Have a parrot wart. The parrot has growths near the beak. Causes of growth near the beak of a parrot and their symptoms

Among the birds that live in apartment conditions, parrots are found more often than others. With excellent health, these birds look neat, clean and cheerful. Attentive attitude to your pet helps the owner to notice changes in the behavior of his ward in time and thereby stop the occurrence of any. If we talk about the beak, normally this most important organ should be smooth. Therefore, the occurrence of plaque and growth on its surface is a pathology.

Causes of growth near the beak of a parrot

  1. Knemidocoptosis.
  2. This is an infectious disease caused by the scabies mite. Diseases are more susceptible than immunocompromised chicks. Infection can occur through or in contact with an infected bird. Untreated tree branches, which are part of nature, also become a danger. Beak growth in the budgerigar due to the tick is more common than in other species of this bird. Another symptom that confirms scabies is itching.

  3. The presence of sharp objects in the cage.
  4. They can injure the beak, and, as a consequence, its infection and the appearance of a growth.

  5. Inadequate intake of vitamin A.
  6. The growths near the beak of a parrot for this reason do not occur immediately. They are noticed when the disease has already progressed.

  7. Hormonal changes.

How to treat the growth on the beak of a parrot?

Only a qualified doctor can tell you why a parrot has a build-up on its beak. His appointment will depend on the diagnosis. With knemidocoptosis, for example, it is very important to limit the access of oxygen to the diseased organ. For this purpose, various ointments are used (aversectin, novertin). Treatment of poultry is unacceptable without disinfection and quarantine measures. With large growths, mineral supplements are crushed, everything that can harm the beak is removed from the cell.

Budgerigars, unfortunately, like all living things, are prone to various injuries and diseases. But, given that, unlike the industrial species of birds, small feathered pets have not been studied much for diseases and treatment, it is sometimes difficult to determine what the pet suffers from and what to do to make it healthy and happy again.

Quite often, owners are faced with such a problem as a growth on the beak of a budgie. The first stages proceed unnoticed, and attract attention, only when the growths themselves or the behavior and depression of the feathered pet are striking. It should be noted right away that if nothing is done, the matter will most likely end in death: treatment should be started immediately, preferably before the disease begins to strengthen its position. Although it is clear that not all lovers of domestic animals have time for a daily inspection of the bird, you should still be careful and conduct a thorough inspection at least once a week. Indeed, if you notice the disease in time, then the energy, money and time to cure will take much less.

In case of scabies (pathogen - tick), it is also advisable to adjust the diet to raise the immunity of the parrot. If the parrot's dwelling cannot be replaced with a new cage, it should be disinfected, replaced with fresh food.

The reason may be contact with an infected animal or bird, with the bite of an insect that is a carrier of this disease. Probably everyone has heard about the disease herpes, and this disease can also be found in budgies. If you do not pay attention to the growths resulting from herpes, they can develop into a full-fledged tumor - then it will be too late to treat. You can use the same drugs as in the treatment of humans.

If the budgerigar tries to comb out the growths on the beak, if the paws and waxen began to become covered with greenish or whitish spots, most likely it is a tick. Symptoms of the appearance of the tick can also serve as grayish or whitish growths around the eyes, anus, feet. And, if the causative agent of the disease is a mange mite, it does not pose a danger, the infected bird may die as a result.

A bird can become infected through food, communication with domestic animals, and even as a result of contact with the owner’s clothes or children's toys. Also, the appearance of a tick can be explained by the purchase of a used wooden cage or accessories. Fighting the disease is worth using drugs such as neostamazan, frontline spray, and aversectin ointment.

To adjust the hormonal background, nutritional correction is also used: the exclusion of food containing animal proteins. It is useful to give a parrot oats, fruits and vegetables steamed with husk in season, also greens, young branches and shoots of fruit trees and birch. Before you offer them a parrot, you should thoroughly wash it with warm water and a brush or sponge.

Most likely, one or both factors provoked a hormonal surge and failure in the avian body, and a growth on the beak is a consequence of this failure. This disease is called hyperkeratosis, is treated by adjusting the diet and content. The growth on the beak will eventually disappear by itself, but it will be easier for the parrot if it is regularly softened with petroleum jelly.

