Blacklist of employer firms. Companies rating - black list of companies. Most current employer blacklists

You want to be sure that the employer will fulfill the conditions of the labor agreement, and all conflict situations will be resolved within the framework of the law? Most companies value their reputation and do not commit violations. However, it happens that the expectations of employees are not met. How to protect yourself in advance?

Browse employer blacklists: online directories that display negative employer reviews from former or current employees.

The main queries to search on these sites are the name of the company (most often without quotation marks and form of ownership) or the names of key persons of the company. Instead LLC "Horns and Hooves"   better search by request horns and hooves. If the name has a unique word (for example, “ Dupelganger and partners "), then you can search for it (in this example dupelganger).

Look for information on several lists. See if the company’s representatives respond to the allegations of what they say and are ready to confirm their case.

Blacklist of employers - why get there?

There are various reasons for getting into the black lists of employers.

  1. Violations of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:
    • non-payment or delay in salary;
    • unwillingness to pay a trial period;
    • refusal to compensate for confirmed travel expenses, the requirement to pay for uniforms, tools, training;
    • coercion to work in excess of the norm (without a preliminary contract) and perform official duties not provided for by the contract;
    • refusal to give sick leave, annual and maternity leave, dismissal of a pregnant woman, parent on maternity leave or parental leave.
  2. Personal qualities of the leader, team associated with violations of human communication standards:
    • addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, etc .;
    • mental states that take away the ability to communicate adequately;
    • extremist views of any kind, which are expressed in the working environment;
    • cases of physical or psychological violence against personnel - beating, insulting, bullying, sexual harassment.
  3. Opinions, emotions, impressions of employees. Former employees often leave feedback about employers:
    • "Fresh on the heels" conflicts. Such comments are full of sharp, emotional evaluations. All blame for what happened is passed on to company representatives;
    • out of revenge on the chief   (envy, unwillingness to understand the justice of decisions).
  4. Unfair competition. The goal is to spoil the reputation of a successful opponent. Some companies collect feedback from offended competitor employees: people are asked to write more bad things. Others order negative comments from people who have nothing to do with a competing firm.

We do not urge you to look for reasons for poor recall. Just avoid hasty conclusions after the very first negative, even convincing and beautifully written.

Signs of a "black employer"

  • Very high salary with simple duties.
  • Claim any prepayment or investment.
  • Unpaid trial period. The internship does not apply here. However, remember that under the law, the employer is required to conclude an internship agreement with you. The document indicates its term, liability of the parties and the possibility of payment.
  • The incomprehensible structure of the business and the unwillingness to clarify it to the applicants.
  • Evasive answers, vague wording.
  • A big turnover for positions and in the company as a whole. You can learn about this situation from a private conversation with employees (you can find employees using social networks), perhaps you have friends who have already encountered the organization.
  • Humiliating manner of communication. And even in such cases, do not rush to draw conclusions. It is important to distinguish between:
    • stress interview   - provocative questions, uncomfortable conditions. The recruiter wants to find out how the applicant leaves conflict, uncomfortable situations;
    • rudeness - you are called, insulted on racial, sexual, religious grounds. Boorish behavior speaks of the unprofessionalism of recruiters, and if the interview is conducted by the head - of his moral qualities.

How to determine the reliability of a review in blacklists?

Pay attention to the style of utterances. The author of offensive comments can be an accomplice, a culprit and even the instigator of the conflict. Information with a high degree of reliability is mostly descriptive. The commentator relies on facts that can be confirmed.

Consider examples of potentially reliable and doubtful recall.

