Selling a business for service intercoms. Business on the installation of video surveillance, intercoms, low-current security systems. Business service licensing

Installation of intercoms has recently become an increasingly popular service. Residential new buildings are often rented out with security doors to the entrance, or new settlers install intercoms in the first months. The advantages of having this device have long become obvious: there is less dirt in the entrances, young people and adolescents hardly gather, and homeless people do not spend the night in stairwells.

Therefore, even those tenants who have lived without intercoms for a long time are beginning to think about installing them. In such circumstances, opening a company that installs and maintains intercoms can be a profitable business.

Intercom device

An intercom is an electromagnetic lock that has a wired connection to an intercom located in the apartment, from which it can be opened. At the same time, the front door should be equipped with a closer, so that after a person has left or entered, the door closes itself. The electromagnetic locking device is reliable, burglar-proof. Its design is simple, such a lock has a long service life. There is only one drawback: it needs electricity to function. In its absence, the lock opens, but the door will be closed thanks to the closer.

Clientele assessment

Before starting a business, you should estimate the number of potential clients.

First, count the number of high-rise buildings in the city: most often, it is their residents who are interested in reliably protecting the entrance from the street from outsiders. Naturally, those entrances in which the equipment has already been installed do not need to be taken into account.

Apartment owners in multi-storey buildings will become the main clientele and source of income. Don't forget about the private sector. The profit from single orders will be less, but they should not be neglected: the most expensive intercoms are installed by the owners of private houses.

Starting a business

First of all, you will need to legally register as an individual entrepreneur. When choosing a taxation system, it is better to focus on the simplified tax system. You will need to open a bank account to receive payment for your services. Cash settlement is also possible, but this will require filling out strict reporting forms.

When calculating the initial investment, you need to consider what you need:

  • Transport for the delivery of intercom equipment to a particular area.
  • Office. It can be rented, it will also be possible to allocate a room for a storage room.
  • Starting volume of devices. It is better to buy them from reliable trusted suppliers. Not only the prestige of your company will depend on the quality of intercoms, but also how much money will have to be invested in repairs (it is carried out at the expense of the installer). If a product is purchased online, you can find out about the supplier's reputation by looking at the reviews about it.

If a large number of customers is expected, then competent assistants should be selected in advance. The installer must not only understand the technical details, but also get along well with the housing office employees. Traditionally, his salary consists of a flat rate and a percentage of orders completed.

Features of installing intercoms

It is necessary to install an electromagnetic lock on reliable iron doors. Moreover, they must consist of two metal sheets, located outside and inside. Sometimes in the entrances there can be economy class doors with only an outer sheet of iron. Then you will have to hire craftsmen who will weld the inner sheet.

Sometimes it will be more profitable to change the doors for new ones. To do this, you can involve a company operating in a price range that suits customers. The benefits of cooperation with such a company will be mutual: you will use its products, it will advertise your services to its clients.

The residents' apartments are equipped with a device for communication with a switch that opens the lock. Each tenant must be provided with a key programmed specifically for the lock from his entrance. The cost of the equipment always includes only one copy of the key, additional apartment owners will have to purchase for money.

It is worth considering that you may have to provide keys for free to those who refused to install an intercom in the apartment. According to the law, these tenants cannot be restricted access to the entrance. Keys can be ordered from a specialized workshop, or you can purchase your own equipment for their manufacture.

Installation of the system, in addition to installing the lock, consists of installing the call panel, connecting the power supply, laying the cable to the apartment, connecting a subscriber receiver, connecting an audio or video tube.

What makes up income?

The wholesale price of an electromagnetic lock is about $ 65. A subscriber receiver costs about $ 15. Installation costs are always different. It depends on the consumption of wires and fasteners. For one subscriber in a private house, as a rule, installation costs from 400 to 700 dollars. All equipment for installation will cost from 130 to 300 dollars. The difference will be the income. At the entrance, the cost of assembling collective equipment will be $ 500 - $ 800, taking into account the wages of installers - $ 250 - 350.

