How to get rid of bad habits? How to get rid of bad and bad habits. Easy and forever. Bad habit of biting your nails

The severity of bad habits is perceived by people in different ways: for some, parasitic words are impossible to hear, the other can not stop smoking, the third is excitement and loses a lot of money in a casino.

Undoubtedly, they all have one thing in common: if a habit interferes with life, makes coexistence in the family or society impossible, it needs to be eliminated. Light versions of bad habits Of course, it is easier to eradicate than difficult ones, requiring significant intervention from a specialist and ongoing support, but, according to Alan Malatt, a professor of psychology at Washington University, it will take a total of 90 days to completely eliminate the bad habit.

How to get rid of a bad habit?

Counseling psychologists and personal growth gurus argue that eradicating a bad habit begins with awareness of the problem. It’s not only important to accept the reality “I have a certain kind of addiction / bad habit”, but also to see the extent of the damage that it brings, to trace the future destructive results of its influence.

Keep a diary.This technique is used to control gambling addiction, shopaholism, alcohol and drug addiction, as well as tobacco use. If you mark your achievements daily, paint your feelings, then for the sake of what you will hold on to the first 90 days of the acute period of getting rid of the habit.

Motivational saying. Find a quote from a book or a statement by a famous person, preferably someone who is an example to you, who may have independently passed through what you are going through now, memorize his statement. Repeat it daily or write at the beginning / at the end of the report in the diary - something should encourage you to continue, so find this incentive or create it within yourself.

Tear a patch or heal gradually?  Many people ask themselves: what is the best way to get rid of a bad habit - gradually or at once? It would be wiser to choose an approach based on the psychological characteristics of the personality, and here without reflection, self-awareness and understanding of what follows after this or that kind of refusal is indispensable.

Replace negative habit with positive. The secret of getting rid or transforming a habit lies in its very name, so there is nothing particularly complicated - we ourselves are used to doing certain things, which means we’ll also easily get used to it. Yes, at first our brain will feel discomfort, because it is used to working according to a specific program, however, it is also flexible and flexible.

Replace negative habit with positive  you can also radically, as well as break with her, or just by tricking yourself a little. However, it is worth considering the reaction of the body. For example, Kursk with experience will not be able to run as they would like, but those who ate cakes at night will be able to transfer their habit of getting physical saturation and satisfaction to a new rut.

It is important to understand the mechanisms thatthey work when the habits and needs of the body are formed - only then can you eradicate what seemed to drag you headlong into a hopeless quagmire, but we know that there are no hopeless situations. Your life is in your hands!

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When talking about bad habits, the first thing that comes to people's minds is alcohol and smoking. In fact, this is pure addiction, which eventually completely destroys consciousness. As for bad habits, they can be very diverse: late going to bed, late rising in the morning, late eating. Irritation, dissatisfaction with life, rejection of oneself, comparison, condemnation, chaotic flickering of thoughts are also bad habits that lead to degradation. They knock us out of the present moment, and only in it we can be happy. Thoughts always carry off somewhere, not allowing us to live here and now and appreciate what we already have. But if you observe them, you will notice that there are not so many thoughts, they are simply interpreted and repeated in different ways. These thoughts take away a huge amount of energy from us, which prevents us from moving and developing further, including switching to a more natural diet.

Illumination, inspiration for creativity, clarification of consciousness - all this is born when there is no intense flickering of thoughts, when the head is empty. And you need to learn to release it, first at least for a few seconds, then gradually increasing this time to create a vacuum in the thought process. Then you will understand what a pleasure it is - at least to touch this state of being a little, and even more so to live in it. This is a real sense of freedom when it becomes possible to control your reality, when you have no distracting thoughts, when you become a creator and can create everything from scratch.

There are many practices that help to achieve this, for example, meditation and pranayama, yoga and physical activity with internal concentration, living nutrition. Yes, all this allows you to at least briefly plunge into the state of "here and now." But exciting hobbies work best, which you can go headlong into and dissolve in them completely. For example, for me this magic happens when I pick up a kite. I go far into the sea-ocean and merge there with the wind, with the sun, with the water element. In this state, I don’t think about anything, my mind is crystal clear and shimmers with all its faces like a skillfully cut diamond. My body and soul are filled with a sense of glee and happiness. There are no thoughts in my head, I just feel like the wind and the sea wave at the same time, possessing their strength. Back to shore, I am returning completely rebooted and updated, as if from another dimension. And this condition is then present for a long enough time during the day, and when you leave you want to feel it again and again in full and live like that forever.

