Development of regulations on subdivisions. Regulations on the department of the chief technologist of the enterprise. Regulations on the department Regulations on the departments and services of the enterprise

In any organization, be it a budgetary or a commercial structure, the question of delineation of responsibility not only between employees, but also between structural links often arises. The regulation on the department answers the question of why this department was formed in the company, what are its goals, tasks, rights. This allows you to streamline the work of the entire enterprise, resolve emerging disagreements, and determine responsibility.

About the regulations

What is the purpose of creating regulations on departments of the enterprise? The main task of this document is to describe as fully as possible the place of the department (service, sector) in the company, as well as its composition, status and procedure for interaction with external and internal counterparties.

Thanks to a clearly stated description of goals, employees have a much better understanding of the company's strategy, the contribution of their structural unit to overall achievements.

The regulation on the department has the status of an organizational and legal document. Its main role lies in the fact that, along with the structure and staffing table, it regulates the completeness of functions, priority of issues, area of ​​responsibility, and the procedure for managing a division in the company. For example, the regulation on the personnel department describes what tasks for working with personnel it is responsible for, who can occupy the position of manager, what rights are vested in the boss, and so on.

How to create a position correctly?

If the company has many structural units, then it is recommended to develop a template. The sample document will serve as the basis for writing other documents. For example, you can first create regulations on administration departments, and having coordinated their structure and design, start creating similar documents for the rest of the departments and branches.

The standard provision on the department can be used as a standard, having laid down the correct design in it. In this case, all local regulations will be made in the same corporate style. A similar technique is often used in work, especially if there are many structural links in the enterprise, territorial disunity. In addition, the creation of regulations on the subdivision based on the standard will take much less time.


The development of the document must take place in accordance with the state standard 6.30-2003. For budgetary and municipal enterprises, this requirement is mandatory, and for commercial companies it is optional. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use the specified GOST when creating documents of an organizational and administrative nature.

The text is placed on the letterhead of the enterprise, while the parameters must be indicated in it:

  • Type of document.
  • Date and number.
  • Place of compilation.

In addition, several officials in the organization usually take part in the adoption of organizational and legal documents of the position level, therefore, a place is necessarily allocated for the stamp of approval and signatures.

Main blocks

There are no rigidly fixed sections in the regulation on structural divisions, but based on the purposes of the document, it includes the following parts:

  1. General Provisions.
  2. Functions.
  3. Tasks.
  4. Structure.
  5. A responsibility.
  6. Interactions.

In the first section, you need to reflect the full and, if available, abbreviated name of the department. Here they list who has the right to create and liquidate the department, what legal and local regulations are guided in their work. The procedure for appointing heads of a structural unit and dismissing him from work is reflected.

Specific names of work within tasks are listed in the part of the document called "Functions". This section gives a description in the form of work steps to the department's production process. For example, the regulation on the personnel department in terms of functions will contain the following wording "ensures the issuance of certificates of wages" and so on.

In the third block, only the major tasks of the department are listed, which it solves within the framework of its direction of activity.

The section "Structure" reflects the place of the department in the company, subordination. This is especially important when the enterprise has a branched device with branches and separate subdivisions.

In the fourth block of the document, boundaries are necessarily outlined, within which the department is not responsible for its actions. It can be disciplinary, criminal, administrative. Accordingly, they describe the degree of guilt of the head of this structural unit.

It is very important to clarify in the fifth section the position with whom, in what cases and on what issues the department interacts. Thus, the structural units are linked by reporting, information flows.

In addition to the listed blocks, enterprises have the right to supplement the document with other required sections of information.

The department regulation is an important document that instills a correct understanding of goals and objectives, introduces a clear work procedure, and defines responsibility.

Development of regulations on the structural unit of the organization

When creating the structure of a (world) enterprise, it is necessary not only to define the functions of each structural unit, but also to consolidate them in an appropriate document. The regulation on the structural unit is precisely the document that determines: the procedure for creating a unit, the legal position of the unit in the organizational structure of the enterprise, the tasks and functions of the unit, the rights of the unit, relationships with other units of the enterprise, the responsibility of the unit.

Therefore, the responsibilities for the development of regulations can be assigned to the personnel department, legal department, etc. It cannot be said that the legislation establishes requirements for the preparation and execution of regulations on the structural unit. And this is correct, because the company must independently create its own management strategy. Practice has developed several models of provisions on the divisions of the enterprise. One of the most common is the model, which contains the following sections:

1. General Provisions.
2. The structure and staffing of the unit.
3. The tasks of the unit.
4. Functions of the unit.

5. The rights of the unit.
6. Relationships (service connections) of the unit with other units of the enterprise.
7. Responsibility of the unit.

Let us consider the main elements of the text using the example of formalizing the position according to the given model.

Position layout

(1) The name of the enterprise, organization, institution. The name of the enterprise (organization, institution) that is the author of the document must correspond to that which is enshrined in the constituent documents. If an abbreviated name is fixed in the constituent documents, it is also indicated in the document, but placed below the full name (in brackets). In the event that the author is a separate structural unit of an enterprise (branch, representative office), its name is located below the name of the enterprise. Recall that according to Article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a branch is a separate subdivision of a legal entity located outside its location and performing all of its functions or part of them, including the functions of a representative office. Representation, in turn, is understood as a separate subdivision of a legal entity located outside its location, which represents the interests of the legal entity and protects them.

