How long do domestic parrots live. Life span of parrots. How long do cockatoos live

If you want to meet old age with your parrot, choose a large breed - cockatoo, macaw, Amazon or Jaco. These birds live so long that they often pass as a legacy from one generation to the next.

conditions for longevity

It is clear that genetic longevity must be supported by the favorable life of the bird, which its owner must take care of.

The list of factors that determine the life span of a pet includes:

  • a spacious cage with "simulators" and toys;
  • rich and balanced food;
  • correct temperature and light conditions;
  • illumination with ultraviolet lamps (for the production of vitamin D);
  • emotional comfort.

Lack of attention will affect the bird in the most negative way: your talker will get bored, droop and, quite possibly, get sick. There should be a lot of communication. If you are too busy at work or you are too lazy to talk with your parrot for a long time, it is better to give it to more responsible people.

The most unpretentious and inexpensive breed: this explains the increased demand for it among domestic buyers. In the wild, these Australian natives, destroyed by natural enemies, hunger and various ailments, live no more than 5 years.

"Cultivated" budgerigars not only changed in appearance (due to enhanced selection), but also began to live 3-4 times longer than their wild counterparts, often reaching up to 22 years.

The budgerigar has its own requirements for an owner interested in a long bird life. The focus of his attention should be a diet, which includes:

  • 2 teaspoons of a grain mixture, including millet, flax seeds, sunflower and meadow grasses;
  • pieces of vegetables and fruits;
  • leaves of radish, plantain, lettuce and dandelion;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and boiled eggs;
  • supplements with vitamins and minerals, where there is calcium.

This is an indicative ingredient list that is optimal for over 200 captive bred budgerigars.

This native Australian from the cockatoo family, decorated with a high crest, weighs approximately 100 g with a height of 30-33 cm (half of which falls on the tail).

He easily repeats individual words and melodies, and males imitate the nightingale, magpie and tit well. With good care, they will live next to you for 20-25 years.

Their homeland is Australia and New Guinea. Male and female individuals, growing from 30 to 70 cm, are colored the same. Feathers can be pink, black, yellow and white, but never green.

Yellow-crested cockatoo

They are divided into large (up to 55 cm) and small (up to 35) cm representatives of the species. Both of them have weak onomatopoeic abilities, but they are wonderfully tamed and attached to the owner. Excellent stunt performers.

Small yellow-crested live about 40, large - up to half a century.

pink cockatoo

With a body length of 37 cm, it weighs 300-400 grams. Males and females are colored the same, but extremely impressive: lilac-red abdomen with a breast are shaded by gray wings and a light pink crest.

Parrots are so attached to the house that they are often allowed to fly, as they always return. Live up to 50 years.

spectacled cockatoo

The birthplace of this large bird, growing up to 56 cm and weighing 800-900 grams, is Papua New Guinea.

In the plumage, two colors coexist - white and blurry yellow. The name of the species was given by the near-eye blue rings, reminiscent of the frame of glasses. The bird is quickly tamed and lives in captivity up to 50-60 years.

white-crested cockatoo

This native Indonesian grows up to half a meter with a weight of 600 grams. Monogamous. Losing a partner becomes depressed. He learns and reproduces complex sounds with brilliance, is amazingly artistic. It requires a lot of warmth and attention: in return, you can expect a long (50-70 years) stay next to you from your pet.

Moluccan cockatoo

It comes from the islands of the same name in Indonesia. It weighs up to 900 g with a length of just over half a meter. The color of the plumage is rather inexpressive: white color is interspersed with pale pink. He reproduces words poorly, but imitates the voices of animals well. It will please with a long life span from 40 to 80 years.

These small birds (weighing up to 60 g) inhabit Madagascar and Africa. The color is dominated by green, sometimes diluted with pink, blue, red, yellow and other shades. A person should be wary of a very strong, powerful and curved beak of a bird.