Taking into account the installation fee, from one entrance of a standard five-story Khrushchev, you can get a profit of $ 340. From one five-door house - $ 1700. In terms of time, the installation of intercoms in one house will take several days.

Business development

The conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of intercoms, concluded with the HOA, will allow you to receive a small but constant income ($ 30,000 per year from 20 houses to 100 apartments). If you include the payment of the intercom in the general receipt, according to which tenants pay for utilities, then there will be no problems with receiving money.

Investments: from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles

Payback:from 3 to 5 months

Novice businessmen often ask themselves the question: "What field of activity should they go to?" The choice is really wide. Today we will turn our attention to a promising business idea for urban entrepreneurs - the installation and maintenance of intercoms. Read about the procedure for organizing such a case, its specifics and financial aspects below.

Business concept

Installation and maintenance of intercoms is a promising job for cities. This is not surprising: people are trying to protect their lives and the lives of loved ones, even at the household level. The intercom is one of the basic tools in achieving the goal, so the Russians equip apartment buildings and private houses with them.

Since the clients of the business in question are ordinary people, assess the demand in the place of potential activity before implementation. Chances are great if:

  • Installation and maintenance of intercoms are organized in a more or less large settlement (from 100,000 people).
  • In the area, there are apartment buildings not equipped with these devices, which prevail in number over the private sector.
  • The settlement is being built up with new "skyscrapers".

In the presence of the factors noted, think about the "intercom" business seriously, as the prospects are obvious.

What is required for implementation?

When starting a business, take care of:

  • On the collection of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. What to choose - decide for yourself. It all depends on the future scale of the activity. If your thoughts are global, and you are planning to open a whole company to work with intercoms, open a legal entity - "LLC" or "OJSC". Otherwise, PI is sufficient. For the list of required documents for registration, ask the tax office at your place of residence.
  • On the search for suppliers of intercoms and wizards for their installation. No explanation is required here. If desired and not on a global scale, in principle, installation and maintenance can be mastered on your own. As for the equipment itself, you do not need to purchase it in advance - you will do it after the first orders. However, think about installation and maintenance tools ahead of time. If you need to open your own office, find the appropriate premises.
  • Building up the client base. Yes, think about it before the official opening of the case. Place advertisements, personally visit homeowners' associations, management companies, engage advertising intermediaries. How you want to promote your business specifically you - decide for yourself. It all depends on the capabilities and desires of the entrepreneur.

No other significant preparatory measures are required for opening an enterprise to work with intercoms. After their implementation, it remains to register the activity and start work.

Step-by-step startup instructions

After preparing for the opening, start translating the idea into reality. The typical procedure for launching a project fits into 5 simple steps:

  1. Drawing up a business plan and official registration with the tax office by opening an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  2. Establishing contact with a supplier of equipment.
  3. If necessary - procurement of tools, personnel search and office organization.
  4. Search for clients, advertising campaigns.
  5. Direct implementation of the declared activity and making a profit.

As you can see, there are no difficulties in implementing a business of installing and maintaining intercoms.

Moreover, having installed about 100 devices, you can completely stop installation and have a stable income on monthly maintenance. In general, with a competent approach to business, it is relatively easy to create a permanent and stable source of income.

Financial calculations

Considering the financial issue, it is important to understand that the final amount of funds invested and the resulting profit depends on the scale of the project. The larger and better quality, the greater its financial needs and potential profit. If we summarize the average statistical figures for the Russian Federation in this niche, we get:

  • Opening a business for the maintenance and installation of intercoms costs 30,000 - 150,000 rubles: to register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, purchase tools, equipment, hire installers and rent an office.
  • The maintenance of the activity in the first months takes 30,000 - 100,000 rubles (salary payments, advertising, etc.).
  • The monthly profit is at the level of 50,000 - 200,000 rubles and grows in proportion to the number of installed devices (since each device requires monthly maintenance).