Valid review example

Evdokia Nikolaevna, 04/15/2016:

From January to April 2016 I worked as a storekeeper in the company "Posyltorg-AUTO". Signed a liability agreement. She undertook her duties diligently. There is 10 years of experience as a storekeeper, cashier and seller, from all places of work - positive recommendations. The company management assured that only me and the warehouse manager have the keys to the warehouse. From January 22 to February 1, the boss was on sick leave. He handed me all the keys. Once I came to work earlier and noticed that two parcels were missing, although in the evening I prepared them for dispatch. Immediately informed the authorities, but the search yielded nothing. I was forced to refund the cost of parcels from my salary. The warehouse manager still claimed that only he and I had the keys. A similar story repeated on March 13, then on March 29, before the inventory. The parcel was never found. The authorities refused my requests to call the police and conduct an investigation. When I refused to reimburse the cost of another loss and threatened to call the police, I was ordered to write a statement of my own free will - otherwise they would be fired according to the article. This was heard by my colleague from the neighboring Veles company Natalia. I quit, but still wrote a statement to the police. An investigation is underway.

An example of a dubious recall

Lena, 01/11/2016

"Posyltorg-AUTO"   terrible company !!! I have no words to describe the attitude of superiors to people. Rude, call names, hang "dogs". We came up with a whole scheme of how to steal packages from people, and then dump everything on storekeepers !!! And you won’t prove anything! They threaten that they will dismiss under the article, they will send the guys and by force they will take the money if you refuse to pay. The warehouse manager is rude; I didn’t like him at once. And the team is unpleasant, everyone is somehow angry, they are looking at each other with a wolf. I ran from there, if only they would not spoil the labor! ”

The second comment is full of emotions, but the first deserves attention. He shows that the author wants to achieve justice, and not unfoundedly blame colleagues.

Most current employer blacklists

  1.   - actively promotes the protection of the rights of workers, allows you to search for data across Russia or individual cities. Employer reviews on this site are considered one of the most reliable.
  2.   - covers the labor markets of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Provides full information about employers: negative, positive reviews, trust ratings. The site is very popular among those who post and read reviews.
  3. - a catalog of employers, reviews of their staff, customers.
  4.   , - these two sites are connected to each other. Black lists of companies, swindlers, unreliable partners, dangerous Internet resources.
  5.   - Provides information about fraudsters from various walks of life, including Employer reviews and blacklists.
  6.   - in the CIS and Baltic countries. It is associated with a partner "black list", which is structured by region, city and business sector.
  7.   - A small but well-structured site with reviews about companies and individuals.
  8.   - publishes comments with the positive and negative sides of the company, evaluations according to several criteria.
  9.   - A catalog of companies with reviews of work and employers. A separate profile has been created for each organization where you can leave comments. The site also forms a rating of companies by the number of reviews - both positive and negative.
  10.   - black lists of companies, chiefs and employees.
  11. English speaking resources. The app collects anonymous employee comments from your workspace. There is information about international companies with offices in Russia.

Information in blacklists cannot be considered as 100% reliable. However, it may affect decision making if you are in doubt about your future employer.

Not enough information? Use additional sources

Additional sources for collecting information about unscrupulous employers:

  1. First of all, go to the blog search service from Yandex. It provides information from Livejournal, Twitter, VKontakte, LiveInnernet, Diary.Ru and Google+, etc. Perhaps this is enough to give you a complete picture of the employer.
  2. For a more thorough search, find the Vkontakte and Facebook communities dedicated to employer reviews. There are a lot of them, especially VKontakte. We recommend that you go to groups:

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes

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The labor market in the Russian Federation is an excellent field of activity for fraudsters. By deceit when hiring unscrupulous employers are pulling money out of citizens or dismissing them after completing any amount of work under the pretext of not having passed the probationary period, naturally without paying remuneration.

How to protect yourself from such troubles, we will try to describe in this article.

Signs of unscrupulous employers - how to recognize fraud when applying for a job?

The very first thing you need to know and never forget is that you came to work to earn money, and not spend it. If you have a job placement require any prepayment , for example - for a uniform or work tools, there is clearly something wrong here.

