor standards and their classification

1.1 Classification of labor standards

2.6 Working conditions of workers


The level of labor productivity at the enterprise is characterized by the amount of time spent on the performance of this work. The smaller it is, the more labor productivity. Saving labor costs with high quality products is an indicator of the perfection of technology, technology and organization of production. Therefore, the technical rationing of labor is of great importance. Technical standardization is understood as the process of establishing a measure of labor costs (for specific organizations, organizational and technical conditions) for the manufacture of a unit of production or for performing a given amount of work for a certain period, taking into account the effective use of production tools and the use of advanced techniques and methods of labor.

Rational use of the fund of working time and equipment means the elimination of all-day and intra-shift losses. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze the use of working time in enterprises, since This makes it possible to identify the state of organization and maintenance of workplaces, labor discipline, the appropriateness of the adopted arrangement of workers and the degree of synchronization of their work, the influence of working conditions on the morbidity of workers and to outline measures to eliminate the loss of unreasonable expenditures of working time.

This course work offers an analysis of the use of working time, working conditions in the store of JSC "Detsky Mir".

1. Norms and classification of labor costs

1.1 Classification of labor standards

The main type of labor costs are the norms of time for an operation. When standardizing labor, operations are divided into labor elements: movements, actions, techniques and complexes of techniques.

The labor movement is the initial element of the labor process and is a one-time action of the worker, for example: reach out, take the workpiece, bring the workpiece to the chuck, etc.

Reception is a group of labor movements linked by one goal. Techniques can be basic, with the help of which the technological goal of this operation is achieved, and auxiliary, ensuring the implementation of basic techniques.

A set of techniques is a group of techniques combined according to a technological basis (for example, remove a machined part and install a workpiece).

The degree of dismemberment of the operation into its constituent elements depends on the purpose of the study and the type of production.

Also, labor standards include the norms of costs and results of labor, the characteristics of the normative organization of labor, conditions and wages.

There are the following cost rates there: time, production, maintenance, number and standardized task.

The rate of time (labor intensity of the operation) is the required time spent on the performance of a production operation by one or a group of workers of appropriate qualifications in the most rational organizational and technical conditions for a given enterprise. The size of the time norm is influenced by: the nature of the equipment used, the type and physical and chemical properties of the object of labor, the organization of labor and production, etc.

The production rate is calculated based on the time rate. The production rate is determined by the amount of work that must be performed per unit of time (hour, shift, etc.) by one or a group of workers.

Service rate is the number of pieces of equipment, production areas, etc., which is assigned to service for one worker or a group of workers.

The time rate is the amount of time required in the given organizational and technical conditions to service a piece of equipment during one calendar period (one shift, month).

Headcount rate - the number of employees to service the facility or perform a certain amount of work.

By the time the norms are valid, they are divided into permanent and temporary . Under permanent understand the rules for repetitive operations established for a relatively sustainable production and valid for a long period until the corresponding changes in working conditions. Under temporary understand the norms for operations established for the period of mastering new products or new technological processes (usually for 3-4 months).

Time rates and production rates must be technically justified. A technically sound norm is understood as the time set for certain organizational and technical conditions to perform a given work (operation) based on the rational use of the production capabilities of equipment and a workplace, taking into account advanced production experience. The application of such norms contributes to the identification and use of production reserves, the rational use of workers and equipment, and the growth of labor productivity.

When establishing technically sound standards, one should proceed from a rational technological process and a scientific organization of labor that correspond to the specifics of a particular production, as well as from the performance of work by workers of proper qualifications, the level of labor productivity of workers employed in similar jobs, and corresponds to sustainable indicators of the production of advanced workers (but not individual record achievements).

1.2 Organization and maintenance of workplaces

A workplace is an area of ​​labor activity of one or more performers, equipped with the necessary means to complete a production task.

The organization of a workplace is understood as equipment, rational planning and maintenance of workplaces that promote the use of advanced techniques and methods of work, increase labor productivity and the fullest use of the technical capabilities of equipment.

An important prerequisite for organizing workplaces is taking into account the main anthropometric indicators, i.e. the main dimensions of the human body. When organizing a workplace, it is necessary to provide for a rational working posture, which means the coordinated position of the body, head, arms and legs of the performer relative to the tools and objects of labor.

A posture is considered rational if the worker makes movements with maximum production efficiency, while spending the least amount of muscle and nervous energy, has the ability to perform fast and accurate movements with optimal development of muscle efforts.

Labor productivity in the workplace is largely determined by its technical equipment. The technical equipment of the workplace also affects the quality of products, the degree of worker fatigue and the attractiveness of labor.

Technological equipment includes the necessary fixtures and tools, organizational - equipment for storage and placement of technological equipment, materials, semi-finished products and spare parts.

The maintenance of a workplace is understood as a system of regulated provision of it with everything necessary (technical documentation, tools, materials, etc.) in an amount sufficient to maintain the continuity and a given intensity of the labor process. Rational service of workplaces is designed to ensure modern preparation for the execution of the production task and uninterrupted work during its implementation. Service functions include:

Production and preparatory (providing technical documentation, conducting production briefing, issuing a production task);

Repair (periodic inspection, repair, equipment lubrication);

Instrumental (repair, sharpening of tools, storage and delivery of tools and devices to workplaces);

Adjustment (adjustment and adjustment of equipment and technological equipment);

Material support (receipt, storage, assembly and delivery of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products to workplaces);

Transport and storage (movement of materials, parts and products, acceptance, labeling, accounting and issuance of material values);

Control (analysis and prevention of defects, quality control and acceptance of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products, maintenance and repair of measuring tools);

Repair and construction (timely production of current repairs of industrial buildings and organizational equipment);

Energy service (providing a workplace with all types of energy - electricity, steam, compressed air, etc.);

Household - household (maintenance of roads in working order, cleaning of working premises and territories, cultural and consumer services, landscaping of the territory).

Service of workplaces can be on duty, scheduled - preventive and standard.

Duty service is carried out upon the call of the main worker; scheduled - preventive - based on schedules - schedules for launching batches of parts, schedules for equipment changeover and its preventive inspection. It is performed, as a rule, outside the working hours of the main workers; standard - in a strictly regulated manner according to strict standard schedules in accordance with the rhythm of production.

1.3 Classification of labor costs

To identify the reserves of labor productivity, it is necessary to investigate the costs of working time during a shift or any period of time. For the purpose of a unified approach to the study and analysis of the actual costs of working time at all printing enterprises, the classification of the costs of working time by categories is used (see Appendix 1). According to this classification, all costs, working time during the working day (shift) are divided into work time and break time.

Work time consists of the cost of working time to complete the production task (time of productive work) and the time spent on the performance of work that is not due to the performance of the production task.

Time of productive work is subdivided into preparatory and final, operational and service time of the workplace. .

Time of preparatory and final work ( PZ) - the time spent by workers in connection with the transition to the manufacture of a new order (circulation), i.e. makeready, dressing of printed forms, changeover of machines to another format, volume, etc. A feature of the preparatory and final time is that it, as a rule, does not depend on the amount of work performed on this order, and is not repeated in every shift. .