It is interesting! Most often, houses contain one of the 9 known types of lovebird - rosy-cheeked. If you want your bird to talk, you should not look for a “cellmate” for it: alone, the parrot domesticates faster and remembers words.

Lovebirds live (with careful care) from 20 to 35 years.

The owners of the most iridescent plumage (consisting of blue, green, red and yellow tones), as well as an extremely strong beak, arrived in Europe from Central and South America. These large (up to 95 cm) birds are tamed without any problems and tolerate captivity well.

The life span ranges from 30 to 60 years, although some specimens reached 75.

The habitats of these compact birds weighing about 60 g are the southeastern regions of Australia and the island of Tasmania.

Better than other species on the European continent, the motley rosella has mastered. They get used to people quickly, demonstrating a calm, unobtrusive character. They are able to repeat a small set of words and play well a familiar melody. Under favorable conditions of detention, they live up to more than 30 years.


These are rather large birds (25-45 cm in length) that live in the forests of the Amazon basin, which gave the name to the species.

The plumage is dominated by green, complemented by red stains on the head and tail or a red spot on the wing. Ornithologists have described 32 species of Amazons, two of which have already disappeared, and many are listed in the Red Book.

The second name of the species that came to us from West Africa is the gray parrot. It grows up to 30-35 cm, surprising others with its elegant coloration, which combines the ash-gray color of the wings and the purple color of the tail.

Jaco is considered the most skillful onomatopoeia, assimilating over 1500 thousand words. Jacos copy the voices of street birds, they love to scream, click their beaks, whistle and even squeal.

Talented imitate the sounds coming from intercoms, alarm clocks and telephones. The parrot closely follows the owner in order to one day reproduce his angry, joyful or restless intonations. Manual Jaco lives for about 50 years.


The oldest (according to official records) parrot named King Tut belonged to the species Moluccan cockatoos and lived in the San Diego Zoo (USA) for 65 years, having got there old enough in 1925. Ornithologists are sure that King Tut did not live up to its own 70th anniversary for only a year.

Miracles of longevity were demonstrated by one of the Inca cockatoos, deported in the spring of 1934 from the Australian Taronga Zoo to Chicago's Brookfield Zoo. In March 1998, he turned 63 years and 7 months old.

The zoo of the capital of Great Britain can boast of at least two centenarians, hosting a bird from the species Ara militaris, which delighted the eyes of visitors for 46 years. In the same zoo, the second "retired" Ara chloropteri also creaked until it was transferred to the local Wild Animal Park. It is known for certain that he celebrated his half-century anniversary, but then was bought by someone, and his traces were lost.

Another feathered Methuselah was registered in Belgium. The kea parrot was just a little short of his 50th birthday, which he could have celebrated at the Antwerp Zoo.

A bird belonging to the species Ara ararauna made Copenhagen Zoo famous by arriving in Denmark as an adult and living there for 43 years.

Will and captivity

It is interesting! There is an opinion that natural habitats threaten parrots with all sorts of disasters: a variety of predators prey on birds, the climate does not always indulge, and death from hunger and natural disasters often awaits.

Opponents operate with counterarguments, saying that a person is not able to provide a variety of natural food and give birds the necessary space and comfort. This allegedly leads to the fact that parrots wither, get sick and die prematurely.

In fact, the truth is on the side of the defenders of home keeping parrots.: the vast majority of modern species are obtained as a result of long breeding efforts and are excellently adapted for life in captivity - aviaries and cages.

The lifespan of different types of parrots is different., from 15 years to 80, and depends on the type of parrot.

Small parrots always live much less than medium and large ones.

  • balanced and varied diet,
  • spacious cage with toys and
  • optimal light and temperature regimes throughout the year.

The emotional comfort of the bird is very important: it needs communication, best of all with representatives of its kind, but if this is not possible, then you yourself need to pay as much attention to your parrot as possible.

The lifespan of pet parrots is largely up to you, but there are averages for each species.
Small parrot species live less.