Most people have a job search in three stages:

1. Search vacancy announcement.

2. Phone call to the employer.

3. Interview with the employer.

  • First stage   job search usually begins with a search for ads in the media or on the Internet. Already at this stage employer dishonesty signs you can notice if you look closely.

1. The ad is too tempting

The requirements for the applicant are significantly underestimated. In the announcement, the employer does not show interest in the age, work experience of the candidate, and often, on the contrary, focuses on this.

2. Large circulation of ads   in various media and employment portals

Constantly repeated in new publications over a long period.

3. The contacts to the ad contain suspicious data

No company name or mobile phone is indicated for communication. This, of course, is not the main reason, but still.

After finding a suitable ad for the applicant, it is best to conduct your own research. To do this is very simple - especially since a modern person has all the tools for this.

The criteria that you need to pay attention to during a deeper check of the work you are interested in are:

1. The salary level indicated in the announcement is higher than the average market salary for similar work.

2. The lack of an official website on the Internet or a description of the company and its activities on information resources. The complete lack of information.

3. A frequent edition of the same ad in different media and on different resources on the Internet, which indicates a big turnover.

4. A very annoying invitation to an interview.

  • Second phase

After searching for an ad and checking at least brief data of the organization that placed the ad, the stage of a phone call to the specified number begins. This stage can also give a lot of information, if you approach it correctly, know what to do, and what to say during the first telephone conversation with the employer.

  1. The employer refuses to provide information about himself and his occupation. He does not name the company, the address where it is located, and the name of the director. Instead, they suggest you come for an interview to get all this information. In most cases, the usual regular employer has no need to hide information about himself
  2. Your questions regarding vacancies are answered by a question for you., for example, they ask first to tell about themselves. Most likely they just want to draw information from you in order to understand whether it is possible to work with you further.
  3. The interlocutor answers your questions regarding vacancies with abstract phrases.   For example, “We are a team of professionals” or “We are promoting global brands on the market.”
  4. The interview is scheduled after hours.   In any bona fide company, the personnel department is engaged in hiring employees, which, in turn, cannot have a floating schedule and traditionally works only on weekdays and during working hours. For example, from 9-00 to 17-00.
  5. The address at which the interview is scheduled is the address of the private apartment.   This is easy to check through the directory. It often happens that the company’s office is really located on the territory of the apartment, but this must necessarily be relevant information. If she is not, it is better to refrain from such an interview.
  6. In a telephone conversation, the employer asks to reset your or passport data to e-mail.   The resume is your personal confidential information, but there will most likely be no harm in its disclosure. But with passport data it’s quite the opposite. At the stage of a telephone conversation and interview, your data should definitely not be of interest to the employer.

  • Third stage   and the last one is, of course, the interview itself. If you still decide to go for it, then you need to pay attention to the following criteria:
  1. The interview is scheduled for several applicants at the same time.   If the employer is decent, and the work that he offers is stable and well-paid, such an interview format is not acceptable.
  2. At the interview you are offered to make any money, suppose - for special clothes or tools, to pass some kind of paid test or training for training - turn around and boldly leave. Such actions are completely illegal.
  3. If at the interview you are asked to sign some documents, contracts about non-disclosure of commercial information or something like that, then this is also a sure sign of the employer's dishonesty. At the interview stage, you have no legal relationship with the employer, and you are not required to sign anything.
  4. At the interview you are informed that the first time in their company is not paid,   since it is considered a probationary period or training time. In this case, this clause must be described in the employment contract and clearly state the terms under which the probationary period is considered passed and under which it is not.

Knowing the criteria described above and operating with them, you can protect yourself from the actions of unscrupulous employers and protect yourself from getting into unpleasant situations, primarily associated with a senseless waste of time on scammers.

Anti-rating of the most unscrupulous employers in Russia

Of course, the creation of such an anti-rating is a rather complicated matter. But still there resources that are designed to perform just this task. Their work, as a rule, is based on the correspondence of the employees of a company with reviews and recommendations.