Time of operational work (OP) is spent on the direct execution of the production task. It consists of main and auxiliary time.

The main time (O) is the time spent on the direct change of the subject of labor, for example, the time for printing products, sewing blocks, inserting blocks into binder covers, etc. It defines the number of manufactured products.

Auxiliary time (B) - the time required to ensure conditions during the main work, for example, charging the feeder and unloading the acceptance on a flatbed printing machine, threading on automatic sewing machines, etc.

Workplace service time (OM) is a constant expenditure of working time during a shift, aimed at maintaining the workplace in a working condition. It is divided into maintenance time and organizational maintenance time. During maintenance, workers make adjustments to adjust equipment, eliminate paper breaks, tape, etc.

Organizational maintenance of the workplace includes the time spent on caring for the workplace and its equipment at the beginning and at the end of the shift, i.e. inspection and lubrication of the machine, familiarization with the work, cleaning of the workplace, delivery of the shift.

During work on machine-automatic and hardware operations, the worker actively or passively observes the operation of the equipment. During active monitoring of the operation of the equipment, the worker must monitor the serviceability of the equipment, the observance of technological regimes to ensure high quality products, and although he does not perform physical work, his presence at the workplace is necessary. With passive observation, the worker does not need to monitor the operation of the equipment or the progress of the technological process.

When studying and analyzing the costs of working time, overlapping and non-overlapping time are distinguished. Overlapped is the time of work execution during the period of automatic movement of the machine. Non-overlapping work times require equipment shutdown.

Operational time, non-overlapping time of auxiliary work and maintenance of the workplace are referred to the standardized time. Work time that is not due to the completion of a production task includes time of unproductive and casual work.

Time of unproductive work (NW) is spent on actions of the worker that are not provided for by the technology and organization of labor, for example, correcting his marriage, searching for tools, etc.

Random work time ( SR) - the time spent on performing work that is not part of the worker's duties, for example, the printer removes the ambulance from the roll of paper, the delivery of materials. This work must be performed by auxiliary workers.

Break times during which the worker does not take part in the labor process are divided into the following categories:

time for rest and personal needs (OT) is regulated by working conditions and is set by the worker to maintain normal working capacity, as well as for personal hygiene and natural needs;

break time for organizational and technical reasons (PO) - loss of working time that does not depend on the worker (lack of work, electricity, machine breakdown, waiting for the foreman, etc.);

time of breaks due to violation of labor discipline (PR) - these losses of working time include being late for work, leaving the workplace, extraneous conversations, premature end of work.

The time of unproductive and casual work, as well as the time of breaks for organizational and technical reasons and due to violation of labor discipline are referred to as irregular working hours.

The cost of working time is studied by observing the work of the equipment and all the actions of the performers at the workplace, using various methods of observation.

To establish technically sound standards, the method of direct measurement of working time is used.

The method of direct measurements includes photography of working hours, timing and photo timing.

1.4 Methods for studying the cost of working time

1.4.1 Timing

Timing is used to check the norms established by calculation, mainly in mass and large-scale production. In addition, timekeeping is used when learning advanced methods of working with a goal.

The process of timing includes: dividing the investigated operation into its constituent elements; measuring these elements in time in the order of their execution; analysis of observation results and selection of elements for inclusion in the rational composition of operations; determination of the normal duration of the execution of each element.

Timing can be continuous and selective. When continuous, all methods of operation are continuously measured in their technological sequence; with selective - during the execution of the operation, only individual techniques are measured, regardless of their sequence, but in such a way that, ultimately, the duration of all the steps of the operation is determined.

Timing consists of the following stages: - preparation for observation, - observation, - processing of timing observations, - analysis of results, - conclusions, - setting standards and designing standards for operational time.

Preparation for timing observation consists in dividing the operation into complexes of techniques, techniques or movements (depending on the purpose of timing), designing a rational structure of the operation, getting acquainted with the equipment, working conditions, tariffing of work and compliance with its qualifications of the worker.

In preparation for the observation, the front side of the time-observation sheet (chronocard) is filled in, where the following initial data are recorded: the name and characteristics of the product being manufactured; the name of the monitored operation;

the number of products in the batch; discharge of work; information about magic, equipment, tools, fixtures; information about the worker (surname, qualifications, experience, production characteristics). A sketch of the product is also drawn here, and other information is provided that fully characterizes this operation.

The supervisor should make sure that all noticed problems are eliminated, and that the necessary pace and smooth running of work is ensured. In addition, he must determine the most rational division of the operation into its constituent elements, eliminating unnecessary movements. The establishment of the rational composition and structure of the operation is carried out by the observer, both on the basis of personal experience and by studying the methods of work of innovators in similar operations.

For timing, a worker or a group of workers is selected who are well aware of the mechanism, tools and devices used to perform this operation, who are able to rationally use their working day, who are appropriate in their qualifications, the work performed, who have production experience and skills in work.

Usually, time-based observations are carried out over the work of advanced workers who fulfill and overfulfill planned tasks and ensure a high level of labor productivity. These workers must be warned about the observations being made, their purpose and instructed so that the work proceeds according to the projected optimal mode.

Preparation for observation ends by entering the elements of the studied operation in their technological sequence into the observation sheet and establishing fixing points. The fixation point means the moment at which the end of the last movement of the previous technique (complex) coincides with the beginning of the first movement of the subsequent procedure. The establishment of fixation points is necessary for the correct measurement of the duration of the receptions. In addition, in the process of preparing for the observation, the column "Technical characteristics" is filled in, where indicators are given that characterize the technical conditions for performing the operation under study.

In the process of observation, the duration of each normalized element of the operation (movement, technique, or a set of techniques) is measured and recorded. To measure the duration, stopwatches, chronometers for special time recorders (multi-dial pointer and digital devices), devices for applying information to special forms or punched tape and film equipment are used. The duration of the operation elements is determined by the current time or on separate samples.

When recording according to the current time, data is entered into the observation sheet, fixing the moment of the end of the first and the beginning of subsequent elements of the operation without stopping the chronometer or stopwatch. The duration of the operation elements required to obtain the time series is determined later, in the process of processing the time observation data.

With selective timing, during the operation, the duration of only individual standardized elements is recorded. In this case, the stopwatch or chronometer is set in motion at the beginning of this element of the operation and is turned off simultaneously with its end.

The first method (determination by the current time) is more convenient. Timing observations should be started at a steady, rational pace of work, when all the stipulated conditions are met and labor techniques are mastered. The observer fixes the duration of the normalized elements of the operation, and also in a special column of the chrono chart notes the duration of breaks and various deviations that occurred during timekeeping. As a result of timing observations for each element of the operation, multiple recorded data on the duration of its execution are accumulated, forming a timing series. Each element of the operation corresponds to one time series. The number of members of this series is equal to the number of time measurements taken. When timing, special attention is paid to manual and machine-manual methods of operation, machine methods are determined by calculation.

