What is the timing of working hours for? Timing of working hours: sample filling. How timing is interpreted

Labor rationing is a type of production management activity. It is aimed at determining the required time to achieve certain results of work. Based on the data obtained, the size of the workers' wages (salary and additional payments, incentive allowances) is calculated, as well as the cost of services provided by the organization.

Labor rationing is an important element of the organization's personnel management system. With its help it is possible to establish the need for:

  • increasing the efficiency of using the labor potential of employees;
  • optimization of their numerical strength;
  • other possible changes, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization, as well as the market situation.

Who is a timekeeper

The labor activity of any specialist, especially if it is a production process, can be divided into operations and elements. The purpose of attracting a timekeeper to the organization is to develop standards for the main and additional time, check the validity of production standards, determine and subsequently consolidate the most rational mode of operation for this division of the organization.

This employee must have certain skills and knowledge, in particular, know how to study the work process, what timing observations are suitable in this case, the order of their conduct, be able to process and analyze the results of their work. To be able to use devices for recording the costs of working time. Understand the basics of physiology and psychology of labor, understand the organization of labor.

As the name implies, the duties of this employee include timing observations of the performance of individual elements of the operations of the technological process. By measuring, processing and analyzing the labor process, the timekeeper receives data that forms the basis for the rationing of individual operations.

The result of the timekeeper's work is an analytical report based on the observation results. On its basis, the most rational elements of operations are selected to be included in the time standards, it is possible to trace where the loss of working time occurs, to establish the causes of their occurrence and to give an opinion on the necessary time expenditures, as well as to propose measures to eliminate the loss of working time.

The modernized essence of this position is the so-called photograph of the working day, when the employees themselves keep a temporary record of the operations of their work for a certain time. Then all this is analyzed, and conclusions are drawn regarding the costs of this or that operation of the labor process.

How to determine labor standards

Labor standards are determined by timing. Let's list the main procedures in organizing the timing of working hours:

  • a document form is being prepared, in which the timing results will be entered. For a specific position or job function, a specific form may be drawn up;
  • data collection is organized. It is carried out by an observer who monitors the employee's work performed and enters information about his work activity in a prepared form;
  • systematization of the data obtained in the course of timing is carried out.

The workflow is analyzed based on the standard of the work performed. The optimal options for the technology of work, organization of the workplace are selected, allowing to obtain the best results of work. The work and rest hours of workers are also being revised.

At the end of the procedure, the employer establishes the necessary labor standards for the normal operation of the organization.

How to create a photo of a work day

The employer can develop his own rules and procedure for determining the work rate setting. One of the options for determining labor standards is a photograph of the workplace.

It is a system for studying the cost of working time that an employee needs to complete a certain amount of work. At the same time, in practice, various types of "photographing" are distinguished: individual (ie, one employee), group (groups of employees), self-photography.

Sample of a group photo of a working day

In the case of a self-photograph, this work is carried out by the employee himself. During the entire working day, he must enter in a separate document information about the types of work on which his working time was spent (the time period must be indicated). Also, data on the time spent on personal needs and on the loss of working time (for example, problems with equipment or related to waiting for customers) is entered. After that, the results obtained are analyzed (using graphs and calculations). The employer can independently develop the form of the document in which the observation results will be entered.

Form of individual photograph of working hours

A photograph of working time allows a manager to establish how much time employees actually need to complete a specific task, whether they use their working time rationally.

Such a tool will identify unproductive expenditures of working time and establish time management.

The procedure for taking photographs of working hours should be fixed in the local regulatory act of the organization (for example, in the instructions). It should be approved by order and familiarized with the document of all employees under a personal signature. The instructions must indicate that the photo is taken only on the special instructions of the head.

Timing of working hours is a technology for studying various time costs by measuring and fixing the duration of actions that must be performed.

What is he like?

Timing includes a description of the working system, and in particular the production technology, working conditions and method of work, and also determines the relative amount, degree of effectiveness, influence parameters and actual time for various stages of the work process. After that, the actual time is already directly estimated in order to determine the required time to complete the various stages of the process, and this is the main purpose that the timing of working hours carries.

Together with other methods of studying the work process, timing depends quite strongly not only on the type of work tasks being studied, but also directly on the purpose of the research being carried out. Thus, for example, if the scheduled time, which was determined by the timing of working hours, should be used in the current remuneration system to accurately determine the salary, then in this case the requirements for timing will differ from those situations where the time data is determined in order to calculate the level of utilization of funds available for production. In addition, it is quite important to keep records of the frequency of use of the information received.