(2) A stamp of approval. The director approves the regulations on the main structural divisions of the enterprise. The position of a unit within a main unit (for example, a bureau within a department) can be approved by the head of the main unit, if such authority is reflected in his job description or the position on the unit headed by him.

The signature stamp of the document must consist of:

1. the words APPROVED (without quotes);

2. the name of the position of the person approving the document;

3. signatures, initials, surnames of the official;

4. date of approval.

As a rule, by order of the director of the enterprise on the creation of a structural unit, the regulation is simultaneously approved. In this case, the stamp of approval consists of:

1.the words APPROVED (without quotes);

2. the name of the approving document in the nominative case;

3. the date of the document and its number. For example: APPROVED Order of the General Director of Soglasie LLC dated 22.03.00 No. 31

(3) The name of the structural unit. If the word "POSITION" is the name of the type of document, then variable (3) is a heading to the text. It includes a summary of the document and is consistent with the name of the document type. For example, the regulation on the financial department. A structural unit of an enterprise is an officially designated management body for a part of an enterprise with independent tasks, functions and responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it. In this case, we are talking about the structural units of the enterprise that do not have the full characteristics of a legal entity and are not separate divisions.

There are the following types of structural units:

1. Management.

2. Services.

5. Departments.

7. Laboratories.

8. Sectors.

9. Plots.

The creation of a particular unit depends on various factors. First of all, it is the payroll number of employees. The rationale for creating a subdivision, as a rule, is linked to the standards for the number of employees. They are just intended to determine the required number of employees of a particular unit, establish job responsibilities, and distribute work between performers. So, for example, at enterprises with an average number of employees over 700 people, labor protection bureaus are created with a regular number of employees of 3-5 units (including the head) or a department - with a regular number of employees from 6 units.

At the same time, at a number of enterprises, the creation of labor protection departments is allowed with a standardized number of employees of at least 4 staff units. If we turn to the organizational structure of the federal executive bodies, we can find the following dependence there: the staffing of the management cannot be less than 20 units, the department must not be less than 10 units, the department (as part of the administration) must not be less than 5 units, and the department must not be less than 2 units. ...

The management structure cannot include less than 3 departments. It should be noted that the creation of such structural units as management is typical for government and municipal authorities. In private enterprises, the most common is the structuring into departments. The enterprise determines the staffing standards independently.

However, one cannot but take into account the fact that splitting the organizational structure and staffing of an enterprise into small subdivisions in the amount of 2-3 people, whose managers do not have the right to make managerial decisions, leads to "smearing" the responsibility of managers at all levels for their decisions. At the same time, the increase in the degree of responsibility causes a response from the heads of departments, namely, demands for higher wages.

Regulations on the structural unit (service)

Regulations on structural divisions(services) can be classified into:

regulations on structural divisions;

regulations on collegial and advisory bodies both management (board of directors, management board) and specialized
(academic council, scientific and technical council, etc.);

provisional bodies(meetings, commissions, councils).

Structure of the text the regulations on the unit (service) are not normatively fixed. A fairly stable structure, developed by practice, has only provisions on divisions, including the following sections:

General Provisions.

2. The main tasks.

3. Functions.

4. Rights and obligations.

5. Responsibility.

6. Relationships.

In chapter "General Provisions" indicates: the full official name of the unit, the date, number and name of the legal act on the basis of which the unit was created and operates, what is guided in its activities, who is headed and
to whom it is subordinated, the procedure for appointing and dismissing the head of the department, the presence of a seal at the department.

In chapter "Main goals" lists the main problems solved by the subdivision and determining the nature and directions of the subdivision's activities.

In chapter "Functions" actions or types of work are indicated,
which must be performed by the unit to carry out the tasks assigned to it. Functions must fully reflect
the specifics of the unit's activities.

In chapter "Rights and obligations" lists the rights that are vested in the unit in the person of its head.

In chapter "A responsibility" establishes the types of disciplinary, administrative, if necessary - and criminal liability that may be borne by the head of the unit in
in case of failure of the unit to fulfill its duties.

In chapter "Relationship" the information and documentary flows of the subdivision are regulated; basic documents created by him; it is indicated with which departments and organizations the interaction is carried out, what information the department receives and presents, the frequency and timing of submission; in what order and by whom the emerging disagreements are considered.

Subdivision regulations issued on the general letterhead of the organization. Mandatory details of this type of documents are: the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date and number of the document, the place of compilation, the title to the text, the signature, the stamp of approval. Subdivision regulations subscribe the head of the department, approved the head of the organization.

Job description

Job description- a legal act issued by an organization in order to regulate the organizational and legal status of an employee, his duties, rights, responsibilities and providing conditions for his effective work.

Job descriptions are developed for all positions provided for by the staffing table.

Text the job description consists of the following sections:

1. General Provisions.

2. Job responsibilities.

4. Responsibility.

5. Relationships.

Chapter "General Provisions" includes: the name of the position with the designation of the structural unit; to whom the employee is directly subordinate; the procedure for appointment and dismissal from office; a list of normative, methodological and other documents by which the employee in this position is guided; qualification requirements (education level, work experience); requirements for an employee in relation to special knowledge.