The number of measurements that make up the chronological sequence should be sufficient to obtain a reliable standard. It is recommended to select the minimum required number of measurements according to the table in Appendix 1.

work time fund

The time series obtained in the course of observations are analyzed and subjected to statistical processing. Analysis and processing of time series are performed in the following order: a) make up series with a sufficient number of measurements;

b) establish the degree of stability of the series; c) calculate the standard duration of each element; d) identify the possibility of combining the elements of the operation; e) establish the standard of operational time.

In the practice of standardization, the degree of stability of a series is usually measured by the stability coefficient k y, i.e. the ratio of the maximum value of the timing series t max to the minimum t min:

k y = t max / t min

The closer to one the value of the coefficient, the more stable the series. Through the practice of technical regulation, for various types of production, admissible coefficients of stability of time series have been developed. With a stable time series, the time standard for each element of the operation is determined as the arithmetic mean of all measurements of the time series.

After establishing the normal duration of individual elements of the operation, an analysis of the results is carried out, the data of which are used in the form of a time norm or primary material for the development of time standards for auxiliary and main work.

The observation results are analyzed from the point of view of rationalizing the operation and reducing the time spent on individual elements of the operation.

Timekeeping data is used for: developing time standards for hand-made and machine-hand-made elements;

establishment of time norms for individual operations, mainly in conditions of mass and large-scale production, verification and clarification of time norms established by the method of technical calculation according to standards; studying the methods and techniques of work of advanced workers with the aim of their wide dissemination.

The method of timekeeping used in serial and large-scale production makes it possible to determine the elements of the labor process using a stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.5-0.6 s. ...

1.4.2 Photo of working time (RFW)

A photograph of working time is a method of researching the work process in order to identify the costs of working time during the period under study (as a rule, over one or several shifts). With this method, the main attention is paid to identifying the loss of working time, as well as studying the costs of preparatory and final time, the time of servicing the workplace and the time required for rest. This is the main difference between the photography of the working day and the timing of the operation, the task of which is to study the elements of the time of operational work. The photo of the working day is taken with the aim of:

drawing up the actual balance of the working time of the shift by identifying all its costs for this period, grouping them by time categories (preparatory and final, main, auxiliary, break time, etc.);

Revealing the causes of losses and waste of time with the subsequent development of measures to eliminate them;

Designing the normal balance of working hours,

providing for the improvement of the use of working time by eliminating losses;

obtaining the data necessary for standardizing the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace and breaks, for compiling standard tables for these categories of time;

determining the number of workers required to service individual units, or the number of pieces of equipment serviced by one worker.

When photographing a working day, the work of the mechanisms and the workers serving them is monitored with appropriate marks in the observation sheet of the photograph of the working day with an accuracy of 1 min. At the end of the observation, the data obtained is processed: a summary of time by categories of labor time costs is compiled; develop organizational and technical measures; design a normal balance of working hours; systematize the data necessary for drawing up standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace, time for rest.

The level of detail in the records depends on the purpose of the photograph and on the type of production. In the conditions of single and small-scale production, less detail is allowed than in large-scale and mass production, where a more accurate analysis of the time spent is required, but all interruptions in work are always recorded in detail, indicating their reasons. For the purposes of analysis, the results of a photograph of a working day are grouped by categories of working hours.

To facilitate the processing of observation results, the conventions of time categories are used - indices developed in accordance with the classification of time expenditures, an example of which is given in Table 2 (Appendix 1.).

There are the following types of photography of the working day: individual, when one worker is the object of observation; group, when the object of observation is a group of workers performing the same or different operations independently of each other; brigade, when the object of observation is a group of workers, interconnected by the unity of the production task.

The photo of the working day is taken in the following order:

preparation for observation, consisting in a detailed study and description of the object of observation and the production environment; direct photograph of the working time by registering all time-consuming elements without exception; processing of the received data. Processing includes: determining the duration of certain types of time expenditures; drawing up the actual balance of working time by groups; time-consuming analysis and design of a new, normal workday balance. When designing a normal balance, it is possible to combine individual elements in time, eliminate unnecessary elements, eliminate unregulated interruptions, and take organizational and technical measures to ensure troubleshooting. As a result, the production rate increases due to the compaction of the working day.

According to the observation technique, a photograph of a working day can be: continuous, when time measurements are taken continuously throughout the observation period, and discontinuous(route), in which time measurements are taken at certain, relatively short intervals; such a photo of the working day is used for workers (or teams) who do not have permanent jobs, for example, for transport teams, etc.

There are two types of recording data from photographs of the working day in the observation sheet: digital, when the observation data are recorded only in numbers; graphic , when the duration of the observed actions is graphically (to scale) marked in the rows of the corresponding categories (by indices) of time.

Photographing a working day is a laborious process that requires the involvement of a large number of rationers for an objective judgment about the time reserves for all areas of production. Loss of working time can be more complete and easier to identify by self-photograph of the working day. . In recent years, it has become widespread, but only as a way to analyze the loss of working time, and not rationing the operation.

The term "self-photography" means that all recordings are made directly by the performer himself, who records only the reasons and duration of the loss of time. Establishing losses in time and the reasons for their occurrence, the worker makes specific proposals for their elimination, as well as rationalization proposals for improving the organization of production.

Unlike ordinary photography of a working day, self-photography can simultaneously cover a large number of workers of various specialties and qualifications, engaged in different jobs.

2. Analysis of the state and organization of labor at JSC "Detsky Mir"

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

OJSC "Detsky Mir" was created in the process of privatization of state and municipal enterprises. He was the founder of Detsky Mir OJSC. State Property Management Committee.

the city of Pavlodar having endowed the Company with the authorized capital in the amount of 228 thousand tons, which can be increased at the expense of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise of additional contributions of the founders or other receipts.

The company is a legal entity under the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Company records its assets and their sources on an independent balance sheet. As a legal entity, the Company has the appropriate attributes: a round seal containing the full corporate name. Company and its location stamps letterheads with its name own emblem other means of visual identification.

For settlements. The Company, in accordance with the established procedure, opens settlement and foreign currency accounts in banking institutions.

In order to achieve the goals of its activities, the Company has the right to conclude transactions on its own behalf, acquire property and non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The company has the right of ownership in relation to the property recorded on its independent balance sheet, including the property transferred to it by the founder during its creation. Companies, as well as property transferred to the Company in payment for shares.

The company is liable for its obligations within the limits of the property and property rights belonging to it, on which, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, can be levied. Shareholders are not liable for the company's obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with its activities within the value of the shares they own. The company is not responsible for the obligations of the state and its shareholders.

The main activity of the company is retail trade, however it has general legal capacity. The company has civil rights and bears the obligations necessary for the implementation of any activities not prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The company was founded for an unlimited period.

Governing bodies

The supreme governing body of the Company is the general meeting of shareholders.

Supervisory Board of JSC. His competence includes the solution of issues of general management of activities. Of the Company, with the exception of issues attributed to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of shareholders.

The General Director of the JSC manages the day-to-day activities. The Company alone makes decisions on all issues not attributed to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Company.

Technologically, the department store consists of 9 sections, 2 kiosks, a cafeteria and 2 warehouses.

In addition to the traditional components for trade, structural divisions have been created and are working: a repair and construction service, a security and order protection service, a canteen.

