Incoming outgoing documents program. Registration log. Main window - Search by letter number

At any enterprise with a large turnover, there are always problems with maintaining business documentation, in particular, with its storage and processing. In such organizations, important papers accumulate in the shortest possible time, therefore, after some time, the problem of their storage becomes relevant, and a set of additional difficulties accumulates, such as observing the necessary conditions for the safety of papers, their proper systematization and archiving.

Of course, the days when official documents accumulated on dusty shelves, lost in a pile of unnecessary waste paper, are long gone. Nowadays, thanks to the development of information technology, there are special computer programs and electronic systems for this. For example, "Registration of documents of the organization 4.2" (can be downloaded at, which is designed to record incoming and outgoing correspondence and internal documents of the organization. Thanks to its skillful use, the question does not arise of what to do with old orders and instructions and how to ensure their safe storage.

How the application works: main features

With the help of a convenient and intuitive application for an ordinary PC user, you can quickly organize the accounting of relevant documentation at all levels of the company's work and in any format, as well as create the necessary reports. The system provides a full cycle of work with a document: from creation and processing to saving to the archive, so we can say with confidence about the complete automation of the workflow at the enterprise and its conversion into electronic format. Now all the processes directly related to the maintenance of documentation at the enterprise do not require careful and painstaking control over the implementation of certain actions. The program will do everything on its own and remind you of the deadlines for documents.

All relevant papers, as well as incoming / outgoing information, are stored in the Program Document Registration Logs, so finding the necessary document will not be difficult. Printing an electronic document will not cause inconvenience either, because any modern format is available - Word / Writer, Excel / Calc - with the possibility of continuing file work in "native" applications.

Program Benefits

In addition to the possibility of using your own visual template in the form of a card, the program gives the user the following advantages:

  • setting alerts for authorized officials individually, with the creation of a calendar reminder;
  • regulated access to the program depending on the level of activity - from simple viewing without the right to make changes to administrative control;
  • creation of scanned copies of documentation;
  • setting access rights to document logs, the ability to enable the visibility mode of only your documents;
  • support for a network mode of operation to ensure productive and comfortable work in a team;
  • sending notifications via e-mail or by internal mail of the program;
  • the ability to store documents of several companies at once;
  • implementation of quick analysis, editing and search for individual journal fields - the program will automatically generate the necessary reports;
  • integration with the free Asterisk IP telephony server, which allows you to find up-to-date information before picking up the handset.

Thus, the improved utility "Registration of documents of the organization 4.2" will allow you to create a single business space with a simple, secure and reliable management system. And with the help of a special application for Android, you can stay in touch under any circumstances, get acquainted with incoming documents and report on performance, even if only a smartphone is at hand.

The most important part of the work of the secretary is the registration of documents. It consists in recording and fixing information about documents in the accounting form in order to ensure their safety and search for the necessary information.

The greatest economic efficiency is achieved with a centralized accounting system, i.e., with the concentration of all registration operations in one place. The centralization of document accounting creates conditions for their single registration and mechanization of individual operations. The centralized system allows you to create a single information center of the enterprise, as well as to maintain operational control over a wide range of documents. Structural subdivisions are thus exempted from numerous duplicating operations.

Mandatory registration is subject to documents coming from higher organizations, applications and complaints from citizens, correspondence from other organizations that require a decision or response, materials of a permanent storage period. This group also includes the most important internal documentation - orders, protocols, reports, etc. Valuable and registered correspondence is also registered

A special list must be drawn up for documents that are not subject to registration. The list of non-registered documents includes: documents sent for information; primary accounting documentation, all documents recorded in functional divisions in special accounting forms, etc. The list of documents that are not subject to registration is approved by the head of the institution and is included as an annex to the office work instructions.

Rational work on registration of documents is facilitated by the use of uniform methods of maintaining accounting forms for fixing accounting data and indexing documents.