When a person is captured by something really inspiring, he can no longer think of anything else. Great poets, sculptors, artists, writers - they closed in their workshops, forgetting about sleep and food. And they worked, drawing vitality in inspiration that visited them. What is this talking about? We can switch our bodies to other sources of nutrition. The most important thing is to bring yourself into this state, open yourself to the World, and trust in it. To give an opportunity to fill oneself with energy from other sources. Remember: where our attention is, there is all our energy. If we are captured by something truly beautiful, it will become for us a source of inspiration, happiness and good health.

We can eradicate bad habits only when we replace them with something more attractive. This is due to how our mind works. He is not ready to give anything back. For example, we want to take away his habit of eating after five in the evening. The mind will come up with a lot of “good” reasons for us not to do this. He will give us all kinds of intrigues, launch various thoughts, excuses, excuses - there will be an infinite number of them until at least something works. And we are sure to get involved in this process and, accordingly, we will not be able to remove this habit from ourselves. Therefore, instead of taking it away, you just need to give it - to introduce another habit, more significant. An evening meal can be replaced by drinking vegetable juices or herbal teas, it can be a whole ritual in the family circle. You must create a new habit that will supplant the old.

When there is a temptation (for example, to drink a morning cup of coffee), a person is involved in it only if he begins to give attention and energy to the intended action. He imagines how to make a drink and then enjoys the taste. Instead, you can switch to making freshly squeezed juice, a trip to the market for new fruits, jogging in nature. In addition, this state of desire for the same coffee can be observed from the outside, without being involved in the process itself. It’s like looking at the clouds when you don’t feel like a cloud, but just watching it pass by. By practicing this observation, I even learned to dissolve small clouds by the power of thought and desire, try it is not difficult.

Today we will talk about bad habits of a person, about how to get rid of bad habits and how they affect our social life. It’s not in vain that they say that “habit is the second nature”, and judging by your habits, you can easily tell whether you will eventually become happy, healthy, rich and successful, or vice versa, an unnecessary loser.

Bad and bad habits

  In principle, this is the third part of the article, you can start with the first part, and we will continue our list of habits that prevent many people from living happily.

8. Bad habit of picking skin

Some people have such an unpleasant habit of picking their skin and all that is unusual on their bodies. Many people like to pick and comb wounds, crush acne, etc.

Sometimes you want to get rid of imperfections on the face yourself, by self-mechanical cleaning of the face. And, sometimes there is a habit of squeezing everything out with your nails and fingers. Naturally - this is not exactly what needs to be done.

Of course, with this "skin care" is very there is a high probability of more severe inflammation, skin infection, the appearance of scars, etc. Even there may be a risk of blood poisoning. Sometimes, even, people can eat what they pick up from themselves. It's disgusting, isn't it? However, each of us here in some way recognizes itself.

The main causes of bad habits:

This habit can be expressed by a neurosis, which appeared due to stress and expressed in the desire to inflict a little physical pain on oneself. If emotional pain, then this is pantonomy. If a person inflicts physical pain on himself, then this brings him a short-term calm.

  If you forbid yourself this - a certain “breaking” may appear, anxiety will appear. Naturally, the habit will develop into new forms - picking the nose, constant nail biting, etc.

In addition, this same neurosis can be expressed in the constant use of hands - each of us likes to twist a pen, an elastic band, etc.

  Also, some people have a mania of an ideal face: any unevenness, a small pimple, blister, irritation can cause terrible discontent, and the desire to quickly eliminate everything.

How to get rid of bad habits

To get rid of this bad habit of picking your skin is quite simple, you need to take your own hands with something else, spend time to good use, then you just forget about your previous bad habit that got other people and spoiled your life.

The basic rule is not to think about this habit, and even negatively, also not to think, in order to get rid of bad habits you just need to make good ones, so there are so many so that there is no more time for bad ones.

Bad habit of biting your nails

9. The constant habit of biting your nails. Science is still not able to give a definite answer why people bite their nails. There are a lot of theories on this subject, but no definite answer yet.

The most common theory is that nails bite a person on the basis of stress, but this is not always true. Sometimes they bite their nails to think better, sometimes to relax, sometimes in a nervous state, and in many other cases.

French sociologists even conducted a survey on this topic, with what - with a hitch: “Who and in what situations, and why bites his nails?”. It turned out that in most cases, problems at work cause the French to mock their own hands. Thus, as many as 26 and a half percent of the French bite their nails in the workplace.