The enterprise has a linear - functional management structure.

The number of employees at the enterprise is 122 people. Personnel policy planning is aimed at attracting highly qualified specialists and unleashing their creative potential, which is achieved through selection, training, and encouragement. The selection of employees is carried out on the basis of a probationary period. Incentives include both material payments and measures of a moral nature.

All employees are paid a salary depending on the position held. Labor remuneration is based on official salaries and depends on the amount of time actually worked and the achievement of the final results of the enterprise.

The department store sells a wide range of product groups with a very deep assortment. In the total volume of goods turnover, goods for children 's assortment account for more than 50%. Trading is carried out on two floors with a total area of ​​2300 sq. M. The daily traffic of 1000-1200 customers in the department store during the seasonality of preparation for school for the New Year holidays, this figure increases 2 - 3 times.

According to the accounting policy, Detsky Mir OJSC applies the method of sale by payment.

The company has a fairly stable financial condition. The size of the trade markup for the enterprise is about 35%, it is formed taking into account the costs associated with the delivery, storage, sale of goods, the rate of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. In pricing, the company adheres to the policy of average prices in the city's trade market.

The profitability of the sold groups fluctuates in its value depending on the product group, the saturation of its presence on the market, and quality characteristics. In general, the profitability of the enterprise in different periods of activity is 5 - 8%.

Let's consider the main technical and economic indicators of JSC "Detsky Mir" in the form of table 1.

The value of the output to the table, per worker, is calculated according to the following formula:

Output = Volume of products sold / Number of employees

Production (2008) = 480.41 / 79 = 6.08 thousand tons.

The average salary in the table is calculated using the formula:

Average salary = payroll / number of employees

Average salary (2008) = 2765/79 = 35 thousand tons.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the table: the number of permanent staff in the store is 79 people. The volume of products sold, in comparison with 2007, in 2008 increased by 42.5%, which amounted to 143.19 thousand tons, which is associated with an increase in output per employee, which is respectively 42.5%. The payroll was also increased in 2008 by 22.9% or 516.9 thousand tons. The salary of trade and operational workers increased by 6.54 thousand tons. or 22.9%.

Table 1

Characteristics of the activities of the store "Detsky Mir" according to the main technical and economic indicators.


Growth rate,

Number of trading and operating personnel, people

Volume of products sold, thousand tons

Production per worker,

Payroll of employees, thousand tons

Average salary of employees,

2.2 Organization and maintenance of workplaces

Consider the organization and maintenance of workplaces at the JSC "Detsky Mir" using tables 2 and 3.

table 2

Workplace maintenance

Service functions


Time consumption, min.

Receipt of goods and documentation

Receipt of goods and verification of certificates

Commodity specialist

Adjustment and adjustment of equipment

Elimination of equipment failures

Specialists in the repair of this type of equipment

Repair of equipment

Elimination of breakdowns

Until complete elimination of breakage

Packaging of goods received

Distribution, packaging


Cleaning waste and poor quality products


Delivery of money to collectors

Filling out the cash book and handing over the money to the accounting department

Seller - cashier

According to the data given in the table, the following conclusions can be drawn: equipment breakdown leads to the greatest loss of working time, since it can cause the impossibility of continuing the work process. OJSC Detsky Mir has backup equipment that replaces the main equipment during repairs and troubleshooting of arisen malfunctions in its operation (spare cash registers, racks, showcases). The organization of a workplace is a system of measures for equipping it with tools and items, placement in a certain order. The organization of servicing the workplace means providing it with the means, objects of labor and services necessary for the implementation of the labor process. Let's consider the equipment of workplaces at JSC "Detsky Mir" using the data in Table 3. Where will the equipment of a workplace in the cafeteria of JSC "Detsky Mir"

Table 3

Equipping the workplace with technological equipment, tools, devices



Number of units

Deviations (+, -)

According to the standard



food cutting knives

pastry tongs

disposable tableware

Technological equipment, devices


showcases, counters

refrigerated cabinets - showcases

cash register equipment

Lifting - vehicles


The table shows that there are deviations from the norms, this suggests that the workplace is not fully equipped with the necessary tools and equipment, which makes the work of sellers not of high quality and not operational. Consequently, there is a loss of working time due to the organization of jobs in the cafeteria of OJSC "Detsky Mir".

2.3 Use of working time

In order to eliminate the loss of working time and its rational use, it is necessary to study its possible losses and ways to eliminate them. There are both whole-day and intra-shift losses of working time. Their study is possible when conducting timekeeping and photographing working hours, as well as on the basis of timetable data. Consider the loss of time at JSC "Detsky Mir" using a photograph of the seller's working day (data are given in table 4)

Table 4

Photo of the seller's working day

Name of the cost of working time

Current time,

hours and minutes

Duration, min.

Came to work

Acceptance of goods

Product layout by showcases

Workplace preparation

Turned on the cashier

Entered the data into the cashier

Started to work

Customer Service

Separation from work for personal needs

Talking on the phone

Customer Service

Changed the cash register tape

Customer Service

Separation from work for personal needs

Customer Service

Started to work

Cleaning tables in the cafeteria

Customer Service

Brought disposable tableware

Customer Service

Taking readings from the cash register

Cleaning the workplace and tables in the cafeteria

Going home

In order to find out whether the seller uses his working time rationally in the cafeteria, consider his balance.

Table 5

The balance of expenses of the seller's working time

The amount of actual costs, min.

Preparatory - final time

Time of operational work

Time for rest and personal needs

Time of violation of labor discipline

Work stoppage time for organizational and technical reasons

Time service place

The following conclusions can be drawn from the tables:

The operational time is equal to 329 minutes out of 480 minutes of the work shift. This suggests that it is not being used rationally and needs improvement.

The service time of the site takes 52 minutes, which means the seller does not work efficiently.

Time for rest and personal needs takes 67 minutes 60 of which are lunchtime. It means that it does not represent big losses.

The time of unscheduled breaks is 29 minutes (talking on the phone and stopping at work for organizational and technical reasons), which is 6.04% of the work shift time (8 hours).

Let's calculate the utilization rate of working time, it is found by the following formula:

Quisp. = (OP + PZ + OM + OLN) / work shift time * 100%

Quisp. = (329+ 3 + 52 + 67) / 480 * 100% = 93.96%

The coefficient of loss of working time is found by the following formula:

Kloss = (software + OL) / work shift time * 100%

Loss = (22 + 7) / 480 * 100% = 6.04%

The utilization rate of working time is 93.96%, and the coefficient of its losses is 6.04%, it can be concluded that 29 minutes of working time are not used rationally. Consider the value of the loss factor in relation to its utilization factor, the loss factor is of considerable importance, this suggests that it is necessary to take measures to eliminate unplanned interruptions in the work of the seller of this department in order to ensure prompt customer service.

2.4 Organization of the labor process

The labor process is a set of labor actions carried out in a specific order.

Optimization of the structure of the labor process is achieved by reducing the number of labor movements and improving the methods of their implementation. Consequently, an important factor in building a rational labor process is the classification of labor movements (see Appendix 3).