It is possible to find on the open spaces of such resources almost any company that interests you in any industry and in any region.

  • One such resource is the project.   He will offer you more than 20,000 thousand real reviews, and if you yourself are in a not very pleasant situation, you can also participate in the formation of anti ratings.
  • Also, a lot of information can be obtained from the resource

Of course, there is no single register of unscrupulous employers, but it should be noted with most often pop up on resources, such as, companies:

  •   Garant Victoria   - Imposes paid tuition, after which it refuses applicants due to unsatisfactory results.
  • Satellite LLC   - ask applicants to pay 1000 rubles. on the organization of the workplace, which is completely contrary to the law of the Russian Federation.
  • Hydroflex Russland LLC   - company managers, the general director and his wife, commercial director, do not value their employees at all, and the principle of their work is the organization of staff turnover, with the aim of non-payment of wages under the pretext of fines.
  • LLC Mosinkasplomb - Engaged in the construction business, in which he understands absolutely nothing. Hires contractors represented by BelSlavStroy LLC and ABSOLUT-REAL ESTATE. Very often it does not pay workers anything other than an advance on the pretext of poorly executed work.
  • LLC "SF STROYSERVICE"   - These are large and good facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region. LLC SF STROYSERVICE does not have its own staff of finishers and constantly searches for finishers via the Internet. After completing work, it does not pay employees wages under the pretext of poorly performed work.
  • LLC SHIELD-M    - The company is engaged in the rental of private apartments. She is known for the lack of payments under employment contracts.
  • 100 percent (Language Center)   - systematically delays wages. Many employees were not paid settlement even upon dismissal. * 100PA (Group of Companies) - during employment they do not tell the truth about working conditions. There are a lot of illegal immigrants who live right in the shops. They pay much less than they promise at employment.
  • 1C-SoftKlab    - conclude fixed-term contracts with applicants, and a month later expel without payment of wages.

Of course, reviews also need to be properly filtered. Since competitors often order incriminating information for their opponents, they can still be trusted. Especially if they are massive.

Volzhsky steel structure plant is located 1 kilometer from the regional center - the city of Volgograd, at the entrance to the 400 thousandth industrial center of the Volgograd region - the city of Volzhsky. The plant is located on a large transport hub, combining road, rail and waterways, which allowed and allows to reduce the cost of delivery of products. All this makes the location of the VZMK simply unique, making it possible to deliver complex and voluminous structures both to various regions of Russia and abroad.

The date of establishment of the plant is considered February 18, 1967. The company was created to provide enterprises of the southern regions of the country, countries of the Middle East and Asia with steel structures. The location of the future plant was largely influenced by the proximity of Volgograd - one of the largest industrial centers and the largest transport hub in the South of Russia.
Initially, the products of the Volga Steel Plant were used in the construction of enterprises of the Ministry of Energy (industrial facilities, buildings of power plants, power transmission towers), and later on in the construction of other civil and industrial facilities. In 1968, the plant delivered the first 17 thousand 135 tons of metal structures. Very soon, the Volga Steel Structures Plant became one of the largest manufacturers of metal structures, gained wide popularity not only in the country, but also abroad. The company's products were in demand in many countries: in Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Greece, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nigeria, Jordan, Libya, Yemen, Mali, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Cuba and others. The highest volume of production reached in 1977, when the plant produced 60 thousand tons of metal structures. In 1989, the plant delivered the first million tons of metal structures.