So, for example, budgerigars, popular in Russia, live for about 15 years (less often - 20). It is known about one centenarian who lived to be 21 years old. Approximately the same amount (15-20 years) live parrots and lorises.

The average lifespan of lovebirds in captivity is 10 years. Sometimes it happens that these birds live up to 20 years.

Some canaries live up to 25 years, but their average life expectancy is also about 10 years.

Among the little parrots aratingi, are champions - in captivity they live up to 40 years, but on average they live 15-20 years.

medium sized parrots live 20 - 30 years.

blue-headed parrots if properly maintained, it can live for more than 30 years, and parakeets live for about 18 years. Corella in captivity they can live up to 20 years.

At Jaco The average lifespan in captivity is 25 years. Although it is known about centenarians who lived up to 50 years. Jacos are highly intelligent and are especially sensitive to lack of attention. This has a very negative effect on the health of the bird, they can begin to engage in self-plucking.

Large species of parrots have a longer life expectancy.

For example, ara lives on average 30-50 years, although there is information about the life span of more than 50 years. There are many documented lifespans of these parrots, for example, in the Copenhagen Zoo, Ara lived for at least 43 years, and in the London Zoo for 46 years. The record for life expectancy belongs to the oldest inhabitant of the Antwerp Zoo - the Kea parrot. The male Kea parrot was received by Antwerp Zoo on December 10, 1950. In 1998, this bird began to show signs of old age, and was placed separately, where, according to the zoo, Kea can live "in peace and harmony."

Amazons on average, they live up to 50 years, although there are centenarians who live up to 70. These birds need to be kept in spacious enclosures, in the absence of the ability to move, they are prone to obesity, and this significantly reduces their lifespan. In such cases, their average lifespan is about 20 years in captivity.

Cockatoo in captivity, on average, they live about 30-40 years, sometimes a little more. The famous Moluccan Cockatoo, "King Tut", which was kept at the San Diego Zoo, arrived there in 1925 as an adult bird, and died 65 years later on December 30, 1990. It is believed that "King Tut" lived for about 69 years. In May 1934, Kakadu Inka was sent from the Taronga Zoo, located in Australia, to the Brookfield Zoo, located in Chicago, who lived there until 1998, that is, by that time he was already 63 years old. Further, the fate of this parrot is not known.

BUT Eclectus about 40-50 years old.

In the ornithological literature there is information about life expectancy large parrots from 50 to 120 years old. Moreover, many well-known and respected ornithologists, such as Brehm, for example, talk about life expectancy up to 120 years. However, most publications call the average life expectancy around 60-70 years. It is known for sure that with a normal content of Amazons, Jacos, small cockatoos will live for at least 50 years, and larger breeds even more.

It should be noted that in birds it is customary to distinguish between the maximum and average life expectancy.

Life expectancy is the average number of years that a newborn individual will live in captivity or in the natural environment. And the maximum duration is the greatest age to which individual individuals live.

There are many opinions about where parrots live longer - in nature or in captivity. Many believe that in their natural habitat, birds die more often from adverse weather conditions, numerous predators, hunger, etc., however, many factors also negatively affect the life of birds in captivity. For most of our pets, we are not able to create a comfortable environment for life or provide the necessary variety of natural food, and this leads to various diseases and premature death.

The causes of death of animals in captivity and in nature are equally diverse, and in some respects are similar.

The difference between the maximum and average lifespan of birds, both in captivity and in nature, is quite significant. The maximum life expectancy of birds is more than the average by 2 times or more.

Remember! In the absence of violations in the conditions of detention and diseases, the life span of a parrot will increase significantly. If you properly care for your pet and give him a variety of healthy foods, the bird can live longer. 20 - 30 years of life are guaranteed for small pet parrots and 40 - 60 for large ones. And this is quite a lot, especially compared to other pets!

The parrot is one of those birds that live long enough. Usually zoologists give a figure in the range of twenty to forty years. However, among these birds there are real centenarians. A parrot living at home and receiving enough vitamins and minerals naturally feels much better than its wild relatives.