In chapter "Job responsibilities" the specific content of the employee's activities is established, the types of work performed by the employee in this position are listed, the nature of the actions performed (“directs”, “prepares”, “approves”, “considers”, “performs”, “provides”, etc.).

In chapter "Rights" the powers of the employee are established to ensure the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him:

the right to make certain decisions, give instructions on specific issues, independently sign documents within the competence granted to him, the right to make proposals to the head; represent on behalf of a unit or institution in other organizations and the limits of representation; the right to participate in meetings at which issues related to his jurisdiction are considered, the right to request information necessary for work (statistical, economic, etc.), as well as the right to demand the performance of certain actions from other employees.

In chapter "A responsibility" the criteria for evaluating the work and the measure of the employee's personal responsibility are determined. The evaluation criteria are objective indicators characterizing the quality and timeliness of the work. Employee liability is determined in accordance with applicable law and can be disciplinary, administrative or criminal.

In chapter "Relationship" indicates: from whom, in what
terms and what information the employee receives; to whom, what and in
what time frame it represents; with whom he coordinates the drafts of the prepared documents; with whom does joint training
documents and other issues of informational relationships between the employee and other departments, persons, organizations.
Job description issued on the general letterhead of the organization. Mandatory details of the job description are: the name of the organization, the name of the structural
divisions, date, document number, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, stamp of approval. Job description subscribes the head of the structural unit
and approved the head (deputy head) of the organization - the curator of this unit or the head
structural unit, if it is granted this right.

Endorsed job descriptions by the heads of the departments concerned and the legal service (lawyer),
also other officials, on whose actions its implementation may depend.

By the date of the job description is the date of its approval.


Regulation is a legal act that establishes the procedure for the activities of the management of an organization, a collegial or deliberative body. The text of the regulation consists of sections, clauses and subclauses designated in Arabic numerals. The rules of procedure of a collegial or deliberative body determine: the status of a collegial or deliberative body; work planning procedure; the procedure for preparing materials for consideration at a meeting; submission of materials for consideration; the procedure for considering materials and making a decision at a meeting; keeping minutes of the meeting; registration of decisions of a collegial or advisory body; the procedure for communicating decisions to the executors; logistical support of meetings. The regulations are drawn up on the general letterhead of the institution. Mandatory details are: name of the institution, name of the collegial or deliberative body, type of document, date of the document, document number, place of compilation, stamp of approval, text, signature.

Regulations are approved the head of the organization or the head of a collegial or advisory body. In the process of preparation, the regulations go through discussion stage at a meeting by members of a collegial or advisory body, as well as harmonization with interested departments and legal service.

Staffing table

Staffing table- a legal act defining the structure, number and job composition of the organization's employees with an indication of official salaries (in state institutions - with an indication of the category according to the Unified Tariff Schedule).

Staffing table issued on standard sheets of A4 paper in landscape orientation with the application of the details of the general form: name of the organization, name of the type of document, date, document number, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, stamp of approval.

The heading to the text indicates the year for which the staffing table was drawn up. Text the staffing table is drawn up in tabular form. The codes and names of structural divisions and positions, the number of units by state, the official salary, allowances and the monthly salary fund for official salaries are indicated.

Responsibility for preparing the staffing table lies with the Human Resources Department (Personnel Service). Draft staffing table endorsed heads of departments, chief accountant, legal service, deputy heads of the organization.

Staffing table subscribes Head of the Human Resources Department and approved the head of the organization affixing the official seal (or the seal of the organization) on the approval stamp.


Instructions- a legal act containing rules governing
organizational, scientific and technical, technological, financial and other special aspects of the activities of institutions, organizations, enterprises, their divisions, services, officials.

Text The instructions are divided into sections with headings and broken down into paragraphs and subparagraphs, numbered in Arabic numerals.

The text of the instructions should begin with the section "General Provisions", which sets out the goals and reasons for the publication of the document, the scope, grounds for development and other general information. The text of the instruction uses the words “must”, “should”, “necessary”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, etc.

Instructions are issued on the general letterhead of the organization. The heading to the instruction indicates the object or range of issues to which its requirements apply, for example: "Instruction on accounting at the enterprise."

Instructions subscribes the head of the structural unit, who developed it, and is subject to approval. Instructions endorsed heads of all interested departments, legal service, deputy head in charge of the direction of activity, which concerns the content of the instruction. Approved instructions by the head of the organization.

Instructive documents can also be called "Rules", "Regulations".

Let's start by highlighting two important details:
1. Writing regulations is relevant if there is a real division of the organization into these same units.
2. The existence of the provisions under consideration is not necessary for the organization.



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Vi. Interaction of the department with other structural divisions

I. General Provisions

1. The quality control department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.

3. The department reports directly to the quality director of the enterprise.

4. The quality control department is headed by a chief appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise on the recommendation of the director for quality.

5. The head of the quality control department has ____ deputy (s).

6. Duties of the deputy (s) ___________ (determined; assigned) by the head of the quality control department.

7. Deputy (s) and other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the quality control department.

8. In its activities, the department is guided by:

8.1. The charter of the enterprise.

8.2. These Regulations.

II. Department structure

1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the director for quality and the head of the department and in agreement with ____________________ (personnel department; department of organization and remuneration).