The second place was generally a sensation. At this place were shopaholics. Respondents admitted that quite often bite their nails in stores, thinking about purchases. The following places were taken by more familiar options: thoughts on the economic and political situation in the country and the world, as well as worries about family, relatives, etc.

It should also be noted that children often borrow this bad habit of biting their nails from their parents, or from other relatives.  There is a “popular” theory that blames heredity for everything: they say that since the parents, grandmothers, aunts, uncles bit their nails, the younger generation will not pass this problem, and you can’t do anything.

We teach children good habits from childhood

But, of course, one should not blame everything on upbringing and especially human genes. This is at least ridiculous and unreasonable. Usually a child sees that some relatives bite their nails, and slowly it takes over. By the way - as itself, like everything else. Here stands advise parents to be careful and as culturally as possible in the presence of children.

Another assumption treats the bad and bad habit of nail biting as aggression towards oneself. That is, it turns out that a person bites his nails due to dissatisfaction with himself, and wants to annoy himself with this. There may be self-flagellation, self-blaming, mental illness, and much more.

Here, everyone can protest this theory, such as “You don’t know me at all, I bite my nails because they have grown too much!” But, in response, you can always say “Ah, you, my friend, are emotional, however! So suppress your feelings. ”

In addition, the strange habit of biting your nails can be an obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are times when nail polish is a sign of this disease. Such a syndrome is expressed by the constant appearance of obsessive anxiety. Thus, a man bites his nails to quench this very anxiety. In addition, people can twist their hair, straighten their collars, other clothes, pull something in their hands.

The fragility of the nail.  It also happens that people bite their nails because of their fragility, frequent breakdowns and foliation. Therefore, many people think that it is easier to bite these very ones, especially if they are damaged. After that, the people generally try to bring beauty, and "bite" to full perfection, without using any manicure objects.

How to stop biting your nails

There is an opinion in the world called the neo-Freudian theory, which puts on a par the habit of biting nails with ... masturbation, even more so, calling it an analogue. True, nail biting is more socially cultural, unlike masturbation.

Therefore, it’s even better not to think about how to stop biting your nails, it’s better to do manicure, and stop putting any infection in your mouth. After all in the mud under the nails there can also be quite a lot of various kinds of pathogenic bacteria, and such a seemingly banal bad habit of “biting the nails” can even lead to serious illnesses.

Can I click joints

10. The habit of clicking joints

  Often we meet lovers to deliberately arrange "music" on their own fingers. This cute “hobby” or another bad habit from our list of “clicking joints” appears in childhood, and is constantly being done again and again, so to speak, to the delight of the public, after which the “crunching fingers” style accompanies a person for the rest of his life.

And for carriers of this habit most often it doesn’t matter what joints when clicked tend to be injured lose their mobility. Accordingly - with time, the likelihood of early arthrosis increases.

The occurrence of this disease can not even be guessed for a long time. Joint cartilage can be destroyed over the years. The fact is that they have a mirror surface, which, as a result of such a habit, cracks, and the adhesive grease that covers it from above gradually dries.

As a result, due to the bad habit of clicking joints, the bones in the joints become jagged and decrepit. Over time, friction increases between them, and the movements are accompanied by their inherent crack.

It is useful to know that cartilage is not equipped with nerve endings, and therefore does not feel pain. Naturally, with age, all these ailments only progress. The bones, combined into whole joints, are exposed, and this sight looks ugly.

How to stop clicking joints

I think that the people who read this have already received some negative thoughts about this bad habit. However, in order to stop clicking joints once and for all, you also need willpower, because the world has not yet come up with a medical treatment for this.

Therefore, if you feel sorry for your joints or you go even closer to old age to use your hands to the full, leave this bad habit to unconscious people who do not care about their health, or people with clearly expressed nervous and mental disorders.

Poking your nose is a bad habit

11. Rhinotilexomania  or the desire to pick one’s nose is also not a good habit and pleasant to others. Moderate picking was never considered something negative, and a deviation from the norm, although constant interest in such an activity expresses a mental or psychological disorder.

Moreover, we all know that prolonged picking in the nose can lead to nosebleeds, and then to worse consequences.

Many doctors argue that constant picking in the nose is associated with one of the clear symptoms of a deviation from normal development in children. In particular, this habit considered the first sign of hyperactivity and attention disorder. Also, picking your nose can have a more serious meaning. For example, it can characterize smith-Magenis syndrome.

This disease is a genetic disorder that appears in the absence of a certain part of the 17th chromosome and is expressed by the special structure of the body, as well as the non-standard development, behavior of the individual. In 1980, US clinician Ann Smith and cytogenetic Ellen Magenis described the first such group of children.