The hormonal imbalance in the body of a feathered pet can also be caused by an improper diet. The homeland of these funny talkers is Australia, and they ate there mainly grains, green parts of shoots and herbs, fruits. Therefore, the goodies often offered by loving hosts do more harm to the health of parrots than good. For example, dishes and drinks from the human table are strictly forbidden to give to budgies, but how many owners comply with this ban?

And, if low-fat and unsalted cottage cheese or cheese, a boiled egg is still rare and in small quantities can be fed to parrots living in a flock or together, then for lonely females such a treat is simply contraindicated. It contains proteins of animal origin, and their use will cause a malfunction of hormones, and as a result - the appearance of growths on the beak. A provocateur can serve as a constant giving in unreasonable doses of sprouted grain or green food.

Do not forget that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. And if the occurrence of the disease was already allowed, then before treatment, it should be established what kind of disease it is and what it should be treated with. Do not give up if the veterinarian from the local clinic does not know how to help, try to find an ornithologist - the diseases of such small birds are quite a specific area and require certain skills.

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Parrots are the most common and popular feathered pets. These birds are distinguished by fantastic cheerfulness. If they are properly looked after, then there are practically no health problems and birds for a long time delight owners with excellent health and cleanliness. It is important to closely monitor any changes in the state of health of a feathered friend or his appearance, then various diseases can be prevented. Most often, the owners notice growths near the skin of the parrot and do not know what to do in such cases? Let's look at how such pathologies can be caused and are they really dangerous for the bird?

Normally, the beak should be almost completely smooth, any roughness, deposits, growths are considered to be pathological changes and should alert the owners. It is worth noting that parrots, like other birds, are susceptible to various diseases and injuries. But immediately I want to reassure all owners, modern veterinary medicine successfully and effectively cures most of them.

Parrot beak growths

Usually, in the first stages, most do not notice such a pathology, since the growths are almost invisible. They attract attention when they become already clearly visible or the health status of the pet begins to change. If you notice, along with a similar pathology, oppression, loss of appetite in the parrot, it is worth taking action immediately. It is important to begin treatment before the disease strengthens its position, otherwise everything can end in death.

It is enough to carefully inspect the bird once a week. Such prevention will help to avoid the development of various complications, and the disease itself in the initial stages of development is much easier to defeat.

Causes of growth near the beak of a parrot and their symptoms


The disease is transmitted by scabies mites. Parrots with weak immunity are especially often sick. They are infected mainly by contact with other birds, less often with food or untreated branches of shrubs and trees.

In addition to growths, the bird appears frequent itching and scabies.

It is worth fighting with scabies mites with the help of special preparations such as Neostamazan, Front Line Spray or Aversectin Ointment.

Sharp objects in a cage

Look for sharp objects in the parrot’s habitat, for example, at the bottom of the cage or along its sides. Often they injure the beak, then the infection is introduced into the wounds, and as a result, growths occur near the beak.

Vitamin A deficiency in diet

If the pet lacks this vitamin, then this leads to a gradual metabolic disorder. In this case, growths appear at the very last stage of the disease, when it is already greatly progressing.

Take care of the proper nutrition of the bird by consulting your veterinarian or ornithologist.

Hormonal shift

Beak growths often arise due to shifts in the hormonal background. This is a consequence of an unbalanced, improper pet diet. Parrots need not only store food, but also various fruits, herbs, green shoots of plants.

Categorically it is impossible to feed birds with dishes or drinks from the "human" table, so you will cause great harm to their health. If you really want to treat one of the delicacies, then you can occasionally pamper the parrot with low-fat cottage cheese or hard-boiled egg.

With this violation, you need to adjust the diet of the parrot and raise immunity with the help of special drugs.


This virus affects not only humans, but also birds. If herpes does not begin to be treated on time, it gradually spreads to large sizes (tumors). At this stage, a pet is almost impossible to cure.

Herpes treatment is similar to ours, similar medications or ointments are prescribed.

If the parrot has growths on its beak, immediately show it to a specialist. Only an ornithologist can find out the real reason for the occurrence of such a pathology and prescribe the correct, appropriate treatment. There are a number of diseases in which a thorough disinfection of the cell is required or a quarantine measure is taken, separating the infected bird from other relatives.

During treatment, remove all items in the cage that could damage the beak of the parrot.