Popular types of domestic parrots

Of course, any owner of a parrot is interested in the question: how many years will his pet live? As a rule, the following species are kept at home: cockatoo, macaw, Amazon, jaco, necklace parrot, cockatiel, lovebirds and, perhaps, the most popular of all - wavy. The smaller the bird, the shorter its lifespan. Usually large representatives of domestic birds live long.


In the wild, this species lives on the strength of eight years, but at home, its life expectancy doubles. In addition, to date, a long-lived budgerigar has a lifespan record of twenty-one years.

This is a fairly sociable poultry that is very popular with young children. The compact size of budgerigars allows you to keep them in any city apartment. The future owner can choose any color he likes. After all, the variety of colors of these amazing birds is simply impressive.

Their distinguishing feature is a fairly high intelligence. All parrots are usually very contact, they easily find a common language both with other pets and with their own owners. As a rule, if there are two birds in a cage, then they are happy to communicate with each other. In the event that the bird is alone, a person, cat, dog or any other animal automatically becomes its companion. Easily learning to talk, the budgerigar does not follow logic and cannot carry on a conversation.

cockatoo parrot

Handsome cockatoos are considered recognized leaders in life expectancy among their relatives. To date, the record of a long-lived parrot who lived one hundred and twenty years is known. It was a large Sulphur-crested cockatoo from Sydney, Australia. According to other unconfirmed reports, a bird of this species also reached the maximum life expectancy, but only from the London Zoo. According to sources, the feathered pet named Koki died at the age of one hundred and forty-two years.

At home, this long-lived parrot lives for at least fifty years. Moreover, this indicator very often depends on the size of the bird. For example, the yellow-eared cockatoo has a body length of sixty centimeters and is considered quite small. While white-crested, Moluccan and pink reach sizes of seventy centimeters. Accordingly, their life expectancy ranges from seventy to eighty years.

These beautiful birds are extremely independent. Among parrots, centenarians are quite common. They can treat one family member positively, regularly showing their sympathy, and show unreasonable aggression towards others. In the wild, cockatoos live in groups of twenty individuals. Therefore, they need constant communication and cannot stand loneliness. Cockatoo owners often notice the touchiness of their pets.

Ara parrot

How many years do macaws live? At home, this parrot can live up to fifty years. The hyacinth macaw looks especially great. It is considered the largest parrot among all known today. Its length, together with the tail, is at least one meter. And the weight of these magnificent birds usually exceeds one and a half kilograms. Its price ranges from twenty thousand dollars. Therefore, it is unlikely to see this long-lived parrot in a house or apartment. Due to the high price of hyacinth macaws, today they are on the verge of extinction. In the jungles of Bolivia and Brazil (in natural habitats), these birds are catastrophically few.

cockatiel parrot

Unlike most species of similar birds, cockatiel is quite difficult to learn words. However, this is a rather cheerful and loud parrot, which will undoubtedly bring a lot of joy to both adults and children. His life expectancy is quite short and is only twenty years. Therefore, cockatiels cannot be called long-lived parrots.

Australia is the birthplace of these amazing birds. They are quite hardy and love to fly long distances. The color of the male is much brighter and more beautiful than the females. There are also centenarians among cockatiels. To date, a parrot is known that has lived for twenty-five years.


They got their name because of a fairly strong attachment to each other. There is an opinion that, having lost its partner, the second parrot dies. However, this is not quite true. Lovebirds perfectly switch to other birds of their breed. In their natural habitat, they can even part ways by mutual agreement and choose new pairs for themselves. Among all parrots, they have the shortest life span, which is no more than fifteen years. Lovebirds are extremely attractive and easy to care for and breed. There is an orange, grey-headed, rosy-cheeked, black-winged, green-headed and Nyassky lovebird.