The choice of rational labor movements, taking into account their classification, should be reduced to the following: when designing the labor process, preference should be given to short movements, since they are less tiring. Horizontal arm movements are faster and less tiring than vertical arm movements.

Combining labor movements (arms and legs), in addition to saving time, reduces employee fatigue.

To trace the labor process of customer service, we will carry out its graphical analysis.

Table 6

Graphical analysis of the customer service workflow

Duration of action, min.

Left hand

Right hand

Took pastry tongs

Took a plate

Went to the showcase

I took the pyro

Put down the tongs and put down the plate

Took a glass

Poured tea

Put sugar

Put a purchase on the counter

Has beaten off the check to the buyer

Took the money

Gave the purchase

Gave change

This table clearly shows the number of movements made by the seller's body, legs and arms, as well as the time spent on their implementation.

So, the customer service process takes 1 minute 6 seconds. The body of the seller, practically, is standing throughout the entire process (out of 12 techniques, 8 are performed while standing, 4 are bent over, which is associated with packing sugar).

The seller's legs are involved in walking, or they perform a simple one, which is necessary to perform a technique. There are no unplanned downtime. As for the hands, the following can be traced: most of the techniques are performed with the right hand (packing, packaging, holding, transporting sugar, paying customers), i.e. she is involved in all the techniques. The left hand makes fewer movements, which are mainly auxiliary (deliver the goods, hold when packing, etc.), or makes a simple one.

Of all the techniques described above, in my opinion, the packaging of sugar should be improved, because, in order to weigh the required amount of sugar, the seller takes 0.6 minutes, which is 45.11% of the time of the entire process of selling the goods. To create a prompt customer service, it is necessary to introduce measures to eliminate the loss of working time, for example. hire a second salesperson.

2.5 Rationing and wages at Detsky Mir

There are the following norms at Detsky Mir OJSC: headcount, service, working hours.

The store employs 122 people. Each salesperson works in a corresponding department. The working day for sellers is 8 hours. The production rate per one seller is 6080 tenge per shift, depending on it, the employee's salary is calculated, the average amount of which is 10909.03 tenge per month. With an increase in output, the seller's salary will also increase. Consequently, at JSC Detsky Mir, piece-rate wages are applied, i. E. The seller's earnings are determined based on the number of products sold and the price per unit. The rest of the employees are paid time wages, i.e. wages depend on the amount of time worked by the employee.

2.6 Working conditions of workers

An important role in the system of labor organization is played by the improvement of the worker's working conditions. Working conditions are a production environment in which human activity takes place during labor, and the working capacity of a person, his attitude to work, and his state of health depend on their condition. Consider the working conditions of employees at Detsky Mir.

If we talk about working conditions, we can highlight the following: optimization of work and rest regimes, modern equipment with minimal noise impact is applied. Also, great attention is paid to temperature, humidity and air velocity in the workplace. At Detsky Mir, the values ​​of these factors correspond to sanitary and hygienic standards: air humidity does not exceed 75%, temperature is no more than 30 degrees, when air moves from 0 to 0.2 m / s. To maintain these values, the store uses air conditioning and ventilation. Glazing of windows protects from the intrusion of air currents and wind. Lighting plays an important role in the labor process. It should be borne in mind that natural light stimulates the vital activity of the body, this suggests that artificial lighting should be minimal and used only when necessary. In the store in question, artificial lighting is used, if necessary, in the morning and in the evening, as well as partially throughout the working day (window lighting). There are no aesthetic factors such as the use of color, form and music in a person's labor activity at Detsky Mir OJSC.

3. Calculation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures to eliminate the loss of working time at JSC "Detsky Mir"

Summing up the results of this course work, we can highlight the following measures to eliminate the loss of working time in the cafeteria of JSC "Detsky Mir".

1. Measures to improve the equipment of workplaces, providing them with the necessary equipment.

2. From the graphing method in Chapter 2, you can see that the salesperson spends a significant amount of time serving one customer. Because of this, the time for servicing is not distributed rationally and it is necessary to reduce the time spent on servicing one client in order to make the seller's work more efficient.

By working together, sellers will be able to serve buyers at the same time.

This will lead to serving more customers with the same shift times. Let's calculate the effectiveness of the introduction of this measure.

Table 7

Initial data



Value of indicators

Number of employees covered by the event

Reduction of losses of working time for one employee per shift

Annual fund of working time

Average monthly payroll

Standard coefficient of comparative economic organizational measures

One-time costs

Let's calculate the possible time saving, in person - hour, according to the formula:

Evr. = P * Chokhv. * F / 60,

where P is the reduction in the loss of working time for one employee per shift, min; Chokhv - the number of employees covered by the event, people; Ф - annual effective fund of time in days.

Evr. = 126 * 1 * 262/60 = 550.2 people - hour

Let's calculate the savings in number, people, according to the formula:

Ech. = Evr. / Fchas.,

where Fchas. - fund of working time in hours.

Ech. = 550.2 / 2096 = 0.26 people.

Let's calculate the increase in labor productivity,%, according to the formula:

Fri. = Ech. * 100 / (Chokhv. - Ech.), Ptr. = 0.26 * 100 / (1 - 0.26) = 19.24%

Let's calculate the savings in wages, thousand tons, according to the formula:

Ezp. = Ech. * Fszp,

where Fszp is the average annual wage fund, thousand tons.

Ezp. = 0.26 * 230.42 = 59.9 thousand tons.

Let's calculate the savings on contributions to extra-budgetary funds:

Evn. = Ezp. * 3.58.

Evn. = 59.9 * 3.58 = 214.44 thousand tons.

Let's calculate the savings on cost reduction, thousand tons:

Ess = Ezp. + Evn.

Ess = 59.9+ 214.44 = 274.34 thousand tons.

Using the above calculated values, we calculate the annual economic effect of the proposed event using the formula:

Eg. = Ess - En. * Zed.,

Where is En. - standard coefficient of comparative economic efficiency of organizational measures; Zed. - one-time costs (the cost of introducing the event).

The standard coefficient is calculated by the formula:

En. = 1 / Tn.,

Where Tn. - standard payback period of the event, years.

For Detsky Mir OJSC, the payback period (Tn.) Will be 0.08 years, since for carrying out this event, the cash costs will be the salary of a new employee, then they will be equal to 16.63 thousand tons, therefore, the annual economic effect will be equal to:

Eg. = 274.34 - 1 / 0.08 * 16.63 = 66.465 thousand tons.


In this course work, the identification and study of the cost of working time, analysis of its rational use, the possibility of taking measures to eliminate the loss of working time (based on photographs of working time) was carried out, as well as the annual economic effect of a possible event was calculated.

The annual economic effect is 66.465 thousand tons. At the same time, Detsky Mir will spend 16.63 thousand tons on the implementation of this measure. This suggests that the introduction of this event will be beneficial for the enterprise, as well as reduce the loss of working time for the seller, which will make customer service more efficient.

Thus, in dealing with the rationing of labor, enterprises organize the efficiency of their work, in order to organize an operational labor process at the lowest material costs and make a profit from production.