How to cope with a bad habit of picking your nose

To cope with the childhood habit of picking your nose, you first need to rinse and clean your nose regularly.

  And if this does not help, then the reason for the bad habit is rather of a psychological nature, and in order to outgrow it it is enough to look from the side what other people are picking their nose and how society reacts to them.

Then quickly realize that   to become a truly popular, authoritative, beloved and just a person with whom others will want to be around, you have to get rid of all these unpleasant bad habits that were listed in this article. And believe me it's worth it.

Well, if you want to find out which most affect the success, character, happiness and awareness of a person, go to the next part of the story here.

66 days. That is how much a habit is formed, and the same amount of time is needed to get rid of it, if we are not talking about physical dependence.

Scientists from London University College found this out by doing research on how bad habits come and go.

After collecting enough data and analyzing it, the researchers divided the process of getting rid of a bad habit into several stages, explaining in detail the mechanisms of each of them.

If you are at a crossroads, not knowing how to overcome a habit that has bothered you to death, you should start by familiarizing yourself with the principles of its formation, and then, having got to know the enemy better, overcome it using a scientific approach.

How is a habit formed?

Bad habits are not born out of the blue. In order for a habit to truly become a habit, and not just something that you do from case to case, certain conditions are necessary.

First of all, a habit is formed when there is some kind of trigger that motivates you to do something. Many of these triggers do not even notice, do not attach importance to them or do not associate with their habit.

For example, if you go on the phone all the time for no apparent reason during some important events, the trigger for this behavior may be stress that you experience in an unusual environment.

Anything can be a trigger, so defining it is an important and paramount task in dealing with a bad habit.

An equally important element in the formation of a habit is the behavior itself, to which the trigger pushes you. The actions that become the basis of a bad habit are often simple and do not require a long time to complete.

Usually, such actions bring you pleasure or allow you to escape from some stress factors. And that is why it is so difficult to stop them, even if momentary joy has serious negative consequences in the long run.

According to such a cyclic scheme: trigger - action - reward, and the mechanism of habit formation works. And the more often you repeat this cycle, the more automated your behavior becomes.

As a result, you become a hostage to the habit, unknowingly starting this cycle again and again, because it is easier than making a conscious decision about what to do with the initial trigger.

Once a habit has become automatic, it becomes much more difficult to break it, it takes more time and conscious effort. But the 66 days rule works, and then we will tell you exactly how.

Days 1-10: Determine the Reason

Once you have chosen the habit that you want to get rid of, the real challenge for you will be the definition of triggers. It can be harder than it sounds, especially if the habit has become automatic.

But if you take a good look at yourself, you will understand what the reason for your behavior lies. It will take you about 10 days to identify the source of the habit, its psycho-emotional component and triggers, after which you will already know what you are dealing with, and you will be able to control your actions thanks to a clear understanding of the cause and effect relationship.

In this case, you will need skills, observation, self-reflection and analysis, so be prepared for what you have to think carefully.

Days 11-40: Tell your friends about your struggle.

Responsibility and the ability to adhere to the decisions made will be important in the second stage, when you have already figured out what provokes you to perform this or that action over and over again.

To strengthen their position in this difficult struggle, scientists advise to enlist the support of your closest associates.

Tell your friends about your intentions and explain to them that it is important for you to stay away from triggers, and also ask them to remind you of your goal if you suddenly get on a slippery slope and want to return to your bad habit at least once.

The more people will know about what you are going through, the more likely you are to keep your promises so as not to pass for irresponsible hollows.

Days 41-66: Continuing to follow the triggers

Going to the finish line, be prepared for the fact that you can stumble. But do not perceive possible errors as a defeat. If you will be aware of the reasons for your actions and continue to monitor the triggers, even if you break a couple of times, this will not be a failure.

The main thing is to be persistent in your desire to abandon the addiction and not lose heart if in an extreme situation you consciously return to it. Everyone is mistaken, but this is not a reason to cross out all the previous progress and the results that you have achieved.

And yet it would be better for some time to completely avoid situations in which you do not feel confident in your willpower.

Day 67: We reward ourselves for the work done

Of course, defeating a bad habit is a decent reward for your work. But if you come up with some other kind of reward, a positive result will be more firmly entrenched in your head, which means that a return to destructive behavior will no longer seem so pleasant.

Indulge yourself with joy. Just do not celebrate your triumph by doing what you so long and stubbornly refused.


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