It turns out that the average cost of opening such a business is not high - 30,000 - 150,000 rubles. The payback period depends on the number of clients. As a rule, the "intercom" activity pays for itself and begins to bring net profit 3-4 months after opening. However, it is important to understand that everything depends on the literacy of the implementation of the case, therefore, it should be treated with responsibility and be focused on the result.

Risks and Cons

In conclusion, let's pay attention to typical risks and disadvantages. Judging by the reviews, it has no significant drawbacks. The risk of any business is a possible lack of clients and loss of capital. It will not be possible to insure against this, but it is possible to minimize the risks. To do this, it is enough to "fill" at least a small client base even before the start of work, so that in an unfavorable combination of circumstances, it does not go into the red.

As for the shortcomings of the "intercom" business, they are few. The main ones should be considered:

  • paper procedures when processing documents in the tax office;
  • the need for high-quality advertising at the first stages of development;
  • high competition in big cities.

Otherwise, the installation and maintenance of intercoms is a potentially profitable and rather interesting activity.


Getting started is easy. The opening costs are low compared to other activities, and the potential for profit is attractive. Good luck with your projects!

It is impossible to imagine a modern enterprise, private house and even an apartment unprotected, without doors and other protective equipment. Also, high-precision security systems are gaining more and more popularity - video surveillance, intercoms, fire alarm systems, "smart home" systems and other low-current networks. Therefore, in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, there is a great demand exceeding supply. Which affects the profitability of the business. Consider the prospects for this business.

Manufacturers of equipment are not lagging behind the progress - what recently cost three to four-digit amounts in dollars, now the same kits have become much cheaper, quite a serious surveillance system with online broadcasting on the Internet costs from 200 dollars. This means that the total cost of entering the market for these services has become significantly cheaper.

Promising areas of this business

Sale and installation of video surveillance kits. The most widespread and demanded type of service. A huge number of offers and devices on the market makes this segment available to the general public. You can provide services to both individuals and legal organizations. Modern trends are ip cameras, wireless video surveillance. Installation, as a rule, is carried out in sets - camera + recorder. The cost of an initial kit for an individual starts at 8 thousand rubles and includes several ip-cameras + a recorder, a device for saving video from cameras. Installation of ip cameras is not difficult.

Sale and installation of intercoms. For most, the intercom evokes memories of a massive iron door to the common entrance of an apartment building. However, there are also systems for private houses, which differ from general systems by the fewer buttons on the call device. Call service for both individuals and legal entities.

Sale and installation of house and security alarms. This area includes - burglar alarms, fire alarms and universal alarms that combine all the functions of burglar, fire and other alarms (for example, a gas analyzer, a temperature analyzer, etc.). The most common products in this area are GSM alarms and fire protection devices. A large selection of ready-made systems for every taste and budget. Installing the kits is straightforward and straightforward.

ACS system. Access control and accounting systems. Provide control and accounting of personnel access to the premises. The system is more complex, but the cost and payment for installation and maintenance of such systems is much higher than in the private sector.

The Internet. Installation of equipment to provide communication and Internet facilities. A promising direction in this business is the Internet outside the city, with the development of 4G communications, this has become a popular service in country houses. Since the 4G modem is not able to cover the whole house with communication, it needs to amplify or improve the signal quality. There are many special devices on the market - directional antennas, amplifiers, and more. In the room itself, you need to stretch a network or configure Wi-Fi. This is also a highly profitable business item. Since you can serve from one to three clients per day.

Smart Home system ... It combines almost all of the above services. It is presented as a single complex that allows you to control various devices in a house or at an enterprise (refrigerator, video surveillance, air conditioners, heating and much more) from a single terminal - a tablet, mobile phone or computer. The service is gaining great popularity and the demand for it is growing every year. In contrast, the cost of off-the-shelf systems falls as more manufacturers enter this market. This is an extremely free niche that you can easily occupy in your city or region.