1. Adamchuk V.V., Romanov O.V., Sorokina M.S. Economics and Sociology of Labor: Textbook for universities. - M .: UNITI, 2000 .-- 407s.

2. B.Z. Zel'dovich, N.I. Safonova, M.A. Pavlova. Organization and planning of printing production. - M .: Kniga, 1990 .-- 401s.

3. Scientific organization of labor and labor rationing in mechanical engineering: A textbook for engineering and economic universities and faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1984. - 464p .: ill.

4. Labor rationing in industry: Teaching aid for the system of advanced training of executives and industry specialists. - M .: Economics, 1982 .-- 296s.

5. Labor rationing in trade. / ed. S.F. Novozhilova. - M .: Economics, 1989 .-- 419p.

6. Organization, planning and management of a mechanical engineering enterprise: A textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities. / THEM. Razumov, L.A. Glagoleva, M.I. Ipatov, V.P. Ermilov. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1982 .-- 544s.: Ill.

7. Organization, planning and management of a mass mechanical engineering enterprise: a textbook for students of engineering specialties of universities. / V.V. Vlasov, G.B. Katz and V.I. Kozyrev and others - M .: Vysh. Shk., 1985. - 432s.: Ill.

8. Organization and planning of radio engineering production. Management of an enterprise in the radio industry: A textbook for radio engineering specialties of universities. / D.D. Voenkov, L.G. Golovach, T.A. Gorskaya et al. - M .: Higher. Shk., 1987 .-- 351s. :: ill.

9. Sociology of Labor: Textbook / ed. N.I. Dryakhlova, A.I. Kravchenko. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow University, 1993. - 368p.

10. Shapiro I.I. Scientific organization of workers' labor in mechanical engineering. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1987 .-- 256s.: Ill.

Annex 1

The required number of observations during timing and permissible stability coefficients of timing series

Production type

Duration of the element, s

Permissible stability factor

Number of observations

For machine work

For manual work

Machine works


With observation accuracy,%





Appendix 2

Classification of labor movements

Signs of classification of labor movements

A variety of labor movements


Long, short


Horizontal, Children's peaceful, radial, rectilinear


Separate (single), combined (parallel)


Cozy, decisive


Continuous, intermittent with constant or alternating direction

Functional purpose

Necessary, unnecessary, corrective, emergency

Physical severity

Light, tense

There are the following types of labor standards: time rates, production rates, service time rates, service rates, headcount rates, standardized tasks for time workers. In a broad sense, labor standards also include standards of manageability (the regulated number of persons directly subordinate to one manager), labor complexity standards (qualification categories of workers, categories of labor complexity of specialists), wage standards (tariff rates, official salaries), labor conditions ( sanitary and hygienic, safety, etc.). Let us reveal the content of the norms that directly express the measure of labor.

The norm of time is the reasonable time spent on performing a unit of work (one production operation, one part, one product, one type of service, work of a certain volume, etc.) by one employee or a group of employees of a specified number and qualifications in specific production (organizational and technical) conditions. Time rates are calculated in man-minutes and man-hours. For example-286

measures, the norm for the manufacture of product "A" is 16 man-hours, the norm for the production of 1 m of fabric "K * - - 38 man-minutes.

Production rate- this is the number of units of work (production operations, parts, products, volume of work, services, etc.) that must be performed per unit of time (hour, shift, month, etc.) by one employee or a group of employees of a specified number and qualifications in specific "production (organizational and technical) conditions. For example, the rate of production of products" B "is 260 pieces per shift, the rate of production of material" C "- 85 m per hour.

Between the norm of time (N Kp) and the rate of production (L g T1yr) there is an inverse proportional relationship:

where T? - the time at which the production rate is set, h. min;

NS - the number of workers employed in the performance of this work, people.

The output rate indicator is more convenient to use where the time rate indicator has a relatively small value. So, if the rate of time for the production of part "D" is 12 s / piece. and, accordingly, the production rate of this part is 300 pcs / h, then it is more expedient to bring the production rate to the contractor.

Service time rate~ this is a reasonable time spent on servicing a piece of equipment, production areas or other production units by one employee or a group of employees of a specified number and qualifications v specific production (organizational and technical) conditions. Service times are a subset of service times. They are calculated in man-minutes and man-hours and are used mainly in the rationing of the work of auxiliary workers. For example, the set-up rate for one machine is 20 minutes.

Service rate- this is a reasonable number of objects (machines, mechanisms, jobs, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees must serve per unit of working time (hour, shift, month, etc.). For example, the norm for the maintenance of machine tools by adjustment work for one fitter is 24 machines per shift. In essence, service rates are a variety of output rates and are used, like service time rates, mainly in the rationing of auxiliary workers.

There is also an inverse proportional relationship between the service rate and the service time rate.

Population rate- this is the required number of workers of certain professions and qualifications established according to the standards for performing specific work within a given time (shift, month, etc.). Such standards are established for the performance of work that is unstable in composition and repeatability, or for the maintenance of any objects (workplaces, apparatus, units, etc.).

Normalized task this is a set amount of work that must be performed by a time-paid employee or their fuipa for a certain time (shift, month, etc.).


The normalized elements of the expenditure of working time are used to form labor standards.

The composition of the time norm can be represented as follows:

L G "R = L", + L / - "+ L" in + N *+ ЛГ „_, + AU

where N H,- the norm of the preparatory and final time; Л "" - the norm of the main time; N B - auxiliary time rate;

AU is the time rate for technological and organizational maintenance of the workplace;

Nf, t l - the norm of time for rest and personal needs;

L ", is the rate of time of unavoidable interruptions provided for by the technology and organization of the production process.

If the release of products is carried out in separate batches (series), the preparatory and final time is set for the entire batch of homogeneous products and is called the norm of the preparatory and final time. In this case, the time standard for the manufacture of a unit of production is set without preparatory and final time, called the norm of piece time and is determined by the following formula:

where iV vn is the operational time norm.

If it is necessary to determine the rate of total time spent per unit of production, then such a rate is called piece-costing and found by the formula

N im. K = N + - ** -,(13.2)

where T- the number of products in the batch (series).

The time for servicing the workplace and the time for rest and personal needs are calculated by direct count, but for manual and machine-manual work they can also be determined as a percentage of the operating time. In this case, the calculation of the unit time rate is carried out using the following formula:

LH 1 PT = A

where ЛГ „д - the time of service of the workplace, as a percentage of the operational time;

N HT - the time of unavoidable interruptions provided for by the technology and organization of the production process, as a percentage of the operational time;

N mjl- time for rest and personal needs, as a percentage of operational time.

In machine and automated processes for mass production of products, the maintenance time can be expressed as a percentage of the main time. The unit time rate for these conditions is calculated by the formula

N (N + N T + JV

^ (C + aCi "RG ^") (13.4)

where N KX - maintenance time, as a percentage of the operating time

N opr - organizational service time, as a percentage of operational time.

Production rates are calculated on the basis of time rates and are expressed in physical terms of the volume of work (pieces, square meters, tons, etc.).