Other options

Other options for timing are already dependent on other conditions:

  • The timing of working hours determines the time of a particular person.
  • The time, which is determined as a result of the timing, is used for further management, including control and accurate calculation of employee salaries.
  • Timing should be carefully planned in such a way as to ensure that its results can be used for detailed calculation of planned time.

At the same time, the timing of working hours, a sample of which can be seen in modern companies, provides for careful recording of the results of the observation. For this, the person who is responsible for collecting information has a specialized device for measuring time, as well as the corresponding sheets.

What to consider

The minutes that include the timing of working hours (a sample of this document or any other format) must be reproducible. The various concomitant circumstances under which the measured values \u200b\u200bwere obtained should also be taken into account as parameters for the influence of time values. If the person who is responsible for recording the information receives an order for the timing of working hours, then he should be able, using such data, to draw up a completely new working system that will be able to deliver comparable results comparable to those that were recorded in the already used working system. If this condition is ultimately met, then it can be said that the methods of working time timing used are reproducible. This is quite an important point to consider.

These requirements are important in the first place in order to answer the basic questions, which includes the timing of working hours. An example of such questions:

  • What conditions of the working system should be taken into account?
  • How detailed should the various stages of the process be described?
  • How much time can be devoted to each separate stage of the process?

Why is this needed?

When defining the purpose of use in parallel with the possibilities mentioned above, it should first be determined whether the selected timing system will be evaluated to determine the planned time values. In addition, in most cases, the timing of working time, an example of which can be observed in modern companies, makes sense only if the process under study is organized in such a way that in the future it will already occur with the same production option, labor technology and the same conditions ...

When carrying out timing, it is necessary to carry out various prescriptions and, in particular, to inform the relevant persons. After that, before timing the working time of a nurse or any other employee, you will need to decide how exactly time will be measured, as well as what tools will be used. In the majority of cases, these issues are freely resolved in advance. At this stage, it is quite important to prepare a timing sheet, including careful filling of its front side. During serial work on the reverse side, various stages of production can already be added, for which time values \u200b\u200bare determined.

Requirements and rules

Regardless of whether the timing of the working time of a nurse, accountant or any other employee is carried out, a certain number of requirements and rules must be taken into account:

How is it done?

Each individual step in the measurement procedure begins with a specific start and ends with an end event. The latter is, respectively, the initial event of the next. In this case, the initial event of each separate stage of the process must be set by the beginning of the first element, and the end event is set, therefore, by the end of the last element. The final action of the process stage is perceived as the moment of time measurement. An exception to this rule is the start of timing, which coincides with the initial action of the first stage.

If earlier, when the timekeeping of the working time of the accountant or representatives of other professions was carried out, all the results were both read and entered into the corresponding sheet exclusively by hand, nowadays specialized electronic devices are used for the same purposes, which measure time.

What could such devices be like?

There are several types of devices:

  • Devices with which a careful measurement of the time of the studied stages of the process is carried out directly during the observation period.
  • Image storage devices, with the help of which the workflow is recorded as a film, in connection with which it will be possible later to subject it to processing and determine the exact time.

It should be noted that, regardless of the type of device, it must fully comply with the following criteria:

  • High-quality design ergonomics, that is, acceptable weight, body, size and interface.
  • The device should ensure the concentration of the observer on his main task - observing the work processes.
  • This device must achieve an acceptable level of measurement accuracy, and turning it on or off should not affect the accuracy.

Technical requirements

Among other things, to ensure the operation of electronic devices, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the following technical requirements:

  • With the help of the device, it should be possible to operate in the mode of hundredths of minutes.
  • The volume of the installed memory device, as well as the power source of the device, must provide the ability to continuously measure for at least one shift.
  • The device must have a warning function in the event of a lack of energy. If there is a break in work due to a lack of energy in the device, then the data that has already been obtained during its operation should not be lost.
  • The device should be designed for installation and use in those workplaces characterized by hazardous working conditions, including oily surfaces, moisture, dust, temperature extremes and much more.

The capabilities of the device you have purchased should be fully consistent with manufacturing costs, as well as delivery costs. Among other things, it is advisable to have functions in the device for carrying out multi-moment observations and, if necessary, analyzing the set time values \u200b\u200bwhen using these systems.