Metal structures manufactured by the Volga Steel Plant successfully serve at the Novo-Angren State District Power Plant, the Ulyanovsk Thermal Power Plant, the Aswan Dam (Egypt), and nuclear power plants in Kursk, Smolensk, and Balakovo. Not a single large construction site was complete without the participation of the Volzhsky Steel Structures Plant. Among the facilities built during this time are VAZ, KAMAZ, Volzhsky Pipe Plant. The company produces pylons for high-voltage power lines with a voltage of 750 kV - for transporting electricity from nuclear power plants. The plant produced brazed supports for Bangladesh, Somalia and Ethiopia. Such production provides significant time savings. Another order is floating supports for marshy places in the gas-oil-bearing regions. In search of new types of products, the plant was the first in Russia to launch the production of multifaceted sheet supports of power lines with voltage of 110 and 220 kV - for hard-to-reach, mountainous, marshy places, regions of the North. The metal consumption of such supports is 30 percent lower than that of the supports of a traditional lattice structure, and the complexity of the installation is reduced several times. These supports were recognized by winning the All-Russian Exhibition Center medal in 1994.

Good day to all those who read this review. I share my evaluation opinion regarding work at Dial-Electro. This is just my subjective opinion, so I do not urge anyone or dissuade anyone from working in this company.

So, let's begin:
  I came for an interview, everything was standard, clarification of working details, payment terms, schedule, etc.
The supervisor offered an internship of 1 week, for 1500r / day, and then, if everything works out, we’ll make out! Like, 40t.r minimum threshold, maximum 50-55tr. Five days, from 9 to 18 (but you need to come at 8:45)

The working process:
  The first working day went well, from the staff: manager 1 (incoming calls) - Cyril. A good guy, always helped, was open and friendly. Manager 2 (pickup) - Eugene. To be honest, I have a distant introvert, I have an ambiguous opinion about this person (I will write more later). The storekeeper is Stas. Positive guy with a sense of humor.

As I understand it, they need a universal employee who has extensive experience in THEIR Company, sounds absurd, but in fact it turns out in the end :)

What was my responsibility:
  1) order management (sounds cool, but in fact it is calling the legal entity to clarify the due date of the invoice, updating the invoice)
  2) feedback (we call customers who have completed the order, after a while we listen to how they work with the company, if everything worked out, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW FOR YENDEX MARKET, YANDEX CARDS)
  3) unloading of supplies (from 2 to 4 cars daily)
  4) help with order assembly
  5) help with pickup. Rabo
  6) help to Kirill (incoming calls, orders via mail, mail requests, payments)

What added doubt about this vacancy:
  1) on the first day there were 4 employees, then, as I understand it, 1 there was a trainee like me, BUT, the next day he was gone. another person came to the internship (here’s food for your mind, during my work there were 5-8 interns who worked 1-2 days, I didn’t see them anymore, there was 1 intern who lasted 3 days, but more on that later)

Bottom line: turnover. for what reason? Think for yourself. P.s in general, the boss is looking for 2 people, but, frankly, almost every day for half a day you could look at the ceiling from a lack of work. Therefore, why do I need 2 additional employees there - a mystery to me.

2) a company that exists for 20 years according to the head, has 3-4 employees in the state and an office / showroom in the form of odnushki 50 Sq2 on the ground floor in a residential building. Of course, not for me to judge, but it seemed to me at least strange.

3) each corner is “studded” with cameras, is there a basis for distrust of its employees or its customers? Again - a mystery.

There is little space, especially after deliveries, literally everything is in boxes, which sometimes had to be walked sideways))

And yes, about the internship, if you have completed an internship, then prepare for the fact that you will not be brought up to date, because the employees are not assigned the task of teaching something, although, at least from a human point of view, this is wrong. But, you can also understand the guys almost every day a new person and they are tired of this routine in order to either explain and tell in a hundredth circle.
  Regarding Eugene, almost every day I asked the guys and Eugene himself: “is there any information that needs to be mastered” because I did not have enough experience, according to the head, so that I went to the registration stage. But, in response, I got the go-ahead, like: “yes, it seems like no”, “if there is something in the process, I’ll say” maybe Evgeny is worried that he might lose his job due to age and therefore does not want to share information / wholesale and corny to train their duties, once the head wants to see a universal employee. But, alas, this is not, you have to "beg" to bother you, serf, to teach something new.
  Perhaps I am deeply mistaken, but I see this situation only in this way and in no other way.