Jaco parrot

These rather large long-lived parrots usually live for about fifty years. However, to date, a case of a maximum life expectancy of such a bird of ninety-three years is known. Like any other parrots, the Jaco does not tolerate the lack of communication very well and may even begin to pluck feathers on itself. Its intelligence is so high that the vocabulary of this bird sometimes reaches one thousand words. According to experts, Jaco not only remembers words, he is even able to maintain a simple conversation.

The natural habitat of the bird is the forests of the African continent. These parrots feed mainly on herbs, fruits and seeds, occasionally getting snails. Their cage should contain a variety of toys, including a mirror and beak rods.

Rating of long-lived parrots

  • In the first place, of course, will be a handsome cockatoo with a record of one hundred and twenty years.
  • The second and third places are shared by Jaco and Macaw. These birds, under favorable conditions, live from fifty to sixty years.
  • A magnificent Corella in captivity can be up to twenty years old,
  • Budgerigars, together with lovebirds, have been delighting their owners for fifteen years at most.

parrot health

Each owner of these amazing birds dreams of his pet living as long as possible, so the question is not surprising: how long do centenarian parrots live? If you follow the simple rules for caring for a bird, then for a long time. First of all, you should take care of the mental state of your pet. Due to the lack of communication, the parrot can develop depression. If a bird plucks its feathers, then most likely it is in a depressed state.

In addition, a pet needs vitamin and mineral supplements, on which the life expectancy of parrots also depends. The fact is that the natural food (fruits, vegetables and grains) that the owner offers him in the spring contains very few nutrients. For example, in those countries where parrots come from, as a rule, fruits ripen throughout the year, and therefore there is no lack of vitamins. Pet birds are in dire need of various supplements that can be purchased at pet stores.

Manufacturers of such products offer their customers various mineral stones made from a mixture of sand, cuttlefish shell, chalk, and so on. You can also cook them yourself. For this, various grains, dry herbs and crushed egg shells are taken. In addition, it is desirable to add a special mineral mixture "Rio" to the composition.

The fact that the parrot lacks mineral supplements can be recognized by the appearance of the bird. Her development slows down, and her beak becomes fragile. In addition, the thyroid gland also suffers. Vitamin D, iodine, magnesium and chlorine are among the most essential elements.

Content Requirements

Parrots need to ensure cleanliness in the cage. Remains of food should be removed in a timely manner, and the cage itself should be washed regularly with a rag and brush. The parrot must rest a sufficient amount of time. Zoologists call the numbers from nine to eleven o'clock. During this period, the bird should be at rest, preferably in semi-darkness. A variety of toys and perches of various sizes will decorate his leisure time. It should be borne in mind that these birds prefer to move horizontally, which means that it is desirable to place the perches at different levels.

There are a lot of interesting facts about parrots that people often just don’t know about:

  • These birds do not have vocal cords. Oddly enough, but they pronounce all their sounds with the help of their beak and tongue.
  • Parrots love alcohol. In the natural environment, they extract it from spoiled fruits.
  • Due to poaching, thirty percent of the parrots in the world are at the stage of complete extinction. To date, in the wild, these birds live less than at home.
  • In some countries (such as Australia) there are special courses that teach parrots to talk.
  • These are quite musical birds that love to dance to the music. And you can't deny them a sense of rhythm.
  • They usually live in groups of up to twenty individuals. However, to date, zoologists have discovered the largest flock of birds, numbering seventy birds.
  • Not all parrots are cute and harmless. There are real predators among them. For example, the kea parrot eats small animals. Often gets from him and people. Kea are extremely thieving and do not shun literally anything. Often, local residents discover their losses in the nests of these birds. Unlike their heat-loving relatives, kea prefer to live in cool mountains.
  • These birds were highly valued in ancient Rome. Often more money was given for one parrot than for a slave.
  • Their bite is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. A large cockatoo may well bite a person's finger.

One of the most important questions that those who are thinking of getting a budgerigar are looking for answers to is “What is the life span of it?”. After this amazing bird gets to your house, some time will pass and it will adapt, get used to you. You, in turn, will get used to it. As a result, you will become the most real friends. And, of course, you want your feathered friend to be with you as long as possible. For this to happen, you need to not only know how long the budgerigar lives on average at home or in captivity, but also take into account the factors that affect the life expectancy of a pet. In this article, I will tell you about the life spans of wild and domestic budgerigars and how to make your friend live as long as possible.