What should you use?

The most common today are specialized electronic time measurement systems. In this case, measurement, registration, as well as a thorough assessment of time data are carried out using electronic systems, in connection with which it becomes possible for:

  • The most accurate ordering of data, as well as the effectiveness of the stages of processes.
  • Completely independent preservation and further preparation of this information during the assessment process, as well as at its completion.
  • A quick interim assessment is sufficient, as well as a graphical presentation of the most important results in the measurement process.
  • The fastest possible assessment of the received data in accordance with predetermined criteria, while eliminating the possibility of any errors.
  • Further support in the development of the planning time system.

At the same time, almost any timing of working time (filling pattern) provides support for the timing system of distributed time in group work, and also supports the function of multi-moment monitoring.

We measure

There are two main technologies of timing - unit time or progressive time.

Progressive time is the time from the start of the ongoing timing procedure to the end event of a particular stage in the process. If we are talking about a single measurement, then at each separate measurement point, an absolutely new time count begins, as a result of which the individual stages of the process are measured one by one.

The structure, as well as the subsequent recording of information in the forms, already directly depends on the sequence of the measured stages of the process, which are divided into several categories:

  • Processes without cyclical repetition. They are standard for make-to-order production, and are often used in individual labor conditions. The division of the entire workflow, a detailed description of its individual stages, the determination of measurement points, as well as the registration of accounting for the number and parameters of influence is carried out directly in the process of timing.
  • Cyclical processes. After a unit of product goes through absolutely all stages, the same process is repeated again with respect to the next unit. In this case, the separation and determination of the different measurement points is carried out before timing begins.
  • Sequential priority. Unit values \u200b\u200bof time are measured, while measurements are initially carried out for all units of products at each stage of the process, and only after that it will be possible to proceed to the next stage.
  • Alternating order. This technology provides for a combination of the indicated sequence of stages. This can happen regularly after a number of cycles, or it can be done in an irregular manner.

Depending on the type of work, as well as the features that the timing of the working time has (for the filling pattern, see above), a specific technology is also selected.

Timing is a way to study time costs by measuring and fixing the duration of actions to be performed. Timing allows you to "inventory" and "audit" time.

Timing of working time consists in describing the working system, especially the production technology, method and working conditions, as well as in determining the relative quantity, influence parameters, the degree of effectiveness and the actual time for individual stages of the working process. The actual time is then estimated to determine the time required for certain steps in the process.

Scheme 1. Standard timing program

Along with other methods of learning a workflow ( photography of working hours), timing is very much dependent on both the type of work assignments under study and the purpose of the study. So, for example, if the planned time determined from the results of timing should be used in the remuneration system (to determine wages), then the requirements for timing will differ from the case when the time data is determined in order to calculate the level of utilization of means of production. It is also important to consider the frequency of use of the received data (once or repeatedly).

Other options for timing working hours depend on the following conditions:

  • timing determines time relative to a person;
  • the time determined by timing must be used for driving, incl. control and determination of wages;
  • timing should be planned in such a way that it is possible to use its results for calculating the planned time.

The observation result is recorded in this case. For this, the person responsible for collecting the data usually has a time-measuring device at the disposal of the person responsible for collecting the data, as well as time sheets.

The following is important: Timing protocol, i.e. the data entered in the timing sheet must be reproducible. The accompanying circumstances under which the measured time values \u200b\u200bwere obtained should also be taken into account as parameters for the influence of time values. If the data controller is entrusted with the timing of working hours, then he should be able to use this data to compile a new work system that delivers comparable results comparable to those recorded in the observed work system. If this condition is met, then we can say that timing is an illustration of the observed working system, that is, reproducible.

These requirements are important primarily for answering the questions:

  1. what operating system conditions should be considered and how detailed the process steps should be, and
  2. what time values \u200b\u200bfor each stage of the process should be measured.

When defining the purpose of use, along with the many times mentioned possibilities (planning, management, control, determination of salaries), it should first of all establish whether the timing system will be evaluated in order to determine the planned time values \u200b\u200bor not. In addition, in many cases, the timing of working time makes sense only if the process under study is organized in such a way that in the future it occurs with the same mode of production, the same method of labor and under the same working conditions.