The system of labor standards applied in enterprises. The relationship between them. Classification of labor standards according to the degree of validity (by the method of establishment), the period of validity, the degree of consolidation. The structure of time norms. Methods for calculating production rates.

Labor standards - a set of prescriptions, rules, established measures that regulate labor activity. Enterprises use a system of labor standards reflecting various aspects of labor activity. The most widely used norms of time, production, service, number, controllability, standardized tasks.

Time rate (Н вр) is the amount of working time spent on the performance of a unit of work, set for an employee or a group of employees (brigade) of appropriate qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate (N vyr) is a set amount of work that an employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications are required to perform per unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate (N o) is the number of production facilities (pieces of equipment, workplaces, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications are required to serve during a unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Service time rate ( N vr.o ) Is the amount of time required in certain organizational and technical conditions for maintenance during the change of a piece of equipment, square meter of production area, etc.

Population rate (N h) is the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific production functions or the amount of work in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Controllability rate (N pn) - determines the number of employees that should be directly subordinate to one manager.

The application of this or that type of norms depends on the conditions of production, the nature of labor and other factors. However, the main type of norms are the norms of time, since working time is a universal measure of the amount of labor expended. The cost of working time is also the basis for calculating the norms of production, maintenance and number.

Depending on the methods of justification and the establishment of norms, it is customary to divide them into experimental-statistical and technically justified.

The rates determined on the basis of the experience of a standardizer or foreman, as well as on the basis of similar works, i.e. established for the operation as a whole, without studying and analyzing production capabilities, technical and economic calculations, refer to experimental and statistical.

Under technically sound norm the norm established by the engineering and economic calculation based on the design of a rational technological process and labor organization and providing for the effective use of the means of production and labor itself is understood.

A technically grounded norm, defining the time spent on performing certain work under optimal conditions, is the standard of highly organized production. With technically grounded standards, the labor process is organized and planned in unity with technology and technology. Such norms are substantiated not only from the technical side, but also from the economic, psychophysiological and social ones. Technically sound norms reflect:

    rational technical process;

    correct organization of work;

    performance of work by performers of appropriate qualifications, the level of productivity of which is higher than the average productivity of workers employed in similar jobs, but lower than the record productivity achieved by individual workers;

    optimal working conditions at the workplace;

Norms can play an organizing and mobilizing role only when they are comprehensively and comprehensively substantiated and take into account the actual capabilities of technology, advanced production experience, psychophysiological and social factors.

The time norm includes only the necessary costs, which include the preparatory and final time (T pz), operational time (T op), the time for servicing the workplace (T obs), time for rest and personal needs (T dep) and the time of regulated breaks caused by technology and organization of the production process (T pt). The structure of the time norm is shown in the figure.

All constituent parts of the time norm are determined in the same time units:

General calculation formula for piece time:

When products are released in separate batches (batches), the preparatory and final time is set for the entire batch, since it does not depend on the amount of homogeneous products manufactured according to a specific task. At the same time, the standard of piece-calculation time is set as the full standard of time for the manufacture of a unit of product:

where NS- the number of products in the batch.

When determining the duration of individual elements of the time norm, factors influencing the methodology for calculating them are taken into account. Such factors are: the type of production, the nature of the state of the technological and labor process, the number of machines serviced by one worker, the number of parts processed in one cycle (operation), the frequency of repetition and the duration of the production process.

Depending on the type of production, the calculation formula of the piece time for the differentiation of elements can be expressed as follows:

1) in the conditions of mass and large-scale production with the standardization of machine-manual works:

where A org, A dp - respectively, the time of organizational maintenance of the workplace, time for rest and personal needs, expressed as a percentage of the operational time; A Fri the time of breaks due to the technology and organization of production, expressed as a percentage of the operational time; And those - the time of maintenance of the workplace, expressed in% of the main time;

2) in the conditions of serial (small-scale) production with the standardization of machine-manual works:

where A obs - the total service time, defined as a percentage of the operational time, A obs = A org + A those;

3) in a single production:

where TO - the amount of time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal needs, expressed as a percentage of operational time.

The rate of labor input, expressed by the number of products manufactured per unit of labor time, called production rate ki, is determined by the formula

In those industries where the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal needs are normalized per shift, the production rate is calculated as


The rate of time and the rate of production are interconnected in an inverse relationship - with a decrease in the rate of time, the rate of production increases. It should be noted that the rate of production increases in large sizes, than the rate of time decreases. The relationship between these norms is determined by the formulas


where NS- percentage of time rate reduction; at- the percentage of increase in the production rate

The labor rate determines the amount and structure of the expenditure of working time required to perform a given work, and is a standard against which the actual expenditure of time is compared in order to establish their rationality. When rationing the labor of workers and employees, the following types of labor standards are applied: norms of time, norms of production, service, number, controllability, rationed tasks. Since labor time is the universal measure of labor, all labor norms are derivatives of the time norm.

Time rate - This is the amount of working time required to perform a unit of a certain work (operation) by one worker or a group of workers of the corresponding number and qualifications in the most rational organizational, technical and economic conditions for a given enterprise, taking into account advanced production experience. The time rate is calculated in man-hours, man-minutes, or man-seconds.

To establish the rate of time, it is necessary to find out the composition of the expenditure of working time and their specific values ​​for the performance of this work.

The composition of the time norm can be represented as the following formula

where H vr is the time norm;

T pz - preparatory and final time;

T op - operational time;

T OS - main time;

T sun - auxiliary time;

T oorm - time for servicing the workplace;

T dep - time for rest and personal needs;

T Fri - breaks due to technology and organization of production.

Depending on the nature of the individual elements of time expenditure, the methodology for standardizing each of them changes.

Preparatory and final time, for example, it is set for a batch of identical products or for the whole task as a whole. Its size does not depend on the size of the batch of parts, but depends on the type and characteristics of the organization of production and labor, as well as on the nature of the work. In the conditions of single and small-scale production, the preparatory and final work is performed by the worker himself. In mass production, many of these works are performed by special workers (equipment adjustment, etc.). The required value of the preparatory and final time is determined on the basis of the photograph data of the working time and time standards.

Main and auxiliary time for all processes, except for manual ones, it is set separately. The main time depends on the amount of work performed and on the modes of the equipment used. It can be reduced by combining work methods, using multi-place fixtures, group processing of parts, etc.

The scope of work on maintenance of the workplace and the time required for their implementation depend on the type and organization of production, the nature of the work performed, the type of equipment, etc. Some of these works can be performed during machine-automatic time (lubrication and cleaning of equipment, sweeping of chips), and the other - transferred to workers for maintenance of production.

Time to service the workplace determined according to standards or according to photographs of working hours.

The quantity time to rest depends on many factors that determine the worker's fatigue: physical effort, pace of work, vibration of the workplace, working posture, etc. Rest time is determined as a percentage of operational time.

Time for personal needs set in minutes per shift or at a rate of 2% of the operating time and is included in the time standard.

All costs of working time (except for preparatory and final) are set per operation or per unit (piece) of the product and in total are piece time rate(T pcs). It includes the following elements:

Consequently, the time norm consists of two main parts: the preparatory-final time norm and the piece time norm.