The biggest mystery for me remains what is the purpose of the one-day internship? "Can you objectively judge a person, his abilities and potential? I think not! But, the HR officer from Dial Electro in the person of Eugene thinks differently. Well, God bless him.
  The man who lasted 3 days, about which I wrote earlier, worked the last day on Tuesday and they said to him: "Have a rest until Mon, right now there is no work" then why did they need 2 employees if there is no work? .. not
  On the last day I was informed that the boss was very dissatisfied with me, saying that I was within the framework and I wanted to do some work, but not some. Heh, I was shocked to say the least from this phrase, that is, I unloaded the cars and collected orders and processed the incoming stream, monitored, helped with pick-up (when more than 1-2 people arrived, if I was not busy with others duties) although, this is the direct task of Eugene. And in the end, I am in some kind of framework and generally not a multifaceted employee in terms of the work process, at first this statement surprised me, then it amused me when I realized what was happening.
  At the end of the day, a call from the boss, they say, right now we will take a person for an internship for 2-3 days, if he is better than you, then we will take him, if not, then you will work with us. Already not for 1500, but for 2000.)) Naturally, there was no call, although I did not wait for it, because I found another place of work.

I wanted to write concisely, but in the process of writing the review, details were recalled and the review was supplemented.
  I repeat, all the arguments and thoughts are based on my subjective opinion. Is it worth it to work there? You decide! I got experience, albeit not very positive, but experience. It’s a pity for only one thing, for the lost time. I hope that my review will be useful to you, regardless of your decision whether to work in this company or not.

One of the largest investment holdings in Russia, provides a wide range of services.

The group includes:

  • FINAM Investment Company is a leading Russian broker, the leader in terms of turnover in the Russian stock market, with the largest active customer base in the country;
  • FINAM Investment Bank, offering a wide range of services to individuals and legal entities. The Bank has an actively developing regional network;
  • Finam Management Management Company, which works with private investors (mutual funds, individual asset trust management, pension savings management, structured products), actively developing cooperation with institutional clients (non-governmental pension funds, self-regulatory organizations, insurance companies, endowment funds);
  • ANO “FINAM Training Center” is the leader of Russian stock education, annually educating several tens of thousands of private investors throughout Russia;
  • Information agency - a leading Russian agency specializing in financial news and developing a family of business portals;
  • WhoTrades Ltd. - a licensed European broker that provides services to investors while working in international financial markets;
  • WhoTrades, Inc. - licensed American broker, member of the NASDAQ exchange;
  • WhoTrades FX, LLC is an American broker licensed to provide services in the derivatives and foreign exchange markets.

According to the results of 2014, FINAM is a leading broker in Russia. Its total turnover on the MICEX Stock Exchange in 2014 exceeded 7 trillion rubles, the largest regional network. The products and services of the FINAM investment company are available in almost 100 cities of Russia, while regional expansion continues, a dynamically developing global broker. FINAM is a member of the NASDAQ American electronic exchange, has offices in the USA, the EU, Mexico, and the largest countries of Southeast Asia, it serves the operations of Japanese and Chinese investors with Russian securities, the company's customers can work on all major exchanges in the world, one of the main asset management market participants. As part of the holding, several UIFs have been formed, asset management, pension savings and reserve management services are provided, structural products are offered, and a leading investment bank working with IT projects. The holding consolidated packages of a number of leading Russian and global IT companies, an actively developing retail bank. FINAM Bank is included in the TOP-300 of Russian banks in terms of net assets, in the TOP-200 of banks in terms of liquid assets and in the TOP-50 banks in terms of growth in the portfolio of consumer loans, the leader of Russian stock education. In 2014, the ANO “FINAM Training Center” trained over 130 thousand investors.


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