Business service licensing

Installation of video surveillance and other of the above systems since 2010 does not require compulsory licensing as a construction activity, however, in some cases (for legal entities and government agencies), installation at some facilities will require a voluntary SRO license (video surveillance, access control systems, etc.) , Ministry of Emergency Situations license (for fire-prevention systems). For a more detailed study of the issue, you can refer to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Construction of the Russian Federation No. 624, where you can see a detailed list of installation work requiring special permission from the SRO.

For private households and individuals, all these licenses are optional.

What is needed to open a business for the installation of video surveillance and low-current systems

If you will only provide services to individuals, then you only need a legal entity and a small initial capital to buy starter kits and a little advertising.

Good advice. Research the hardware market. Find a good, inexpensive kit that is easy to set up and maintain, the kit should include 2-4 cameras with optional connectivity. As a rule, the demand for such kits is great among owners of private houses, and large companies that install video surveillance cannot waste the time of their employees on such petty work. And private traders are trying to cover this niche. Make a bright and profitable marketing proposal, include in it a free bonus, in addition to installing a video surveillance kit, a cheap video doorphone, print flyers and distribute among the cottage communities in your city. Demand is guaranteed, since in this niche the consumer is more inclined towards complex ready-made solutions, where he sees at once what and how much it costs, for him “installing video surveillance, cheap” is an empty proposal. Thus, you will provide yourself with initial orders and a client base, which, in the future, you can offer the recruited base other complex solutions - intercoms, video surveillance expansion, "smart" home and so on.

Having started to receive a stable profit, you can expand your business, hire installers, obtain licenses and start installing more serious video surveillance systems and security alarms for legal entities at large facilities.

Especially for HOBIZ.RU

Installation and maintenance of intercoms is a great option, both for a small business and for creating a serious and solid company. It all depends on what volume of orders you expect, and how big the potential sales market is. But even as an idea, installing intercoms can be profitable and fun.

What do you need to open a company to install intercoms?

To implement this, it will be necessary to consistently go through several preparatory stages:

  • Open an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authorities.
  • Find a small office space with a telephone and Internet access.
  • Recruit employees - a door installation specialist (he must also be able to use a welding machine), several electricians who have an idea of \u200b\u200bmodern intercoms and how to install them, a secretary who will take orders.
  • Purchase or rent a car for the transportation of metal doors, as well as a small car in which you can go to calls for the repair of already installed equipment.
  • Find a supplier from whom you will purchase all the equipment you need. Before making a final decision, study the reviews about the companies, compare their conditions and select the best option.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, you can save a lot at the initial stage of opening your business if you use your own apartment instead of an office, and you will do part of the work of electricians or door installers yourself (if you have the appropriate skills).

How to organize work correctly

A few years ago, in order to conclude a contract with tenants for the installation of an intercom, it was necessary to spend a lot of time to secure the consent of all apartments in the entrance, to settle any disagreements that arise and to agree with everyone about the cost of installing and maintaining equipment.

Today, with the advent of homeowners' associations, this problem has been practically resolved - you just need to conclude an agreement with the management company and you can safely proceed with the installation, without wasting time on bickering with the residents of the houses.

But there is another side of the coin - the number of competitors is growing every day, so you need to carefully consider the strategy of your work, highlight your competitive advantages and emphasize them. A prerequisite for obtaining profitable contracts is the subsequent maintenance of installed intercoms - not all of the companies involved in their installation provide such services.

Payment for services

Think carefully about how customers will be able to pay for your services - this should be as convenient for them as possible, so it is better to choose several options at once. Enter into an agreement with the Russian Post, banks that accept payments for utilities, and also make it possible to pay using electronic transfers.

It is also possible to pay for your services through the HOA - they may include the required amount in the receipt of payment for the apartment. This will greatly simplify the settlement system and make it transparent.