You can find the practical experience of Russian and world companies in the use of timekeeping in Almanac "Production Management"

When carrying out the timing, various regulations must be observed, for example, the relevant persons must be informed. Further, before carrying out, it is necessary to determine the method of measuring time and the devices used for measuring time, timing sheets. These issues in the enterprise can be resolved in advance. At this stage, the preparation of the timing sheet begins, and its front side is filled in. In serial operation, the reverse side describes the individual process steps for which the time values \u200b\u200bmust ultimately be determined.

Rules and requirements for timing

When timing working hours, there are a number of basic rules and requirements:

  1. The observer must be skilled enough to be able to distinguish and describe the process. He must also be proficient in timing technique and, if necessary, be able to assess the degree of effectiveness.
  2. The observer should be positioned in such a way as to have the least possible impact on the observed worker and as little disturbance as possible; on the other hand, he should be able to have a good overview of the entire workflow.
  3. In order to ensure the continuity of the timing, discussions with those monitored and with third parties should be avoided whenever possible.
  4. The terms of the collective agreement should be observed, and, if necessary, the regulations of the enterprise in relation to informing the management and other production services about timing.
  5. Timing should not be carried out without the knowledge of the supervised employee. Therefore, the workers who will be monitored must be made aware of the purpose of the study before starting.
  6. The timing sheet is a document; therefore there should be no corrections in it; the entries must be made using a non-corrective technique.
  7. Compliance with safety requirements must be ensured.

Each stage of the measurement process begins initialand ends end event... The end event of the measured stage is, at the same time, the start event of the next one. The start event of each stage of the process is set by the start of the first element of the process (for example, stage: fix the part; start event: take the part) The end event of a process step is defined by the end of the last process element (for example, release a fixed part). The moment of measuring time is always the final action of a stage in the process; it is characterized by a process element. An exception to this rule is the start of timing, which coincides with the start action of the first stage of the process.

If earlier the results of timekeeping were read and entered into the corresponding sheets manually, today electronic devices for measuring time are usually used for the same purposes.

There are the following types of similar devices:

  • time measuring devices that measure the time of the studied stages of the process directly during observation;
  • image preservation devices that record the process like a film, allowing you to then process it and determine the time.

Regardless of the type, devices must meet the following criteria:

  1. Good design ergonomics: size, weight, body, interface.
  2. The device should contribute to the concentration of the observer on the implementation of his main task - monitoring the processes.
  3. The device must provide a certain level of measurement accuracy: turning it on and off should not affect the accuracy.

To ensure the operation of electronic devices for measuring time, the following technical requirements must be met:

  1. The device must provide the ability to operate in hundredths of minutes.
  2. The storage capacity and power supply of the instrument must allow continuous measurements for at least one shift.
  3. The appliance must have a low energy warning function. In the event of an interruption in the operation of the device due to lack of energy, the data already obtained should not be lost.
  4. The device must allow installation and use at workplaces with "harmful working conditions" (dust, moisture, oily surface, electric and magnetic fields, high and low temperatures, etc.).

The capabilities of the device must be consistent with production costs, delivery costs. It is also advisable to have functions for carrying out multi-moment observations and, if necessary, analysis using systems of specified time values.

Currently, electronic time measurement systems are most widely used. Measurement, registration and evaluation of time data is carried out using electronic systems, which makes it possible:

  • clear ordering of time and performance data by process stage,
  • independent preservation and preparation of this data during the assessment process and at its completion,
  • quick interim assessment (statistical confidence region) and graphical presentation of the most important results already in the measurement process,
  • quick and error-free evaluation of the received data according to predefined criteria,
  • follow-up support in the development of the planning time system.

Also, many systems provide support for a distributed time timing system for group work, and support for multi-moment observations.

The timing technique involves identifying the following conditions: general requirements for timing technique; determination of the measuring point; measuring method; instruments for measuring time; prioritizing the production process; work with the timing form.

Requirements for the technique of measuring working time

The general requirements for the timing technique are as follows:

  • The observer must be qualified;
  • The position of the observer should provide an overview, but not interfere with the worker;
  • Avoid discussions with the employee;
  • Comply with the regulations established at the enterprise;
  • Inform the employee about the purpose of the study;
  • Prepare timing forms without corrections;
  • Observance of safety measures by the observer;

Time measuring point always the final action of the measured step in the process; it is characterized by some element of the process, for example, letting go of the hand from the part, pressing the switch button, etc.