With too much pathology, a specialist may recommend giving the bird mineral supplements.

Owners of feathered pets should remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat in the future. If there is no bird watcher in your village or area, show the parrot to your veterinarian. Now many of them have learned to successfully treat specific diseases of birds. Health and many years to your pets!

What to do if a pet is sick? The main condition for successful treatment is a timely detected disease. The article describes the signs of disease, reveals the reasons why parrots get sick. One of the main signs of the disease is a growth on the beak of a budgie. Photos are attached to the article, on which you can see the external signs of the disease - growths.


Signs of a healthy bird

If the parrot is healthy, then it has a beautiful plumage, there is a sparkle in the eyes, it actively behaves in the cage, normally reacts to others, the voice does not creak.

Signs of a healthy feathered:

  • a clean and smooth beak; there are no growths on the nose;
  • the beak does not flake, there are no cracks;
  • on the legs a thin smooth and shiny horny scales;
  • there is no litter left under the tail.

Common symptoms of a parrot disease

Characteristic manifestations of the disease:

  • the parrot sneezes, frequent discharge of mucus from the nose is observed;
  • the bird is constantly sleeping, sitting, having frizzled at the bottom of the cage, is not active;
  • malignant growths form on the legs of the parrot, joints become inflamed, wounds and redness may occur, he knocks on the legs;
  • the bird drinks a lot;
  • the parrot often breathes, his voice creaks, his tail is perpendicular to the floor;
  • keeps his mouth open;
  • if the parrot is breathing heavily, it opens its mouth, it has frizzy, then most likely it will develop a chronic disease.

Some symptoms of feathered internal organs

You need to regularly inspect the parrot. You should examine the beak, eyes, legs, neck, area under the tail, in addition, you should look at the area around the organs, pay attention to the nose.

If you notice that the bird has liquid droppings - this is a consequence of the course of the disease. The disorder speaks of inflammatory processes in the excretory system. In the photo, liquid droppings.

Description of individual diseases in budgies

Budgerigars can suffer from various diseases, which is why it is important to know the symptoms of the disease.
  With food poisoning, the bird develops liquid droppings, intense thirst, drooping wings, and even cramps. You can treat activated charcoal or Smecta.

If the parrot sneezes, trembles, then most likely he caught a cold. During the period of the common cold, the budgerigar laughs, exhibits low activity, spends a long time in a dream, sits at the bottom of the cage, laughing. The bird sometimes begins to scratch its eyes, does not want to drink and eat, the parrot breathes heavily, swallows saliva, and cranes its neck.

Vitamin deficiency in parrots often occurs due to a lack of vitamins in their diet. In this period, the eyes of the bird turn red and swell, and the eyes watery. Vitamin deficiency causes general weakness, in which the bird begins to tremble and throw its head back, stands weakly on its paws. The disease is more common in chicks. Its sign is if the nestling has frizzled, the disheveled feathers have lost their natural color.


Knemidocoptosis, or tick, is very common among budgies. The growths on the nose are visible in the photo.


Knemidocoptosis is a feathered disease caused by a tick of the genus Knemidocoptes. A bird affected by a tick may look normal for a long time, since the body's reaction largely depends on how strong its immunity is. The tick harms the feathered bird, gradually destroying its immunity.


Characteristic signs of the disease: damage to the beak and the skin around it, waxen, paws, dermatitis, decreased productivity, itchy skin, phalanx necrosis. The bird does not sit still, dance, stretches its paws, neck. Nasal growths form.

In the photo, the sick paws of a parrot.

Knemidocoptosis affects areas of the skin of the bird that do not have feathers: on the beak and paws. In the last stage of the disease, the eyelids, anus and the skin around are affected. When a tick is damaged, outgrowths appear on the skin of the bird, around which there are no feathers.

Treatment methods

It is very easy to treat a budgerigar from the effects of a tick if you notice the onset of the disease in time and begin to heal. The treatment process is to simultaneously eliminate the tick that lives on the body and increase the immunity of the bird.

During treatment, it is necessary that the bird is sitting in a cage and not in contact with relatives. It is necessary to make a complete disinfection of the cells and around to eliminate ticks and their eggs on the bottom and around. You should get rid of wooden objects that are near the bird, as ticks can live in the tree.