How long do budgerigars live in the wild?

In their natural habitat (namely, in Australia), these birds live for a relatively short time. Typically, their lifespan under such conditions is 4 to 6 years old. Sometimes a parrot can live longer - up to 8-10 years in the wild, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Unfortunately, in the wild, a lot of budgerigars simply die. Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

  • starlings fight with budgerigars for possession of the territory (it is interesting that the first were brought by man to the mainland);
  • they are hunted by predatory animals and birds;
  • sometimes they have to fly great distances to find food and water;
  • not always parrots can find food for themselves, sometimes they have to starve;
  • dry seasons and rainy seasons also negatively affect the life expectancy of birds;
  • people set traps in their gardens and fields;
  • in some reservoirs contaminated water.

The good news is that budgerigars have very good immunity and they repopulate within a short period of time.

The average life expectancy of budgerigars at home

What can I say, in captivity, under the caring supervision of people, the life span of these amazing creatures is much longer than that of their relatives living in the wild. Pets that are tamed to live in a comfortable apartment or a comfortable house are not afraid of any falcons or hawks, they do not need to fight with starlings. In addition, they are not tormented by thirst, hunger and heat. Pets require care. And, of course, the owner must create favorable conditions for his bird to live: feed it well, water it, let it fly freely around the house. Otherwise, the parrot will not last long. After all, it largely depends on this how many years a budgerigar will live in your home (in a cage).

If you responsibly take care of your winged pet, then the duration of his life in captivity will be 5 – 10 years(this applies to both boys and girls, that is, both males and females). There are those who are able to live to a much older age, thereby delighting their attentive owners. There are even examples of cases when domestic budgerigars, with proper care, lived over 20 years. And it's great! Of course, this age is a difficult period in the life of a bird, as the years take their toll, and the old wavy can no longer hear and move as well as in their younger years. Nevertheless, the owners of such birds, of course, are glad that their faithful winged friend is next to them.

What factors affect the life span of budgerigars at home?

The life expectancy of budgerigars depends on several factors at once.


There are more and more people who want to have such a bird at home. Due to the great popularity, everyone began to breed budgerigars. That is, even those people who do not understand anything in selection. This led to the fact that the birds began to develop diseases that are congenital in nature, which greatly reduced their lifespan.


This factor includes many things. So, for example, in order for the life of a pet bird to be as long as possible, it is necessary that your answers to the following questions are correct in terms of safety and comfort of living conditions. What cage did you put the parrot in? Where is the cage located (near the heating appliances, where the wind is constantly blowing, in the kitchen, etc.)? What is the illumination and humidity of the room in which the cage is (there is a pet)? What is the room temperature? Is the temperature always kept constant? Is the cage removed in a timely manner? Do you monitor the hygiene of the parrot (do you bathe it, trim its beak and claws in time)? The parrot should have enough food and drink. Do you make sure that your feathered friend always has fresh water and food?

Food quality

In order for your budgerigar to live longer than the average representative of the breed, it is necessary to properly feed it. The diet of a pet should consist of properly balanced substances vital to the bird's body. Otherwise, the parrot's immunity will be weakened, it will often get sick. Usually, malnutrition leads to gastrointestinal disturbances, tumors and excess fat appear in the budgerigar.

Physical form

An important factor affecting the lifespan of a budgerigar is its physical form. In order for everything to be in order with her, it is necessary to provide the parrot with all the necessary adaptations for the proper development of its body. For example, install perches, swings, ladders and the like. In addition, it is very important to release the parrot so that it can fly freely around the room. It is a must to do this!

Communication, stress

Communicate with your pet, give him special attention, play with him, let him fly outside the cage, become his best friend. Then the budgerigar will see that you care about him. He will not worry, will not become an aggressive parrot. He will have good psychological health and, as a result, he will live longer.