2. The department includes the following structural divisions:

OCC Technical Bureau

Bureau (sector, group) of quality control in workshops (BPC)

External acceptance control laboratory

Central measuring laboratory

Chemical analysis laboratory

3. Regulations on the divisions of the department (bureaus, sectors, groups, laboratories, etc.) are approved by the director, and the division of responsibilities between the employees of the divisions is made by the head of the department.

III. Department tasks

1. Ensuring the production of high-quality and competitive products by the enterprise.

2. Prevention of the release by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of standards and technical conditions, approved samples (standards), design documentation.

3. Material and technical and methodological support (normative, technical and technological documentation, reference materials) for the supply of products.

4. Compliance with the terms of delivery, completeness of products under contracts.

5. Strengthening production discipline, increasing the responsibility of all production links for the quality of products.

IV. Department functions

1. Inspection of material resources (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components) arriving at the enterprise and preparation of conclusions on the compliance of their quality with standards and technical conditions.

2. Drawing up acts of acceptance control for the quality of material resources.

3. Operational control at all stages of the production process.

4. Conducting selective inspection control over the quality of individual technological operations (including transportation), technological equipment and tools.

5. Determination of the range of measured parameters and optimal standards of measurement accuracy.

6. Control over:

- quality, completeness, packaging, preservation of products;

- compliance of the manufactured products with standards, technical conditions, approved samples (standards), design documentation;

- the presence of the enterprise's trademark on the finished product;

- correct storage in the divisions of the enterprise and in warehouses of material resources and finished products;

7. Assessment of the grade of products manufactured by the enterprise.

8. Branding of accepted and rejected products.

9. Registration in accordance with the established procedure of documentation for accepted and rejected products.

10. Identification of the reasons for non-compliance of products with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, determination of the possibility of correcting defects and eliminating defects, taking measures to eliminate them.

11. Conducting repeated checks, downgrading of products.

12. Ensuring the withdrawal of products from circulation if it is impossible (inexpedient) to eliminate defects and defects.

13. Analysis and technical accounting of product defects.

14. Organization of bilateral exchange of information on the quality of goods with consumers.

15. Registration of the results of control operations, keeping records of indicators of product quality, defects and their reasons, drawing up periodic reports on the quality of products.

16. Registration of documents certifying the quality of products.

17. Systematic monitoring of the state of the control and measuring instruments of the enterprise.

18. Timely implementation of activities related to the introduction of new regulations and standards.

19. Participation in testing new product samples, development of technical documentation for these products.

20. Preparation of products for attestation and certification.

21. Participation in the development of sections on the quality and completeness of contracts for the supply of products.

23. Development of proposals to improve the quality of products, as well as to increase the requirements for the quality of the material resources consumed by the enterprise (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components).

V. Department rights

1. The quality control department has the right:

1.1. Stop acceptance and shipment of products in the event of:

- inconsistency of its quality with standards, technical documentation, approved standards, samples;

- inconsistency of its completeness, established by the normative and technical documentation;

- lack of mandatory established technical documentation;

The head of the quality control department notifies the quality director in writing about the termination of acceptance (shipment).

The order of the head of the quality control department to refuse to pass products can be canceled only on the basis of a written order from the director.

1.2. In case of revealing non-compliance of products with standards at certain stages of production, make proposals to the management of the enterprise to suspend the manufacturing process in the relevant structural divisions of the enterprise, and reject the product itself.

1.3. Require the heads of all structural divisions:

- carrying out activities aimed at improving the quality of manufactured products;

- provision of information necessary for the implementation of the work of the department;

1.4. In the event of a disagreement on the quality of the product, make a final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the latter.

When resolving disputes about the quality of products in court, issue an expert opinion (at the request of the court).

2. The head of the quality control department is also entitled to represent:

2.1. Proposals for incentives for distinguished employees and for bringing to disciplinary responsibility employees who do not comply with labor and production discipline.

2.2. Conclusions on the facts of damage to values ​​(when drawing up documents for writing off the shortages of values ​​and damage in excess of the norms of natural loss).

Vi. Interaction of the department with other structural divisions

To perform functions and exercise rights, the quality control department interacts:

1.With the department of standardization on issues:

1.1. Receipt:

- standards;

- instructions;

- technical conditions;

- other technical documentation for determining the quality of products;

1.2. Provisions:

- suggestions and comments on the provided documentation;

- information on violation of standards and technical conditions;

2.With the department of the chief technologist on the following issues:

2.1. Receipt:

- conclusions on the conformity of material resources (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, etc.) to TU and GOST;

- conclusions about the possibility of using material resources in production;

2.2. Provisions:

- material resources (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, etc.) for the analysis of their compliance with GOST, TU;

3. With the department of the chief designer on the following issues:

3.1. Receipt:

- technical documentation for testing product samples;

- technological maps with tolerance standards in accordance with GOST and TU;

- descriptions of technological processes with instructions for quality requirements;

3.2. Provisions:

- information about discovered technological deficiencies and proposals for their elimination;

- proposals for improving the quality of products;

- generalized information about the quality of products and the number of rejects;

- protocols of tests and studies of product samples;

4. With the department of the chief mechanic on the following issues:


- plans for the inspection and repair of equipment;

- means of control over the quality of equipment repair;

4.2. Provisions:

- proposals for improving product quality;

5.With the department of the chief power engineer on the following issues:

5.1. Receipt:

- schedules of preventive work on electrical equipment;

- accessories for electrical equipment;

- assistance in the repair of electrical equipment;

5.2. Provisions:

- applications for the repair of electrical equipment;

- applications for components for electrical equipment;

6.With the instrumental department for questions:

6.1. Receipt:

- measuring tools (including our own production);

6.2. Provisions:

- applications for a new instrument;

- acts of write-off of a faulty measuring instrument;

7.With the production laboratory and its subdivisions on the following issues:

7.1. Receipt:

- acts with test results;

A divisional regulation (divisional regulation) is a legal act that establishes the status, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of structural divisions.