For manual and machine-manual work, where the time for servicing the workplace, as well as for rest and personal needs is normalized as a percentage of the operational time, the formula for the unit time rate takes the following form


where K is the time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal needs, in% of the operational time.

In enterprises, it is often necessary to know the total time spent on manufacturing a product or performing an operation, i.e. calculation of all costs. To this end, determine piece-calculation, time, which, in addition to the piece, includes a part of the preparatory and final time per unit of production. This is the most accurate and complete time standard. It is calculated by the formula


where NS - the number of products in the batch.

Production rate - this is the number of natural (pieces, meters, jun.) or conventional units of products (heats, removals, etc.), which must be manufactured per unit of time (shift, month) under certain organizational and technical conditions by one or a group of workers of appropriate qualifications ...

Several formulas are used to calculate production rates. The most general formula is as follows


where H vyr is the production rate;

T cm - shiftable fund of working time;

H vr - the established rate of time per unit of product. In those industries where the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace, for personal needs and rest are normalized per shift, the production rate is calculated according to the following formulas:



There is an inverse relationship between the rate of time and the rate of production, i.e. with a decrease in the rate of time, the rate of production increases. However, these values ​​do not change to the same extent: the production rate increases to a greater extent than the time rate decreases.

The following relationships exist between changes in the rate of time and the rate of production:

For certain types of work, the norms of time and

production rates are difficult to establish. Under these conditions, labor standards appear in the form of service standards and norms for the number, which, with the mechanization and automation of production, are increasingly used in industry.

Service rate - this is a set number of pieces of equipment (number of jobs, square meters of area, etc.) that must be serviced by one worker or a group of workers of appropriate qualifications under certain organizational and technical conditions during the shift. It is a derivative of the time norm. To calculate the service rate, you need to determine the service time rate.

Service time rate - this is the amount of time required under certain organizational and technical conditions for maintenance during the change of a piece of equipment, square meter of production area, etc.

Having determined the rate of time for service according to standards or using timing, you can calculate the rate of service using the following formula:


where H h - service rate;

N vr.o - the norm of time for servicing a unit of equipment, unit of production

areas, etc .;

H vr - the norm of time per unit of work volume, per function performed;

NS - the number of work units performed during a certain period (shift, month);

K is a coefficient that takes into account the performance of additional functions that are not taken into account by the norm of time (accounting functions, instructing, monitoring the process), as well as for rest and personal needs.

A variation of the service norm is controllability rate, determining the number of employees or the number of structural units per one manager. These norms are used in cases when it is impractical to establish time norms.

Under the number of employees understand the number of employees of a certain professional qualification required to complete the production assignment. The required number of workers employed in servicing production is determined by the formulas:

or (2.10)

where H h is the population norm;

О - the total number of serviced equipment units, square meters of production area, etc .;

N about - the rate of service.

In order to increase the efficiency of labor of time-paid workers, they are set standardized tasks based on the above labor standards.

Normalized task - it is a specified amount of work that an employee or a group of employees must perform for a certain period in compliance with certain requirements for product quality.

Standardized assignments can be established separately, and, if necessary, applied in combination with service or headcount standards.

Taking into account the specifics of production, the volume of work established by the standardized task can be expressed in labor (standardized man-hours) or natural indicators (units, m3, etc.).

Depending on the organization of production and the nature of the work performed, standardized tasks can be set for a shift, a month or for the period of full implementation of a given amount of work.

The norms used for the rationing of labor are classified as follows:

    by appointment - for time rates, production rates, service rates and norms for the number of employees;

    by the level of justification - on scientifically grounded and experimental and statistical;

    according to the degree of enlargement - into individual and complex;

    by prevalence - into uniform, sectoral and local;

    by the period of action - for permanent, temporary and seasonal.

Time rate represents the amount of working time established for the manufacture of a unit of production in certain organizational and technical conditions by an employee of the corresponding profession and qualifications. Production rate - this is the amount of work (in pieces, weight, volume and other natural units) that must be performed per unit of time (shift) in certain organizational and technical conditions by an employee of the corresponding profession and qualifications. Service standards express the regulated costs of working time for the maintenance of a group of equipment, workplaces, production teams, etc. Population norms determine the number of workers (workers, engineers, technicians, office workers) required to perform a given amount of work or functions in a given production environment. The time rates and production rates are intended for the rationing of the work of workers in work paid by piece rates. Service standards and norms for the number of employees are established for workers employed in servicing piecework workers, as well as workers employed in the management and maintenance of production processes, whose work is paid according to a time-based wage.

Scientifically based labor standards norms are considered, in the development of which the following types of justification were made: organizational and technical, economic, psychophysiological and social (for more details, see clause 4.6). Along with scientifically based norms, there is also the use of the so-called experimental statistical standards... These norms are established based on the personal experience of the rate setter or on the basis of reported data on the actual expenditures of working time for the performance of certain works. Experimental statistical norms should be replaced by scientifically based norms.

Time rates and production rates are divided into individual and complex. TO individual refers to the rate of time per unit of work (products) performed by one worker (for example, machine operator, welder, etc.) or its production per unit of time. An integrated the rate of production (time) is called, determined for the final enlarged meter of work, including a set of interrelated works of one technological purpose, for each of which an individual rate of production (time) can be set. The integrated production rate is expressed in the accepted units of work per work shift for the entire complex brigade performing all the work included in the norm (or for one worker of the complex brigade). The integrated time rate is the total standardized labor intensity of work (all work performed by an integrated team) and is set in man-hours or standard-hours (i.e., team-hours) per unit of work.

Unitednorms are mandatory for use in all sectors (or a group of sectors) of the national economy. They are developed in a centralized manner and installed for technologically homogeneous work performed at enterprises of various sectors of the national economy under the same organizational and technical conditions. Uniform norms play an important role in the organization of production and labor, since they provide for the typification of the composition of work and labor costs for performing homogeneous work, serve as an effective means of spreading progressive technology and advanced labor methods, ensure the unity of rationing and remuneration for work in homogeneous work in various sectors of the national farms.

Industry (departmental) norms are used in the branch of the national economy for which they are developed. They are installed on technologically homogeneous work performed at the enterprises of this industry. They are developed by sectoral research and development organizations; these standards are approved by the relevant ministry or department in agreement with the trade union of workers and employees of the industry.

Local(factory, port) norms are determined for work that is not covered by unified and sectoral (departmental) norms, as well as in cases where the organizational and technical conditions for the performance of this work at the enterprise ensure higher labor productivity in comparison with unified or sectoral standards. Local regulations are developed at the enterprise; they are approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the local committee of the trade union.

Constant norms- these are the norms in force before the change in those organizational and technical conditions in relation to which they were originally developed. Most of the current regulations are permanent.

Temporary norms are usually set for the period of mastering new products (no more than three months). After this period, if the administration has not revised them, they assume the legal status of "permanent". When approving and putting them into effect, the term "temporary" is used without fail, the term "permanent" is not used.

Seasonal norms are a kind of "permanent", only valid within a certain season.


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