The basis for indexing documents is the symbols of structural divisions, case numbers according to the nomenclature, ordinal incoming outgoing numbers Thus, the index 01/05/56 of the incoming document includes: 01 - index of the structural unit; 05 - case number according to the nomenclature; 56 - individual serial number of the incoming document assigned during registration.

In organizations with a large number of correspondents, correspondent codes can be used.

Internal administrative documents and protocols that have individual records, as a rule, receive as an index only serial numbers from the beginning of the year. Initiative and response documents have one index, which is assigned to the initiative document and then transferred to the response document.

In practice, the most widespread are 2 forms of registration of documents - card and magazine.

With the journal method of registration, the same document is repeatedly taken into account when it passes through the authorities (through the office, division, etc.), which leads to noticeable losses of working time. When using it, it is impossible to mechanize the processes of accounting, reference work and control of execution. Therefore, the journal system can be effectively used only in organizations with a small document flow - up to 1000 documents per year, as well as for accounting for special types of documentation that require special safety.

The card form allows you to apply the principle of one-time registration by filling in the required number of cards for each document on a typewriter. In addition, several people can keep records on the cards at the same time. The advantage of this method is also the possibility of mechanizing the processes of working with cards, starting from their filling and ending with sorting.

The number of copies of maps entered for each document is determined by its content and route. Initiative and response documents linked by the unity of the index are registered on the same card, i.e. the data of the response document will be recorded in the card on which the initiative document was previously registered.

After registration of documents, registration cards are placed in control and accounting and information file cabinets, which form the basis of the reference apparatus for official documents.

The reference file is divided into 2 parts: unfulfilled and executed documents. The first part of the card file is used to search for a document in the process of its execution by correspondents, performers or deadlines. The second part is built according to the production and branch scheme, reflecting the direction, functions, issues and areas of work of this organization. The nomenclature of cases can serve as a systematization scheme for cards. Such a card file should cover the totality of the registered incoming, outgoing and internal documentation of the organization or structural unit. The main search attribute of a document is its content. Sections and headings of the card index will correspond to sections and articles of the nomenclature of cases. The sequence of divisions of the card index is also determined by the nomenclature of cases.

Cards from the sections of the first part, as the documents are executed with the necessary marks put in them, are moved to the corresponding section and heading of the second part of the card index. For some specific groups of documents, separate file cabinets can be created, for example, file cabinets of orders.

Summing up: since the most important part of the work of the secretary is the registration of documents, which consists in recording and fixing information about documents in the accounting form in order to ensure their safety and search for the necessary information, it is necessary to master this procedure perfectly.

There are various forms of ledgers. Often, accounting programs offer a cumbersome multi-window interface that makes it difficult to get started with the program.

Working with such a correspondence log forces the user to constantly look for the menu items necessary to perform a particular action, now and then open and close new windows, in which the program functionality is scattered.

A sample register of incoming and outgoing documents - an electronic register presented on our website - has a number of advantages. The characteristic name for the program was not chosen by chance. Convenient MAGAZINE is really convenient: almost all actions related to logging take place in only two windows - the main window and the letter editing window.

AT Convenient MAGAZINE even to make new entries in the associated database tables, there is no need to open a new window, although this option is also provided.

The structure of the letter editing window reflects the features of the workflow of a particular institution. On our website you can download the accounting program in the presented form. But the program can also partially or completely redesigned in accordance with the requirements of your organization.

Document Registration Program
Handy XP Magazine

  • Main window

    The main window of the electronic journal for registering incoming and outgoing documents is a table containing the most important information on letters.
    Each line of the log allows you to get a complete picture of a particular letter.

    The actions that are supposed to be performed with the selected letter are directly accessible in the toolbar and are duplicated in the context menu. Double-clicking the left mouse button on the line with information about the letter opens the window for editing this letter.

  • The letter editing window has all the tools for working with the fields of the relational database tables selected in the corresponding dialog when starting to work with the program.

    You can enter new values ​​into related database tables without leaving the current window.