Subdivision regulations - content

The regulation on the subdivision can be standard and individual. Standard regulations (for example, a standard regulation on the personnel department) are developed for the same type of organizations and structural units. If there is a standard regulation, individual ones are developed on its basis (for example, the regulation on the departments of the bank of the N branch). Thus, a standard provision, as an example of a provision on a structural unit, is often used in practical work.

There are no statutory requirements for the content of the unit regulation. Typical department regulations may include the following sections:

  1. General provisions;
  2. Main goals;
  3. Functions;
  4. Rights;
  5. A responsibility;
  6. Relationships.

As a rule, when developing a regulation on a subdivision in the "General Provisions" section, the full official name of the subdivision, the date, number and name of the legal act on the basis of which the subdivision was created and operates, what guides the subdivision in its activities, who is headed and to whom it submits, the procedure appointment and dismissal of the head of the department, the presence of a seal at the department.

The section "Main tasks" is a list of major tasks solved by the unit and determining the nature and direction of the unit's activities.

The section "Functions" lists the actions or types of work that must be performed by the unit to carry out the tasks assigned to it. Functions should fully reflect the specifics of the unit's activities.

The "Rights" section lists the rights that a manager must have in order to be effective.

The section "Responsibility" establishes the types of disciplinary, administrative and (if necessary) criminal liability that may be incurred by the head of the unit if the unit fails to fulfill its duties.

The section "Relationships" regulates the information and documentary flows of the unit; basic documents created by him; it is indicated with which departments and organizations the interaction is carried out, what information the department receives and presents; the frequency and timing of submission are established; in what order and by whom the emerging disagreements are considered.

Department regulations - responsibility

The regulations on structural divisions are endorsed by the head of the personnel service, a lawyer, the deputy head of the organization in charge of this division, as well as the head of other structural divisions with which this division interacts in its work.

Regulations on subdivisions are signed by the head of the subdivision and approved by the head of the organization. The regulation on the subdivision can be approved by an administrative document (decree, order, order), if simultaneously with the approval of the document it is necessary to give instructions related to its application.

Subdivision regulations - registration

The regulation on the structural unit is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization.

The obligatory details of the regulation on the structural unit are: the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date and number of the document (with direct approval by the head), place of compilation, title to the text, signature, document approval visas, approval stamp.

APPROVED by ____________________________________ (name of the position of the head of the enterprise)

____________________________________ (full name, signature)

"____"______________ _____ G.


about the department of the chief technologist


1.2. The department was created on the basis of the order of the head of department N _____ dated "__" _________ ____

1.3. The head of the department is appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the enterprise.

The employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the enterprise on the recommendation of the head of the department.

1.4. The department in its work is guided by:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Laws _____________________ (indicate the subject of the Russian Federation);

Local acts of the enterprise.

1.5. The department should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Methodological materials for organizing work with scientific, technical and technological information;

The structure of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects; the state and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign science and technology in the relevant fields of knowledge and industries; all technological processes of production of the company's products;

Methods for organizing and planning information work; new information technologies;

System of acquisition, storage, search and issuance of scientific and production and technical information; the procedure for preparing information materials for publication and the basics of editorial and publishing work; organization of reference and information fund;

Unified state system of office work;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means of managerial work;

Internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection.


2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The department is managed by the chief technologist of the enterprise.

2.3. The department includes (indicate positions):

- __________________________________________;

- __________________________________________;

- __________________________________________;

- __________________________________________.


3.1. Implementation of a unified enterprise policy in the field of production technology.

3.2. Technological preparation of the enterprise for the production of new products.

3.3. Ensuring the optimal duration of the product life cycle.

3.4. Introduction of competitive technologies into production.


4.1. Development and implementation of progressive, economically justified resource-saving technological processes and modes of production of products manufactured by the enterprise.

4.2. Development and implementation of measures to increase the level of technological preparation and technical re-equipment of production, reduce the cost of raw materials, materials, labor costs, improve product quality and increase labor productivity.

4.3. Mastering in the production of progressive technological processes, the latest materials.

4.4. Drawing up plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, increasing the technical and economic efficiency of production.

4.5. Development of technological documentation, organization of control over the provision of it to workshops, sections and other production units of the enterprise.

4.6. Development of projects of changes in technical documentation in connection with the adjustment of technological processes and production modes.

4.7. Implementation of long-term and current plans for technological preparation of production.

4.8. Monitoring compliance with established technological processes.

4.9. Revealing violations of technological discipline and taking measures to eliminate them.

4.10. Work on the organization and planning of new workshops and sections, their specialization, the development of new technology, new high-performance technological processes.