The variety of instruments for measuring time is shown in diagram 2. If earlier the results of timekeeping were read out and entered into the corresponding form manually, today electronic instruments for measuring time are used for the same purposes.

Scheme 2. Devices for measuring time

There are 2 ways of measuring time: by progressive time or by unit time. Progressive time (F) is the time from the start of timing to the end event of a particular process step. With a single measurement at each measuring point, a new countdown begins and, thus, each stage of the process is measured separately.

The structure and recording of data in the timing forms depend on priorities measurable process steps, which are subdivided into:

1) Processes no cyclic repetition stages; these processes are typical for unit production, usually under conditions of individual labor. Separation of the process, description of its stages, determination of measurement points and accounting for the relative quantity and parameters of influence are carried out during timing.

2) Processes cyclically stages; after a unit has passed through all the stages (cycle), the same process is repeated with respect to the next unit. Separation and determination of the moments of measurement measurements is carried out before timing.

3) sequential order process; Time unit measurements are first carried out for all items in one process step, only then the next step is carried out.

4) alternating order process when the indicated sequence of stages are combined. This may occur regularly after a certain number of cycles (for example, every 5 cycles), or it may occur irregularly.

The types of process sequence and the corresponding REFA timing forms are presented in the table in diagram 3.

Scheme 3 Use of timing forms for different sequence of processes.

Process order




Process without cyclical repetition of steps

Repeating sequence of steps

Serial production, individual labor

A process with irregular repetition of individual series of stages for one employee

Individual production, individual labor

A process with equal and different series of steps involving several people or inputs

Group work, multi-site work

Timing example. Timing of time measurements of 10 cycles of the work process "Completely assemble part" was carried out. Progressive actual time data entered in lineF , calculated unit time data - in a linet i , the data of the degree of effectiveness - in a lineL (degree of effectiveness). Required phase timet determined by the formula

, where HM is a unit of time equal to one hundredth of a minute; 100 HM \u003d 1min.

If you still don’t know if you need to do time management, then for you there is an irreplaceable exercise called “ Timing»

For this article, I decided to record a live video on how to conduct timing, and also give an example of correct timing. Well, at the end you will find a bonus in the form of a free template for timing!

Watch the video first.

I recorded this video about a month ago, when I was at my grandmother's anniversary. The idea to record a video came up suddenly after I saw three baskets.

Timing - this is your time tracking. Just schedule every day for a week every 10-15 minutes. I also did a 2-week timing, but it's hard - a week will be enough.

Compiled especially for you a fictional timing the average office worker.

This may of course be a slightly ironic example, but in general everything looks something like this.

After we have scheduled our week literally by the minute, we need to estimate all the time spent. As stated in the video - we will divide all our cases into 3 categories:

Rubbish - It just takes time and is not useful. An example is watching TV, fumbling on the couch (not to be confused with a planned vacation), etc.

Operational - These tasks are needed to maintain the current level, but they do not take you to the next level in any way. I gave some good examples in the video, be sure to watch it.

Strategic - This category of case is the most important because takes you to the next level. Any useful innovation is a strategic matter. Any training, with the subsequent implementation of the acquired knowledge can be called a strategic matter, but simply training, without further implementation, is more of an operational matter, and maybe even "rubbish".

Try to focus on strategic matters!

Trash - Brown

Operating rooms - Blue

Strategic - Red

And you can mark all our affairs with color right on the time sheet itself. This is how our estimated timing will look like.

Now let's sort the tasks from the above example. You just need to calculate how much time was spent on which of the categories. In this example, the numbers are as follows:

Garbage - 3 hours 30 minutes

Operating rooms - 19 hours 30 minutes

Strategic - 1 hour

After such a harsh assessment of your activities, the article should be disgusted that so little time is spent on strategic matters, and you will begin to correct the situation.

  1. Perfectly you need to keep timing during the week, and at the end of the week to do a full analysis for all days. There have been cases in history when people kept timing all their lives, so I think you can stand it for a week.
  2. Keep your note sheet with you at all times. You need to record events every 30 minutes - an hour, not at the end of the day. Here, the maximum accuracy in estimating the waste of your time is important, so make notes at least every hour.
  3. Don't lie to yourself. Write the harsh truth, all that is. This leaflet will not need to be shown to anyone - it is only for you.
  4. Electronic timing. It is not necessary to keep timekeeping on paper. You can download the attached timing template (in Doc format) below to your smartphone and enter data directly from it. At all

Timing of working time - observation of a working person during the planned time and a certain operation with fixation on a special form.