  • When you start the program, you are given the opportunity to select the database that will be used during work. You can work with the Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition version 4 format file or directly with Microsoft SQL Server.

    By default, the Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition format file is selected, which is supplied with the "Convenient Journal" program and is located in the same folder with the UZh.exe executable file. Thus, to start working with the program, you can simply click the "Open" button in this dialog box.

    It is also possible to specify the path to the database file in the program shortcut. For example, when using the key -sqlcepath "C:\db\myBase.sdf" the corresponding path will be specified in the database file selection field when starting the program.

  • Print window

    The printout of the log of registration of letters is carried out from the main window of the program.
    When you print an accounting journal, you can select the records to print and center the table on the sheet.

  • Main window - Menu

    The commands of the toolbar of the main program window are duplicated in the context menu.

    Pressing the right mouse button selects the line currently under the cursor.

  • Main window - Search by letter number

    The main window has the ability to search and filter messages by incoming number.

    The table will display all letters, the number of which contains the numbers entered in the search field.

  • Main window - Search by counterparty

    In addition to searching by the incoming number, there is also the possibility of searching for a letter by the name of the client with auto-completion of the search string by the first letters of the entered word.

    The search is optimized and is carried out not for all available clients in the corresponding database table, but only for those with which specific letters are associated.

  • Contractors

    The ability to enter a new record in the database tables is present in the "Edit message" window itself: just enter the required value in the field with a drop-down list.
    If the entered value does not exist in the database, a save prompt will be displayed and, if confirmed, a new stock will appear in the database and the contents of the drop-down list will be updated accordingly.

  • Letter editing window - Fields

    Fields changed during editing are marked with a special icon.

    Visual control of the entered changes greatly simplifies the work with the form of editing the letter.

  • Letter editing window - Autocomplete

    Autocompletion of the outgoing number has been implemented in the "Editing a letter" window.

    In this case, the outgoing number is built on the basis of the incoming number, taking into account the number assignment rule adopted in the organization.

  • Reference books

    The window that allows you to edit records in the database table is called from the "Edit message" window by pressing the button located to the right of each field with a drop-down list. When working with a SQL Server CE database file, you can delete records without any restrictions. When working with SQL Express, you can only delete records that are not related by a foreign key.

  • Main window - Export

    The program provides for the export of the entire log or only selected records to Excel. When printing, it is also possible to select one or more records.

04.02.2016 Registration of correspondence on the computer has a number of undeniable advantages over conventional non-electronic journals. Here are just a few of them, which greatly simplify the registration of documents and increase the efficiency of the company's internal office work.
1. Unified help system. Initially formed directories (employees, types of correspondence, addressees, etc.) make it possible to use them effectively in the future: they eliminate the ambiguous interpretation of the same values, they are used when searching and selecting documents according to certain criteria (documents for a specific contractor, by type of correspondence, by nomenclature of cases etc.), are used in the final reporting on office work.
2. Incoming and outgoing documents(correspondence) is in a single card file, unlike different paper magazines during normal registration. This card file can have an unlimited size (compared to ordinary magazines) and store documents for the entire history of the company. This allows you to quickly find the necessary documents in the electronic archive.
3. Ability to store in electronic correspondence file copies of paper documents (scanned, electronic files signed with an EDS (electronic signature). When such an electronic journal of correspondence is shared (in the company's computer network), each employee, in accordance with his access level (role), can have instant access to the required registered incoming / outgoing document, as well as its electronic copy.When using EDS within the company, it is possible to refuse from conventional paper media, which significantly reduces financial costs.
4. Control over the execution of incoming documents. The efficiency compared to a regular magazine is also obvious. This is the speed of selection of documents under control, the possibility of carrying out not only current control, but also preliminary (future periods). Detailed information about the control over the execution of incoming correspondence
5. Printing output documents: registers of registered incoming / outgoing correspondence, registers of documents under control (having deadlines), document resolution, registration card, information about the movement of the document. In all cases, when printing documents, ready-made templates are used. This allows you to automatically receive ready-made documents in seconds.
The advantages of electronic journals compared to paper journals are far from complete.
The purpose of this article is to acquaint the reader with the capabilities of the AC "" program when registering incoming / outgoing documents. The advantages described above are also implemented in it.