4.11. Calculations of production capacity and equipment load.

4.12. Carrying out measures to improve the technical level of production and the shift ratio of equipment.

4.13. Compilation and revision of technical conditions and requirements for raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products.

4.14. Participation in the development and implementation of progressive norms of labor costs, consumption of technological fuel and electricity, raw materials and materials.

4.15. Development of measures to prevent and eliminate defects, reduce the material consumption of products and the labor intensity of its production.

4.16. Improving the technology of manufacturing products.

4.17. Implementation of the achievements of science and technology, progressive basic technologies, high-performance resource and environmentally friendly waste-free technologies.

4.18. Design and implementation of technological systems, environmental protection means.

4.19. Comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes.

4.20. Introduction of non-standard equipment, technological equipment, fixtures and tools.

4.21. Certification and rationalization of jobs.

4.22. Participation in the definition of the range of measured parameters and the optimal standards for measurement accuracy.

4.23. Consideration of designs for product designs or product composition, industry and state standards, as well as the most complex rationalization proposals and inventions related to production technology.

4.24. Preparation of conclusions on the compliance of rationalization proposals and inventions with the requirements of an economical and environmentally friendly production technology.

4.25. Coordination of issues related to the technological preparation of production, with the departments of the enterprise, design, research organizations, representatives of customers.

4.26. Implementation of computer-aided design systems, organizational and computer technology, automated control systems for equipment and technological processes.

4.27. Participation in the development of projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise.

4.28. Development and implementation of measures to reduce the timing of mastering new equipment and technology, rational use of production facilities, reduce energy and material consumption of production, increase its efficiency, improve product quality, improve labor organization.

4.29. Carrying out research and experimental work on the development of newly developed technological processes.

4.30. Participation in industrial tests of new types of machines and mechanisms, means of mechanization and automation of production.

4.31. Coordination of the activities of the divisions of the enterprise.

4.32. Consulting divisions of the enterprise on the solution of certain technological issues.

4.33. Implementation of methodological management of the activities of other structural units on scientific and technical issues.

4.34. Carrying out, within the framework of its competence, conducting office work, forming and sending / receiving correspondence and other information via electronic communication channels.

4.35. Organization of maintenance of normative and reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.36. Ensuring, within the limits of its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret and other information of limited distribution.

4.37. Implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents generated in the course of the department's activities.

The assignment to the department of functions that are not within the competence of the department is not allowed.


5.1. The department has the right:

Participate in the analysis of the sales market, in the conduct of marketing research;

Make decisions on making changes to the production technology of products;

Require the heads of all production units of the enterprise:

a) compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation of equipment and storage of tools;

b) timely provision of information on violations of production technology;

c) any other information required for the activities of the department;

d) suspension of the activity of structural units in case of deviation from the approved technological process;

e) inform the management of the enterprise about the suspension of the activities of structural divisions;

To entrust individual structural divisions of the enterprise with carrying out certain technological works;

Participate in the development of technical specifications, instructions.


6.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise, the department interacts with the following structural divisions:

- ______________________________________________________________,

- ______________________________________________________________,

- ______________________________________________________________.


7.1. The chief technologist bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfilling the tasks and functions assigned by this Regulation to the department.

7.2. The responsibility of the employees of the department is established by the current legislation and job descriptions.

7.3. The head and other employees of the department are personally responsible for the compliance of the documents they draw up and operations with correspondence with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of the set goals and objectives.

8.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Chief Technologist: _______________________


Added to the site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The department of the chief mechanic, being an independent structural unit of the enterprise, is created and liquidated by the order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.2. The department is directly subordinate to the technical director of the enterprise.

1.3. The department is headed by a chief mechanic appointed to the position by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] on the proposal of the technical director.

1.4. The chief mechanic has deputy (s).

1.5. The responsibilities of the Deputy (s) are determined by the Chief Engineer.

1.6. The deputy (s) and other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by the order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] on the proposal of the chief mechanic.

1.7. In its activities, the department is guided by:

The legislation of the Russian Federation;

The charter of the enterprise;

By this regulation;

1.8. [Enter what you want].

2. Structure

2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the [name of the position of the head of the enterprise], based on the specific conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the technical director and the chief mechanic, as well as in agreement with the [personnel department, organization and remuneration department].

2.2. The department of the chief mechanic may include structural divisions (bureaus, groups, laboratories, etc.).

For example: a bureau (sector, group) of scheduled preventive maintenance, a design bureau for modernization, a mechanical repair shop (RMC), a design bureau for the design of lifting and transport equipment, a design and technological bureau (sector, group), department affairs management.

2.3. The regulations on the divisions of the department of the chief mechanic (bureaus, sectors, groups, etc.) are approved by the [name of the position of the head of the enterprise], and the distribution of duties between the employees of the divisions is carried out by the chief mechanic.

2.4. [Enter what you want].

3. Tasks

The department of the chief mechanic is responsible for the following tasks:

3.1. Timely and high-quality repair of enterprise equipment.

3.2. Use of modern equipment repair technologies.

3.3. Maintenance of the enterprise equipment park in working order.

3.4. Saving company funds due to efficient equipment maintenance.

3.5. [Enter what you want].