If you are next to your winged pet, then he will not be afraid of any sounds, rumbles, repairs, conversations of guests, etc. If he is with you, he will feel safe. However, not all owners can deal with their parrot every day, even for a while. A lot of worries can fall upon someone. In such a situation, you should put some neighbor, partner to the bird. Since not a single pet will survive the feeling of loneliness and longing. When the parrot has another good friend in the house besides you, you can not be afraid of any melancholy. And the life expectancy of your winged friends in this case will be higher.


Follow the safety rules. The room should be completely ready for the budgerigar to live and walk. Make sure the windows are closed when you let the bird fly. To protect your pet from an unexpected fall into the paws of a predator, make sure that the cat or any other pets do not run into the room. Make sure that the parrot does not have to breathe in harmful odors. Remove plants that are dangerous to your pet. Avoid bare wires. That is, you need to follow all safety rules, to provide for everything so that nothing poses a danger to the life of your budgerigar.

Light mode

In order for your winged pet to live comfortably, it is important to provide him with the right light regime. In their natural habitat, budgerigars go to bed at nightfall, awaken from sleep at dawn. For parrots that live at home or in an apartment in a cage, it is also vital to provide a similar light regime. Then the bird will get enough sleep and eat the required amount of food.

In summer, budgerigars should be awake for 14-15 hours; in winter, wake time should be reduced by 3-4 hours. To control this, at the right time, when darkness comes, turn off the light. If at home circumstances do not allow this to be done, cover the cage with a thick cloth. In this case, the fabric must pass air.

If the parrot sleeps during the day, do not disturb him. He is probably tired and thus gaining strength.

Veterinary help

Parrots can have various diseases. Therefore, consult your veterinarian from time to time about the physical condition of your winged friend. If you have even the slightest suspicion that your budgerigar has some kind of disease, contact a specialist immediately. Only in this way you can get timely advice, save your pet from possible complications and prolong his life for many years.

Be aware of these conditions that affect the lifespan of budgerigars. Make sure your bird lives properly. I wish your budgerigar to live long and bring joy to its owner.

I hope that this information was interesting and useful to you. If you have something to add to the article, please write about it in the comments.

When choosing a parrot, a person does not always think about how long a feathered pet can live in captivity. Small birds are able to bring a lot of positive to the family, create comfort and a favorable atmosphere of friendly communication. Do not forget that tiny budgerigars are very fragile creatures, you need to surround them with care and special attention.

How many years do budgerigars live in nature

The natural range of budgerigars is mainland Australia and adjacent islands. Flocks of nomadic birds in search of food and water are forced to make heavy flights, exhausted. Fatigue dulls attention, and the birds forget about the dangers that lie in wait at every step. Most often, the life expectancy of parrots in the wild is reduced due to environmental conditions:

  • contaminated water in rivers, especially during dry periods;
  • many enemies: birds of prey and animals;
  • lack of food in lean years;
  • disease epidemics affecting entire flocks of birds.

In addition, countless living creatures die in forest fires, which are not uncommon in the arid regions of Australia. On average, parrots of this species live for three years, and some individuals are long-lived, their age exceeds ten years.

How long will budgerigars live in captivity

For the most part, the attitude of the owner determines how long budgerigars live at home. Tamed birds can live very freely in an apartment. It would seem that their freedom is limited by the space of the cage and rare flights around the rooms. But a small creature feels great under the protection of a person when you do not need to take care of food and lodging for the night every day. If you give a feathered baby attention and provide for all the little things, the life expectancy of a budgerigar at home can be increased to 8 years or more.

What factors determine life expectancy at home

The domestic parrot is freed from the dangers of the wild, but it is at the mercy of man. How old a bird will live in an apartment depends on various circumstances: hereditary factors, the organization of space and lifestyle, the presence of stress. The main condition for the long life of a budgerigar is competent care and care of the owner.


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