In a programme Electronic Journal of Correspondence registration of incoming and outgoing documents is carried out in the file of documents. Activation of the mode of electronic file of documents is carried out by selecting the main menu item of the program "Registration - File of documents":

Appearance of the card index of documents AS Electronic Correspondence Journal looks like this:

The interface of the document file cabinet (assignment of individual elements of the file cabinet toolbar, file cabinet context menu, data table) is described in detail in the user manual in paragraphs 3.2.1 - 3.2.3. () .
To register an incoming or outgoing document in the electronic file of documents AS "Electronic Journal of Correspondence" it is necessary to press the button "Functions - New" on the toolbar. The program will open a window for registering the document:

Depending on the selection of the "Correspondence classification" field, the registration of an incoming or outgoing document will continue.

For an incoming document, the registration card looks like this:

After entering information about the incoming/outgoing document in the registration card, to complete the registration of the document, press the "Save F2" button in the toolbar (there is an alternative way to save documents - the keyboard key F2).
After saving the document, information about it will be reflected in the data table of the electronic filing cabinet.
For more information about registering correspondence in the AC program Electronic Journal of Correspondence, see the User's Guide p.3.2.4-3.2.10 (

A program for accounting for incoming and outgoing correspondence and internal documents of the organization.

The software product can be customized to suit the needs of your organization.

Information about all the correspondence of your company, as well as internal documents (orders, instructions, and so on) is in one place - Document Registration Logs, and you can always easily find the right one.

All information about each incoming, outgoing or internal document is presented clearly in the Card of the corresponding document

You can set up the format of the document number as it is customary in your office work

You will not forget in the daily bustle of work about the deadline for an unfulfilled document! And you don’t have to sort through a pile of papers in search of such documents either - the program will remind you of them itself

Notifications will only be received by authorized officials: notifications are configured for each user. You can also view reminders in the form of a calendar!

To start working with the program, you do not have to manually enter documents for previous years - you can automatically download them from an Excel file.

Convenient team work on documents is provided with support for the network mode and the ability to differentiate rights. Access and work with the program "Registration of documents of the organization 4.7" is strictly regulated: three levels of access are implemented depending on the functions allowed to the user - administrative, user and only for viewing (without the right to make changes). Additionally, it is possible to fine-tune access to logs for each access level.

Support for working with a scanner will allow you to easily load scanned copies of original documents into the program, there is the possibility of streaming scanning when using a scanner that supports automatic sheet feeding.

The officials responsible for the execution of documents will be notified in time about the receipt of new tasks for them - the program has the functions of sending notifications by e-mail with the ability to link files, store messages and search through them

Maintaining documents of any number of companies in one program: all information on documents is in one place, it is accessible and conveniently presented

The "See only your documents" function allows you to share documents between executors, eliminating the possibility of viewing and correcting other people's documents.

For daily automatic archiving of file versions of programs by time, you can use the free utility Automatic File Archiving.

To install the free version of the program:

*Product support is provided via the Internet.

A license for 1 workstation of the standard (non-SQL) version of the program is provided free of charge, without restrictions.

To purchase additional network jobs, send us a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , indicate in it the name of your company, the name of the product (“Registration of documents of the organization 4.7”) and the number of additional jobs, and we will send you a contract and an invoice.

Pay the bill in any way convenient for you.

After payment, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. payment confirmation (copy or number of payment order, date and amount of payment), and we will send you a registration code and an activation code.

The price of the program "Registration of documents of the organization 4.7"

Basic version- 1 workplace - Free

Additional jobs:
from the 2nd to the 5th inclusive - 4000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 6th to the 10th inclusive - 3000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 11th to the 20th inclusive - 2000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 21st and more - 1000 rubles for 1 workplace

Price Calculator

0+1*4000=4000 rub.