4. Functions

The Chief Mechanic's Department performs the following functions:

4.1. Ensuring uninterrupted and technically correct operation and reliable operation of equipment, keeping equipment in working order at the required level of accuracy.

4.2. Development of plans (schedules) for inspections, tests and preventive maintenance of equipment in accordance with the provisions of the Unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance.

4.3. Coordination of plans (schedules) with contractors involved in repairs, providing them with the necessary technical documentation.

4.4. Preparation of title lists for overhaul.

4.5. Keeping records of the availability and movement of equipment.

4.6. Development of normative materials for the repair of equipment, the consumption of materials for repair and maintenance needs.

4.7. Drawing up estimates for repairs.

4.8. Analysis of equipment utilization indicators.

4.9. Registration of applications for the purchase of materials and spare parts necessary for the operation of the equipment.

4.10. Interrepair service, timely and high-quality repair and modernization of equipment.

4.11. Carrying out work to improve the reliability and durability of equipment.

4.12. Preparation of proposals for certification, rationalization, accounting and planning of workplaces, for the modernization of equipment, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of comprehensive mechanization and automation of technological processes, environmental protection.

4.13. Organization of inventory of production fixed assets.

4.14. Determination of obsolete equipment, objects requiring major repairs, establishment of the sequence of repair work.

4.15. Experimental, commissioning and other work on the introduction and development of new technology.

4.16. Study of the operating conditions of equipment, individual units and parts.

4.17. Carrying out measures to prevent unscheduled equipment shutdowns, extend the service life of units and parts, overhaul periods, improve the safety of equipment, and increase its reliability in operation.

4.18. Carrying out specialized repairs, centralized production of spare parts, assemblies and replacement equipment.

4.19. Study of the causes of increased wear and tear of equipment, its downtime.

4.20. Investigation of accidents, development and implementation of measures for their elimination and prevention.

4.21. Development of technological maps of equipment maintenance for structural divisions of the enterprise.

4.22. Carrying out preparatory work for calculating the norms of expenses for repair and consumables.

4.23. Preparation of materials for the economic justification of the need to update the equipment fleet.

4.24. Monitoring compliance with the storage conditions for repair and consumables.

4.25. Development and implementation of measures to replace ineffective equipment with high-performance ones, to reduce unscheduled repairs and equipment downtime, reduce repair costs and maintenance through the use of new progressive methods of repair and restoration of parts, assemblies and mechanisms.

4.26. Control for:

The quality of work on the installation of equipment;

Rational spending of funds for major repairs;

Correct storage of equipment in warehouses;

- [write in what you want].

4.27. Inspection and presentation to the bodies exercising state technical supervision of lifting mechanisms and other equipment.

4.28. Identification of unused equipment and development of proposals for its implementation.

4.29. Participation in the development and implementation of measures to create safe and favorable working conditions during the operation and repair of equipment.

4.30. Consideration of rationalization proposals for improving the operation of equipment, and preparation of reviews and conclusions on them.

4.31. Preparation of opinions on projects of industry norms and state standards.

4.32. Drawing up applications for the purchase of equipment on leasing terms.

4.33. Preparation and execution of technical and reporting documentation.

4.34. Organization of consultations on the solution of certain preventive issues.

4.35. [Enter what you want].

5. Rights

5.1. The Chief Mechanic's Department has the right to:

Give instructions on the operation and repair of equipment;

Make decisions on making changes to the equipment maintenance technology;

Demand from the heads of production and technical departments: compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation and maintenance of equipment, timely provision of information about violations of equipment maintenance technology, immediate reporting of equipment breakdowns, implementation of forced repairs (stoppage of equipment work) in case of violation of the rules for operating the equipment;

Prohibit work on faulty equipment;

Stop the operation of the equipment in the event of a threat of an accident or accident;

To entrust individual structural divisions of the enterprise with the maintenance of equipment;

Participate in the development of technical specifications, instructions;

- [write in what you want].

5.2. The chief mechanic has the right to represent to the management of the enterprise:

Proposals to reward distinguished workers, to bring to disciplinary responsibility employees who violate production and labor discipline;

- [write in what you want].

5.3. [Enter what you want].

6. Relationships (service connections) **

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the chief mechanic's department interacts:

6.1. With the department of the chief designer on the following issues:


Product drawings;

Technical documentation for approval;

Parts specifications;

Technical conditions;

Other technical documentation at the request of the department for the development of new technologies for the maintenance and repair of equipment;

- [write in what you want].


Conclusions on the design of products in terms of maintainability;

Coordination of individual preventive operations;

Technological proposals;

Technological documentation;

Equipment maintenance routing lists;

Equipment maintenance consultations;

- [write in what you want].

6.2. With the departments of the chief technologist on the following issues:


Equipment layout plan;

Equipment modernization plans;

Technological documentation for equipment;

Proposals for improving the equipment maintenance process;

- [write in what you want].


Passports for the equipment used;

Information about changes and additions to the equipment passport data;

- [write in what you want].

6.3. With the department of the chief power engineer on the following issues:


Schedules of planned maintenance work on electrical equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for the connection of additional and newly installed repair equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for temporary power outages to carry out repair work;

Development of electrical circuits;

- [write in what you want].