With the proper organization of such a business, it will pay off pretty quickly, but for this you need to pay maximum attention to it and do not forget that the level of service must be very high. This is the only way you can beat the competition and turn a small family business into a thriving company.

If you still do not know which area of \u200b\u200bbusiness you should go to, we advise you to pay close attention to the installation and maintenance of intercoms. At the moment, this is one of the best directions for starting your own business in any city, regardless of its size and number of inhabitants. The only criterion that can influence the success of your business is a bias towards apartment or private houses. If there are many high-rise buildings nearby and even more under construction, then success is practically in your pocket. You just need to go through a few simple steps.

The first stage is business legalization.

First of all, you must register with your tax office as an individual entrepreneur or organization (OJSC or LLC). The choice in the direction of one form or another depends on the prospects of your business. If you decide to start a small home business and are going to provide services on your own, then it will be enough. If you are aiming at creating a large company with dozens or even hundreds of employees, which will work not only in your hometown, but also outside it, then perhaps the ideal solution will be. It all depends on you.

The second stage is the search for premises for an office

Of course, you can safely skip this step if you are going to work from your own apartment. But, if you want to become a major player in the field, then you just need an office. There you will receive clients, and all your employees will be there. In addition, your own legal address will only add to the solidity of your company.

Requirements for office space are quite common. Availability of telephone communication and the possibility of Internet access. Naturally, appearance is also important. You don't want to receive people in a basement with shabby walls. And one more thing - under no circumstances rent an office on floors higher than the first. This will scare off a significant portion of potential customers. The basement floor is also not the best solution. For many people, it is associated with the basement, which does not evoke the most pleasant feelings.

Stage three - frames

As you know, employees are the most important part of any company. The loyalty of your customers largely depends on these people and their behavior. Therefore, the selection of personnel should be approached with all responsibility. Not only do these people need to have all the necessary professional skills, it is ideal that they also be pleasant to talk to. Only this combination will give good results and will allow your doorphone installation and maintenance business to grow and develop quickly.

First, you will need the following workers. First, the leader, who will manage the activities of the rest of the employees. Most likely, you yourself or someone from your loved ones will act in his role.

Secondly, you need a manager who will answer calls and receive clients in the office. This person should be presentable, have a beautiful speech and be a good seller (the last point can cause the greatest difficulties, since it is very difficult to meet real sellers).

Thirdly, the installers, who will perform the most important part of the work - install and configure intercoms, as well as perform their subsequent maintenance.

In addition to all of the above, you will need a car. The best option is a small truck or pickup. Indeed, in addition to intercoms, you will have to transport metal doors. Naturally, if there is no opportunity to buy a pickup truck yet, you can get by with a car with a "trunk" on the roof.

The fourth stage is the search for suppliers of intercoms

Today, finding a company that will supply you with all the equipment you need is not so difficult. There are plenty of offers on the market. It is difficult to choose the best option. Ask your friends, ask what company equipment is installed in their home, how it works. Read reviews on the Internet. Only not on the manufacturer's website, where the reviews are most likely "artificial", but on thematic forums or in groups on social networks. There you will find many reviews that will tell you the truth about the products of this or that company. Only after that, draw conclusions and conclude an agreement.

How your business works

Nowadays, organizing your own business on the installation and maintenance of intercoms is somewhat more grove than before. In the old days, you would have had to spend an incredible amount of time to go around all the apartments in the house, meet with each of the tenants and get the consent of each of them to install an intercom in their house.

It's much easier now. It is enough to contact the management company or the HOA (homeowners' association) and discuss the issue of installing an intercom door with them. And already they will independently communicate with the residents of the house and try to convince them of the need to install this equipment. You just have to wait, doing other orders at this time.

An interesting fact - the profit of your business will consist of the money received from the sale and installation of the intercom, as well as from the monthly service fee. Therefore, by installing several hundred intercoms, you can create a stable and very decent source of income that will feed you and your employees for a long time. We wish you a successful business!


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