The common cold can be determined by the behavior of the feathered. He is not active, sits, having choked up, often sneezes, he has a runny nose. During the disease, the bird breathes heavily, sits with its mouth open.


Budgerigars are very sensitive to various drafts, cold water and sudden changes in temperature. This is due to the fact that parrots have a special structure of the respiratory system. Most often, birds catch a cold due to the fact that the temperature in their habitat becomes lower than 20 degrees, cold water is poured into the drinker.


If you monitor the state of your bird, you will probably notice that he is breathing heavily, stops playing, sleeps a lot, sits without moving, closes his eyes, often sneezes. This means that he caught a cold. During a cold, you may also notice that your parrot has stopped tweeting and very often scratches its eyes, cranes its neck.

During a cold, it may be noticeable that the budgerigar clicks its beak, mucus flows from its nostrils - a sign of a runny nose. Due to the common cold, the oral cavity can become inflamed and redden, the bird begins to swallow more often, burp grains due to irritation of the throat mucosa. During a cold, the parrot keeps its mouth open. His voice creaks, the parrot breathes heavily.

Treatment methods

Since the fever quickly falls in temperature during the illness, it needs to be heated. As a heater, an ordinary lamp with a power of up to 60 watts is suitable for it. It needs to be located near the bird's seat, at the bottom.

For the treatment of colds and colds, it is recommended to fill the drinker with chamomile tincture with the addition of honey or lemon. With a severe cold and a runny nose, inhalation is necessary. To do this, prepare a mixture of chamomile, menthol, eucalyptus or "Star", pour boiling water over it and put it near the cage or at the bottom. Then the cage with the bowl is covered with a dense cloth and the bird is allowed to breathe. You can warm the blanket, as in the photo.

Be sure to control the process of inhalation, as the bird can suffocate. If you see that the parrot is breathing heavily, opens its mouth, knocks with its beak and closes its eyes, then air must be allowed to enter the cage.

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The veterinarian must treat the birds. Therefore, if growths are detected, a voice creaks in the budgerigar, it has frizzled, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Why is it necessary to visit a veterinarian? You yourself cannot accurately determine the symptoms of a cold, a runny nose or other illness. In addition, a cold can lead to complications, even death, if nothing is done.

Video "The parrot got sick"

This video tells you how to care for a sick bird.

Budgerigars are the most common pets among feathered pets. In addition to the perky appearance, the birds have a convivial character, intelligence and great confidence in others. Cheerful pet twitter is a great way to cheer you up. The bird is almost always energetic and in excellent spirits. And if suddenly the pet’s appearance undergoes ugly changes (for example, there is a growth on the beak of a budgie), then trouble happened with the pet.

Description of budgies

The bird, which has become the most frequent feathered guest in a person’s house, is small in size. The body length of the parrot varies from 17-19 cm. The size of the wings reaches 9 cm, the tail - from 8 to 11. The body weight of the pet is 10 grams. Among the representatives of this breed, larger individuals are also found.

The bird has a fairly massive beak, which allows it to carry out all kinds of vital actions. At the base of this organ there is a wax with nostrils. It is this area that is most susceptible to the formation of growths in the budgerigar around the beak.

The name of the feathered breed (Melopsittacus undulatus) received from the Greek concepts melos - "singing", psittacos - "parrot" and the Latin undulatus - "wavy". Today, as this amazing bird is called, even many children know. The Russian equivalent of the term is a singing budgie.

Smart and energetic bird native to Australia. It is in the eucalyptus forests of the southeastern and southwestern parts of the continent that whole flocks of sociable parrots live. Despite the huge number of fellow tribesmen, there is a clear hierarchy in the bird community.

For many pet lovers, birds live at home and feel great. Budgerigars are full-fledged family members along with dogs and cats. A cheerful tweet of pets pleases their owners, and the ability to reproduce human speech can save the owner from a feeling of loneliness. However, how long the life of a merry parrot will be will depend on the conditions of its maintenance.

For greater convenience, the bottom of the cell should extend and not contain a lattice. In the home, the birds do not recommend placing filler. It is best to put a bath of sand, where the parrot will be happy to swim.

Feathered diseases

Budgerigars are susceptible to numerous diseases. The best prevention of the occurrence of many ailments is the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and the proper nutrition of feathered pets.