Applications for the development of electrical circuits of devices required for repair work;

Equipment connection requests;

Power outage applications;

Preventive maintenance schedules;

- [write in what you want].

6.4. With the standardization department on the following issues:




Technical conditions;

Conclusions on technical documentation for compliance with the current legislation on standardization;

Work plans for standardization, normalization, unification;

Information about the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Notifications about changes and additions to standards and technical conditions;

- [write in what you want].


Equipment maintenance and repair documentation;

Proposals for standardization work;

Proposals for transferring an enterprise to new standards;

Information about violation of standards and technical conditions;

- [write in what you want].

6.5. With the quality control department on the following issues:


QCD instructions on technological changes in equipment maintenance and repair;

Generalized analysis of the impact of equipment breakdowns on product quality;

Consulting on improving product quality;

- [write in what you want].


Technological documentation for control;

Reports on the implementation of the QCD instructions to improve the quality of equipment maintenance and repair;

Preventive maintenance schedules;

Necessary controls;

- [write in what you want].

6.6. With the instrumental department on questions:


Conclusions on the possibility of using a particular tool;

Advice on the use of an experimental tool;

Equipping the department with appropriate repair equipment;

- [write in what you want].


Applications for an expert assessment of the possibility of using a specific instrument;

Applications for equipping the department with tools;

Report on the use of the tool in the work of the department;

Applications for the development of a new instrument;

- [write in what you want].

6.7. With the production and dispatch department on the following issues:


Operational orders for the coordination of repair and maintenance work;

Information from other departments not directly related to the department of the chief mechanic;

- [write in what you want].


Work schedules;

Notifications about changes in equipment maintenance technology;

Projects for the introduction of new service technologies;

Consolidated technological documentation for equipment repair;

Copies of work progress reports;

- [write in what you want].

6.8. With the shops of the main production on the following issues:


Production technology compliance reports;

Proposals for improving production technology;

- [write in what you want].


Instructions on making changes to production technology;

Expert evaluation of proposals;

Drawings, specifications;

Technological route sheets for all stages of production;

Consulting on the application of production technologies;

- [write in what you want].

6.9. With the department of patent and inventive work on the following issues:


Applications for expert evaluation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Plans for the implementation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in solving the assigned tasks;

- [write in what you want].


Conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in the technological solution of individual issues;

Assistance in making drawings, making models;

Opportunities for experimental verification of inventions;

- [write in what you want].

6.10. With the department of labor protection on the issues:


Information on the requirements of labor protection legislation;

Conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of equipment for compliance with safety standards;

- [write in what you want].


Information on compliance with labor legislation on labor protection;

Applications for conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of equipment for compliance with safety regulations;

- [write in what you want].

6.11. With the production laboratory for:


Analysis of the characteristics of consumables;

- [write in what you want].


Requests for analysis of consumables.

- [write in what you want].

6.12. With the department of technical information on issues:


Technical documentation;

Technical literature;

Bulletins on new and expected literature arrivals;

Applications for copies of the technical documentation of the department;

- [write in what you want].


Copies of the technical documentation of the department;

Original documents for registration, accounting and storage;

Notifications of changes made to the equipment maintenance technology;

Applications for technical literature;

- [write in what you want].

6.13. With the department of material and technical supply on the issues:


Consulting on materials;

Requests for acceptable technological deviations;

Coordination of technical conditions for the use of special consumables;

- [write in what you want].


Consumption rates of materials;

Material quality tolerances;

Applications with a list of necessary materials to ensure the work of the department;

Repair and maintenance plans;

- [write in what you want].

6.14. With the department of organization and remuneration on the issues:


Consulting on labor legislation;

Approved staffing table;

Tasks to reduce the labor intensity of production by improving the technology of repair and maintenance of equipment;

- [write in what you want].


Proposals for the formation of the staffing table;

Reports on the implementation of prescriptions to reduce labor costs;

- [write in what you want].

6.15. With the planning and economic department on the issues:


Production plans for products according to the nomenclature;

Savings guidance;

Evaluating the economic efficiency of equipment repair;

- [write in what you want].


Preventive maintenance plans;

Plans for the introduction of new technologies;

Information required for the economic analysis of the department's activities;

Other materials at the request of the planning and economic department;

- [write in what you want].

6.16. With the chief accountant on:


Certificates for write-off, transfer, sale of equipment;

Data on the allocation of funds to the department;

Analysis of the rate of spending of funds;

- [write in what you want].


List of equipment to be written off;

The list of equipment to be removed from the balance;

List of unused equipment to be sold;

Equipment repair certificates;

Applications for payment for ordered equipment;

- [write in what you want].

6.17. From [name of structural unit] on issues:


- [enter what you want];

- [write in what you want].


- [enter what you want];

- [write in what you want].

7. Responsibility

7.1. The chief mechanic is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the department's performance of the functions provided for by this regulation.

7.2. The chief mechanic is personally responsible for:

Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the process of managing the department;

Provision of reliable information on the technology of equipment maintenance;

Timely and high-quality execution of orders of the enterprise management;

Avoiding the use of outdated technologies that can cause increased production costs (if there is a possibility of using new, improved ones);

- [write in what you want].

7.3. The responsibility of the employees of the department of the chief mechanic is established by the job descriptions.

7.4. [write in what you want].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[official with whom the regulation is agreed]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


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