0+4*4000+1*3000=19000 rub.

0+4*4000+5*3000+10*2000+5*1000=56000 rub.

*Price includes 1 year of phone and web technical support.

* Dispatch mode is licensed separately, the cost of a license for 1 year is 4000 rubles. When you turn on the mode "Control room"

For organizations that require increased data storage reliability and access security to information, blocking unauthorized access to data, possible built-in data encryption, the ability to use a web client to view documents and an android application to notify performers about the receipt of documents and control the execution of documents, there are versions of the program Registration of organization documents for Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL.

To purchase the program "Registration of documents of the organization
" SQL version:

1. Download the demo version of the program (installation file for MS SQL Server and for PostgreSQL) and install the program.

2. Send us a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , indicate in it the name of your company, the name of the product (“Registration of organization documents 4.7 version of MS SQL” or "Registration of organization documents 4.7 version of PostgreSQL") and the number of jobs, and we will send you a contract and an invoice.

3. Pay the bill in any way convenient for you.

4. After payment, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. payment confirmation (copy or number of payment order, date and amount of payment), and we will send you a registration code and an activation code.
Original documents (agreement, act of acceptance and transfer of use rights, invoice, invoice, license agreement) are sent by mail after payment.

The price of the program "Registration of documents of the organization 4.7 version of MS SQL"

Basic version- 1 workplace - 8000 rubles

Additional jobs:
from 2nd to 5th inclusive - 6000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 6th to the 10th inclusive - 5000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 11th to the 20th inclusive - 4000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 21st and more - 3000 rubles for 1 workplace

To calculate the cost of licenses, you can use Price Calculator

An example of cost calculation for 2 workplaces:
8000+1*6000=14000 rub.

An example of cost calculation for 6 workplaces:
8000+4*6000 +1*5000 =37000 rub.

An example of cost calculation for 25 workplaces:
8000 +4*6000 +5*5000+10*4000+5*3000=112000 rub.

When choosing the extended warranty option, the cost of an additional year of support is 20% of the cost of licenses.

* The term of the license is not limited.

"Control room" 1 month is provided free of charge, the cost of a time-limited license is 12,000 rubles.

PostgreSQL- this is a freely distributed SQL server, which is a worthy alternative to the commercial Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL DBMS is especially relevant for government agencies in compliance with the policy of using Russian software products.

Price of the program "Registration of organization documents 4.7 PostgreSQL version"

Basic version- 1 workplace - 9000 rubles

Additional jobs:
from 2nd to 5th inclusive - 7000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 6th to the 10th inclusive - 6000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 11th to the 20th inclusive - 5000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 21st and more - 4000 rubles for 1 workplace

To calculate the cost of licenses, you can use Price Calculator

An example of cost calculation for 2 workplaces:
9000+1*7000=16000 rub.

An example of cost calculation for 6 workplaces:
9000+4*7000 +1*6000 =43000 rub.

An example of cost calculation for 25 workplaces:
9000 +4*7000 +5*6000+10*5000+5*4000=137000 rub.

*Price includes 1 year of phone and web technical support. When choosing the extended warranty option, the cost of an additional year of support is 20% of the cost of licenses.

* The term of the license is not limited.

* Dispatch mode is licensed separately, the cost of a license for 1 year is 4000 rubles. When the mode is turned on "Control room" 1 month is provided free of charge, the cost of a time-limited license is 12,000 rubles.

Among program users State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Moscow "Department for the Reconstruction and Development of Unique Objects", JSCB "Russian Trust Bank", LLC "KB Finance Business Bank", Commercial Bank "RBA", LLC "Multipurpose Processing Company", OJSC "Tsentromashproekt", OJSC "Krasnogorsky Zavod" "Electric motor", GKU RD "Directorate of a single state customer-developer" of the city of Makhachkala and many others.


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