Among the diseases of parrots, the most common are:

  • Salmonellosis caused by bacteria and E. coli in the body of a bird.
  • Roundworms are roundworms in the small intestine.
  • Knemidocoptosis - causes a skin disease scabies. It is due to this disease that outgrowths occur in the beak of budgies.
  • Gout - inflammation of the joints of a bird.
  • Goiter disease.
  • Fractures of wings and limbs.

A particular organ susceptible to disease is the nose of a bird. Unfortunately, there are a number of ailments of the beak, as a result of which the pet undergoes changes in appearance. In addition to these troubles, the feeling of the feathered is significantly worsened.

Common beak diseases include:

The disease can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • hormonal disorders due to improper diet;
  • ticks;
  • herpes virus;
  • mechanical damage.

As for the last factor, the growth near the beak of the budgerigar can form after the bird has set up a family nest from improvised materials (seeds, blades of grass, slivers).

The causative agent of the disease is a tick

There are situations when a feathered pet violently combes greenish and whitish spots on its beak and legs. Such a nuisance can happen due to a disease caused by a tick. Also, growths of green and white hue can be not only on the waxen, but in areas around the eyes, cesspools and feet.

The scabies mite, which affects budgies, is absolutely harmless to humans. However, an infected bird may die if the disease is started.

Improper nutrition as a cause of growths on the beak

The hormonal background may even out due to the correction of the diet of the bird. Food containing proteins of animal origin can cause the formation of growths on the beak of a budgerigar.

It is most useful to give feathered vegetables and fruits that match the season, lettuce, parsley and dill. You can offer your pet also young twigs of fruit trees and birch. All products should be carefully processed by washing with warm water and a special brush.

If a thickening has formed on the beak, this may be due to malnutrition of the bird. Such a disease is called hyperkeratosis. Such formations are treated primarily through the selection of proper nutrition. To soften this kind of growth, the beak of a budgie is recommended to be treated with petroleum jelly.

To prevent the disease, it is strictly forbidden to treat your pet food from the owner’s table. Best of all, his diet should consist of foods that budgies can eat at home. Sprouted grain served in large quantities can also become a provocateur of the formation of growths on the beak.

Papilloma as a result of herpes and the cause of the growth on the beak

Reduced immunity of birds, as a rule, leads to viral diseases and colds. As a result of the illness, herpes can develop, which leads to the formation of growths near the beak in the budgerigar. Untreated papilloma can develop into a serious tumor, as a result of which a feathered pet can die.

At first, growths look like small warts. They are similar to thickenings caused by ticks or hormonal failure. The growth can be resilient or solid. It practically does not cause pain to the feathered. The only inconvenience - thickening prevents the use of the beak in full. A tumor due to papilloma is benign. But if the bird is not referred to an ornithologist, her health may gradually worsen. The budgerigar becomes lethargic, inactive and prefers to sit, with a frizz.

To the traditional treatment prescribed by the veterinarian, you can add folk remedies that will help alleviate the suffering of the bird. It is recommended to treat the affected area with freshly squeezed juice of celandine or garlic, a decoction of potato peelings. Due to the regular lubrication of the beak with these substances, the growth will disappear with time.

Veterinarian advice. How to deal with the growth on the beak of a budgie

The photo captures a rather unsightly picture. In addition to a spoiled appearance, the disease causes physical suffering to the feathered pet.

Having determined why the budgerigar has growths near the beak, for the purpose of prevention, ornithologists recommend the following steps:

  • In the case of collective maintenance of parrots, identify and resettle the sick pet in a separate cage or cardboard box.
  • To process the main house of birds for the purpose of disinfection with one of the sanitary means: Neostomozan, Virkon, potassium permanganate, Virocid, Ecocide C.
  • Throw away all the crossbars and decorations (decorative stones, rockers, etc.) from the main cage.

  • In the apartment, especially in places where the sick chick was, thorough cleaning should be carried out.

Treatment of the growth on the beak of a budgie is as follows:

  • It is recommended to treat the affected areas with a thin ball of aversectin ointment (once every three days).
  • Treatment should be carried out until the growth completely disappears. At the same time, it is recommended to adjust the diet of the bird.
  • During the illness, the parrot should receive vitamins to support immunity.


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