Trained specialists are engaged in measuring the working time: for manual measurement - a standardizer using a chronometer device; with automatic - built-in programs.

Timing of time is carried out by solving specific goals: is the employee's wages calculated correctly; for further calculation of the price of services; identifying the deadline for placing an emergency order.

What is the timing of working hours

Accurate measurement of working time makes it possible to determine the time required to complete the work and to schedule the distribution of tasks to a specific person until his full load. With the help of timekeeping of working hours, it is possible to measure the employment of not only the labor force, but also equipment, computers.

Timing of time is a continuous action, that is, continuous observation. Timekeeping will become your tool of efficiency to determine the reason that prevents you from achieving a certain result.

You can carry out the individual timing of your working time yourself. For example, you have a goal, motivation, you are limited in time, perform actions, achieving the set goal.

The timing of working time is an increase in personal return, the effectiveness of a person who, consciously, does work without wasting time. At the same time, great labor success and career growth are achieved.

Managers of various projects in their work use the timing of working hours constantly. Freelancers, outsourcers work on an hourly basis and according to the same system.

Timing of working hours example

Consider, as an example, the work of a copywriter on the article "Time Management" rubles Personal growth, received work from a regular customer.

  1. Selection of articles in a search engine by keywords; - 30 minutes.
  2. Time to read the article; - 20 minutes.
  3. Time to write a new article; -2 hours 25 minutes.
  4. Editing by dividing the article into subheadings; -15 minutes
  5. Checking for uniqueness; - 5 minutes.
  6. Editing the article, if required; -15 minutes.
  7. Transfer of the article to the customer.

Adds the time taken to write an article:
30 min. +20 minutes + 2h 35 min. +15 min. + 5 min. + 15 minutes \u003d 4 hours.

The net working time is 4 hours. During this period, the copywriter took technical breaks: 2 times for 15 minutes, which are relied on when working on a computer. The preparatory final time was spent - 15 minutes: on wiping the desktop, computer screen, turning it on and off, plus not taken into account points. Let's say it all took 1 hour. In total, they spent 5 hours, and could spend more time if he did not limit himself in time.

How to make timing of working hours

  • Choosing an employee with "average" labor productivity... We warn him about the timing of the working time: day, time. Do not forget about the internal state of the employee, his psychological data. As a rule, novices and experienced workers are not subject to timing.
  • We outline a list of operations to be measured... Examples: the time it takes to complete the quarterly report of the accountant; preparation of a commercial proposal.
  • Determine the time of the timing, the number of repetitions - measurements... Example: the number of emails sent to customers per hour, per 4 hours.
  • Timekeeping on special forms... Typically, such forms are signed by the employee performing the work, the rationer, the manager and are stored in the archives of the company or enterprise.

Timing of working hours should be done periodically: to reward the best workers; improved performance indicators; motivating employees to work well; to reduce the overestimated norms when rationing

How to measure working time

There are rules and requirements that must be met when timing working hours:

  1. The observer should choose a place with a great view of the performer, without interfering with him in the process of work.
  2. Exclude all conversations with him, as well as conversations with strangers;
  3. The frequency of timing is carried out in compliance with the terms of the "collective" agreement of the enterprise, the company, informing the management of the time.
  4. Observe safety requirements during the timing of working hours.
  5. Timely warn the employee about timing.
  6. The observer must be qualified: have methods of timing, do not push the performer during work.
  7. The issued form of timekeeping of working hours should not be corrected.
How to measure working time example

Currently, most companies, organizations, and their employees work at the computer. With the help of special programs, it is possible to track the work of subordinates.

  1. The accuracy of the Yaware.TimeTracker service recording is up to 1 minute within one week, around the clock. Works in the background, without interfering with the employee to perform the main work. Timekeeping of the employee's working time is kept.
  2. With the help of the OfficeMETRICA program, employees are identified who hang out during working hours, on forums and social networks.
  3. A biometric system called BioTime has high speed, working time and access control.
  4. The time sheet program has a user-friendly interface, no training is required. The timesheet is filled in a few minutes. It is saved for a long time in the computer.

Timing of working time is the identification of the reserve of personal time, due to which you can increase labor productivity.


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